Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Jan 1903, p. 5

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toka fuit and com-[I o. Staple aud Fancy W"ld we are selling at t W'111 fit any purse. - - - Il linois.1 W-àinter60d Now otrLllpy thel spaci- dev~otet)<I to rsec lioliday stock, anîd <dur-i willili sol a c'>injlrte WooI Blankets and Comlorts., Fur, Duck and Duck WooI Lined Coats. WooI Lined Shoes. Caps, Gloves and Mittens, and in ladt everthing to keep you warm. WE ARE SELLING GOOD GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. 5111THl & DAVIS LiBEâ<TYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Fr2. MWUPUHgRtÀ~f*~ Loca itmi ô Ineret ýoLibrtyIlleReaers C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. I.SUnS Sosany, se$.uiber28, 890N eItares08a. M. TO CHICAGO. "" Epàti. DoPait Prom New Depot. L"eveLIbertyvIlli ArrivaObicego. lm ... 8:1fL m. ........... liowolm.e 14 ....$:mam. m ........... 1:13 06m. "d-121 P.I mia .u......... - 1:40p. M. *144... 1:02 p. m. ........... 8:00p. tM. &UmTe. no u... il &........ .'. -* Ua0 1 .. 0: la.i9 .a. . 0....l 5c .m. 7: to.f4p. m. ............ @45Dp.m. TO CHICAGO. visAMn, Ospart Prom Old Depot. ilme lbetyviie. Arrive Obicago. no. lu .... :mam............7:84ULa. lu ..... 7:80a. m.n........... 6:40a.- m. PROM CHICAGO. WISIx DATa. Arrive 41 New Depot. leane olileao. Arriva Llbertyvllle. No. isi. . e a. ni. ...........t:8ILsa.a *133 .. 08a. ........... lu .....ati:0.p.m............B:ifPA./a IY 13. .*p. M. ...........4:32 P.tM I- 0i. :i.a......2 Uim. No. 147... 9:0 & n*............107ILî. -lai. ..210P. m. ....... ,..... 346 p. Ma. 168.0:p.m ............ 7:WP. M. PROM CHICAGO. VISIM ATS. Arrive at Old Depot. Leavi ObCago, Arriva Liber! mili. la ..... 5:20p. m ............ 6:3 P.tM. 14 ..... 4:1.0 .M ........ 7:60 P.M.. aWNo Trains Are or Leave Old tation bundari. TRIGUS &TAYLOR, Headquarters for Grocerles. Libertyville Lodiges. BUNOUINY COURT. No. 26t. T. B. H. Baguier meetngs tiret and third Monday nlahtc 0frescbmout, ai W.Ovman Hall. ACN 19OAMP. No. 176. 19. W. A. meeta tiret and third Blu rdu, nlghts of! îa'l, montb. COLUMBIA LODOZ. No. nii. M. w. W. metiseond and forth Tue..daya cet eacI motb. Notte,, ta SoertreeThe IaDXPVKN)T viii publigh fric, notie of meetinge of aJIl Iodmaaperabove. ifsucortade, viiifurufilà oopy for mmi. Errroi. A boy baby vas borD 1golir. and 111 1t.. Chai. Babcoak Monday. Paul Joues, of Hoeri Part, ipent New Yearî vitbhlhiefriand Worden Wells. Teour. are drswlng seatd fur Wm. Wrondu andi W. M. Heath'i uev store buildings.. Lllchfild Bron, expeet to open tbeir plumblng establihment lu the Bnlkley building nul veek. 1 Carpenteri are oterling for Woi Wairoud a barn on rerend of! his rec.utly purCiLasit property ou lillvlaukee Ave. The Llbertyville Social Club wili gîte a progressive onobre party ai lthe gova hall Thurmday nlght, January 16. Ever»ody la inviieti. Y. IB. Tripp, of Rail Day, thIs yack moved lot bis rmeoUly purchaseti home on llralnerd Cours. Lltobtielti Broie. bave lnteWllsd lu te bonie a modein bot air heatlng iyatem. John Boulter, Who> occupleti roonia la lir. Ploi s houai on Orchard etreet hug loreti bi furniture lu the plekie factory atiexpecla ta remove vllb bis famuly to Cbleago lua àliv deys.. E. B. liasser,.of Rartley, lowa, la viitin asaithe homels forbh. Buikier and Wm. Hoveil, lir. her Iliv0 lu Liberlyvlie frota1 RU to18 80 andi vas active In organlaing the company of local mun vhlcb ieenred ulght-of-vay andi graded smme from i Lbertyvfilletu BoitdonS for the St. Paul extenaion t0 tht.s place. Our Ltbertyville Hlgb Ochool. Who ma@ oIlum tnsi ilt ssa! Wb* Opens fouet s o iant blm? Whobonlains e aitbfrn, iveri store Who épreads vide lassiopen mdo«?~ WhoCutsbes ligbi f rom avern ibore? Whcotil@aour bourts froin desin 0cure? Wbo draw f rotaOma oue bforam? Tbat Hlab lobool on Lb,, upper donr. Who mvs ns kuoviadea.up tu d"? Who bringa ust Usaurta white vo vatt? Who alsrte ut on CLb. dil of egaLe? Who muonda ni large anti vise and ciai? Who makesuni nueaor berces mata' Who guards our futur. fortunes fate? Who owves »Mvent neuYpolitaled trait' The miii of lgBSebool graduite. Who moition fortune lu our la.,' Who fortifiai for ivery bap? Wbo illa onr lobe. ceombrai gai,? Who rounds ni, brean ,baeU eab apou Wbo palti Our future visions uap? Who kindir ltla. .very nbh»? Anti train. bie pîlata o., t'O1flIpý It lu our lovait brothîr Enan,.. J. B. B. 9. MeDouald bas lbe congract 50 buliti a modern aine ruera hanse for Austin Tip, ou the lalteriocorner property opposite P. B. Lutvell's. unr. .1 sues IMooregor vas callidtu t Wadmworb Tneoday noon by the deth of ber fathst, Mr. Sutherlauti. Funerai service. veto b.ld Tussday. John Moore and biesinulav andi vUle, Mr. sud lira. liay Peticemon lots Tuesday far Rob"tOkbaoma, vbere tbey eapecî te ais e her future home. Mrt. N. Waller tecielvti lormaicu Butiay of the deslh of hie mothai, Mrtc B. A. Parka, aislicygll, Wls lir. Waller le! t lmueilatUly for Bay- fldt. E. P. Hnbbard les lu a critical con- dition a& ibe home a! blé daugbter, li@. J. J. Portenc. Bis advanced cge aud tbe nature cf hie alliment mai recovery the more doubîfuL liii. J. B"Soialger Who bau beu kseping boume for Max Ko"mo for airnast Ivo yeurî bis touioved go Chicago, sa ber bealth Ince ber severe lMs actM laU basbeen rathor pour. Ilteresting meetings AS the M. E. charnut every éeainbut Saturday. 1ev. .Joeph rummer yl coiltiue belptng oversabbath. lMr. Cmummer le a very fine preachor anti an olti soltlet. E. Pîturson ancoeda bis brother Harry as vsteh repairer for Darby Bron. lir. Petermon la an expert vstcb maker aud Darby Broc, are f ortuuMnal.luecutlug the sairvîces of 40ocompeta sman. A tblïty llgbt aceiy3éue gai machine la ou trial lu the nev baok sud glves gooti .cllaactlon. I laiprobable, how. ever that electrie ligbhts vili be Inîtalleti belng more oonveleuî anti supetior lu Varions vaja. Tuesday occurredt he annunal election of afilceri cf the Ladies Aid Boclety of tbe liethotiuit cburcb, thiee chosen eing mai folovi Ptoetielai U. J. B. Alianson: Vice Préetu, RMm Caikina: Tremurir, lim. Vovier, 8icrelary, lirs. Henry Wlliams. Président Front, 0f the electrlc roati oompany vai lu tovu thia voek for a final survîy of openatior. belote leaving for Franco uheri ho <oego joie hie vife. vho viii returu 10 Ibis country vILS im . Supt. Dovus viii bc lu abtolute charge of the coouaruc. tlou vcrk turing lMr. rot. absence. l'hi ieu book ila upplie ti vlSau issue of cnrrency under Its ovn nome, t ..nglu bille onl f large denomins. ion. Frîictiaserons lb. face of $50 anti $100 bile are Ibe vondsInlubold type -'Firil National Bangr, Liberty- ville, Ilîtluota.' At the bottoni la lbe signature of H. 0. Gardner, S«ettry In ose cornet ant inl the opposite J. Wrolridge, Prsisdent. -l.1locomotive ta lo be put mIa oie draw. luetallatlon of tilcers o! Nonsbine j lg diri t S hi l over talfoadt racks Court, Tribe of Ben Hur, took pl&4aceaSBondout andt bue thrce train. vil Moutiay nigbt, viaiug mOmberm o!-I Se employet iinatead of &WC as boeîto. tbe.Notth Chioago Court Seing prueet. fore andtihie vork thereby grîaily Befrîabmînia folloveti the ceremouy. haîtenîti. Seieiminor offleera iboee InsiailetiVillage boardimet lu ragniar soiialn vere: Oblef, E. D. Hnbbard; Scribe. Montiay nlgbt. The only boatimeai o! ldi. Jay Morne; Kesper of Tributs, importance vas the ucoeptug o!fP. H. On. Lange; Piut Chiai, 0. W. Taylor; Knebkerîs plat of bit uev subdivis ion Jutige, R. L. Hubbard; Toucher, lMr&. on olti lioyt tarin,.lMt. Kuebker tlled tOns Lange. . kAf --- - struction o!lhne tiretea Ierein. It la tiestretigo tun an esan d yul etresIbtvseu E. W. PrkbuLrsî'a and B. J. Grimes4 proprty and lu ortier 10 do o onutimuation proceadinga may bu uecesmary ai li. (Itmem te!fuses 10 Oeil lanti for ammi as a figure Mr. Knabkîr mire righi. If snob Pro- ceodinga are linstitute tgIll i e uocasmuly lu the nm4netcfthe vllage thOughliMr. KUebkar stands the oxPenae, sud go lake motion on the malter tbe board atijourmed unal theb 1Stb Whoun tlaiigo be deoldet vhether or not g0 oudngema the properly lu qi-«oa. leucraed tb LPieryvle lamévek$ vieil hie laier,, are. a. J. YMOuu. Me le aeompsnid hy his vile. li. Stewart expresmes s vyrige a osle Bo LAbeutyville snd the vondeef nIgrovrth of lbe village mince "bis lime.' lHe mnch preftrn Mebrasha, hoovever,,maia country for farrming, helievlng ativan. Sages andi opportunities Ihere lai exlgi h00. prevalllin Ibti setion. sapecaliy for yoong mon. J. P. Clark, vho for Dine Jiaii bu represantedth e Faiwhenks-Mor.i Company as lravoling mloma nlat week remîgoetihi. poaiion vltb Ihat couceru 10 accepl a place viit the ëSover Xauîe Works, of Freeprt, ai suporintendens of igincles anud pecla agent. kir. Clark la on. 0f lhe Most tsoccesIf5gumoline engins »Ima n l lte buoinmu laIl ieR "eablover people bave mcuresi a mn bu a fev equalasuantino cupemiori lu the gascline enginseBrade. aie uoes Io smred wvl he bSoyer company. No 0081lla to be obtaineti ln Liberty- ville. Tuesday Wrght Bras. reoeiviti a car of ioi tidWodnesday G. H. Schanck a Mar OfBuni coml, aul 01 vhich bati been eng~gtl n atvance, noue belng on lbe market. Fuiday of lait veek the eloctrio llght plant chut tiwov wlg 10 lack of fuel bnt ricometi again bainrday night, obtilnng a car of coal lu the meanu tme. Bot local deaieri are daily expecslug a suppiy or sot 008i. Isuny are buralng vooti anti evon Ihat la ascarce article, ranging lu pni froin $4 25 go 56 per cord. The Lake County Talephone bai ooninmmated a deul viiereby Il takes cvi, the Wancouda andi Lake Znrioh telephole m«changeai ad maikes Ihen a parioffil& siytem, havlng lu ladt purchasedti tem froin the Chicago Telephone Company. This gives an ImproveisMd eztended service. The companyla &atobc0 Inn lseUne loto ihe Barringson ltch board, thus prac- tically affotding coonection to ail the terrltory lu ihat sction of the couuty, andi lneuriug quioker service tb patrons, sas hereulier patrons can get Chicago oonnectlon by W&3 of Wan- couda, Lake Zurich or Barringion as weilisai hrongb the Waukegan cilie. U nela lmed Ltter.. The Ilst of ufl(lamod ltteuat Lbertrvllla 1 ll. Poitoffice for the veek anding Jan. la Wben siOs for thete lettars car "ativar- tisad Um ta£mma Dterlng. Charle GleOsn (i J. il. Le. J. Taneubaum. Wuaaas M. SUiTE Poatmustar Grand Dance.. The Lake County Plesane Club viii giva a dance lu the Llberlyviile Town Hall 5o-ulght <riday). Plan 50 attend ai a royal good Umiman astureti. PEOPLES' COLUMN. A&i aMdit hhis c"muas waye bha"- in sdmvs. Ra". sàasti pr Ise esr 7.h .dscosstutis a lias. WANTD-yor thi neil aix c HWOPPEES11 Iü Iquro 1l-tfd FO OBSALE-40, buihal. o! îar onomlu oniS Inqu t BSaumanu fan 2iimmlesi ota of Lbrtvlle. 1-d Public Notice. Traury"Dipartmont. offite of Camp. trolier of thi Currencer Washington. D C.. Decombir à. iii. WEiuiÂi. 5v iatlsfautory evidenoei on. aintedt t Ibe ndarslgua. ti h ai bien matie to appear that The Pîrit National Bank of Llbirtyville. lu thi Vllas,, of Libertyville. lu the Couty of Lake and Bltaeof liioa, bas oomplled vith ail the orovl&iona of the Statufia or tbe Unitdîtats. riquimdet f h oomplled vlthbebiori an association ibali be authonlzed ta commenni thi buainegi of Banklng: Nov TumiarzoîaI. 1,William13. ltldgely. Comptioller o!f the Curriney. do birebr Gel. tifir that "The lirai National Bank of Uiberty. vlle. lu the Village of lbirtyllie. lu the Cou dl, of Lake andi tata of Illinoi, la au- thorlzed ta commince the busiuisof Bank- ius as provIdîti lu Section FiftY oui bundred and ti zy nîne of thlui vsatiStatufeof fbhe UniediStates. IN TuirîIMONY WRIMRor vîtRica My banti aud Seal of ollie ibis Oiret day of Decimber RAL : Wil. B. BIDOELY ......:Oemptrolle? of tSi dorrener M L N R J ST for a 115510 Mue 1 ami oIesing (ta close thîni out) unhéard of hargaiualn milinery. This le not fiction. Amn duiug juit vhat I adi- verti. ... SHOES... Perhapa a vsry BIlle ont o! date are inarked ti ijosthall former pries. Muat make room for nov <00dm anti vau thie mouey aud room rapte- îanted anti occupleti by uy presnnt tock. Il moet go. Way doun priea viii do lh, anti the$'@ the vhy ofit. The uev long hlp corsets (j net ont) ise liRe a <love anti gives tbat eîsgani graceful puise every lady admires. II show theni gladly. Mrs. F.; Protine, LlbeityvOe - . . UNueis MoBeCe .4 Dry Goods Oroce Clothing.... Mats and Caps, Boots and 5ht Flour, Clockery, Glassware, Lamps, Wooden and Wllloware. *4 Th e Largest assortment of Gen- eral Merchandise at the Iowest prices in Central Lake County. Libertyville, 111. TelIphone No., ait China and Glassware v HALF PRUCE. Soon the sound of the lhammer and saw will bê heard in oui store--we want to cloar.our shelvea ftb. bnlk of the goods before that tune. W. therek a&eu and slash prices mercileWay. We have a very big stock of Chinaware-it la ' »o bulky and troublesome to move-muat be sold at ouce. W. have hunceti the 8e and ItOC«ode logather aMd vil MnIMM as ................................ Thec, 20c andi mauy 28e <00d Kt...i .. ....................................................... 35c, 40c andi SOc articles Kt......................... ........... ................... 25e Big reductions on ail wlnter goodu. Libertyville - - - - IIIInoIai My fail and samples are in and a finer Une you will no4, ftnd. Cati and examine them before placing your order. I wlll guarante. satisfaction i style, fit and quality. Prnes are rfght, too. FRED CROKER., LIBERTYVILLE'S TAILOR. DIe Ç£ s 1 flMl For a telophone ln your placte of business or your residience. You get1 County1 Chicago1 the increaned and growlng service of lb.. W Telephone Oompany and eonnection wIIh I Tolephone Company. For Information, rate% *e., wlt-..m CONTrRACT DEPARMENT, WC Co ple1 P"ce GIVE US k TRIAL ORDER. 1"j ' Ai tii annual election Snuday the Precbyterlan Sunday Bohool namoti the folloving omoces foi suuuing year. Supt., C. F. Wright; Aseti.SOup., C. E. Kncpp; Sec. anti Trias., W. Wells; Anet. Sec, anti Tres.. Miia Laa Clevelanti; Lîbrarian. Frank Wrgbt; Amit. Librarian, Leilie Webb: Organlat, Utes MMutile Wright. Nev Yeaiî a famliy reunion occurteti ai Ihe home of Mr. and iri. P. H. Gilteli ublob viwre priennt eaitiea frinedi otaChicago, Unt. (ho. E. <liaitein, Henry A. Gioltein ant i vie aud Frank A. Gleiteii, ail of Chicago; a tiangbter, lira. J. . I.Linm nsd huibanti, sud lira. ieru sud tiaugbter, of Rasa, Mis. Miss Abbie Pike, of Vermout anti Mr. Morris Canai, oI Kankaunu, Wl.. Mimeos liao Pister sud Ruth Trlggs entertainei nomtIlty of tbelr yonng friendi at the Tovn HaIllNev Veara ave. progressive clnch sfottiet the dilvuraion during fore part of the eveulng. Alter lunchion Jamnes Swan anti Mutile Wrght kindly fornitheti muict for tlie dance, lu vhhbal partilcJpatiti. Prlzei et aincb vire won by WIi Wels anti Lah Loftns anti cousolation prIzea by Eldon Clark sud uitie Bradiley. The itîashaovel vliich baq bien in opinaticu on the elictto roat grade jus eat o! tbe vllage for a conitier. aSIe time vastbia veek remove te 1 the MoConmick îarm net of Rondutn, vbore a deîep eut ls to Se mai, lu ladt 26 ftesa t5te deepest point. Another rtyville There saemc l Se a miundralti. ;na amng mimbèe of Columbia Lotigi, becanseo! the foloiug item, vhicb appeareti lu a receul lune o! the ISDUPMMNmT: -Invitations are 10 ha iuetinez$ ueek 10 open lu. stallation anti banquet cf Coumila Lotige, M. W. W., &lLtbertyvllle Town Rail, Tusoday evenlng. Jauar, 13. Bach mesaner may Invite ont peron beeIde vile, humbantior tavtuibai.' To heocorrect eacb vothy la allovoti 10 Invité one guesl boie. member et hie or ber Imméite femüly, anuda evestbsart doms. olame adum bbc catefflof ,ou*e of the 1 1

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