Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 23 Jan 1903, p. 5

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We carry in stock à' fuIl and com- plete line of Staple aud Fancy (3roceries which we are selling at prices that wil fit any puise. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. TRJGGS & TAYLOR, lieadquarters for Groceries. 1Llberty vil le - Illinois.1 FINE ENGRAVINO DONEI WVt(Io a reasoitable axuoinut of etigravýitg on artielis. we sel]I. FINE MONOGRAMS put ou WatkhoH. Locketm, lEU-., at Riglit lrices. If your watclî needs overlianliîîg hriîig i t iii and let our watclî niaker put it ini first class Coli- ditioii, work guaranteed. Tllîhi mtheihmie k>buy talkiîig miachines~. Thei Victor (the be4t) are thec sainie price wherever Darby Bros., Libertyville - - - Illinois. Winte (joods a Now ocoupy the wpact, <evottvîl'to -otîr .'pecia! lioliday et<>ck. iand(Idur- tie ilext few weeks wce will wlIiuw a tcomçlete liîi f......... Wool Blankets and Comlorts. Fut, Duck and Duck WooI Lned Coats. Wool Lined Shoes. Caps, Gloves and Mittens, and in fact everything to keep you warm. WE ARE SELLING GOOD GOODS .AT RIGHT PRICES. SI1ITHl & DAVIS LIBEiITYVILLFE, ILLINOIS. g - PC~BDUP HUR~E AND THERE. LLocal Items of Interest to Libertyville Reade rs. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la Effea suday, Sepfember28.1mg", et 12101 a. M. TO CHICAGO. vasa DATI. Depart Prom New Detiot. Las . LbetvIe Amuve Chiefago. lmU... 8:17 6M............. 10:4 %. M. 140... 9:19a. i .......... Io: làa.m. 1U.i... N p. m . ...........e1: 40 . -d ..... 7:02 . M......: im no.1U8.... 8:7m........ ,t aM, 140... 9181. ....... . 1015à. M. lu3. 7 44p. m......... 8:m9 TO CHICAGO. vý Asa Ma Depari Prom Old Depot. Lasys Ubtrtviis Arrve Cbi.sgo. ola .. 6:20ILM.1........... 7Ua1 .. SMlus.. ' : .m. ............lies1... PROM CHICAGO. vas a nax. Arrive et New Dapot. Lave C;hînaso Arrir,. Litiertyvllle. .3 ...7u a. ........ 8: 3 . m. 18 ..... 9:80 A. ti... ý.......10.43 a. 4M. 11 ..... 2:iîp.M .............34e p. m. 18 .. in . :00p. M.4 ...3..... 4:2 P. M. -143 6:00P. m............. 7:0 PM. aunaav. No.I17 ...g906a.M ............ 1017 . M. lu 3.-2:le . m ............ 4eD . M. -143 ...0:06 P. M ............7:02 P. M. FROM CHICAGO. vaB= fAis. Arrive et Olti Depat. Leave Chicago ArrIve Liber) prille. *141...6:21)p.M ........... ..635 P. M. *1461... eu P.M ............. 7:0P. U, MWNo Trains Arrive or Laavs Old Station Bundays. The. Libertyvilie Duster Factoty i sins o lambkina ou th. sitar: For Libetryyil,. For ffeece or Ille. ter nayer fatter. For Llteniyville- Slnen ancient daire vheu prient .tonei: glauceLamb of (lod bhnan ute rnas; The. Iambe of aartb lu destii have oauîd. That man mlaht ha rîdeemati from lons. For Lîbartryvile. Aflid. î lamba skie b lithe @Asroyers. For Ubertyvlle. Thar nlp oun h ni val@ rîd lavera. For Ubertyvllle. Their labakin or vhite aprou gown. As badge of Innocano.là vorn. Titr martyredtr aines non tables rown: Tbeir flaee for rchest robes ilahorn. For Lbertyvllle. Andinov. siveat Iambe sas vctimedyltýg lFor Lbertiville: Yieid op tuait les s as saiorîVyyiug. For Lbertyvll.. lu woolen dnsterî reappear. Lamba g lorilleti ln colors briglit; Thaîr @dIppîti11n rubrfu cheer* Compel a voman's burden lit. For Libertyvti.. ti.hb dult.-rs. ruge sud mats beokîn, For Libermrviliî. T'rainaformeti froun lambokin gm.entl. Fer lUbertivili. Our factory limmortai Muésa. The. lamb wvite, l idA IlitI.sud le. Tie lambhhu martyr giory taka.. As Ilv.s of sur-eas&. For ltbetrvtll,. lira. Chas. Ling vito basbeaun alci the past veai la impraving. Arthur BuWllan sd fsuxiy, of Wauiagan, visiteait ev day. vltb bis parents, &bis vaek. Erneet Davis boas ranicdhii bouse on Lake street nov occupied by P. 0. Bles sud tamil.y, %0 Joe Bond. Fieudsblp district Court af Bonor viit oiti aapecelimeeting Satnrdsy nlght, Jannary 31, hoitntiai officars. Mrs. Win. Krongie, %es Hlen Bond vistad ai the bomne of apsuce Bond and tilier Litertyvite relatives sud friands Wadneeday. MIss Floya Cahby, Who recently clooad bar studio bore, bua sceptati a pýSItlon vitb s Kokoma. Indlansa irm of pliotognaphars. Si. meayeasMonday in assuma bbar duties. A. P. staplas bas raute theti.bouse ln vblch iho novhIvas 10 F. 0. Baies, Who viii tsai.possession as soon as Mfr. staples moves imb bis Dov bouse nov about compieted. wS. licOragor, o! W&Ukagan, ia spending s ev veeka vit iebisson James sud Libertyville. Iu the. sprlug tMr. lioGregor Witt go 10 Coninue, U"ta 1 spend thie summner. Charmes Willox voseIllneasîva notedlti 1aI eau. uffern vith typboid lever, and lhoug bbis condition bas beau crîtiosi il la belived be in im. pravlng. A traineti nurse hle u alleu. dance. Tii . I.E. Ladies Aid viii 51v. a banquet tu ionor 0o! li e rtng Lubertyville Lotiges. BUNBINE COURT. No. M4. T. B. . lieulaz meetings âmet aud thlrd Monday nlghts of eseh monthbat Woodman HAlM. ACME CAMP, No. 176, IM. W. A. moeel ret and third Saurda, nights or oa.,sh ,,oth. COLUJMBIA LODGE. No. i0j, M. W. W. Meet@s econd and fourt Tue.dayî of Notl.r Lo Soretare-Tt,, INDFPrNOi)7T viil tiiiiîbfro.. noueio f meetings of aiH lodme asiperabove. If scr.'t& rIms viiifurnleh cop y for &ame. rOTOS. lu Our Prairi Vlev aud Everet Items tIsan accouaI oft teassaultand attemptiet hold-up of dames Lyona. H. C. Boit la Off On a bainesatrip to Indianapolis, 89. Louis andi other pointa, lnuthe intereet of bis matn- factuuing business. MSznday morning Dr. Itabinsonsg subJeot viiihba-The. Mission of Suffer- ing." la the seniug l viii ho *'Weeplng 01 he don Of Man". In evangeiiutic service. The total unsssed valualion of the township of Libertyville an equaliued by the. State Board for 19P2 la $599,492, linclnding r.Ilroado. Lb* tvle portiaonf01the county tai 10 be oofllcted la $4,492. Annuai banquet of America Garnison, Kigitsa 01ithe Globe, yl be beld ai Llberlyville Town Bal. February 20. Invitations ara to b. sent oui nai vreai, sud the omm-itticle harg promise the event abail bc the moat notable af the eason. miss mamie Gabinge là aI Me rcy Bosii, Chicago, vian, abce nuter- vaut a aurgical operation the firsi of ibis veai. Har condition in very fayor ableansuae viU doubileas ne. caver aud b, among bar Libertyvtille friands luthie course of a f.w veeks. j The Weleau Pnaylng Baud, con. listing of Ivelve Chicago business men, bathcharge of the services ai lia Mthbodiat cburch Buntiay, anti especi- aly lu thteaveiingtid alargeandîence greet tbem. Wbilie hein mthboda ver. criicisati by lame, noue douiteti their siuc.nlty of purpose or eaanneat entbusiam. Their servies are unique anti intr.stlng, sumtiting on th@ order of a Salvation Army meeting. E Au effort lo belng madetie luocale aa brick yard .as& oh uh. river. The eau-1 corn local parties are andeavoring ta intareat itulte malter nov apenstes a yard, sud la not s member of the1 trust. Besides lhe local consumptlon, Il in politeti ont a groving deasd for bricela apparent ast maliltovus ail &long the St. Paul nosd veslward vbiob couid b. auppliati fromIb tis point. Negotiaulons tins fon are putL preiiminary sud dca! tnay or may nosal carry.p ollleers lu tie cbunch parlons Fiday A 0ooilng ci&" ta bc superviseti by atternoon, Jan 301h. Everyona la an expert from Chicago,.in among cortilaliy inviied ta attend. Stranges tha possibliliio! oftheimmadiate arae paclaily raquesteti ta b.apreantulfutur,, I l stagelier depends on sud gel mquainteti. &Mount 0f intereslthle Ides croates, Bpenue Bond, via auffars vith I9 viii coat a canaldenîbie &Mount to brigits dîsease and complications. la secura an expert lady demonstraior very loy. A grealer portion of hIe Iroa. tb. City anti o! course the. clan lIme bc doeà not seexp la realizo any- muetihbWeili patronizeti. Itleiî opeti tilug. Promt preaent indications i ta realize soma icaucial profit Inom voulti reem ha cau live but a shart the seheme 9180, vbicii la ta be de- Ilime. votedtu thelihbnany fund of lie M. E. cobc. ln avant o! the cnias, mater- Tu&%l Libertyville la 10 have anauber îalîzîng îhiînk of!hl ivling tielbea meat marketlai apparent from tte fatlu store for LibertyvIlle bînealets. C harles Kaiser bas bai numerana applications far the storea l a beFutures fan lia lirmt Bitions! batik vacated by Wm. Walrand Inli taespningf, arnîved santi ere put lu placel from parties deusInug ta open a market. yak, and the. inatitutlion la nov pe The ahane bas notsas jet beau taubpoublic. lie luteriar la veny inviliig, lie couuters anti partitions Tunday marnng Frank Wilon, being cf nici osi, embeilisiieti iti accompanieti by Juilus Treptow anti cbippeti glass aud ebouy gnatinga. Mr. Charles Beringlon, lotI for a IbreO Gardiner telleia uî â prent quartera veeksA U l viliMr. Wlson.g parents are but temparary ae Lie bas engagai ln Noth Caroline, neax o! the rooma lu 112e nev building if le bluteti Moersa. Tnapov à-ti 10 be but by Rail. Proctor lu tae Heringtan, vitose aincara matrimonial gprlng, sud o! vhlctitihe prenent intentiona are ual doubteti, viii nover bsstiiy enecteti bJildiug la ta bo a pari.f gel bani 10 Libertyville "vital.- Bowver tite fliturea are elaborale anti horteti' if lie Northt Osroliia dames lie naw bai preaento an appearauce prove et ail Impralonable. lu ieeplug vîti Our îirviug village, A sa as eela liai aoftMrs. Fred ti b ici l la oorlalnly a enedut. Viements, via vas d«erened by ber buaband soma monthba ga. HSeicnletiFin-d. Way ta Liv a Long. tia county fata masd tiyîng ftmquini Thte Sarging suuanncement of a eauauimptlau.SHie ha. four ebuîdren, diaoovery ltaIvii îunely lengtbenà ana o!fvitom bua beau Isien by lira.Ilite la matie by adîtor 0. B. Dowuey,à Lyon Coiby, a baba of algil monlis, of Chunubuaco, Imd. 'I l 1h la sigle,' andi givon s borna. Tiis 11111e ana la ha vniles, liaI Dr. Klngs BNey particularly fatenats andthie maîbon Dlscovery for consomption la te moet doubtieasa gneally nelieveti by the lnfallible remedy thaI 1 have ever knovladga ber baby la 80 veIl pro- kinovn fan cougita, colti anti gnlp. lt'î vitietiton. EHomes are la ba tound for Invaluaitie ta people viti veak longs. the otbers, sud the poor vomana BRaving tibis vonderf ut medfize no agony eau ba imsglned as sha parts ana neeti tieati pneumonia or connudýp. vithb hemi, an. by ana. Titay go oul lion. Ils relief la inatant anti cure of ber lite forever, sasthe dises. from oorln.' F. B. LoYxux.î, Libertynhie; hilci ah. sullersansd ber feobie eau. GxAT5LAKB PRARMACI guarantee dmUon llow lile posslbility ut ibersvery Sfo sud 11.00 bbth, aud gove heIg gMSmm ai. trkilbotUtIras.L WIiI connect Wltb Main Lice Both ut Lake Bluff end Nu. Chicago. The. C. & M. electi rosi! building from Libertyville viii cross the ýorSh- western rallroad ai Lmk Biuf, aud vili also enter North Chicago vitb a apur from the Libertyvilleine, over privai. rlght-f.y. This Information thie lvoxRPENDXNT gela f rom a soure entfra]y rellable andi one vho ta la a position ta knov. lu subetantiailon of the@Stagement the eleoinlo will cross lthe Noubivesteru ai IÀ*ke Bluff in the fart tbey are daily laying rails emstvard, havlng now croaaed the. Green Bay roati andi belug vithin 30) rade of thte Noribweesian rigbi-af-vay. Under ils îzlîtlng franchise the. .1.0mbi roati campauy cannae carry fralubi la car Iota for the generai publie aver li@ night-of-way oathe. public blgbway. lu order 0 seurs $ue iieavy transfer business anîlclpatad froin th. Wisconsin Centrai and St. Paul roada for factarles locat.d at North Chîcago as veli as the Wire vonks, tg le uecessary liat ibey enter Norh Chicago oven prIvate rîght-of- way, andti iis andi otiier resaona ua& ai Shi@ time apparent acount for tb, ompany'a deaire go buitti a spur Into the facIory district at North Chloago. TbatthoLibartyvlille brauch viii con- nect viti theiimain lino st Lake Bluff la apparent from the facl the company have laid rails across lthe Green Bay ruataud are cantInuing ta lay &hem aasîvard, untIl nov, 84 stated, tbey are vithin a fev roda cfthe NoriliveYr' right-ay. Village officars of Lak. Bluff eudeavored to stop Supi. Dowus from laylng rails across tie Green Bay rond, but not ntil lehe bathem dowu anti aars oparatIug, after wvih 1% vas Soo, laie go taie effective legai action. President Prouttlefit for France tae 151h, expectingto return about Aprili1. Uia final Instructions to Supt. Dovua vane tuatlie b. ouiti have the. Liber ty- ville brancb raady to operate by May 1, aveu tbougb in onder ta dono i becnons neoesaary go double or tr oeue thi.prosent force 0f man. Be deslnad Mir. Dovua ta connect the trolley vire viti tia main lin. andi have PiAsfanms sud a valk built, go lfalansd maie convenieni the transfer af pasengers fronone lino $0 the. otiar ai a point mast opposite the. North.- western depot ai Laie Bluff. Wonk ou the deep cnt viare rigit- of-vay crosasthli coronici farin vest af Laite Bluff la nov la progresa.I il vws naessnaxy t'O loosan (dr$ on surface ai; firaI by imeans of dynamite, but nov the. povenf ni seam aboyai la acaoping il ont at a Ilvely rate, dapoating Il ou cars, vitici ara hanlati t0 thaetitaU Rondout sud dumped. Immedlalely tbat Engineer Ganrity finiahes looating sud setting aiope etakea Kaitha ont on MoCoric iaiu, hoand bis assistants viii go to wvon completiug ithe anrvey balveen Llb- îrtyvilleand Wauconda, ta preparatliu for the firm of contractors vici viii coastruct the roand bedtve4alvan, actual vork ou vbleh it viicommence A tu lthe early sprlng. 81 AVant Hines. Nopt. Apple,,0f1lte Caunly Farni, bas under bis charge four brlgbt cbuîdran for vhom h. la dairons of seeuring good homes. Tbey range lu mga np ta seven yje. Belon. ubey are asaignati lir. Appley vil! tasisi on being malisileti tbey ar, la b. prop.rly omaedfotan d hbsI a goot bomne saat. AMami1uerade Hall. Aeme Camp, No. 176, Id. W. A., viii give s grand Maaquerade bailal LIbentyville Town Bail Fritiay aven- ing, January 3oi. Prof. Smlth-s four place orchestra, of Cicago, viii furnisti muslc SHapper servedti y Royal Nigbbora. Dance tickets, 75c. AU spletators vil! be charged au admission fae of 25c. M L N R y J CT for:a 11111e lime I amn aulering (9 los hoeiem oui) nbarti ot bsrgalns lu millinery. Tuse la nol fiction. Amn doiug jual viat 1 ad- vertise. ... SH OES... Penhapis s very lUttte out of date are maried ti jual hall former pnIca. Uait maie room for nov gooda anti want tbe maney anti room repre- senteti sud occupieti by my presni stock. Il mont go. W&y tiovu Prions viii do il, andtihala utbe vhy of il. Tie uev long bJp conset titout) lits lite s glove anti gives liat elegant gracef ni pais. eveny lady admires. l'Il sbov tliem gimdly. Mis. F. Protine, M. BOCOI +4 Dry Goods Oroc ....Clothing.... +4 Iiats and Caps, Boots and Shoes.. Flou r, Clockery, Olassware, Lamps, Wooden and Wllloware. +4 The Largest assortment of Gen- eral Merchandise at the lowest prices in Central Lake County. +4 Libertyville, Ill. Telephooe No. 29. REMODELINO SALE Ali Wool Eldardovu Dremnug Sacques...... ...... ....... S 8u Flanuaiette Waists... ............... $2.00 la $2650 Babies Ooalou ai!............................. 8 fisses Ha.vy Fleacai Hae............................... Odieds u d@dala OidrmanomBa................. .. ............. 20c Ail WooI i iste.................................... .. .........8 25 Ali Sift Iibions.................. >............................. 1 o go 25o Embrolderies, laces sud liertons ..... .... ............. fS laya' sud Mialut2o ta eUndervear ... .............. tansa t00 Overabirm ................ ...... ................... ......8 tans$ Outing ]Flaual Nigil Govus ....................... ........... 40 2.00 Shetland Olavis, extra mixe ................. S lic planneal ......................... ...................71 Remnanb t fbat Csicoes......... ....................... 4jS 50c sud 75e AU Wool Drasa Goodu s................ ................... u le sud 250 Glmassnd Chicavare.. .... ........................... ... 80 c 12 Bc Flo Odds and Ends"must be closed out regard- less of actual cost. Libertyville -- ---- --Illinois. My fail and winter samples are in and a finer line you wlll not find. (Jall and examine them before placing your order. 1 wifl guarantee satisfaction in style, fit and quality. Prices are rlght, too. FRED CROKER, LIBERTYVILLE'5 TAILOR. For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You get County Chicago the increaMed and growlng merice of tI&oLke@ Telephone Company and connection wlth th# Telephone Company. For information, rates, etc., wrte-....~ CONTRACT DEPARTMENT. LibUyv.Ig. luels. 1Lovolis Druir store, MWb«"Ile

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