- Ne.. uilu~esT.lsaheea Ne. .4, l~5ss*ivUe U~emee. aa âz»et p. afbans ot.l7a R 0Wadielai 6t .k piigte ont n eu.lielieury. Lake sud Winmgc, ~*nqe te l eect deRsals.tle Rirssnt Mi ea lles lu a Jidial ~V.ntU to e e eld âaI lb.Grand $ieýy Halllu1 la IboiCityockfod, hýËbwà,&aetR1P. nm. ounlatuiiiy, 1mb. ~i ,for tbe purpoem o! nominat- foe" candidates f or judges of lb. bàuftOourte of the l7th Circuit, go eeîdfor ai th. noit reguwe dàtmfor indgu ofo! lid Court.aid trammoion of suob otber ýIs. nay properir oome lte eênv.tlou Sbteis o! represutilou for tbe kýuetasforudng sli Olacit on ee delog aie for oaitties Mred vote. md the major fraction I*otoen" for Preaieut lu taie yenr ~IMariubuais taie laid counilea d1egte.l fliv .... .... .. . .... . I. ............17 ........-17 .... .... ... .... 27 SC BAiLO WamayN CommitleeaR W. WmoUGv ý K. WLaER - UAL EBTATE THANSFERS. #OMalty Title & Trust Co. OS b01Titi.. Tille. uarstffl SamçTmLeuiJ. muk , Iiiloy &M vRfeL J Yreclîar aus soi ils ta mieete niedausgg.aiuXeee % a J Y tyrhlartul 1. -441 2 wg aka.... dMe a n sd w! <ecte c tennstu aile Wusl"Io SI Mve W BgauIru Do. lotWmBete ns"sd y lot RClammetioie i atI leu1 - J Chen <o2Jerne R 9 *B l Ow IFOai' a Sin Oh ~~Wt Mao nt !Li al nd et oramalili ai na efflsiura Park JA At 6eta muai on to Ca ne e thai o La and w5ikl tli etoNîraaai atalo m p Meub ront o Mn i oaiw Olnmgo.................m.il.v .il. 00 -%aB eeh t Nm SIci a ow lotit sio nd llod28bilitnop egntra................sS 09 I(5 atmtrlettu E av Ieclo $--W a idtoA7nny-00 -bi.Bauge0aminhA.0P.. IcI.t s, adIBng sesla -c. eAsfatlo an sir-te & et.lelot X«bsgtAltmncs haa ot (i9 vOufv ita 8fttoJ i Ia lot i %subeOr cei 5e4eîiid lte a Winîbpebba a s' We at flilt IlAlotaonaeande e. Idenu &cf .tw--------------------a... ia 4MUMrafichrd targ 10 CJM Wilrner iki t lotue. t t a'a ebîl16Nune d tar giettaetitt infa tudelua alAW ulea ia -..... So . O »Leetaiad b!staltPew P la àiao Barrndoi l--------ardese sW Lsa-nnateagodv!Jet aih a MWesIR MMiand1 boa e anaWihlk 'oi Jm sudIma w t n a ratAbils.aim Bann atA fiar ilto e li 1 I00ean y ~iCoBanessaad w!met a-10 àH "M-11 iw .....................1000 J 1arohemnd ! us Mtti aCtim aIÉ&sber-naitattCoM Wam.ut l pui0um moegs sudsvi ho I M.ou ' m.85 O Rl l ier.. .. l.t..a....b ....... a O ,UMah aiiankemaw a o0 PIN4 .rualand 10 l eHr'ldupart WOUIaW 77.MftoÂ1W SIobinil *8 oite andft i tg) y P OFudSlot t Llandt sle c. 0 at@dVulor ued y! et aI10 turmia **CJD illagee 0ami y! t l sm....ett 0 "ma Aatituhlitalle8 Bll-esu a dsaerbker sanal' ! et aia a 0 "à * H It;KIr fûst6suPe oves adalto m eodYrui27-10d ouan10 abe iD & 0'-ad aku l....sut 0 r uACFont à -hI5Lq ........ u ee.vlsliug fb1t ~*1 mi da» 'mai Ti* Avos cener aiOeiU gocisty bas puiobs.aium or cmlad ofwu.. Mivea. And 10teea Mmre tbay viii hbld a huket ocwia nsalThurs. day e.laug tbrmmiy ib laiulias Woodmen aiEU. uru. MaY At"aofenu me' Grams lviI.r died a4 bar borne lu Wauke- gin on Tbweiay Jeu. lIai.,b@ remaluaa WeIneredla the Avon Osul eoauwy. The deoessed vwas bora on the soutb aide of Taylor Lake on ber abe«%rs m. Ibe ivani ly AUi cf hsr ""pY JOYOs.luete heri. SO vu as lurteiMiwing sud noved tu Wstk«m W be hW bit bada MecursiVOWI. IBau vas about 2 ears 09 Npa beiag Nube thirelid of Josapi ulv~a. BSerParents and lthe htesved bubani bave tbé aympathy cf tbe satire o.mualby. The luberais ver. happy. Go vor. S»a ooasnvaYMe..Tb"y esciaelécted buôcmaiiales tutheo zeet Suocem Club hempsig. The coaservfflve ils des" U didates for preou. dM Md irteer. The lberala obes5ulr.thé vice preiienoy and the souebwWdp. h o Mers leoledl VM 7 teLHalry Foket; Vie-Pr«.. luth Wal; 8«'Y., Cari Dori.,; Trma., RaYacaiPayai. FORT HILL. Hb hDavi, l14lboulin« canal wood 10 GrAYSafate. Clo. Davisa1i ,thie proatalowner of ai ne. top bugg. Levi Watt, of Wakegsn, wae ont ta bais faim lutI lriday. John Wallon la r.palrlng the. ice houealaMmbe oemry. Wm. Elnhmudsu la quîa i aiekmtaie boo ! is daugbter, lIre. Douglas lire . B.leveadnd daugater baii, ofEBut Foi Lake. voie caliera la "bisvlcluily one day laut veek. Sobolursneibher absent or lardy for the P" Imontb aralitalpia Davis, Dorest Tbompeou. Oven Paddock Md Phyllîs Paddock. lisra. Bort Paddock, Arthuar L. Stacfori, F. Conversea, C. L. Tliompion and R. A. lDavias eR shibpe a car o! alom e 1aOboego the suft o! taie week. ira asa.onverse and grand. dsnt.i, lira. Jus Vogt vers cled lai Grnsr. Ioulai Dakota. by thieserions Ilinm of Cyrus Converee, the lattere lai AVIS . Paynead sciiolare vllR gir. a basket social at the Fort Bill acbool bouése hudai svenng Feb. 5W. Proosed»a lor thie bonai f t heoiuool Ubuary. Ail cole sud bave a gaod rime. HAIN EBVILL4E - liré. lisseansd dangbbera vlalhed li Wauhulanreeembly. The votk o!f Mling the Aranour tee b nue vwu flalabed liouday. lira. fhbenéss Davisansd daugliter Benica. ver. Oicago vistbore Frlday. Caneo WIilmor. la apudlng a feu weeka .llilier grand.pareatd at Mr.and lire. Lon Feulon and lilh daugialor &est Fnldey aud Saturday as . A. tnos Thei Ormysiahe Cemelory hhceIy ariU m netthIe home of MIm. C. 0. MorlU on Tbnroday, Feb. 5,1R903i. lir. (boa. llalershall cnlerlaiued bar ulmee.lire. Nallie Johnsonan ld daugbtuar.of R<aa-anmsd lire. Chau. Roses., of Joliet, aest muay. Consumnption is a humait weed flourishing best in wealc loings. Like other weeds it's easiiy destroyed whiie young; when old, sometîmnes Rm- possible. Strengthen the iungs as you would weak land and 'the wceds wiii disappear. -The best iung fertilizer is Scottas Emuision. Sait pork is good too, but il is very liard to digest. The time to treàt consuimp- tîani i' when you begin trying to lide it from yourself. Others sec it, you won't. Dont wait uiitii )-ou can't deceivc yourseif any longer. Beginî with the first thought to taia.e Scott's Emulsion. If il isi't reaily coîlsumption 50 rnuch the better; y ou will soon torget it and be better for the trcatment. If it is consump.ý ti<rn you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you wili bcgin in lime and wiil be rig;diy reguiaia in your treat. mciit you w~ill win. Scott's Emuisioù, fresh air, ic-tt ail you can, cat ail you can. îlîats the trcatînent and th'¼te best treatment. eWc ill send you a Iuttle of the Emul- sion freet. ni e ý a t itiat adpie.e. i. -~~~~~y E.l ya.lca m $COTI' & DOWNE. ch.. kts» -4w P" iSL. N.-Y. seCC.mi $i i mlidraguht. Imov tboveat. Plan le att . Dance Nokts 75« eSpoeutmo S. SAUGATUCK. lia. Aunul ile e on thb. ulck let. WCk. Onest vas a Chicago visior lionday. - E. E. liaima sud family visltea li Evaumatoover Buuday. lirq. oa. Perry hbas been auffering vilai a talon on ber hbud. 1fr.. Lut. Bue"seu ieriainiog lier d. eMms. ioOullougb, oailag. Mise Miay Brodgen waa given a surprise pariy lii Thureday eveulig. Kme Berni. Toker âcaded ber arm quit. sverelY vaille vaaig reoently. John Rabock. Jr., badilbigiiuni bllen by bis dog last week. The dag vau kiU.ed. lire. J. P. Bbaan vited au aont lu Obicago lait ve6k vbom shbe bai not meen lai tvensy-three years. The pecullar co*gh i h ludiomies croup, le a amlly velilknawn go the. Mother. o! croupy cblîdren. No lim shouid ho Rent lu the Ireqtmeut of la. ani for tii purpose no Medicine hau received mois univerisa' approval tbsu Chamberialn, Oonghlitemady. Do net veste aiumble Urne la experlmeut- lug wilbutrisi remedlee. 'na matiar bIoy highuIYieY msY be roammeuded, butOgve hum nedlue . as dîrectai and aIl BMPtnpOu. ot croup Vill qnickly dlcappear. For slie by P. Il. LovumLL Llberty ville:. vAn.AXxuPa.ev Lande. CbhSCiiali Rn $t. [alotaia. liaFeaa-luira'b pta-et. tRare are four utoatter c3rlmges, u-icl ivere et unmie thie oily fora of tire brigade aaîapllaneaesiAia m oalo. Thie eiebraaîeal goladena tombctoaie lu St. Kathuaie's.lit-gent', paa-k, le very vreli lanowî. lit le n touabelarme, or. rtlaer. ae maii club of pure giald, sur- roundial by an ont fraama'. Nliiiy peu- pIe are unaaware hauit flicelaaalî mf NeII iJywnîa reposce.lima a vaaait lt St. Martin- ln-tae-ielda and i sîlîl larg-r itîmmbr of persona are Ignaoranît af théile t tlint tenefathlime seaiîi laaaatiiere le taIl ln eietncetime old alaariela wtilî- plaag post. l.tieifIa 1Mt.Etlaelainîdai'a claurcia.lt iEly plaiva.. le tîme aalv cio)- terre neta lacmie <f Nto-tliila lamLonldon. t le n vaaaaalatfurilqelel -la-l trith 94111111 aa19 aaam al, fottfor 2:»0 people. 1Sf. EtIaaldredi's le <lie oItdeef Romanaîu('autlilc l- aia-a-la liat Englaamad. «'Iest lemot aiilI g I Ia - fuey Cei. rier, citys thi e 0. TIaa trullia oftaie saying was Impremaaaîd uomalita Arkaicia femllY by LilotînvIi-r aaaa-ido a-ink. Site weaa fat, Jazy uidlat Iatiî .-am cliait- pere Magazinae, bult lier ci-aakmg ta-ie perfeet, aradl Mr. amis Ir. 1Laa wlomllg- lnoreal her wilinama nd r-lteliler eaoa-k fa, milmuiu. glood eouke î're su bard fo git fiant thie quextion of ndiigý a featîer', velgiat f0 Lilu'a dutil iwîe aiaeused la a cubdinoalwimlpea-. One lut'Lulu relgned lier poeltiaua. 'mWli>-. Luit,."akc.d ire. Laattua, "Wliet lae i aaîflr? lmlet(-i' wrk tli) liard for youuf 'Weil, ma'aaa," reffied Louhi, 'it al lîreal ouf, lita goiag boni'.a- imI Iite lu waliing anîi reetIia." A- Auet tire.]k 01. Asi a tcasauniatai tfia--rN t a-i~l, their dualaiaid iiailaaiit la' traagale it I'd h l ai tobtila-1ie -. I ii the alilayg c'a t, the 'ancla.nt (ireeks wittaia otrlilaaal frotat the goideni cuplat ailiai ta.lii' tab le anal flicbronize.of liair eclaîers'aruoa-. t bore on its chetiae nainia-a of every City wboiae colii-ri fouglatt in l)ILI taie tapreaim i ionlaeiat ofaiflmalotie sIl fe. That tnlpoal clili exiete it 'i titatlio- pli-, a nataaioana-lic iviallisaeneaaured lomngrtta ivla i la-e wh lit eda-'ait cmieea-ad. QtuitePrsm. Mfr. Faw'atlmet my oui ca-iool- ltte, Ratkeite, toilai.<for a lie iret flanc la ailagi'e AfId R thioiiglt fronatii- the w lie aaed iwîeh 1 i oaaaaoicd a oa tliait you aiîid lie muet iiiavc ha uaIpae ro- Wauce or otiier lafore we imet. Ifra. Fnrweet No roaiaaic about It. We were mari](4foi, olfata years; liante al-.-Neir York WOkliI. 'Ibert ideihed. Cîailir r. Stinor, i l ave C. oletu P 'at ya.ilia-aidvie aie to fhlac. i-ka-aat wny tai In. reiaved ifavrntami.-ilîl ts i .aa'. -I (i ar li aki ag for ai îiomoent of moaaaî.tiaag eWI- L'os tlia-mia t--'alago ah.iRed ni. iii- I arrm , 1I bal i,.i. y wtitii t u aIni i<iia-Aîid tet you Saynl'li i mîlwova ln tlie wioiig.-Botî 'rra lcr-ipt. Aaaonthe lae uriotaof Winadsor catetie le a chair mojde ouat of tiietrtîijk aoflte ronsue pînby wlaielI'lngtoa atona aUt tlhe biettie of W'mtt.rloo. hardware and Fumiture A Complete and Up- to-date uine ai- ways on hand. PIIOTOGRAPiIER .. Work neatly ani prompl donc. mand folly warrantai M.. W. HUGHES, Wauconda - - Illinois. TIl INDEP!DIENT WANT ADS UflIN4,o sUtl 1Uul.T one ueeddrogi pu u orai 'okp,. lin. ls rele inomauaut ad eur certata." P. ÉE. Lovuai.', llhag«'1lle GRAàiraxuPEAMU(mAC*gamrmée every 500 mai $10, o'boble. sud give trial batis. frs. 111.. posoffefor taie veek endlngian. st. Wbe nalina for tbpse letters my "Adver- tled." Mn. Abert Gae. 1VA*z.u . Hzma uPontantet. lirs,.Jbasas Sodorbolai. d« Pergu ahodds. IM* ba!a suirgeon, eltél haok lu pbf a we.mon a i pemiI.,béat té vau quita , mensd sineiIbar v*r much. Eeg conmentioneilbmtb. ba oesu. haberlasPain UB"i ai verlised for ipnalu and sor"o-a, alea.ked bles o buy ber a DM* lof Il. whbhob.dii. 19 qntlki efl. ber and nableti bar10osisp vhIdh eaie b.d Dot itou, for cevural dope. The son u mo uch leupioai t tIl' pellem ti *gave bie maîher 11b . bho eluce recoomended 1lé0mago oU= . For ate by F. B. Lovmt., .Libertyvilie; GRs-.azu a EAli.1 Seéven Diseases Cqused b>' Measles. Dr. Miles' IRestorau tive Tonie and Nervine Cured After Thirty-onasYemrs. "Ivas a perfectly hesltliy Young tma ap tai Feliniary16. VaLhe y enethwe i Camp Iandut ua lkn îk i1 b messeanal R aid fot rnjoy roudalrth up to taie tinte I liord Dr. Miles' Restorative Nereine anal oiac in 1196u Doctors have told me it cae iront lnaciivity o! the liver. R canoot îsy hliranjmaphyslciaas aid treat me but hiver hadai nIktds. Dicting base alevea- helpeal me. Blaioumsaiea.attcs of iteadache, rhruatisna, nasail catira4 i.sa lever, aithmai. anal chaonic dkar-hoa; haveml tien tlteirrciraumi-e.Thauks to dite Nervine and Tonlc 1Ramu ccnplctely retorei lu healtai. I have sacsed Ili. iîe 'Acti- Pain Pille uitlaiood resuis and R tlink that the Dr. Mlie emedies )ire perfect"-Rev. Hirami Bender, Sparst, Wis. "t raut 10 iay a iew fooi vordi for Dr. Miles' Restralive Nerylue. 1 have been troableil very mach w ltbtamasauice 1 mdethe. Chan t lutaie vpper anal on acceqat of hahv idvre.rmde vithical relief. R vas i lly lnduced bta wholesale druggaat, a>penonal frmrnalof mniie, t101r7Nervine. R tan assure yoaiith«s douat me a loIto!tgiiod. R dou ouI lad il ec- esary 10 use il regulmriy nov bel occasion- ally when R1id iliat 1 amn eacesslvely nu-v- nai and retlitagafils tare Il op me R aikackeep a upplyonu aaLRd tt ue lver iliedtai'i e nethe desireal re e."-A. H -eg in.lller "Dm117 Fe.Press- Mil- AB li giata selnl guaniMe irst bot- lIe r. lle Reirdis. Smn oe true book c. Nenveus and Heart Dsas. de Dr. Miles mlilcal Co, Elkbat. Is& Sftrling Opus Cce« Ocaysla .D ' FeL 14, Planàof liall et Grwelsh PbM WT. - y.71 - en odV k iau ow . MA is s s a l" 155- Ut * i cou 0 oSSu 4aose S P les. Itî il5iP 10 ie WIsoessIsCeairai Tii..Ta7". îac0am aoeaum Ss e m lOisi ilias«. 109pin lP.. sprn , 'è ie P.! l10 g ehunday uI,. J1. A. Bîaehîa waàe in Viaagaa Wediés- P. A. Rolaimcin wn.asit l'ha'n o , dat. Wmn. Enimnonaappriuet Monalti Libertyvlle.. Thie Miece. èsKamie. W laFax Lakae.ltt Maaiay livie. Mr. Searianend Irienda, îaf Cliaigaa. Plient Sunaitil witla Mr. Hochai. Mn. anal Ma-. Ed Wagriri' the. pnaud posemsore cof a baby girl. Mir. anal i. P. t'. Sulliviat ire nii-ely Saa-fled iii4hmirneaaw hoaulea. WVin. Enarimis it t a -n lîîyssa,! le pissat week at toutaaglatau. ia . Mlalaeîiaee Senpaa. liewie1 Ricairdin andl Kiiaataall n- an l t.eiek lioi. Mrn. anad Min. Henry Nîanadnya.r. of Frenaaiot. viieiIl. .1. lfia!lis Saîaae. lire. Gram-'Mlay m1a.t Tiîaaaaav ait Riaa-ka'ta.llar uithlalaar asuant, Mas. fIayaa. Mr. andiraîs-. lwiiickla'r haiea'raaa'ill naai'-l «ian tltafri r rtial i.! il. J. Mire. laoaa. af'/enia,. Win., il, ataailîaiaag willa lai-r emeta.-.lMi. F.ety- bin a aiuite ilII limiaaa l i"ii. wilaaaiaglia ia raaiaed Saitardaiy lfaîii i ttai aima-le lit- uta Wakegaaa. lDr. lthaffa'r lai it Wttkegttn iîa-aiMdaiy Unes. lieniaiiha i ai vitiaaa< t-iitia at Waulmagaui. Albient Waigner le aat th. StIEXilma hisp~itatli 'a lI,<ai Vi lia ar. taar lie aappmAiy neeavarvy. Frank Pila-y eliaa latelia-i-atve-a-t' auk with typlileveia-r lats ali-a-a a -. cova.reil tui e' atua lia-. (laales ai rkeatr, afa f X la ils tii gaiffe t af hroha'--a lma, iPro~f . I. I a-kar Fri<Iay anal llatiiriaaa- PEOPLES' COLUMN. adv»se. Rata. a masts Par ineper weeé. 7 C1,0OPP R AtE-For thie next ci4 A STANOLMIrHitt ai. te-trd fUdo John «M"eW" mim eut el G&s Oomers. for piteulars a'dress. -i R. £.UTv UI-a NMadison 8t. <'higago. FOR SNÂLS-Your loto BA hotel. kcown as. F OUD-Àrin. Onermai havesamne Chtknoery Notice. BER.1411N1N. I Ll.Aîo.y Stae eof Pliante., (Joust 0f Lit@. Crut3un =~aevCiaty.Mairîýh terni. A. D. igu. Nu.0 'Z', 2,te LDar« sd Uitalii Dari, y. Duicena More TEodore &. Mille, lAnna B. Derby. Warren DaiÏy. HRetDrbj.OChares Bulkleî. *T1I nakaiown loireaumndeviene of JameMoore decea»d." «Tbe unknon boira and deviennea ofJames Moorra e 06aeed "a.uknownaheims Md dey mes o Wlliam Noore. decesmec." "Thia nknown beite andl dev!M f o! lrnl î trftrln. * êfd"ad1 ulknown owncere of the prmis« la the B3W of Ooaplaint dssoebe. siatisfaction asidvil. taie deeat rhscdora .ont .a r ealeOfthe Mtate of IMHees.and ht puao maldenne o! taie defedatï, a unkw beirsmmd devisseso! jamesoh -The. anknowm huirse ddvss Moore imd. deoeed."-TII. unknoZithei and deviene of Willimloie eeed "The unknoc =bo manld*.,î eo!Emas guaderin.ossae'*and -Th!e nnkbowu ownerofthebpre1pises in the DiI fr(Con. plaint dmmawbed. sre nnknpwa lad upon diligent Inaitiry =08ante bincertais&e.no th et lirommCUS nube eerved upon them or nl o! thora. bavlng beaun ied a ithe oBile of thee (Mark o!feMd(Jut. Notice te thereotore hoerliv en tu ail thie saia aboye nmmed lad unknown defadsuts that the above flamed nomeialantmlh ~to- fore liledtbig ilofoml0 ituima:@.» ur un taie Onoery nid, e ief adth aummont thereuonS ed out or mid U-i ours 011taiedafed-at. r'a UQUA0fttaie thue Court lBouee Inakoma ta «id Letie Gonflt on taietiret Monder of Mareh A. D. 19u. as la bY 1mw reQuireal. and whalaa suit la .tIlI pouding. Lewin 0. Bsocitwày Clark. Batu. R. MILtra. (ompliuant'e goliRtor. Waukeman. Ii. jaJnat, N28. u ChancrL Notice. BmNAnSI M. MLIR. Attorne.. Itate of Rilin I. t Itou ut, of Laits. fi mr Circuit Court O!fLaitke LY arhterra. A. D). 190. InObmanwLNOî 1682 iranemE. Bile'. v arone J. Hyler. HattOl~O~ir, . evit. tatthie detendant »aruts lier, l Io t a reeient of Ithe tiret of Ilinols andl thst undilint lu. quin' hie piae .of rmldonne «aBot ne aîeeartained ou liant procees henein sannot be aaed upon lim.,bavis beeu glaed lai Laeofc !teCIrk of suatd Court. Notce e tere orbhrs Iivan 10 thq Mad liarcin.J. Biler defendl.maforeaatii Iliat the above Bou eomplaiant hereto- rom, fild bet bijlaof compalin la id Court, on th li (Iannery aide tiierso! andl that a cuinons ticeaipoDdn aeont tof laId UnetîmUt thie aboYe amled defeaid4at. returnbl on the tret dur of thie terni o! thie Circuit ConLrt o! Lake Count oti 10 lbod %t the Court HBouse lu WaukWMa n in aid Lutte Oountî. on thie iret Mondr o! Match A. D. 193,eut me la ir w equured. and which sait le Lewis O. BaooKwÀy. Clerk. BmEN. B. MILlr«. tomvialnmta lilîcton. Waukegam. Ili. Jmouary2K tu. n Pain. In the Stomaoh. Like tootbaelie, thisie la$ual daugerof. bulta decidediy uiiplemsa auionS. 'effln@ Who aTe cubjeclta attachaetfit lU iib. pleased tu know thai; prompt relief may be bad by taklng a duse o ai liberlaus 0oll4, C holera and Diarosa iemedjt, Tis remndy la teqîialy valnable for hlren ad wba rerdnoed villa vater and sweeteued ia pleaiant taie. For sae by P. B. Lovimt., Libertyvill; OEaTSLÂKU PKAEXACY. ACouqh 1-jhave made aànMost thorotigh triai of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and a:m prepsred ta amy Ibsi for ail dia. camesof the lun aIr neyer di s*&- poinis"-J.E.R'inly,Ironton, O Ayer's Cherry Pectoral won t cure rheumatism;- we neyer said It would. 19 won't cure dyspepsia; we neyer claimed it. But le wiIi cure coughs and colds of ail klnds. We ont se sad his Slxey years go ; we've been saylnRi ever since. lin.ai t(eefoit peurdotr fha elb m. t.o Cid h ae . . mIL .es t The ira ma 0f healtia - '« Keep the buvais nrgularY "Ayer's PlUs atm srnly laive. On. e s dose. %me, 86,owâm"Sce e muasse o Oomatlbo W tre Oarmte omdo bieRoge. *0ocimet.e MORlUbae b lbeu f fli. D -dur smeof lbJo ew &to$ or M maib <tat mie, l mhdItttso b lmih......... la % t e an . A. T isiW a m u. Jt- 'l tbx, 0. C., Places on »Oewts Viwhl al"a@lvs. Hneman: "--la l b. pilis for Se Poste. Ii ried uu dootors Md Usdeiuum. but SU tallé'i He" e vi Nyêiv 61000 D.WitSsWitoh sufl IV. «Matr<dums asu 01 la omisi ." Ibis a s ombIiaMam 09 the fly WM uuS th. homilia uP~.ne o cf lobDmaONTr aWM il a sud moiIais cu vlls D. UguN ICrm5ilslY Sue. hUaiwhofl u M .eueaq bl»t« c" probodhi.gptils,' ba u r kem &l fi"5w7 morte.' culs, bruisse, maxýima athaies oipNm11 rbeum =14 SU skia disse..i..Ielsu.Lvhxsbg Lovura.., Lberm-Yv il. EfruPauc. k ISpeal »MMr '15-ib ptil Stock Food ....... Si 30o Prtîîîes at 5c, (k-, 7e and ... 8 3-lb bag Best Ri<'e.......... 20 Lixîseed Oiii, by bbl, piwt gal.. 5 0 Balk Grottd Pepper, per lb.,2o Best 50c Tea ................ 40 Breakfast Food .............. og Oid Stock Shoots. j off. George B. Battershall, I-tai novillie - - Illinois. Special Clearance Sale.', FOR NINE DAYS From January 15 to 2a5. As 1 want to reduce my istock and close o'nt ail wiîîter goode, ail Men'a overcoats and Ulsters,&ai Boys' Over- coats anîd Ilisters, ail Men'a and Boy@' Pants, ail Men'm, Boys' anîd Children'ig Suits, 1 will giviè a diseotint of 15 per cent. AI..... iwe te a ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 S I u'derweur................. ................................. 75c Mitions .................. ......... ...................... ..... 'a s~*o~i .'. ........ . .. . .- KliitWool food u ad Paaoinalore 21% discount. Feit Bol. and Sboee 10% discount. Ail goode marked ai!regular prise-non. marked up 90 a mo ecia dowu. Ail gaoals eold ai theme price. for rost oniy. A gond Patent i Floo, per gaai ........ ........ Ail 50o Teasanow ........................................ ......... ..... - Alil Ornncenyware 15". dIsenot tas R vaut g oe Il 19out. 1 Wm. W.i Edwards, 1G rays Iake Illinois.- IE. B. SHIERMAN, JEWELER, Grayslake - - - Illinlois. Invites te general ptublic- to call anîd itîspect his Ihue of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,Etci' andigguarantees satisfaction i il ai'xerythîing piirelbased oflît. AGENT FOR %***iobest grade Sto u xb1iues.'q The AMERICAN FARMER and INDEPENDENT both one year- for S v 1 l ý 1 Ckm,. 'h-Nainatti x-riet tunavir ,-il l frinlia a i-,. M r.-MiN aaaîraa laim i'ea<la i picil ioa t Fax a eli . lia. anda lMMa. .aiaaie.iil i-it vtiit.-d a fe- buhaislera wlîllm(lan thacin wny tir liarlingtiin. Wie - 'l'iewla. lip fIai- Avon leiatetery- Sociaty f0 baaytfila ie.i-tane lîy attendlng tai Coke i arnivlv I-Wiaidîie ia]all --ttl. Ma-. andii I-s. XVil PII egc ait aiki'- Kali. andl lise lta-na Aine. i()ftaka-Vli. ucT rtueglillso ai -Il taiwliaîga 8uaadayt. t-iravelaiki' Drainatt a iahi w iii ilait i M. i. Oa ti al lrida ' vevenîaag, mil1 tliow. - voitliaiiiafiiig liina fIi' a -Ilth mlaiul 1la- aait ti'tilani-. lire.braitt I f -hiala-amam r- etiniling ai lita- ta c i te-th rettiRa-a-c lai-e-I.t-faim- lcavialia ýr vrlaa ia- Iala., %ta ler.- île-t- Dr. imaî . IlN. RH la i kynra-i ta. hacl almlThil.,ait riat i li-a- î(a-am ctalv at Maînemliiallta%%Iat.liataît - alaia-i-tact have laa'amîiw flic laete 'ailiair aliai-r, Ma-c, t. iiC. pe- The 1,l'aîa-nae-e i tj %i iCail halai fIir 'Ifli itiiuol ltilttta'it ltiell ota.i'aI. tIa-a andai 4tla. Ai-aiiiplt-toand tîmt ata-u-vlc lanoaramîhmis ia'araangpd. la-oiiitt speakers fa-canaalilrit-ea-the etAiatosalI ha thae,anad it will i, ,ea a-v-lata-niare fliti'rest toaat tenthi lina mt tactrut-it- l- flacet itg. Ci aiai nîtýI ring yaai- li a.ve.