Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Jan 1903, p. 5

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We carry in stock a fll and com- plete uine, of Staple -aud Fancy t3rocefles which we are selling at prices that wilii 't any puise. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. TRIGOS & TAYLOR, iiedquarters for Orocerles. rtyville - - - Illinois.1 FINEENCRAYING DONE. We (Io a reasonable amoiot of engravirig on articles we sel]. FINE MONOORAMS put on Watilees Lovkets, Ek at Right Irices. If yoîîr wateli nreds overhaîîliîîg briîîg it ini and let our watch- maker puît it in firmt ceus. eoii- ditiori, work guaraîîteed. Tfhis is ther ime to huy talkiîig machin"s. The Vietor (the best) are the same price wherever Y011 buy tlîem. - ~We seli the Victor_.,,- Darby Bros., Lmibertyvi île - - - Illinois. -WÎnter6 oods deoeto -our tpea liolirIay sock, anîd dur- the îîext few weeks w<o wilI mllow a (cimI)ete WooIl Blankets and Comforts. Fur, Duck and Duck WooI Luned Coats. WooI Lined Shoes. Caps, Gloves and Mittens,1 and in fact everything to keep you warm. WE ARE SELLING UaOOD GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. StUIIl & DAVIS LIBEteTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ---Y ' bêl- N. Naxha.l"mit Local Items ofInterest to Libertyville Redders. agi@ héla eeal ant ismola euLake bMeetuilete an the orne pourOliss, 4444*uiS 44iiI4* BIS 44uI4Eii,44 4~upon sagg.ution of Ur. mliaxha lied Mon, whon ho vet avoy a~e C. M. 5 T. P. TIME TABLE. IhUter 0 M. TtMrdmandaivnt, a la Ment Sufiy, Sagemober 28, 5902, at si a. . neh retura the halte. Ur. Tamter dits ba, aiiciag the halle la a steak orn TO CH4ICAGO. PROM CHtICAGO. Maxhami aom, but not outi aftler, Wang ba. vaun aT. Départ Prom New Dpot. Arrive at New Depot. (0ia lam CdIm*) aniti for si damagu Lorre Ubertirvillé. Arrivé Cblceo Leave Chl6gaO. rrlvv LfbvrtyvIJle. nadi boom alarted. B. 0. Payée and ils m .............. 19,1165 .No ... 14 . l a..Uî................8:âs a.n. Attorney Macunilla repreaoaled Coin- Id U. . 9:10 a.m ........... som im. m. 133 .... 9:80 a. Mt............ 10:40 a. Ma. piainanl liaxIaM andi B. H. Miller 164 . 1.....l: .m . ........ 1:49P. m. lu .. 2 u V. m. ...........f4. :a - ieondeti Tatier. Juaioe Wier pro. 14 li.. :02 p. m. ........11:09 P. M. M-..... 4.109. ........... :52P.a sNcirs Mu:lam 00e ..... 4:40P. P.ta. sitietiover the tbouble Libortypllo « ... 91 a ......... 1:666 - O 17.... :8ILm. ........10:1 ILm-. i 1.B OolbY, John Ans"i, Joe le.... :4wP. M........... :"p- . 13 ..... 210P.m ............. 3:4 P-m- Bond, H HBurîbas. P. Pr<>îîn. andi -1 8:0 P. m. ..........7:02 P.M.tla M" yLnobbe con.lllaled the un- TO CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. otumstejury. OU DA1. vum »ir. Complaluant sali Tasiler tookhJhI DépartI Prom Olti Depot. Arrive ea I 1<Depot. hay tair. Loavo Llbertyvifie. Arrive Ohloaac. Leave Obleago. Arri ve LI bert yvi lie. Deian ais d "mre.,, Bo. la ...sma m. ..........1:Sl. - 141...6:20 p. m. ..........du31o.m.. Thon viaueaaes wvesIntrdedta 1 11- .. 7:81«a. là&...........14.:eu p. m. ........... -7100 P.m.. prove 10 the jury 1mat complalnai and déftendant ver. nol ]jing abon& aïNo Trains Arriv or Leave Oid Station Sandtaie. hé malter. Bora, 10 Mi. lanti n. Gao. Friable, of Dalncat Lake, Sanday moralng. a boy baby. MluI. anna M. (Clevelandi la enier- talng ber oousln, M Leilb Catlov, of Evason. Pied Croker ha. been ooafinsti go bis homne vitb a severe cold ieveiai day ffls week. »u»&« moing Dr. Robinson vanta 10 IP« ook10aiuvote"ais lhin Ivo milea on 4'LocaJ Option-" Ia the evealag on -A man ai Epy.", jai MormsvilI reosive his booha anti begin the collection 0f1lix..the am ot nazi veeh. About 813,000 la le &Mountl 0 o collected. Ge reedy for bita. Mne. Ueo. Yager andi Mis. P. G. (levelanti spenut aiW"eimy anti Thuiidoy la Waakofan vliiing lira.. agers aiter unr. Keliey anti othe, fiaonda and aqnaftleaee. AUl are lnvlted loattiendi a bonnet soi-lal given for the S.nday ichool library land i aI I. lithoimi charch, Tbnriday even.iag Pb. 6. Bitech- moate vil bc serveti front 7:30 go 9 'cloch. O. A. BDilk, cf Dlamonti I*ke, va. lu lova Tu.mle.y ainfor21m»asnelie hau pe$t ip a largoquanhliy etfia. 16 iach id. for d*Uvuy 10 hie Liberty- ville patroaneitgamme,. Jin liloiy a vwon haovia charmcer. mg lh. Coaaly Faim, vhs.aeenaieeiof attalugglied qIli. anti pavang Ibes for vhlehey by 8"LApt. kWhTunday, boeuameindIgnMand mailt. Jima prîde oonU naet Slthe eabcek. Paul Macain>, W. 9. Miller,,Jama. IlcGregor, Dr. Taylor antiB. H. SialI atlondeti a amiione lodge meeting laE Wauhegan Taeniay nigiml, at vhleb Mioin. Mogregor andi Taylor remelveti th ed"Cross deuce.. Mifrtane seeme 1o follou the (ironier ftmily vho bal ieealy mavetiC go Ohicego frcm &hie village. A lette, Imrm one cf theAiegn1e girla explaina -oui papa tiletia veha&go." TheU moher lal inflicalé esthelanti uhal la 10 booome of!tlb. overml 1111e girl, &loue la a groal clîy anti unkaua le4 a prohlemn.a TAie conîractor havlng la eharge construction af lhe Irestle uorh 0vr 0. M. & etP.and a. J. & . ache nta RondonS for the eletle roni eompsay il bui comploeetibis l%«h and nov ailT Iliat nemainte to1 flnleb Ibaportion of oi the roati bed la the flling. A nigbl iâ gang Win ho pu& 10 vork @uinla rier au tbal lAie fillng nmay ha comploeffl by. May 1. 8t. Peter'@ anti Paul'@ Caholie obuîch memabore vli hold&herannal hall ai LîborlyvIll own vaHall Monday *1 night, Feb. 23. Commllleu have been amaignedte 10loch Biler aU the varionsa detals ati Iheir maheap la aneb m t10 l warrnttlAe predîcîlon the eventlàfig1 b. a remarhable one. The CathoUcefi ladiles are parthelaaly 1aeeâeildPo, vhlch saies..Ilsbeiag a ncees. 0 A movementl14la lieha iaaguimled hy p& ofloei. anti leachers coflAie Preahy- An Ionien and Mehoat BuSntmy achool. go taxe ubal mlgbl ha lormeti a Sun. day achool oeamas. 19 la deired ta find cnt hou many chîltiren mie noS atendlng Sanday sehool ati lb. reason, andta10orge parent@ o! sucb ta riend heta. Wllb Ibis enti la vieu a bouse t0aiae canva.e la 1a ho made. Il dsvelopee Ibat (à. H. Scbanck le foui or tv. tiaysaeider Ibat Wm. Whlgham, o! Ap&&aio, uhot nomae holieve taho bt he firaIvAitle chîlti bora la the co.nly. Mr. Scbanch vu arn r la Ibis ooualy. H.eaay§ Shero ilaà1 lady lu Warren towwihlp andt tu or1 Ibiee olAiers lu varions perts cf the cony alier thon eltber be or Wblgmm, aIl cf vAntaver. boranlanlAie ccnuuy. A 11111e differeace Dbleen Wallle Wla"ma anti E. H. McDlonalti go% Ibsia lato ocailTuenday morinlag. William. mlieged eDonaldioued hlm for vara andi magerlal «epnddanti aed laa painting a bouge, the former wva building. MoDonalti shoue t hatl Willam& heti starlo th ie jab andthobsM thiova l np, and l hou b. abonit ol "le nequirodta 10payrnion the Jobvusa finished. Williams vanleti pay lar wbaS ho baà done, boum, lb. suit. Attoney Colby appearetifor Wllams antiB. if. MMi, o iDonalti. Jastjce Wigner tiocidedti lb.. vasno caua. for action. Williams vilI appeal. B Dimleacton of Pantaenahlp. The ffrin o! M. B. Colby k Co., la hy maînal coateaS dismlveti. AUl ac- coants due laIdi Ohm are payable go M. B. Colby k san,soeuommI M. B. CoLar. a F .,Dywoiu, f Young ladieseoft hée andolla Club Moi lb UIlhmii.CieAvenu lMoaday Mi*. Ch". Avrnu, uho bum been quise ick for omo lime la reporteti ma improvlng. The many rinndeof E. 1. H ubhart Wii ho pleaielt Imm tlUin lAias ome- ubat Improveti la healla. 0WU]I Warren Ji e ,klng for Tri.i à& Taylor, having the position uni àreeenîly heitiby Hany Bole.. Erneui Dévis bai rsle i bhon.. 1lia tactsel 0LYrnUeCoiby Insilet Je Bond, as.wvo iliuu at veh. A deligblini evofin va.cnjoyed J; a leu triends of Mr. antilitre. John N Cormiek as lbeir home Wednusd aight, ai Carda. Thie LadiesAId of the Preabytele ebarcb vili meelt iez Tbarsdzy Bilet noon, Feb. 5 uib lir. Allie Tappe DVie. A faulliSattO la tiemlîed. Young people aie loohlag forva ullh u«gernes 10the evening oftroi 6, vbeu vUiiilaitsplauieanoîher of tl popular palendais apices of tl YoUng lien% Sociilub. The W. 03. 1. A. Club met as the hotu ci Mande Baîlerfieli Monday a1gbl Tho qetlon of ihe eveniag W& 'WbatshailWeDoxiu. ' 'h01, gua WUi Ulm Lela oatov, of Evanu. Rlelaiveas OUlith"John Moore aM Ham yPeleonvWho r.oently usitg Robeit, OkiahomA, aie plesaasi vil their Dew locaton. Mr. Maoflil wfvking aSilbtheepeale r'.iade wbile Mr. PeoRcabm a position vit th. lergee l euelryoceenla lAi Place. la the eau. of Pied Sa le vs hoo Stock PariaCompaay. lnVittl Atoinoy Boni. Milleraiheti for aný IrOiveti a Jatigment of MM00for lit RÀaubeforo Jaigu Jims miJnné ad vbich va.appoeeby 1hq E)akwooti Stock Pra Company,0 deAildlonha. ben aubntieddoua by thb aPpellâte conirtait(Jîlova, affrmiai th. décic ionlb.thelover Court. Thie bard otl famine la Libertyville wu. sab.sanlIalY reileveil ibis veel by the abiily of John oroahie, 0o Boohefeller, 10 mupply both range a nus cool anti luocaiderabis qaanlllle. Mr. (Jrothbitl.ot Ae -cogl for 38.6<ý Mahing Il coa$ Libertyvhlle coasumera la lb.cnolghbcooo f 39.50 par Ion. T"amtr§ arhasebeen haunngfor eOvOral dayî t1anil vho cared 10 aval] hekMaelves of ltie opportnally are aupplied. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. LiBicaryvixj.u,4 ILL., Janaary 5,1903, Village Board met ta régular session vish Balterfielti and Wright absent. Minutes of meeting of Dec. lit rendi &d on motion of Kaiser andi Hanby sexe approveti. On the favorable report of lthe Imanne cointtee lthe lneaenrrs re- )or& va.accepteti andi placeti on file. Theoreport làhaed as foilova: )n andiaut roport ......... 3650 73 uiti ont dnLrlng 1h. month .... 154 64 Lnonal on b4nti Jan. 1.I.. 3496 99 TAie fuoing billa belng refennet 1 oc finane COmmittee ver. favoiably ePOrlod on viAi the exception of bill or @tractlilghllng frota uhich $5.00 ai dedactd. On motloa of Kaiser and Cocneil lthe ils au correcled vere afloved and airants ordereti drawu, ail voling e. o. Keli&.................... 3 0() H. Kaisern.................. 12 78 A. Moore . .. . .... 25 o0. Davison ....S....877 J. Bachoînoan................ 3 44 I. J. Gray... ................50 C. Ccpeland............ 117 9o eo. Pelon.............. 1 00 Fre.hmau ... .. r))04) H. BSanck........ ....... 2 70 A. iiemb............. ... U 76 eeman Paver hinpply UCo . 166 27 rlghl Bro..................8 Aplul ofly. H. Kuebker's aditihon 10 te Village of Libertyville va. pre- mleti. TAie @tracts Dol baviag r.- viedtiIelr firl grade a bond vu bandad for th. fuldîlimeai a01giec- ai to gradeame anti bond ot "0.00 wva. lnlâbed. I wai movoti by Kaiser and iiHaby At Plat bc acceplet i vth the bond d sitsltheprealdenl anti Clark of )id ho instructedti lu iga marne, mII .lang aye. Oa mation of (Joriett andi Hanby lthe M4, adJourned 10 lael Monday 'hi, Jan. 19. W. 0. SANBRtacaN Mlle Clerk. Street Fair. naB111ia. Conrt, No. 254 T. B. B1. ull sa siree far as Llberllle Town i hia. pabuary la, 190. Watcb fuiheaaa»ounoaaea. eThla tact e.aUbllabeibaondatmil bpolaiblo doubl maud the IWga &&ai fhillng tg tcho $rue there viu aoibia for Il batiLaym&D Payne shouli Mme à pleu. 'Tue.botier fer bai ho mi a langh-he's bandi., as il. Bai Bd varmet i p la lime anti la a ou- ManllaI vaY l arred'g the jury lhe Iaformation gihal 'w.vaut Oar hmy halte." AlioraoY Miller came betoro thé 0Jnry ailing. Ho had hoa digging 1ap lau and loohlng vise ail aflerooU andi nov declared ail ho coultilsoléove, vaw« a matle, ut prInelplo lnolved a"t " thelb.Other 1.10v. ver, on the uroDg end ai Il. Tailler agreed f afly villh&Il Mr.I. ller snid andi Ihal metiIl go f ar se tedoeteu concerned. Nov oomea Allorney Maclifn. --A maler of prlneile," qaci ho~b. "-Thal'a Il. Ton've goS 1h. id.., v.'y. 90ol b. nlcPie." Payne carreclei, .*Yoa mean ly gel il. Dou't ho iialcng a&Umy lhuadeî.» Thon Mau- (laiavent Biler lhe principlo Sheory roi bot. Ho uanied go knov il il wau 1h. rigbl principle 10--play posha-beo vigil Our h.haitnu..'AgfalaPain. correctied, "Ton mmn la.-aadaeeh. BY WYO ai cfIlnaIalon MacGaina ashot JarorAneita oy he'd liho Il il he abit dbay uf Austin a grisa pig ant thb»..8Lake&aySJoW 0o16. AIUstn gapeti la bOrres. "-W.Ulheore'ehopyol^ anti vo vaut a verdict nîgai long lMat It vu$ 6P. m. Moaday night whon the J Uri retlreti and 6 a. m. Tnesday %orniag uhon 1h.y agree osi0duairo, and aIl over a matie, of principlo andi 25 Oenî hay halte. Theaels callediforr rlli Febrnary Appley.-Bay. Wedneadiky tu Obicgo occarredthelb marage of Ur. Sonyler Appley go Uima Lut. Ray, Both Young people are vWou Inoun ln lIbertyvie, uhere lhey have ived from itMbcY, and Iheir Inarrinla nos allogother a *urprlae 10 Ihefr InOnda, an lthe attachaient ln of long elandlng. They 1.11Weda..d&y evenlag for Oahho.h, Wl..,go bhaSono a feu dajrn. A hast of Molndenlle la coagrain. lettone andi good islae.. To My Patron.. 1 deaire 10 oanwletge adexpie. apptOocion Of the splendid patronne accorded lhe firia of M. B. Oolby &k 0o., and vllblt.easompion of th. business by a parilnev management t0 BoIcîl a& nontnuance of th. boa viii, confidence andi patronage enjoyeti by the old firia, uhich il shan be Oui .endoavor to merlt. M. B. CoLBY. L L N E R ii y JUST for :a 111 e1 m o fcfrlng (go close thet cal) anheard o! bargalas An mlllnery. Thia 14 aci fiction. Amn dolng Juel uhal I ad-. veilie.. ... SHOES... l'erilapl avery ltM Out of date are marbed et juil haitf ormer pnie». Mail make room for asu goudas and van thie noney and room repre- senteti andi occupleti by my praema stock. l must go. Way douaprile.« viii dû l, ad tSat' e .hy ofitI. Thie nov long hip corsets (Ju&l oui> fila 1k. a glove andi glve. the$ eleganl gracefal polie every lady admnire..1111 show lbem gledir. Mrs. F. Protine, Lbeftyvlle IIiohl. 1'HE INDEPENUENT AND AMRICAN PARMER. fth ousvtw fi $1.80. 1 e8.0 Orocevý *4 Mats and Caps, Boots and Shoeà*. Flou r, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Wooden and Wllloware. +4 The Largest assortment of Gen.. eral Merchandise at the lowest prices in Central Lake County. *4 1Libertyville, Ili. Telephone No. 29. REMODELINO SAL AI] Wool Ehderiogr Drening Beque $se- m5e flannemlaWalg . ................................. 4 32100 10 $2850 Sable. Oclahe,101.1................ Misas.HOS1vy Pls. ome .................................... -1 Oit. andi£ad& la oeur.a'e Hoe............... 200 AU Wowtol iis.................................. 260 AU MM lUbbon..................... 10a 109Ue Embroldorles. 1*0e. antiin@aitou@ ....... .... ......... Baya'àant Miii.'Ue $ 0 35U Under .....a............ lien'@ 00OOeliir Mena outa ie nnel Wight ue........................0- 32.00 shetland shauls, exta e g .................... ............- 12*e FlannOleta...................... .... .... ................ leOmnansto fbasé (lalm o.......... If 50c anti 75a AU Wool Drq.a Gooda .............. ......................8 20e ant 250 Ulassanti Ciinaumi. . ...................... I Odds and Ends must be closed out regard- less of actual cost. Libertyville -- - - - - -inoa My tail and oampiee are in and a lier Ue yen wil1 not fid. Cail and examine them before placing your order. 1 wil guarantee satisfaction in style, fit and quallty. Priceu ame right, toe. FRED CROKERI, LIBERTYVILLE'S TAILOR. For a telephone ln you r place of business or your rosldence. You get the increaaed and growlng Mevie of the Jâke, (Jounty Tolophone Compa.ny and ominectlon *ith the Chicago Tolephone Company. For Informatlon, rates, e., rt- . CONTRACT DEPARTMENT. L.OVOI'e.Drue IMot, MwvII Dry Goods' 0000clothingoooo

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