Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Feb 1903, p. 4

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~Uh.VUIi~ie.No. o. FPANK IL MUT. hLW. I8»v*tf8U %ATMS 1A1>U KOVU on APPLI- CATIO. FrIdmy, February 6. 190:1. Honor PIominent Prolilbitionhl The. Illîncis Legilatilie ba sel aVsptFbruary 4 as a dai for apecil :emorlal services for the Honorabl: B. abe Johanson. The foUlowing reoii tiona vere lntroduced by Repreacuta live Sunderland îltep.î of Wayne County, Mir. Johnsons home dleitriet iadw er. nnanfmougly adoptait byà etaadng vote. WaiEazàs, the llonorable Hale Johnson, of .laaper Connaty, Illinois vas auddenly rooioved from this Ille on Taesday ?ovember 4, 19112', ythe11 band o0f an amassain, and WUZBEAB, lie vas one of the well known and ioncred ollîzeos of ii afle, baving been Mayor of Newton. Illinois, the candidate ofci Is parti for the Vice-Presldency of the United StatStla1896i, Chairman of its sual central commlttee and member ofl is national commlttele for many year. and WaEaBtAs, vo depiore the Bad loi@ suffered by bis family sudthue tte of Illinois. Ztei, tbat *e extfind to bis Vldow and hblidren or îympathy ln their bereavement and 10 lthe people of the @tâte of Illinois anthfle natîi -r racg.-et 1 -n hi, iJ...-d ldsoividfliut a copy of these reoi n tion, be apread upon thue recorda of ible flouse and 1batl anolluer copy properly engrossed liei presented to tbe-fMIliy, and Rcsoived, that as a fortiier mark 01 apprecitlon cf bis worth tie unie of 8epT~n"avou Hall b. allowed on fl. qvenlng of Weduesdrny Pobruary i, 49O3j for a Hale Johnson momorha Meeuting10bc arranged and prealded over by Oliver W>Mtevmrt. The runîufng of the ilîsu begitis ln Povembqr,adil if 5s:îaJd fhey often taMe au keenunu iitere-t Ili the e lit » £ thbe& Tlie houude are nover allowed to kill them. anid tiie' sire orne are ofleli ruîu for serertîl ineeeu ive yearu. 't'weiîfy five of the heferi a" doea are see-ted fîor the ieagon's sport, and twîî are uîutty run iln a ,week. The e iceboseu for the day lm dnawn le a qur-er lookfîîg fwo wheeled coveed eaut 10 the tiij.Ijiiteîi place. The back coflthe- rart 18 lowi-red uutil If la lqVel witti the- groîuil. Wbien fthe dOOr te9oi0'W-r41,t),, lier st'I)S (loat enifl thie air, wfith hi il ut. andî lakes a so'eepirilc i iii e ýai rffit fîrfore lie fa away lile a s11.t. Ile* t giviî ilve atlantes' la o . asilti, - l- nanttraituie iautide anud bornes sîitîid treuîîIingty impatient tii be off ln p finat. The old Eiiglîela tagfuî,uuîdls lîrîve lié- coule extf net, anîd tîbuuîv-,tred fur tie fîfirpîve iir the- iliase. sv iiue- ceeditfheîîî Si. dca-t iii- t hi-y flat the lorsi-r ixfsriicîjadi-ifiii ifiir etf fort&s b keeltI, n vîiît!; - -t*t r , Bood Feed paie girls on Scott's Ernulhion. WC edf) not necd to give al thie reas(tlts wly ScOtt's Einulsion rc'tores the strengtb Pnd .1lesli and color of good htua1ti t t] tioseC 'Who îsuffer fo:I iî ck 1)11)0(1 hffact thlat it 1'- the best i (iJï,ii , Cod Lîver 01i, i i irfull of lbeaithy S""l t' Il fsuIggestion as C'Il U, i 0] at it'. bvst, iii"4îeugh, eaSt in wnuix) un in ri their N h e lai fnently cîîired u îr4 nbiî Miows it-,clf il nf:uas, il, rcgtlar truattmcnt It '( ic iv f(x5l and is il t' I , (Iî>î lt(if tlî cure tManiv \,01111 ouc' wc iil b, t %W ti- smd a timple lu.ay mtlee. SCOTT & BOWNE. Cherniste, 409 Pearl Si, -ÇN- '-,k et le 181 e fe 10 Il a- Coumîy Supervuotre. À realoluton vua. dopted oy ltue Lake (Oounty board 0f Supervlaora reoemUly îuggaung iegillatiou regula bing ipeed and conditions under vileb 1automobiles may b. operated on tbef publie igliay. la accordance Vitlu blat înugeiltion Ropresenlative 0. 1R. Lyon Tueeday intraduoed ln tlimelinoisBoue a bill ooveuing thue ground. A copy of lthe billbau been furnlabed by Mir. Lyon Io Senator Fuller, lo be lntrcdoedl in tb. senalle. Provisione of 1the bll Iare ine mb- aounce as follove: SECTION i It Ohîfî bo aafc1WI fefr an, person or person. te drive. ruan. tonduct,.6r propef an> automobile or 015cr bornoless ooav.'vanc 0fo8alsmîlar typev or kfnd uieed for the ' vîrpose of transportins: or eooaaey- ins paaieeigers or froight vhether eaid automnobi le or horicîsîss onsevanae or eî.ch 1other vehfoiesi ie lropofled by ateam. geasoene or electritlty or env other .aochani- cal MOtor pover at a rate of îmieed la exci-es Ofi12M1108 periiour aponay publie atrset. raid or hiafuway la the Utile 0f Illinois, îprovfded that oottnugla fMbis OetIon cou- tainec dall prohibit or preveaf flic runeuua 0f îuch automobilee, or horéeles vohfuiee ai a greater rate of .peed flan 1'2 mliea per hour 0110 sutob Street@ vwlla n norporited Liles or villmage.smar i &plart for use of esb automoblesa and 0f ber iiorseteie convcyannea, and uiron whib â salil es or vllages mer. liv ordînince permift a graater rate of iimed thait lercin sellled. èX('roii i Wbenoer lil @hal aipear tfîît anr huorse drlven on .riddin liv mv miruon, avenîany of u.ild attre. roade or ifgbîis h laaut htesomc frigblcned fia Ui iîitroaub of air Auch automobile or hors.- ice vehîii. If shaîlltic the uc tyaiflth. trercon drlaica or ioeduutfng Snellauto- mobife or iuoreleee voilofs. to eausi tii.' sen tie to t e li a fulletopui l Aiuciharo.' or horesubfave pried. SECTION f AGI, msrsou or fîvrevne rfofAtIng fthe trovîsioona0 fistho .goe eeitioa t or i. Pliait, upon -oavfvtlxî ft ecîteaineiltoar acficlo f suet lJOAS[fan $.ào nuor moire fla$200. and ma e tîs Clifictul ftic sOutv )Il Dot te cxoeed thrse oih.tus or fioli. lne le ietstlof aItii.'our-t. $ZVTO-ouaI ROI, v ation tiraliuit ta re.-over moi ulamages stuer ta pcreou or hrorcrty oaiused tir rnena c uet, auto. mobilles or horseles: vehîslet i a arenter the P inttff Or P.,l,,stffe @hall i'. edto "md vhozWaa *lTefa~l(" hh osie et 1*pi 0. lima place loy a éruilasther, b.d bc..0 %0gî - conte audGeBly Imae si Downeiid Grave and- bhou tabou to Elgin. OOmbyl TreWm wt,. L. 0. Prise, 1lob Tii. youug man ln question ta Frank Taesday *aj S ltSpainlud ta Eobarle, and bie bomeaisl lb.he ea, atend mi.e olus of supurilara 0f shore bis parents nov roalde. Hie ÂU*a5.l. Au .aoelation la Se, b. worked for 0. J. Dally at Grayilake iaunoh.d d aG e onuty la lulergated untlltlie latter removed 10 Dovner'a ln Il. fu#hoeazoe as thée Ide$ vua Grave, wbere ho accompanled bim. oigiuaied lathue local Board o1 WhIlla Roberts la an assumed name Itevuo.e. and but iew knov hiea rîglt name, lime Frilday dirscoars aI vOie Laie County follovîuig letter explaîns wby lime Hospital Aasociatiou rocelved formai yonng min chose te bide bit ldenllty, notice liai Mra. Jane lisier iad si woîl as correctaeIthe mlleading guven go lime asaociation $20,000 for lthe alatementa contalne l lu e newupîper erection ai a new boapilal building. article rmentiomueil. The gîft la vîtiiont conditions «h«r Emai"lou fsOhhvEiiui. jibha liai 1the buldingg bcoerected upon l. viesw 0ffor fif tact tratrtuafn i lOfallîg tbeproperîy vimere lthe preaculimosplta mfteunts bacc rcsentv fained currenaor' leaitnateid and il vilI bo pelttover ou so eraln elie Isof aYoung maof ou.' comnunitir known cs Frak Bolerte. 1j urchigletaaletllioaleî as fest as 1Sb@ desire nfli tAets oftrafliandin l tebaîf building progresse@. The directora of th.' futursev.'ft4r.' of this voull u ba lî01 a lheasociahion viii aM once arrange stagethe bc as.'rxietiv ast1cefleve t ta lie.i Frak IoCeta efrvuiy lur.oîtgs ilforplana for thue nian balidlntg,thepur- bas for fifteein mnlahmeade hMA bomeswifh PO" e bcbg to utilise 1the prenons tI. îivof . J. D)atir. theo oatriujtor -anîd tncture until one-hai cf Ithe ev his eu tion îmilovd livMr. Dalla, ln bi' building la ready for nccnpancy. bulaes. l, I-r a vooii maOf more than av.raireabitfa. bouie9î. Indutrlauî a-ilab Justice Weiga court Moadayi dccii. Haets tf lîirsuurvcdsouffds.' mcrnlng Antoline Antonio, a uon of and r.epect f vifticfrienîls wfîo tnow blamirHggy Iyltnesd tNoh bocat. About tirei veatssc aiethoe ae, Sny lIy borsîds.0Nrl ..vmnteen fie rau away front bis h omus ta fChicago, va. given a louing upon the esicapev tfifotlse offt.fitrr io woufid vcharge cf aseanttith a deadly weapon. liot Permift hlm to pireiras dosent efottîcafigle asianît vas commlllCed recontly liehnnol.' liedhsad asrn foer ailftUNous upouî Wm Smunderfin. Antonio tack- prudesd hintie reltoi f is fill,urr voîuî'îî ug bliuivicuousiy.ulîlu a razor. mde hsie t.uniiebratile. 4iîndrlna anaaomy diil not aerloualy Hesknsv tram ,thi'efivtLraa'lu'r oai ts futiuir sufer, but bisa clothes wve.' lashed go thtIrmtl ourd ho, vould i.' eomtîrlfiit lvi tfras sen hc ho nonomsn tyrraer of Ilus home'. 'P'o marec evai"stt netetlllluuvdAtol an slnd.' Itrut fi'- tiau«r-d hI. aime. biuiness. lu court the ltliau con-1 Ioîfi uittiua à lîîw doa stub uYoua n flode lIs tetemeuit 10 ii'rey figlut-a bia kepttait ibis" tubaois ta'iad fn hifs oanuMe, i fhglt-a bite." Tehtimoeny abowod tisurt. Worr v a,,thoiam togetfiiir wftir axfîtî for tir.'w"-ilrsî ut)fbila tober. rviuNovî iiiwever tht the asunt vas ilupre- tio rest fiiiios. il" fIli - lea'tr ratmt vuukedi ard tbe îlî'fendatt as bounid le 00w and boliteolsi'ii i-i-r e o rer-uinchngElgfin. aliliaf bofore lbhe Grand Juary, under Bol' eill tir- (ravi muolir Uo- tti fiiai-w if(18)8 <u bon'is iaf desarvrs tf,.' atastr'f tl l ativifanîld auwilittitrtav oisfidrctiuivil e,, ru i"d lowie vill A farge delegation oft Mac rît wîmîîîî Mr. liuvirlili s îvfrfolfoseers front lIon viIlinvade Nov cNri ln A11ivri,', If frgeits t'n ul a ,l i fsvN 'r ( y1,1da8u c tln d Prîrpas, 10 tfie ,,,um,tfsrttufv Irnai'e, Ir ýY Ogayhotlilb , astti..mofr- ievfffc aiinur' vuîIii"aplais. 1:i munidetermined t0 carry oUI andf glnrvids lfrrtuil ir rv'irt. tny plan," ho sald. ,Already 1 have Hlasîaa' floovi, aýecticd aausoec cf Madison hîluare i'iavuu ME luuru, ivirir Divs' ýgarden from Oct,1fit b NWv 1, tiat - feing theouoly nlacie large onugh four bave made outeaprima facto as.e lit ahow- REAL ESTATE THANSFERb. lthe purpoae cf the mission. Timer. uina tbe fact of iuvvhnîury. and thatsl eu 1urnlied by wiIi ho 2,000 memblera of the restera- lSrson orlperana»drlvlnesch automobie. Lake Couney Tille à 'l'ruât(Co. lion boit iront Lion City alone, and i or hormeleasveheevas at thc tiare or the Abstracto of Tille. Tille, Qnaarateed i aqiepiil ht1omr IlJui. vouaia« the a"me et ae kipseln feàsno asonlo Temple ildig. Waukegae, 1 u11 qit oalf ii ,0) ir Of thai meothoaci lnla SctIon anns LOIR J. (JURNE, SeIcy. frrvm Chicago and oirroundinig terrI- f Adiaif, hnm Jr eand vf ta O Bf Harviv tory yl john. IL protumtly vili re- fMortmery. ,vis w'ga w ek ocav it45-f5IiicL'îiv îlaire liVe rinis10tatiethe boatl 1 Saralu UmItluva bora Doeobter 2s, w d ... ........................... .. S liuirrU New York, and I um nov negottating Effoa G winchester to Eliu W liii, 1839 at Tnlly, nirtSyricusé, N. Y. In Weil ntv 75 filt fate tfit62tHfghlandvf for reldnced rateis." Te ral votI oi 1853@ho oye wiWberpîtrnt@ Park frontina nantir7670iaon Laurel 186 iu, ioed it be preta 10 Av.'andscet 75 f OU Dais AVO v il.. lare La crgauiiZing Ibe inivasiotn Wyu beglUOUo Rlgin, Ill., and ln Fcbrnary i1858 icame Pseter Wvtlsasd wftota atio Miife F-rh. 23, wben Ithe bonte iviimeet ho ae0 0f4iot 3 blkfi MruKav'tu led Cvii go Gilmer ln Lake o (unty, wbere' lu Waukeganwvii ............ iriclebrmfo 1the sevenîliunniverssry of time follovlag IJecember abc va Cari E Seller anilvf to ikhe Ravmiùvhz LIon. married ta Martîn Morne. and Albe'rt Kro Il loti9 li s Dreves' euh Nortl h ;b:«0O68fi ou lb S 45 0, More Ihan 900ut ulnded tire Hvedisb Fillee bildren blessâtd Ibal union,: ai laft lon Lfnofîu St dffs..... eleimeinnfed vu, atrno BarihA iButler vt ai ta Tioras Isl lefmtIgbhSna afro Cara, Wlbur, Fanate, Zoa and Philip, fut ei ft n front vii DivIion 8St ta Odd Felfowe' Hall e-mlod ly promi- who ill tii' lomîbuifmre îuf 10 Lihcrfvafiimvw f mand adj BuBllere b.'u WhO wtil tre bubààjI are eft a dild. ......... ... ..-.............i.v.)hi) ctit S*edîolu resldenia of Wiukegun. cmourn ber deallu vbicb ioutrrçd May L MatLUI hua ta JfiîHi M otta li Superviser L P. Eckitraud pre@liled -JaeBumry i27 f913. 21 bIh a Wuiikititii bianda w 't..ia '"i Abot toet-clbt oir eg lia.Marfetta F Foatlr -t af to H N Hudaon il t the msteg Afler thue ojt h o f 8 Aouttwety-igb yerf âg Mr. lt. 9 adfois bilt ilt I, :,U,1 r cIl lied beef lfitted by 1the chair- 9Morse wilb bier luusband Jîîlnî'd te Lîits Forest lif......... ....... Amerle-an Mvt.vvrotf Ca te E C Mau flicmeeting erganized and Methodisl churolu&It Fair field. tif fie Braîruarcllots 16 fo a24ru1k 7 Wrfinfti, kcmitr I ppiti t ali y.ara' ili beulhLas kept lber from ailS ta LII)U.'ttvifîewî t silî bhelis be Hsan.rv Dfîmsr ail wf t10 MhnauîQuaift eiiserlpttond for tbe relief cf lb. publoielevobloni. Si1biee a ft a4Ivvunesut i igariîPark v il. fiiio ufamneno ultoerestun lieden. Il9vas aillent sufierer for a long pa-fod. Tvc Tua. ois laand vto10Collife ulitn ii1c4etn lmIa ni w s66f tfi 9Mheitay's tîil auut the eni, o h cfig bta years igea trake of pealyca mpsrýiilly waik mvil ............. lie n tertaf,îwcnil bc gleen Ibe procoedi 1depriveil ber cf Ithe use of ber riglut JiF Pififfent Railuf wtto Has Hatîseut ft soth of! iVahhagton St at fulinba.'tab' pliu t1 he fond Laide. Jinuary 271lu à second paraI lii tittilf1aute fataru aitan tw d....... 1r,11, v niiWha -.fmlt' a ivncurec eiétroie caueil ber deathîaiflue cge aif tut Alte-rlfnim W,f'icr Ilai Il, AnuLaguricageo cal'urt 8esa75 fiit 6ii Lacvl, [lemâlterii tliycur Fluer, 1'. H. ter. b aslIdlvrelit fiàIfhe .Jettervefi, lt Sb,,î1da,, W-i..... 17 1110 1lIrStf %t. A àMelcdy sud huperviior cemetcry at Fairtil. ConadBitilItte ta Frank Ofi-in1,futi 1 îltua o aUfiOr uIle ... ......' 1 le i fK. Ifuteer llarlef seechies pfedgod C.IRD OhF THANiS. J C BtIfiiteeom aud "fIi W iv Vi I. its1t' r liete no itiismoveext li in Wc iteirs tri tbank rsilubtrs mlii aima if . . . 2 ,filudler poWieri.Mr. Baller stallng Ibatlile frienda fir their many kfediuessmI i id JuIfaJ CI,,tIîtui tUt 1WCLuii rluailieb.'eau ta obtaîn the tise of 1 lits -, andtmul 'aito 5uti'iai u 'fîi uulrtn o ,e tr aymputby during out retient benoave- irar lva...s1h.Cicut.. Il l orfie'ntr Ment. MARTIN MORtE AD AivoIIAiLY. Wi Cini. t I lI iuftJ CUrtirir Ilucuent. fatsi,>7ta aa Lfauoods a fi t's'uait,r Misa CX2LfA DIEtilO I .. . .. ...1...... . i - ii Julla J t liurkaîn ti rd tii ttofiii j, WÊutSboul tFOY LaIte, 1fil . t elitiruy n. t3. Iuîkril 15iiuriai-,ul, î. 1be NomeoS t.hbf a.. 1l, 1855 and dîcri lu Chinigo c luttie au iv wIf ln, oA i a .iir i Tli tacMi'1ifiufarillia vfitrî]r uter- M ary T bu pro la isp îri t iii l.ta , Jr iv hIlLcOtIIIt' nui ttt ii ilia< u . Il la uuuît ui oa' (.'. i i .i iiiaine. libm Mar Tho psoi ,IpjJ lkir a î'Ta1rl"e< ti, ' 4 S24- -'. ... 1IL' Juin. i15, 190tn. Je.,v H f1-1P' "fi.'Ai's Ar C , oaafrraiiiiniiru r tI urîi Niir tbe D)eceaird hba mwnys fusoi îaivurrkl )a ' au, tif a-- -4r9I' f,'1 I Un sham oielar I liiiii. If 14 1,Yrgliî il I'assie retru a latCu.iwav etruf1 vI']' i"'. mvicI l i îuîîuî . ori' :i t'. mt alv .,fin lo ii' fr.t of lfî gla'ig @Ilf ieîr tIntei -e ililg vu as' 4 iiim,' 14 t n vil -I Uv, (Christiantu rt rl S i.Mv ,.iir' a. morlîr 1vt mervlico1(Iiniembte id et hi-r Jii '111v anal-,ilaiiI utAil, t. SýJil 'tpli t' famîl,. Mile alteileduf ler raîcîber, lîni f ' lJto fat î' 't ift.> î i lotiiu 5 i vf Ililiing if. îeit i lui father Nsit mI4Ier Charlottee ibrouglu A Bfinu1,,t fi Iii l'2Il liulariilaiii1,I ie lita i Iingerieg and fiî fat lnI'oýes, vilh sIl Emma A Et,'- , t'- 3ai-s i îîr 'ii " atutl fi3id 01, fiai.- eilu. th1e deotalon D beuurîoîg ifat h0IL iti ik ii. ul ati'4:u IAi'nug fitheI'lial'ilit e miel-lu tir lii sympatbolîc nature vas capable.,inu.Chas Sffssermeii an 1I vr t.r Ditsi;1o_11 m 'iiiuiiil vs rs rfrrt . litfhfe honouirablfe vhlou iet -lu va SelvtîI îy i .- I sIe 14 o-' i u- iv, i il î4,l lviot t"iî nuut i.if'.t'iu flua a uaieu-ieusaaf-aiilust i itiv W Xtutu v-i ,I i.l ii i ur s lue fla' nul ,rl'tuon di t"u'-ui oly survlvîng menie r ti tt'fatnuly, Muarala M Muerta i i.' rl iii Il J v' îî ' t , ii u v la a i lai cy H.ay.ituiW)lut 2at r v ait etl il1'i t 13 t'iti sLkis Mtrnff Wil t . v'.i Her departuro fi-avec aa i'hilit Leurc A liaI'.'ta Mtî'tîaî'i fîviil aol canul h liied.Ai afusl et,, Il )tii s i iSliv--a -o lit11)fat ull i Catint bcIllid. ASa fion-1aile a I Éhfud Prie-t ..... . .... dAvotod andl lier marr u ialsi uth ok J[fa ut ltii Muret-m Mî,rtîn ln ti eN Ufatekrll w ll Ifr Ii.r lo i - ft ilandîll'flovi, oi f i lltiT 8vLil lu~~~~~~~~~ li e i sckte, îî in brliitgr Dîft 'i e ....i r"'* frieuda bIu eghluuiaid-ruCeW HcyIiýl 1" ii i .Il." lirai I mimeIllved. Frrvti' "v G r ip-2 i 1 1 afu fultiifrios. i i- JL.Isfvl 1r l i a l tbillin, LI,' furIt Ilî'I'l K) PEOPLES' COLUMN. iî'J '.'It mnnldvrtJfif-ivrî Ju h O ca Ad$ Un"d,- Iis bnd Moc is W.s bepod1. 1 A n : l'ut, uIh al %fIII (,ij- ~ P he nats ailames. Rt. 3 cuits P., Rage i-r y«IL, fri'la iIof stifla ta i. (t Wofflmcsthti.g àhli. 'Mfir itvG and 1..m-eaHIrt or v a 'vNervous Prostration M.rrt t.1Cia 1111ii 7ui il uruslui l -u M liihtlWAN'1ED-hiir 1h. n.--t rIs .. .f . .1 ýý.' .... .... i35 ________ veI.? fuasIl'ivl--I -rf. fvrîuîrî'îîî5W cruiawfait numîrtaf ii,Hsteiua Heifit N r eG v 8A lTNtiLîIis afDy sFfi utiaui rnftati tifut Dr. Miles' e-ieGv g:11RNTit eri t WrentW-ýàPark'isîil- .....v. .......i>Bach Health. F mi BTle. eaof lawmr.itvvi.pChue Hîsrnmthtah aLdwftaiFrank T1 n siv., ai u o na th ", aucoilarin E Foiifr 8e%%sw X uSaôr t 'If saidlup duning Ihs vint,.' of 94-95 Jvhn Sarrîs erai nl i m" a @ecst (If Gokkle nwlii sc M45-12 w vil .....f4itOUia i uhsrlcrvaaîî olii a.çrîr T'is.far pae-hutitar,1 a e'iilrrlru.tsm ervnevhififsr IL. M. CILTEr. M0-b88 Medisoe ttî. i iîg. A ]M EddyfvaidltnEtla fi a MLit, tha ion lroa viun ara eer btc n a FOWKAF-ou ltSan tntr.knwr M 1 f utliIathni I a Uv iGrippe. T'hs rieurn~aeyereaifuci ào Le. erfI AEFu osedhtl awr_ ra'. Sili4 i . f . 'vere ait timer îît at i fiJpuiu vfer mee- FRcr rov.ti.. opIIoite Mt. Peut r"atîHi-,rraMe.i adrun i l, Emsta Il I1f 'if trnin bed. 1 ua ibleptesleiefornie t ietlsptL .rtYivSfffs AplîaHi-mita' Ni. hato1 is1 i 4e'f-if til iraiti f î Ou r - tstphymurras luinttenduere LI iartl'.tte. 17 -1, d iJams FMIBrook ilv C'Wande- M A Ta)it-r oolizal lneildvetised remedie fan troubles STItAl-ED-Froin fia,>titi-m. Tf, rittr,Ll,, 2717ujlIi 5eÀi fiti,: um 5là4C1 i Shekn btgfa rpvlaee eu Juno.r-FBe t hn(ai o. li-i eard t.a slak-'ore ii boîtier i i fitoh Dr. Mie' Resloruhive Ncnvane. Six fyaît or bri..sea that .&ymain rea ifu -'- leracrddl WtIîutiirw vl..f- ui, l L boîffes retorrilme 10 hemfth; 1Iami iefer Sion. lIRNsCOui. 1c. Ltivticl. is-ti-dl A iC Ferry maid suttri JrîfrîrAtez Dî-1tî tlàa for yeurs; in fart amu enturefa refueveil. ,art lUt 21ahd â I t 1rau samy ith a cieu cm ouarikce thet il vus F(fILt SLLE-At a îaracin. ia. 6s'ari i- ln46-1lavedut . -.L ai Dr. Miles' Rettorative Nervi,, ifoaf renril Fobi. 0i-tfnals vr hf ii-iaii«rý-a faifln CLE flIIU ftrif ~ - , M i t'ui me tao aui tii'%hen lire pairus et aciaulic itn ordsr. OUfI] frentier avhofs-rtu.a. z, lýt ilir rit îîWaîslît.u r~ i'îvî' sIv. ai' i taendl rieurnatiisa c re mollitsevere 1I accord wtîîsi ,viunEti .0 uCts- t f Ft mri amoit Immediate relefelby te l fDr. E I. tir.. I:itr-ii' b Oti--le "'tt, h 'lttî 14oi onu . , Mils' Anti- Pain Pifis. f have ree.mincund ké 29 ta, d'iDr. Miles' Remediesite may people"-Fred FI -JIiiiroî iiiitt ,"a' iiIs . Dcvj F' Iuird if'fi t a iiJ"I-huly At. oi S D KAN . Lothtouii, i. liii I 1-- i. r.14 '.-29- l f, u , Il ., yca efell .O F f P, GAh 8 inn voiii I f as taken vith pao le ma, heart anil à, yalo IT44 l l 'Il U-W 1il.Il Iuder the l1db abealder; vlh such heteaop If Yeu valut hatialle.0.(-vS It Illomiitchut ffîi [h fth i peaeed feelintg inmachivatthal 1 coutil ira.'v-v.ntatusî-îv>iina rdiy breaîbe. 1 bait paLpitatioiu3Q ad a If >a van tilieIolem v î . fin.. o'and niaheret voulil Irb si)nitfiat if soutl If Yeu vsnl coloriod Uonk, Fp5VWtCrufati iUif Wl ta fia W Ct'îhuii Vmrae m virai, bcd. 1faifs.hail avemkit l- 'I d 1 m-1 Ui, î1 t t n Ll li iLai.' LUT f m.i .unthe reyion of h ahart. lit f yeUnt ut uil.,carde, IT1vTiwril.t . ........--.......' UI as oln .rdtemelor laver and suomau If you wmitm tasly ll-bmliails, W P YAoantiail vto,,Huanrty trouble but I faufnd 1tar.Tel D ay it Ilyo wutncl vgjigi fa, Ktifnaleritvi fi Iî î to'nu mliamfrieird recamnaended Dr. Mifni,' filrr if cu ita nii viutng ard '.I Iltuii.iiM, iiir îneu i Cire am loRentote, Nervine. 1I icltah If youi vnt wedullng ievilittiuio. 'tUithsilWL.'a .f . ........ , iil uid on, beof lire Anti-Paie f'uiis..f If Yeu wantiff L"dsituaitwowfti(vILF ilIi cira'.L nbie ve I an ompletefya, ni perfoaltriffa, Ifyo vntan kadniJo vrI. ii olii ii,îuAHuihîve nuiti "-MmJ.W. Goldiag, NobIcivfiIa Louve your orlerat the INifRrRNaNT - i, 'il . vu' . ...... t Ii, a. offce n,]bis thni -xcutîii a lte ru ie lBotîail'avaffi L«n&ila M bimAjîILrmgSbcoeil ad guavtee tiraif bat L.usi-iug ai tiit v- A littirit'. tle Dr MUE&'Rentoiles. Heail for fret bocku duat mmnner n ud lu e Abiorteulim aira bWueills-efwid vil ........... f iion Nervous and Heurt Diseuses. Aidresi possible -Jeanne Il Faruuîwortir ad bus toC0 J slDr. IMiles Meiclal CO.ElimazI nd. J'-Peoe paît ew 4neom aee244-9 ilgM P .M.Q%.P. flue Tab. MLAVEIIA VLAmye &vu AmleV G&AYa9LEt. ilNCAOO. cZîcaco. ONATIL fila.m 10 asa m I666M «&m 1,i1 --1015la i2O10n 4a00 ô g 8 n 400" soi 1 etm le ua. I906&m. 1027 am 910 ' 10la - i 10m il w Pn 110Dmi 80mpm1 il le I 10 Wlimonslu CeaIrai TimeTable. OEtAY8L&CRICAGO. CUICAUC. GIATAL'e 7 5Oa m ;Io soa m ouam Io 19ain Il133 *' 100m lis aup. I- P2 6 38P14 go 0 *âunday onîr. M r.lFitc'h wafs n Ciitgîi Tuceila Lyniaîîl en imiWitfhiui"eîu l,îVtkr-d Il i>rley Wa nt f'îîîgi"î' day. H.,a 1i H iAcl.' v",i»il hicaîgo %itolîî, Sattnr.111o' Mien .nîîti4iq-f Illii u-vi. ii.eit >ti day niii g~ Airs. Si-î las li"11thle gil-t ofMrl', 13Uî'klliiinî sev ra il dii) Mir. iil ir.MmAli-t 'f'fiîîiuisft ,. lu-e it M o i-1.Si Iîiitti'iv Laikîit Viî k.sf e-fît likti .k %il) itf. Lirikit, oflilîsvî !iîlî Mis 'tA IL ltwiitl,i r"fl-ast Si uii ii , gils- o f vît I i î:iv;f.' i ii i .. Lit, ihii IL T.' li i j [jtiS- it l'ii lii ly i Miua'i i t.hlaui lits iiîîîîii i lis-rm arrivrî . iî i. ".. - i' fi vii, ili ii alî,îîîlîv stll.viiitl"ftegîi't 't, k l-rItik W ' i i Stirus' liii vu %%usure bee Sauiînvîu i nr uuîfînufuîîur'r' it if,. Itoufi, 4ilivi'. ili. rultildulif v4tli,,.nal cIe-nl Mvrîîîfuî vaii t. 1: % i uri' Sahuin i v t a'l u iv iii',itv'i la, i 'ti. ai 'LIil ro Pa'r'tku v) ls- i w',tiii Atm.'H,t ltïikui uk ît i, .iI,f .,r f 8it' ii ili,' -I ii f Iiii'. inut v ((lrait ti f tn,.li rhi rw . h eui -idr, 1 'i.. iii frwvu, ui Ml. u W'iori, i un i iit ii îgv Rsv- T' E~. Mfr-si'uim avili tuiku-fuît1Ir. irtilug trau.'d-u nId Mvivu-l EfiIrug 01,'11w '. v. rtuviid tiI' t loiri,Il. All n ;i,-, oviii îtîit i liilu d1 ,11- fi lt'vi,î' ,,iuth.. ')iiuti Il- viii giza, miîî ,'t1v 1 Mlii, sI i 'i .4 il i, iI frî'îis ' liil, iia lu,, ai f 1",' %iihl'î iiI i'î'u' i i l f i :. v iii,'1 ati3 tlf ag? Bfnîks--Huiw faSiiitiffjg'ftlig vifinîg? tfnkm -Wefll.lie bits gretîtlyli firr-aed trio tufirftuii,'e.ltlutfnot'î' A iirrcan. Tomrnini tiîiiiinî[lîis ri.vvîlflty or nniy hulit. .tiîr .iasîi Niîiso'iv"î M I)l, I l(iii ii aak Yuiilii1*i'al ii 'm I l, "ii, .iao i it fotttfiill 3 îo- uîi"i* îutîîiy i fi' lifii ji If, w oot, ilo l i 'îl vi l".t." ali] ftsre a i'i h liîsiuidu "liiglîd rd Iii.,ti-lr. iilli)repileil (fie olier hilfir or Iflle 'îvîfîîîî, " I li-vi* ' tldI - vol ikfiiii "-C'bicago My Lungjs diLa ripeleft me vitil a bad cough. Myfrinds said 'consuunp- f10tl1 chIflen fried Aye."s Che rx Pectoral and was prompriy cue d. A. K.Randîrs, Nokomis, 111 You forgo:t t buy a bot- lie of Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral when your coid first came on, so you let it run along. [ven noW, with ail your liard coughing, it wiii flot disappoint you. There's a record of sixty e years. lff wlla U, t.SU.SI.. Cînsîit t iîr difoi If h l cý itus il, terdluei.vte mn, .If beeta iisiîi1 t.k.1 ' f tifsi . Ieil. H îi. One ùl' Ayer's Pilla it bedlini- aida fic eCherry Pectoral greatlinv breaking up a cold. Lweînei iovW~i F ié Ir. UNtDef %usoolcO Snshine Court No. 254, Trnbe of Ben dfur. AMoNG TH4E ATTRACTIONS WILL 811 Aunt Dinah Candy Booth A Gipsy Fortune Teiler Cane Rack Japanese Tea Room Pubh Pond Photograph Galiiry BabyRaclk 1 Aml$m:NuAdmit..M; it Cildas idi s , pases. Special Prices, 125-il) pail Stock Food........$i g P'rilîieFs4at 5c, ', 7e aud. o8 3-1) bag Btist Riet........... 20 Bitilk Giroiînd Iepper, pesr 1h ... 20 Bttst rS eIa . . . . ... .. . 40 Brakfat Foo0 ..... ...... o OH stoeik siît-H. 4 <ff,. George B. Battershall, Hainesvîile 4 - - 1 - Muin nois. Special Clearance Sal Ais 1 'waiît to rauliice my stock and cloise outta:il wiîiti'r goods. al] Meîî'm (>ve'rcoatll aîd tristturs, ail Boyst' Over- tîjats abnd Ulstwrs. aîil Menî'm aud Boys' Paîîtvi. ail Nle'îs, Bays, nîIId('liuldreîî 'rs ~Suitet. I wiil givte~ a dirh-omîît of 15 per cnt. Ail $1.00t Sweatoru .. -... ... - - - - - - - -.... . 75e Mittens-------------------------------------------------------6ft $1,04bt -'- 1. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 9ft K'(nit WtiiviH o;oo cd Fiacànatorm itt ýdîncoant. Fel FruItqoul ad S Mýli itadilcutunt. Ail gncds ovrked l atregutar prhe-cnne marboil np bu ap ta ci uvuva wAit g,>im as old aitt Iirepff-es fuir eui.tlui V, A griaul IvtîLAW i lotir, piurk ... ... ........ . ..... , due Ail -,ftc Tons ttir .............. ...... -...- ....409 .. . . . . . 1 . 1 . o- -i oc. . . . . . . . . . 1 . . - o AI] croctkerywiro, ', fiecutuit asI mng tu Close lt t. Wm. W. Fdwards, Grayslake Illinois. Niftit e. Cout ri' fiiif Co'i Ity fi t UilIt',r1koCLit 1 lit h i ut tor oîf tffiwuapi1,11îîfi,, nInviF ran kif11 V'. a.îî ', e fiarIjlfits cr i'rrest E. 1e ý;mn 1f. ann, for 'vto -Il r-ai eftais. o Ii-.ahui, amfM'tifagtheait eroas Co Limrt ilieii'M'IL'îr i -mtii o rt , hutli'1 utnîi'racon lfa iit riffuon1,11, L"'f l -Its yvItîcor àaila A.' 1)f i iraf fsa. uirf iîn t- iît (Joirilta it,- Mti t t r. i - it:l t iIà-rl eft .'oft Minar. sîtîttri it1ir' 'o.ntlvs of Lakes snudn-Is n tii.'itiate fliiviisorsl An îî cilla td.'îfoo-fiîiif i4) v lr ts rn ot nias v() tu la ikaitM aft-ci ilm); iitfn Il, Lîîdfow aduidtin fa El In. lKain.' fanfy. Minois Rltuated flitheîî ety t IEtfon ID tiire Iiuiiiy of Kauno. Statf Iiffnos l 1v),st how.vI'r foca ilaver rlghf a o r rnîi vaI li1or I, ni:t Aiso an iiiIlîfil lieîîîslct, iisi ut-n-stIfnl tfI iofî dca-,rf b-'I roufis tai.- t-i i- Il latfMivra., (f) ai t Pli tiîyta of 3ehoot Trust-M ifdii 'li i'fs slxtfui@) viotawui'fflv frty Pouir '4") iîir'tf relias il oist of rtii. fardl rficlnvie nierilfan de.srfi.-d as foftaw.'v (,îmmî-nenat a point on tire veeterfe fa. ' eMlwiaukee Ave I h lb' aIteas f I rtr v It-- iif1%l disftant oi fi. -»Ihiti-to..'"cl i . rt iafl Ifearres. ti82YW-smtt ififrly1.', ui, 1-t ail north i tti rvif ine-ralf f $tr- - iaa-eat sisîrrît f-- (freii Iris. ri, irttî iiiaîsîrîr 0 oct il liii i futrty l itisa'i.r-ii t i f ghtv tva andIn <iii ts ii'rîi o iv'., i-st ale- PliaIItrî-ilaîloi'llvls" -t ti J hI)tfîco aoiffî'rfvgnil ,aI!îth Mlf 1 îk A ve. tIîvfi t t'. l (29i) lv-'-îorth - fmcft.lse inuittîsunlt %-fI î,-lsoel iw)i tir-f.'we--terfv lifno ifMdt lfivaken e tfreli-r- vrher aloîiIr fini s e-rfe lif ii oi Raid MliwatîkeiA Aaio-atnfîiîl'it (la)til flîhaüa of bv"afnntva. alqi- a iti~-- ofnf uuiind d"irflied ce fioiss Comnifagn at Ibe iortiv.wnst corner vif Phi, ativae ficielfol andl runflva siste.rf aloua tia îorttî tacut eîif fot f, rtY-a-vea s <7) ti.enIi riiî vthi-riton a fla îraf Isi antîfiM lWeiik'.ýA, A. i ic ttiflîovste-fi cIrtire sIlitiUfne of lasec ilattI,*nltforty-v-eafert an t flve tach.e 4ýfi àoPfi hsn'-sevvîîitfvsrtî .. vn feft i jMore ir es to tva,5, ut(if etnîfng Mtait-i fa 1h, CounfvtyrLnund at ftats if llliols, f."tiii'it l Itvw,v r lvthi ii,vo Daiud Liberirie. ffaii-Fi-), A if f91 i 'r-ti NP. DYD , on. iliirvfiIii (IftRaidî MIcar. E. WAItrsrOLai. Attoras a'iah llcitîc 1-ft F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF -~Marbie and Granit. OFi EXEaT 'a ys on itd. WIIY' Th Oam.iasuCeniCrsil«.v. iehP T 01 1A PI-IER ...... M.=mih mt h=C Sis;7oniuelu. acs I ct s>i t PO Wcnh neaf lv sudîI)rîîmptf~ lhtndo- - - . une sici. îm.lmdoune, ccl fîîlly vanrangesê One ciueCu Cr o ne trof5l f' etregthandfldiioey ta-h patgseclps-.'cea .dei M W. HUGHES, Casses ifse biaeii fareceue, ifs tnatas aply I a uc d - i blO . manian. fhua suichiming tra pfu 'n Mtor~~ahea.c n a sic gh andtr vi itr thai tih - I϶s tubes ierea ..ressirsaiicf um nîefesaSmî 5 suce. Aathm. ar n., La.Grippe. Cold nceu- Luees and &Il Punay Complaettat ýblli fs'ieuCO118iîCeatraI Eeilro@d. m aufakt, caiaii tithe me ciH c . te '11.uit fia. ?A ilv~ha. O N E eti 'pus mud ili uui-ec'ett14 m~u a ~ î Abluv'oi. .Out ifla ,fi i he b r8 ll cale ci ad Sudr eafoae,r ikah C@UGH vms tbrvq~ipilêlu0Ag atsn give PpeeitIL 0. DOWITTla 00-.,0I5 J An. 0. FOuND, Glq, ?iAU q5v

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