Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Feb 1903, p. 5

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We carry in stock a full and corn- plete line of Staple aud Fancy Grocenies which we arc selling at prices that wilI fit any purse. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. TRJGGS & TAYLOR, Libertyville - - - Illinois. FINE ENGRAVINO DONER Vo edo a reai5 nablo- ariîoiiînt of i i.r ît îîg on articles we sell. FINE MONOGRAMS If i rwatîjî rîeeds tîîvcrliaiiling biii-il:jinjîandi jet olîr at-jî- Iia ker j 'it it fii firet clams con- djitiiîi. w,îrk guaraîîteed. ThIis, is the' irne to bîîy talkiîig îîuîçî ir l.'flie Victor (thoo best) are the~ sanie price whierever, \l)hl blu thienî. ,ý ý W seil the Vctor.,ý Darby Bros., Libertyville I f 'n <I i - - Illinois. Our anild Everyone will want wall paver and if you desîre a good assortment to select from it behooves you to order early. spring- designs are in await your inspection. They are beautiful and yct not high priced ::::::::: Com,. n now before the best piitterns are gone:::::::; Atter Inveiitory.,.. We have a few wool lined coats and astra- chan overcoats we wili seWl cheap Don't want to carry over. Also a lot of fur gloves and Sf1 IT M &DAVIS,9 l.1L.lYVILIXILLINOIS. Local items of 1Interest tW Llbertyvll1le Reaclers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la Uffect Su"dy, September 28, 8902, et 12:01 a. Mi. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VUlE DAIS. wE5x I<ATS D'eaart Prom New DePot. Arrive nt New Depot. Leve Lihertyvîlle. Arrive Ciluago Leave Ch lao. A-co1- I ryollIo. *1 .8:17 81.,r............1.a. ru . Notî.1 ...7.48a. i ........ M; 8a. tru. 1 :0. 11 a. ru. ...........10:15 S. M I- »133 ..8:30 a. M .......104a. ru. .......12: il11,11«............1:4 P. M. lu ..... 2:u , ............. :1 4 . P. i4.:01n.......* *.....5 :001,P. . 187,..4:00 P. M. - . . -452 V. ru. aux ATa. -143 ...4 . u.............12 P. Mo. NO l@...12 0 :17IL.'n« ............10:06 L . u.ND0AY. *140... 915 &a. ...... ......là a,.ru. No. 1417...8 . lo ru-1. ..... .......<M:17a. ru. l4.... 7:4P. M. ...........4M-" 08. -I13. 2 l.. .. P.""......-...-2:td1 . - 143.. . 806 P. tr ....... 7:<r02P . TO CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. VIRE DAIS. VIEIL 0478. bepart From Oid Depot. Arrive nt OId Depot. Le,. lLartrvtlle. Arrive Chiîcago. Lo 've Chic1'ago. A,rtlv , 1.lrt yvilIe. NO li...15 1 :16ILi. 8............7:35a. lit 14..8:200.8.....M.:P..0. in .....7.0....._........84:4.tu à . .. 4.4. 6:.M.............7.400. ArNo Trains Arrive or leave 01(i ftatIon Hunlapor Libertyville Lodges. BLNSHINE COURT. No. 2". T. B. Hl. R1eulsr rmeetings firet aund thiîrd Mondap nlghts or aCh ruonti, mtWoodman HaIl. ACME CAMP. NO. 176. l. W. A. Meeta tIrSt and tilrdgaturda, nights of oacI ruonti,. COLIJMIIA LOIXIE. No. m2. IM W. W. rueets second and fourti, Tuendrrya c! LIBIiEITYVILLECHAPTEiO. No2. . . M Itegular meetIngs. second an,,1 ourti, Tiuroday eveuing a ei monthý LIIECHTY VILLE LOOIGE.t92 A. Y. & A. M. Stated comunications second snd fnrtfi, alurlar eveuinga of s&CI, rontil. Notlor t.o etalo-Tire IIiDEPE2iU5T willI publiai, Ire. notioa of rueitn"gall81 <700< for lame. Ero Cllector Ja.y Morse inuas tire mont veicome caller lu tire vorîd. A baDtIs 8ta be tarted et Waueands. Promatens have rented a building anS tire Institution ila ta horentablirbed aM onoe Calvin Baies blia position viti tire 8&mIl Harris Ca. of Chicago, vholosaie and retait dealens lu machinîst suipplies. We are Inforuied tire Maxham-Tattler iraY tuife 4lut& ias been amlcably Setted out of court sud yl he drapped. A vaudeville under auspices of Sun. @inle Court No. 2U, T. B. H., at Libertyvwle Town Hall, Feir. 13. ê» aS lu amoIrer columu. 18 1- Patrons 0f tire eloctric llgirt compeny appreciate tire earnier service nov beiig affarded, mat pboeeding dusIc, aud hOPe lte uev engîneer vill continueaie sirasbubegnu. Mdies Auguata Lee anSdlirs. Crosby, ai Evaustou, are vislttng nItirhe home ai DaWl Leo. Isa 1Loo la great1y Improved and tg la believed permaneni. lYrecovenIng iran ber rocous sevene Dont forget tire vudeville Friday evening Feir 13. 18--d Mrns E. CJ. Poltonvwlosenreceul ilinees vas uoted lu these comumua la greti! Improved and able ta ire up and about. lira. 0. M. Fuller visItei a tev daya vîtir ber son, J. il. Fuller n sd tanli at Wauconda thîs veek. A baby vas boru latI r, aud ira. James Brentan, af taukegan, this wâee, havi»g tva teetir and another mat appearing. Thre Breulons ai one tirue lireS lu Libortyvllie. George Davison toak a Party ci bouug people, cirsperoned by Vol. FraTsn AppleY, for a nletgb ride about tovu Wednuady nigirt. George .iumped hMe baS lnu aninvitiug sDov bauk, and thon there vas :ay. t Dr. Rabinson irana article ou -*municipal (orruptian' lu tire Jauuary nuinier of tire National ('riierio,S repubilcan magazine.. publiared l,- Chicago. Extruacistro.utire articleà vili appear luneuoiveeks INiDEPEX DMNT. Jae Williams, an Inruate at tiref (Jaunty Fartn,aged about 75, yeua, dIed - Thrrday. Willlams came .trom Benton township and vawu aid settier 1 ai lire coauty. lie raS been at theire tain tane eaem andS ied stter being i BWaY for a short lime on a peniodîcalô drrnt.b PAStCurly. viro vaubrouguita otire Oounty Parcsfroru igirvood saoe tva Years &go, dIed Wednesday. Deceeeed teilItirrougir a trap door fram a hay loftiand broke bis irsotanSdiras aInce been lu a pertectly hoîpleas con- dItIon. Hie vas takto Chicago for tresiment, but &gain returned ta tire Couuty Faim, &As ic case vaa cou- sidered iropelsss. Cauuty centrai Camultteeman W. A. Desne tells us ltvas only a&Mr a lUnes. -- - - - - gros$ dm1 of1 Persuasiou tirathiresuc. Ou@ eek romiextBatrdayje eeded ln gettlng thre couty coru- Ve e o entn a u I Saudy ismill e l ges ' hold Satnrdoys Valetin da anS alrad "a convention lu Liberlyville. Members exhibiied threiideous canies viricirgo Seclared tivat delegates nt tire las& deli1ght yauugst1lers anS athers beauti- convention vere amest Ialanimons lu fla] sud elabarale go catch tire oye ort1ezpressiug preferenoe for Ujrsyslate sentimental Yaung mon sud Pretty rather tiran Libertyvîlle. Tirey daim mailons. tire a sà disosition ta charge an Thre Quarterly Coferenoe vili mont exhorbîtani price for Inferior service attire M. E. churcir ou Satunday ai ou thre part of Libertyvillanesud tirai 2:30. Tire Love Toa»s w vibe Sabbati tiroir irarses are but poorly cared far ai 9: 30. Preaohtug by Eider Mande- at 5o1 ceuts aàiread. Be lues as fi may, ville andSacrameul st101(:30. Tire its upil1teLîbertyville people taexert pastors suijeo taI7:0() vili ibe thmnelvea Baturday sud 10 acee 10lt '-Dynanite.' thst dlegaies are praperly pravided Tiras Corleit sud Assistants are for. A fov intereated oee have engageS lu renadeling tire Interlor af agreed 10 @c tiraI tire TovnuLHall la lu tire Fair atone. New sirelving auddairape, chairs arrauges for delegates lans are belng put In. Plunters andsudn everythIlng lu resdiuess. Otirers decorators viliifollv, sant ivieu viii lokbataler accommodations for IlulsireSlMr. Koiruer yl have a îruiy borns anS If anything aauire doue ta iuvltlng store. facitate feediug tire Segatea tirat James Carpenter le suucooeded s. wIisîlobe attendeS ta. engineer aitirhe local electrie ilgirt plant by a Mr. Eielsier, vira for eight Chaucery Notice. years bâaS charge of &tue llght plant at BENJAIN iH. MILLIf. Atae.. Evaoatou, sud la highly recommeuded Conrt6of ai Lîk<: as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hut a aptu a o iepae .. Court nf Luilo Coutr. Mr:,fini,, as copetnt an or he lac. A D.190. lu Cltan-vrr No. 1492. Fîldoy (to-day) vili ire heid pri- FranceE. Hyier. te MarcluaiJ. H irr iiatisfactory affldait. tirat tire dfua maries go select a delegation ta repre- Marclus J. Hrlrr, là tnt à s eeiet o! til:, munt 4ýbentyvilletovwnship atSaturday' stite Ot Illinois andltat upon diIgeàPnt fi. 8 uofr, hisplace of residetoce tannot ibe cauuty convention. Litl i tereat aoortalnod me tltat eroiteas ir-reln can, ire ,rrvd upn îlt. hvlugbren i111,d In attaches anffdoubtless there relu not tir obeo!Ue CrrotsI onrt be aconestfIg del > atin foin NoRei, 19 tierefotr irureby «gîvn o t: ID b. acauealng eleatin fo afil Marclus J. Hyltrr 'etendant aoe ,for.vll LiIertyville tlu Sur case, îlot tIhe above neon. coupialinut brt. tfo ldier bil l t .-orplalrtt u'il iidct. ire Acres tminliylivinlg lu tM. on thre Clno-ry et.]., tiremrol toI ot o surumonetîmteetIor:l suoud 0on!r liI Guerinohhonie ou Mlantea Ave, are Court atinsitte atove namid ite!,-rdétat, eperiencing couidersirle mîetortume. retîtrnahle onu tir tr or f the tert, or tie CIrc!uit Court of Lak- t.onuty to là,irvld ai Fîrst lMr. Acres vas senioaly &50- t a rtire Court HonnerIn Wt.okesuuu lusalI Labo Conntp r,-irth0,t Mouloy of Math A D. typhald tever, iecessîatiig tire lm te ir 1ev re:tored. sud wvivol t Is atteudarice af a traîneS nurse. Nov soi p.odtng£. Lai ,O. BaocKwÀY. <lent hIe vite suttersareir sane diseameesud BzwJ- Hâ . u'j'àColulainruts oîl-ltOr. a nurse la lu ateudauce opon brer. li.JtM 010 linse. Cleruents tire lady virova Seseted ! be husand ud ,J,,eChnncery Notice. deaeted y be hueand nd EmemAFAIN IM. MILLER, Attar..y. for virose four litle chiliren vere state ai llinolu. prvied b!smpathetLie people ;[ountyy of Lak., provied CrcultCt of 0<Lak, tJOtiIty. Mari, terni,. heresirouts, Sled ai tire Conty Parm A. D.15)2. lu Ciranotry No. 1422i. %Valter E. Derlrbyand lHaipi L. Dar<.y Monday er romaiue vere laid Dulcena Moore,. 'heolore M. MIlle Anna Bý la reat la tire oemetery ou lir e frni, Ilib. Waren Darb1. HazelDerby. Uhtle Tueeday. 0f James Montre deceseeld." "The unkuoren boireansd devipfeee or James Moore. md, de- Bixteeu uev memirera vere tteu ce oamed -*Tire unirnown.heins and devise- intotheBonHurlodg Modaynig of William Moore, deceýasd. ýTire unknovît mb tre on ur ldgeMauay lit.,irirs andi deriseea o! Elinaier 5,nderillo and so notable an @enot vas deemed d eesed" sud "Tireunkuovu owuere or ilhe Promisaes lu tte Blîl o!ftionîplalut decrbelI wontiry iy members. af celebraîlon. T atisfaction atldaNit. tirat tir e iiendout Conisquenty au jetersuppe awa Ted teodore 8. Mille lu tnot a realdeut outIi Consqueuly u oytorauppr aaile iate af Illiueis. and lirait teplaceur nif &Il lterthe Initiatiou. A general residenoe aitire defendants "Tire unknowýn aIl flertireirrand deviseeàs.f Jamnaoonedecea.eod" goûtltiime folloved. Beu Hur uaw "Tire unkuovu birersud idevisee of Jsues Moore 2ud. decoaeusd. Tire unutovu Ire tm ira 42 tooeMirn, vstib More aPPlica- and devIes. of William Nonne. deeaaed ** -The. uuknown bire randdeviaeesotEloele,. A large number vere lu attendanc0 avovra Of th@ irerulees lutire Bill o! Coin- plaint deacrbed. ame unktoovu and upon w ai the Wodmens sunai maqinerade diligant inuiry cananot ie asc,,rtalued. en' hal Ftdeynigt a Ibtis Jearée e tirai procesa est iebeserveSt rnustîteror bai Fîdy îgt nSevnt anir 01thon. iravins beau llid lu tire oms vas ail liat previone precedtents of tire Cirk of! aad Court, Notice la tirereiore ireby Ret t, oail the Indlcater. It vonîd ibe. Park tbrilt said above nanurd and unkuowu defeudats that tire airove rarud coopluâlnaete ltrrto. and Eva Patton socuretl prisea for lthe fore iedthir lbill ofoonphinlilnaotld Coutr bost costume, and Wm. asset masudoutire Ciancery alle tirereof and thuot a aurnmns tiroepon Issued oui f ai saI81 Miilile Van NesIt o' mont Comte Courtagalinst tie aiovfl nsened defeudante. ocaume. Criéclrec sapr returuairie ou tiretiret dan of t"tirrnro f tire gosume. arlSchoc 'vs 0-O Circuit Court ot Lake (Jordti to be i,eld a nonced prime valzr. Tire costumestire Court House. lnWaukou" tu lu sdLa 64tounty ou tire tirai M oudri 0f Maroir A. D. vere mauy and varieS and tire la br iav requlred. sud viicir suti l characlons depled afforded great atlilpeaidjua. amusement tar spectators 0frvirom Lavid 0. Eoi~ in a 5z. Complmijanta 0 illetor. threaolve a gaaîy nuber. ;?li~esn.Il .. annar, . lAc, VYUIB Vn It5vli-muut5 Citizen@' Auaoclatlon Forl Promotion of Liberty vilil' 1lnterente. Tire repeated suggestion oliered by thre INDEI'ENDEIIT 1118 an OrganizatIon Of cîttzens and business men sironld bc perfected, vîtir a view go promnoting and advanclug lu every vay possible the varions movementasage gota tllow tire Present rapld grovth of our village, go luterest t ilseInutire lever. age and vater vorks probleni. invite and encourage tire location of III. dustrien, etc., promises go bear fruit. M. B. Colbyj took thre initiative this veeil bY clreulating a petlition and whicir was sigued by aiment every business man lu tire village, requset- iug and iuvitlug citizen$ 10 moet Monday nigiri for thé purpose of considering thre beet mode af pro. oeedure. That petitlan expiains is abject: We, thre uudersigned business and PrOoessinal meu of Libertyville, beiieviug that thre boutI nterena of ar village demsud tire organîzation oftan ssociation of citizen$ ta advance tire lnterests of Our village, develop le resources, invite thre location afiIn- dustries and tire iuvestment of capital, aud ta promote tire general vellare or aur people by every legîtirnate mens. do irereby Invite and request tire citlizens of aur village ta meet vitir us attre Town Hall on Mondai eveuing February 9, 1903, at 8 o'clock tirtaI u arganîzation of anuassoeinglon for tire accompliahuent of tire above purposes may be arrauged or perfectedl. Let tirere ire a goad atteudance at Monday ulgiris meeting. Every citi- zen ai tire village la lnai alone Inviteù, but urged ta ire present. Great gaad eau but corne of sucir s Invemeut if tire Organîzation ta praperly offlcered and supportod ln lIs inception. lu couluncl1eion viilaur village board tins association cau aOcoauPH&srtire Yeny tllngs tirat r.igirt novfi la ementita aur future veifaro, be accompiished. It la Imperative tirat about many donired Impravemente and Inuavallone, lu tact il la only by United effort (Mn tirere be aay snccem-. fui culmination 0f tire ai preseat "Propose"- Plans for impravegiente alang vorions liues, asudit la Vitr au Ides oft dding impellua go every vont»Y mobemnt and suglgestion viicrteal tend for tire betterment of Our village, igot thus association la Io be anganised. Let a body ot neprosentatîve huai- recommeud a certain Impravement, aud lrumediately tirere attaches an importance and digiuty la Il vricir demande attention. resuitiug lu Oare. fui conaidenatian on part ai tax payers, and eventually thre aompisbmenl ci lire Initial purpose, if i be meritanlous. iitaudiug committees vili be ereated to treat vitr and investigale any indnstries looking tins vay and ta encourage tireir location. A trans. portatian committée vii] be able ta accompli"ir900d resait.llte vsy of mproved train service and ta conler wsr thre electrle road ocisis viren bhat lino begi ns apontions, that proper acmmodation@s shallbe affonded. Bo tf vilI be, witir hardly a limiste10tire opportunities for dolng real service <nir vili redouud latirte credit ai th association and prove s genune enefaction. Diaoolution of Pantuner»hIp. î Tire Éru, aiMd. H. Colby &1 Co., la by mutnal consent dissolveS. AIll se- ocnus due saIS firm are payable ta Mi B. ColIîy t Son, aucoossons. M. B. Coin , t F. P. DyroNDo Laclaimed Letters. 11I.1, Oetst:OM for <iv eek endluF eb,. Mle Fil,, IIPatl A. Nolanti WÂanRDI M. Hx.ivuPoatruastr. M s, L L N E R y J tST for a Iiîtie lmeDOIama 010-ring (tclo e1lirem out) unireand ai bargus lu miilinery lTi ilenat fiction. An, dolug just viril I ad- vertise. ... SHOES... Penhapa a very 11111e out of date are marteS at juurt halt farmer pnices. Must mate rmou, for uew gaads auS vant tire moune! and roain repre. senteS aud occupied by my present stock. Itlmu uI go. Way dovu prices wiii da It,sudS liaIs lire viry of It. Tire iov long uip oorasa laiout) lMe Ilte agiovo anS glees tirat rleglut gracetul poise every lady admire@. il bhow tirrugladly. Mrs. F. Protine, Good Foot wear At rio seasoni of -the year la tlue question of footwear of more importanae than now... lDry feet are essential to good hleaIth. Our lijîell of I.ohdell, Watson, Plumber & Co., Rice & Hutchins; and Sidwell, DeWindt Shoe Co. shotis meet admirably the demands of the sea-soiî. Tiiese shoes are madie up ini the. latest styles and for priee, qirality. style, dîîrahility anîd ail aroiuîid wear art- iiiiexcelleul. Ask to sea olîr Men's $2.50 Box Calf Shoe otr our Ladies' $2.25 Caif Shoe.. Rubbers... We handle the celebrated, Wales Good Year and OId- Colony Rubbers in &Il kinds anld sizes. MA B. Colby & Son, Lipertyville, Illinois. To Our Patroni,, Notwithstàttdlng the tact that Our store te undergoing a thorough remodeling andi is somewhat "Itomn llpr, we are stili able to oi gooda anîd lippe in another week to be rIstraightened uprr and able to afford yoîî botter service titan ever before. Very Res3pectflully, THE FAI]RI MAX KOHNER, Prop. Libertyville - - - - - - - Illinois. My fail and winter samples are ln and a finer uine you will not find. Cail and examine there before placing your order. 1 will gia.rantee satisfaction ln style, fit andi quality. Prices are riglit, too. FRED CROKER,' LIBERTYVILLE'S TAILOR. Yolu get Colunty Chicago Cbe cost is fnominal For a telePhone in your place of business or your residence,. the increas.d and growlnüg service of thi ek Telephone Company aund connfecton with th@ Telephone Company. For information, rates, etc., write.....~ CONTRACT DEPARTUENTO .Ibortyyliis . . iune"Is. 1Lovels' Drug Store, l.IbftIvl Sot Coal has caused no" end of soiled paper this winter. There wiII bc a RUSH in the Spring :::n : : : mý

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