4T I 4LI ha-NRR.vicilu lye ici ahqm léas; MIe CBU-iilc. Lsoufrynsp. illdent . huin ull, ntl,!sui;o lnefo1h0C gp jmue, Wilmiam iles tVers. o w I Irt ieiort s, ie Iark e tplnBhfe inocr4" C-97. 1 au 1ssf ltne. ee Thce tut a.a m u u VoU,;-tttifuIr1l.J.J.Wt te te t"49fer t Ffuur ~7: %eethadishict, WI- - - shilThisstrdsta thue em-cuuli Ia- Ucel h fla-ee a 1 p~~TKorlc1>u- Qolu c.atemorbuldnand the ai < aie, G. Catt" i-e AfIn sea-ralers o > c %watlh e i hum . . e r- 'ucaobfert b e liespontrhi IlIthtu veion' teh $4liu& eut. th u e reilufJOtet t sprh.d ia cedar tec oodIemmî as leme thlec in Markeble ir ca ile theose of enlg 6»4 -t. J. RGI VIl ELAMuýile. juyifr the foun. etth reddet Bdia aS Plia-ileo., et à -eIt iayte 1ae krrwbeiurr, Weii H. re- 'Gli r aiUecstaj' e uBn df- naiola boadtem et ic tsiowestra lh tls Trc os 3IMk, laid.alf h lehy ved fr tbCir faplii caýptaai 1<« ad Bhaenjameuint "eNtaieAltme le tie trt ho dgaS is it , l ,à m«ai es., pol'îlaO la l ,thi . sld inghi&k K Valey.od-*Wl rItr tuitclty. ucte- Tfot rem neaommdO bty nvg lti h loie.rive.I Y.Wil. liH mgqrnisieferict evepntlen 00w Ct.. Riv 1I crillYea rIe pta arol atliEfo trai eon e .a.Yre SpeeI jiatMihoms 17 MI.t e eoctlcln.buotlba in eift Theu rjcto ae prlt!t h e t M a vIe.mmiiàil -mm ~ tut.<hhiai$4 1 n-boa Nl a m iictefi te, a i Clkache od cma lelia tewnsh sfiikWh î 'orllo! i bs eterEeue c soas lac POLou&Ivlth ternir onEnsart, the fnd. SmI AlTraitesGeumnat MamIeeo Th a. fIaof- -bni-mrotcec ofes aIq ~U$SA SIJOISTbsga uly a aL ta te .» qa tub&i.~"Mif«Maeeinetelm irJesM.ad Stobt phient eieurbd ulisorle fl ce-a beusntciu Opii Ici#. tlfr ivc. ccuaere tmi Louf Md #r sas, 1Pthf 142ilot arver.1e. At ib naIonlcu H. V, lay, mi t I a mo tl t cet- wqist att hPri at L' iï4 !Boseha d astis tri ae*ii Th e i eue et hi ac. fi-pgg ror 0bond ofieetia audemu.s no1bilb is t uadâetlasy reemita "@mintte GNew*Jsun badu sstir olutionI urlraoI p s%=ue. civaeltoranet b hé,lCld. 15Clo.sti p4aY«go clssctioinlsilhe Miis i ui l'vae vaido" 8rLseI i 4el, iMi tues, ant Bofthe ofM-hie scye4"one W oio3cu la »w.pbut c eding cd ,Mlx Poion >t e o wlth thaset bse- preiomi et of e lardne. vaevllecm k tb Chiic. a dainae maaimer, toi- dIvrouce ho Chicte, bgis tret gsthafrle bui bin coder e usiness rduatof -l amiral linillueti. Taie Tre W*Jia- Pour pTii. ti-mrs et 1h. F, » a"huga t i te 'rblisc. gct stieutreantami" MW, tba bisGlte oit arr maG.urO m<i tVeprel Mrly ove e iaes.M- t1a mu meut n4lue airati.Avenues,4 te ntionet alb e railta re a oofe trct.lel et Brosei, Mici., iUt>abuisod§ as.èig I tri v ilbsuae itbaer. Bla 0,;e Un,W.cuti h oan lme» ti 10 fi duIh, orgi-t . W ib vas l" at eranho ie fmsToii rltet Whltue O klaZlu bliuzarti Vhlch viab g-h abcm j u 'mol «g sooput i m hv-hu p- ftbie, lthlua aile nem *«hvbc pbais ai trou-as becill ucao.loaÀ n,Âsm te alt. à »cr.otion &ie>Àmclor mmois tues On4»1iof uboneU- <pl. RitnsnwbIuet $100lnth*eirmeflrt ý-l =4lat I d1h. ri t he loi ui i oiier D. i-i niPu, nid Inestinschèe ad te- ei an w c saisebcdqo plid.a-m a ttfeotandmtnkmeS ph.svassee ou me ý a I . b~laei stppaminton te la-dto vudile CassavIhi qb6 MrSAN M @dUSSe O ilAT prer Blutre InhctTIao bi rpà re.- - cabusOiness iret 3km sies lm.uely, plm t ise hIli lam pe -Y Ue 1)111a vuie ard t 0 l -id. eiodgil7 eel ";Wdoa *ât i q . e y ti l.pThticfomle$ aOf ithe' [~daptt or-iIil .p er Im le tg. m d le-e d., a M@d Ou th* Mg ier . einy t «ne f rme 'ou l ou il d1 4 1 sud a h Cii s-- <. Ogaisateion I afo in fot up afrm veloaseee er s R SC ie neet pt p Harrisburg spbard or s tee, t, la*09 the isIautiaôr hen h i 7pay l»ers- 8 di U kt At*ermauhort poht lti f erlismaplilS pniiest el -mits»SItofBo iucaaMeh-,ie a- r -i -TCineth t t 'lc1 . -rs sr i»1*ML LIundpssiir tain »w«. ere- eauoransa a-- - deva ae nd %ra orhalobes hiit .. 1giiw Pnitiw à* ho. t snlme2 oica bscfomte M ' e In Wertr ut luieol, j"îph36>69cle"ui M 1, tmg eai e U.i t er-n fanon!,u orll te 1h. o bavelbieno"APhicia po. uIdhedqt-it - lentis f ee mahnmen *boeufpon b a. pil-h x it nt, Sti? at t liromand h ies te o<auinnthef aJeha f et ý«édù% W. I Ru -:1 i b it" rW4m*.i rod .lu îiE5 4flu Î_ e.~ ~lufoubdier.iRi- Cth'Iodae ee tom inWlevi b eaie 0W uhmuh coui euete 1q~'30 The fousanr elativ.Who - *~~ ~ tatrohdmuce p t bahve, - 0 . .The fu etlr1 h beuip arer41 oi4,wIti fud. ol- hl= w mrm mWentet, r.. A"i i?~v wh igU sitis t4 meeuîre«. XMU Lur B. Diu, eorWhestou, t4. At prienct p ewUa" iercluàivelY for 1, Wbeteii of Dreedwi. Mo.. Gel religions. bp,abli «$Mmpt t rom tira- m IffarV Whesteii cf Southi Conter, don enutier, tie lu*. lu ipractie.anil lO. The. CAU.oi of hia deatb as a thIld ILSIATIC IMSO a ~zUs IjUIg DUES. rinirciiproperf>', gheeir dlied ca plem .1>14Wh" eCMAh ftl'cte& whil, ittenduis tilYý .01 wormhip. liaV.p*ml sébools. etor ely IZ ai.s 5m-wet 'meiifr, Ât1.mgo1t "Charitable lu $*t sati"6 e mt taire,. Lu Wbeatm e uil stands en landth t tMr. Aft t5ia,mm o'fresCi.$ sledslcll bprbpectibn. lRep.Whfttam mii blébrother homeeteflamin ~ tolrqlt ~menî %%-Mainâe friageabnii retBd,,pte-màËBilu In1837 lie vas theia elWs " etPecrrCouly a fl0oo- <juaiîi rduNnthl b.feuroe a bll ex- fra , ostmet# ef th. towa named foi bute, td iubt lriebpl-cheraniline, emptlcl'i ail- prirats charitable 'istitu- hen, DUsriedua ad vera! termae - lu%1hoa m meCdasea a éteM.as, lei -tions front txrtomi. kpmentétlvc . U -éL l. it *te clecteil te the. Blute 'Is tocgJ.Jt. fotytomof idifir axcou- 'Y. Bheriii aç igmdueeii a bill i teudegii lAIltft ou the. Démocratie ticket lu sî MORecM et $40% timmiillât behie 0 te eut off iî-.a*l rexpaen S ncltlm, 1 va i gegroua douer te Wiieateu rite ne flteBifii*117tour bumiieliof Carle, plow&n-nee of oWbes of tiié Legii.a- CdU0;jmai 9t tin tlne ethi$ deata wu51dumel *0 la c"s, lye bu"haI. e pistepati- surs aho au-,- sewvI6 e my serve lu theécait iirecieroe ,e inititutlou. reis Af twu tIPU ta I»*sIiylin luatire théi.future by aipo tt hy th. (Gor- WcrrM 14.1* Wliertnuwasborhlato i blarge Page, one ut d »fliW al. V situer ot virIeue *tttboudéansd cm-- Plai,05-,lu 1812.and vas cdu- oî % iipe poture tfoi ter mielcklck- mijotions e. uso T.Dasue -ctm IM yPnr u oetocek mcud- Ch ete irenos (p the **Ir« o*» "met cage ltrodue,!a r'utls oer c con.- ec&Hs amm te iiniuoI. n183? sudli, ale,slr, athegb expertea .6.14 malte ,tttutleumi ,meuuiiet whicli, if adoited. 10k 'op S"Me et land la Dupaes ohlgmet et li aes, a puuelem woui enabis lh&ufl* te enset iaws --T t at, te brint Ia Prient lu dot. iudepcodentir eof - thout the intPO"ebomn tyvuinofheemlX» ly.Ier-steI umiels of wheat. andtirese fuel. la «amedie inet radiw l lkltia-ve aud referait-sr ti. uer Mateeki aise, 1St 6le euti*cdm.mensure yele p seil. Upen peti--Lm lui 1 -h bounuhel gR te ouïr'one- hé liitim Oft8Slier cnt of lie voers. a pro-el -aboesaplilesaiimlly tae .Urmalppose,! law *hall hm'.hh0tted te lis Peu- wlts mding'her Illli. Neo VIsIOI1>1e. and if it roceitpq a majorty ofthei Bn oute la te tle id.redslu. theil ed teibelstthe tripe 'vote* cet upon ti.posPition l t $hali » lu odertita teNabylle. th prienit tépasture fo Ibeceme ast 1gw."l et lu debt 1. cows m 5 ee Gh otir m fa b-o ytener"Disrniy ,r eur Pili b. *Ir« ow e" *halIlbe dlvided !ou'ihe ieath t th et it Ire o e graniel. The Rouât wc a seselsion but fèfteenth1 aid dur phen m iuutes Frudity and thmn sîjoîîrue, ou- long f4bt in ANTE.N-UPTIAL CONUAVT VALID 'tii Moday stteruiOa. Ilpesker Miller g ilae aulvocte,! -intreduccil a bill te gepeiti the e pa ed eSwtj b afr ooée - W.Tr twuo years ua~ gif .quifiriîîg 1ilorfe et Shave vlgted iEniL5dldisI~ birtl . suil ilcaha maisud iitheorfýd- lave emmant- The Supreme Cort hlict ffirmedthe inlg oftdt.e came, lii'reîlstiou efDor ,fts,. v-hd r'ece leLvh eu Crutinteruientg. or ether, dleoi(asi ofdeîdO0 Cit li Paa- our intheCas etRevlo livr YT, bode." Tbreai chi rille of thei ame rp *Jty. al .Whit m oum luedec* utb i1.chirccter have bemupsiited. but ihis, oefn a. aorrtèle ~ Oliver égalant LJ0. eacnc fronitiihé,speaker ofthle Ml e iy bmî-Brown etetl. Oliver Ws mrrici seaerai lieuse, ecrryle cudîtilai a-int. sud, rtoPO J .. »Yeargcte t Bloomingten te Mie*Ma Mcd eietica leaisa sjmi cneelcîl witb - id Robiert La- Barlow. Thrl was an mt"eupi*cm,- t phicia .- fpuil-sc. terestoipake su aer~trwit byý whieh Oliver deetict te ber 420Miller cays he 4*gb met thiok tbt .ps-am le*c i~cr"a of land aud a liomestendtinluChute- cage of the ret*gl bil l ilaffect te. V 9img. cm hul.c M ttee. Worthî. Ob& ibelli tehlsamcrn ~ t ccîtai regicstig iec f acieor intecr -_________________ famlly muntl agageii len, La Elbldd dCout»'. A toPiicelu nthe 81.11AM lie deires te do auli n 1h. gli e.pen lua Mi m del& sitarr the masticS. liebrougi: suit lm te frigothét emUditsoetrural mcouu- Ciig.pushie mearmtbdllber. und Ti tc scca,. au Rsulmeut oettteCenotrée. ultimefrein irIat ih.y conarîder an ci-thrt mle a7. At hlm elclttu Ichm - -r'-- ~Ifilbrollherngec Chi-CWmtu mm ruli LallI. ieglut thilt Wiluhte, phe wana a it- mrlous la-. if - -. "..c'*'- -es,. vasic party te a cmopircy. The Cage helth I&w% a,g peakir gays, Ilic Worc.ter, Maose.,imtollcwlu- 3111and w9Ê kychre ~ Court ceeret Oier anti cayg thst taiéde- uhr lccuid vu<dce taiilbl5hitshic la t. 3te M re. or a«- te0 1>11 .- ,cre o etclewer court la just to bhen. tlugescy. -SUt m SIe c es tmantisIlaUdjol0alu& OUh(m)à< faIttien a - v theieu igetScit emvahlicil te o er lf Vii 4 ty th Bcie LOêCK DVEBUILD>INGS SERIIF ie@ut. GeOY, <rtoott und au) udjeuru @ta"&s. ide.Wbsm a g-aa--ldt. hte 1 ement te taie -meutw.tpue heMMathe Stucu Monay Ohica.sulotbstrmEMMa e- if ogmi. wh W» V ire, te Mlmm aCaseL@smAggIs- iternuefet I5 o'clcckg. peurfor a s# a y . f s7Peà lmid alffl 111 111 es Ceunit. Taie . gatswu $20,0tâte-a" b. Im m ili#for 1 4 , hM cm -# edltii. Mur- Tii. Blomhwgtonlire departuret va Theflouse met ea,&S enloek Mondaser C iiiàsboum oef1h" * -64 ___te u ceee ail a sumnomeei te tie -illage cf Mlean the aflezuco.with lmeaiiteadeenil - 1li Y ouu a a t h lat ' 01111111 a*t lie te ven laeloier nigt te *sulat lu msim,<the. topo teuri.atteadime.. By unsuimona cona- 'hor. H. doittetitzy acroi te Whe*m-a l froue destruction b, lire, bt,,citer ia t lReprésentaive slevart, the prod- toam chele. of phicih bc d homo adi- clul aqumi. block hald héen destroyad ieé u" *muuhr. p rt$ed eresoein rector iuo a .cine M edie&d.te eOrimu. 0f ®rporatat Blaitei vere -controlied b! th.iltWmeeprovhdjâsfor î'tailsmwission ot a coumtl- lait tulii t MthOdIsI UiewiehurcliTâ te lias Ileuseti lrigee. Tiihe aatuted la the 1Monta- taiint ameuduttoi universel sue- lu Wiisto1u. nebai i lb.leqmedi"t& elo ctio X(leorii. geKu rsiral hr asîlme s Théréceîts ' vas rnierr,.,tulien 01 ilil ir . fetmmulir ci the fret e» »câ cf $20.00. "» We4d *i y uset lii<h p fttee on elijotas. R~e mnpltm eimcscltofieii êdla Oie voit- .17 il fO Mlion - proprietor. MSu b ldsswth tkelé tiraeStéwart i sio lrut4ced s reachuthon d Blteè, th*modwityblg eallhdi ale tiChar ii.cotucpra burneLMTi.principalurglag Sesutors Cebffl sud Méson îtelU 13 uM~çm .tant ot di'oi ire loraan cymOr &son, mureultal arum ttcpassage la liiinational ilenate o et NOS orwlem LGO b Clak Âthi mplemahe, stock of 85j». 8. L L.ecii thie bill eetrletiug 110erstte evo - tei upp ma ti os,a gropery, stc«* ,I:AltitTys-o, lu itoxipntlng ge"qusm iRieenlatly "m psse tasA e1h grccer, . $.00; Klug reseliuraut.$1000, Kiemm" lic. twe bille fer the réguatioun .Set' F hol adui, 1 Tirbu ildtings belgigugte C. <I Aid- iiitheatcrc. Onu.flu Suuuay per- 1Uheatu mii »tVta* O w i telu. 1 miWIG r.: The total "oals 30000. vita inl', ruaco.btpeVOItRue tti.- ~ ~ ~ clii. a Caiktgo surence or one-hait. )McL.an le itai- Iirmfor rellgoui VSueir. sacreii Cou- p~i4l tt~W.£Cr. pris, a Ru thepreosuce out ire pretectien. -cens s ied the Ilita. ; elis econd bill in& -l w8au nlii uet 10 L eChaos. eo. 8 - ~~préaut et -c-vec Mu thhaes,.i-Horhd, a"o Ithécalleli tabe.ti old. died t lber KRLLE!> I GAS EXPLoSIOll llma t provides "liaa-te orsttele c"oin# utbermiimbstoftpq4îuian aou fmlu or thé. auatet &bcon lbelemue,tbW teeare ceat& lu laiiula iii ii~ TheaOCE. S*a et tli matb im lathetie I MdpeIi*ltil roellut f _ cc! eàiha' outh- Acetn mkun hisl h lhe mictcl rh ilta uit.is .--.- ----r ier.ty t --Car- Aa explosioni lauth plant et thétXc, tchélsas ot standing roa"Tekr ie lals eplepd.talsicCeupal! earthChicago _:_'.. . relted la thbmintant dcciii of Tuons. Tuasduy wvas the mot factive dey out md i tru l. M IL Steuens. vWhova ha Ibthébui&ludIga ithe .5oPwos-WTpebille pai-ü ut ihiboeume Plai- ._=M97l e1 v7UtPi brcke à okditien l ime atcter h.macerrw. -u pr.Oii<$9,000 for a statue *Dlas mt 'Inu"d ol ie i a;i hmWhat c*ucal thenexplosion lisnDt buovu.st JreaN Vîadîli icdl but t la boele-etit t I ,mlte4 . sa cmr p.Wahntsact neawTs rdàliic uIhlocfa i liat u a-e tpiluqover =-ssii g le %ea- pro 41113rMOOfor tlie edief-ruffer- th. ean rbgLa-uv.m lo tknhetact vltii tbm tai. ,Thie tterlor ithé ca-slu Bw,s »den '!FiulsmL 'ýTtc Speti- o.e t h. Plut buliding vau completelypr«eheià"miithe lab ief blillesseti îe Habie.by a vote....... scoend Frank 0 a.ilerovf4ij:Ùr bm le t 12T07,Daikcw. r, -H dJohn- 2 ......U Monba. Tihé- vIcia bptufWIrllNthebiOvni 4W Tie volt- tB ill1b 1 olà-teéau ili o e eery -empioyes et due tactory viuddob& ne15<i.1TkiMaill i lfI - ppro~priad"ut tir fi bh" ii 1800 ýmatIer o et won tuered <t recentir onteredthetii. pioy eor<610cou- $W.00fer Oie purchsce et iIbm site etfeh goul! preiiiOtoi.buthl . tobtme Ur' il eIWiseli m ayfrm Irnaoction. inh. HO lt a.c iepsedtcfoseb lle <.roees for Ithe app"rst do- P learc a vliop cti tu rlufouél. tvé 86f t010Y&4.lunttc Bmte Farnm Ccrea.é. Thie proim liuo~ m10,P on Cooely have ..big -piccluz Sei-v>n utider <h. jurliilcticfl vhleI> va.about Zl.00,00>2 grateb uppliemtiij te ANKER yVEoHUN cxT02l*àT«. ut i. electou cmmimsiient pofPRMISm , or " slomlu18, hlauémet.i socsthat Iss. u, 10rect. aàduo lie -Aibericn bihll ut Agextriordi- <bIlg faatry buame areet atuinla it A. Lori. Ymk .Rcamc Wslua rmnul, petiltes tor ttempti onttcelite of IMinuit.daentthl.matceimsue ite, l FrnkI Hom ad ie fréta tilf ~lue Présient ofthle 1lîîito$>talco. cabi- t.mte tputyo ra Woel iveceae vluei ot elacero. Geveruriniian$ galher publie aste second amen; theaie tttufer chlck- et ofIra J. Couch Foo M. Rchardson oet h. lint oeg 4aW .Boletr- l'arker - lutrodace,!d eu seldtut-~ inklugs liver- bouse «ett 1.WrIge, h iiObl c tiot rogefutioii callngon o0cerni et tiie udisecond for 4okks. The v4p@.0 sili a eea-*. - Wyoulug pudetei tou a hoe o i goerumeut, SIt wtromaees. super-. poutrr bu firme cf llncl-w*o edtmaI- »- Uliard. whio elep- recrt isa, atidhiblé bdy' pi fet u ltune.riu 4W hudi cticommit- cd iM 30418,008.The. polrymanti eh .TJoeph F. WW -the Wvoeils, due mle trou ist e lt. Wte!m 'ion hfanti chbers lu nathoritY te pedcet pc. Umrsthau tb«tre s diesm, led a. bill feund luéey te vs dlemesdofau ci p- muJuit te -the Legsaturs 1tdsta froin grogner- tbanu ibl, hopever, tie valua bm-P1 ehargimg cernelty. parel ecept underclethleg. 't 'a tue w4lch cutb.éascertailied taie exact sta tueéIlgs 20,250,00-411»87.59fer peultry to of West lBrook- poseii tattlie-uufertuuate smct vas cuti- ;of is Iliisd5 fiimjyrol.This reo- sbi, M4, forte,.e#Dg leai plil reaci deuly bereft Of reud, hcY dopnad muti ion cille fer naine aulonteul l t vle fClfaimpge- e cl ring va. camil perisbed f routexpeure. rtisit quipeulcatîaîî tîne cuploseil sud mal engiii n ll wuc a.$UiBSS1,t0 bas P ers destroy- - naure ot employmei. Wil aso e lle fer, id peutzy andtieuf orumd MD.5pet RU%&WAYGIRL CAWSRZD, the e .mcet perlOtns out soe -r"=*Cent et lis aMMnor $»0.»%m00,cestat-A ceunry!,coutrlb- - senqadm a pvopelutl5.ý1h@v@ lie.e4 tb metnga,!o-Rbohn DM" Eoteas net.e' t skem ide.'The.Rouie G atgteeon fee.* nes rict 9400dosci. cet la Ti.tjete e présa-manqEiepnt, m~.~Èe reported ,tiraorabsthe q<h sla '10vholetg Iblai pletiefou'- utuai limuinit sud ~~~Mies JoetEOUckttonbue s 110011111W riceen t iilte rclseelegbe galIerie@ .liuposlieScee .l bytlir father, J. R. Jouesýj,uUMlii- fog*A. &l t 3 iéai. tcé Amildend cMii 570 eeînts werm orbh-0.3 oe ais Chicago stock'k ec me t n m.-aieu WPc --esividlng iu- -ut a.iý astBitperlor ose"ti- o O- o p icten.- iq »e iglit oetaa edYoung lMr. Palier, aslie teare tchie m'uid. jutigu- ofetcok Ceit! syhall b.e lait! The.combaiatlve tctment bol*-v Son J. H. lRus- A tev deget«0mae letI heoie»sM.U- 5,000 egciannunhiy te Blute. .The chopa taoieltion, beid by poutip cmil ie he dtour fieuneti. and-tarings te bail elope wviLb attee oirpays $3 50û. The fHousejudil- OM eattemntithfaim ci-upc of Ilitucle- Palier thé, father vireii the marriage cbliry comuuitéee ilieti Ericksonaus luhl oi---------- 1im05 et elvder ~ license cierhie it ChenandiiWaukegaunprobibiting bookl - ranipo eligAliiml- - - - ------.......... et Waukauein terfue iaceai. On &caCCU 0f OfSte. ut rie.- tricha; aisete-OpeuluI llPro- iaî,l tcrai cauellet tBock- -vtding tuat n n uumolvet ion$hlsl 418- Ic(mlbttrsd. lution Io the. -i L4P1 5 VO» UM»OUILty. poe of. et.ctjieew. poulîr! cuti etRay.&:- noiet rdio1olry u fl....... . 0... M, va& placet! ln SpringWd *ia*suve.e i Iileg - Bom.cu0t.es Alml dubteic---------..... temarder of'hls e iis*Ib11F£ AifS. Htiucmou-Note, chirmai Wlieel- uMlscom~i e~eIs Brcprt ae Charles Muosehi. chailmi ltkll eor Svgrl. Wllkeroen. Morrie, Chris- «FOR M (M 1STATE TAXE&. el lreblport. Dcv. - Thomas Rider vas foliasi rrieii 'inii ob,, ailt commnn . r -otGrdn Juz.-r vlhDicells <i 5mI.gt1Joti uf ileil. In melkal, P.dmrsen, P-sa rlu3 eoueia aa i ciiega kuiIcd Court et BI.hbàiL fumland ider InStewart, MeManunîiu. Petite. Reger- 1% ' etn iflolalm angesuisa gt là 1h.,IiefRSonCentainas. imd.,Clark, iCeutuBurke, 'Illicole supervisers atindlertm bobi toi- WimlantM IM CRie trosI thé. iuititren 1 l àlasstte ll.Wilsoni. -their Blute convedticu la Bleomlçglo Gillespie, clsud tlers"»onorlue et ybbr. A tP etin ro.-Veit e- kttfe. TII. Jur r«elauasagreéh-sua; vo.ve,,Cherry, Etipirdii.irsmess n periueuut topiez pers dehla--à abi, chlns 'tlic- metcflter iielflWagutiu wl bourt. MGis Srcm In DvICS, Icerinanu, oe&don.ir Charlese L.Capon on--Bu- s îrlug oblUtite li- adrtM RurlNonm.Esse, Wilson, pera-imre csied Couuty OllieaW blg v lad 10 ye0fte--1- wpetea-decClre. CoOke. ensule thé. atterinoisd suotter iiy Prof. Il, cut'PeroeMd A jury et SrglS, 89 oisanmjoeu* "Dmioil-.Bîîaculmm;Pusv enlr.- rcdeut ef thèrBtatr o=t P»YbW dr etKl -ag a f.imr, a Uneion tailemr- dAtarV1,Tuaga r.Ciiret,_ amArnold,, normai uPJyrmlty,!e ou.Ttc PublieI 11.01 Hutet 14 rers. N«don, Atubmu acvqti Unis vetraAU. luti. lter f fDe t«.Kin< lmfl ti fl Gra-m . 1 0L. %ai nNÊhrt = --titionui the<b.tats,'et ugtt. Dise-e .ulà gte wiof i- tubitig m otb«ce caum Wi ~- 11MuriryMcKtinley, IM . ,iuoila, lusthe mprésenit revenue 'systemMXV. C.- iiita tIrVUla~~ae i» ieb~toit eaîpd OP -Ilhi, iul.EcI.,Dm PBmilait phîle it vas tiresliat luatGraa a'iuiio am iit mu. imm.Lke prIliS Old te dea-imei that wo1d de. l ep Rev. tbcl jareticeiIn ail casea, 7.l1t1 "@.luol 22.9direseoie btite, vsrepnKlug iht Gaa-s je. luldiiiAl portitiumt - NMlvaulu, ercuasticls er'a&11cers uuwe,,tl( eoeéircl ýehulmem;Trautumuul. G. TuTner, et sudBlu. -geweeOnor seo, rilut x ui ions. ~»~th Sa, liWBilgm*ua ci,-d rIeasmmn e o i lt ro meta dAeie. ou Tait-R yctdn. behm eU!, thiop-i gl-. ooti g#*lfti ai g' un; how ue ach uais i l mîry aller give tIe liohv plrllte 1tat ait tli?-Luto 11* ftr hitm1verkt aICorlnthFiaul slat- on tus retu re jouiuut! te Pelâsiois . - ibig ou 1h. vai aS Dub na, a i lait bis triende AquuaanM4 4,'rlela, - pi e salleti for Ceserea, sut citer a t Ati corne tra rtaiSltbn hm. second rm1.ncI journeï -vieti end. This joursey badi8 imecedti b. iilng et tihsrcahiéc o! et Wuhhior ndet onte fircitjoeareyanti 5h adug fe chercha Mestonk a mt is. The twe patiea te tIeo ChrWs tu cf Tteciilo ioa hlit bee rltn Tite Thii-airwuri re thti djeume. lmatng fromtIirs Kmr yesr, folloved aiter canImiteraiL tlug freint Autioclu Pul trcveled br 4thi-ouga sutiiesaAda ib ier. a t- ciareadr tioe triavcrie,!, Io EPaix. se le rem ilaiedt woe re.. st titre.s at -or more anal a get pot wu tit Il vmc roiv 1à pelnt luit ho le tve lttera te Corinta, ue ai th la nov let. Our lprentl eou" ao t tic bglaning et the rsdeces Ipemur. ,15 la el. iovaer, te note tafrther course o et stut iion- Juuey lu urter te grap lsgeacril Ifien. Lesa-glpheas. lu 67 ohayl. Pul èromed te Macee"wlm uig Beceuti Coritins ae heejoeu- rti; nent îhrec smntai h etOrilit. rle h. rte flomaus eni, t4ccondlag euea viev, Gaitias aIse; Test usai Maceileniâ. croaseil te TreAS, es lom'u lue Coast tofAsia Miner te rtui, phere hueeliade tîreveli te te rs Of tie Eptesian eturet. mAddibsu Udtact te Pletn. Il va. 08 hWe a-cl t ieralem trom Cîceares i- i w att p etitlunsafe y, t tlui e va rete. Atter luis came the impa-icn- nt cuti taie Joaue te Rame. ,A aiti-Traïmd Pr.mbe. !Te lemeen. bearlur pen tic Intersee- vont ket Apoilt, la mit ieïdtiteuthe ,k et- Epiiesus. Tt itrposs sîplain iievI vac hi Fu f me half-lumtructed illeIPtea Pon bisl a-adI, t E plie u . ailti trac te e " ",i Oie luceuplele Chriellin lrainng e abrillatAlexamdrlau- hep Apehiot. Il aId lie latermiut te isPv -more ct »0«e tisa tic ev T a e ntt e Ti e «ou l io n-ohet is- Mh m tsi pétili topligeet em osNt m a.2 lug ýc -C rsin liqp a t or ti«* lf , te Spirit, produect ILaigls tu meut eawa!c ieteucing, u eW efPhil; anti 4Wzxa4rim rog b ie ia roducet i i i~ ~~ý woem thoplas lu mc chers a. O riga. A pdtle % w*1 k eu gragnv-d uit toe - 4té rcl lnimction front Aqua o41", els s tetimet Cbrlm t rnilcfw e Wu ho <bc auia, o mu et tbecami-ea IdpDos s lo b met the lad m ev ie gjftef Be ofhntL Ph. 011t e chm frt 0 Init ahm are a. multitudeet Ilrs - euatsd bldeti.bu t- illo Ibm spirit...leu b mique &et e srie .erec t l gtit l tandm wo«wlg oLtiWle1 *" -piek h l h. ibeolaRel! Mer !iut.je c 'olg f 11 Spp 15454 lf i "ccbuiiulle" im I4 tusMr .ak met uât left e ai4 le a 1iitiiagdelndt Np hr; I-blesbeint Md ia .tourli Mdi iem* ure. Te facl liat tub èîScetititç -listg idM« ribla wb ilg le dte h = et*&a pliani IritaieperlobeWtebhiouIhtt9W rne cI oon erclen, bat-ettesa bl an tIf rmam-te c4uçlous reilioitocf lie tpillngaisesmdl"et fGoda Spiit se a. cintroilu- power lu 1h. Ine. &cie 121-M. Moriea hnhsl - "Tor tlftm» e,"roirtf i t aataurv-hbo puae luspectgtowvcr tf anr luis tuio "are mi bIîtIQu but ,tibey , !I1 te wltli de*gmlr." "Are - cr o-m ulattiuabe il?" mmllcdtlee4hýpanie e nlet, 8taP. ngbachi a Moment-té <ace crteml st tic postergîI t e vas puilui. 1 Unittm inabl?Pl maie eclajped TIsley are 4posbIe.ý-AtJaOtu COU- ittutlou., "DItht a-et!'leannet i hiIaVia- maoanme Inte 1the blorapealidiclgou- t!' of mot.,!mn d iiwoiuu?"ash (r. Die'. "Ton tautme ltb. b toliedti shiotber fors.a elte ocf herlite.,, "No, che dduWt get lu" repfft Mga Dmnimy. "1e snt lier a blaiit forute 11II,a iui bm tint Item v-a: 'Plea. tâe fulhlanme msud exact idtm et nIrtù. "~-Detroit iFtee Press. -% n me, rou dou't remeuiber ume, ir r "Ne, Sitr,-1 doa't. "Im Blus. I ove ro7 0 "Ahi Nov tat youa ells h- ti--meus. 1 remenuler Pu 3perfeet1Y." Aud -Ntblag Carm Il. -libes suterlus vîti a dreailtel dis.- puse.-, '-De, chiïe tn. utiuzfor 1if?" "Tee, etetytling mnue csu. leskIL- tomaula."*-PilmdelPhlu Bulletin. Rîcil Auat-"Heust!, tost baveu ra rua througi i-thlî ai r amume îuiciky'? Tell me-ttaî'i a &M6uet o iow.i, - Peniteuit Napbew-"Tou've $DM"ue Il, AunlAan. - Seins a wem tellav." Hle'-1ve huit p miniite t"ayonk. SBle--Yea IMle ouracif, "fop' Bythliitg reaWeu met" "No;Istriut $oe' have bu a It. W... fa s w541 ~. t.~m Ou s I q t'ai