*uaE#I 1usd h *t* pot tâI 0 L10 lie Mo a lae 10* &op ,.a s:. -. .. --. %%W B.a O a â» il.ds res o> o..m u*e t ya, fltug aI orme UÈOaiMs. 1 H uiWdfPu*, »*Mlftpa bsas faMtesp st no 5ufe Bokebeb pemlSua LotUse ppe i»tai ,0M *ê',4oe là ~~~~~h 4u ku *taiu lt wfIl m ua C. g»UAMaasuoi. t4*1u the e on"lo Bd mire me am4 oa# glad lamt Val pargotg never icornu. is la bard S sut itUpari vith te lité un pes, butl V*I0 W55lUon mgus4la faso< fr abburaboune te U* -" mil~ ~ ~ e 1Iso*1 u se, t)a 4000. U5b7 sturll7 Ïm4r.duc to ai n elgbotilot *hâ iia~Or.uièred l ci~bute Mir. sud lirs,.Coedl ub, of Ohicâgor, aient dqd*.wiavttlCalaLab. i i yOoerls, f Ese». spm ibe luttei paut oi lai yak viti l-mm Young. Béru, fto sud lire. PaterSolonui Badar, Aprii 19, a son... .. S. y. mallnta. of et. Paul vUffid iaumis lua tht. vlisly saluiday aud Otuait pracîlSe lo nov bord ia t4e Joh Taiio, ~ Oloigo, vlted I A., Dilxot 14 Buday., Mien *ilso. of Chicago, tiatelciber Urn. #taux Nottinghaun,. x i ujier, 14 vltltbler moth"Ur, i. Dalsie. Qûbsit lordlior«an sd son laremes mm e.woodworth le vsttlug le> liste, lire. W. D.. Wsslibexmagala uMis 'Bei. nu mis yrtle May c ago*lia elua thhe ifft etber brother. JmmI i.à0 vite oYtt Slu*wa. Ol *mpat te Pla"vegmss lcu st xe; s "d /lSOts 5 iabt Xqud« vaitthelN ft"«,% puint. Wia Wrlu ileu sput S41rd.9y lu bsd i lB 5 Moti t* ta sGrai a nhiu *t suS Uw M qli ueM om li. ailaseN r sic lIa, *cf iiaaie estevu 04 omto p 4q.Ta"oiU i»nusà c al stoi tla epsoen ils oetichebaffliasansesu- lm ceisSivas là Ltlotyvtlle t.O dv&WW s tiaded te SaPer- d-sSilli d Odago v a .agi ........ rWimom 0t a l1Guis & bi Mold ak v4 4 .4..- -.......... w tegcPao ........sev aêfeoo 0Vrie1... ~aro dltgDhIv sf eMbaeselsi mess 00bb t.N.8 .mille W t reLh, aw * i a inde ot Pfflk b.Irontxnua are, pl«uet6 Izoar niaIteo la tmllinc rg apkid. lii. sufd l4r4. kotoir Frecsi.o Obtgo, vti4 tule tofruxirspanists s iev daie* et l4s t.aKFoiietM day lu sprlujg rqoe Tb$e- Grant OemeteY P.OOatY vilà =la etlteho" of oS iseliuggti oTweed-Fllay, &tay lat. liru. John-idiller, aofliotenry, speut gaiuidosiwthxlier aliter, lire. Jame LsdV4og-a.c ifier, ut wlmcoaau litm. ilroulteus eturqed l goieu home tu freinom ana8. .4"gSh is'E#I 0. Loug Loe, .Sua.- ibsi511h l eltveg. ltueepflilalicd vita relives l in Mir, sud lire. IL# . Lusk, Vrq! spel unay etIA..&~ Willam Vinea, ai LabetllO, Vul Ob velucoller Moisio. gr§i. lmsKrl seatiardq *0*ifi lade lai WauOond. lie. and Mrl. 011116, BlUos ven ~ae cam ielasdae T mbesu'of oalckeep 1the Of horuesteàd standing through the year. It pays te use the rght stuif. "Men of oak" arm men ut rugged._heaélhmen whÔse bodies are made of the sound- est ,naterias., e Childhood is the timne to layr the foundation for asturdy con- situtictu that wililIat for-yçarso Scott's Emulsion lu ie right Scott's Emulsion stimulateô the rwh'oeso htr ;nelpu - them build a rn fouiuhtion for a sturdy consti- tutiont. Win Etoo, ei Loon L&aI, , pet Satur- . mny$0b » day allA 4.,*oÇI'. - ý - TIbaamo Wolèh fied fris"dant Mcienrr swu&.. - 1iFor .1toit stree imesbote aMW fami noved tt» ijie psi&t01U,O5amÏL or adà J.lokPlace tis week. 1-1. C., A. APPL MM.Wftm spent. lt Wev ith bler davb, Mm Olt. d Wagner. h~Sh~ -basnovedta theIin. SPI, TashAve DI hç, in the Mis. IL A. WagittsIued renda fronPrýairle VIew Weduemlay. Mrgu-SWV r: WJLU sige and Mms. Roiflua ere Oirqný iSb itoft Weduusde. M NvMaý47ke, et Garmie. as Lb. Wut. M*auis eTOàiday >fqr 0a short atAy et bow*bury, Soutal DUILOtsU - -mmr aiEcam. . etChicaigo, Wà tie gusiloft Mi. Brandtatter >rldw. o .G t~i,<f Gallnius, ivent a few lcd letit vek vitalfriands - ptwt"k wltih friende nt 14e XMis,4" Lambe, of Burlinglon, le gSaet of Mm .Wodgée t Wetrmau 'UmM eUé uson sti gaut a ber clant, 111m OIèeland et Miel Fox Lake Otto xrUOgý Di Davispor4 lo*e, let- apeidig abtupie ot wç*ls risiting r-Odj vital hsW wuOtiir;' Mie spouMusaim Mmiceoveland ,as.# ianghterr ate, (at F%4e Fol Lake, Were visiatcof iMms É~r . EMlwponar! Sweey vi ýws at theo homenf Mra. JamnesMoy on Tuéoday utirrufin Apnil 28th et 2 p. Si litipiioeare ri*», toitto. be preut. Viitnsvloolma. Tii. tIraysIae Womap's club lba. rsived thiq week amotijerII t t.lke tée Place Di te .one just'ck. Ait hawleg, boohaout ais rfflimted tuo 1N retui'u tlun,. Boohauxaybe ob tainedK Inoîn tale new IlbmrrlAtrday the 25th. 1 ~ tllo a Thi enau xMs A. WblLiaey vWho s,. .g ld lu Clue" àprIî 7th.woaw brought 4..L. f. ta Graylaoke rxi. lad.to et bmi oflh W ber lusbaud vh b di.d many yeare p.dw iliu Tal, burial servic* es voiconducted by Asogm Ftàln.aý Bey. lladi the Gayelake M. E. 'Sb.thqe2 churea lnlu e.ery lmlresve manen. O - - G.V Mirs. WJitwija ifaiden Dme W v oas em m Harriet ruld. lierformer boni. ben iitsss nt Haipevjllls. A l& -l, com rm <>ofTEma mfl an sd fulusuls atbèlred nt t amw-t- It. w :tbir let retet ber , Thse orst' oMflupwOi vei La bomut4lul amsoeWm aup"M tale.ave OI . ln tender .neom of ber ihoni tbey bai27,,4d. ~ knovu and lodne lu de I.. p~ et ~eloulo ?ucoia outou 0505vo5 s TU E oeood bar » larqont oul u sS liti . estbt ilLI%. 8b& fer h" «eu* omt4 els o sp68 one. vigatll :qa a., fi Tic hbard toiglctotovle sra u wMi. itlu ahtu ci »rý L p.Oww by owmIlAl>ifil t Cheik '. * A~1 . .8lSh lt*s1'doI 'a,. a 1trte.. -'-':1 'j la J., Lmiola krble , . an aime.. d. 5 - - ~ - vs*.n vi.iMpselIISiteO s ~s. o! - - ssleoStseeli e.ruhaaer.ieairdAtoO ~u~eed~r ~omaAL5.4sm0eths 014 Ocit. eues el~Ul~IOsL LaltcÂeUs.UM Anise va. r4~ v ucs~ 1* -as,. Yauhegaa Dl. roi"% AM......u... 800., COuLaiao v«Y sdutdsy 1 lU b. at J.whm l tin lre. prip. (819) loi. rie up ilso de* h(10).Win a"&, Um go e-âme. ~ h ow le I&e. DS 00140 f us piev! bsSaad sire. .la b.a*uS5euoysioaSi ~MITM~ Mimais. ri~p0*t. ets14 811104 ai ~ss ST sets a vsek, DaIms te. :2[ ;Af mil ot 9m... i ~ kt