Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 May 1903, p. 2

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srbesud &MLihe Untusr Vé-PrO it.. DestroY wosrîîro ukrra iunctiou tb d.suprlor Cort At srang- dbd Judge J. H. Poster lu su'- ëýt-d.unrrer ut the larget jurai- O*SPOy u the turiftworkere, .etntt. eld that *aunion, jbouaucrporated condition, al *hie.utihe sut prta»uteté qupsw ethe ii. tiliïde -oftunion t al iT su ad order. The. Ow woMiers lu udor plea cotend- ~~deauua.d,5ndthis the PuoFs-. g~tdgetht demurer, said nin' asé uions were l1-the 'ane bea, snd contai b. oued. SvitIoRSST 1iiEEUi wi. aBrusd- of Ia l .t iLMber Gos.. ahE #mili îowu noir Hàçlel. -v% deutroyed by rs moud&Y ai i. Moatut fthe. ctisena eseaped aiîtb the ciothes they wore. and of them are homelessansd decti- Farueq: re are raglug la the vi- ol Asi»an, . anneai by e forts'- ï,1 - tr.atec 'In dutwoy seversi ,sad -*WUbahu illone ot teet of t.itimmsof Beylild have been 18 thé ir wthin a ehot detauce . tovu. any honicteaders are ed to have beu urned out. Dense étJiSfauig5 Hécock snd 1ough- ~é~ua tii.eousltheti.souti,. W la the. vouais leau drys IthUere bubashounueraii thus d éms aAI i*hovy rein doea [?~iht Oies spratetoa rabue!WLL NOvi HAST. Ob-M-$tOS. CrO.&, Mi"b., Ma .-smetauiisOrguataaes. * ctistiuaéiOff 1*cahmnawk "àâOàIé t ithé Oeee* bay Ad'- Ïwâgmat houeAt i 4ewte «Ma i dur set di. tti uo't an lg j "stdoingeotm luhb au;' Cinvelm f . - is ~tWM Ltbrtei W.suo1u1 ti eluifti satni eu lar.Usai 10 .i fthé eonfea 4 1,u$'aniaSupea Cuu4a teter nd ilglttnt rgi vie=ofvae arest er sht- WIllim Dut-bifnrs-io 85g Sii P ssé lutoile t the ont sl JL X« Newoater uum .uu. Soda Enilas'bassutr ali *mmet Mo-lb th éteta regi I da ao" udim et. RIkn lv ajre Weli Slla uam, a gLuie nt lkreawkrehereathe tha Plè of Ilni K Ianertional-,Suaita at d Chrtut Bt it-k oun sort Au- icy lmet Ldai. tcd t$, ,$Wiclua est ut asii t t res lutic Rtiietbac bron haiea u hoesilmatal 0 lut fan the eu- h glven a 18.00, Md.lagtuag*1d0a0,00roril ai 'er W= L Vanderltgr., a M IoertgM. entu. "ietht msuho bull' "iLsr-'OChrtp of St.ark fig r lubusnes Mr Claieeraîteetondon. Sen '0ev. eOuts inare alita ai h. hiien otyoreaWot theee inte; Kb dleiatbakot bsm hoevsSmrned, 1. é UsineSpt lanutCao. s S0 i v AMStott. s'l..e an posiia 'ZIé-lregm e sdiens inti busines 'béeses vl iersf Pieille . Pruriteapeas dd ms. rupeaiut ts mun amD"eiit 47«.DefPest icardidtiédat. b. JfChenne, lCunaoft utoeli Mis Th sinuss -prt-oofprgpnie 8.01D WM daIltht sin ikiu ex Thlenpotre. Ic bow werms uanmounîs' hil itet- ai tU m-i ueusaiphat es' culaeiltei *.aU Vaud a J t igmr. pna a rer tnal Tiiena tce $W, ag te Wte 4 eareepectetiels', ve. Ta in * la Zesas Cls'a I "colie nt gaîr As.meslalob eir tpagelmoter. er *00. n Kvi$ tyKtlishenlescanslg ab ai carrecteal this. T *M ent eet ives A tt un , = 5hea Vise NODie SON A BLEECEIN. mon. den@È1ôï 4 çà* a m 4Iàqmeo tuiamusàsoni bgTwe andt-traB t M e%;À' thé 4nLi~noula ltto. t- iaia u pfslugsss a Bulnton train N6;- trimemai lq à4Ule *vd. «*uljbd il wtt. htld op aud.robbed o ProPert. mesIpohd obtby a~tW saba[» et Pt wott &bout 8100 Outill the other Wm uibn a eeG v " L"hvé. air mng Sasthé train vas leavlng the *~a ter Articlesasn& i*505 imdi -p-tht station la Linlon. Nl, hIisu train e& 'd. uý the qu«tlieof ity uhoirsd- bau rebbed threttics- wflhs 0 m. iiao pU0o,» ptemmebo did thé *AIL Box M8~di D. à, Tho. rabierMMnp ail si ,bo0 an lui- Tiefi. te Obte Ptdve te e e sWarin i migrettslwp. danuet* i Ortef, ai b-s Zes wlh li. huer. peou Fer iaeveral eAij" sebV hn< ndt te ii otam AtUI .s5rvou sta md totitrnaàs ttets hmi ~r1< by on* man, viehé .other hld route Xe. 4 ntet NaW ' <1isce erowid baeA wth gsci. Tb* b&"%% ti 5rlu- etUva P. .9fft~t thé. tranbtiem Lbecolusud Mlfor. 'oliiifltet te Pétmater ~VM15a Retors theii rie n the train. vhlé 1ev OarIltle. ap> suu, iSvus thtp4054d1 toi hruc lme.0fut Smd. Afttttgolng ver ithé ru dthir- theurliugt5s ve m r. ldisctainesavathné Oucbls'lu, that iitIf*a is uidt the. arrivai et trgusouiinéittai train that thé amis lgltesibienmmi sudmay i ii..lath dpa ~ tered o*ertaýpo la teiL 1* kh els.p they wone rohhqd, et W-*, Waa tund> thbitu Uf Tepeeeofthe. robis wua s ona l i. Wirebr diue yas mý Su s sesuW The bird ohjééted ta tke lêti ershlg 8" th Peupl lathe waltlngrOo5idéuth- tiolidtalio the box. ad e«ru tem Il cred arouni lir. Investigation shbWed ivas' s"ddr padtiésu lu thé 8"d.As a maJoriti pitehevirh1eiirbihdTho a rsuit o et iitsliationtheDoew empW enulndritted thé- rabbién, tu-style bose have:uho sedesd.Wblch eau- 0o «PO. flotbe tampered wth hy tu5uielt bine ga Jaya that vaut to rain. thoir s'ouni lu ni WILLIB_ FBLL INTO T"~ BROOK. thetUIr Bie ctoies lsid or Lîque anA a litcK sAYS AND *B<èf5fflg 340= J AI IllicitSM&tltlla Founi Wie JoiUShube tle brook Po r. BankubbenSimenla wusn.e, Mii.,el whilcIiPa1eu" t= thé Boiter soutet. Unaiadered ti tie cittuens. et Ciartouttr O sear Mount Ver- Fou UWobea I 8.000lu ýct#, Bout.-N. Y was teea» t , aind by reeiiib blewniioPiOe eté ste ýand i revisseand Poielloficers, on 'An. llîct wntckloit the.lMias -of mnu k.' momea ,Ia i. sAk. hbenu openateai In a br. pivseslaukers. et Péarisse. 0h10. Th, th tee twq menthe. Wigié vent aimu rge- ~epicelon aaheei uncîtiseus. di £"Utir iéatel1luthe Onbreok. Wi.en hut ut tute blatte bhave ben aet l ias e i .Wilhe Vint hem. hlam othrtali: "Wll-it f 'if sela r the. tovn dérathé ulgbt la v,1 tsse a noirof etwibitsîy n ,on sud thone ho vakeped scatibsai thé, e *IUS'-WU@lad tiewte ftbe noimAoc tthe eplosion tu tiascaIseTéed *9.»1" ts aie dor. Mr. Broîw. ate sud lis cm a utre -lnureai foë fi bugmotbg thé. Gnose. reporw t te cPO- 14.00. Tihé b dcmae' tili ebl ice. b wdeéeleve etW«4Mt t, Vwk Manl a bandear. hiiither dtei 'meup e UtOIL Pt.1 .~h olmhlers weft 38illes Aves. The nobiery wuas et,dis evas' <aie tthe r&1 ai lue a.. -The po- cave" l util dpeylght. when wokoaon liés- tonaia largie capper -dodeuse?. foty SBw thoé.wr«ekd building. beugileet math. evrali irrt5il of vie-- ki Md ouiitieu nf hovu sugar aud DIESTU EKUNITE COUibLDS. 'Uh19%WoaaiWhbo 1outtény, cuied -lk JUG PITTSSUteG XTEPIS 'tue*e m nst»Wins r5aisn esloibahr 4".$h ue tbe oeyila UeCHFits'PUred messe af reucilais a sra ugeai h su vll, udaI R ffuskllid .d water end 000000 a Yse. idu lm Jn .Hwie ulG.~ W. A. 1111ésusaker. tposcstlng a Newi hy dolng aWa*enuuê.'Nden e ound tg I. l% Pltidhmp.vliifA br body lathe old hiise teà i Ueton. tim etr Cm»<Oun..arbiteehe led aou.,8hbe oid sel' l vs M- Nilbhotma-ierurtteu a latten explaletng thit. *m 1 le WO%0 e ahe b nerpie inhinocenit of gny Intpideal vmug., fit ï s epo4 taerg vl5iidatit. e hod iia ouresî>onslible for icep- l Oltped wagotq oistn »Drs se pay the in sbus1anan~sd vite e&Bdhtoi ab ne st'q00I ayen foï o*ré-1w dea tht. aiprove, ber innocence. .hhe In ti s m s 'Iywf ho'givjv tineterl libernait sud bs' ber deatib au et-igge. le k the i.pleut mit t h rlug togeteberfn.le o r iMd' = lédifl t u5tY105' lm Dot thé tlaqueys', er wrté. to f a avDt c5t86Ofl~lethétaXlytUtwhere cab*vauld ucame tealhoà a brrer ta n D"t euil I. mrgisi, the rounlpu. IN Ana loh. jaror ii.dwé s~ Tht« Burt la Ora"Eip«Oslns "WlIhit 42=-, la uberî iouuts'. At Mlddlewp ' 0i- o b. éMlddletovm la Kry-. won .41*vevod te b.e a voma»;s. nsd 011,Compeu' ttci nbav V e wsKýèffb 4red Gré$&Sb#h. 0w of go@. tadpte 0 ft. n te«s lIer.ago vilsiesî Iid sd otueaie. Raudfll Cugmmlg. Wlliamu vul ms 1l ng mi. ia ie mlhsdlines Rogers. drillera. vr n luahneon0aà me llfarm iii. sttue tenruhîs' burneai. Tiedrill vas lowui tie. aidber dlmulsev tel" ied bontrain thé vell sud thé derrckofntei auspeceai. * on other las viei l wulaefittsy "ufeusCntrat la Galltr. mlie t tie point. Rtf.Cautreil. the -king,, et4pb' Cv.t ousaPaéTap. .gbya uyiniatonncrai <slltyout té COiS Adrw Carueglle .yl give ua 1i thé bi s9ajur,14lb Ot t pna s tilhIdli0 verumeut eoftthe Netterana,.will se- spge iTsOitoai Nfvagsud vbpcept i tes £un i lo00. for thieete- hii~arsv et ies elilnuensud ht iof a Temple aofVét et Ti. Hague., asnai v as tfo mpirues, dits Dlr. JO- Tht building yl b. useai tor holding 5Pe -ph C. Leau der, deo»isetatote t asi- ls. tttttenioa rirto oi'e i.Central C"44g- « phyzi- Tribhunal andl ta ainta utbi. bet inter- ,céln$ sud surgeons, ta roi bier ave, national law librarnluttb',worll.a . Caraegte Aide Tu.i. Rcevi Sna. eléefa ri . ="Mr Ceielebal, aga*mado a PRevuldet Roaiei a ii crner i u1MW Et dOe.tion lu the in"tere or PClouut oosveltmrcWày ai he gaie lu 1duatioln. sud ta i ierthé Termsl , YelîawOfton'Pcrk, ai Gîrdilnter. Mont. suad Inustriel institute lu Aicams ain.r. I mcd mtu PrkaiGrder. Mnt. h .Carnegie bon gîven 0.00 Owtovard 'hOatureil an tieu iii. p ng a thé pln endowment Out bbc utilute. vltb tht ntuet t eupeti o en anA edjsolu- péi.lntthe lucome frgon, eportion oethsna thes shol Ofisb0ame suda pride t oiqih pl .-kg Bunker 'T.: WattD tàë iiu . m * Sb.iipr Ç isee.ibee es~sie ,TlieutImh transport gerdungefrou ' - Roliilîedsd siagnealby fot -.nttr e arbra. cpltsiw eOOisd. tamt At.- 4 tootpa d eni .«4 o sé elle tlobe' im ic. obbivm the l. rpotiet aà rli"". otttbj »easlg ~ Dos-dfet la imarnllàd. Tht oncera ai thé. ; h ai vstmcn endlusud a uaiaalnams ua'tnotr sa W tall dnitet a gujie suai a#eel four- mes ci a totalBd" liforce of 220 mm mil dnh a fo seta ovrtoi ii.rab- 'ueft killeai neétlis'la au engagement l ut),, ntqto eu ammocde them rv ,î it hr bommlg. tole bbs moud'tun hm. - NeO asred" s . pas Tetinn gphmre tMount et he nese aclie ut enev.aU .Unis ollqÇge. Alliencet, 011e. va-t'a ar c- t"MM 'u.iinl a Conontiae ts gnp resled bp«ene les hruteae 4h.thlpbuge amus Reate' Jhuhn. hareaiwith OU' Prof. C. . Datidc. white tresb- ;,atý&éK1ng a 4eatréld viltegirl o tilt mes vere holding e anqe.Ti pluc.Thn ee"vas captureai is'the cbatnquueudu h e e.deeu etuii aa-t RMeeru but vW" releaseaion bond. nBlt vien e a dietgeon ."b front Carhage esutitbi in -augir Omisa- utfuture gondl hehavlor. thagdiii'àle publie square.- & Oet5Mu IU . Jaes N. Tyne, asigisat attornseys '. Q T.Van Béat OfMinnesota bas te, général frthe piii. etéSua Depétimt. teed the Penechai'bill, tins mskiug it bas bits amuàiarlis' almimbashaume1 lmposlble fr dîvaieceai peisonsta Marys' hi ltévt.isk wue u eu agan mmdllel' tie htdecree t einove a* kWu ic ce asl duuesm m Icourt.To ns. bim ovu vords. the. Gev-'sud ai paerasud, retusea lu anedpr eruo eiet rs'1lii asapuluS' for ttfni te Potailimeals.1 h"is action in uncelias1'.. "ta- Br '-er- ieatvreaurWa-iras u tnlke. Mtsf etrr CttatTwo thotusaniunionsuai aoê,ulen1 a ter& ancalut battit, lu whicb une natai vorlatre ent on sriký lu the pleutq bandit W&@ vaundeal, Sheriff fthle Detrig U.rvs.teuCompus'l utWlm Cei',Ohanjy, ite ahbep- Chicago fer thé relnstatement e01100 »Mt sou Lmuv b ute îtlgn C'difcherteai for belongls ta téthé uion sua 1!ho 0 la suippostéi 10 frncgll.e i. United, lMtel >. &v IMMXg ates lu' noritirun 'okp ~ln i. A trac has tea patched Uap sa tanM I tht Ciciaca. ovuDÙMi#0'Lscntont1 furtbsr trouble ilà the Pweetvttr cocu Iaf he ures gqva eanntai. i era.1 Ws'nauttimen aefowud tu lila&'Ouit audemplatie refutienté grant ..héespmeu ta nu.thèir ISsAta ]anda. buthé ut einsoielar«A d eb 00 dia fatluit make a detprminealstnd' evacutinn Mbew kAgÉtut thé praetcet.Lera.Waa .n ýr T.0 Tndeta ni. MelVisu. hstrilia of800 labotera es ésat I' Lieut. GQv. Jolin *. Lés ut Mlsourt tour desl.i sé ae graibil Aeln hlc rsakged Bs' Opération oethle cu ,a sego, N. TY. lisbétes s.t. BsttieS Peator ThomatsLu fluber ttascncaton;atagtédeed rai MasosCOOunirs'.pdaaent Pro lect. ar the Thiaaction forestlle s îgénrai cttlhe et 0-..d _h. --reset. th. xli-thi- sl building tredes., 111 Wl ut piO levlmg I lidîlet $mls bS "mauscial e u, ntoeiU etaI net leave .ok train au lb except car, MAýK» imit EMANX51M. - WIeslbi W$46« Laave01160000te Procs au Indie fs t14a mentit a se lier ou tii. "figtiu Rluai dta de sie ownéeeh orat taragolai asudai mive aines etRilMn. cdtIusiwdte r5' 1300.00 I u usnt tat bue ast cousmasg for George W. Ouaier of Lincoin. Neb.Tht beques ts uu W- epectedis' trou a sfermer suieeeeit Yonus cg -geottr maid lie girl vie a& Ëageai, Àltb*%gil ters wasau eat"a isithés' Attti apnt. .Mih*ment-led hoan unt te vsid hocamo W"thlui bu Menisua gtaifia-ldse. ,A ar aga l'e lsd. luif~ et ouhe ter'Gestes hail uarild sassoed love. Tth epl rldav, 41ué,.pitagea. titeal. Quléata mvw mentis ao . Sauta sieuvard Ibo 1i., Guntat veu, tin'uidta hast' a t;e4lsge o a&dat lMa. plngée 1mi left Int evéttià a atohene rtbher esals Wa FUToN 15l>EIED 210 LU.g Xa i e s " ê q s o i s sro u d 0 0 y C1 * M 5 is' Aieafhim of tdi Umo r Ofs'etWsq nudhm AdyfleaisQnu" i * etié dmp- Ad a'I* laér e 5igp Gsa. PoWitoÏ'ý>$W 4g bis" que1 for a court et inqfus'te Pvt" l *lg lIi esayit u h*Fiibo mss' of We, la gratl et aI0.D'us- etousi woIlIhafgléa é alve aul teeuaical la i"Wltu I sing lui îbe vos'0( àa liée- n5gb Ibotlty. bu fiait lt ,ise irenay bouie MAde the snwbotac ~iel aveéto taipesin brfeaesvtse Oca- liun tuaitt vldesee aboeia*0dthei charge W49 sal. lare lua olhlsle.Isu.e acg.ialii Of tii-srhr Piceba Illall mmad ea ie * a el enIn. una bidglue b 1twefe Crusse.'eUM Grand cruwten. Wl...4 nuitMdet D- Casa. idglîAn1,Master Mesiesi )L Fret' ai he uortutl rdIlvluin, A.KasMmi. thé dWe Mauvik W. fhhers analWliiém iges' ail o! LA 0 . eau lou&e nm arouals'. Melue0m MatricéM*au Us George Francis lxadrOynar danr ot Yarmouth said popective Mir qi@ ut Hertfordi. Blà airt nord' sud ,'lccoupi t euesamp oiffiftue lu Groai ffltain. Baron Coavas' et Itision le Lugîsudan sd Bsron Vmay 09 Mt illul tai ll rsiaud. on MaedA&Llsatyiel li Ue Tinaw dnitgbter' et Mr&. M. C. LTinv of i5iiiiurg. SuasoRétécaatec. Judues Groa.eup sud Philio. ittini 'n banc lu Chicago. grnai s aPermamneI unjunctlea in fîvor oai iii gufrhimnent ne straiéng tonrteen rilrosalsestluni s'est boutai frein Chîiea rfront giçlng imcrlmiuating on cecret rates. saitfran. pas'itg tebttee toamhlpl'cra Il' la qoite' vritilu the range et proba his't ibthet te xtra esson aof <longresa wkieh t.e prWlleu ehitd. bèforekh , O"urtue orthe VidE.ta es;; vflmec *tint W5 lhl4aile qt Segl.mér Ipesisel«c 4proviinal Ig#Otube, bu in tac boried for.thei eputhtli t flaýDomigo loreililent Varques in a ftWigle~d lst seaaraa ar-t dest. livinggâ l if et r ie bit5ut.lunA. Wo&.GP lbu tea pirmelmealpreaidemi .,. As the culainalobfl a en. Buh, Has'e@b.ot andi iuîA Jlp J o'es pila izrobéitis snielaoE*W ?auli .litî. set' Ibo villase t of . ' 1 flis4 ~le a se ni. Juaige John I. 1a!F4 ai Si, Ouin court - . . -1 Toua 17niks »"Y li«é pet. bousesluinthebe hant,' t thé teun vain town, ecnîs' tins. diet le buIlding «e. hadts' damaged.- --u atte iat0on tchad 'ai s mas medàg. 10,041 iletaret.ntueaite vot] lu th*. mabanos' allaiig ai09"eussulveni vmalvlng-thatsaturois' uiért vrk .de péudlug asAiemnOfîe lpaje bs" >oasrd et cOnDIs lis JIblui tusteetfsioW'taIthic phia I avied 5 aftsW' troo Workqga»er theiersSiuts t"s'nO% tggmBs adjueimtus W»hal atWea' gîcamiboat te engagé la I t. unbetra4 Mi tftanmeiolgéh' a tie ndaidestroylé. i r cont, 01 ans Orenian btf OIr M " 01ivé udWal aggregate lmOueetý 00 soregiais'over. kaào-aU oil a8 oto MtiO sls rae*P**"pW. t'he bollsai' '"etvs niter Déia' )kLU lhffl mml wq%* i g rn hall tee. eçqa,Mreg la toiýý"4 134 040mre twe, et a e f tbrd el t toeu tortaroal iy vint ,X le wter *mm'. Mdi tiat or ESt, a »flcl e id tnrwu msud taled vasa* gstdi.rada bôais.lieue, bbel bsn nt nwuean vo iruai te Ad ."'Ths'clmLotlaitics aie- scoutsnder comanal et Lieut.R»» ses', ""d ubat their pole ual benu crolmail into twms, POha ceuflleai la ont hbuilding. Ble tem 5auelél.. A dactel? ofthte.Parts' spld, ho van seais'tateaies ty at came' etftie. trateuE acaton. (1«. mlle. «Is' Iae.ohéd ai ,ebuilding.,vltIch vas use stars'lu ihait.eghttou or tirents' test vlis mi0& poisîbiYs Ixis' an cevents' fel long. -'Mu asheal fer sa rhIten stnie- suent te ho foaraled but ai Mauilai.but seb ener rectiveal Il. tuai adds:"I have ne bso t talelV tier tf meute; l ieftactedecaseof thetmmnLun bavlug beau tértutredandsuaibrneai te denth la ecosmasadir ethér reports." Ceécie- b* ltse retlve .th t ateleut <ltn. l«ises;'s:'Whetll'er sus' influenàce weé tattugit ta beau ta prevreut iber titmetiti, i percussion or euerclia, J am nul p0epared teasai ie h#Pnoenu lime." Gen. MUe tien rfr taluthor cams. ossiag fliet ouùith e lanal af Cebn It vas ilpeteal and psbffoed .lunNvebt.,, list, "tat ive oUest..Capt.Saoles kPerts-tankdurh tstne UnitedallStates vol- sat.,.. sud Àit. Pettes, NheteetuileA- tafutiV, bai] commitîcdalelaniter atroclie exalet tisepeopteai filet isiamal. Ih 1 ais retlottea flet ai Lnoeg. on tht itianai bet' Luxasj tva, natives vers vhipped ta easci. At Tunleaa Leyte, it vas r.- pon;ed uhiMajor GUla rtî taertai Lieut. Caitld, PhIlIppine scouts. ta taLe elgit prlcoiere Ontituuo liteontrs' aidthat le tiey llisue gulie -lin te the eamP eftih Insurgent QuIses hé vas net te baina detm ia& it wuat atral thatthe. min . -a.egkm..pI su'd thel tics'eliier dIA e t ou c olA t desas directi «'Oue it iiesmen, vhd halin moltin élie sOaut, aiaparsai. but ithe tiers i *aloiatpérated luie 'wo partim nm- 1hénljg tlinge ortour. respectvely, s»d vitle tisai oteuer vers ail muriereai br behélg abat or bayoueeto uaieatb, caa belug lu a kneeilug position ai uhat tInt.. The prefetsvas nmade that lies' ver. kllied wbile attesupinag ta eeçapt. but 0 ser an 1at lrow Do eoilal "Port vas evtrwanaitoutthe cîrcummusuce. These fsts lbave hotutreporteai is'Major watts, wbo"luveatlgatethl.ens*.. Bs- aes- Lieut. Caula, Civillan Scoute Rame*, Presteon, Cern und ileKesu ver guetcipsuts.- "'At Cslbaiog. Roman, ilt areraporteai tiatiettrai sien lu bat ikrthal bcd ot subjeciti. tu vaier torturer.I1 »Av tires a mm wvho had. hersa gaajeced tate ibl ltetmnut. One.ase lte praeisete of thetotunu, Mt. Itozal"t. nia,' hoee me long, deep scnrs un' 0 llsaIssm, hicit is said wvecaàneal hs'thtenraie viii ahici ho vas tonnai coutin lgebis Piesi. The tseondi mals ami miamea Jase Burin snd th ut liraiva. Paire Jose Dintuen, wba à sitaldhe Ivas Oof eti-e pri-ensaWhoi b ad bien subjetted tuttoiture is' t rup brutSnudr comaenti utLiesit. Gaulai. Tentu cavairs'; liai bIs.front ieeth hai been kuàiochtealoui, wiilaIvan apparent, anal thit hoc uvnc theruis. matresteai -anad nuhihui cf 1MO. - paitaa vea trous Dtath. "h van" ,stied ib<ii tiaraae prieais sters latten out. ta bh.kltite aandi acreunis' at- eal is the prompt action of Majoer Car- ningtou Vielii sanins'.- ho et out for th en,. -Ltiut LiasiJQi v.un ttu, aealeai s ullis' uud al a ré il-ethirivial setence -01 tinte lnOnutbIjasutspe.nsionsiufrntcool- ganda, forteillug 130 pe-r anasati for lbe asuis penloa. ni*, pieiitiusg glis' prt- 0 ven'tedal aIlthet ttsanal ircupsturt bolus: develoleduL "lil appears that.,MaIjor Glenn. Lieut. Couier tan aparts' ut assistants anad na- jiv tAé cots vers mottai frontpitontai Splae for tic pairposa- of etornt amite- meute is' rieans ut torture anal làlecasus "so nouta'tbaft tits parts' aas altA %Wl$ abrigade., -Tbes. fatta casle te Mxs notice In e eeni as' ayanal meus' athetfllai e bârattqr bave hotrerput-ted ilia alfert su ot perla et lise'mrcipeioqga. lu tact, h à Wu Mnfr 5dtb:t Il wattcomunntalla ~tit-i ueh tn.ncaeiona halbers carrieti on eltbeats' vlîfe ceu!vnsia-ç n asjaroal t erttain' cumsusudin otaiccri. Il Is bo*wtre. tinsigetityinluà ta t t ti kul sc eunnuadure naGiense. Lartuit. s' Wat. Sumnner, Lare, Baldwin csai oui' -Trltuten rala lehtilhe. lt9ocçe '~ TIs'Ati~uêredîînetin'stlll, ;wlttb 'aa Obtt. mwpai x !t.-Cpipple' Creek, 0vColo, if J. D. ldllIleie nd -other St. .,lo*bi. cptilit..ïats àletr9ye4ta is' ire. rê 'Rulu-e ehsd ir*ennofatiletDeiver Kr étai Lie nqîel bt aeaeesgraut- tf *4d acre@qmai las'. Aunadaiticesi 0 pu ai t vOl' he psu tÏâu -s apiordaunK tao a 1es witlte bfson.cii4bmdi w lgel j»D. lloree Rabnet lobas Haépin iiuiversts' vou tht 31.000 pila. ofar br *s' de Aeelalo te ioIltonEtion 0e semlaa , iftbr 'b' Womets. - ,&t RDauai4, Colo,.,eth ie twoff00 rn 00,plOWtOuL01 tanks aOfte u ntsaVg Sa Clpen'Caugh i r., suda l is-et odelts ter propeets'fibe unis *ai Irreehel ii dyamsit'e muaithet0cula] loaeai, Wsapp. .Tii.ll. s$50w00. B9- 4mtéti jgpea, et Oticwa,- Ont = qa'4s air fie fa"éena& Unis eqbcratôta, q. Duns&_ uu.'s uvessis' itvliv et Tidé. Cotilning. e-Port *neesuliij tdlrlt' Lake nhvgatild les t Éplte . epeced edtactIn redulag rai îfeli eCSstila.suana ipwosét ore nom ,prompt. icitieelno n Ali-1 nutinu u l. spis Idlcres..ofai gre isilvas' tarslugs. wli ho riesgaaio 18.1.prent al ven les ait 'sar gure for Arlfl ,dusft. aal 25.3 1pecar uia over Àampie supplie ut tuer-mako h poci- bel ,for hasat turuaces ita turu eut plg lmral abundance, as tuas was the anis' arnabacli. andl a n.. biais vater meuh of production MaTrb.W expa-eteai fan lié moutia of April. Aagmenteai stocke 'of coke aud gig traoulaewevt.r. fait ta r.. suit lýu MeSlent stetl uta ret, bllets ben ln urgent reqauct. A rail MuI bas coin- sueucei unkuai billets. cuitaltiser siailsi changes are conteu)lel.tti-d. which Indi- catetht pressure.,ai ste-cilis ore mure reds' manketeal ttannOur Itler prualiiet. lteaaaitreetou Traite Review. Thtelin. ut t arailoau hatwe-se truide and fualiard forma ut inuit iania-el ban becoînt nr iosaiti cl tts wa-k. l'lu Iran has usquestionialy i'axe'tls prler, said bns'ari arme bock nirai. evili.nitly holiapng for tairdier cüuu(e%'iun. while the latter gart ut the s'ars' requlremnts cre r.- purti stili uiiîlseard. Agulut the autted- lsg lplu ptr ou, liwever. lit tu b. futeal the teuagth nifctel amb isilsbialpro- duels hr ucarlit alihaes. Steel billets aid shots are vers' aarrae. .Itahnenw wa&ri as lta pestp<ined bharenre oftlu-- abilits' ta gét supplies. -.Boi' railMille are repoead t aulng oarlu tuaiout billets. For.-lgn stel in ativtailtemr merketai. wvile lalsanici trou in iu stock demenai. Tht'dernana for atnîat oral' ma- teial le reponteal undimlnixiieal. lenplte the unesniea lu lahur circee. Whet. lucludlng Pluni, exporta for tht werk eud- iug Apnit 23 ag#veanie 3.,»,542 humbelu. agninsi 2,977,î77 lent wetk. '1750M5 this weekiL ys'e g gaandl 42M inl 10L.Whett eporta dunc. Juls'1 iaggre- pet& l079.0113 buaheis.aOunt 210,- âefllsetaitaan sd 17i.000.C8 lu 111M Coru experts asggre 1Ai IMMUO bushele, agelin 1,077,621 ltait vtit 3741,196 s year areuai 43andlis 1901. Fur tleefisci yeur a'x[sats ire .'3JfliP.- 7011 buaibels. anisuxti .i1lY.921 lact a"a- Wc are tuit) thnt neter C~CO. befr. wasmtie question et gucal «ops murs Important te the West titanuibis Tean. uâtnioere hetore bave the tasteru i itnuleel ters laiCtio connectlou vatchasd 1h.West: mure cloceir. Thbis le truc. Tiuere bas liera a wlalespr.eai mpeulaiioa lu fars teleda aen the Wet anad Nonubveagt. Tus entens 'into the situatiaon ln an important rauer. Wilrthe Northivet veut ibreugi itie aroigtt f18"8 rîi e ut the vbcnt sli l iatiosiue-haiîf ithoua bnrdahlp. làiprobable usuvb a ltitrr occurrigunaitr exixtarsg couilitios i wnd ho felt mure sevi-re-is.1 lu the Soutbwest ne ut-w fiditthe au l ter arbeet vers' Pue. of course. thloianl n long inme lm pOgsaheforar lîerçeva-ndsa nythlig mas' heppon. lînt thse promiise nov le su oue that ait thet1usd' ia juik leni. Tii. rairc'hd msen sic loklug eaI lu pieuaits anticipation. Sisonia the cuop cent one sus'vhirenîar wuiilanovlu dicateal thtesield wiliiehohues' hbeyond aIl preeedeait. iThen wiel of prit-e iuiintcnailce at lnt a piatsuo nau i i 'i ,l taid sa rge surpluis? Osais'tii..lIat ,auW ediostii.i efthi illweek (lie officiaVGrarisucrut, t'e- prt vrsulagve" nat tisai ahowad thei wbent sud rie croip@ of Prugalua te ho about 33 per caet nater ltaits'eur li1 con- ditiona. Prroiuva'.eUbis ttie itebd n'etth- er adlParis grain metanss' th ie sld vilI a intiprobabilits' heuuder lte aver- aea-. Otber parts ait Europe are not Op lu condition. No une 'jengaina la venture sus' castimate of the Hurupen wheat rs'yrl et athis titis'. but uhero ee uIltile doit tiatiEurope ahIlneetai muet muor. alit a l se Iipontei hst tsnr. sud alcites lalepromises faithle future. ual anc are hbort dentîng aita. are colant lh hli dta the tact tiat ubla mahe abriu- liant prome. Sonnié faitbuainessle mirettis'bétal irkeai op, the norlhwesten ifleur millhe bave, -tsuitul epeniluns. couieeiloîticans e1 asy. raiiioad sarultrute large and tailureu Jean îaneruus..Andi tht outIbok no Ile Dthei Europe bvill uce a ebais more tian s 1,normal quatits' et uir abeat: we utl have the vhent tuaOeil her. taid if tisla h aoiateialit tihers i ii he a furtîser rperla tfproxlperits' lun'otancoîuntry' equal te, snthisg ne havit @ven kuowiu. Chlcago--ceiiie. commn taprime,, $Lootloia $5.35; lhoge, 'ilpplng grades,- 17..50 tus $7.00. alstp. tairt aschalet, 13.00 te $5.510; irient, Ni. '2 rea, 76c, ta Tic; corn. No. 2.*43e te 44e; unais, Nu.,2. 3le ir \10;r'e i. 2, 40e ta 10: beys, tint- o l.à5.0 e$15.W,0;prairie,.00itait 110:btechoice esamers'. 20C ta =aec; ego, freffsi lie te 14c; poitues. 'd&, ta 451e par bail. t.lbl-cttle. 1430 tai 11.30^.'iogo4 136.00 ta $7.00; aheesp. 3.00 to $(L.' viagtt.Ne. 2. 70e te 72e;, corn.,o m0e tcoAOe; eoin, No. 2 32t ta iSure No. 2 44e ta 45Ce Clnelunnat'.Catle, 14.50 ira, .23; bur. 04.00 ta $7.25; sies. 13.50 te 15.0: at, No. 2% 75e ,lu 76e; corn, Nu. 2 Paixtal 45e tea 4c; oet, Mae.2 uixeda& 3ta 34; rs't. No.-2. 410eta 117e ietrui'Cttlt, 11M.50ta 15.00. houa. 1.0ta 1700; meep; $8230 tea15.50; aia. . - t 7eors, No. 8 s'elloar. 44e te 451e; Oili, Na. P abitte tre d3lle, ryt. No. 2. 52e ta 54c. mliwaàkeee'wiefl. No. -2 nuithein 77e lM.8; eu 'ô. 3, 4ke ta44c; ot'. No. 2 ablt.. 34e lua8Me: rytNo. i. 504 ta - ic; btruys'.No. 2. 150e ta 600e;pari. V«Iî.e.Wbeat Ne. 2 asxc. 74* ' suad Varlets' ha% «IPhdgaras ot evers' ceneeivaip'tnature,d otitér availiablé etwsc ill ýmenteetdiaftim. sIente vho pues thUob théeItt' caI Il a bomse. 1 .nder fot arebatlis' lulht onglneereai paemmua"mmdsId & au maset mual la oprlg andl te duet and vind ai lu tmer asud l~ ter. Overluead lu a mvklIT ks'am aingy aide ville, sud evWeryîse in andalroin ot surface sud ovebea4-. cars. vans. andaitrqck wNaos. ss'kt . the tan. N'oises et suan cubfl Munialutsent prevenu convrsatls, , evan if couversation vote pomibnlal '" for- Chicago duc, net stop lue.alk on t itreei. ies' art flutied vith eager. iurrs'lng. crutslng croval. ruahg, jamnl an sueeltlnz omis'tu.. muove on. Thc purposeor tevens oui, soeate lahaote gel cosuttiire -tise. Lile a uobernent. KtlCping sali %,h- cage ceminalei hm ot an 1i*ndiaun t-a %nt relef-distribution force et wonli. Chicago ln Icceutials' a nov City. Ils lit s btintruttht hotu. enterpnle- lng. rong-nd-siady eort. It lae egi. cousesvattsbahie oi hai tinete O crymilatze. À ailuhtle laofereai hoý the lat romt" Wh euani'thlng god ta suggest.lis ao.italiy lte te ' open, tolèent sort. Xit o..- nuouI-"* 'gaians te tht past. i bas lseoye oit, th. tutuniré Lite la alvaYa ln t0-18,., nut lu ysetrday. For etwto aIt caffl ltuie, for Imnuodate lite -evrerythuîhg said for fundarnentai realtits Prohabs moret teau yotie ity lu the tonal. -ProderIck C. Howip lu tii- WOrla'i Wiork. Alter S a mtIo u SeBat., Po&wervMll, Ky'.,Aprili 2- Irs- . J 3. MennesiWho hae bien 1IN for OVef " clahti s'ee, sae: 'j 'Tes. il t l Uni' voderful. 1 a M. s'ears af age sud ton the lait echuft leurs 1 have uffereai wti acute KM- uts' troublé., 1 thed aIiii. doctoe - itiu aS n ad nans otugedilen. but gai usM relief tir, uciitnw reti' q vas cetnii te us'beai for .tao nnattis liis vinten snd ha '$mua pa'in lunais' aide 1I muldi gaiSetgà ci j breath. 1 baid smoth.rnug spelhIýa. u ïa. ttgit-hended aud hai gives up nil ib»&e for 1 dld't thlak i couli lire lonu. *,Atter 1 huitaken a tev ut DoUOF IClaities pilce h bigal ta i mpruve ead Lt-pt on tîli nov, asus'uu eau Se, i sm *I bave hotu up andaleltitngs' eU0" w'ork for cometmé nov sud baven*t reîî patin or vexIkueee stuce. -1'itpe the Lord tonrniy voualenfa rmtsoratlon ta ttaalbh mua i vli aivaTs n.comuiamd Dodd*s Kîduey lllis.- Feuter narullmmatian baneblet casîIit suicide. MxeLs IUf8L SU5j aw'm4ioPos Ns 4,o. A. mne rule bi aoot e u wel. o goa tui t14 adte aolbtia nomsvuu g ml1igdW a. thekiabody.- ts CoouWO -là va bomutd e lain hiekecand 1rtul r auirojss ou pa eron ttceae conte nogsnbo t qo nAt and' otazvnnctd 5l ti ut tr" »Akw", 7 udésmdft a.I-Let e trobca. r., o.-..«Pu lbl i«ONlm 2là-CAmb, l M--j r9-""

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