Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 May 1903, p. 7

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rep4sr 4 Pin hllu t Uil.Wo, RssMid Tbeugb. Uni nksmsudRush Made ter wfth AMie. laChair. chie .ceae. c1tha vildnt rlot, la uÇsl4 0 «à*bleu e et.ruch. Chaire .vang i etWetr issus gd otisaileu"a haihac aj- M ,-rma, amU - Wcu xïrMIEwua. iiven frua m'l t i et l* â-cb I la 0Illeel. flu..oftRapt-1 ,lm etwgtw uem»*wb a bai aataglaed. Repr.aeni- ~$6ue hdhc., ireamles thet chair. Word wnà Qovaror declarlng liat It1 1r*«bIsê. fll04- dA40.a'geoo go fI et trope le 1eatchvde lu loua131.. O.Moo& Whlclb.themmage besriffg the soya ue 0< b. grcal etu KM« ath* lWepgt e t he speaker t. Goy. -w wf, .pet udt et Taiewu.hen: harriddowua lmI. mals *hcet 1w that Cty.aail thi my ul*ti£' tm rclaielg ~~aualc et te kDeys uffi' -~tmey finit anar.pain@ la Ihe ens"au 1oo dby palatilipla.c ~g but plemat o me No amouat i« doctonlug rellevel tlaI. ondltium.4 aU, for tbe rc.a uthat ,ntlng fcee- 40 tu, gli'.me «en ea cporary relief. i bacaîne aboutd --ilcrged, One day -1 1190IceS 3 th* Bamwsp4irthe ce»n le a mm .Who Wais icicd a. 1 *a; "d Waa. carci btIihe nuse utDonna .ldey ViMlla, Ri. worda of prine îEfbthis Ïemedy .vere au amureathat on un R~ ai ofi u he.statem.ot 1--vaut WfhBus nr reef.Dsn'oa atur- e I roe. a blnlla, te aiu =- tch4llasflurflet oers a Md vM Iy# lveaa(air trial,"' À' A rN TRIAL oft tua great kldaey aodicfUa wblh cuned. Mr. Wal* wil ha meiad te any pariote bUnited $ta «application. Addre.e Foater- MIliceS C.. .'utfalo. N. Y. Pur aaîe 1y ail *ugglats. Pue 50 eai. per Application Pnled - rcimaene-i. 70cur tenogapher a Moakwat the uanion, grk*#MtNotantpreat: but aheas bemarrie-j. 1 blieve. ;s lai Brtih IndIa uhicI v aler 13.0000acre. qt au fia laivetaent. -.<Hoa't, noW. knew you would like il and now wt vant y0u 10 kcep a bouleie n the house apd when you ia away put one in yonr grip. Et-ery :tirne you get bilious or consti- pa ed and whenevcr you have a -sck headache or a fouch of indi- geatiolî -Lake a teaspoonful of 'y it on the baby toa it *iUl *7 for -manrc T Jo' 1>5IL. *45L. Mller, wvlh beb cef ci et ehe Heua.. John A. Recve, wvea okd la thetiSpeak- sesaroom. vhlle vîthoitt waa a clamer- lits, bowling crowd ut ereited niembhru. Speaker Mller "gavelad" the Liudly tractic bill te thini reaihîg ville twu- tbilS.1 et ii aemier. vmi ahouting oh. jectons ami demaadlag Ilsui conastuton.' ai1 nlght te a rolcmi. An te Speaker arhachad lii.dek and dacared thecblli advanced ta hhird readlcg Iliere woa a ruai for bhgraratmby scores of mena- ber. trunit bath ide. iebai been wreaghl op t0a àtreaay. Like a pack ot omel rovnael hay caet Miller, Who for theafirt lima oiute the riotinslbagn becu. trlghteaed. fHe tured and step- paS hatly dowa tie attire auj. guarded by several policemen, aecgt @allîer la bis prîrat l ce. A haud-to-luaud SiI thea rased about h.Spaier'a deai. A* »éou a. Speaker Miller lftI the cha- ir aIr est aIt gli c7 tiut the cae m baidadjourncd. The memberu wbe revoted aaint the. Speakera cul- lag refuacd to take thi. view, however. and called for a nev Speaker. , Reýprecttve Mrray atf Saugamon clluhed le the top oetbils dek. "itlaI aideul chatt Uil aHn, ha.sflt a Speak- er," ihe alontai. *"1 more yen that 1Mr. Allen et Vermillon ha maie teiupos'ary Speaker." Lot cicerygreeled tion and Il aras earrled. Led by a score of Sherman Republicen, Alleu ram te h Speaker'. chailr. Pur lac, ot a gavelc Allen picked up a chair ronnd an pouud,-e ad for order. Repo'esnative Henry C. Betier va. taatalled a clerk. a. John. A. Ileere, reg- alen clark- .f Uic Houte, has criard hi. recordsa aad fuloar.d Speaker Mller.1 IBeeve end i. aitata ocke the duora efthle clerk'a olice aud refused admisa.ion T* Illinuit Legialaotare haa heen tei RECEIVER FOR -TRACTION CCOi Patitios ta Court. Baya.Franchise1 Trouible cou ahlt uoivsncy. à UponUichepetition oethlie Guaraul: Trust .-tgmpnity etNew York: receirer. wrea lbi'plttcd hbUnited States Circuit1 JUdge-peter-. rcufotieCl*g Union Traetion Company. the Wes Chil- d"so Street Balîrond Compauy A"i tie Ioit Chicago Street Rallroaj CoaipauY. Tho x«v York t1uaI coîapany deciared If leld niatared note. ut the thice cor- pratiefl Wibkh arere uaeatitiean d ag-- gregaîed. wth interct and cstl, lie Dui= o 5,1*4.2(15. Tie Guarauty Truat Compauy cf Nev York led tline bihllsincourt, oneebilîl Iu relation t0ath obilgallôna 't al agaluat ecdif thlIa.tire. traction cou- panles. la. these bille ucre direct reter- melon tire unanatled franchise qucahilba la Chicago, auj allegationa virocamode tc. hae, court lunta vay ladicntlnugtie Intenaionuofutteccompanlega le ing ca- aIl: te Iheir alleged igIsis nuar te m-ealled netr-aine-year at. Tii. court lm isé liuforaued lu thea. billea that ."Il ha. heen gplilcir tated iy the Mayor ut i cty and by membera ot iald City Coanoil and thc local transportition cern- Witte t laid Couaaciî hat nu applica- tice f0, renewal ut franchie%., ahoh griauod unes. said Norh hClcago City- Relwny Company, and eaid Chicago We.t Division City Raîilwa, Company àhahI renontce, abaudei and repmdiae thea obligation and anlliority cuferrei and lep oe by fthe aforesald.sacîofthle 10e; tilareuilon, tie coupiaining trust -eompanh-proeeeda ho aver, "tic credit of thc defeniant corporation (ln cacia case) ha. beauidcatroYed au tint Ilt i unable te reuea#nipromiaaury notes or su,' ut lis tioaltinsiindeileduea, ýad twIlla aithout mewr. 0luPar iaatala accrung frona tmme lu lime, r te impruve ýïor equ-p the *rail- wa:s 1ta lh* couvacleale aud satisfactien of-h ti.publie."t - Tho çîumplalaart refera ltei.eattitndez aouarmd by th.cly autllintien tuvardJ tha dcteudonnl orporation. e "OPp>rea- nive, llegal aanraaau«naile." ANOTHER VANDERBIL.T WEDS. esa Bride 1h. Deufghter cf PrommitNev Tarit cm Il,'. lu tie magnlBiceUttArlegi Vilui -Newrport, the arne ahicli vituciala the deltot et Jall Det rant. itou Pria-1 ,caaos, tacilXcltS peranskil, cerred r.-1 latiya potable Martiege rmuaif, ft194 .ciuntad Eeginld Vsner.bilt auj.l Nellace. lbath promiaut lu 1 a*n- smay t.vmy .neocatai4sbat th. d.:monat.tlcaThuoradai aclipaed aul gec- Millare. lite aras* ta damier. Tb& tact tbat aeeral ivomen oempled tbu the. ptalfunu 1)bttkdai hm vu hi. calva- tien, etbevvl.ebu Weald have beau lie targf c f lnk.anda, ebair legs, tts-Pffld. hoksa nd, penbaga el lets. Wban the Liadît traction bil.-fbc esume of ail th ii. daunanc-vatcallai. up. Dcprcaetatlve Lladly oared the amenamenta prepared isnd muved their adoptime Vikft, lumpi teThugIr eet. WU hon. accord Miy m& ajanapedtl tiîr tact a" demunded a roll caIL The fir.f amendement wu rend. aithoegiot a word eauld i. hbad becana. of the clamor. Millecr put the; motion and de-- clired the. amamidment adopted. Crie. for a rolli caîlavae kept up and memhers, vlth face. white uli rage, hegan te mura tovard the. Speakerai chair. Il va& plahnly a- hoatile muve, sud thc policemen under the command of lie doorteeper vere rallied for defouse. Clerh Reev e hean lu read the second ameudnment. Spaker Mille,' alfa declared the'aaadmaceladopted. "ton ara a, lar,» ahouted Allen of Vemle.The hhbuls axed Bercer. Tics. uwere six amenamenla. and beture ani wrn. ilaped et Speaker Milites' face çpe ubwhte flepreennatl"Ve RdCeanringa af Clii- dUgo torc a board tram a deai' and a&- vanced threateningly tovard the. Speak- er. Books, inkstandts. latter fîles andi chairs ver. aelzed for tie attack, As th. clerh Siniabed the reaiag at the laa« auneainthle pane.imuu, 9whiqb hbadmOt abated. sauciltoa ailgi. qr pltch., Speaker Miller lochai ce« ou a e ofetangty face. He clarted ta e.- tiouacé that lie bill wv&a. acel leaa third rnadiag. and tien camme tié 4eluge. Re#reaeutlve Richard Bunr.aru.lp the atpa of the Speaker'es taad and reached a menaciag hand tovaul Miller. AI Glade. a Repuilican menober trunt liie Pighteenth W.rd. 'Clicigo, ctmeak Burke on lie heai vitihi. cllnchedd Bat, a"j tugether tie:Vry toilSte dlort. VÀpreaetatire. Cummings and Werdell mde a savage oaalauglt on Glade. and the group, sarrunicd by policemaen. tougit hach aud fort trund the clerk's EI-BPEA"LEBUIEENAN. dcsk. while ail lu the. House aiiuuted la excitemet. . Speaker Miller tarned and made a quick exilt tirough te door bock of hi. rortrum. Accompanied by Repreacula- tiveà Shonnalia it.naly and othera. the Speaker-retired 10 hiea prîvate room. and aIl effort. ta ae lm were of no avail. FnIlIy lwo-hirds of the. memsbereof the lioue remained on the floor and de- muanded thnt buies he transacted. blit and posaesses a large fortune. WVheu lie etlained hie mtjorlty in 1901 leinl. berited 812.500.000 aind ibat bias betin so increaaed ipce by itîdicioua invest- ruent that it ii,, been greaily .welled. The bride ie the datuglter. uo. lirs. Frederlek, Neillion of New- York-, wiîo ie a s1.ter ot %Irn. Frederle Gebhord. There Ïa Wisenid Kaukenboeker bloud lu-ter vaing, and lier fortune la .ecn.leable. L84e la a yonng womaa or great iicauty of peraon anjdnaracter and ha. enjoyed ninbounded popularty in the aucial cir- cIe. ut New York and Newport. The floral decorationa ln the villa wer bewlderiag la their bca.ty. Ncariy 15,. VIL AND Un. aEIlALIi VANÇDERBILT. 000 Ilaster Iliea vere uaed la dccoratlag lie grand hall, vhille 5.000rosesanda rare orchida vere dlalnlbutei tere tbelr electa woîli bethe mont artlclîcaly de- ligltil. The bride recelved $500.000 worth ut gifta, some. ut hem halag 'of extremse beaut,'. Eveny policman on duty ln couecion viti thle weddlng e- ceived en $20 gold pece lIed vit t hie favorite cler ut the bride. Boer War Cet *S25~b0t,00O. The TAndon Oely Telegrapi caie- late. liraItichetotal gruauHabilitiezuor lic Untuflai KIdom ameuâoaat b£80,. .000.000($4000.000000)l. Thisa empare. vt i £03.00.000 (M3,750000) lu 13M.00 O hathia SNea van cter.b. ad MVe tlie b.d mcv.trou 5gaewat yc.u =der, 0, neio ralie I t a but auhq e i4entl or Sb* liatw adt Gardenlag bli l. euc"etmeultldiana sia day.. Evideutly oîîr batîlemlilps trere nul- bâtir for pence. Ž.tliiîg but r-ar wil lave tie uuvy. At ail eveult,. SirThiomaha. nueocca- mioen îow 10 deuil lîah bils bout ia a reaI racial; machine. Tii. pernîclouia $1.000bilîlappears lu baye bodtaoîaetliîîg ludo wtilthle tes- llmoel et Pair ailI wilueaae. David B.' Hill is 60 yeara et age. but ha ahouuitdclîver îîp. J. P. Morgan achtiev ai muaI ut bis smccei, allern huaI age. * h la hardly pirobabile thot anythi va aigit du titi otîr uievjr u1mit-prea- ont vould iSpecre the hBerln press.- W lien Ir curnes t e ce of. ut rovcr Cevelaud 1Mr. l-ryiiî carnie. a big stick, but lic boas nu ldéa if s.îiaklna fotly. Thi, W¶est iii killiîgigl$ bâti dmelinI suci a rapid rate wht lwll tice;nuacIl boyas rend about an tond lu make Vient greCl1 Ofdeera ufthetIi. mnItor AnLanna# should be onthie lookoul alicu tliy or- rive nt St. Tonis or lie native.sîiny loke the boat for au ovr-rgowu ,nicrobe. Probily. the Bititîli lerasta'io are again Bfndlng tîalhwit.h Yanîkee styles ojedctepecialîlj- le the Yanakee' styte etf wlnnlng $i.coiiers âayfraint lico. Apiirenly tlic Vanuderblt fauîily la coninlng lîseIt priticiptilly te mtalîuo- niai nienger jut nos'. Mfr.Roasevelt ha.s atccccsed iii dem- ontratiug liait even a I'rc.idcuit eau dodge te liîueIlgIiI for aî'hile if lie rneva huta go abouthit. ParIs la beiig ras-agcd hy lie Atmeni- cau cake walk.,hut ad the. French,.lie- pie are very counicrata lerinastley tlîl nul treaaurc thiti up saanat us. By coîaultinr the recorda&utfte courts Ir illbe bsevedtht lia affetions ut amon or vent..ara worlh. tuncinier. tg alleuteaib,' a persa>rateS ar $le. 000,0110 tienIf ti.head* «reet! cibY sea*baadumo person vitbfl a a eaI. 0à ti ti ATTACitOtt uT+L1 ciai» STAftTe Citd'. cri". *tag Macher tg. Daccue nid et FuWI.-MbaiVeme»m oce aonuvaew" h as i uCStod, 'a aon"a am tea eTie.. An attacir on tiwsl*eyea"lod daanghîer of Braaos Davia. à tarmer. hl:-a "ountgnegsteho..aneain Dt lhnown, eaaad a liing md race riot 't the. *illage ot Santa f%, lit. Tie augro. Il la helleved, >u*a a tmber of a gang of nagroee worklng 4M à bridge over ' the Xbmlala i rivar. LAter le lad hoea he.ged an aagr7 oi f faeran raided -ldw. gampat th badge, exclianged àalv- * rat volley, eft .iu-vitI te fegues, and woundald scseak Noue ofthlie white mca was hart. Brunean Devis lîvea one hait miletesat of Sauta iFe. Wbil ah.dagliter wax la te laruyard tlie nero »voiee tober. 8h.l rau, but bu eeiad ber sud ber imrams bronglit h..motiter to lhe e.- eue. The. nsgrd ies cd. ONiera veré nçi.4 and werc .ooa. la paraui. la aault speedli *priatsuiong tt.aelghboring tarmera aud resnlted Inlm e.4"grsnob siartlng la .carch of th.aaelU*t.Tie uegro vaa Meanwhie captemrô and 'vas belig brought tg Santa Ire wheu the. moka of fermer& waa mel,, A acrîmmage raMted. durng whleh tha fermera .ecaredthe aegro. He cou- tereed. but begigcd*fit merr. IVithout a word the inob etiarted wtt the pris- oner toward the-nOW bridge being con- structed acre.tii. Mlai.aippi. where lie ea hanged ta a M ires witiout delay. Afttt lisody baild iigled iu the air a feu moneut. il -un rlddled wilia bllet.. The ofiers ende~vrd Io disÇerete lbe mai, but thelrr coM w ere uniavailiflg. A rash was made fr-fliceoloa.y of seaerai hudred negrou e pleyed onuthie bridge and living la tentae earby. The negroca oser the muh cumitig and opeued lire. A fusillade followpd seul the whitea fired with iuch effeet that Marlytai te uesr#ea tel.Noue of lieicMué waxinjured and Il a unet nul haute heu aionaly lia. ne- grec. ver. wo«enna.d Tle-ioob preaaed forward. nowltliatanig tlieteady f§ne. outifl lie negropa taried andd ted loward a uearby woed. taitlng hein wouuded wiii. theml. The mob lien*fe11 *pon the oteta am burnd them. Aft accouniahing a general worh et destruction the moi dis- pcried. Extra p we.vre awom u nauj the village v= laelinder heavyý guard. Th eeclepit wona ntelale, FIOEPLAN KIU.8O AT COI.UMBUS. rira».ueteaya Nlhgum. Stck%.,Caus- - ingta Lace et moo,ooo <0ua freman vaa-klled aud property vinci at $M0.000 4destroyed hy a tir t Velumbea. 0hio, aagiy Snnday maraiag* Daiel Levia. capts f fengine conîpary se, il, Vin ca*gw ier a faitingWal vhS. errylg a a . ite thelb.Palace barber *hiop A" wua creuated lu the The tire starteil la thelBruneonau d union Clothiug Comepany buildings at Itigh and Long treet»..and. f auned by a bilk north wiuid.quickl.v£pread to ad- Joning aruture.. The Tulowiug l of the pîrincipal loaaea show. the. build- Ing. damaged-- Brunrua bloch. Mal- penny etate. M$85.:UniounMui. Oau- lei Thiomas. $40.000; biuusey bulding, j. I. Bull, $150; ourtricit bliee. Fleetwood Courrig it. $15.00); Mthff block, E. T. If itheif. $5.000:. N"cola blck. K T. llitlioe.$8.000; Whatiahlre building, Mir.. william lerlager.,. 000; lunion Ciotliux Comanani. dAOO; Boit Brothers, biliard anpfle e ai *sà l.,S. $6.000; Tallmadge 13aiduaire Cein- paay. 840000,, Muuiey & Ce., barber sliop nuudgent.' i'arniahlinga $290000; Whathlire Hutel. $.li:Lyîa. iBtoti ors, winlesale grocrr.. 50.00; IÇirby î% On, o t-a.. (K)O00. Tiie total insu, ance 1 e£35.000t. 'le upper lleursuo the lirenmou bulidilu.r Wern. uilnîiel ,nainly as livilng nrzirtnaents, onul hl etcape ot the o wro ata se.atteudr.i -it àil nuii, br of îiriliig iî,ca'.euta. I'hillp 8. Nationa. :1 Ieder on t1i. fourîli ficor. waairescued trio t reoul enveloped la dlames. 1hie tahe wer wn,4 ilying a treanalu mb the flaiiilg trotif t tti building telien Naion. lottied iliii idcr- clothes, îuddeuly aciî-cred ut a vtindowe. .A *bout out brr)r . -ttnît frein the cruwd. as nexcue seeîcd onut ftie ques- tlon. TIieheîîî-. eatver. aaîkli' startcd lu relue ain.itîsinladder. S.-v- eral time. tibe mou rin ueLback ilat ic ruum aud returîîed n it ana rinfui .ut ltie.. wilcli lie Ilîrewte 10the litreet. .lnal a. tbe top ofthelit ddr touclicl tbe wlndow ilîl lie aîapý.-ced wrainîg a derby batudi betore the irenien.coîîd reeaah bilm tarted tte dinldowea. Wieîi li reached the groud lie vraia tatcueet I AcoNsTANTLY incrsi u nm- *olvW4" ta sPejai MY armm cnag cO jjber ef haiatprerib Pa- mediiceM laiIQU1COUli cM» >.b« roue taliaIr regular practice. Tt relief. ha. prov«e Iamait. au, Ihreagilli aI 111put ber etu. aven thle doelors aa ercome tliîr russe admI aS letun ocae« a Unique positlen ila ' -t *m v mTia cine t la te euly Internailem1re yetncctarrh raedy k"wite thel .deulm oa. edalproession ho-dmy. Catatni, c wasIlatà ever: on0y1ladmît, Iat lbrang e e u-beba f-e haifti tCdamaea ichit aMat manhlni. da.11 ue- Catarrh sad catatrrial disaees &lct ad 1er J aM oec-hait ef tia people ut United Statea, =1» mcefl- V. HL Brand M OD, t Moheas. 111-,t uamea Peruna la il. pructîce. Tho tellov- er Rat cm.e)» an exemple o e ic cce.a i. i.s irocugi lie meostofPetona for Ca- g P . »t rop temir - e l111,410. b à a aunffrer, tramcatarrit for fi.he avi eW"- -i aes- peut @avant ras èuuli Dut heur plaisn ji.-.f. ik . .8 »dj had we*tMery cyaSi. came %eC Vaam i me:lavRiiiatU ..L..*,ha h.A t nu . ausi le - 1 SET Wl - - 5W*5u w Omaguatii 80o&PbnUn Viae "Thisa paper." remarked Mns. Grow- alas. "maya liaIhaifthteipeuple boru luto tie wonld die betone they reacli tie âge -l gucas that's rigit," rejoined firoar- eli,.."and 1 know a nituber et .olhra iline would nual lie saed ver mucci." Do Your Peet Ache aunduBra? Shake int your sioca Allen'. Font- Ra"c, a puvier for lie fet. Il muakes 1tigil or Ncv Sho.. teel Easy. Cure. toma. Bounsa. Saroilen. Houtanud S wcating Pest. At aIl Drugginls anid $1106 Stores.,25C. Simple sent PRIE. Aîldress Alleu S. Olmateul. Leltoy, N. Y. Nul Eaoonrang. De Auber-I vonder If tie Art Com- mitte. ahIlhaug My palatilns? Crtlcas-Can't la,'; bat 1I adntani lte majorty are la tavur uf eleetrocal- lng Il. __________ PU"À<AM VDDLES9 DYMS do mot owaI i aor bth tIk .es net?" etuerici tire îoalh. "iltle," replieS thesalge. "And what lie l.amauxsmetime. calle>thtc lmpîre wouldiO't look velilaluprint»~ "Adam Byrd, Dém.. rsa .Iectad 1 lie Flfty-annl oangreai. recelvtag 8,015 vole.," la titeaborteat bloraphiy La lie coagresaloual dîreer,'. Mr. Byrd rap- resenistae rifth N mllalpplilisrict. During 19M02the UItebontaeorthe .Royal National LIfeboat Institton ver. Iauncied 289 tliaea»adS avcd 4M0 lIv. Sînca te radent great borsea. Oe. Si nsr la Berln ti, buies.fet lhe rsa hutchera bal 4u*dedrula. 0Tc l~Ke el UIéb-KMar" Feu te o C oc 1aila ehtd, ne la rLek via lae t « '1h the leut ,for itmo-b b. e- P~n Ubtiy, Dr. M. C., Oée b of n FrNk"!' d* "Pe-ru-na Is of Especlaigie ft to Wonien.", lb an a.,d; o achdeu Parua li able 10 cre t m =,rIl may h. loaled. hy1 acisup.te macona MA Oalah maas fauw mue of 1k. .mu etc.ahefac1 vii n.i a oer it ti cf, the »c s n ema t Rdo1.1r.UZ Robh *. ces off te c.ugaio l*0agl$a .-lezthe c h ead gl al la eau dleut It ftelgo ac e.caue. «I hav, a large poeetie. a% che 1 pte rftbe yur P hegaj. aylu l gté., 4 'ROSE RT f ROBERTS M. D Ro a . Roberts. M. D., waah- fntel. C., vrte.: ..»ru*aMY à"Ougpg*uoe as.wJthat01 t U et4Y o ' a aorud.or ou.vdolf as 4 - w " m bou. ~ * e oe. êr LC. Oaa'a Rap - veeors.Pi0 t

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