[5 hénaa. etlinstetteupp IL oIaisMsiope, . -. "mean, lelbrlet melloina *Mae t r Pdt a sdpett a iuîlaPsene da tiet at i. it ireug.Il by allmulahe b but é~p~ 1) p Btt. -I» ti li 'Ccires sèrem t b psierrIRt th$ have à arng peactîe. mdairecm aesenbraaee aIpal .S e, te preetrbe leur Permue. 1 It r ebtOtlibpsoabn b preveatins theirtmia édat le-* *W ana 4k eept froint iMMspol bus: Orne1 et tiilau' imues ta ue m itbmluset mucus. mms 0"ndhIbmeeafteuet Ovriif Ien do nt derive proet sud 'asti> I fa alarna. .factony tesuita fretn the use et Permm, arrh luismes tIbmusneus mms-airit Ioc eU.Hrea.gem 0sd cams th*Ibmlond vplmae fta LuI teOtmt et year cae. MaW ho rnLe >. I =s eucos meirn ,pleaensi-le gres jeu -bis vatuable "à- mfastjn< lisa 1111 ies att Ius tie'an e le"let ai-oý. dires Dr. Rartma, Preildent oc eamle. wee . , TieSartusu Basllrom, Caubum. 0 Mn. Bilann-t vant a pair neveinee fer me . Y- C ei ~uty--n.Awlcskokil? 11*5m. WÏin>-Lok Ahee. mou.sb use tmeetand ttat bMoie Fl'sa s geci q laehuatas ven erne ovec. De Ieus-Peecs Ach* &Biidan-a? abie élote yoinn t'bon AlIlm*'est- USe", .aàpew cr fribm tact. Il ma""c tltuos 3tcu Ootest pasy., -Crts C«" Ocas Bunions. Bwolis. lt M Uele~et. At *it l nagglel *bd = "mpetseat lI5 Daelaesar «ta U m is le .ty J-1 *-m.SO a ie e ei SeSie lua the S@er. oaseofthte inoat curiege customa eof the Laplancra le the mâanset ftal- Ing the. babies la churcl. lescrlbcd la Tic naothinem o rsgulariy. ees uie th"y have use. timy babies. Bome- tlie Ibm! ride tes or iAte miles tn s sbslgh Ira*n by s neladeer. They ai: bave uarni clothea ouliashebaby la Partlculai. Oflenlirne, $is lewrpped lIntW cdiseli sudtise rsleer lo se- tîlteL Uietthber Lappshevels asaenui lile bel eofaau, ma"mutiner Laup itrape baby suugty lu atbanmd lape It devrn tliee ben a mtbw[app piles mir onmiommi ilansd tbe par- cula gon luté the cisarci. Oves, tvmat or tirty et lie. ha- blus le over ibere l in hesnsow reund the elteb, snd 1 neyer besIi otose that wu suffoti.d or frozen. rlbhe mmcvd0mPet maire tiss oeIl; for vissa Il ceenta &person att aven. If bbe iton sethb.geao«no te bat Il vW net matlt a"I *et fim. Il vil eep bia vaine. The tlttlc babies are nie stroilg egougb.la kueck theine acusle ail. Set away, os Ibcy just Hic alill there sud go le eleep. Mien ebuncis la out the fathe r Son tu ubere thc baby le. and pinta bis bnsadoiviltte ic neuad pulls tba baby. ont snd aimâtes off thenowo. Thaïstise reindeen trots off, a goal deal Iiter tinan a borne, aud taken tincu 91i boue agate. BiuiEck* Comme te al Who overtar the k1dueys. D t ai etoui- = 7 y.wlfc eht ç, .as, Weu mw ue PUilawre,itt bieugbt te My atten- tion 1 vas uferles trouaoa pila- tien et kidney IroutilesélW.iejd- thei baià fl bci wlaich uaualiy resutta trouà ac kttbdney complatnts. 1 bel a gial lest ofese k etIrouble vltb the acretionff, *111bl wsre crceeclîng!varIable, -aouctlnes eremîve and et othenr rimas acenty Thé rbcoor wuse hifb. aed-pisgevr I nicepnied l mIs4 aadlng sensation. Doamn's 3Kl4sy Pllal reelte h Idhey secreloeins. klng Br acîr b normal,ad bInsiai Ihe Inflamtmation %Fhic.b causai tbe.scalditig enaatbo. be cap reet welt..my bc le atog A" I - oottauni 1 fuel nihbetter Ileave! ~NA~A ~tV- II T IL oI thîs great kldney tuefftcle ubîcli curcd lInm.Pare IullI lie 5111letany part et the Uitl is auosStates on appicB.tion. Adîreas Foster- hdmylI.b hltlnCo-. Efliclo. N. Y. ForsalIc by ait drugglsta. prIce 50 cents Per bal. Ira nuch roc a Tirel Tongue., 1 S.ie- "When 13luter canne liante et 2 o'loc tbe other utonlux and declrel lie wus MI l rgt-tiîa ufe asked hlm ta nameé sel Nh 'ew Xbngad States-'" "Coutl ineho l!r' on*nsah- 'ie. h altpped u n Msaho 'cta' --Clsttiln. »l-- * ~Iamcd5,«hiA à ccl e b. PmulyGame., au egilior-Yon liestîni carpets! Winy doiltyen bav4 Phyla bhetp yon? li"Xke rs. KInity-'mSbem (wbaei) very beuy qua wh.aei) iltat now(whoci, uhichl. BSc'e practielita lier plysital culture ieer' ciscs(yak. "&s'a . lppse. IDacer --lira Bpry, yonr hushsnd sce t ae tvga foyer. JMM. Stp-Au ['Il betlil b léi s oes te. LASt W*K'* r edtion 0 1%e cup reportletai buveau amye thi wéekN sue tiver Seli the pa B etpain, hbotli epperatiena. but -tempasres lahaia Bf Il Oegettt l' freexes bayq INiearly plantaed ty 4 bllily tht tresse eot0the ti.week ln 3 Oklalioma and Texow., mUecci front, cotd we die 80*tbem Mbaisal. plaiti li ava prour«"s 011. vclay Lad uliIO bmuta tUceg»muhanse prbm a ppeai ta lijuryduvln Md l. eeui e a aclleas v *euh a'Ubldetetie la uocttome et tIhe centri 0mb Vautref. ou thn csîloo*la tlm tavéo avire, hp ortber.rpe uliet vegls.Tbe e ne serleus dapage hi Barl, seun poLitons.1 cit e S m te crop la ii Osis emtilaed mort &M oueil lu the Bile Valley, and slow grewt ported la the central oh" ovaileji. Ijecreal Portail fre. Illinois su tee, sta"nuObito. sceli la progmi'nga Nearly cai limita bay damlage- trou frostaa tuesapptcs hsv'iug a witn the teaet njory. 1l118eI9-Frost on lit dstruction t0 fruit ani gardeet.Tue. td. fer plaut grautb; whent b piovement. seCrege cô aheus deteriot-tibin lu plowtng for corn la setl IIn ed otst eedluag liuies 0atat districf esaly dels*red. but Cpst teti a i red; tee, M batut - eareIndit frait bli eds ernet tu;a orwt f Meadow*. w tares, retaîf.d gemiai es, ierries= bard frecsela nocther til -otla sem T hca ;r probsuabl eitens1 = .:brid IrsI btlutn >,slhy cl etni et res et à bt«eep ateut a up anseses whee ir. vlni.Pise LmateaeraMotea Rut li.bielcsd=misi apiaemi 11P mail 0~is ouAm Slta o wbiasthearvi ne e' la" iely. MO buissest e pcrt i Botin ou sivauceltm su eanscl. e ud L ern and s beganr Seti wolaittets-Ahal din gremteoprtne:i Wfeaya.dy. teape estufent cat s tuado nomaedutiiy, nd *xectely ecaflou et MendumeIntuni Permanent InJary ta 51' péait ,bat sonne te ast lsutmgly damaget; a subibei la noilli partitl blgumeea et phlam. asm 1am turir apaleties 000 Icelse et Cotton Pref 'Braun oet Siriaw bason i roem la Munloinly bourg. 100miles lîshni Tinreé bumiril Chio Butte bavcestuai tf ieuiy antsgcuîinute4 te lie baoai ou sometb 'ebeap lalier." TIhe tatisbking et la paumint awray Lot, *go tbere ver. ses excluIve caltlennew It noir tflreareeuxly th ins manufacturer&, eonsîn are now "yPO pari: oft tein producl, bacs counpcîitlonle Ih . Tina barveat af Ai Inctel, Tinse will cern for expert. Tb* a te 10 par cent lak liased i wllic # bout Kzrupp'samn amie Geraany, havea n e00,000, aIl of uhlcin ily'[ Ibshy bal hi tbey flîlîbt have lie Tise ireacet laun proucion et pater, Oier Faitse, on tin E et grsnite, A00 teet bhl. Tones mma be Set 12 f149t. vi»l e "-us. 44ithliat bffl UOS çotred PU-"esI I byîmercsboe tKe«ittàpve depàrlmmjel îtJoe aelatait, or a.1 Pmfavorable fetes lkthie, cf ie t lstressai, ne- t bm amasucob&y ceviar ef 4sei'M atedrs te i-iardM Fe deeIb e th* cria&med *"mainî gaeimb Io, sud Rinmvbavealebu* 9 b y clored lbe. à Fe caued- math Mueit 1 *CeI~ $etbeesmeloI-9 amTien. ab" a'of le heprsdb « oM u s. t«Wi hm tien e OM atbas been tle miwý dri Ithe later mleci MM te = 8 'es a Uic Villages IL hissouni, Kangese. tirougbiut eliihwhee Mostf the and tins Ctepliaaipatrineet OW iÇ" are colored. illias allies tbrughent mina becuissAtmu te recognLot the, ne- Prqpsuettou fou ip. lads55*i t em Vrobie eI tavenabiy ltu Ui*e apla Uep,%mm sltes. A rit «*ise-b w Atlantic Sttai.ualm ga aIM lvt 2ai te is ole. bri. sé4illr lt-w th ft av feuiled .eei ~ agte bo L"s et teliasplties m e cimbr I acrai ou" erfa .-: M'y Prqeuls1.& l- nTherlàte thobM Invesîgiît 0'ohet t d natmion ntcisiCicago pouteqes *d et alitrm-as 'a Mîsisslppi MieUceseIbm'"a .i5 iptt et Wh"min s- SPacifiecourt thé. eel 500M .. âmouncemut ofetW;a mlle . Vitry ittle fsr-reacinlag beaof theigoestâl- ý1 at eutd lie doue tai"ywusa rn-b, wPostnater aG4iaf ion ot the sprins Parmeus X. nezînsdlosem*g ports indicaee Ilat lest yeur . mosetitve Le"i ve as boen doue t teme te a dettlthat a gentral eit- On tbe nortin Pa- Ëmatie.et-Gl»ereoffce. bold liet in nee ot raim. m" cat" 85ý Payne. *"Wetbs<iqli Il ,a or eosc InulrvWOU te lbok espla i lto the mater et s ot the Miisouri thb. pardumsetm spplies. Tine udomki ti la refnerally n- e oas ufond wmé.lsccned In Ibe lant ississippi 8" ap vltlrn' 4lboxeu$1000 le u00 ceéd servage lte IctstltaW'ihamuinatlon, &Bdait III 4 Indiana, sud au- b. mai"eçgkQ,eIp'siisdent oet bm i55- Whers uninlabel. ont lavsmtigatle g etepartmental saIt,.m îlowThé, 1b.«l het ity posteSffcc re sufferel torther vw pruse be regard tetbe Sud- t aud leu tempera-, legsefthIm e, bl bvestgattea. but SuaI ppanentty esacped 1ev Uic exsmmaai.awflllba mamde atUic illrent cile.blu Dt beau letermmed" 1 porte. canar uldmprei Mcttecpligbéut tins ceunt'y ars d come ianny te laliegiveàs 4eppMortuniti te, compoe r gruanatcu ud aintb# TumàiW. set Lu funiabni le- n.titleagoad. but 5ifor lth*upilsr govrmet build- iu Many lcaliie; lave, At liguet Uic competlllea la te- tee ertieu. mns sieat . t i. ,Iguee edtcas, but hl su-3 prsçttcily, Ia segva.ans irebi*Wecfor the Ireasunt basm bie Rel e Uà.ai- &Oddte rebsqe*bisbureau of mutin1 Re, sea,,tee gai ulitince k sudtaeentae a vsrielly 4A et; trag vedit es- lu .. grs t sme-4esgna a lv g m anhtecta letu ralal z ta te semata e-.11 a i euid for ai] publie bud- rld M"11 tl ruts.4 a.A leea siiueten ftructure.are te :Ceniloiele= 5ta bolie tai b icTreaury [lapait- fult beesu. aut, sud the, sapervielng arcInteet. ast, ~ ~ ho hob esy vsalsla »Meadfor dêsigne for the bidSalMair ibeae l iflsisst buiiflgellîlentaiinvitation@ hait.rys sud pea- 1s anar et erchitecta, mont ofthdeu Loio e e s esla thi tapmedlte neighbonbood iwhere or;ig an=e: ther bmbuilding_ la te bReput up. a"ins Insu Dail eu; u a epot. et Daa ek; An aulemehlawImn mower. drives by tte 7iues. uilocuslietty, le »us edelteeut the grasa M nouvales I ii-M b %i m.Utltl 'ter-@"ay w utht. lieu- n L. Mbi be MW ailtIe s Ue ldisasn be s irer55'seyhes ani eieut; aits es.bt thésat#omohlle mushias scas ré, iit~ is de tebm amsueatet work lahIbmésn mite u~ula es, W de snd ako a grot ea 5. botela N dona#d"lsires Thébm aacne eja fis an orlinary amut ; ulsa t t iil vscer, blitng 6b spath ef about aMx fuet fer ~ ~ ili eemsgsiî et vbea i .u sad the iea;arsailei QomIermaglaise dis revelvlisbisies. nt=re go a~wbaus lu scia, $0Iat s put"ocoan .7es ~ b-M taapt . Ibn=itrm lip u w bea an eb.M- taul. Ceu psaide, le seselial. ltala msaite lis the aphmfl tsi: gira machine oethébkW lu t lnaceustwy. Dg eloer by swu ubmey reporet a Foriy-tour G«mmn lanl sunena snd seve.phlàns amiagdrislusl experte ubo are lIltim eun- l. ambt U7 j'te atuliou- epicolînral itisos frUitS ai luiqWeved piacbbncry.thce oher day a Casuo an. Uthicman wpehlladone more lu Uic itI morming or l ttsix y7"rete adffSeAmedeic oi- ilg a »weee. wlitsh etien Iiasany étber. Tbey gave na su....m sasutgaz s, vu dunfrienmby feeling as tbey OLb Me met amUi weU vrlutroduel ta "la mîn" Wilson., = nd . gr$t*- Obsretary et Agrculture. Me gave îbemn ai~~ ~~ cor, stkI edial ucicoma cliitliey absorbaI orpuda rneared acera i Wlson IdeeM Wfie bey uit weel;vs ttoul ct *am yback bons uitea.m e b =1msiiteau r esun; pieu9:«t.,fc G»a. ites, 1n a ~got oft hIcentl S > lapsetionio e icaray la Ihe.Philippines, wrerally 0m;01. Clabusrease e heroeomuc>idstion ho- peatmade et*ta e time ef tbuemrboilmeitbeef r. maii grain fausse* wmima, 1ha1 intemd et usini refrlgeril- ut v mbowiau. se. dbesthIe srMy ebaubi lie uppliel wilin uy. ý aatssa, loeston tine ioof. Me bus aIsoecriticiel Prus ubset leanouci- thae emplymcnt of asidhar lu labor on t asd baris; fruits roals lu Mindanao te au etteult tlt bas bem ae ra it va. prompted Major Gis. Davié ta send a ?t a e ri a IWwtathéIbmWar Depcrient statteg pogt. poui. sicav 1 hu1 the van uas uesesaary le Min i ries little dams' qe; uliset antelais Me ra.fMes. 3"» ud miCanant, te cci eatirdLu. esupmse Iecommelea ihlcin uil % A sseattiUnilsi ittusat the bn- le da s=.icm#~ tonitMouctarg.Cetunilsalen la @& lmpeaig.. cm uvsg~c~amiArler axsl-u LSo e. MM«J ' tlualqt u jebsvilt Via . llParla.Bit. elle,5it5 Usehrgsd h Uie.uere cou- a ~ """P~'fergeç eg ll bliebell b Uictheo0fciais tss.. ppis. bd""cteodo-wuâëeii. olonialpoass0. pI ~ elai et thc severci gevesunienta. Tise .04rnS1Iassn haopste ha ibis te returu te mb. lulited States nt tar than Oct. L Application of thc Molinoe doctrine te tbe Chassne situon'u laorgel b! Civil leavies Cemmuiot Peoctor, Who lia leen Ivimi thc quesion5 tuy. He be- Ilae v tIat tIbIs gvetfflmit MuaI assume Ita roapenl ut! nse Ë, rripouer md 00 baia oftht in 0- UeereIlsSmarkets fOr liirplii Proluets s" sc canin y a ieatiua ln the treuget diptomate Isptthat ansur itby Kuropean the rumlvrsal t aicl te dismiember the Chiniese empie lertakee te inoa'irua oou psts nd ssfety flahulhtilinem- Ttr- use le UneeBa'@ navy have ne lasud0rymen 1%,eioras appetites. The ctimetes for fr 84 a day. »Vi' o"plie for the enesslg year incînde >eletials -iUtba IL iIl, 00OU*peurla uet aAmen. bint ele han th* iaieotieg tema ae1000pud . . - -.#esamfnlrters and 141,000patude of ftins Wsmternplains maasnt. Beet bellpne.ecls. ,ever. A-'ftew Jeas & Om 0 pa lb~ee julrem. Thilal RrIp 10 Mululleaire >the etuf of whlcli lres.atemade, In the oullipse.t; *egl uen wart cesethey May lis tbfrty. eleà epen ta criat i onsait borse. ao absinthe laWI& ou wot.ng le Euroe a Pimidlct. Waieito'cainetca % no tintthIe blrench sistci ef 4 Secretat'y t itate. ecetary liebueuec aImai et theS Treasory, Secretary et ,War. Al- itnt bliueur. of nsyGanean sd Postunaser Qeneral. ëmmer W& Ssonis Ot. w5uxm ~trmd 'y an amIc, u m au ~fl~ coa»e tbat the lady bas en a uli areud ber ngck r lye, nol My dem," un ber eh; ta confuaion. 1Tbey ere voevPretWr "But mainma,persistai 1"lb.l "tley look just 11k.thesa boomOpapa rouldnt est last aigut" 1A ¶flgitt Sqa.eee - ramils. Ar.Uiry il.-? atcled troim tbc v«7 y talr k e grave la a smoewhat tbrlllag expod- nce uInd. one wbiecbUi . N 0. Oarrtt or thte place bas just pasmai direugli. Mre. Garrett auff.red vl* a£-Car- bru-spinal aixettion, sud l"4ihbm trented by the hast physicies, bet rilliput the sllokb*cim lproirement. Fer the tantit Ie àum s Ivdec- tora were ta estaiet attundane. bot e e v vers Wla00 eta otas. t o Se cola a b. SI "d 114a"etbave nul poWeit e» utrn l. Ibe waa s, ev illt er the. prntwb !rlende vere boutiy cxpeetl.g b« l'lie destege6ad gVen op au' mcd ne o» etbeeght b. euxi tve. Eh tbla s *Zcuity lit.Ga"M mue for a box of DoMds Kliney PUis, U dee a last bepa, but bapplr t diMe Mm sGar»Uetuud l.a a Mx Nce the. remedy. mýeaUI ouStsI@y Lbei. she maya: "I amidotag ycvmws k mev -I teslta asella ever 1 didi. DeW«. Itidney PUilacetailiy »«t a e treus or N. coasu smee Hniband-You are as g.10M Me owL Sulking beanu aur1 mt »M V«u that new bonnet, 1 suappoe. Wife-Ne, 1I vas only geins e««rmm old letters. that's aIL li' esleig ea Importanee. Onty a lit ofthlb. bsa. -Love letters." "Borne you wrote?" "'Bmre 1 reeeired." "Oh. mine, eh?", "Ne. soms I recelvsd betqes 1[ met VoI. lIaet ofneécceasne. mmneet @IL. How fa y=a edTÇ-NeZ ISek 'LOVtS THSE PfflRU1<, agise AmanG'sY Se DestouMaed m Wasteru C"brnisse.. *oui C.. Gray ta a yoong k1d.1v. se' Marly of Michigan. Bbc ia. noasas, tdeuat ot Western Caada, sud ilsestW- lovlug. publlahed ln the Brom <IttW (Mlch.) Bsner. are extradatroPu a Vlendablp latter vrttca abou-Umrd là ýte on.etofber lady fria"de la a vlchalty. In thls letter la gtvs e. Ideae the cclimats, social. eiueti lad religions conditions et AilierS.the benuiland et Msunali A" mi aw bernes. Over ose husdred, thoug à»meanabave ade Wenum cwmw their bo«»evitb4 thUicpautlav. a 4. and la thi Yer upvarda etf ljM l*1 laate Upbomes tUsmm is Qry took ber lasse fer Dii.- bmr. Alberta. thc borne et ber dites sud other rvative s"dtri"sésua 10 luaatnmdafier a tuE me~ii se- Joura la beir Westerns pameWben e e vrites et It au follovrs: "*1bueV Éasl grow to love tbe pnfric. Wo bave a beauUfitl vlev etIlue mese- tains, andit seebrs weatlrd t me te sec boule attor home tor Biles. aMg x la. bains tblekly aetfl &U aiomie v. WIi Utheexception oethe claut tour daya, vbieb bave bomes ati mi etermy, _ve bave bai besUMtu pa weatier aver amie ce. 'Theda are beautiful.. I al«UItWee c'but4 et thes non,' as 'it meema te lie alwaya abWlia; the nigble are c,1 aqeteo. On airlvtcg bere I1usa snogveatly sur- priaed in every way. Didoibui7lte etie a business llttleu Iovn. AIlUichepe.- pie 1 mqct are bu pleaseat u»dbon- pttable. They linvefour cburebse la Dldabury-tbe -BEgptint. PresbyterNes. Evangeli an sd Mennoite. Tboe vUa- gelîcals have Juat completsedL a au- some churcli. ver! large sud daelteL, DlShed. contnt $2J»0. Tbey bave a aie llternry soelety hem uceta .ert two weeks. They bave la musical talent bers. Your fteud. * "ANNÂiC. GRAY. Mtrs-n.sorry you are geiag te leave mNora. Servant-An' it'ra ry am te lie se- ln'. nm; there's n ne il tratber id a tever fer. mlatum--Wctt. then, Nora, i wua yeu'i kIndI! Siva me a ,cmaaas ta show te the new eai. thst Texas la a "tte 4t aîiexsggerat* peasibiltles? No , eauonfereteit iUn grest fcture, --If-y*wwainiaun St ls and whsîlin hein dose -te maire t better knowo snd apprccistcdmuta ter eopy et book entitied-T' EAB Il smi pamphlet "TIMELY TOPLOS Ra. :&Il Addreaàs "Katy." Ur- Oi anwtrlgbt. et ouis, Ne& Vinns Ia coutelàpiatlng tlbmiei- patizotiou of the business et cadmsas ~.Hughson, of. Chicagô, wh folos, is another woman -in m who mwes her ýhêalth to thé "':n -uu*1m :I uffaend .fer *mot)=sL wu te r édtetrotAs 1 mitiaiu bc I ~.u oa CObeoD L - sa~rnI. u<ll istete ist *1."M 1-»- - -n m. iy r ensu e m -ou seat blet. utmat_ " ESoe"«* ma" 2ms fax' ' Jfl 1w , se té Wbat le ho àc u "I iares mess Et l aOMth .r vu»" m."Buu iuemd vtusu ma Ibels btstb uVe*sMd ekIO estbua ~Tbe oIum et am psmplsem in outiffl pEne1ý=. n-.tom m. thesal t AU *0bowai. @ý - Wbau - te ~S. AI imIuhba ma1~4~ .- C a-