'J XI ofl 0F WMORIAL DAY. be *bat WIessaiye« bars4A in i.norhi Ibmeotât s wslitueM'acsQu wu bve. lthe gam grave81 ii garaa «tie itatlesibc theers. er buo*el&int. ta l iaIb sotte mt e a. M a srOssboys ani tic men et c. i f bsou. n vbeieve i tet :e lies 11Pl l ie. fart eaad alblmi t.*bIc bien esncfthe noaid th lIr vebonmomola. mte.and wbye r ot 9Wr4 bays bona. teiior ell. i oerc l Iib e ieh ve alIide, cena- a"s detted wl monadi htci I il the b v iadeldd t i .Wla bet atoi the utredetheti oclîeawandt t h paneor >lies he" i . vabett e inovub la . B0f coure ici00 vifl ie niae WU, tIa velum eu a"ra. oneZi s e mea vnturhi C'kept aci eau a ÎRomliy Iike the an. cBe ouas à ,Ei 014-lJe oldatetale ic coon-i anthelvat ratier P1400 et 1h. dl.-& Cdl a. At lefead ellitedcocus. A moben vof te io ven la bati à* ntes whet hies."éedtsti merlu y daehingInbnr a n veytblnde se ri Ii e o la Lii. egen. tWiem bh -uambor dled wit"asbqick.wnerboteepa w. li isi pla courbstag ui r.ie a In vla eig avatrontoref, o i anui "frthWa,1r, ii n t yix doaontb. W. dli acm e patty 1 viige wat l me tnlo 04 am eemn nigil. vhe nsdeely Ur loetohbfn. e mi mi a -te..s vtrn nte aa hato Idas ath. Cpomdtte noifs- %M.i Aot iv ic hcosUte ande!' t'01. tabet L dUe"~ e e Se y keuSperg cama Wb" hireTml iiafl it ib.fll It alvunitediih. Psi orat ilfehllrnarni 0 ei for theliS rac,édwn midoneSouth. liM soma a rtty Ut ý ualin w1t .th raaoft vlt L"1 uacin s - inl na bending ever a entis vl th a 'oeil,. pered word oft 0ier, and a premllme te wette for hlm. te the friends vbe ver. su "«-r.The' ioldler's breahi ev nuicker,and on. Tom, he lcaned, 011hbe f. candle dlckered and vent ont. ."On. dayi 1vau voonded by a abat, and ta à fev days 1 came bere ta my hoeon the bill. Asi via r.adlng of b. eda ddely the oe à, a mut, sort et oaimegl inMy bhed, for mi Ta , a.uon thelii. Hq baid yeb ytook btal ,.al ttad re-ecbo.dNolrwma-thet ail. Wbi.e1.ieovas rea<1ng. a 151, beard- id mair afut bG yea aueteradl sd toch ; front seat. -App#reetiy As vas a strieger, but after the. shoota had eaîed ha arome and faced tii. a'cdienc.. "Prindio," he sad, "ne donbt yen Ihloli I amn a itranger. but I amrnet. 1 am hi that uied te b. call.d Tommle Ipergen, and amrnon other than Moche- rla Spergessoun, for wbtch I arn justl lIA sansmtant UDec!.Zeke weîasnthis aide., but oei tenui told bis gratitude. HIe wim tue iaoed te îpenk. Yeu. tiiere wer. thé saine me«. ad the dame mark on the forebeid. Âfter the. excitement lie calmed Tom itatinuedi. "Tbere wus a mustake.lle the nomnes. *Twas aether Tous that. d and theo asova.sent te the roeg par- ets. 1 have heiu West al&th.J'ey bave made nmy fortune and bave returned te taecire c f my mother ced tather in, their decllang daym.? As hh. leished epeaking, titre, chier. pvers given te velcome hlm lbock te bis bomne. &nd tat, Memorlal. Day la ftbornvllle w»a on. long te hi remem- bered.-Detroit Fr.. Proua. HOW GENRAL LOG'AN SUIi.DED. Net Lkl xhlitat B&a flialima eWhet Ezimott aiq bar Womld Eh Obiseu. Il May hi w"mdtd fi Gem. JbohitA. Lnoan wui aare boy vol-kea viabond- 1*8wbgk vie.. l <11,b.laid th*. foundation, for XmuorWalday. It mal b. donbted. Poumliy hlie mevfa.enougb luto the fu- ture te iacover a generai observance cf the del by the men uho, Irke himiaif.bacd helpqi te do that vhieb vnrneil the entall<mment eortthe beîiiîifui costumae o -Mînirial day. That mcivroulti bave bee atu ta.- But ha surely did flot pic- ture te ble aial of the developaienti of the moviment. Dld be realia. then thgt Meoetaiday ceremonlet wveau ba made tii.foucéatlon for patriotie educallan oh as no other country bai experlcced--mch as tiaouontry neyer before etperienced? ProbablY not. Did Logan look fir enouth abead te me. tuat the great oeoil-mitary- hava benen meei itb the dead lon 990 had it flot been for Memorial day aId the grand ideai boro o« thatdal? It la net iikeli. Di bho realia. the* that Me- mariai day ceremonleu vould &ttir" the attention oftoues.Ptfmillions cf people oct- ide ef bi% cosnrdes? It la possible, bot 'dot probable. Vhltilnly Gin. Logan <11<1 flt lock far eltogfh.n)t ,e ,tutnre ta .eM Memegal day snugy, OrmIl -pian1ed lu lb.publie ichoole of lth# land. au'vewoaias te. sceeols-In the acadeile% college anad unlveraltie.HeIlived te mie the dal de. velop loto a national h<dlday by cme consent. if net by liv. Bot ho i dn l1jee 10 .it tike poession of t*a.ode caiiil letereite cf the country hi vronght go grindly for, in wiai viiias peace. Monit of tbe yaung fellows Who spraum te arma vhen ver with Spain von-de; ciared vere ichoolei te the. practigil P4 niotisu they se glovlaguly multest.d1à the achooli vii... they bai hoein loohlni tat and bearing ablout the dosgand tht country of whLect it la the blensed emblet -the figt ad country tbey are vllllg t die for, if their livre are dormanded. TIM Fnlday before thei. S t pWMy buash corne as fOued and as omeful ai the. origie Memilal day. It la the. childre'a grèa day for demonattrit their lnteteit li and love for thie country. 1 ,Net tbe lesat of thi eo" voeh that ba cecos from M.euqrlal day Je the patrioe* aeffort mideinlathe.churce. c f a&U demond aions. lTh. vork iiu carrled the. Asaed «Ma Oit litto iide cf hb o f Wvu sbip aMd wltt iseprfewchlet ftous e o.al t a4d* omeuu, uMt. b umEim l. Jmedae cat hav.,imea la --vaecis t latcarry te yeng hearta lave4 ct connU, aad a muçbh limer oederitand-i lutgo ethaI Country.1 Legan ,bnhlded far better than ha hnev.1 Tin la aboya at theêeiutom hi intrndoced1 has given Ibm nation a sies.aof daya thut1 are poeent i, invaluable le their work of1 patrIotie odocition; has given un icool. vhich cpnffl ailtatereach andi plant go meed I le i heilts; %ch"olathat are, destin- GRNSRAL LOGAN. Tie Poaner c fMernerial Diy, trou a41Photo Tahin la 1808 ed te, be..ome strongerand ibItter as tbh-. rearsIt loeg. - The rime vii! uevet c-ome phen Il enu joatly b msii liii American pitrioliou han di eut. 1To ste thnkacwm Deai. "l'heur remue. eolimatt be identifici, bot their eaums andicatis are recordai le thearchivem cf tîcir.cottt, and klu gratlsîn- citimsema hcor tielu au lhi ncble aryc f marlyrs." Thus remis, le ýpari. lie Inscripition on a Massivo mounu- = st le lii. "tTithnvDemid" lue bir tomi ~ieee.ry s .Arlnglu TS$im'sisomthleg peelilarhi .pladthe la tact XiMonlais théiaocuuowfl dcii bohI l niaon Mdeni aContederîte caeni- 1tailai lraiout tie regIce o! tic graît haltlifuis o!tho country. liMo rai>- eviY theirdeaigautioe thoali b. tue "un- idett4fieidiiis." jt lu ocly a question cf hlm. vbun thieamet oflte Individuel paricipasu uicer. heove viii bine almoit as 11111e rneaanag te thome vhs raid their heîdaeasa the plain Arable figures with vhlcb the grameet the n- kmowu ae f tee mînked. 1t-la nov forty 7rersaoInes the Clvil War von at It& helhi.Wbeg arother forty yearmsaol have pasi, thé. Identiîlci ami the un- idntified martyrs et thst itragile viii stand on a Dpnichi cl uallty. mc fir ai the. memory of lb. living la canceroei. Musnmen suad frimais vii lai their ait- lsaction in ith*tbougbt cf uhet th.y did rather thaonlW the recollection ot vho It la peenllarly fortaîte tbat the sur-- vivieg partleipaWanti bothemeelthlei Civil War ihoflnlierovreje t liItIs es- aetial reault t w hlt %i.yarn. The Soulbto-day, althoiq i. ehonora viii pisalonale devotien thé»metfbar amma vie feu,. belavea lne iii lanad reJolces that slavery la forever eoued. This la lb. aspect of the. great conficit, as noir een leistoerieuln] evi.v, w" ol lcflt haeibeeu aeticlpated, bu the molieus of elthir side vbo iid lathat atruggli. Tins tire,sa well iasthb ttilf.ld, bu Its secreta.-Ycotb' Compvaion. A ahistoSl Upe. A"mog lhe maay plicea of letereat icb inironniAmeijega. Gia.. tierla noue su historic la Il» charicter or cf ubieikimuchi bahin ipohin and veit- teneta .Andirsoeviile. tii. îitp of thili Confedorite priscnanad lit hutlonaiceni etery, le vhlch le the remue. c f over 13,.000 Union iolera. It lien eleven milan neetiesat' of ÀAral nid eau hi reaciid by rail or cafflagpe. Tic drive rla a plemiant and pictureaque one, thc tcean wieding aniang tbills aped vclieys and pammîngthrougb boea .of Pin.0f tbe.olti primo eua, uhîihwao. In! tact. eotbieg but a mîochide nelosing tbirti acre. et lied. nbrough ubicli runi Oveet. vater Creek. ltie remlems. A àtraagm. lquat "Tevoer c*mltteb vait" bifl *le. "Sogi ruade-or halr ere "&d--let'» sia eapd»,tlimotb and flI=; D.Oeogum n poo y. Àam. plisa.. mi'afl.' 141d tue tley .14, Ire make a bottami-up ibà4ulet!t -cut7m Campenlon. ite Is lways Ituerai, sud tley that atrait ber promisesciite uttle acruples cof ýrevellea to-ay on the prof lu of to- morrov.-Joheaon. MEMoeIES. 01- * M S5 fer cm"" m4 pgisste, 404lItiur-Um efor lW.I. LoiePain. Tbh. Foet. ird Geiral Aai=ry e- tzb&ibed a eau record ln appeoprlatleq outiing. l'h. totlai set #arst fer urpea- dlturem l4 the met twoueril 4m S»0. S005.e0<aiment 43 MOW 0murs it lt approurttlemOUetMI.Whuealietota W« 13IMOW00. TU* total t abpr"ep* bilons iked thla year va nearly NM. 'D» onée appropriatic on aMwulteI nspoailblefor lthe baIn 4 . ouata -iïa-Garder fouglttee tht total devrate Ç;tCOOO, l goum neqt, in ery poent. 'l'h. Atriasie avm 1*0 r"a go sed shov» la liefolle- big lterniot ei. h!boiMa 1~00 charitable toitotona, apll, , Wo-t «= il ne = _ nrlrnenl, 000;limiera murgýmanisltrnZsln $25,00; cthere Nrml. brary, $OS.- 000; S.charioea Boys, Ecbio4 l 03800; Uniflversity et Illnos ignicilturalii er- Iment station,.p02.000;University 'Df Illinisengineering depart eet MO18.. 000; Pinevoed Parh, Oslo Ccnty, $W,- 000; Jeliet oeitentit, 8410000; Chem- t'or peitendiar, $110,000;, National Goard, 085,88; ilatuhosorepaira. IR583 tite govrement expeesu., $20.000; Indtdel ReHmo for Blnd of Chicago, $25,00; tite Beard etAgri culture, 1027»WO- Thume incréïl -or ai. ditions te tie ilt cf appropriations are partly offset by appropriations made tve yccrs aoeand net made tii. 7cmr: Tv. hendred undai dty tbonsini dollar% for the Bt. Lools venld'. fale. $75.000 for the Pan-Areane«pesition et Buffalo, 825.001ertiZ.ciiaetom exposl onii $100.000for -thé Pontic rafermstoey. Other ind miner offsets brins thei.talI net lecreaffeoe tw teycn"u mo, as at- cd, te $1l,M,i0.50. The follng là ibll Ist'of,agpprpptitona maie: llidltuil cpensci Korty.tblrd tieneral Aacmaly......... I 20,000.00 Payaet of employei eofA.aem- Rebutilding ilPontuac lReforma- I=itu e StteeBoa-i cot iv. st=ck emiiones M 010 statuse eam.e M. Wllard 000.0 Ordnar;ezpeam e i o Oalaa. ......em9mts cuit table Insttutons .........0 ble L=lltatete hanta- 74,14M.1 NomlS e. ..... .......Oi«oo.o Spatial oupeame DekaliNor- malIlebeel ........... ......0l.71- maî cpeamo. alteu Norml =%chel a Normal ........... 110.012M5 &hsryt aIiricedale Normal cc.................. 5M0 Ondtanac epemsCarbondale NormailScioc............. l500000 * Nomireite aud nlterte la- licite positions of Illinaois Ilepe a aae Viekbueg. 100.0000 e n er 09 r. W. Tienay.......100.0 DeiciencIle fend for tracs.ý Çrta Oa f Ito te l tte Ie cbool for O - .00 Ulve at7 cf Illnois,.for Ail dovucet am" support et agi-- .000 ne cf Im eLpoit..........2"5.00 >Incline Reormtery.......... it'2.200 apocli empaensitate Board- or Aselfutes......121.cm.ce St. Chi eh aci for B1a... 815.000.01) gelW et Hlermon Beker .... ,,.00 Riimbarsminl lobe J. Blocs for Wiandabhrses alaUgi- 2:=44=1n fil.innis rrmmr'jinetitats and Cewm t ettaimef l es.te. .800 Avrd < le earltut 35i .300.0 Odicary expeeses Sitate Board et Agriculture and conty agicteurpl t aire...-. ........7l.4M00 ilae. UT * ociBceedeei As. linols penltry Asociaon..000.00 AgdelaIuleL perlmenla. et&- lo............. ....21,00 Illinos Dmryrens Am«Iea- tien ..............3000 monument t ayA ihr due.................5.0m.00 Ilinlamc Mnie Cnl ..152.90,000 Mlonuet ta ta salle Comti te uemo-y ofet slteen .pmroa usise-ci by mIn i*........ .M101.0 innoisa Beekeepeus Ammnathe 2.000.00 Defncc la lite bicdlag fend... ..... .......... .... 5.00.00 Armory etlB1D0oiulgtn ........ 10000.00 6%vroeueala aI Camp Liln- 80D0 ala.................. 4.00.00 Salarles o a 1,e ofteeri.'tC.. -1.000.00000 Fercisse ef farcittu lo Coanty for, public parsk... 30.00.00 Impeovenset ust ge ri-fle, taet. ...... 8 0 Uupqaguse Jo epullentiary... 701.8000 arm lnuola Ntiena -iad.. . ..... . 0.00 gersIiOneStatebeee.....ai.350 neelt cfMrs. loin F. Aileli 5.000.0 Oruhnri crpecmeu ledustrial -nom. for 8liid..........8W.150.00 Cimema .nleatiny......40,00.00 ias Iu...........8e4.24.lS H 1 3 e d"Cu t f: :sl e i5 0.0 m S Safforrlnee cand soi n- Seied.......-.. .............1000.00 Rlef cdf Roery P. andi Muftis J. tee........... ....... 150000 lmrolng Fîrgt RItflment Il- linulm National Gouai-d......... M.00 RxemS e Jacobi Kuiler .........11500.00 "'Cil Rier........100 ff mu exes Macomi Nor- mai Sceeol.--............... 2,0mS.0 Wllling te Al. Tuang Wfe-The Mielater vanta *avery, voman lu the congregation la once sornethîne ffer Ith.ebrci by ber cvi abor, Sud 1 dont mcv what ln th~e world teý do. .UUbad-yoo spqohe about acedlmg Wlfe-Ob. yen. 1 aver tiioUgt c tut.rIu et the* drecoimaher te pay nieue ommcii an heur wii I'm blus Ottoi. tnd tien ah. cau charge Il le tha blLI" lierry Me Spohe. IOi, v. bave aomevery itrong monl "mât ltet.Wipt. ' Ti,. cep re o tIn~by thiW» barsi myat~Ob9 'PqIl.,8t= a . 9santielcsd £abin - he ave 44:~ eniced tirl'ti«eccl vi. anmii ls lth teeiperAIuré e.b bea eo i. eshug average tlit helemri *MObetlydilatrjels, the reporta genlertir lailemo V- -a' ol wArutL., la lie le*watàBo l, I tral inaaipg-jt ueOilcia"ma itrienportion OcjIle is,1 tts raaisvand te eet ainéiboe I. lu Ok- %haoue,. oussi. Nuirmi. leva, lii Dskétas. 3Minneota aM&i. ecota.mth* conditions havi beau SitilYfavorale Corn pl*tie gcatati bèry lIme, bai la now lae% ueurai brégrue hiroegeul th*a cotat valloyn. aid bus beguaW ta, etrire aulirera distnfaa.Thisi von ba& hein caerela-on, vithimocb dlicnbly la tii. lov»r Missrent.cetral Miii.- sippi ani Ohio yalley% sud portion* et the miii. Atiantie Itle. qW1111bird snd lody gwonni. Germination 9" greuhi have beau mnry iov b Il Hdis- trict; lae ii vot golf Oite,. bevever. lbe crop bai rcccvenid rapidii trout tle1 effectmeOfthtei.ca ftet ipeadus Oe oi- An iuprebernol la tth. conditon et vit.. vbiat ta roporteà tram iNobriahi.1 Kauas, Oklahoma, Ten'oind Ohio, bati the tro9p-bas mofferai detelarallon le la- iaus, Illinoi, Kentucky ad llamouri, manch la lbe soutierntportion et lie Isut memlloned State boning beea grettly1 diaged i y enta. Wbeat lanov head- leg uatr nor ne . letueig and saut- eue Mieure. On tbe I'acitc Coast pinter vheat- continuai tltifty len Oregon, but1 le Washington aud CallforeaIn la in le neei o! rain, tic lite love in Califorelu boing nery ueprommiln. Sprieg viiet 1 seeding I.anov pnnctcelly Iliici. m ad1 tie esrlygucp a luComlng ep te god stands ad in e bemtiy conditiont. Tho iteedlag ofes t& ln enlY Slicie la ibe more-.nortberly district. vera gond stands are promiaci. anti biâm Tex- as eortivcrd te lthe opper mifeouri val- ley the crop ba. impruvci mach ince lait Inek, but from tic lover Muimace valley cstwand- ovIn lîteoi. Intia and Ohio. lie tands are uneven. and A1LIth hmach ton ccol, esnlyth vbole of the cotton, region biii rocen abondant tralîl. vhici vi. et tic greitemt bentt i teccentral Mdiwv. *en distict@. le lie Carolînia. uictiere Georgîs and Teuese..germnation spd grcvti bave bien very show. Ne tebice bai yet bien traauilamted aOrtb et tia carolnu and Tousassme. Thuer-porte concerni apphe. ae amivnehah marsen- couragins thau n l ii proviensa viii.but the i. alirement et thir traita cou- tins.Vary peur. iie-iC-nfaveraiio vitier fer ger- uiathionand crop dcvelopolent; variarensa mccich eefi; Wvi-est aboya Intier de- teuloeu.:estotsnt »roulslg. eneren stand. un needMisaa:plowlag for corn ici piactlng la pragrema: grenlai bard ati lupy: previoua reporta et IDai-y la fruits. coneef -mo:travbreg.an m rpessdamiaci iniat. 1 hi»dana-4Mfl erivonfor lieu yen. bat tma culeir germination et sceul a"dgreui of cro4t: s; aulf tfrants en Ive dites: «mI show onevntengad*; iay, and piston grasses suantiver cerea l mary $lc- grovlb amil ine i hataneula iiteutuntei: proipedte fer frait cr ail indi, Peur; Piev- litg for eciu r greamed rapily aud moe phiuttmg dose. butotcni bard and clegiy; rein eecied taem&i ections. Oilo-beay Iront la vest on loi aid ligit ftest lanocciiion lai: Do MR.; roMUD vcry dry ani bard. cern pisnutitbegfun la uenit ceatiues; Pasture% gi-su, -t. bar"e aud gardea» m4kltlogw5e&Rad uIven groti; varurmin ËIaiiy eedit viext alevly improving: tobico eplants bacivard; pmeallîy no e migte afruit la laie eun il. adMiii mjam oterlna urny tier9 locslittes. Michlgam- nd imoderately loy voilier rtarde.! grcti sni germination; vieut. iy.. meadovi and pssttei-em gne tu-y alevly. bat continue ieiltbY; coca platier bagua la .othier etes: so nt. peu and banlcy scellez ng tly cempletcd lat lover peunla: surir beet seeding becoM- lag oeeral. ýwI.Cnn.-Weeh fanorable for tai-m voit iud gi-einge Cio1b; vict .eetiung rempli-ted soi prepeatlamu foi-rcoi-n and e- tatar% c-i1 adianc..!: coi-n pliiteiald iti fivoralîb- eather large ateoge vIiibe put1 le this vuet; pInter vieil aud rYe datesg veil; eorly sape ,&tàanicibarleycy oueg ap1 ,plceli: gisuamati lattai-e.made epid jraucth 10.1t ep deys. Muitut--litaie -nc Pliu la nonlnpar- tî.s nt d î.frian 1<11<t., Ilt Intasouiers a- tlotui vrýev&y betit-Srllu i'.weil, 0510ba harlcy prct-tel a l eded. aid thc eariy mcvii gravIes pell: dax iceMua,. Patate plantingandacipiepaimloni fai- nova Planttng prg Wma eil; bigter lenapiatuns tacedsd.. favorabue yack oet sama"un feai epecatien vlgeoiitiy pm&e&l la au1 istrict» cra plauting baguna" aillitinui vthler bal t a rsvi apmi sunferci mont lamnage. Noti Dakota-Whest mediuug nety in- bliei; sots. banley sud rire belag soya; groahibd bg PrePAMioler ceeunadgan. ilome cf viich bai ai-Ciy beapottul. EurliywhcatCup and look* veil; nu damage1 fi-rn prevtou fi-ce.. South Daltta-Seasiomable ternpatur. sund baletclal reinschui lrp-ved gi-cv- la, ci-opa: cppr.stly emmiiipermanent le- eui-y te atu. baniey and tre.. trata b, Apit sud frits nov la icmtiy condtoIba bakwari; jvieil eedlag jeiaiid:ceea plaatitgbagua. Nebme-aiaWeh vet viti soi-mai tell- penatmre. favrbelfoi- thé gothvtr f maîl grain and mil graaa; icict Continues lai geai cnitiona; ae recoverntce acely trou effodt or 1ev terDeratureecf lent veci: friot les. iaemged to tise Sti upPOsed;coi-o plinog progremsiig alqIvY. Kauos-Abouanat nainlu tept la cciii- ttcuet.àe$-vaomcrtwhqil--lrnprôvei mai grovîni vl;cors plaütiui hait fin- laici; celulesiiOp lovly, gealy gei stad, orn rplutla; atu grovng pWeil.1 gcodatan ami-celr lalfa mulug geai grova; aplu ProIsehait trop, trosee Oeieape*lngagi t.Wien itusîlai police dicovcred arliin sect lie balletftif vbose lmember. hlaIa thby abould boni themmeives lve If tiey do net dle bebere they reaci tue agc ot 30 yeara.A Tii, oliclal building cf Great Bititaln -fit IoSt. LUniexnpoidloa la 1teiii a s- «Oý dmanage Iethodu beub 900 troabme. eTheui ta lam e m plaW Futuetuslea, p eiuswu. sa . ttuadniseut. Tih.e neuuofe et est aione. The vspie* b ugtle Terug«Wtli; t 017 PUrma martWnbina on the 'pay, Out F dte te t. a«:ea. Tu wlahud te pliai, lieu aid btu ishef eu if b. ver. vwling te stand trilulsi 1 saleua. The aposte haegr 1he1 maent ietb Masiertet hi.elgh iaos» A* etitsn. *"I appeal onto aussm." 1 -- tâmberebi100hi. case fi-cm Poilus' ie$e "I Put tin th le banda cf the Suniàtë ' court et Roue., ,îleEmie melY A N 3otableAilce - Agrippa, iy the sufferiac o 1f noubï 'Klg"eir mcisalterrilory la thé Laib- amen reglon, Came 10puy biacomb't. ments to thieav wgoyerner. lic vas*0 profesmion a 1ev. wyul icquaunîci ul Jevîit liv, entrotet ,by Roee ith tb. potver te i.WoIl e i.Itiglipriesti. la. seescely ncv vli'et to reilint te Caser vlth respect le Paua s mce llnoeli Agrippa te bup bhlm. To tibm rque Agrippa gloily campliei. aishbuba perotial curlosity hi hear lic netarlega Nasarce limier. On thl ey Imi1adil-, ecce hi vas secempouliedhîy 'ha ie tver, Bereolce. betditîfui but coiraupt. The. premit ooiciab nda etcllleUNs afCou. garensaise neret.îte.t inviations taho b premeur. Il n-as a taclety evetut. 1But Il afforici un opponraeity te pitelalu th# gospel vilci Paul vas net slow teasm.. "T luvenly VInton." Aiter sou. tittIul lc;rût.tcoryverdi Paul begaiihi-ee.We mueit net ,lèse mgt cf the. tact lta i h wàa poisi prlmacily te Agrippa, a lcw. adti tira. fore une te picet c duct-meof. resuee- tie ougit De)t la be "incrediltle." -Pinl veculla is iurc- sePiai,ic, mud pays.- c-l .Hte es,-riliea t e rau-e eof > les.te buni nemi- hiarnateux sudtiquotas the coniimaon lie glîe bite. Il va» ta him "cuerlecce" Fiul op- posit. Nothilg la se irefuable. Re- member the assurance of tie mani once blini (Joie 9-25>. *"Howdo yon heov yoe ire aved?" a mac voga isic. "Wiy. blesa ya.' slt le, *" vas liera orbes Ir happeued." Baci et os bai- a "bcmneniy nIWOO.»' At heurt la i smiar teoPa'* svision- a risen Chi-lai ho &snandauempov- ers un te serre. Citai-les Bpungeon bai a vision lu tiheitie ciapel vtea hi, hein lihe pria "Lnooi note e mand.h y. saned."' Wenfielli Fililp. bedai uvis loieae vie bcleaici ont of tt i a'ol oe hie liv office lu Boston cud mie lie. i-ag 'a black man back te lîtv.-y. W. hane bai visionisvie lorliai'. felt at chunci or at itome tîtt e ongit te ho- lIen. lu Jeuneandmeverve bita. Obedilace te the Vision. Pau gave ut.LtIlla ucuething te bu ableita say Pieu tbe yeia iii-. ensMb *"I vmm not iuicilet te lteeicinaaby vlaien." We nemi about Paul that "sttalghtvsy" ho begae te prencli Cirit (Acta 20î. Notice the coeî-etelc tir- loiu-Daaacun. Irukngi.uJdes, lthe Geules. Beien--eeyouaire. Th. lai-girlafuence graws. aut oI prcsnct fdelty <Mam 25:23). Tic wiy te keep> the vision and te gel more vi4lon lu te do ondoty. Wial ha prpacici: 1. Rtepentance, Irtioente"1 do meJ ne more. lotebe mri-y nocugite quit. 2. Faiti. Rcpetance i. taric g front "l, bulthlai tarin te God. It la "cpi.- nes f icul." 3. Goci varia. Tie things vortbi Oat repentantc. areoamnefor-tic peut. joie and lovîns contact for tie future., -The lielp tantla front God." Irlai.tic beut aidonir iclp. For myyeucre Paul bai been hept amit the plt. of hi% eceunles. Thougi the blp cou., llirotugi liatmean ua, hl& cephiv, LyMa.s, the- Roman Moldiera. Il làthie bebp et Gui. AparIt rou Qed lb. hebp oetJ maninI. angit (Pslu 127:l-2e. Divin.ýé ieip umsili i n..ut inthé miiiet e Ible s, cI oct oif Ir. lf tie tiorn ru- mains there is more abontdant gi-me.. If v. blieve le (o', piomlaci ielp ve mai bc ierenec(Ilebrea-.213,. Peu. ouea.. It va.lb. tome inleba.nce 10 aIL. Mien are fuodsuecntnlly allite.mndthi, gospel mete oe"otyhamacn nec. Paol'i teaehlti a anemt contradiction t10 th.e0CM Tetment but itati-uicu. ,i. A sale..- lug ObtînUt.l'h. Jouvs ove rooici tbeun, bat thay ver. thera. lue Tvcnty-mecu4 pualu. le iefbty-thind ef hîmîsi. AMi lu- i crucfici Christ, a love acte deahb, Paulltmuv the very moa-l glary eftWni' tlanlty (Gai. 6:14).. 2. A ri-ae Chrlit Thii.lealaathbe eil fatcwti Faut. l'Yeu, rallier" (Rtou. 8:»4. Net Christ on a creifu but Chrnist ou àa otii-o, 00 se a living, praicur Smnleai-. 3. Ligit te the Geetilcu. By il& very natare Cla.i tianityIol a unIversal religion: theoua ho.n aci-cal moeopoiy ut aiti. love und hope.7 Wa Paul Insane? Se a ete. seesiei. To thiIs piatleal.' hmd-eid.d Roumenaely a mai eut cor bis ii couhi billene le a resurreeiea4, Ici the demi. It dii look as thougi4 cee or thie otier ver. insane. If thc" vas ttc riae Chi-i, tIen FPal accîllucim homo, ceettont, lite Itseif. vas n c4pier ~ et lie rilabowa. a puruuen aI thi, ill-or, lie-vrisp. If tiere vus a Savloar. au. eltinlty, i jaiginent, tien Featua livg tetiipreuet oty via a loch. PXQmb verdi vere flot the, nving cf a àaI 1ý ot hookl.h helcîc, but partis oetrt und soberneca. The gospeltacts vns hi. Appeal. And tila-isbIter. N41icisaie, "te bellae elue isapcrntural.lise to- belleve ile ildlcloos." Agýripp&and lte Onipet To Faul'a verdio!ofdirect adn~~ Agrippa rmakea an evar-ive amdoisoel reply. Il la ton bai te spoili o geaIL" tai t tugi taesubstace of the iynmu$ Md fermons.l baui on it la true. 't Agru ned mt samy "aimoat paoada'&l It vas.an Ironical ratiier thon a s.g4m4f j- cep!y,, lbegh to1m. eaud eIn~ wordu somethîng of a comp limn ,Paul'# eloqaece. The sud figa Agelp' repiy la Ira cevelallon0f a me isienci 50 crtiiy thnt hieg a