Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1903, p. 2

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Or WAS Il toi Kuaet htel ina utmardi. h. P"lamhuk i'vtflsumd *se- bostraete tte ýp. John Amiet, scisumees tuat e ffem it saed fer soeend vifs, lIes W. L .i ..- 1a li x»- - Li go* YQi4: e:t l Io -'a. -- îDqî lys udt P.- bas le' >t vlcient yêq* Cakity, ce Me tv. me, of ahr e*sicilr e4.,,tâmae nuis b tnê alt shu Peraien bal et W tot me« nl ilox, sl Mita opth.a areOe lm te Dut a u pumel an era Olahipoma. htreaVnua, ws suaI> easladen tha taraetf amies! M,*l*Oid *hlo gae hW. eedo. tolua piloteionsi tusesure dlsoiere&ýT, 'n.fermter receli- .4 810.O00 md t. *0myaterlon ttazger Ifuiettely diaapearo&d-.goe ae i Le the uelghoud veetti. presumitauh trou thé. ast, brl"wlg a uap' desacil- Isis th. lo=ctiaofethle treatu .&A val- ant box Oas truck twiatg-elht fMat under gromm ie-h eb cntaineS lii. inoey.iI The. etir s olierodla lua tMe hut. 550I t uuei-teeon Uaft Fonk hae IarItfor yesr. lu western Oklahoma. iramera atamghereoa saougb gl4 aai er s'burbeal smehve Itu r.t uis îlemd oetILCrurenut. Th* tremeares u mnppedette have 1bho« luiila by a baud et Kuerlcausaoldiert durtiirtIhe Meilcas vr. The. aloi>'that Wauhlngtes Llndsay>, a privata u hielà ThlilehOhio 1e nfatry. vlth dleveat et hliscempéniena becaume d«eced roi ,bil -reulanant as& titillqvitb tfriendl>' Kdidua. Fromt hq Indiens they learaiet et much vesîhli tcreted b>' hhei sud, gurdltioia ohitea. Tii. Ivelve sl- 4er. aiecered amme ef lb.traa.tu& alarted t'h* hua itlah hree épaulIs wagos litue ith 1 h.~Tc> ece aveilmîc heiil udhlw a- sbattis, euu d, lmd.y acaplua 541h issu"' voudi. Applasd oet he- apiroech .et the. Indiap the je"dMrs ad lb.=eS 11 tressa».. LIaids> vwu pickea.up b>' a giumaat trainsudnStakes le Ohio. >'aiy ugo.4a wbeeltrois as 014 ,Opea vage**vswu&urthed, sud mince. *1*1 *15e tie bamara sfor the iol: have ho hue w6iG.ii vi . oe ST]IML, AL OUITPUT TAKUN. TrosI Omo car e400,000 Tom' 1 ç kal a. Pffiedé. A fspi'esustatlvao e b.United states 'SteelCoporaton aMaée. liatthe au- ofunte s a tIomler 9et "rloa emapeleu te -ope psireeew imlugovi' menti w inmtgaffet produtles et steel rails tlilè Fm,.' Tha teel 5411 puputoet &"i e ' elicpou e, ithe- toi" ut tats tuai viitreaithteidersled by rai- néadsuad -atie - o eapu" i.a rlt rails lghtir lat acea. et93,00.000 tom04 *letrvlug asesuplus demalsd aloI. upplIps et 400,0* pprîwJmstéIj, ta e ecarvi 015 l* thi rýsallamll>er. w lm c.a.eç ,ei-g e » »-.Wfl "-.. «Mom deul, t. enbdum»eu"-aloe pi & 'int time. Mune 4am*s. vs doce it1 City. *M aom City nd P0rsbamk wd llh.Mie Vauitra, aice, F iOteirimu. e* i9M faeitra bav beauaps~pontadfor the Z*ainrê wtbi t curporstimof Poreter 1Etotbéra or - holog abouti m.p.u5yof1Chicittaja. ittiéeIl@a Iovai I i a. bitrtu the am'* u unall Cuiitloi. bot baiwI PM 5l. sentimalate. #lac*e-lb. llabltlea aet 1 m@om o0OtaiS. ventures b>' th pro-. OOWAamieut fthe fcOgen 'at sUeete hava Md *emptxnm - ChIa Tvu ll@dI-y s Ue&s :ries TOJM J. 'Tii.e lm.aewiln of Dophirh Ohie, turf 056er. ir a& aleoat, iPed eut 1>' ore. .Elevea ai uv.bugInessblSohand tiroe.rasidencea ver. MIL, iinrnad. Whe heuviernI leera Werd Mahoe teC. i.Frat National %Btk,. LdecIý ~~ Brite11nthe Dfuckirk Teleeout Runemer, box Compny. The. louala aallmalod et ri atece * Ilalmnuu. Jdge Walter lires.ofet he.United SlasComur t Bel~n pu il-.,bua W #"%M"tmuetparto the pvarnuat dey ""mait lasIrWE eat mim m lik'tto4 i eUmt tbwOMM. Tht- éoees la . 4eia a c* ongdel lupostan as te- e cage r«Ug-t*b(lobing the llabuliy ti 91etsetàWWK for fuu sud uppliee. étbr. Posait lDa, te Macleâ. ma, id, W&@ v A delct of 8=7,M bs ru andlaea5' h>'iei brabwe d In fi-.Pàoffiçce lepatmoeM b.- Chariot, va* s cmsi!Sprutd .W. Macispsia George Intar- oaileruhptdt u40,4 Ia dlo- bedleof ethle. Paataate o 3ewa'aor- .4er. No ation haasben takl:. Y hyei ha' rla.. latter enclat. L-à o bu ceutr i"ein muP lp#bia à t ?UIWS- à ire tht la otiutad te havé camaed 500. Viar@s&lois oft upworld etf ,0.M09 oBée*"a tuaia utla45the building et the lProut treet Vore- libouing Company, at 9IM-21-3-W North Fr3~ont tret, Philadephie. Mreiiundlas et a geonerai character wau stord--4tt P*geuatlvyor p» Tueei>ete. SRailiva>' Sopi Ara Borne& d Ithleh ami- The, eaboard Air Line Rsllway sucpa, aistioi. 5mai eutidaetfPorta.neth, Va, verq bordae, Th OIi.loa le etinateit t $750,- go Me. 00.Ou ntii. ahops mesma>' locoune- fatal toie5d9 tivauan l al appliaueafor rePnlrîng the- Woe Ncelier-Voulunastock etofthe rond. s" htirs won ,ex--- Tirolve peoplo er nJmrs5,lire 4am4 :lu $1. in oooel, l llisiddite te -defeclîve lIse t acI-lirlea n Elated tra.t eleetrie lis. est be Mirlgoli l Qeco. Tihis la the scoud lsster Ming dix per ar-lutva veeaksabarihei t tepor servie s #d flaell baSanaitepment. 0 of tIe iw . Boiter-Plate MiI u ua., Th. riginal bler-plt. .111 ýof the 0 Dors CentralIeun sud l8te.lCompanywaa de- Loeoa piung treyed b>' ireý la 1srblbmrg, Pa.. code- sit et &4117 oga m f In»an %sd triitbg a mur. The treu, large Bmiber ofmenont <,t rorL Tii. chk tranesi4 . la c10 oreed b>' lomuran mglSuad. The. mas. Die 4% 1D14 tac.. The parie-MUdrbt atomobile race re- suita tu iesbt deatba vîthia 93voilies. atHnrasu uthie tetet vai deelasad ouf ou Pré- ,qs . uier Combe' and ipuusiuali O¶msaMMt meu liprmoud ééMri-5c) RemnuI ianbr fle the M a" strcoupe;a. L- contrat. Wv, Vral »Biemerss>'et Caban r»publie .Wei celè ait««as.wllb rev *(aler ma esets*y boeub Pm 1. tl 1 t t le ei.doqet Cu vhicieh Iiowila 4 îiggs, milsilol. jM4 a Bell. a ciJma, s&« sa cois.. As tiias anose nt tlé poftit* »d H ýe« Rsa undewààayet Wiie*, Whas je bien pg erllea , sayon lIaI oflnteé lira uoe ".'a là Mini.. peépla s stunlng sud dylu; b7- hudred$. flug- isg M**IZ su»d April It la coniuted thha 0,0 ecl er. aold, 'dien uelllng ola ut»iniasdvmesddld em 189 *.'d loto claverxi on the . ast. D@$e 1 fter -t1r7 of diatressi vu. titISb>' tii.1 slaulouar>. ,Famlahed peopole 41d 1i te niet ofeatlng whentof' d vs ltlgt It jhem; people vedueed toe keletoCÇ wv" 1 abandoned. Mothoiu .014 daugbtera for1 a bottla ut rie. Tiioneauda villperlah1 uileae relief la glven .01L. WA-rCa *RUST 18 VOIURtEO Wasîub&smEIn1 KeY.t*amnsd Croo" oset jets to ar amattsdiducancei-s. A trust lu vatchea huaasbeaformed by1 lia Aiberican Waltliai Watch Comauany, the Elgin National Watoh Company, ibe IKeyalou@ Wateci aae Comany and-the Crespant Watch Case ComPauY, wîtii a cmlied capitalofua>'$,0,O. fiee e caupulea have been rivale %0 long thh. lhe price of American watch imove- menU lbasben» kept dowu 10w. but Dow tbey> will h. raised. .The octenaible. Pur- pose of the ayudlcst'e la 10 purcha. I'. Amaricast Wateh Case Compas>', LUm.- ied, of Toronto. Thi. syndicate*e-pec» Io citutrol the manuatuarimg braneh of. tb. w*icî luduats7 lu the. Uuited étaies and Canada. NdÏWXÎork Nâs Who Triied te Emuder Chiarles Adaina, vho vas avalîlut trial lu thé Gothen,-N. Y.. joi for attezupt to murder Lia vire luin âaryý,ommitted gui" de y drownmg hla a bth lob. -lMa left aeverailelttera to ,- tltvo.suad frieuda atalitin t 44ý,b.d decided. to diatroy hlmsel>'. Izkpse he ftItmsieb aould Reco ce. .aise lefta loi- ter tor bis P 0âaIpiorlai bar torgive- nees, Ad ua saathie vIf. od dthon ut- temip ctepkl i blef i a fit utfjPelons toi.lHa vite vas paralyreid as the oe~ f bertvoondasud probabl>' vill et oiseretxts.j & aetp là uknwnabpa ide te viiere .fl #eM mide the wMJost »robated- at Kan"$ City ut hi. ftler, Dr. 'AuD4fa Ua obsl>mhï a Irandiami 'of the- pont '1homu CapleiL Wall« Ohapmasebu, avay Ifrouainem.thlrty4ve y«» 69gOna accoiftt sa eh«oobolrý,git sud la nov 5o yar%,eut. Nathlug liabeau heard trbm hlm for fitteen yesra. JOAD Wh% vioreglatereil aithle York- eltire Inn, GIrent Botrlgon, Masea, -es Arthur @anda of Chicago camminlted ui- chie >y tskWns enbolle acid. lia von siiemt,21,ye - od d- to:sl*utalk It gra. luterreil h.e bid z««mly'vlaiteil oerman>' . -Meluth a bter to the coroner whgchitate1. tliaIlie 414 ntet are bow. viien or viiere bis. body wai. bîricd and asked that bis grave ho. mgrked mith a atone iuscribed "À. 0." 1lEnd ohliý;asudiS o a Tiie atrOceeoft the tralian s wltcli- mien of the- MobiulelluIlalroa lis beau doeld off b> agrteament. The>' went on *truke May 9, for n 10 par cent mner-nuoe lu ýwages. The. rond agres'a Io adýrapie vages 7 sud 10 pe-r cent for fraîgltitsd pauseugrr ruice respective-, 1>'. andil ttale ýbâtis atrikerlai aS rupldl au vcml.acf, 1 we* iii u Autemolaula. The Plit.irU9 èILagodi>' orflt of 91.e4 In luat A&aiea.041e, vas acconi. pliled the pler day villa su automobile whicoà th lb. 4e ofe aaMotou oui f I4uàiaerIte t « mge . y ]EL.T.ý lisseret -hie. Pa".'sud hi% brother. George Bassr, Sgnldd-tIbo piow. Xu> pogaens vîlmeasedi the nunai test. Ler a Fuleide. An attack et mmciiolla, due to uerv- anas..à, prompted Mlia, Tempeat Leer te commit .a-siciéet ths lýindaliitôoi lu et, 7.oos by drlnhlng the contents uof'à haIt-olin" boutle et carbolle c 4d. The &et, tollowe -the. 'aung woin'a liglit trou the. Naihity sauntdairu t ,lschsn- vriii., III.. .1e day hstara'. '*atty-Ime Duf t a inre. flât bs, t stoei4iaot-y aehol msd vrmeautd I Ssi# L yse ltent>'- iiva persos. ta,'ee thum rw reisetlu. Ie wu Il,51iietthe buttallîtg'telli spon s sumbeir «f peeople:- The prom" t5 lisl Plieat pecee ver lu.tRi ben u Wona uiIaosaierl>' 8lI t$uasI r Tht loga dsbiet laut clan" ofeth ilitarhlthe comete Sel-.11ObsKn Ml i is> Ppdevul Supee *courtla Loujailile9 MdS Nashville rt»hcecelipawtities vas wlu a iltctatietoi rhîsier raites Orer, ."Give tbie bleîs>f os' eslaitexeti- alun trabIn." Tiiflamo. aitb1e noir 0,.ens.s,,t*rted rty lieAmwrkm i4e set erati»Of t unselans lu uder at s ceuiveticu in IliWotpela Uraushi La New Yorlk Dumgpalcicutrots anbeiauparfa et Newvý York 81.10 repot litatnanbassot tau--- ,, fur Oav ealaanS tiiet negnelben tl vitberîngsud pabtoisgs bas licorne1 mut' 0S. <u t .l Abeut 10j=00mmnare Idie lau'lqWý sedBl nuan a rov icaeiasu «W ta asparite tbens, Jkggo fengit dPgituly agut ie11» e mn, S asMNahS, it Baàaua , mrokd g onthlm ilorlos b if~ BMm, sIet tla",r*hotitisa hei th- lot>' ~ o whiteon WbI ylig on li fluor, oet =~itce i. e kalumintMg. Muions at ý eebot. fatal>' vme lng lte depail>' honIf, Wv ie 1a4 5 f Physlctukn bflareaWesllly Amers- tans Aime Uxîrcutel>'lamout Dr. IL Sjoie Peur>'declarel leteis the étale Aiuueiation of Pltysielsais at nt. Pib) èkthtuleimmarlit> unS lulen- persuca Alaatlcmu ut ealti sud appi- eut respeetabîliffy vn. voit.e4,7 dens avxgsi, Ch^lana look vitsàf horrence on Mobammnses Whovie tai planal Ivveand are thue luahiott," ba saiS. "pet iany etofui Ameicana ln- tinte the vives o etlionuer sut sinage andl are uunuo houail. VICO sud iuisural'I>'are rampent amena sB cieses. phy&sic eaubca i- ilom al tus. To gangse otiseoetAmmtelS mnaheito.' ba u i> teceunI i ,eu'e oensrt alaitnvoemi-mlu eaer>'it>'." AGD 0SPARX SOO ni BIX , Sng hirdu viii eiatter b i.aselu tie Weat le>' have boas in lie hut Aleai> tjfpae. Oas rSusgoet ahMi vaut.. iietveu tii. MIlinsi>Johuseu ,AaSclitlau euS thse Audubon oclt>. A sliaili>tresl>' *in megutîstat hi the naud baeveaues b- Mllery MereliUW u~Pre- loch.. As»astl.n sud 1h.e14.0 York Audabes S9eat>sd viatsaheabutinfer the- prenant agreement Undan Il lie 1Uluer' ien retuleislcontinue. the ose et oil n«s bîldansd grebea. Thé agreement al ete remaihi torce for tires bear. ___ mai ioq"niéAtois A ter, W. Y., inas liUmteffi itfb>'bar n- ployer'& anlldot. 1as. Doumint.tomai lire. n lbé.Mofai yultte Ses aludl 4ves ber,.lula r>'ng te Srivethle Soi elf e heecha* ver lia laek, but lias animal veuld unetuova 'nThau b. laid a reSd-hot peler ou 1he ddcga lad, wkk-b rndeSh us tart vîtI pain sud rue o9i et tha bonne. 'Tia gemersi ebet the doi. Tha entast lanin t precatîaouseau- ditien. * ine s 1115et siI>' Ais. Traces of p rehiftoilc nanluln te shaPe ut ofImplomsai0tautbéa, and plied @lane have leen fond la CCiter Osunt>, Cal., b>' tbe paleontologiataet he Univeralt>' et Calîtorula. Specimiens et boues trou saamy extinet animaIs ocre gareto ttut The caves uft tît reglon are pnasued te hon a rich tfieId tes' aclotilie Investiga- Bay*a"0lie ev. nleua. Samuel Keper, clinegeal itîs suti-r- 9lng hieun-ife Feli. 15, tank the stand lu 1 sis onvbehl ntaIHmilton, Ohio, anS- 1sos'-liant lhekilled iow. ife wte lu a state out sanoumbuliemë. He enial ho -qaaanr-l'ied wth ieia ie befor- tiai->'re-, tire ansa le lard Ihla ou lieu md ben- luit tautate sep. R etards a-ee çis vicetIseLake 1 Sboe 'nontietkiieturytLntsiWvag tteQÇ4Toiedo te »hat 1M sautinlu mnutès. 4*0minuta. oi tiss E aux- proviens lime . At intervala sien. î ii, ruihe spite e rage vas oaeentir tvao, clatt>'aDindai>' miJeaunlieut.. rtIhe geucrai averuga belpt savae'miles Venger P7aaa7 s ulemat Praul sud fligrd lMad.eutndLogea aiges, ut Hemilek. arreted fus' the e Ls- rdur et Loni% Tenger sud Praucla éstlen, 1f'e Oatved. i the lulervîllage fend, ocrre îeaged <rom cuitaS>' at Kotqoane lad., b> orales'of Pioseenutor Cooper. Tb* taccousedprat-eS an alibi. Ternadese lu Seutisv.t. SalIne Couty5ru an., vas yisited 1>' a tbfldoiemdo la e!~-etluuT. iStuw*te ï111 t uila. Ashiapt vlpract i> aoestroycd, sud -isatvy w ai aa s u b> tise ietu i l-in Sbnnarrtery. Th*a leusi .1cm desth Weelty commerwcil hReport Bridelrcet'e ,Feeki>' reilvi i ie avlsine qaemercjsandl@an sd.ieu buylt< Watias tesiffuture deveoepitestâ, lomber rallrond earami*-uobw 14 bare «t grou lucre.. arn uni e.ëý Wammet ~ laliRoiIrod ha'~i id low à utW ,iel1ft et wir paiiltln rn,*a~ WesternB ilo ýnIufteeu pràýdms«%e111*ed'sad more thim tweti W$0 ~iMedoe" tbhai swet oer w" ab-* -iens. o. aiçevei dlWaI Uèsa lga. ri' Wrimvae m';Qi# tatrw Ater, thinfte~*ar ft et li nntral bd4eu Oaug m (.-rlr4%ora, the.beot knowa tipouent et u*"lt-ae r la MAnrca tu.tlq, haretIred trois th. Dluaieel otage. MIgismala 0sl Ta7.Rob&"d 4t 1'oiriil, 31i., rua..perlmtisVea âffl inlutlb. recâage oet*ihel oms., a"mur isU> er. luit goa. ar> ai Ibl' ei5111t' liaI viiàdontbtleag ho larges hum ud Iinlllaaloitua. On. a Chiace.lassr> insu, and tauflu i Ijur*àeS u *1 tna torasai vrhbdevatted lb.he unti nre xlawNas.trsvested raeili*&tu te Puadsl. Tht extenit oet tIsdategff wtfin lahlbtraginhiésefsamiug ruglos beiveen île toctov" n - ot rat kuev 14 ttornadoestrecle itteen ille snti oft Normo. , eml)Qsbl5g fiten bullalluga, bines thrtigrnba end hlottelgs ado.. aU tZ ohas Frei n 'lftuaI, s tevu et abu f0Mhbltts suated -op _015 la callaS tIse hilIno" t the Baillai- "ton talies>', lise pettl cf the. torni le>' *st lte Pouline. n little. station un lis Prouerbrach oet lite.UWôMi .nlPaclfic. Promt PaulieIt 'procedied goutheast, ioeluglis force sentIt of FI'mrflSe. The enlIa'. tovu of Fniliudd. vhlch, laed about tIIrly-Olve biouses, la repoited wiecitedansd ilIt ldit hlst uiree Par- ions ver- killed. and- thers luJureal. Falrlieîd *repôçw aimer taris bous -wieckelIn luaiy, 'Adamss end Kearue>'1 caniitiei-, aud lgilI persona are ro porteal kUisllu ina.hedistrict- near Falîlielal. A tornad e trucit' DîEme, Mo., onrooluag etoresansd litterng.lie tovu vii heie debrîs etfhuarnsud troos; -teIlIna.vers let. lso la lu tIe noteshwateaif cor- ser' et Misaouri »sur lie Nebraska Une,. and the.stores probabl>' von a contline-q -tien et that vw" s triacitnear Normaun. S A torsada *truck lb. tovu et Roîte,i lova, killut SIontsPeu, a launldryma»n. ltlally luijrlat a chîld sud orok-1 lait, the $tte lBnkkbiling. Crs>'-1 o.geniral atore, the Holel de Maj and ee other building. Sevrail- danes uer.damugerl. A t PBeciaster, Mina. the. orst *terni lu tweut>' reiteragol Sonds>' slgbl trou Il le 4.o'clock. Several stretsinhi the tity vere floodeS. 'nIe Zumbro rIvet roa. ave testut IWOhouraMondor>'oau- ngand suMisu>'bouses anal Fardspreou-, der vater. Thi e s-iun sîgesensl lu Olatd Cot>'. A caedurs a sre- porteai e tckdell and soie stock vwa droe& aa~Tii. Chcago sud Nortbvol- en, truck snéafoyer wv a abua eut ter M F ard.. Tie valu came dovu la torrents for aeyerpl heure vithout ame a tet ssIg iat Samoat ce A dbamous clendbmt a%nat trousth tl. country' ver et lait. O, T, St uiS- xigit sondaer. aenlg a fotd efwalar M 0 fiel vide and thraetfau t bhihrough -lIe bottoua, carryisg heauqa sud erer>'- t1ding uonable iii . Bndr"daoettaon- IIlés ver, remdered homeieuansd tise dama",in lelai $lo. ue telmaled et fa11>' *30 A Thils ameaut vIl) h. aIgai>' inceaseivin reporta are recoIn- ed fremi lie.megiborlua country. .Tha alevin came Open Raid vîtheut vurinu, vIlle mut et ilIactixen. voe maleep. Wthii a taim minutes a bou- dreal boceea veaparti>' or cempistel>' subanage& s emcuera veut te voîklmIa- viedistel>' md-al nigitlaibered Indastri-. amiyuving perauns froun perlions poui- tionsansu idiiag lic..drircu trois tLaeir Tieune oaf dolai'.vorth et proPer- t>' larougli central Illinoiu vas destroyed b>' a cycone Sonduer corolag. Tii. storiu leftIa trait ut dsmaed huildinsginluls patli, uprootoal thousansuofutrt-esand .greatly dâmumaid the eleplone >-aenti. PLAN BfrAFT TO PEACE. Menument WIiIDe.700 Veeailgh and IIuecffl ou tbe. uduon River. P. Wellington Riacittubi. vice-pr-ai- dent of tie Municipal Ait Saciet>' etr New York, sud ex-chieS et sculpture of tha, SC: Louis exlaualllou. lbai gonete hDue.anS" viii reipiabroad. untillthe -ali et 190. ]dit studio viii bhoiucated 4 doemnile, i«tra ars sd bears le wUIhho llgUy.n;sigéal an, modela ftu, Wevevaimenmieutu. 0»aa1ethîe modela ul te tors àMe- 1#kei umonument, viîc ie il a eeendS hi Washingten b>' private subeeriptiona. .Anotiier-màoie ili bcton 'a colossail ne-- leu] peemonument, whbh. viii la 790 teet iigliand will hobeorectelon the 1luIsat. This ud*tskiug wosaoutllieal uit a meeting et thie National sculpture Soroetlruea yanfa o.0;Simca tiiesp:ismi have been perfected aud Mr'. Batuubi ha s ceetl>' receiveal auch armaroueu lthA *s 2.110,00ni-eer>' vili brois-, ait b>'privai. anbeérlption tint bo vini de'îeto luuas( te work on the model a. cclelm ,possible. lta muiet villi ho In tie h~a -ai lblgh, reolog on a douhie-uter>' building, abou M tetcebe, the -viile retins, lae a ilitterin' sabot 800 test square Tisai. 01'ha e èieatora runnikg te tha top endSaagu .gloeaoesi leL about furi> Lt In lu dsante, te serve aus à ligt- front et the coluimu vlI b. n gssô et Victunleai Pence, 100 faut bigb. 4iré*ciit in.base thire vilil beittees ID Artiliteratureansd science. r*li su- giellon eof warlaMbe lmnasted. >eha taiesterlet lu h. 100-foot'eub wlt b* usdes a slibrsy sud aé a leu- tarn, mâmIt sud cojicert -bail. -MA14Y A^à# OLC lm cOTiarm . leS r nrske caanoo100,00MDem t* 'nIaisare1 100.aitmn lu New Yort 1>,ritotwltbatsedlag tise tacltishat arr na> Iaetfbosînees labeamins. Vicia paum àWfoirlsukè, Inckoalu suddis- eualauu ons marival lober unlut. inelt ha qprmlng atoleoft *00.000 a Sa>' or. *3,05.000S-o. 'loXt -«.1i>'sla ern> paon>'44ethis'atupendensasuis lente tii... bûi tustrie@ sud rme reprect las-S total espitallaatlon cet *050/30t- O10 i re At a ,atandsiil, 0111 a ,douas- idt Pr ýee an reh- ame me.1laubsa., 1IWsreoverai,. tlwi Cenre.. viii quiclr 'vae th mom ~te caver tb. d4ekolnc."> Ms. Payai. aS iat the moter voaiS be. lolked luit, sdanSsceunimesiUUs mtalho b.set Inter ta XMp lacben sala- In fg taunexpluahstinutt ho-coeeltimi et affaire, ThVe entira map woei et the rural fret Salives'>'service l baseas, a peuded sudnd o moe.mapa a*llio made ber. thImoibaglnmgrethlIa meutifnal year. The tondu fer chis parpoae lave beaeanaOa., 'ni. fart thil 1fr. Maes 'tu April re- perled tInt tIse rural ulelîver>' defcit vas sý)000, iiteat et the *121,000Dow evc- poaleal, cunred mnachi comment. Mv. Me- ce e tpint iaIbis figures coivoS. lthe liane p te Ma>'i 1,vIcies. the Ogsree sires ont laler sre eoamtl utoaoteJlue LAYB 4 CORNER STONE. PrmaiSCul Pa-estalese R N ujubla -are- . mou>' la Pertilià. Preeldeut Roosqvelt laid tb coin.r atoneeofthi. Lewig sud Clark monument i theei pcis ,ir t lorilanal, Ore., hiatthe preseofet2=000 p#rsena. Prtaident Rousoîcft ilubils ddreU. suid. *"W. camaehe$lu-day talai 4 cerner atone liaI la te «l te misal tle grestst single piuueernagtuton ib is outlniat-tiieroiige acrees the conti- nenl b>' Lewis sud 0Cak, viel rounded eut the ripeatlonensshlp o eafferson end bia telleva b>' glvlng te theCUited, étate. ail t f te duminlubtwaru îleMis- ehuippi sud te Partite. *Feilovlng hoi aleasilcoaetise igas et tha fur trader, aad lien smoitai-> "art &sgethbe&a eited In iose chldies and childreu' illdrest voie te pcmaeas tic landl. Acrooa. te continentI hie eari>'«0s rais e le-diavu villeto»- poi wagons boarlug. lie piouaer. -thse atelvart, stus-al>, aunburttmnsan itl thliir wires ana littile ente, wvieneter-ml le this eunir>' te poesua I t. 111 speak te lie men o e tisa Sac $ae, te th. mon vioe predeasors gave u tItIsroglos bccseM b.>' eaue met atrald. becaua. tii.>' r5iS net aeel 14e lite oetaesensd safet>', bfflamu tise-r Uiet ranng vasnet-te ahilas trois eh- atucieia but ta meet su4tovescoma lieu." SlIEEP IILLED 1Y SLIZASU 1,500.oeq lsa i ta5set Mema slull.llecomspila! b>'PresldaulT. C. Paver ait1h. Noua lourd .01 uhee» comanissîonera Oxea the ttal bmuer 01 iheepluet la the aeint blizzard et 900,- 00*.Vupte the lime out h* atorta 600- 000 lial frosen lu lhe suev sud prevleus blizaruds, uklngtishe grand total et 1.50,00tesluinluMoatana gane. Di-es- ber. At an averaeofet 250Ibis minsa a moeohr>' les.oet83.750,00. oun e etlan of Mentana Ie citen o» la> locuste,wvile Auetlier la ude5r liai-e test ef tkome. A dItrict fuit>' milea square eltantod eau t fFersytlic la peateroa b>' lise îlo>'Monntaigrassîopper. wvilc ha eule up evenythiug. Cole hae> I be temoved troistte InfecteS sectiona au ter- la noting for tietea feod en. Vie Michigan>CastraiRalre.d baa utd- vsuced lie wv@» ofets la clain lu hide- partetenta 1l' par cent., . Illinois huriffa are IeluCg-rvIiM b>' lie Olahe okesisiao, sud rodmetbone ot 1.1à îe U3 par cet vîI la made, ThehIterchaugeable 1,000-mlle ticket te h. Ïeld aI $3, withbs refommd of $10 te bc IssueS b>'thea mml lUnea là nov ou salie. Tâtera la miuch sasactloit amoug coutiiern tuanlermen coucering the ad- ane of two conta lu the rate ou yelIov plua troits oullespoila itt erituny noîti et the Ohioerivet, vhlclimoveuthte effeettý éeunthy. Il 19a nuuncpnlfiotais lthbugthIat MThrtw 1w tare elsrg e hi c1sgsIzaileaofet1h.e<Iesi CenralEsalv>' omîiys'of Centrat aI *10,000,00. : - Premux lieécontinueS rush et Immigra- lion tate, entuiment aid lie'North- weat saieatraieofficiais catîmale liat fnl)>' 000.00fote I silarAnta ouI etr- rive a luthiecountry' i .100f ai cx- -Amu!rdint tu1tha rpt ote icLuIs éhbor., the percmiaee0ut peratlug ex- peusqa, ineludlugte t-AM tegros. aura- luge vue 7=='oienglut 00.04 la ý10L 1Western ronda hava 4Medtidtea cou- tanse toron hcotemketa' et-curetons ar lia, fiat suad IliumS Tuesays et ceci meti up to-auj luctudini Septemier. Mia pant veet broughbounienotil' chauge& lu lte tramne aituntion ou West us lies A mnJoili'aitbhelUnes unais have cars th silsie, Ince tli e>'u.gcttlug buol aquipmlont t tion abeau nsi ra'O ether rujiîumde the beut part ofthe ia i toi sud iming. B. Y.'Veriklni, preusdent ct theis«'ilc teter'lmg ta tie Rock Island aud '1'alsei s tse maa id : "T he reli se a tb e e e e is 100ronads asea sluuly hunmonw andthlie. conitioou I, I bellee., eh tiune." Mr. Voulus IntimateS t tih tvoaaisstenlu oIScontImuq -andseiap- 4nale mosngeiuent.- S As tlilutrulleis of lis hier-saelal i aise o e Iicar Iad en Auni-lcan reil 000m sdus iste lt v >'a ra$n tam.. u, l. &t nu' Onhlb. obole tIer. »ý aretiie th@a5 rle ltiy 1 Indres b 'haie. 1thv miepnir: pdpa 'Ot the w uile b mere are les I atoraosl ueatrala sirt thebo nitent laIse ld es th-p, is -balgehevoe »W' isier>' and eu etieýtý, r ieLatr o nshetou t mv OtaractM lieirie uale a fsv.avr->e vîIg uoedee a-u eren ld penne theru i. evory lPruaileet e oed proepenit>' througliont tihecouen Msnuaelsriaig plants tira eeeully l occupleal. aipeclull>' lu tootwaft. la'Oiti stil.LTreille ou lie railwasala hftV7Y eurnul ou Ului reffrti4-fu1r >4uz >yj ceedna last yeus's 1>' 1mu pe-r cent s04~ surpasning ' l'e y Z.7 pe-r cenat. Readloauaucut lu pris-'aoftirnand, ate otnstIse markeit ginduaslil' I'-' sumiii snormal, conditions,. T'rliîit u.n tvdeouce of dimlasiilesl sr';viîy n eti,'4 and lnur tcmes îr~Utslv'lea îrged. liut as thise lu4,srst.i.d -apjtcjt>' langàatus pttas eier tte..'lrds'rs baslsa"tl are aatunsl-ly-hl- 's s ts nce e1u- -irgcli. The -tact li s;as uspe cou*eadoitu lie#ve ii oe.ln u c1,iatiotia te-md* te pt,.tpoue businias's. î,rtss.îm..s'iTre bl'N, vulainmi sr mellil mare tiqraIsll tni& .tdvnaý-s of aboutt 5 p. r s'ent lu wiiS- oeetingu iiaiýet- thai thlie amtuaauo0d$ ,Markel - a t.ýia'yli t.lg si. a 10 lthe, hl;ber «a nsteral. A cîsl i tlt @ couraglng igu le tise gresarut-rn-t d:a played b>' purcharrei. Warti irtatàsi atimolalena astivity ilu anus god4 fit '. quikellv'irýry. I'runt ,'ttlix are larmer, and villcthore lA nd,-:Inafor riv agI jars.otIal go.s sre MIncit fr.'siy. .S duc-eS oult fut w'sr, ie ue er..agtJw c-ied the tosse, and tise rect ssedranffl prIiefoto annsta have ut î,revented Iage tnssios~ Plures dit s wék cri-191 Iniithé t'nited liais'.. nsai;aot lIC tant ;@Ir. mmi 14 lu Canaal. écsasui1c.l iîî 12 a Ieat agit. ]Bradoia-eets Trude Devis,'. Whiul oeriyugeondit!cnuý Lave lqF proveS as a whule. îi',re in ,tsl rouet> tur' botterainut in .rs'aîlsar. c"csîs sid label intîti-na. ILsiway esraIlur-'are Aiu 8" au cvi-, r-pu'te-s. Grisas reeipta for. tha fru1 hIuit fMa>' iladitc s14lier ci-t flatiasef vctlasi Y'ir. i's.TtefV« U ton Mmrb itsow tihesignoicaent i sraê of 16 pi-r cent lu net oui ai cershl lut lucrefsue lu gme. Minon. thle taivoals italuted IraSes, are i.~ vhleii oles thete ftcct oft tiade luoertrouble.; %cliii mautaet at, 'at-rson. vhieli la a-isci t I aS muna Wear woolems, whieh are batint aai- garle full ordera. ,Wbeat. lnciuadiug flousr, exporta for p yack endIigMaur 21 aggregale 5.ID limai-uv, agitinuat 4»J0141sant wlad 5184W39taisi week lest yen' sud 4.108",' (164 lu 1101. Wls-t exts'rrs aise 1 aggr-aate 200 .1. e -, ii2ta, g d 22).524.201 laul seun a-si 18 J8. ln 11)00. Coin ex-porta agigt 11 150 boulil. ntialont 1.431.237 twq~, l0jfl0 a yeir *go ansi2.204.902,lu191 For the fiscai yens' e'xîportsaraes (W,237.09Sis inalselr. aealut 2.21l atit sf and 103,131l.7614inlaiflfl. Cbicago-C'ittli-. comsssou ho pWia $310 ho$.-».;0: iatu., .lslpin. gradi $5.54) te *5L40: li-a-p, <ir i 'tae.$ tu $5.50; o lat, l, N. ' -,-si. 71ktas7 crn. No. 2, 44e tu 45c; itsi. Ne. Z2.1 ta 33c; s'ye, No. 2. 4'c tas',Oc; Isa>'. Il etla>'. $8.50 teu$1.01; prialrWa, 1. $13.00-. hutter. choica caratie-rs-. 1 01e; casa.fresl. 12oc te 14c. Pot» d1,c -ta e vcrlIon il IndianapolWa-Cattle. siýpplug. " Â $525; bsga.coic4b iisht. $ý4.110te-*Sl sbeep, commun te primue. #«2.110 ta *4 vhest. No. 2. "42e tale-ien$XNo. white. 44e te 45û; enta, No. 2 wiil 34e te 36c. St. Loi-Cttie. 14.50 ta $3.00: li 45.00 ho $0.2à1; seep. $3.00 tea*me wbeat. No. 2. M5e te 76lc: corn.Xe^ 42é tai 43c: entaq. No. 2, 33e te 3ke; No. 2. 47e ho 40ce. cipe 1unat--Cattie, M-5r0 te$.1 banga. $4-W1 te ho P0; aeala 3.50'. $4.1r,; oicat, No. 2. 7Me lue71;Seoe Noa. 2 usixei. é46e tu 44Ce; outt,Ne. mut-ad, 3O80u ta ac rye, -No 1 . IeLa5 Deîroit-ýCAtle. $-* 3.5 l #M0;lu $4.00 te $6.40;_ibeap. *250 tea 3, vileal. Ne. 2. sc ac u 9e; coin. >W"; yeltew. 40o te. 47c; omis. NA. 3 u>bI mé ta 30C. rye, Ne. 2. 52e ta me. Mlwaukee--Wit. -No. 'Z' ort1 82e ta &3r.; rt-a. No. 3. 47c le 411e; o No. if whsite. 85- te 3 îc: rye, No. 1 te 53Sc; liarloir. No. 2. 58ctMe beeoWenat. No. 2 mizeS. 10 = 0e7c7uZN. 2aahz-d. 430 tale;c ~ No. 2 mît-eu. 320 ta Me.c; ype, ez4 t e- e; laver ceeS.: prhuae,*7.e $.0 teh*0.40: Legt. fuir te Priuîe. te f7.30; aiepair tue hci,ia'a. S. *.0;leslieCommun tueChie. 4 Ni-o York-Cntle. $1.<0 ta buis, $4.001 te $.();sh.. le '1'i $&4,5; v INaj-2 ted 8ctMé Ne520e e .eoats. NO« 2S d0e te 41ec; butter., ce-csra . WO caggs, wester-n. 14c te 17c. Mausle. Gru, tie aac-ciatel -" uMagoes', las seired rom liat pIl 541h a comforteorstune. - At the annual metng et ila 'W York Cliasien' ut ComaueuMer jexcup vielecteal prede.V ?lis' Meiican goveruse0t bl. s .1 $12.500.00 in New York çVity; qai-alfor rnilrned arsber men1.51. ,i- li« W fi 1-1 il, j-J r 1 rf

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