Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1903, p. 7

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ï. Con"bu, Ou î Î, GuJpttpSoW 1 1.uray nom., dvba< ri m dtT.Jé0r~i l .sd rae f 7d1»:t, at ao 4wenI d str iar. -dosAo#h#» Aseficl" tise imfati sron cus mwo becoratiey aredos orttou ioin. formaetffemale tisease. Ny fat the greniast aumber cf temale troubles ai anci rectly by catrh. Tie. ace epair c! recovary. Pemale lieilesme sommon se. prevalat, ltltiy àerut it s a ant'inevitable. !Tb* greekteat chauds la tis wal1 ~ fré- e - 5htbat tey -de sot o sa-tasal tuaI hla ctacnb ahici la tus sout e! thelr illuemm. ~ans r ~ p.,ggaigjg la tentai. complalat, sineiy-nins Came onut o! one hundrti are cothing but W lb* ~~Sl'G~'15 Petons curas cataralu abenaver iW ~<Jwabes.O, ~fia. dvlo. '-te. -- r v%iwdmir à A lIa j-uaa mk Lo. UesOts Vm em deaAuneSir Chance r enrates te (Califrnia: $3000 Lu Pu el.$2,.lO roni Kenxnit le.rates aIi a.aithdnaala Jouele nec hi i wrtunty.Tourlst #-llnk4Oi"~Iras t0O. tihout ,gs. lnrp Sil.aba vent Tgedsy,. pmeitrit1k . t lîea.'Ask uoSSiteSd Da-Sntained RIoosevet se4 #pet tue Park hoa is noosa- vfelttý "On tub c«ticsa." hli& a,- wig I iyoa cou-;.;- baba boa i-Y toosaveltr' DstseaAmeticas. rnh Slas Lake Daceliers matie môe OSsprîttia cof ahent. Buafalo Had.t 10 tmub. A oer relation cf ithe laie Baron Muachausnon theiasmateraiIaide. lnenUr tiescénedtii rea Annlasa ndi soppilta. aa ega ia;sPryo filent!,' about tliols;a hall boffak ln ona of the trees et Calfernie. -Thatstscay Inciks lîkeftibeet," rN abo juaesa every tblng, 11w e umany tiar mes; -the baNtalo bemngatu tise rumainant fantm fli, bai four or ove stomacha ais walbs e. bouts.Il ba seociavs ns ail anti ccitt! ne mere cimb n tiehan a Jesey coa.. .An a geena propoition yen are nigit," s&nd the tory-tellea. atisperu ttly utoffled mien. accortihaun Cohe New York Miners. "But Ihls case was riite exceptilona. We val-e atter lhe baNrale with fonr of th Most vilon* doge tint 1 ever inea. (one wag a bout bount!. coe a gret Doune, co a pativie< or aoit houat!. unad the othea- a regit- tened iolidog. alth as 111;e areagl la-ciaWeil, they trut thle baffaio t ey ntaithe fot ofta aîig reand preffl dhlm %() blameel bard tint ht juil t Undtu cih. Tint waails caly *saivaticti."' »lslinctly a tu et, Paver, America-You have îotîccti. 1i an pose, tint tic balance uit trifde. no foi as yoîlr cooaury and ours iii concerna& la atliiln Our tavr? Engagho,aii-Sothiflg of the sort. sir We ellange a acta-Qut title for s beani i ful America beirers ament every das tu thuse S N 9 i l d . w m e 0 « - s s et1 SolO teais .vstwbse. -À tiageimOss ot for ~ ~ 'A.'~ - hck; It tels 0t - . Kiney ilus, 'as d, o mét pains andtiachies la the Pm the cGLsssof ; 111# begii vti.- ftelWu. Dropar. Egright'a Dis- sï. Cure Rid- aey anti Blet- bouse îey nab h.e ii- outi stage. iReandho* eantly l cau be W-. J. 1111, et 40 Soutu Union stret, Colecotti,%L C.. preptietot o hordware anti harneas store, Jastice or tbo -Pioc, WESTERN and eole of the. bet kuoan tosido f CAN ADA mu aymDo'.KtslPs PrOyed a effelicient remeti! la MY i.m 1 S5Ib:~z ot abox et the Gtbaoa Dr«g asr e 'te aea.s.5 Sere untiuedthham fer llaon<lqrsd bld- av r on:P al4ttssud-neyp at hbe, freiviiteh;.--isa t~iss-, tieln, Lb btereti me fer a lest Wbtle. .nitil.hslPisstIs Cias f:,,;woerisrlrmnlària, tank colot~ a uu tlietusilanot. The. Plla cleareti il b.c ail upsudat1 haent batlan ocbe'la aiC y bqcck mbni tablag he lant dose. My a 1 u t" mts Se i, babck ln muai iftronger asti aiYisoti afjag tl.. Gas, 0i"Alr Io genea-alyIo 1liprovei a gpont dm1. I1 t%ath..chlth k» -b5 a gai emké a pule insmest o! ifie Pill, ta-stin; tiat Il maî lu the rie, g-î~é nîedeh cf eltsvlag somne ocer mt- ,g A FIlES TRIAL of Iis gret ktdueY ET VWO F5V 51 medilas ahich canal M. Hill viii lu e@I5I*. m ndnalled on application te any part of ths mg QMCOWt ifPIi'-Unitedi Plates. Addtinas Pcetei-MUbrnn %ua.ocit tîatattpýe C.. Buffalo, N. Y. Fer sais by al peckce ithboo ofIn-drugglute, price W50cents per box. - lsluaaI5~p~âaO, Mu anata but lt], -er. bba,, ~jf~titceav~mmtO~fi Beéanseshe's uce polt. s u T o l te r fe re a e a a c a is a s triv e s el" For ,venythlng In ighi. mf»wmmwqlý 1 I ACTS ABOUT:: ::TIIW CENSIJS. it la hterestlng to know how many of the homesu hiéi.United ti tea are . owned by the people -ho occuPY themf and hose minY are renteti. Tsking the total of 10187,715 we anti tht 7.2W.. SM2 art owned andi 8365.7.39 are reuteti' ieàving a litle more than hait à million unreporteti. This la aàtiecitied change freai ten rears &go, when ttie aumber of homnes ooned wai 6060.417 andtihle Mumber of homess renteti waa tM., Thu4a~daiflgtii. lsat -tayeam-them - bas been a failing off of homes owueti troam 47.8 per cent te 46.5 Pet cent khie the. peccatace of homes rented lhas la- erMasti fruai 5Z2 per cent to W3.5 Per oent. STiiers e mmaimels to have been a de- eldie crease et mortgagea dariag the lait ton years, for huiM180M. per cent 09- aul. the .ho"n1 a OwTIJ"...weres frncot incumnbrance,witlle IM00onir 68.4 per ent acre unmotuaged. Takinit theai fromeinii.ther point of ,iew, 81.0 per cent oftsa lthe, were mort- saged lu 1M0, PLI per cent ot the fuand sai32 per cent of town homneM, awhitain890 offIy 28 per cent of ail the toan homes wera mcrtsageti andi onlY 28.2 per ent o the farma . The. proportion of lneumbered homes la larges than ln 189inla i]ithe Stte. andi Tarritories sort of the. Miasissippi River anti alont the Atlantic aenboaL-4 andi Gl>t States. sxcept*Michlgn. whte la that beit of States reaciar freai tie Mslisoippi te the lacilc Ocean ther bas been ia decideti deerçase ln the. nua- ber cf mortgagea. The. m6t notable changes ln' tua refpect are foiîud ln North and Soutl' Dakota, Nebraska and Roasis. __ ___ __ Ca rrla thiie es*,rat Lite Inauranca. Until a tew dais ago John Wasamak. e ans belleved ta carrY more s 1 li- &tacs than any other Americas, bis alunt islg sî.Mffo o * hoi. bu heou-ostrippeti by bis son BOSsa, yotaaddition té ils mllllelt ahusàhil perletifor Bornatime boa CeMst ont mtile easly ail sens .fgai amei- le* d e plntiif, elàatul ti bobPart aeag ati basthy; mvarser W*smtber alîl ghoasIS bus g5i tt7taproyetrop cqntii Beu DskolaWarm week avlth benfi- el1 aiena, Su southeast portion Odticonsîder- ails iib aeutherly aadg; pgra. 5prIlij whast. cetu. harley, rye..santipl ain atbstc naid occt. Wbeat gllrr siiîyattatuDg osd stand; coin plantîn lue- taat, gaussai endti anauitfavoraly: 0hz, baisn sean; grass affolaIs gooti posta!- Netrmska-Warttgrowing saab, alth ex em essemin lai esaberli coutattîs; aeat san gcamewrapdly anti continue ila c- leOt coad nt iluproreti; corn plant- ing mnsutildeisyrt by nwee gtrand generallileu lthon haltthce " là pllntai seins. arrla ntetilcana o. Kgng&a-Wheat ln Cood condtionea, at _»4..i asl seu ai d ti lacentral: corn ePiattiatedssct b! conscons comit n ettbsg relia ti,; Osîs. assanti glardeu!a ig it oplly; atfuttta fine, grealar cat- ldly neariy readY ta cnt; Psture@ ver Netag et Carrent LassOs, The .lsylia of a duplicae Germn Asuertcas Atltantic catie ascommenced st iionbua. an lsland la tbe North ses, ýtwesly-lx- mlle" tram Emden. Atle. retuerena a verdict la a damaif sOIt, 1D. J. McGinle". toremaaof tbE jury, tiroppeti tiradof heart <disease as laiùhltca, Mont. l-r as a promineul rAncher. ». W. Beardict. the Topekâ a iwYc -tioa ag hart Atatil 19 lea acoilist betaeeabis autoillbita anti a henvr Broadwaay aiectric car, in Lot Angeles Cal., tiedt. Gen, Mimornez 1bas11mecepte theti cbairmeahlp oethliecomiiaittee toc ti erection of the Cuba bulilding at the si Loais expomition, end aili be in Bf. Loulj to look atler the wcrk. Atitional rural free delivery servit, all b.e etnblialued ,June 1 at Oklahoat City, O. T., alîi tact carriers.. Lengt] ef route, forty-neer ntindone-baif miles ,Population setrd, 1940. . Thei. trtact of the nationol banksa Okidboma shows the. average- reacra beiti at 17.72 per cent, agmîinat 17.17 p tant;jloins anti discouints increaseti tre S95,S6 te $8,109.677; golticoin fox M m tu $P0.9M; total sPele fin P6,40 0ta Wi,66 ldvliual depoei tiase4 fbons $la3uMnte $15,45 1'~0UGN UT y ~ î~2u he thé, leirtiiti y o = rala* e $faorable teme Wabaid ii Beat ue Xe" or' o, t uisnpwê0* enfiltgMal 18, thi e tral valilt~, isb region andi lass a nd. etai e**r«4la ewEnglati rsale t ampleanti muct parmlit-Aras or i,30000.0 gels nedeti warjntb. *ue Ù: thesSoutiera Wbe Ragemat<Our GraIn. Is= Iet as je 6001 ti favotable -Vgo t. Tii. vyor itSceraiabsence of1 I lae.xpdted that the f armnea s9Othe rais la New Ugadm iemitdle At-1 Unit tats ah hae tepsy latlc Statea and. o0W'-a lare part et 20t cetoe lhaii n par000touât the lsait@regios da i4)Wovolly bas Lw. tir the. gatherlng of their grain.* The have mtioyltlefsedstits a 1 swa.atlcS ef the harveat bandelo lto eolnaquence Q' wflâ ares ave ate -ntil al lns ld tisim aue et tùeslow progresaai il and d emia-1 threatemuti Icrease. Notice boa sircnatiy tn av en M adered. Thei. barss-erveti on thousimatu of the. grain «« glf ttes &ad_rd of et i oa. 4oW5f5 et thse MidlelsWert of theii Misor ad MW«U asssippi TRal- mi"'% demana. asti the former@sinlorsey have snfféed ý9 excessive raina. sOin.sectionasof Ililinois, Missouri and Corn plantlng bhagiOS iuther delay-1 KtOissor* aftl; teps tu oppoe .the e by raina la t* t«i .s.eftihelower orgalai si aor. Missouri valley, and4 tIr dought la the About 1,800,000 na. go lai e ieldiîts Ohio valiey, midltde Adtiàtl States anti1 overy irear and barrait the grain.Tii. portions of the Lamo ssgIel. Piautiar la1 fam. of the. Vaited'Otates numnir s i- amUI tvanceti la the, l>ae, and, Dot- mont 6,00M00,antd cever au ares of wthstanding the et it In1laIowa andti 842,000,00 ares.The protiset'of < th se SttrO. h *e baia vpsitnlnalinge in farims".olut leut forr$fer 00,W00 thon.Statesî. wla Ittba lsatic Obusy the. lset total aver recorded. mtsatriy aWitalteOi National organsation* ihavs ea pr-voiler andi miditle A*.uUcStutesa alarg fsct. la Indilana, Illinis. imonl Kan- part Of the crop la pet 0 b. pianted, nei ase.Oklahomta anti everal otie, Stutes. mors tiion hailth gahavis; bass la the. get aheat boetof Kansas. union o .d aihOhisal"à$W4lu55h5 labor la practl lu l control. The Ire Wintei wa;b a *À*favorable pro- employant asences * have been buret- grog@ lu Nebaska andIreant, anti bal ted an nor te abo aguris cn-been improvet by tg la portions of incteti by tii. unions are ecognîzeti. D. Teiiessea anio KssCsfrtasAkass W. BIaine cofl'rstt Coonny, who put ito enseeadKn Bat la South- offsleti fanions iarveat bonn tiueau ara Missouri snd ttW.&States northwerti &avertilersta&go.andi Who baslan theoft h. Ohio river the. middle At- put turnisheti 2,000workaien annualr sladc Sistes the edp bams uffereti fur- is la foyer ant i atingti.lober unions. ther dterlotation. -;t la beading as fat 110 tsya l ai esult beneficlsllltu th nortb as central MRim andstithc gouti- faims? na.aelL ae tethe laborer. - *rn Portions et Indiâmà,"astibo, la the sprint wheai aiglon the weather Crowtihig laie tue Unies. contitions have beu bbli favorable toc As the soimmer sejison approaches -germination anti groeof e sptint aheat. thopsatiset finea loave the city asti go awhich l.eomag op teg oistands with lai e ta work in thefiteldsa. vlgoious plants. t n Ose flots thriain la sections of the coun- linithe Missour vsl", Oklahoma anti try, anti before the endi of the barrent Texas s general Improveint in thd con- the famber ofitîrangert arrking wotk-on diticuet tsl lue.'b-- ÂnAhe rfaims exceetia the million mark. fi'10 hio 1.volley, midle Atatic States andi Mdt a veasrmny tut l il litoe t .hegreater part t.laits region. the nid of the 5,.0.00garni canera of the condition ofthtii cro 10lames favorable, Uniteti Bttea. oigi h fet fdogt Therearae 15.000000 of dar laborers -La o-_tig e uha gefs oS drouplat. the . United tsi aert i ïMe*, J55 aga~, = toa h- itie cottonfbeit * belosg te the national triade unions. Of Ie. temperttfles on Cotton. COnid- éther million beloag te tratie unions Ù&ensile tobacco bas banitransPianted inl parilylocal interet. aille thertemain- Tennessee antiwestern Kentucky. lFut- tier comprise the. elemeat ut nnorgjataiaedti er improvement la the. outliok for ap- labor. Witltiatlie pa!t twoyears icreral pies la indicateti, but. the prospecte for handreli ibousantio the latter clae hais Mont of lhe auber tais fruits are yenY jolsed the fstm lubot unions. poor Th@grs. eop ia tiie Ohio voiler. Tiie faime band,.asab wi es otiier lait@ reglon, mIdle isAtlantic States anti clsau cf. aorkmen, la obkins te tew Englant inla ncb la peedrd inta futie. Tii.bons of work openp'the bt acatwa t ett>Misssippi it bas fon a" re re nn-up ontil tiail, sumatie rapiti growub sud la la promuisins cithe in. tie fermier putes.hie mn. oniton thiough £anbout alter tiark. esPecisliy if condition h. grain h la danger of faillng. Here- iloo-Rtt5riphos vgtat ninpr tofore tihe cusîcibas leen nte yt ta Par-E1i&" reaisil vg dstrica$ tr- the men for tuis overtimue. In sosie I.lfla- 9 cntraw.:gatstio aal t tances amai @n'no arr. offeret. bat thc ectàte;aplowilsa aa u lognretartietior farier asuail>-held ilitas a igbl tht hieiarei on acean e dry soit:deteMroa- sioreriuiinit aidhlmuarmuaratti ISet afbe.t eosatsila sotheru dis- workrs souldaid ini nremnere t.triolsai vri ovnaen sd gearral coutil. Rease. the, arai bontihans oe ilyîrtie nfaoal. lieaandi PastureS gulisti into tii. unioni. anti arhreyi etat a0rd raja. thé organisera of tie Ameticau 11etera- Iniaaa-Tempertu» sMRMldra'Y aber titonof i.abor bave been tbey bave normal; D ne aa0 1p atloa boar brugt ajrll fucwobralato wla ac :cos ltia darnceti. *ruh aoiYO h okr bt gontid ry. bird sai e otirati anti the. ranka. Co-operalioa of the barveft- clover sufectat fgor .a whest. rye anti esU, where iluboaai areaty been practicati, barleY la fi Coadti ain;t teabond fibas proveti highly beneficiaL i tram sti lo . p l sandemucli r. Ta Rase s50i5 or Wagon. piatfa acessrytait etattoa ueelng Tiie pensent scale of W««s.paldtu emn ah Oum.ha".rune tram $1.50toe 1;1 ic-ehitntT 055ve-, drougbt te day. The aork tilfets inthetii Rash. e.tinue5.grali .116 thât Peuta ait Binettires. erinsane, -. ~ o cr, ptia aram sIasp.iiiseut BkWr divrafo $ot». ae at ve- mistii. baitcarmaj.*laa#= i bsat lW . voakoetidmtiare ciosaig llgbt von. helti t s ti, I*4là ladamt ea mo snhene they aor.e oi, Pauti$1.50 ile Met retiçeatinla etii-eentimi cees- tien.: et,, bacler.,ite Mesaad"a gras The. sales seuis for blatier drivera la set anud gardonsa-senina c oris; tobacce le et $2. andthte raliag in matie tbat aalth- pate ilug fmlr ely aeUpbsei chermise., a. oraomes nor. boya shahlu ealoaedt t.PWMami Peachas droggiu .wbt. 01 i tis -place la the harvent Uaie. Ofuen Me4guas-nla wer peoislaiaat si ina arush the. farmer brings is alfa or div asathan Srded gaWini en- tient Oeilidry ati beeomi abn reciiet: cern Lu daughitars lai e ieldti tedrive th ii. - ufibe eflbt aan- bIifiie, wille ho pou th le maieu hiItoentision. veey slow; aeaha rye. barder plaes. Wheat uiiockens an. pali! m 5Ot5d Ws a" pasturee Vsry slow anti seot over $2 per day. 1Letiar the nusavol- la uy nofr4-bes panti mtfmorecni ing tuey are te receiv. 82.50. Other p&esplauea antipuesboom ce lasses ot aorkieaare to reesivi higisar plsmtiuiiy.___-. . 18 priesg la proportion, the raies. belui on Wiwongan-Warm acather at et week se naverage o! 20 penrcent, Ia tl>p grain Moaodsatigeuttiente prrrserapidiy. Carna 'e"ua4 pratiareti anti laut eeq-ionrth et j* bellte ofthe Soutbaept reie o! the.big aOcroageplanttýd i. h »in.1 flutin condition; r ,aacb canera are organizing te figit tih e Otg.Cariey, anti sprnt abegt on higbland union,,-hut lier. Ilatioobt ahetiier they extelieat. on lowtai dthia anti nuecen- ahw acet. l cnrlRaa iîs jter ahendatirye ams lste.lthy sa1 Ili sucrnaIncntasKass enc=spltly; cloe andtIMnohY Prom- lit roi ere aere numencua @triles. ahera I OiéB cro.;frit e loig icavl the. unionwais la partial control, anti ly; tmaièrrbes laJaceti bY trailta-a 10 acre see.king te tule eut 1iie non-union PildIstItlt4eS id ae.Tsen iittbbrssagreat iiinsesta-%Ilns ila math MIi12h de- mony iThis eantwi slll tii toîsesain tayedi crm. Poiatues. iaanti barlry erti bc mny tries, nd e wll te fllo intlu.,cosltierably; cluo n lt. la centrai ly season,ountil the frains arer allilai tu prtion tielsyedrt nk iOeaiat. but wtt accept the union. xvhici. aith bts rsent Cbecial te greaing andi rsceally ietird growth, ia cettaina tu gain a soliti footing gmane: le lie River Vlley lier.wasi al. t] mentu jterpteti scetilnof gtlas antibur- inaths rouis ofthte harveiters. Ici: warmer acaîber ta latter part ef areS p-Whilc the laconie cf the tarînens lait matie li grains, potaces anti meadows nr Yir Wans Ovet $5.000.000,000, the a9-rapidit. imout pitiouite exra Oaa-WeeX warner thonBannai anti ai d.antinuri.aouttte wes. bohnextravegtatin madte raptîl gratb; ricemive r. 000,000. Tii. average expeuse et caci of Sars. ,bot ahecever lararticgl p1oli u. tarai. average sibm 140 acres. was M$4 laintindpianting acre- vleerousty pu7lti9l 3M89. anti $75 ]@sf year, andti s vent Itament aviecti sectIons inaplntisgla art ahi la.ut least $85, ýanti penhmp. srm an d germ!altionla ery satistae- tr; reporte mn. tale ygooti ade oaPpie asd bore erops lit on vy es, he St. !e ma h es. per ai On 'DI4, To béet aboit Thomptine aud bts *ie?, Net Wcll. Tiomptisa' -Wt. iald a coagi, noellhetoïlatbinate set bte a bottisetofcougt iteicîne. Whoe ha vam balla; It thse drsgelt isanarbet i lctentally tint bp bati aMc et tise bothat reaioter Chat ové r glaonoiulthet .heait of o baldbisest man. Tbompblns la boldusadati, but hé, preoteedh.otildn't hear. lne icugul a clgar anti taiketi politica vlth tn or tiare. ofthte boys for a ii. MdL 35*1 before h. ieft ter bous ho naid te the tinagglotu: "Soy, elti, mon, Sot 057 stiif Chmt'a Sool for Che. bair-mabolto--sOtof groa, jeu kww?' "'Oh, jei," naid thse da-aghtt. ,!Well." snid Tompkins, -gnosa1l1i taibs o bottle. Muy brotiisi-lIw la a regular ld" endi 1kes smchthhlg@s2 - The tae bottie vere -abount the. mme sise, but.tChat aasnl the da-sggWV@' fta.Tliosiplna opoM Chou both viien b. got boule. Tbat nblt afCet h. bad antitsssed h.aiappotiel te tbhuk Chat It mlght lie a god thing te tri &" ,Uile et Ch. hait restoer. .lanthe. dark b. got boid t. fbisa«ltés coolgii miicia.anti ho pateredl t miloves bis baid bot. [tlvas gtndasti @"yh anti Il bang rigit on. Xrs. TbomP- kinesbad o vient lit of cougblngtdua- lag the. algit anti la teeling around Ch. eloeet fer ber medkline gtel let uth haIt restoe. bb oob àbig dose anti tien hoUiereti: ..Fire!" Thompblns avoke vith o jel. Tbera hall beea Utilelst lan<lis piUlow case anti ie bati toilaI rount I vtllbis atick heati antîl be bati matie a great bol. la the case andi hall aU tiie teatb- ais Wor-thimettontin; floring ont freint bis craflamm gotbat ho looketi hike Che hanabeo ltu on- Irlihfolklore tale. las came rmsblng te Mrs. Tiompbins' as- aistance. us ethoctiglu vows the.evil Oas tisbnIL a il-bcltay and, again liolIrreti, Ibis limé lontier tbmn aver: "Pirei 'buolos! Pire!" Th Tii.bed girl ruailIe otue aigut viii nothila on but a tweeter anti a pair et ralibet boots anti turasti lnao. geasalarui. lu cent Tbempkini 816.110 te mabl-It itlUrigbtviit te fia-orn, but i. maya the expeience vas ce e t tue prie. os the coogi mixture uatna bis bain te growta; mgain. Iaclietally bis vite's coagb bas dlsoppeared.-Xew York Prose.' A nttnmattoni cosse. Alato>n, Mîcu.. May 25.-Rougbton Oounty bas neyer vitsseti a mort atntais metical came thon Chat otrnM. lamea Culot et Ibis place. Ma-. Oulet hati flat a amaol fortune alit lthe bout physiciana la tb, courty anti la addition te Chia ho bas tieti overl Mediiehb. euld biaeto. He bal a varboil case of Rauana- tisaimati Kitiney Trouble. tnom l wleh hb hat affe!etifor tvsoity yeare. 140<2- 1lng b. couiti gelsoaite1de hlm aay geend, anti eho s gratioallî anaw- ing vot. He bas, ne Uhesmullimnov astiex- tplaine It Chus: 5- -0s5 day 1- bappesil e -s aa- tVisiblernent -et Dotda Kltsy pilla antdicidded te try Chou. -i matis up my mind te aive Chou s 00goed, fOin triai, de my eama vas a verj 4baosa neandi vas of ovai CamaIlysmrm'. standiing.- il 1luseti ,llogether 42 boxes&ad 1 voua trUtitolly My thalt tiey bave driv- agen uut every trace of Ch.eIhheui5atisl 1 l hâte1ka nasa n, anti I ma iand de Méat bftrtUY rOtcoMMes yDgoti'sKldner Pila for hosmatm *anti Kiay Trouble." k'The GradatinOcioie. n lIa a-gale' te cnt met a pewer of ,f oney te gradate John Ibis yia," ':aIad lt.eoIt!mon. *ltockoa se?" 'Il kaba It! He-es Ch. proga-am ho i.eset me: "'DssiIt, . -Two nain hala. $10. 'Three painre' ihees, $18. -Cgars. 30 d 1Wines uppen. S106.,' "He dca'l write tiat la Greek, deom ha? "No, by tiander! lesm la plain Geor- gIn. a1ti God- bies onthome.'au r Hov'a ail tic fnmliy,' at Che endi!'" IsAtlanta CanaltieJn. l Do Tour Pest Actha asti para Obab iakltoyour abuse AB"a'@ Foot- Base. a peatier.for tii. test. lu malles tl gbt or Noir abois foni sa% -1é cerama.usoent.- 8vcUmiýet anid. lBSeatiat lest. At aIl raglsansd te Plac Suoes, 25e. Bauple, ment FIXER. th Atitres Ailes 8. OlIsteti.Lsltey', 2. Y.* Trouble £15550. a. lt la eni tisty te eivilise lhe vcnit." "~But tiers are otiet nations that tiab. l hbey have lie sanAqdty, anti abat viii .- happen te civilisation aWhen oui patis e-cros?"-Chcago Post. " Te Kein, Koçi Ifîtchea Rinti c lxatovez malle ne amob&e, mell. sbot. a.1es aor excessive héat. Aways boit for *4 t, - SsNtuasis jeu; 1 dcn't camste kaovkhm. nea la osét dtutable par Ha--Tien uatluobme ulatake. DrV orybetir paks ai of hui *sbe-ldoe't Cam.He asueothe judges. autheidtg ha, ad ho vemhdn'i tive gnon lttlido a'Pris. Ne5w Y-ek doctels mis almosi uslistil tisuadînitue muatilsg otfmildose' h hat edur on the irund hat lu alU tand te utanap ont tables. us". I saisi-, lubsi, I ~ska I LUI à. A. Ios GaANIMUS au - Amui= lob o 1 imot peehaot *Mt' mdiala. .v« db.sovot mmw. k triasto bsp oth«boeb7wolasg iegaS i tonne vthbew ou buaiitimgy esa~e sugbt graUdmtlal A A I! ooSOK @~Nomma 1tchbulk. ' Il L -m Gaaly <l 115 wil ïmei w7e m ena10U.lote e srSU of ietduty oxct the, emetu aasai 10guarttIbolbealthà. Mev mEhbardM lbi luasba obme *son oumite dorangoMont of tise Susie orgwo omont s b abaffluad he t he nervou .stm Jnbritu tb le pisseof ba a"us lt hamebwold dtim bhave boau led to eUv h voin Md ftetoft baiigdb.a-DonI rmsrt 1 tro g tmulante or .OmOtuIftmuntuullhai;remedy for vomâ If the l m tu .y~ MM wwoset wblob 70M wnuM 10» -~~ ptkbam- .Ne -wmU- I4$fer a » ul Folipr<St rrnd the .ymptoun a auft gand CMs ricted ln- the fopw leIttoes: tMS CO.PU& Itytroule aZio uhii el detha la aver bwiomlien. Ieut bsaaug..vs13»018. vaaa i.lullairti blu.4ý te git nm vili. sdAal-li - medsi te~ goafl; rnuaIctu'adlln 'q olm itnai rer aivtlniitameti istao u h aivo *1et jraiga t i aaefy afowatià"mli e ft êd M" ama bélp am ea Intimentte 1ea i.aiImsstei vote laq, for aW ubflhave doue84 w.-mm s. LozW Y NOi,*8 Ava., N.W., Wémta .0 "DaAu -Mf& m. Pissit-I arise te Cmon jeu vWsaiLodm 5. bautr a"cik i v. bottes àe ylu . lauseo 'UVWoSU cam ~ omploel uly ais, Ianm aV WOUaama M "1 blk jurmeMencm ofet .s, bug mstIes la do ILlm, t sagrsl uel foruq.& sOU" ib.SOM." tr M..."Isa'tM9 tbe bflMým eamW t it.soi

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