Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Jun 1903, p. 3

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rsoaitiat Sabub..Agros de river lis AlMostDstrayed by the 91111111111L Ruidesi. CIIo mo u.Roofs et, tey4-A wift by the T*iàel. FitY TlumWd Made Nomul., byWiste et Waters in Thi.* State. Deali, reck and devastation bave * uaftil Lauilte wak» ot great floodi la ÎLnias. Ncbraeaka sud lov5. Man>' $11ve beex, doruviicd.inded plaeed tftmurtat pi rit and feuloua t hou- suda dru-m t rom tilîir homes b>' ~ftgjng rivera aivolien beyoud ail pto- lionS meunure 1»' tho rmas. Tw Bitate Captae J,îkoaudi .DesNMoinCS- vweretiie ciu r ft ile rmi. aud nairrer- ir.To te danfger ôt t --t, ra vatiî'rs nbu-h hnd luvadeul bt hfbuil- Ileessund rmesIieeedistricts or hobli Capiîîue ts amaddllîd uore drcuîdtul perili utlime. Subtnemgtgi. file vitar .works ut bIb chiles sud a score t les- ser tvlu lii. i hnihe States had bien ilhut duvu sud lni> protection againat damaes bail been tettID t em. lPire sud flooid are reo;spile for tbe taking ur 50 >ilve lu aNorthi Topeksa, duburli of Tiîlika. Kan., dirochi>' sdae tàa ie Kuliras ILver. Rami>' Saturdlu>' stemuoun une or Ivo Ofthle voter loxged bouses took lire. Wllb lriem;iles outebr AUl around tbure vas DU meaus ut igitiug lire l2ames. A bigla vlud vas boivlian d «ue Of the burliîlg buildings broIe Jooie trois Its fonudalluna. sud,,avept envard b>' lic awilg current, cpread detansd detitructlon on every baud. Acres o ut uling. Ama.. BooluIe acres upon acres of suth. aergted lerîsor>' vere dotted vitb brlgbuildings. nome alatianar>', Mmue vlnd hiown uf om point 10 point. -The 110o109ting lmti>ua lgsted s> itevrr tire>' ouched. These sprc'sd the dames M. rapîdi>- that nt one lime nlighil'sep. &Iut frt ires vere couuted ftra te dome oft he apitol, AUl the precediîig niglit andl durlng th(e dnyiiglit loura lire roofs o! bouses, fac4ories. and ciler buildings had been havons ut refuge for lire MM eran sMd cllidrfn via llred sud Ire r tp- Par lailtht district The>' bad not sut- tered for wnrt oft fui een thougli «Oh bouse iad ten fot of vater lu Slt sud thhuigi the rpidily oft lie ec- .rent prOented rescue by boat lie>'aili .. hoped fiait lu tvenl>'-fuur boura or sa tbéldoiulu subside suniileutly to shlow litîir esc-ape. .But vien deali b>' tine sppeare<t ie- fore llîelr eyes 51w>' became Paulc l a uunlur o! cases Ibe>' Jsnupedt.d thle n'uber long betore tieriraks ur refugc e vee lrcaîeued b>' lie haines. lrri.erriug denl b>' drowug la iheir chances or bcbng eaugit b>'thie ire. Futile Alttentsao.scp. Fuile nîstenupîs ere made tu escape 1b>' ovor>' uelbod tiat lugenuit' -- purred o> b>' tira slght or rapidl>' &d. vauclug uealb could suggest.Raftt% vWere lujruvteçd.on vhicb the o on 'm. d üciudren veto tuisced. 3Mon lbrev trinka. lbureau@, tables sud other arti- cles of fumoîbure loto lie vaser, thon 113mp1ed on thêta. sud sotîgil to dot 10 ats>. Those vviho eacapcd lie fient- 11n9 ire as s geucral mulie, vert. ut litto value lu tîtffeliîig tie avlrliugt orrent fuil o! burnlrrg drlttivood und tile de- ,bris ut vreeked bouses. Business lu Topeka vuls pmcticillyt et a sîaîîdatllt lecause ut Mernorlal day onî'luInsialOt flie stores ver. elosed 1 he grenter part ut tire, day. The flood sudthie condiion et thie sufferers tlook tire atntnionu ot evoryoue, 10 tie exclu-t sio" et uitdec.Au 0crm>' fu cuwva engaged lunterelief vork. and It voulu ie IIîe to atterupl lu Place ant 1 estimato ou2 the Imalense nunibor es- eued.& * Thonsandi Oiron ihelser. t Thouisundm %wero shellered lu the »UIc ebuildingsand lun(lie Auditorium- 2,000 houelees Pcetalre quatered. G- reat wagon loudâ of clolliug sud sprovisions wcre seul and .theo merne * diste ieede et fiue uuto runuates pro-a :viqcd foc. Inu hie large uniber otrmet- lâgees veme Busslans. Itlaas and 1 nu>'ottuer 0o' tie poorrcasut flie 0 ýity8 population. A number uft hirse yrere afllcled witi contagions dis-b , sasles. Tic physîciana ut the cl>' gay a 1tbal as a reSuIt Out Iis su epîdeict ot sickekuofatalkinds a mi le looked for.3 The counul> corîhouse sud fthe ted- Omi building wero crowded vith pe- pie ot ait classes. , Ulsprecedeftoed floodi bave bain rag r, ' ra l enî sud eaatermi Kausas, a k5a su wot._etrs va ti . '7uuI et tet da) almut couluon , -.ilprs n b v bis e ru u otuse. aa>' ut virîcir Were Ai ndI t edat ad tbattir» p1ostan RtSULTS 0F 111E FLOUDS UN 11E MIDDLE WEST ODEAQ. NorthTb opeka. Kan ........................ ...... (Estlmated> 50 Kansas (Jty and Armourdale. Kim...... ........... (Eatümated) 50 OéundI Grave, K ......................... ................. ...15 Dis Moines. Iowa........................... ........... ........ 7 Other Iowa Cities........................ ............... ... 5 Kibsi OtyMo.... ...................... ........ ........... i Oklabouas itj Oia;.'.............'.*..*................... Total...... .......... .................. ........... ........ 132 DYIOGFROM UXPSURE. North Topeka.................................... (Estimated> 50 HOMEi.ES8. Kansas Clt3r. &Amourdale and Argentine, K<an.................. 25000 NorthbTpeaKa ................................ ........... 10.000 Des moines, Iowa ..................... ............ ............ Gýooo Other lianis poits.. ........................... (Estimated) 2.000 Other IowVa pointa..................... .0.00o la Nebraka.........................1.000 Harlemrn sd $hefiJeld, Mo .............................. ....... 11000 Total.............................................. ...... 40000 FINANCIAL LOSSES. North Topekan................................ (KatImatei $5,000,000 Kasas Clty snd Armourdajo. Kan ...................... ..... 4,000,000 Other Kausas Cties ........................... ..............2,o00000 Deis Matna, Iowaa..à........... ...... ...........îEsitlùated) 2,000,000 ticî.Beatrice. sdMadison.,Neb ........ a...................o.o (Iropa lu Middle West aud 1Mscellaunou ..................... 3.000.000 Total .............................. ...... ............ $18.000.000 The raina bave been general, snd FIFTY OEAP IN KANSAS CITY. every river lu Ove States la out oflies banda. Reporte of loue ofIlite and Kaw ont Mssouri '27119 i vea.Sow snd propeitty bases vill ot al l ei n foraWovk Grent Havr. veok asvirs ae dvu n al ore a KansasaCity, Mo.. and t, suburba are week aswirs &&-,dwn n 81 diec-enduring the o vot glod lu their histoejy. lions and acore of miles of raUvsay i,ft persans are reportedl killed. aud trnck have beeu svept ave>'. millions of dollars' wortb of property bas The arestosi damaige bas been occa- béeni destroyed. The watere oethe Kaw aloeed beween Kansasa City andaElle.ansd Missouri River" are tour teet abore worti;4 Kan.. 200 mles wesl. t Kan. th.* dsstrous level of 1881, sud tbeig sas City,. Kan.. aud ln the suburban evollen tide apreads over twelve square town ofArmordae ad Arentnemiles of te cit>' aud itgsusburbu. tovah o Armurdle sd Agentne, Twelve bodies -èere counted as the>' and et Harlenm sud Sheifolfi. Mo., near ilntdpast on Suda>'. lui neari>' ever>' Kansas Ciy, ait sggregsle of 10.000nsanc the>' vere lying acros pîsces ut Persona bave been torced to leave thoir n reckage. UN. 111E WES1 AÊ F. Ob EC N4 i Pa Fa 1.1 I W) W. li I iu MA . *N PI" IIT500DITUCTIVE TORM j s sis 1te ylni ae la- DAM-In- Dam- Killý. jued at.. K liedJure. ai.- II .. . » s! i.l ......... 1 1 lm o O5.5a. 2 < ,.is * ma ý«:/* :::*12e Net,. 6 (XX) Baa.K...............2 1 4O Qwo No. .........Iami5 sS . 5 oKa. _ . .... .. . k-uh 1e»Moie» la 6 80,00 Car.nOka ....... 3 00 lekW lefVsui Nunt....... ..... .....3 .*20.000 Kanh.... ......... .. 2$5,00 iscun eut but. ........... 0) A lisul *t. la .....2 14,00 oas. Olla.......... 3 20.011 Vet. bai- i.. n. . ...... .. 10,0S 'kiaoui. Kan. Oi...... ....2 1>a,>s Grsy. elatg............. 2 W2000 4 à. . . . . . T.1uas.h..............82313 4.0 Terrifie vinda lu sîeveni-r> tatea hbave blled iS persans. lnjured =t3and cxui.d a lois etr 2.5lii.OIJou Toruadoeii. destruetiv*e windstorms âqd torrentin] rains. that cause de- vastating loods, are 4y uno mens untaiilinr tliings lit hie West duriug the spriug mintha. but tlhi year. durlug-one lrlet perlod of teo dsys lu May, s large section ofthIe WM'etlias been aftticîed wlîlî suilidestructive torces as Inever vas before duiln a perliof ut linller lengtlî. Tornadooa rsged almost dm11>'. Loods repeated tlemselveo ivltiiio a sporé oftwtenty-four bours. and' even straiglit-blowiog wluds, sucb as usually aecompany lbuti- der dOôms, developed power sufficont ta entaîl a heavy los of property aud life. The worst pbises ot these storms vere. for the mot part. confiued te Oklsahoma. Kansa, Nebraska And Iowa. thougli Missouri. Minnesota snd Illinois alao suffored to' saine exteni. lu Okisiioma sud Kansas the flooda produced b>' the hoavy raine, lnusaume places veritable clondburats. eaused the greatest damsage; lu Nebiraska the terrific wtuds. vblle Iowa suoeered troni both i vid and water In equsi amanut. The storins prevalled gener- ail> al nier lovaansd Kansas; lu Okiaboma tbey were coufiued. for the maont part. lu the central seî'tlons, viuile lu Nebraska the principal damage oce(,urred ln the eÈatoru sud uortbem -portions, lu ail thege States the prop- erty loge bas bien xtremeiy beavy, bundreda of tarrubousea belug de- stroyed. and a auber of @mail tovus aimrat oblitersted. Scores etf por- tons have been kIUed snd the numbor ot the Iured mnounts ta qialte an alarmInug figure. ff~WA /7yj~F ~ Se .s50 4~J.D Aooo ~$-c~,OoOO..~OJe.r .oE5.VZZ2',j? ~ s '-.- SHADED PORTION 0F MAP INDICATES FLOODÉD TERLRITOtY.' hoames asud 8,000 t.ployes ofthe1Immn- Tire heavisat llnauciàIlébsa la etAr- crans Packlng-irouseand malcuail shopsiniourdale, vbore the lusses lu the packlug lu lire littutus are out ot employmieut. iniluatr> sud others are placet conserva- livel>' et $2,500,000. Argentine, anotien Lern is linlt Uuder W.ter. suiiurti. ban suffered basses estimateil St The slready floodcd condition ut ceas- $0.0.Olier losses viicb cannot nov brai sud tastera Kansas, vhil b ias boeatimsted viii increas the total ver>' bois lu tire grasp oftheboflood, hecame inaterial>'. Armourdalo, viîh a popu- tente Saturda>' niglil b>'a suddeu risn.ltli>n 01 16.000 people, Ia deerled. sud lu ail streais, whlci ver. avollen by ls site marled ui>'b>' lie tops uf build- boni>' rains. Tie rivera alosg vich Luaitnsd s number ut lires. the aindamge as ouearethe Tire- Ibirds of Argentine ia under va- bis aisdamae vs due ae lreter. 0,cr 4,500 peuple lu 1him subuni Kanas, vhlci t aI nu'places tram lune& satetyr -la tie- bigler part -ufthe lis source et-ICansas Cilty 10 Minatit tuv. Ai bridges 0,cr the Kav River ton, Kan., a distance ut 110 mlles, basnsre dovu and tire oui>' communication. spresd out over miles ut land un etirer villi Ammourdale la b>'liat. side of ls original bed: the Smeky HiU Kansas City' is vitbout c valer suppl>' river. souit rom Manhattan, a dia- the floodl bsvIsg disashletthe Vumphts tance ut suother 100 mitles, ouciiugstation. and ts imautnt ec l Whig Jonction Cilty, Abiene, Salinesu ad' ria. talon ubat no lires shahl brook Even wortir, lloodlng ail those o ovand the ~a maillfine, lb la tearet, vaGie stert a : lutevenng ounty; theconflagration. Qui>' une. itreet car ltno lnsvvelngconîr'; ie Blue river lu lbe cil>' vas running, ovlsg tin lie zorlb trois bfauhatbais. the Missouri dsabllag outheii power Vlants- b>' th. river sorti sud osat ot Kansas Cil>'floodl. sud lie Des Moines river at Des Two-thinils of Argentine, e railroad. Moines, sud maunacturlug. s9vn on the souti Itailva> traeie lu Kansas bas boss bank of lbe Kass River, six miles tcom practicait>' ai a staudatill for several Kansas Cil>',lain undated b>' tes 10 Ivon-j diaya. doxonietofbig bridges havînkg t>' test of vator, andl preishi>' 8500,000 been -sied ont liel-veen Kausas (iIs'f damage iras beos doue. lorly-fire and llswrth nd any ilesofbusdred outhlie 6,500 lababîtanîs ans md Elsvoth ad ms>' iles ot ometeno, sud neani>' 3,000 une destitvjto. trscks beiug 'Iuler vate-r, lu Kansas Pire bridges bave boss avept aw-s>, ail Oklahoma sud. Misouri set leua Ibair lie rtilroad Iraeki and factoris are un- 30,000 persans are irosulesa don valer, aud busluesa lo au4peuded. MAUTWil Di of xp«re Dispatcbes recelredin luChicago b>' the MsuvWil Diaut xposns. Western ralroada lndiesto tiat couti-. It la teared tirat_ mas>'deatha yulli tons lu lieflooded idistricta of la-aa, Min. eosait au tire ontcome ufthle foartul souri and Kanss are aI their vocal. The Ioviaiids bordertug lite largerstreama are nlgbt spouil b>' silfererslli te lioeded reponteul -unden vater sud farinersansd districts. MauY nid Persona ver, Car- nreaidenta ufthe imaller luvus are lu the ried out ot bouses about to ho avept gra-vent danger. Tba beavieotdfods are a>' sund forced tu remala vitho îateng tire Kasi-- River., Ti. etreanu Isaa la ireeol ras. vln 1 te mal-aised Missiao n lnil.behavior, sund oiseierln te bl ib.o foodtucame variations lnulilscharmilsare trequenl. no preparallIona could hi rade. Il la The Bnltish Postoffe>e Deparamt bev«ed tiat tire Sgure.nsoaehedtu latir. bandied lait year 92 Pieces utfail mal- diouroi flod f -lUIwM e a, .ter psrtepits et pepulalles, liuilgaisliud u 111 vii a Unti" e~ 1 t 4PaoS DfflratmmI - - b_.alW Tp M rlte -AID OENT FRO M CHIICAGO. Viegamins eud Six Dapartaceul bies t@ rigirI Iowas Parti. Tic Ctîieaguo tre deparîieuit vas sp- Penled te, for aid in reîievlig lihe diaîres of the flood sufferere lIn Iova. A sipeciai train vas sent ta Des Moines vitb a tire engins ad six allen. Tic fioods ins i have pacalyzeiltlb lu use in liaI cil>' Pystent lie cil> go% or ail excopt ue sud (b.>-, bougo are ual capeble of wbleb vonli deot ivelit of as presdin moua lte Chicago de id lu sud aid vasg tities. .-aIs l'e passen bmid,vwu decil hv~psaaon e~.too~ooo UCENE 0F THE DISASTER. North Topeaka saManufacturinuCity' of 14earty 10,000 People. North Topeka corstitutes the FinIt Ward of the capitail cil>' of Kansas. Il la located ou the norîli shoreofu the Kan- sas Rtiver, kuowu colloqull>' as the Kaw, the old ludian nure ofutthe atream. The rit>' ut Topeka proper la ou tha coussins about 9,000ta 10,000 luliobit- lOîtq,minu>ofutheiin negrues. Unlil twen- tY-i' YIe cats ago il vas su independeut Municipalit>', but nom, it la included under the saine gîîveriiuint as Topeka. The Mayor of Topeka remldes there. Il bas three railroadmi sud rsilrond stations, cIe- raturg, miIIllebler yards, stores, banks. ectiaul8, charries, sud It represeuts, or did represent, -tli>' nue.fonrth outIhe ivalth ot the eclty ut Topeka. ltfronta ou the river sud uortb audetat of il is Scîdier Crek, as trearu that fhava trom the prairies on the north,. Bteyoud Ibis creek the grourîd la Iiglier. Theb river normailly is about 1,000 yards n-ite nt spring tide. Satîîrdsy nigbt il Fpread aIl over tbe loy lying grouud ou either aide, sud fully Ofve miles vide. te Des Moines Htiver Saturds>' aflerniion perhalis 5,000) pto- je 1,îlgi pressure sysuena ple. n-arnetl hyreparla ofthIe deluge that -. lieudintuîiou Ihis iras coming tram tbe Sinol> aud ttepub- ov-enwtntuhas disposeil lcau ahovo, Oeilfrtî tuein homos, le-tv- or t1va ut its enles iug tuiir bousebolil gonds lehIli, but the of antiquated pattera, rost af (b. s>uQpuistion. li-Iing tht_ t pertormmug lie vork niaI lbe oldeat inîrahlîtan scieer lad ire upon (hem linte ,wltnesscd wsould sot happen. refused ta ug ire. For Ibese nog- ulove, sud In lie nigit the Blod camo eparîmeut vas ap peal- 111e a tidel wvand ildroro (bein out cf ass souit tram osier their lieds. home sougit apper &aoies, unI>' te he dnireai te their roufs. and mas>' took lu mgen trais No. 1, veut t,,,,. Many>' tIluhoiteansd to raft. lsd ah Cwmllge, Kan, m"d s#us vac dauvraëi. HOv Man>' 1 ver. 5tlgýtlIujmir%.vaeedrovuel- v» %w«srbq kWUe. r , TU UNDAY SE4Ms LUUOM FUR AMRU 7. Acta 27: 33-44. Memor>' verses. 41l-" G.olden Text.- *Thon they> cry orto the Lord in thir trouble, sud ho brime~ eti tbein ouI t oftir dsrs.- 104:2K. PanS'. Voyez. andi Shlpwreck. "Thou hast appealeil ta Caussn," @nid Peajst "uto(Sesar abaît thon go." AkndW(',as 5uoon as arrangements could lie made Paul vas put sboard siip and - sent te Borne. It seems tiers vers aà nuuiuber of prisoners. They vere put lu. cbarge of an army - uflcer, Jullus, b>' niet'a hindi; anbut, Psob pq sloue,ômobiug oetI9"landi lubbhr Along vith lihul vent Anistarchua, an old triend, vbone borna vù Thessalo- mica (Acte 20:4) sud Luka. lieloved pby- sician and historisn. The siip was ionilfur Adramystluui, stovunemt jar tram Tros. But nt Myra, a soaport nt tbe sotithwest angle et Aie Minor, the.Ur compas>' vers transferred ta S gran~ ablip Trous Aloxandria,. bound for Rom.~ Egypt vas the grsnsry of the empire. Tt muet have boon a good-ased veaseal, for lu addition ta the cargo itlihad 2765 par' acna aboard. As the wind bleu, tram the vest. the>' hadt te taclt sud Ibus tic>' rai on alovi>' until the>' reached lie Island of CroIs. 3- The>' neacied Fair Havons, beiated. ( about tlb enst of September. But tht>' co vers slready vithin the atarin period. the 00 middlle of September to the middle of 00 oveniber. Drigthîs seasun tbcy ciii- cd00 vulr"NavýIgation vas suspend- 00dr. At aeonferearcahelden theahlp lthe captain sud owuer f avared a rua to Phoe- nix, about sxt>' miles fartber along the »canot, a more commndions harbor lIn X) whichto bibernate. Paul. ha vas nu Simpractical drosmer. but a man o et a- faimatvored a ata>' lu F'air Havens. )0But the centurion, vho cern ta bava )0 bess lu virtuel command, rnied agahna Paul, suda the>' &gain put t e s. If there la a storm brevlug (t ia good i ta drap. nocbor lun"Fair Ilavonâ," 'pro- iîltiotus usrne, sud taot>'there. Triais aje Jevitable. but the>' are fot ta b. uin dfit. . Lesd usnfmot. lnto teiptation" le a Saond. proyer ta offer. Itlel botter ta keeie tbe gour! ibi> vbula by as ta> ln Fair. lareus ta pice togetber s he vrecksge on lbe coast ot Melits. 'Th. 1oucetofpeeveutios la botter thau a tqn rof cure. The south vinils that blov "sott>'" are motal iaya ta lie luasted. Tho>' are -carcely out ut the harbes, vben s C rce wiud, the "Buraquluo" ("Euros,'> eat: ".aqullo," nortb) sweesa dowu froina tb.Crelsu mouatsins. At 1once the ahip vasn umanageable and il qtint couid ho doue vas ta lot ber drive - 1vitb the gale. If v. look nt tboems>s vs t.t aes that alter aill@h, vas drive. In tlie rigbt direction, ou tovard tl.- (fod cas maira oven the alarmeservM'. Tbeyaderglrded lhe ihip, tbrew ou.» freigil anid even tackllag overboar& i dey atear day paaaod and.tbersavwa no shatement ut tih emtpent, nuigit ofsan or star the ouiy compseofuthe isolent mariner ail hope gava out. Excopt lu lbh eaet of Paul. To hlma God gave a vision oftrhope. "Be of good liîeer," ssld ha ta bis teiiov psseugesa. "tbe shlp viii b. luit but nosut you." A religion whlcb givas aulace aud streugth lu ltime of trouble laa a iplemdid tbins . to -have. .God lires us m-aiy 4 great promise. Canuvs soi, 11ke Paul, -Fl.or I bolleve God tirai it shall h. eves au ash b atb spores liste mer .Promu0 thia heur Paul becaine the virtuel Csp- tais. Troublons limes, viether Et hi thé Frendc evolutloit sud Napolaon, thé, e- I formation ena sud Luther, alwayo bhng the stcoug man to tb. frontTire aMm vlth groat falti la tb. ma#i about vhoen vo cesser lu lime uf pari. Il won Diwlght L. Moody tao hathlb.poumon- o gora on tbe staîmer '*Spmae" turued vhes the abats braike la id-mcau ln 102 anud death ieomed. near. At tbe sud ut fourteon, day* lb, pluan mol aboved vaters lou deep>snd sOsNe 'A shiore et1fbaud. Paul'* quick mmnd pro, vented theenieors tram demertlsg la 1hita amal boat. Tbey vers oede4 teasuas- age thb sip. lu ai ibis lime the pieo- pie bail lakes ouÏimaatchez ut food. Paul knewi sometbing about dietelies Sud h. ýurgf, ir emu aest a aquerenuesl. The>' tuoir bis advico sud the effect vas et ance discornible lu tiroir spirit& The fOral Item lu the cure of jÎ's despaudene>' ;roi sometlig oiet(i. Kluge l9:5). "A buugcy min la au augry maa," so ruais tIhe proveri. Our physical itate bas much to do villi the vs>' ve look nt ttiugi. "Are the opinions ot a mop s "riglît sud vrong, on fate aud cauistion," e ska linereon, *"as' hie mere>' of a brok- ru sleep or an IridigestiouT' ItÀsla aad tihe epistie lu the Ephealans proper>' begine lu boaves sud suds la the kitchen. Jeuesasid it (Jobn 0:11). gu cbart- teristie vas, the sdI It ttva wodiaci- Spies reeogniaed hlm, b>'il (Lutin 24M-.31). e Ai plus levs obared elhe sstom, 50 do pious Christians, asyva>' lie> ougirt. Es'oîithbebirds look up lu gratitude vlth every sup ot valer. GOnce botore meals liclps ta croante a truc religions '«4tmas- pbe'ilua borne: tin lairsueeinowl- î'dgnîent. tîrice daîl>', o ut r ipeudeuca upos Gâd. of bis goodness. Net s mai ou tbe sbip but besrd a great sermou ou trust sud gratitude ne Paul boved bis bonenisd gave thankr. "Thon were tIre>'anl of good cirer." Il voansuinfection from Pautlu 1Ite midst ot storur bc vas linoyant longoul. lio coîrld makre bis Ownn Iose st formous %vords tire noble explorer, Sir Humphrey Githert, vas besrd ta irter lietoro il& ship vent 0ut onls Ia talvoyage, "W. are as neta l beaen b>' ses as b>' lsnd." And the aspit ofcleertuliierainluPaut ajireada througtioit the ship, »o-wvs enter aglooni or ausaunslîine isvta ather livea? Thoy trîed ta drive lie ship on tha beach but lui-y raîi the liriw sgrouud sud the w-oee poundeil the etîp ta piecea. Thoiisaidierg veuied ta kl tlîe prisonr- ers, lbutftir lthe shske of l'oithe cen- turion cpared Itlin. The presence of goîîd peoîle ln a communit>' canters'tués- timble lilessin>'. Tire> keep up the level of puoblie opinion, rthe>'belp us la beileve tir godiiessansd lu (bd. '"Tbey are -the saItut htý. 1Wt-' liaIt. 5:131, r- 1It ..... la a wn-km" pour a&wa*à peau ly .W vuUsiuw N - law -l." -UM FTm Pays... d b>'Y P. aleveI u b.e UmIhty it paeyto . Une It RIOht. Wf h54eo: Letter Heaà1 Business Cm, sale. Bns, Posteri s, AND AU. 40omm Job Work., 051.5. AV wo* 040

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