Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Jun 1903, p. 5

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aders. z2cu **$*agi A.uswer Ma sdufly queston I>y conultlng us.- bi 'Phone or rporsôusly; suad If we caI't- help YlI overy Urne, ve emnly help YOIIn narly every Urne. We've a- splendid lino of appetlzlng tiges thït. you wili b. glad 'kt get, themse summer days. IV&s.worth your while t me W*bit we have for' you. TRJUGS ,& 'TAYLOR, SMITI1 i& DAVIS HEADOLJARTERS FOR -oirst Class Groceries. We buy the best t Money can Obtain.. Why not use. Atlas Flour? It is Positively the Best. litre art a few Sample Prices.' RoaSite<l coffîe f rom . oolong Tea - - . - - Slb cati goiî bakitg pi)wder. à11 lbean sweet biiseiît lakilig powder 10eo éize ' B pkg bakiîîg soda- ,10 bars g)O<I $tlap>. . llbBattle Axît Tohîte'> . 10e Up 25e Up 40eU iatch'this space for our Dry Goods, ad next week. 'Ne wili of- fer some hargains. yvilte - - - Ilinois. C.31M. ST. P. TIME T'AMIE. la lsit SU.a*Y, flay 17# 9903, a Ut MOI . TOCHifcAGo WORM c"ICACO. DDl::= oNewciDoe*, Arrive ut 4MOw Derot. go. l ts.. m % . PL.............&10 a.nolait.... AS a. ...........8:3 16ML RU 5im.........im1 . ls ..... r. 2:1 P. Èt..........s:oegnm. .... 10 llulb........i!tsm . -137.... i:0p. M..........4:à * M.1Upm........:lp.6-10isip. M..........ç04 P. M. gon aunaT..................o:0 p.,M........... 7:02 P. M la 14... 9 &'M'.» ..... .. Nota,0 17... 8:0446M ...........:18 L.M P. 4. em . .......... olwsP. M ... il. 2:1 P. m .......... : .m. 143 .... 6ffa . l...........7 Oie P. ATUUmAs. ookix.y. TO CICAGO. W Da IS.4 * RU.RULIU...........SIa.. *~~~ ......iSU9U ........ m:e. FROM CICAGO. vas nis Arrive aM 014 DePOI. Lenvo Cl'ego AMrv,) Llhrtyviila. 141... 9O*ISR.......... li:45a.m. il .... ôi)P. M............. 6:? P. M. 6:8.i 1, ............7. M P. m WNlo TrainsArriveaor lm I tdnSuams. Llbcrtyvlfl. ig m. BUSSRINS COURT. NO. 2ud T. B. 13. faulai meetingoSmran md third Monday nigbta qi saah monih 51 WoodumHll.'~ AXN VAMP, No. tif. IL W. A. zmea rt and third Smurdav i ble of ema noth. oeLUMBLA LODGU. No. Mn. ]I W. W. meets aeond and lonrtL Tuedys Pl meh ob mmi. LIBBESTXVILLE I&HAPTER. No. tu, O. 9. à. ager «meetigs. eonod and fourti, Thuredai îmnngeuash month.2 FRIiENDSBIP COURET OF JISOR moets tourtii Metrdar Utbt of «ch montu in Woodmen MIi. EXCXLSIOR CAMP No. $87. R. M. of A. nimaIs Ort and third Tiiuriday ilhtâî of emoL month. LIliM.ITXVILLE LODUE. t92 A . & A. N. Stated commumicatlonas ccooci and lvurtb Maurdai avaninge of esoh moflîli. NotieutQe 1 6It5a'i-TIe t>epENDzT vii patilh iru. mti,,, of. me.tiuge et aiL cogY for mania. EtlTi. Libelipyile -wiii celebrate lte Fouilla. Prut. Knapp tala ctertaalig lia f4ùe Ilan md m 01 i bo looluington. lire, FriIe rosby, 09 Kymastonà, bas Leen lthe guéesibis veek ai Mrd. Dau-1 Loa. Thotlm c <lresmSocial on Tuesday miaui AS Ibm M. B. ohurcola va Word Davis, o9 Bernen t is state. visiteS Libïrtyvillis sclalve Tnéecday and Wadaelda'. )Dr. -Robinsonamtlres- at iamnd Lab.neDoi du l >eventug on *")or Caputry Cousîm." li r. OalifLtnod fmn&lly. wboomuaplod the ChuroblIl hanse on liramdvay,, aie mavi»n looaI. B. Egrs bhouseon Sobuodi sreet. The extension a1 Stewart Avenue liarough Knbbeeiw .uldivision là iucau oo»r uoaoos5 nf. W.. baUmît and Ohms. ohusd>m are SoID inr L<vrk- W.. Atbldgo la b&vlng oolled tbe delaped improvemeals bu bie rturaml.Thebuildng laoID ralees a mIdi>, mffoidiiig living roome alfove. Yon are urgeS ta attend lb. basket ocoial iven byIbmheCarfai Oemers lu Ihe M.E. 9c nurcb parlotes.Jame 1%, <t-ntglit.) ladies please biug baskets.. A Obildren'a Day prograin viii be iendered et the M. R. obuiob an Sun- day mnilg. The ohurobe. nulte la the enmlg for a baocaauroute before the 16ghboSool giaduaie at IL, Union cbmicb. C. A. Bcesvck vil open bid picolo. grapli studio lanthe BnlAley blocbt malt Wadnesday, Jane 17- mmd be preparad ta acoaunadmle piliuo. Thereafler tbm studio vIIi bc open everp Wednedty. 36-1-d Richard Murphy, a rallroad man lu Ibm emplay aofIbeetS. 'ami Coampany, Mouday purcbmeed ai B. àM. Pick Ilirea acre@ af land lronting on àMlwaukee Avenue, -on vbichbe v Wii reot a residence. Ganalderatlon $700.Att>y lcoGuafin akegotiated tbe demi. 1liere's a certain lenglby politiiau aver ln preeimol lia. 2fi Lo takee exception ta lb. article lu our lani issue relative Itat .1ofthlie jatdlial eleollon lu Libertyville lavuehtp. AOccainlu a is canslucîon Ibm item inter. the expene.0Of $80 aIIribmlo-d ta the township applites ami>ta hie -9ýziol asdbe la vroth. Fiel la Il .00691jue$ bail ttea*maunt -or $40-for îL precîmol in question, and that la amaugb othe iinasvolas casi. aidenla ai tbm vlOýniy avasne ouI a larg e century plant and, planlad liae.Oanna plaut&la ithlb.triangle aI, iularseetlon 0f Divimon mtîel td - Oleveit Avemue. Thiala cula pride of the ligiat ort mmd m aumpta vorthy emulalion. Those - Division .treat imaidenta are iight lu the front isul vben It oM tisesId mmllavnanid Park- vape and nov their mave la beaatily Ibm blgbvay demamaiiatet. commexid- ablto pride lu Ibelr urrounadinga. 1 E . 8Bwin, ai Nortb. Pond du 4,ac, Wis., Who Ji villng vlth bis alsier. ti. Chas. liabgocIr, ba let te con- tract foi tbm conotination oi tva modern'eoghti room boas., Id ta built on lots b, ovne bolvain lia Wldo and Baboocl piopeilies on alevait Avenue. Expavaion for ltae basamenla la about oonsplald and Wm. Puiler la diggiug a velI on tbe Ipîoporty. Furusos bel, bath cou. venlenoe, etc. a»e provided for aud IM trule la 0mb on tret ftoor and 0e4igMM piqO on second S res. A Olgosabu » eomm. 1iamcier fltapiiotogrupit gallery vii lfi oîonn exl Wdomay. 36-11i Clins. hit sud atily mova iuta tbeir tné-.linboueon liritii4rd Court Ibis rot-k. Thti anlitai strn Star nicislevilii ýQOCflr pmobblly tieo26tii AIVifs mcmlii. at Laie tiîncra. Biarry iles norcltfroint la.i.emI tbis wvek iite fi flrit Dai v i bouse on 'iih uim"ide Coimterv A oocilton wiii ni(,-..t "z UMr-,. liiw n u k ilri- d.ýy, Jne E i fil . (j,.. *iîig.î, ;x',,.ýo.jold fue boume Lli., %veux will ivattil5tdiy bald aîitîi r reeldeienc i li, e@âm section (A1 ho ilIgb Tlsh riet a . il, ii fic: rouf tud behut, 1 igia tîurk bMoud4y. lioi, a.i iu uialisti t. biligs ar. ali Lu.rlL9 .uuit i Mru A. iL coî, be r n,i,,-r lii. w! :'uo IAi:î.ee %11315 bMiuroco, lefs für Mëri le:,, N. H , Tirl.y, %vliere Mcr. <i- l cci p,3Ld tii iunimr. Leortie,, rus Çiueiaof lueal partie$ are 011 &Le imark ansu eof cIlcptencild qulity and itîvor. Tliey oel m.I piessnt rt 10 a-uté a quart or $1 25 s crase. Dr. E. Il. Smuithis hua wecok purebased of Mr. Lo. Yager the later 'ilproperty lOOzI5O, an Cook Avenue, .sdJoinlng à. B. fultl'd ounli te esêt. Considera.. tana m 1 tIo lia$1100. Oua eoft tl-u nrjieuters et worlt ou Ibm picici-or tu eit, l froi rono ocmre1 i'hurod.y moraiug and vas toi a limek uucnsiiuc fon te ueboce. haler be vas abi':- to resiame lis vork. 1 ý Loula Sili-rmen iwel novu la Libertyvilli- ait nov localeS at stoekton, %VlE., witore Laisa aperalor la lihs Wciconfila <ou trai dap,)l la t10b. tmrrad flie 24%b of tbus montb. Chamî. 'ooirige, r., eald bis Omne largeair&ltdanea omi cnnd &trocel1a& woek lu Fred E'îgle-iî:rry, 0 alliDaY. 19li la sli the eonsi leration vas $3000. Atly l H f. bDiller iiotiated Ibm demi. A large gang vci mcm hle ngageS digglng ap ie Waîîkuitm pipe lime jusl esaI of Ibid village. T"a slx Inch pipe@ are itauled tetriLi torlyvil iybere averai men are eonptoyod ta dlean the tbreadi on end rof pipes. Tbiriy lia% cars have tou ngaged te slip lb. pipes ou. AR annonlisee-1lalut week Iustaallton services of T. iltai, viii tale place nezi Tue8day eveiilng ict the Pîesby- tartan ciuciaai. Dr. 1'fansliell, ai Rigulaink Park, viii -delîvàr Ibm sermon. Rcv. Wm. Caldwelyull Seliver the, charge ta lbe peuple anS Mev. 0. P. WilllensviilSallier tbe charÉe taeIMo pester. The public are InviteS. Thoits htrang, one o! the aidait muercitants xin tic ounty, hansmoiS bis buncslutaIWtii,,h)rthteo Muchai Lux sud Iii te retire f ioni the mercanile lino. li lias Mý'vî, lthe poatlfice Soeis tLe cireet front i were ho bas boeta lortudfor twr-utYp«e andmu viii reatiInli$ plaie ii1ý poatinster ai lthe Tllasge. Dit. trucng la Buffering anfent Soatack cfInlauatlsmsu ad oblged te valh ou n ïties. Wn i.Gset$ b as renitdlthe orUi store reti lthe ni-w Proctar block and wiii mnove Lis birter business thereln wbecti mttd K a aideraS mev lLxt areu.-c hars, etc. Tva bath roouis tirc te L Put lb MdS a lavatory viii oceUipcnter 0fibte roarm. lit. î2scuet'ý il have on. of lit mut u-tolaItîuejorlal paera lptbhspr~of ltecyîty Ws nder. staud a Curtago lii ,r lbas reIxeS lit. Cassat'm prosnentl mi ti n and viii open A ebop vnIl; la1eviWate-l. M ieas Flora coly gave a e'fareveIl" ta Mima Mirdccn5 ulin Wedneadzy evanlng atiIlia Ccliy hiome on Cook Avenue,.inthlia îtiur'- f a Mais occ tes. Tan oi the votiing làîî.vfriands ai Mis, Mow ou w-eag"tb.rc-d ablonS tbe tîcisie, iicatrîcl1,i of lcb ver. voie, bolies Mi- M\terue: Mises Winifrpd snd lic-sa Youug, Mai Mason, Dol Scamîîk, Laura lavelaud, UlIsta Averit, L.Vdlc Smith, Blanche Kimasl, Fient Colt»-, Fannie Bryant. Ailpha Portland Cernet G.~.ScL,nek lias maI received ,mottai car o! 160 barrots direct liam tito voila. ,Thea elactrie railvmy *la uslng il euiansivel> forWallis Mmd athes vark atrtlbewevSpaI. Thes l iloae bjstlei. se" etut non Ch mc. q Reoltlaus et Respect. WHEBAB, The augel or demlàbua entered Our aoolety othe Im OalUrne sud SImea tram aOur midal our beloved maler, Mia. A»naScbreck,terelore bellt Ruesltd, TbmI we, &bu salue memberahlp aiflrledaip Court. 743, do malt alnosîclY exteaS to i bm beremîsi fambly our beiltel a17Mmytb7 ln Maii their lime ai aorrow. W. misa cammendaiem tth lbs 1010<Emwealy Fatber for oamforl, sud b. il fonrber ilmeoived, Thot Our chaiter bu drmped for slzly deys, à capy i fthoat remlutions b. .nlsred aoiuicherecords ai Our. aoolety, a oa» meont la th. temmfY, mmd a eapy p*bllebed la the IAbo COannîY Indepsadent. FBANt WumraN Ri>tx Wfaa Cammillce. u.. irm We bave a âine lino aft tp-ta.dmte mlflnury. Beasitlul nev mmrisab frSpring -Wmala-a % Ladîsa TallasMade, Ruilea il l las obeaper thââ YOpOU cubu! th ernee tlii biss. Tbe la~4Piiag Sêlea la shaes. CALI. AND $99 OUR STOCK. Shoes... Me have the large#t and moot completolinse Of Ladies., Me.t's, Boys' and- Children's shoes in town. Tb$isenmeul ofsataeIbm bertyVils 81gb scS t alla lsaniug lhvil'laumaa 811019Ooucm.aI a«O x«oaù Idhb hemd hi«Y eveuing, jae .19 84 S 0'oiack la Ibé Union obaroh. liembera aoflt.eclhmare: ABUS M. Apple £rai J. BqueuielS Prranots m. Clark Eld.i 9. Clark VeraeteBD. JMouae Arthur R Lles 1rcuqIB. Tî4gm ,tis. 2. 140DOMa Au InM"aluoancdmu .t uicîsare foui poUMgladies adaual usber cf 7o0«g mm la thiéae*là#s. The pbogram for thm svening la as foRain: .M....................RZivi.TATaaa . ... ... 1........... SALUÏTTOATAND USAY-«The Torah Auà«tei ...AMs & PIANO SOLO-Raier M I gyod te Tbce. l1""» . Tue"e VOCAL UOLO-*Ilumuer O. Shamimade Efs8AY-ýf&lna09iPhi$lmi mmde ta Umited aesW........ U B. CLAIE iÇSAY-"Oogac Modem Boeaug. M Veaire B. Moos1t. EMgtBAT-Moderri Pngthmpy»... timozoz I. Roflona».. ESSAY AND VALEDIOTOB-Tbhe puture of Lubsrtyvline-..... s E. OF_ ASE PMENTATION OF DiPLOMAII- uJuu ...................... The cbnrch le Id bce tlcullp deooraged, t.hle 00 .jr, greenand White, predomlnating. Tao i.lm -014o la "NeYer Backvumd.. Appoint Conauluesafer Jusly 4tk Celebiction. AM tbe Town MmiiWeclds"y Dmat vere gaîhed a nimber ai ciBisns 1OWe B" uthe n .Pîapaced emebratlon fur juiy M1. Thbe tatolng Commmisteec ure Rppolnlad Idte techargeairIbm varions datait., ail tbey aie laà aenosamm ubo vil cîcîl Ibeti *very emrgo1 brimg about snobt a irtlbloa su md gencraial rond cgaod lim on lbi, oammg Paurtb as Lîberlyvill@ neyer beretofore wllneesed: on boise races-IL J. caler, W. B. Iiiier, Gao. Voli. Ailetie sports asdamamsents- Pired CraMeOr, Emr itWmOeld end John Lpnch. Mle-Pimal Rm. Printlng mmd publioty-P. 0. Just. Privlies-C. il. smltb. Bm-e bail.-Gom ispPher. l'ire works-W. Rl. Davis. Damas--ýGaSd Sbanck. Trmnsftlon-P. Anlemn. Ollcera ftoeb.OOoaasln chogun ac: W. B. milla, pleaimcl; P. a. lt, 8-ery Mmd J. W. mler, Trecaic. Neil wek the aisangmeuta wlllbg 40 periccleil m d o naiofaàmorà pimsle. mnioneenl. Omcthbiug kaep la mind-tIbes gatia Id b. gisi big limbe la Liberty. viii. on Uic paurlli. Nov le* evrur uitizen heip, 10 mate tg SU. Olve il a boost. Our lime of fancy and plain shirts, fancy .! vgkstsv -plain and fï-ncy' haif hose. ties. collars and hats is complete. Ladie s' MuSI in Underwear. A iarge representative stoçk of whitenight gownst muslln.drawers, Corset, covers.. ski rte and sumnmer tinde r- wear. NI C B. OLY Libertyville, IIIInoiti ..I* t ( z% ( t InitialIh Just reeeived a @ample line of lino Linon and Union, Idnen Initial Handkerchlefe for Ladies and Mon, goods ueuafly retalled from 25- tk 3&-. Your eholce for 150 Other new mrivalo: Short lengths of Extra Fine .Embroidoev Insertions. Fancy Dresser Gaveri. New lie of Bead Necklamansd ShJ±t W"lsSets,, THTE PAI, ,Libertyville - - - II a DÀtmâle thc mai but hdp. We make the old eon.. lookIIkmeoin.w. and .mnsi new onu _that fit boUm a your for-m sad pocket- book. *eeee. SPRING SAMPLES AýRC IN. LLIB ERTYVILLE -LINS 1 Travel is Expensive; TaIk is Cheip. StaY at homei :-let your vole do -70 traveling for you. You wflbeiln conattouoh wlth g wlth one of oùr telephones Business Rate% fo. per dayand Up., Refflenos Rate% 69p« vdayr *00 p. CQNTRACT D«PAftTflT. 160oil's PMU, StoR%.~I - q - A. FLOOD op FANCY STATIONERY. BICYCLES. <.OASTER BRAVE-s A"MmdCYCLE SIJNDRIES5. DARBY BROS, LlbertyvIIIe.. INDEPENDENT and the Amin Farmer both ont year for the priçç of - neC4Lsoi LLL %MMM-M 1 1 Men's

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