-wu^ moi-,l.et» 1910 a O5Bl ven ton. "Net = cro G Slor etit" repli, villa tlgitenlai ~Iteendbin aîher varF. Mr". ao«me. Sabara, FOn sot *hae,!5 Rai. wlahlng liaI he venui IWBradigi. :Ol ~ U i dn't savwer tt" -A iln't istei ot". ",be bout ber ejea 10 the Iota.ý ber 1100 1= tm cler leaving ber cislt aloaer ber, watchial seVr, chane ùbartufae, a lialt-ta"lhd lo oklnl bis bils. iéailyeÙMifl for 1* as Il moff yemedbef or O~patu ut Myij rni, oal 1ye1l ~Ut l hoR.aaid, la Ba ttalued voie. 111I anaversd Fontr bIter metalli. j I mai a "Il i 51you ihbatthie au- t vo Wa. Il t mysaisfîyFou la part. '.d* ««ai e mors tbunFyendeserve.". - "IrNim ewStOd Ilmetallyt" ho criai. 'USdot5Bg t ber vords. "And jou aaidt" -De poen remember bey I closed? But g ao@ nt asl yen thaI. Ton asbe: y«II juDo h.lievs me? WW jeut goot Cogvs met Wli Fou nt rebutais 4a.?1IRai 10 myself: 'Bries, 1 bellOve jasui foeas jU, bul l'Il nover r- Agate Yen.'" Brice. greaaed aleni, a lolk of loua ÀWaîIllas hi face P HAPTES XXIX. "Barbare. vi oua ytaIs ma bal ou- eba"tonr" Brie. aked, bis vole. trait- -uIm andM husky. a wild. attpeall!ag Ilob b ia oyes. "No. Brices."&hé,repile& , itI tiglilan- ne sntihlm a laI enaie b.d sm- villas app"ialla W' S.; Mb£sot a furtiveý , ince lthie sface. il vwu 511.4 vtI piopeoome u.stht hr br titscia im I.. l i â cet ber aimont a sueet - ~aafeelte. tram.e bar verdlet Bfa alevika ed te eviniev sud lok- A_ Asbis noIe,'t eai etr1 'Sl aMea.Me av his brosi eboul- oUSoIODrBct, av hlm lfh bis Ia" te bruv it ls a àsadremeit et abJect de-1 - N'MlssBradai1 mmt-aal jen te bemeteS h tu a faent," h."s&li."Ymcr ;âebm % " ue. Iba i mu« n4mia by i. do 0t et a ail sisIti b$s e f finil. a. apoleid te Nu, ne prougima le 14-1 OUltula My lttât.la beart-isrobbig. jet earefülly de vends. Te io vo»me eu. (orpt- an vill tati1 ams te b. stldod 1 kAo#4 P$ is Ibn er bis fac. viti 'ew« ,mor.0<.nBarbara hbol seal -L ï"re du"; ocontinuu& I roe*tao mnWus -liaof lits. I M I"bàwo swogho ba nota 'v Ic »W balarsMs-t*ý Tour refoWaal le - t Ue e VIIth arrbi met maie me 1 m"AInot abandon mii- Ut mordiscotin. my aforts. MY ý4bLgmotonoble thintlismors de- 40te Plss.eois. 1* ed pareme Pm oybablteavatel ntj eauren.Ton yid et i "a'of etu. ad raftblaI je" cnesloveS .pae, Tou àap &" n ouaengment JM4Ss prMSo ouloi. haro bea et ra t~toa, sndmgyFi hbeysa et aIse * source of cnteptiont" .ehalm.d lSarr. 1"Wial do Yen mçant "*astateepossession et ber," b. sai. 'fflswu Wlft:le me by ber granifah- -W. *0e m5s5 aigei t10 f7. X' rjtbs are &by# jeutu or bie. ý, e1*ltklIeIgb," Brie. saldin la amange- Ir coailmon. I am b.r fatber. Y de mm wMlesite rapudiate bar.g«er iall ab**YlpndS are navetO10ob. vitbli.1 admire ler. 1 vat ber n kle and BMré- ,Pm tMe. 1I vauR t er0.%v"4uS bu'cmn- Balbua covermi àsvaj » les ciii 4piwlsaIsbor face.dreai la ber oya. - 4'N. ,Jg~orfrd, zeu do nam ilat-t it VIS appeal le M. oti As an kt- qustif alutlia Sf 1* *111 a" s*tgbaeri rlahh vont.ho epn my loït" vas Brol rpl."lt la 4a eu*ý «aMi et a f~« ae "Ob. Bries?' ahe criai, lu pont-Dp ao- -eay. "So'î Isaeber front mo!" I ve't," i.sii. "Ton me I au nt me relentllea as jeu ar," an a slov anl. apreai avay front bilips. "Ut. eslgt h. alvmys viti ua-"u*s BM iin, la commo-but ir ocian tbe partuerslip. hoeyeer muahil niaI b. for ber good BMd for my Ipl~,I e for jours. I1cau niaIbor VIII Foc. isa Bu&delgb. Mie vil lbeeacfdeupWî iresteS. bett.ngmindBMviiittaleâl. sdn- «taed. aerd fer, bu' lit. laptppues uher Dame unsulid,,lber asprations dl. -ail ths merslsdly do I cosent »cam» Y«o bave learned te lmr ber. But I bave le..conaitlions teDaIme. lhei are fair, and mut b. coneiciâ." "Wbat as.they?'" sara'&abibu «yas uE letrainai npoo hbisfaae. 1 'Mbe must b. elai Bile Ruthserford, smd ha recogniaedas. beiresa of Cyoî. laids. 1 amt ber fatth. 1am net saoj, âd ef ber, non vwsm t ashammi eof b.r amther hefere be.", . I censet," Barbara sai. "Tere .o 'eollslg Unreasonaubia ln ailuliaIi la j ,bat assurlag ben good fortunae." "la the secon place. I mm t e alov -ai le cotrlabuta te ber aUpport-w-myaom -and ne on, else. Tis te maalesll fair. 'Wbhat bas heen loft te ber hj ber grand- tother muet b beptIintactaBM Il ail adisi lteret met b. pai ovin ta bot «hmas h, becomes oetMMare.uonmust a01 even b. comiensaîed eut et the tui Ail lie exp.qtseamusethbbrun by me. * uos'ail tiùnt ui uieasobeblet" "Ne, air." Barbara hasldly Rai. "It -----------ut - u..ope . B tI von' your plsone 'and te pais miff BM yen b>' retsrnlng te memorles wv"Ie e 'seaxo mseaaisu 0te frgaL.l'il5DU IA-' tnai, s. oeins mi, eut. aeiet n -u se itats My aesoi n o, gavael eu &Maygo daine. Tom adcomete1 ethat?' "Tes." BarbanisaiSsmoitlhia vils- dper. ..W@ boaereaci.d au n uaevataaiag." BrIcesli, riaes le is fout liglune a direct ona, but a repressel lighlI Lt "Yom mut sot bide the ehi*es. »».. î: Xe North m mue aecialsiir et jour viwereahonts and bers.1Be muet ho aile leta tellme Aay tinst 1mailaIquire" ""i &all alvajalot hI,* lnov,"t Bar- lte arnasali, aise rilîa. "On. tig mors. MIa. Br@diboii. aShbuli tis chilihome m on .4 yei Lmalt net Jet me finile it ifor myseif. l'Vil slaym leai Ur. Nortthappicsi et0 ýmy aidrs. 'Tou mmt moud for me bij thaýqwielst metotea"Mtle mentireet ronte. Yon falltbfuU promis. te do ..I de.* Barbera saii, howlng ber leai. the broutas abadovasbiftlng abotein thair. "GoS-bi." la sai, offo ent a er is bani. Mis took Ithéliepressurmetfbisufarona an _ckgj !,bra fsat-y resposlei lipe movai, but is dlià netspa. o tuned on bis boul anSdiralkelth lié doon, Mie aceentpauylng bie thilion. A fairv y ens.eiagad, sud tisa ié wuasogno. Barbana relurned te tus parler, anil, Ssrlaanufil lWijimore, dig enssitef ipt lth, sofa and Priai hitterly. lier bosit z cied, ber templs trobbei, bertIps vere perche&. Mhe rsvIewed ail tlteI bai eccnrred-ill liaI abah.n esal&.RH baS sulferai lteaaeîy, rot la an berole way. RP bai iBt argued; iha oBo entrese: b. bai net Indulged la aa.jvie- lent outburst; be bai respectai beraid fier VIà«o; iha otamu.dae bard tlama; b. bai prosilaidte provil. for ber and Ils chld; b. bai mai. ne tisl la con nectiea vîti lie titur.. lieamanner, lia voie., ie ebole. et voed atranteo1itpressedb«. Ris face 100e. mors §&an nUeclue thi., Ie ller boalookud. ir. e"OU"sagi b. e of l tprasoorij purposs. itI a larg aienoft majins pover bock of titane "Oh, 1ev le mou Ilov, get" mie 4ohlgat. "etilIlalatda te land a bitter t::%0-ltbo ali doa. net de- péif t mel uOn ilualf! Rave I donstiatW l? eaat tatit 1I oa pray over i-siflr h»l" RAPTURXII. In à 20vdaim M. Gilmen. M«tent sli ad laan avaonjet. Re laformad ber liai Bries bai lot I VIhblmc alarge $nsuoetgaussr. upen t"sBurbara vfl he irsv vsauver iser emm vato on Lies. et telbÏM it. mnigt sasaI t The Batot.É fer the Iseitort he chili. "iiSot& d navoaathuse »-"Barbara lsia-ssit "Ii au go te 1*0 la 1 "di. I as aile ta musinhala ber BM"s*W- bu NoitI iii se ags. b enmte thI héim Béfeto" sIlee pasud te *ber, inivon lj thevii l noullf.et ts»o ment 111 am gorr, sho sal, a look et pails on ber feé. "I eau aéesr love smeltir.- I oaital aer narnj,*" 'risu vo wnt lj. TlseSaoulnt tethèe rsepsme hiBar- bera at a ladie s amlnarjla tuhIlner oif Mev Tek, 1la vheh.as bia&secnre a p@tan a teaciter. e vM"W"as omtanhly a imer aie, for se@v»asa paIn lathe aeiooli Dheb. eeanstai, lanSome. scbolarly. glilas<brIous wsfamboei. Il*b Ie td bea negaar Inter' vals. fofai Skgpreulor er' In sd .ilas ber love BMd respet la toIta, la the Inl.nvonlne'iaterrala levroe te 10ber, sant ber Irahuable prosantc. aBMolhisea maulfestel saloup lntreshla ber. Ue àaw Barbota sororal tirnts but mot leansa b. lad sougihtber eeel.ty. ne vas pent@le. oaderat#. graIstul; io gaaeno, attempt 1t eopentue page; . mad ois e aaions 1tlb faune. /ffMb kaev lIaI mimtuoe Îre ja b. bat! rsi up te bis promise' Ha baid houai pleuty of emplojumt fer l-Ads brMi. ae fortune. Re vas oent tiea loaSln Se et1b leany hi sel cr- bauds y soltitin. levwïo tln l eomocll iti ever, moeentalta a for il» objo«et lb lvto i ia rae. Ea vas beipved p9peIoe op ta. q-"td.trocios àla a mac BMnetofias quativas feauM et. laina. Brse ipoasiet momo Im At a lali valutInmi0bocag e oasacls vîth tle extonalve. mnng ejirations., vamugsi. 51Bitsil remboned hMu itI tenderneeséY, eh@ sl lerul imas miel las ««e. »I i hmsoie fo er tgrea oelit' We" oId b nave aanpiai te rslaalatad? She bovsi liaI ha oiliu) MmIs. Btbnermtdid n a s urli a1 Orojlua. Bris. b.d bonm&i te ber liaI tber motuerly bount cont.bave de- *ta>idei. Res vas lIa, pale*, Mattetie, selt.qsoSeciag. Be gavae W bis entire emotne; b.olisant bIs renwo aVIII Yboriha taiei ta pissas; Oai s"W Iat ls ehé e a b is.wuvas aradical ' memii 1r easibmi trou tbInlt, otéaity. smillai ahii a among lie SuoIs, bai nnuied BM seltiaidvaà 0upen an esalaIr nai. ,1Re vase te '.laraara - iloevseoné 40»hi lis latter vîlci afOriel Pm gr l à-ta "UY raers.atiea datai fronïtlie hou vhss ion hiaimitu. at mj eaesI o*- *ree he 1v one, la the s at M"=li oi» ethetl. ingle Ir 1profitai hi vrone verSa .1 ainyes, BM 1 laukov reur prgyos&BM gend vlslesat la ev mome.My vit4e l4a vosanet smillas estacter, natter-ttt niao, yelt i unreoinedanS loving sms vIth rare dore- tiont.,We bore #wtt a I111 iE, gm <lit de iouhn Ial e mni ber? -AI, vi wat olier ame cent I ba"ve ares1« si 'but Barbea? or -£%«U laDevan and ies aWenlvortb se véesmaniadsuBd l armennlitc,- ,&gober, tahielof.thtifaut lIai «Ch vel. w ât econd choie. of the uther. 1Barbara@ romane* vas almeet cent- t pleted. dhis mhi fak ri t' 4:e=lbut «U*1 l W atmel= fU ce=5.l 0 la*4 le ho, oel bnl I5= t ub la *6 *tal.- as tloêmsi u. b eo la m eigq 5 v uo I C". da*t.M514 1la1 Odor e sry et ahnaisrb. asa lt "barare. ish se je *PMhlss of amb.thber mtelat ryae= t th0fCla dean casW ma 1 ~niffle.IR vais, hIe usli' soidelMosQW. ObAuotub la0*tMW ".t spai of this scumria speatlots "owanSdGoideloÎewsbylltitW oU earrieatvoesà "eor n hbl vengîl"yut mission vas h ofm-si ti Us." eu séW 1ited bare W ersas.« teqa- vas3 of th me. aS 1hdasm 1 »eutiAS la liap o4"siteadov. bsnlett. vhlc i ssnionWou vilcI »0atatai salaismB frvr551.Eiua "An once ak jeu 10 taI elback Ta " aise gaMpec , ai -te& sl d "aeT o alm aOscIem'flt ak ile." mbmionI aberelip 115131ta mela a mes,. .b.t dy bme.,B is hsd-I nl bo lIaIl.Mvas attereaev lIa "àet on rbtlo7« arbera.- b. vs von Isit; I ava a ttuautourI lav wnads «f vo rt ont. aoi.tanin'g inome %m ellva. !!héi, slmi.u Bnou min agsl .anine led lt iah suis era"rft e s." Brbs 1 rie.!" aie7caait"egeat alla va on deaaslj 1kap ' »Ir a e n sit la.» "01, m hîdaigrhoae ma libe as lovat v. ktg er labimamoaetuDie.- Ouelint"lasbaseav"reaum.ut t 100 la painwLNGe=OURMyINr uT bu. JoemeBii tInaseS Drlngu7" iemnappes s Iandn t" ig . can hier potla& xnpee rral "014esie bUstS .x«Menit autSriga trial anvea paaveOhst 0Mlieappl Wlestean cou rit t ane 0< yeara AsW1 te casela pre lasie KAsàv ill Jorae. ihin aintif vas u5*ag a rivyrdrnae te af blding tbat elad« ba atcinre, ilvasaToumrbooyl ra mda front a ocomive.. - T.i ehaïsfr t. erlao base"i stna on lgrins Tiat e li Are vaS eaàn byampb eson l-iei ,&W a"0 tainUv st lie atioly fe«ar iuese bt bdboimuet ae ba mty baernaüth.engin pf usuin li sao. lor mantos.ahebuilnahUn« vA eset ongioe.g for a Ie te atart a."MB M locomotive 'Tie legr for tlis plitioada Ibd is argeuen:a*If fsiievla allinceonha sofaioas a irls n tise tame lans1the tai wula res ti.lI tifou minstelare mpletebaveie ftateonetPour.inue, hlu sitaal et- werntvarSen aimaua lretuaatafes Thbaniig l etis ore asma"lb.iur getIeSbod.a gthi hr et he tt' tmas e ie ury loeraiLb.I e an a slý ats.a 4lot oilmrk$nMte inse tisesB e t Soy bab" is. SliM0àeo A Seuti mrosi il l'b*4 a lie afoorgt as ont bs am *15Msa~ hanS valitatulthe trem1t ofthe Ilur ai bM is a it an»S vas itour eti. faSe tsas Time.oponer a'vus sedo ùu fohr matInuhte tbist te bt a knstl ersln t I lasel.TofO AmIf tl est b* oWUisef. lsu, ian-e the 1esWWliarthse fourmites baS t« pirsi, BM baaiI vis beelat« imes la" st evarThe MW lse oo e tt baSauaiIcea'ogA the domle amnlaut- s. t. vearise Mmaue. bai tic s lthelb.jut hat hie Jata laSMd wuai l vas tefoupeofll, t bhy secakergfl uhappas hig fou Mr m m es. i tm. bt 'rie jury to MaS loath JWY ailt thge baS admple fIsSe lo. At-SDS te. hemtevaj M mae a laIse ba hi mn on île trai eulSone, Jeutas imeii ou fçsnrtu *l>eu ni. lai, ie uBvau et hi bnildin i1or. sow oV le ttus 1t* serat Oapart Il uoce!, Wbatvas bus r5m sa" So"Ferine e'abato mu. l jae fi. ate ses 0ne",sivatlo% aa4, tgose.Goed!s a mltleu lato e v th 4iW. and te hole sdy te dl. la tg, b en" oc t1eearth; for 1 Gn O& M44 wieerestav isaecs. Setvaigowla Dot a luz ut !ý obowwlbs get ledg peat.Il'la tbe groalsat blasdug bi.,wknem Ae.lrews ,1 O'da cae US t M the leugeot. Temlpérai 11uie mtrasient, but liiila W&$ vrnaL.m fmnuW555iYe7u Of. vWb"£ia batIiii dm -a rot<lb tuaS."-130 vit'0a97 rue lit omea" YoD mesu lu vZlS ru it l atvq 80 Do 0017 on l n, p S S. *e t h arem, of bt Ide oâe salvationIaa Uvs. zrt y- "aY. "leralt asI la ln- Us. 1 mq Bont bc one of tbcm vW GoS inte*de te ble." 1001omrw MW Te 5eet-.7ur diflctlt ters la3 b ô«eda ehber tleq#gt. This blessifg ta for 115VI'0are fatfs arget possible number. s"D e dp l.* Thiavrsra.bas a gomound s weep v . ue f té.fiurewheb b useYom lits 'sop urely embraces Yeu. S&m eu ,, Sneyen sec, oyer Ibaratuathé the ot la exburted te106ke. and Yei on.t..ar , riqtesuusAbe andB S noh, mau. yare inluded lu that. GOil "vi.alkoed vlt-b Ibd." aIgiar npl loeaisthenrd. Yea. bit boLva. -7wI racogulas monta,-foue r oetsa ncw- sas creation. It la flot an Isand. nor vorld, and AbrasIaà. fathr of the a cenunry,nor a nation, thal .ste look. faitîtulissaen, Jacot>ï-losepb, Morne Nt ouly'Îlew, but Gentils& For It nd David are, ou, alter aneth-o, sin Ioa wrilIe. "lu thee shall ailfamille$Sgiedl out by th mmd,o ye. Bot vîtE ef tb. ear-ti be bleased." ail the Ual nuzvrted bl Paul lu 1h. Nbiibïe wandered 100 rate r bB¶'è eleventi ciapterëor evae.ame jiadistoO foully for tho glorlous lu 1- an immense cornpany boul des. vin. Vitation og the teXt. though net no reli kaIn, stand for This blonlig cornes l'0 l5vti. ea clama lu' wbici Yeu and I are .0.1 lth saUlescnt. "For 1IamGod lossly concerued. Theme are Men ai andj -hresnôu' bo *WbY. woo veWho a,'. belpei muid onr If b. b. God." lyu say. 111 date nt ebffleter is, tt ivtueesîng power. dra.w nîgi te hlm. for fit IoGod faSUlnIt Bme vonderfullî clos. tics bisaIt n whesss Ibave slaucd. Let MeO IÉY lbto lis. unsesu world and ve give them vbers for refuge. laviiore forref- a place ta Paurs clouS ot vltufeses, And Whtber vill oY eu .î lisTere u kuowtlbeasttey st.belplgabe la nson. other iiho eaun'lave YOD.L Letovercome. -It la not neeoary te gir. us ratIer fie 121. Augntins. vbo s»d- Instances, Yeu kboy, brother; YOu S liy te (lod, and bld. la G6d fr0. knov. aInter, -wiere yolir tresmea,l, God." W. must bide hiRGOd'Smerci lter. vilii ourihert h.,." front bis judgmnut. The mighty bost of vltuessiscou.' Loe nly tu jeans, flot ta Satan aidpawtin Us la combosed of hes. Who is tsrnptatloss. Yu ton netflot bbyr eu led wvi tbe hstemPtations Of Umea ail about lh. adveriaand 5b is il- asduses.,Jt tes YonanS I arc doiiig. s ways in order te b. savedl frein The unie means by ici theY or" tbem anB indeed. thse lm 5YOD bnow carnoare open t0 us. W. bave millions thie better.. -1mo. vltueasesthan David or .oseplé Look ouly te jeas. not te min and bai. yet 115.7 'er. lieea«ronger be- tte consnenes. Bat You 587. "L cause of thos. ibtat wîtuessed before maut epsat (.1 my sia." Truc; but them. Our opportunlîlea are vuslti gepstlg of si.n la isot looig t Il. superlor. bence unr resPeuslblUtr la but turbinsg tvayfrom It. and obina rnpcbgroster, because of tie Addei ou te Jeans. vltnmalnlg of lb. Christian centurie&. Loek ealy te jeans. not te thie 01- As a nation ve do Weili t remet4ber sfgus aS bîndrances, la YoUr pati. onr belovod dead. aie btter still. vltb lero y on , u %t themn tiey viii b. Pan Io 1place lie. amonuet Ibat gret umibunïiiô shoa' btIf yon 10« k feilcloud of VItzscasss, 5550111 valcblng them te jeans hq viiibhomme stap- us vhe are left behlnd toegWarM the pins toUS- A stofo VIIIdo for eltier. sacreS libertyandl peltut[OnS heY L»oo l o te ieans. not te yeurself. gas enre~for me.lThe namset0 »t te yonr lstsbtloos. 0fr raY-%aWabUgto,. LlOeol and S cKluiap panr repentanees, îour f aims Tort ogotetbaWJvtb a bout of otberS on the. faihlIoyour obkina. Do net 1ook aI Amerlea ho" of Ronc. tv iiuete te aour.ioollpgbut 161 Oàly toeIsus. cousecrated living the generationo jet Ton know boy itl 1 alll&ng viti te come. These ail 41.5 ta fati, not a frmienl the early sffgbl, vehoh baving reeelved thb, promisae; but bar* leu th. grât star of the avealug adiIng a visioetcfheb..onîtgfraudeur ef pointa il ont te yo. Tgz do net sec tir belOteS country and ils Place In lit ne points _go,_.,Wb,,,." bc says. bleaaIng 'tbe familles of ,Ibe carli. "it la ju< tere. rlght opposite Yon. Thei have loft us tie Inbertance-thst Ton are looklug t ILtijl1111Yeu do we, vhen our race shall bave bec- Dot sce.it. Prmenetly You catch a rom, May Iitueu lu Inca te our sue- glimps.etfIt, sud nov Yon arc sur- ceamura.May YOD and Iprove fath. pirled Yeu &1d not se. It beton.. and fuL =ng our ltlzeusblp lnaeparably -Re s o takea DP vit Ia t liat You eau 'vîti 01W relliIn. searccy as. auythbng clic. 'Do It la viien ve point mca te Jeas. W. are DPORO 9M F BUUKER. snrpriaed tbst lbey do nflotses hlm, and5BrDor. J. M. Driver. vIte» tley do ec bis theî v wi. "e IStan Peculiar te 1he. Bumm« er &.s surprsu, ed. anS hhey.viii scarcely son-" Overwonk. Indolence. bot veath- sec aay ou. cia. beau.,s. er -Indulgences and forgetfuluesaof jeans, Do yon thlab vo could mabe tie bigbeat duties of spiritual lire ,biat nams bolier? yen think not. 1 are especlaliy hiable t10 rk barra lu tbink w. ceuld. Boy? By addlng the sunamer. four more lttera te il-Jeans oely. Wbal vanlîy. reckleaaneaa and ex- OnI, ok 10 JeBa& That ia ail. ivavagance neem t10 be IndigenOUR te A simple tblug. Il la noît te atrive, the laminer saasn. Wbat multitudes te philosophlse. te argu-onIy te look, ding tudr heaitit away as 11thhIl But 7051 lay. .1amn charitable; vîli vere.thç cheapot,,4nd sontst-«.li te- My cbarly avail me uthgr Noth- atered 0f baubleal 11ow reclema lbh ing. "lBut.I babinE te ag a rnfl04 maet.prudent become aSdvhat l ik, viii liat avait ve moislr NMou- social anS moral and othcrvlà. are, litg. Tic masWho lanflot charitable, n»t lafreqi.ntlî talen. vbo dos ap l beiong te a 5001i famiiy. Tj7ake tihe matter of Êtresa. Wiat Who bas Dot been ploýbstainsi. deau imultitudes plunge fcorn th. varmeat look jual as vealas Yen. Yon and otf- fannela sud voolcas andS scý lkins he stand onulih#esmb level. The en- mb lie dalntlesl aud airlèsI 01 fab> trancs la loy Soya. only look te ries and from commonsenso sioca viti Jeans,.C aretlc overwboes tâte goasamner foot- 1OuIy 1ook te jeas. lat aI han in- gour vth lowera almoatl uilniteatimalli stantaneouna tbng. and hierefore t1 him. And. tterly tuuffciently at- waivation la ImmeduBle. lnd boy long tlred. tbcy attend ail manner of eT- Il tales te look, and You dlscever boy enlug ouldoor fInctions. What von- long Il tales te h. sarsi. Teu May er der that marriage on the Mau'@ Part bapa Dot lmov hi. Moment, but oeenov meaus.'mt lufrequeatly. lie adop- thig on WiIn pov. tat vherffl Yeot ion of an izralid te nurse. care for vreblnd. eyoue ae. Bren if fomand b. patient vltb. *alcb oer rand tel povees% e lokte1010il for pow- veep over and preîcntly bnry. And kte l ok. "liebold the Lamb of <Go. Wbat wonder irofsrgar 7_ aeta'aIemno levi"1mpale and predestIned te Premnaturs ne tales the saiYOD c0ly look te graves. 01,5 la robied of a raceof Jeans. rogged and ail-enquerlng hurea,so- Ton ares te look0for efutJas., le cie»and cburcb asudstale et Upllftlnt hâ net ibat.A frlend of mine utaIansdinspirlug service.and the. cfous ebUlrens meting l oilb.theIltIe eon0fbeaven or beillshows tbe rapId a 4 tblng riit anSproper-that If lier rata et Inercse.. round Jeans lie!y wodSh ed& Aà or take the malter 0f food. What 11111e girl vant anS lq&beg i 1 set aailgastronomie crimes are .coMarntted. the curtains la t4 ~boue-baS cuLretsApril te Neveniber lu every lllcb- talas, wlndov rtaisB. lier moîher. on andS inlg-mrot! Itlelathe smrn la astonîsimenl. laquired the cause. vIit' î.at-pneductng drnks. What when l theIftl#innocnt heurt si i 5iot, <beer are draised ot itb "Mgotier. teacher tlISun . tbat If- va the vain deuluthat been la ola founud Jeg eanshould ho areS. &ansud 5refroabing.1- AnS viat crovds molier. I vas lodklag fer hi.." "Pool- throng 1h sod fountaln for mrve lah chlS." Yonu aY. 'But more f00112111tontes. Il over oaloon votecloseS ui meunle wbotrj te isoovor a Chrisa inandt eva17 soda -feuntaIa vwer. closeil »eePP notkon. Or dresm. Or feellsg, down anS cvery SiDa tore rare cash et- 1muntOLDoAet 1-1, for hrist. btemdt0 i e O ae u ijrrq aC~ic MouApt Z sergve t Uv infrprehalos ltie e Umm do' *btipe.lSt hâl as ee Iluent et anio-e lips. cemntdt tu serrodpitaial e b .14 votAit TIse Prialioti deireWs opsmm on îltri&na suei te tarif at, Mlvauhou. At St.. Lents le grm.i im$ mfiles anotabe Sddrssp a . ttlp dci dunet. \4t Ban Francisoe. DottIs BM4 Tecnta thI. chioer eentlve P.eelmise Assties'a master! oeonthe Paeille cessa, Mosb@i 'y earlclng argun* t hlaI tâe IU*Wa àgtatg. (rou lus coemndina positiea, ivas d.alined te controi tle ces* morceset lIaI mgily e,. Tise Pn«M.Iit's Josenny acoteiosa- linmt M huit vas net %il a 'publie futtion. Fer alîlee o aso se ap- poa i n T.im ion park, laki" as tes Det sai ftrountfcUcl buslnue. lut psIrarel sud publlle spealisg. 15.5.111etrLog boumer. Thé ProsMoents Journe>' carred imIls fre ta Chicago, Ibe te th eat~ nti-. vuest lneludnlg lb.States et WIsconshi Minnesots. Norh Dakota sBM Mentans. '4ftor bis ixIsen -dais' stai lis YsIov- Ite sPar* le larmedeS .asand. pimulug thasegh Deul Dakota, Nebraska. Iowa BMd Missouri te Ml. Louis, vier. bu as, allla a I hie fermaI dedicaîlon ofthte a-m position buildings and grende. Irrons M*Louis tia Preaideal ln.'ned vesîvard a"*in, lravérslni Kauisa, Coloradoe MeMxico,-Arizoniu, Neyais. ta thee Pacifie ecosu, lionrtîvand lm Jeune e"bo bu hiongi Calliforiaa Ora m Washington. te lie Puget semaS country. lio returned suawvar throcgisMaire.Mot»a"BMWySctue At Laramia lie Preaioenh maie a characerimtte diversionatreous héa»al tealures et a pertnm'eony P"'eetwa tour. le monutei a boise BMnvîit a §MOaUlaeort ho rode ulxty miles te cher'- anus, covernna Ire miles et the distance et raclug speedinlaorder te preventmev- irai snthuitastlc lough ider*trot âoy- lng liIey md beaton a Preoldent of the =iis States là a race. And tie%, boai.&aparai. -Inavel eainoS, tue Pros- IetotesIota Ch-yenne. diret le tise sesIara'stand. aud, elai inhie. rdIn lots. delirerel a forciala addrsa te1 an audience ut silveral lieusaniper'ses&a No ether Incident ofthei Presidenta I tour vas mura ebonieterhalle ofthé le ne, alili aà" enduranceof et li us 240 Acidents Durian Jearuci, Dunina lis long jonnuaj ot 14.000 miles Ihs Proaldent mol viti net a aiunis e'. eldeat. Nel a misbsp' narreS lb. jour- 11sy. BAli s a e6optd hi secret1 servie.mmn.AI eeryr, cti etmdtirse and polices vrs valcinlg ft e .posi- lia ralaing ot an assaad's bond. But1 sonture vers Ileir serriegs edd IAI nanj points l heIcJeurney tlis Presldelt vas attended b! arme. seceia: --;.UnitedS Statas lusatry. eavalny. Artil ler. National Goua, rougis ridera, 0.1 A. R. M814 Spanisi-Amenicka ovanr et- muas, afid covboys; but tus goerts ere ou le adi a picturesque festie@ e tb@ panades lu the oectres roero. lb.>' voes ot ueoded. The' Preaident vas notes la thietbauds of tho people.- Prealdant Roosevelt failled bis trana. Misasispileur adearly Wedm"aa1 mnt«alh. enleosiIllinois on the lut1 otage eoflhis long journey trousthIe na- toqast capital te lie Pacifie eai sude lack again.. Wberever the train stoppai the Prealdeat vas gnoeted by aauatus- sdaste crovi. Follovina are lb., Illinois ellies te b.e visted by lis President Wednosday In lhe arien la wvilci 11. vers renc: Ireeport RIockfeni, Be- eblei.Aunera. ,lollet.Pontiac ai Bloosningtomt. Der ef Unifications. Un. ef Ibe featals of Preaideal Beosevelt's ridit te god. NI., vas tise dedlcation etflb.esusmonlal building necenli compltai b ~ y .Winnebage. SCeaahy te comme.- oethélb. epda o taler et soldieran 1Mi-& a hIe pros' âpés.lie P"ednt erthle building. Presideal Rose- veItand parti an- *lvedinlaFreeport aI M elcelanS imme- disaly uttonvard were driven to lie ailsetfthe Lincoln- Douglas Sebate la ameit eonuamotng tIe event vas un- 1vYiisd la lie presenesetofmsuî lion- sauda front Proaport anS vlieiilj. 1At Pontiace b. met5te1thl#sgol- dieu and salIons eofLivinguleaCenali vwu ideated lts Wedneadaj afttoacea. - PssaIdonrBooaovt arrivaituhpnlYalter- S O'loeL.HOBsvas sertei< frontbils trala te tie sîstu, Tic monuoit la 1fittyr-ax feel bigi anSdstands oa a base 40utsen test sMare. lb. mat la qui- nmireS bj a irons. sodiler's figure at paCade rnsît lie bao0f. heaoiunta bain sltr, anS naval relief emîlenta Mlabels commeboratina 1dbet LofIv- lasos onsSllIers Usalntes. Tb. nov SItat*eauseissi et Springfildu, . Iii,,I=vas teloitheI. Pireient ce î ig eotoard trip, Tue amsenai in tihe :inag builng ovet samel hi'W tue Pat. vhilel lasbeen 00stiiwted accordint te ;lb.eoriginal spsciflestiens vîila is te 1samunt origIal>' approprlaled sudjfi- isissi vItllutlis imeIHmit firai by the . %ssiract. lTshev wýbuliliOlla te.onI et Win &c Polifi d b lu-s muel lx Jobs eA.la Meritcel. Vargsioetortueenot lIdes,, says ho bai loeuavery sisujelle la ing up Irrneglaniles mal bsa .ev. ouateo menteutinoaam la maltera cf Ibis charmcer le piio lie. It va s eoeaifor tb. gool t b merrIel sud for the good espoclil'e, numberr of gentlemesn occapya i plaie. la the mc ta qullii U5.leh I fronthe1. Pairoi At Ia li.t'a viat l<ulochl"Y*., Fosua~ -iollexpiais, tuat hlencame -Leots, pestoleanditoued s ctranger eq~ ina s confidentiel poitID on.nt Pre a by civil servie raIes. Hs slmply di vorced the etranger front thc poatios. Tinlice la vealtiî. and acquind a,, good -deal of lia veealtu lanil.enpemo4 aiet lb veramebt, coverngs apare.o- elgIloun or tvenîy years. Be la lie treasus-er oet tua piscoaldieede, a Si- Ioler et tht Washington Park'Semintri7, aIseo ethle Br et Trqâe. sud .1-Ilie- lalghest standing lu the. communety. OHIO qREPUDLICANS Made.la Loluse ndas a dierne nom . Moneayit ai l nse,. Obio Itepuhilcans met hi Stats eoas' lo nt aICoiiazsbun Weineaday. Ils opes. bu< oews.lnbéton at 4 'ciecl a Is é i- tosudBMlasted 111110 more tisaq bour. viuau anadjoarument vas talous nntii liuMady. Tie tenturseofthlb. iys brisef aouiée et lb. convention vas the speechs ci OMusIenBanna, le tablas tie gavrbno temponary ebiiman. ias ldormSO et Roosevelt vas enegulvocal and vanIp ly receaned. lie painteS a verbal piclars of 1e monument ahicbho sa*id vas ut lie Itepaisilcais parti la the ommtrr't #serai proaperîa', ad t aIba 71tla ' lisundered: "Let lb.eItopuhlican p 1 write su Inscription ou Ue, base tba monument ls lelteus ultail vie ris ia>' reai: 'Blanda off.' "i once aaii '1.1 veli encugi aloas. lié SeusIen quted a ltItanfuther abat, ... novau, 'for Geod'a sa"a keep ei~lt tint velieennugb alois.'"' Senaton Forober vas maie the pea s Doent chalrman d thlIa eoventiois. -'Va1, P.viug big.speech enlcaling MeSIS 1(suua sud I'neadeul Beesereit. the adion of thle plattorn.. The remolutions commeni P iiooseveîtle abllity sud aiierecee te Kîniai prlaciples, and tavrtblsé lion and thse re-electien eof st r Ienalor. lie plattersu alte against amy euge la lie tarife or mation$,lSeciar àtlcats. Certain 114"41 tint 0 e enforcee.ent et thé F ntafon negro stiffrage. onrbth i tien eft le represeptatimcofe Stite. lu Congre.. ad tbe sisetora loe" . h jmiolelalt aIs arr liin -te stimulaIs local haik liens. Mlyron T. flerrick iawon hialel Govrnsor by acclamuation. ASSISTANCE 18 ASICEIX Gev. Sellai et Kasese vanta AUIler the bieeitue. Wiîb thie ecedîns of tihie.. qe vg effort ladIeing put forth te care for *i tbousenanio f bomeleas floed afermua Topeka, lima., ui-an appeal te bo contry ha.s144, 'i made for as"iise v.DistaIr i ho l grent amntn h lagoens. Gev, motion calmag beip for flod forera eft h*.C Pfhifycepnlj' ifs aàrm ed - 00V. aisir Winchesters Norh Topeka te prateel P"rotY ardem's le shoot Ioulera wnvlerr Icy. naugt teai,'..' Gor. Balle>' s prolamation caUiutgl outarde aid vas decided apon et a meeting, wri e iGonerrVas quetai 10 lune thoesal. Il vas ed te male thuaà fatteerai appeal (or people ahai&ong the. fooded d* -eit lhe Stite. ae yobl es those luT Tie plan la tô mats -Topeka ters anS ho distribute the aid troun tu other parlts fthe.e ate. la su nppeal through the tiaternie tions aud other aipeals Ihrougb v sources lias boen maie. A samueetîlte nree et Not o peka vieWhoare os tho aide vas belS te arrange fer m protection orthtiir propent! lu NoIIs pela. immndlastely alter lie nm tai fnmeno rmeS men left =or li= nl ide, t0egsi proporti'- witb ariens te shoot. Au Aroi ils Ibo lea Mormons have been refuseSPo -preach lu lue streets cf..ev Tork a pivîlego lhey haosberetotoM' Col. A.'J. Smlth îleS et Colo. Be VasoaIetue liesa oie boiSer la Moniana send goeei ofet lsSldiers' lome at envorth, Kan.. andieah-Les Angsei, For tic pasl four jeans hoà bas apeclor et homces. -' l'on or tvelv. penaooa vwer. 5 InjureS andi lime luoineesl cerof etMcellen, Ca!.. w"> au explosion vîlivasuf1li1010W lin explion oeccrrod la lb Garlaeh & Morati'tshsoe atone, slreet vas croviod vith people. lie Bunuluglon hsa a» JU - ci atnonancement *eft1h. e Burtine<oais ns fron u measa Loualie.erelar sade IlaIbo lia nov wliaovîI Lel pr of tneat tyeor, sen s 1 baadà vorld'a tain erovdas.Br lai Old Monroe t le otic, onugý