:6 slbs MLd s ba tat imIlai av,$ remien la amble f.er manirot 0olh mldira te preffel.ý, ft lt ftheidbuaje 1, not te mikeé la *dcvile everr>' a< ae.rt ke e~Vsl d-y 'PlUt. alni- 1I how, lhat IlWUbi uflb ami -pleasc A BRU nTRIAL etrlii. gret kUI- ,aieellu e h c cUri r. Brai- WJIIib. naffladou appliction te An>' pil of tbq r.itai stt.e. A4- *MecFoeter-milbur ce., nortlo. n. t >Per sle W 1aul drugalal. prie 50 anis par bc«. 80-1 vonder s-b>'Miss Eldeni> novr mariled? a 1 Sb-~.Isuppose ie vas boru le -lb eroul i» .f-h-iaau she-Tyes; abs Itbere vasut au>' mon la Il. "Bey. Pn." qaericd im Ite Jon>' um- *etacle wbt'amthe ueaulué; ut lie- "Ils a herI> lc% oiifr Eu- ehft ta br imtugtOrs tut le amecineas asexcuse for thaAne.coalie."repliai it laisentie- AýletmurDattier for a~ut FcsEssa, A PevIder tesabaelstjvcr sheiu. l "M thle ftd.('unes Corus. Bueilens. Bvellec. more. ]lot, cehous. A"lAits" %ivealian t letstu innourlr.g Nulle. Aàlose Foot-hameie juse-s uur sr iglt MSiaca .'. Bld b>' cl ildu ia ua " satores .c.lSaiaapie mi IE Idicesa Allen SM.lnise. . .Roy, N. . A (jemasre a flut. TOalM>-Ila. i-au Aplay' uakln' ix- #We I*màenternin' u~aniamer ltti - - Mammi- teader. et courve. Tomniay-AII gia. (ilmaie aomae «ie fr htu-Piladelubla Pr-as. "Tic Kles, Kol Kitelcai Kintul of stv.keetyeu rî-lcansd <uu1,u-u.i Ceu sud alias>s reai>. PelisI gtA Steve gamee. A ldg conîmnvue eas aaged min>' -yes-eY» 00 1k- gard le tic engin et l Mate. <oue frt>' boldluXtaztat wva ý %eht t rus tie East; hlot.Europe lu 1» slong vitI a bit o e t le ecraie à" vaiape i stir seeveai rlies.. 0À -o USfs it tChaire. Pec.. cor. --le iYti wtbSI'UTNAU F.kDRLIfI 11>0 total popistiri et Canada equais tàmt ofet lbt et Ohio.> pilire with wOsuao's trôubles, te» s how she was cure&. paVr '-om e ams I suftéed viti badgmbc. severu becrlug-devu pins, lseorrhoa, #Lad tahlng ofthie vomb. -1 tled main>' reinedies, but liotila -gave amY Positive relie. -1 1 eouinciicOd taking Lydia E. Pinkaaams Vcçctable Comupoud --lt June, 1901. %a heu i hai tateta thc - maît hit boutle, I fet e v"t imlarve- ga.nt, aud hare nour laken ten bottes --vitiatîhe resut that I Ire- l I e a ueuv ve=n-. %ihen I commeced taklng the Vegetaîbhc Compound 1 feult veru out and va mtapoeJ aomplte nervçus allee.1wi -.l 0si>9O ponuana. Nov I weigh 109 11,dami adcmlmpptovinZ even>' day. Iginl'aly tetiv to tlIacbenellm t- eelve" ->lRe. C. TuîaÂt, 42J Wi"b 101hBt.imiineil. is. -lino focf rNue- egatil in more thasi a millon aerA, .lx Il JustIce tI> >'oirflt te - e4y, witb<ut tryifiF lIldo ot baliereitl ill hp aie? arl'you cenanot wlish te a-- MUATç,Iweak A" Aaîr. Mr, plukhçm %bome -nddrea !ay-lt ept otiaî1" 'M4-oý IW - ia.Glas 10ý" ocameuncsiporant d es 1WtW Thej do nt 110teoMWi.eue. 40 lb mu me viit. uciegii y bu blid e et5NUOesate b le dWa bonbd44-hl et Ui Orni Ar- EMime., s.7. 383, a"i gradua taia V*ii Colège, Criswerdsvlla,. sud lote# récelved the LL. D. degrea beeu Kca collège. He. seryi l selth <ovUw st rfroua1801. ta 1805, esulmgin es aà vdste sudibeng brevetai a brgue ile gemrl, Ha vas Unisi BStates péis- sMc cmmmnaiee.18l'I0; member et cougress, lu&-00;LUited tates Atiet Ateorne>' for Illnois, 1lOia9. sud in a pasI CommaPder ofthle Millear>' Odter, -t-bhoyaJIlLeglonluIlîlinoia.su d da- Dilluai DePartieni of the (0. A. IL. Oves 22-per cent et the sscir vIisUt- ai lla lie ammi rertbî var wyul Spain bave thun cari>' applid tor pensions. ThI" la sbevn lan sbruifl i sla tate maut Jut prepareil b>'Connlsaonun Wan. Tic stalement shows in ictail liaI thé sumber et appllcalios unier île g1ieai et "nvalidsf' An 57.06andithugs under the iéai et "WUmovs and Ibepen- dents" le .300.There bsve bea 111. ed 9881 Invali pensions and 8160 et 'the vldevs andl dependets lse. A- to- tl et 18.185 clama isvc bpen reject- ad, leavlug 34.0cîsînis pending Mls>'1 id. date a e b Commissloucr Ware bregil dvs bhis figures .%5ew appl- estime ru coming iu daily 'b>'the hon- irda"maihe InicatIons are tiat et ils gsd it*11 tir nearli 50 pet cent et tii Mma Whc ues aeurolled on the &in>' lIrsa diniuthlée vr vltli palu viii bave sp- Pli athelb. ovemment te bave tbein »sae placi on tbe pension lista. h aPPeare trustic numbers oet dainaai- ceai>'nimaetIb at sgrser proportion of. th@ Bien vlio wons theunitemni et the rua>'between tbe sprin t 1308 sud the jaumer et 1101 Ilian la uysu' tler army ,rer maidb>' île Unitedi States Lsd iciermined ltast île goerrumt fer a lits Pension for the service resdded. Tiere la àstosie>altutiaI tthe gaverai- met et Venéceainte* tuoeffer the UitediBttles the lala)i of Margarta, vil stands &bout -01,Milsoff ber nrlh elai,ý lu a c-.on te atammiai the egalers part oethlie paushalinl. Tisala the Island tht Cernan>'bas coetai. msud sa n-ef-war troni tle Kafers fiel madoe enwsiveserveye. dovO theve tva >ers age.SalAoi Unci. Sans Inquireul viat Ih vas dilg sud gave notice tist the Monroe doctrinc eud prevateulic ecasi o nt tervtori es thîs aidaefthle Atitandeb>'tie Germen geyrerumnes. ItleAsbelieveil liai Ihere 'vas a secret- nnidt5g bétveen îthe Ceruans sud Freaieut Castre for leas- Ing île Islnd asa anaval station tlirougb ,lbe lamberg-Amerlcan Stesblhp Coma- pany. blc b las ealUn, te Panama, a" et tic tint vas ver>'&anxions 1taobtmb a coaling ispot lu the Canibess sas. Il- in noituovu 1ev nucb tenutiters te la the alam. lu aniver te ber auiggetiîeu Ibata chaîna for comPensâtleu le lodgcd againel. Turte>' lu tib amount etflbhenasomu palai for bar releare b>' tbe brigands 3iss EllnStoleeblas becu rcmabeted le suppi>' lie Departmont of Stars wiUticth neces- c>'yinformation iWOU vîidli te frme 0 formah sppi;catlon. It eappeans tuaI 1 at. ar taide et the meopaper sud maasilns reports of Miss Stoes apîctur- caque aud sensatiduial expeineinel Tua.- te>, tle Sîste Departinent lias ver>' lit tdé offcia Iinformation upein su-icl te pro- ceedaitt lIas tage. and outil more tIoaiîp- pîieih it duré nott eed warnntusd lunjrcs- tec the natter. Poiniaster General Paynerlise recclv- ai thc resignalion et John AlgoW,. the merrifrtrodeliu-cnicarier eai Gallatin, Yenta.. vhe vas betd up and onuereaiunO- dem tlirrttoftdeaite o.leave bis route. Thé repent et the agent wbe-investigat- id llb ee hos that Algoo'a troubles vcrcc.seused b>' tva mon vie dii nt represent the setactâmet ftbepeopie la lie comnlt>', sud lie depirtm&ent baa been InformaedoIRciallY that the carrier couii contisueethes dîcearga of lis du. îlps without tsar ot barna. Aligood. boy- ever. doruares le fetetutecontinue the vert, sud aakc te be relleveai. Serretan>' Hitchicock et thc Interor Departnmt las retunued trena a tour e! Inspection n Indien Tenrîtoeansd Okla- bons. Be'»aa>s the ierriieries are popu- lsted b>' Inelliget and progresive peo- pIe aud lhc contry la rapîdi>' OllIng aim. Tii ruebuesa et the soli sud thc climats malle -etflbheteritories egpeclali>' attise- Iiofields ton meulers, aud -lie people sa" prhepenus. The Becrelar>' latrea positive grounds agsAnst the consolidatilon et the ive ferritories sud (hein admission as ont The Pogtister Ceneral bas sent te Perr>' S. Heat n cepy ofethtichcbrge illeul b>'Mr. Tulloch. together witi a let- ten g%-queting su>' suggestion le.us>' sambnut on the stbject. It la thee rsi effi- -cel communcation vjtb lMr. Heath dur-- An be.Aveatitgallon. Noeeof tic imi- -pe tl ans 'ers tate cPosmasitc (oueIs ,11cttr glving ,ihemo ntorsdeaulta tDlegatleus et M. Tullocli bave >eî beau reolidb>' M. Payne. The cIrculation efthté national bînti ofth île tŽte States bas passai $4M0, 00,0, 'lie larlet amount In hilatei. and Uic bureau et eugraviug and print- iug s lmuin nit and day to fui the encera ton notes wvbbhave aîready le. filai vti Uic Coinptrollcr et thc Curnen- C>. Ou De. al1Ist tic lots icirc .ulation of national hanta vas $384.820784. At Sie close et business Wedne.da>' il vas Preident ileesevelt ihahbeu aske ta aamet 1the nattes bora Chileeseehldren ef Sn Franelgco. lu btaln1 aeiuea- ui lla-b. publie cselelse o tattcl>. Theaemronalla m ade that a0Chies ar efflaed le a epati 1 oland r tuereicuaenl>' Antructs. Order Lau te à« sAgente toc lait OalS NAms-Çaito proFîu AUl Pesis 62 Unis Coary. Osesg te the> lest number et ecM pisints forwarci lu the Poutoee li- psrtmeut ai Waahingtonu b>' lepeVgcAe toto ef comptr>' stores sud aljer WcUlin- dustries, an, erder bas bien i iomW 4W dcntheilngt te practice ef scedno te a le number et manufacuring coee mai maili erder firme thbrougbout tbe cous-: U7> isl>' bulletins conaining inoeas- tien regarilng tbc ctablisieni et local renteàs. Uiir location snd lb.hecaet th cirriers. This prsctlet ofdstributlug Intua- UMsa vbeaah*under as geprment ftrmn Wax eU iite lie unjusi dicrmnstlon la for of tse bgcncernaetfthiecounry 'au agalacf the Industrie. et the rural Theý secnd step lu bhe ediiîr ta OWet. ic exiting conditions , yl hic telt" Pilase- Ucaermdl Payne vihaiès ev dors, vien ic vlll-4%m sn«d cre cllng ÜtaAstientionea 0 b emiplo>'es oetthe rural tresdilvet>' mer- tics tu that section et the postal vrg- itions vblihproisibis aàcarri« es, as rnral rete fret cin clg as agent fer a*i linnlanthe galeie tcommonditiez te patron$ salong lab ig ne ofroute. Thietinrd step viii b tabous by the Postuaaaer General sone tîme lu the oseul future b>' rescinding the eider le- essdaitame menthe sgo lattruetlg eci peetuaster la pontinAuàaconipicens place n- bis offce the ussines sud sd- dremssec et patrons alobg the rural rete brauchîug eut fren Iisihenuquarters. Erer mince tiIs liii order wssxiuei the depeilmeni bas been deluged wltb compilis su ad petitfons. -requestiug, turgng andl euen demaudiug iAu revees- tien. 1One ofthCe ment1 serions aspects et the1 casa is cousidered tualic that vitb regard te rural carriers acting ea agents for va- riens concerna. It it Ibis praetice wblch1 more thon al ther has 'cuabîi the .11 t er fime te secare sa oern:t oot- bold lu rural cenamunilies sud le maite grcait Arada Ato tic business et their local e4enpetimoro." M4ata>'of the petitious rtecelvedi sl liat rural criera iu certain commuai-i li"é cmted sas purrbanlng agents fer cent-i- mission bouses wblrb deali in eggs, but- ter sud cheese; tbe'rc wbo reprcssetei largsdaltyxnen, vent about on the Iqe- aut for bargaais lunews sud contracte! for the deliveri et mik at rilreai sta- tions, wbile stîlA etbers besuchi bai, cern, wisat aud ether tarm produetsfor the firma repremcuied b>' theni. Tiasssaine carriera or ethers. the cemplainte asaerted. scted sn agents for semnetinsés asmany as s dezen firme an set.i more differcutt inlgs than the>' beuillî- Tbey t00k erders fer csilbng, belli fer men sud wvenu.canued gonds, leur, atoves, lamps, harnea.s, eviug ma- chines. ln tarI everything thet la stinlud- ci ln thte esares! toek ef a ceuntr>' store and minu>'tblngs that are net. The officiels et thse Posteffide Depart- ment dectare tIlitevrr effort vîli ha maie te prevent the allegeul discrimina- tien againt local ndutries andi h prs- serve the popularit>' of the growlng ser- vice, wbich la dail>' becoming a mueslm- portant brandi et the postal systen>. FLE1È FWOM iTHE FLOOD. vivse hmussi lU LseSa piaga e Lm Meseai I..d for salua. TheBn>' Icîe, tiriî-five miles long mui protectlng 100.00*cm ofetland adong theisMuaiseippi op. the Illnois side. Io lu danger sud t lestt'Eve thousani people liave lefI the lowlsuda or aie pre-1 psring te heare. Huièdreds et acres et rich farmn lnud bave licen Aooded by theb regklng et lb. Greeu Bn>' bottons lèveesoMtb ot Dur- luatton. leva, and helov Warav. III,1 train asenuire ua hec eut off by tbe breaking oftihe Haunt ievee. Al 1ev land in the vieinit>' la submerged.i lu St. Loujis ailroad tracks sIeng the1 river front are sulinerged and al rode are irionsiy embarrssed. Paseuger1 traeieta Kaunsas Cilty sud the W1est andi Nortlavest le badl>' crippled.,1 Ai C;nrosd,let (itontb St. Lente) the river le tour niles %vide. cxieuding on theq Illineis Fîde te the Mobile ana Ohio tracks. 'u-lich lone serve ars proection te thoussais ot acres et tarin landi. Ilu .NorthlitS. Louis the stncamn leilre miles1 wide. No estinîste ofthte damnage donc carslie gcmiîî,tilthie 'vater subsides. Kanseq flootas are eccding sud the eai is «bcuug coinrcd up. F.ngiuseers wbe have gosseou-en the situation lu Kansas Ciy estitiate thai the ceai ot reliabilita-* lion 'viii range frein $5,000,000 te $6.000,.1 000. Cunesis great precatiion la observ- es! a terrible cîidernic ut siekacsmai follov thes flood. The viole terminal mystenu et the railroade la the boitoins muet be rebuili. The bridges aione vii cuIdAan aiexpenditui-e et revers al i!l-j Ions.. _,ewerg are eptirel>'t-washaieut1 aud muaitlie replareai.mndai acompletse uew pinmpiug station muaetlie censtrtacted1 on iglier greund. As tlie vater sub-. @ides a alimc-covered tract of land lvi miles square la belug discloseai, sud Il1 bouri>' becomes more apparent that thei tenir cofrouttng thce octies Asa atu- pendons eue. At the et>'ards 25W0 balge sud 300 eattls vere drowned. The dealb lit s-I liecver>' mucli mIdI' et thona firet cstlmsied. as the carl>' re- portesment ont' vere greail>' exaggerat- cd-becauae-oi-labLUfl,vIo te sicommunisi tien wit inu>ofethIe tricken distrIcts. Anuiotirdaie and Argentina. suburbs et Kanane; City', Kan..,lisve leaukýd ppeais for aid. Contributions for Argentin& vil! lie recelved b>' Dr. D. E. Clopper. Mayor, sud fer Arumourdale b>' the At moundale Biate haut et Commerce. Kan- sas $talc Batik or Bome. Pstte Bak. Six boics ot unîdientificil fbud victimes at Northi Topeka vers plcked uiiisshuns day. Sauiar>' conditions there bave been maie verse b>' the breaklult et sewers, but n me autleuffernug la reporteai. Tie North Topeka dealh litIinAsnov sîîent>'- oe;awithltb irt7idenified. Jr>' Taylor sue rafilthe tirât Sagne, sleeping car in 180,18 demi. Owen blcCarti>' ot Bratoga An1h b olicat min In New, Yprt, belug 103. Rtussell Sage, at 861 ycars et age,ha just empîoyai a valet te "*tag &rounda." Jaes~ A. Dunaont, rcppoiuted steau.- boat lipector aI Ziew Tort,las 80 years et ate. Ga. Le* WSallace bubaleen sstci te gt np a Ben-Hur chariot nsee for b 1 Thâm& Meim , L. h.L aba OznU EuWbUâre"Ans AGO. Tbe Invention d den liens b>'*'Mr. Wiga" au Eu*ob ils, vas aunouned. Great lrtime mk poasessbion eto A coppec plt. ending machine was Invenest b>'Tuela, aimtivce ofLenden, Englauti. A stemm pratiog p9w. vas Invente! b>' Ive Germisans, and Ihs Buer. Napoleon visitai .4aawenp sud deccded te @pendi-$1,0000 lWdock conàtrnc- lieu lIere.., 1 War btwfcen-truspl'andi Arg-èntina was breuilât tea alai b>' cretiug the ludependent tatoe t Bands Orientai fromnttheterriteor r«vbicb Uic>' bai tought. Trectlng discasesb>'thelac aer cure mtliei va. propoaii b>' Vincea Pries- cuitec et Graen-bumr, Anstria. The vals ett lb. BDruns e ick Theaier in London feli miles a relicarsal and kflsd a large abun~l«,p rerons. Heur>' Clay'. efeved te ai ibat tAm athe "lraveilng dcrckry." surreedeul lu raisins $10.M0 et Pblladélpbia for a Keutuet>' electlon tuai. Francis Smiithgse t e ewYork vhat vats declared ta b. a sacetîtul deinon- eirsilon et a' trias machine. Tbe reccuti>' dlaoever.d lenai mines lu Illnois, lowa ami Wisconsin vere, sai te be preduecnde theiaraie et 12"0 taosYearlr. FI TT TIRARS AGI. Oae-ninetftnth «ethéIaIslandi ef Cuba vas rellortei osier cuitiration. Al French vessais In Encliali Ports yee siaci b>' theslatter govuernment. sud Nopolein tailistesiby mnakiug ail Englbtum nenlaFianes prisoners et var. Tbe secoSlrellet expedition lIcti ew York te mearri tfurSIr John Frankiin'a smctic exploring part>'. FUTTRANts AGI). A large mumber et vumen were ar- rsted t DemaisvMle sud Williamsiovn. Ky., for expreaalng eyndatliy wth thc reboise, and vire odrei deportea senttb. Tvo companles etofintautry frotte Camp Douglas toat poascsion efthile Claicage Tmes offiesadidestnuycd part at lu morulasg cilîlia. A pe. conventigonat Cooper Insi- tute. New York. siepteai resolutions de- cenncing tUicivil -wit as nuenstu- tianal. 1Tle London Times predicici that thé, Azucrcan Cvil War neyer *ouid etad, «eept trnugbi .tbetaplure et men on et nthualsom- The natienal convention te urge a slip eao bueeen tOc gresi likci and ths MJissssppA vas opened luaLtaint at Qlii- cage, vAtif Bannibal Esalin, VIre-Péeu- Muet efthîe Unitedi Statas, presiding. Thme IllinqIa Bouse ef R.preseniatives edejaici resolulions decounclung Cen. Brutuside for violaîing a "God glven gitanriglit" ln auppreasing the public&- doen oethIe Chaicago Tinies (jeu. Pa>'nseinaugurated a systeni et blrAng si-michens te their fermer mnste"s. the latter rointraclin te par' ibu men $8. menthl>' sud the womnen $5. (jeu. U. S. Grant suas criticileci for exrpeuug bimMf ehimreW bel arpsboolers y slttdug on a feuce snd vhlttiiug dur- jii ticksctburg bombardiment. (jeu. BurusUe terbade tbe circulation' ofe hi îcago Timne sud tbe New York Wàrii Aluichedepartineut1ethie Obio. Four ibossand rnelciprisoners esclieu Cefre. III.. sud 'ere tarici b>' traimn ton Inianapelis. Gen. Burusîde ibrexteneai te bang et- er>' rebel effIcer ini bis ;osSeilou if Ccii. Bagg retalilsîcaifer tbe formera* execu- tibm et. tierebel spie. A mob et Milwaukee uremea attacked a Uitedi Statez draft officer wiib clibs sud tone.sud severcl>' Injuria i bie- -ff teeb coId esacape. P resliett Liln revotai Gen.- Boua- 'bld's rior *auediag phlctOf e oen. Ienbetton. Coutederate caoa- manier @aýie lkebnrg, bMishe-ppealed te IuuuýJtéeph E.' Jolineton teranssistance. dMAcrinshliat bis proviàMeet ould lmet but thIrt>' sys longer. The Unitedi Blatesia geruimnet cou- ,Useted fer slarge saîppi>' et vooden arims et $&W ci. whiUli ere toelie suppliaevta ondd soldiers trtre et cei. . President Llncolu's polier * as lndor"ad et a large union meeting lanUic Chicage ceurti iouse square. TIC Masschusette lior reftmnipari>' apesede Iewonkingminofe t. o try tor-suppori. ou thc greio iÏihat eue- et thie el parties lielonged aite le'pagt," and île ether qîisicd ouI>'forr "spoilI." Mansield T. Walworth thîe aou-eliei, vas shol le dealli b>'bis 19->ear'ohld sou lae ieStrteîsut House t Nev Yrk. The bridlge accident ai Dizain, Ili., b>' vilI oîcr tveuly pensons Irere tllcd vimtýie tblng salaptiin vasl stlriliutsed b>' tuseTUitaiprcsliytccian et Philadel- phllsteanu"unncccasn>ary u' ofthie Lrds adsl,,and attention vas clîrd e the detà, et Chief Justice Salmou P. Ch a hertl>' efier lie rcinrned frein s Suder ride. 1 V0pt. jerk sud lime hand et Modoc lu- iant, vcrs reported te lisve surrendereil te Ocse. Wheatou ai ('lcsrlaIte. 1Rpuinsannounced] tînt the ndcenitN' pal tuCaban nsaveh'lodena 'veu lu e iln yestsd ln plantationîs. TWBNTY TEAU AGI). Tvielve persees werc killeil sud tisent>'- Ix ýljrj«tinan paic on lhe newiy opeged Brooklynibide ia lng Changurei er . etChina, tratuasi van againat France munis the jpttir recognuacai tbe Chunese lama to 4àn«1 l . ..jeslouai tres inade convention opei, et Dutroit with Ausun Phelpi tae.Charel,rancho Adans, Jr., asud 8.lia orton amaang the delegstes gll'et the Bechuanas. nontI et the Çies Wre Stete. becasse etfliae frs- g wl v r tIbat tribe viti the Booma - q gUili1statue ceu*tee at ~iêK4mtkxp ied te thbcocuntry' toc tb0e srengt a s, r ,amwi M!ptsescr Ana Mr th» lu author- liedad that l mber, wlibi epcted cdlhfokusly la ever>' car, le the saie' as Iliernumber otfsats, plcs a $&W per- ,pütted te lhe carmied en tbe troct sud 'ier platfornai. ususii>'six persous on the tve plattorus. Wheu aau the $e samc OUed ne pas-F *sugerle, permîttei te enl# Uthc car. Standint la suies or beldlhg on te àpia sle t permltted. SmAlarA>'on ~the plattermi vhes six paiscgers jý;ateund places tbem4- rTi egulatlon etton eparates a vuatztadi bis vite, wbo ari net allowei ~tg ratura home b>'the . me car. but At hés the efforltetathere la Do 0er- clewdAng and standing on ecdi thersa test. The e ninctor ad motormen are laîtruclid te entorce, lb. regulation, aui tbe>' do At vitheultefar or foyer. The cOnduclor le, 1h this euIr>,, clotbéd vitb the authorlt>'of a police- saoeuresbeard lit.car, candoea put off an>'pessenger vhs ut.b.haîii llii As probab>' the muat of the- vhola mstter. The cenductlor la a municipa eSc., vithln Uic p#48erlbii uit.le bAs dut>'. Wbitebai, 10., Juéi &-Mr. LeD euale>' bai Brighit'@ Dlumea"i tton bis hooemater lied &tedsi hm, for sometime hl i ill>'teld hlm Ibit be ceuli do netblng marc for hlm. ai tht h. vouli gurl>'i. A tieni vbe bai board of vhat Dod's Kline> Pil aid deom la caseq et Kîdue>' Trouble, aivAssi lMr. Man- le>' te trY a -tmetment et tbis remedy. Re dii se sud everyene vas jour- prised sud delighted tuese au Amprove- ment ln a very short tinte. This Alm- provemnent gradual, kepi on as the tresîment proceeded, till.now Mr. Man- ie>' la Wel. Me sais: "The doctor sali ho lied doncemIllie ceuli for tme. Re gave me nOp. A frieni aivlsed-me te toise Dodi-s Kid- ne' Pis.lei an a afevwweka 1 vas necr>' ail rIglit agalu. "I am net irain, i enutrutbtully »Y> that 1 fiel better=t-a than I have tor yeers. flod K.duci-Pilla are a vondertul ranci>' sud 1 Ul asi- ways praise then and recemnieni thern te ever~oesfeiga i. Mi e> a receler>' bas causai a protouni sensation. as ne ene ever thouglit hli vuld recover. (Ielua flown. "I dislike te mention it, Mms. Esi- ccly," mciii the tatlileashburder, "but n-ailly 1 thlnk your boqrd An a trAile îllin."~ 'Atrig. plain, eli?' ccheei Uic land- lady. -BSay, whi kiud ot board do you expert for $3 s week, an>'wa,-oiihd Il Weul sen 5go. "Tes, Ibere certaînli> "reuarkid thc mnuwbo sometinies thinks cleni. "le wliat?" querlid thepsrty vho ney- er miss ,es su opportunli>' tu butt tn. .'As mucli kicklng lu bisehali s.bere in lu football. ouI>' lt's duffercut." replieul he efthie'audible theuglits. ELYS .IUI CIEM ALM la resparei for aitllenrsti nf e.r kie us suatomiser lpa = g t i da essai membranes.Ail T.c healnemai soothlng propertiet et CronosDaim san reteinci An tise novIerpati«n. It dosa cet drynpteertin Prie-inclni- liags M atube 75 cents. At dreaggist or Elr Bos., lié W . M Z W.X rugir. muIit# The firet gamzoetball, vas pisyni b>' thc Knickerbockermsud New Yeck Juta. 14, 18M. at the ]Elian FieAlds, lHoboken. New Jersey. Hae ugeaciPise'@ Cnrs fer Ceainus- tien ucani>' t,* yers. and lSud nothlng te compare with iti.-UMrs. IMergas.Berke- le>'. Cal.. Sept. 2. 19M1. Lord Strailicna., chancéler ef McGuU University' at Mentreal, bas given$0. 000 towsnd a gymnamni m tiere. FITS a. Mass, Wbsplg âac. uchiml. snd AstJaas. A eari ml .efr Ciapk,. ain rt stages, sada er litbef A, d'aetau. iastai sue «Canada bau a tepd a "'y evy lmmigratitlde tt.y*lv £34 0" . IOw buas figures te show tbot aOU tg actuall>' gvilasIt La a val' to 5st a', ha' expectaueons. ,la the 1am1-four menthe oftis ysnr the domesof the Dominion openei te 40,672 pareos. AC- l cerdlng te a report preparmi hi the comnîttee On agriculturOeand elontua- tien of the Canaiap a Prliament. This le almait twlc aua large as the Imml- grétion lu the cerreniondini monui lait iOat sud ftùly thyte flues se l"as a 1901. tho respoctive Ogare belag 22,4ft and ss -1Moeote» h... eers bave bien attractui by, the vlieat lands ot the Nrtbvait territeries. TbeY have e novai dire«t &M Wlnnlpog and the>' bave lamai that c#ty late a gmSt camp, la vhieh t»he>ave bien ittlng themielves ot toç the lest Stage Of their adrentUte W »nV houas.- l "0frlbhelimmigation et tht.spring quse( a lîttie 01ir a Uiud hal ese . run Oic Great Drltain, the damrebelâg 14157. seri Tht. la threc lIn>.. as large es the b Britih immgration et thé eiftopie- MM las mentlle ef the preeilng yJur, M.3>6 ql t la vthin 2,5 et the nouher ot lu-adi igrants, that lt.eTUiited Iateseat-tub tractai trou Gra e Di a d trie- lani ln the manneper"aisht.Drill. Ai te the remainder et the i»mJmrtin lite Canada, 1&.770 sttleve carne tram weval the Ujnted Matae, a 50'Per cent ln- creais 1er tb. procedinlu eur, and thall 10.445 transiCeticetai UuVa5i, a z0 are. De cent ineaso. the ada mal' eppear lrtfllng lunemPersn 48810 with the 297X07 persous vhs mterdci ci the Znaied 8tates iu,-t e perlai. eM t but tbcy aie preportleuately moeslmn- UqU portsant te the couniry'. Cenada'n yop- OtIl ulgtion sa one-lfteeutlietof rsx, but 19 t ber immgraton la Dow tvo.ftanths *9- an large as ocrs. l ilawoetb reucu- 00 berinX *Ibo thât Cenadaes Immigrants 4 are aiment entIrely ot Anglo-Saxon icnd~ Teuteulc racme. wbule Our Immigration la now twe-lhlrds made up of Romfance and Olav lements.: "Speculatle las naturel asa te the fu- M ture of CanadaIn lhlerrelations te the q United States vhen lierNePrtliveetter- a rltorles are liled up. but the one ab- ef soluteil certain tact oSitbe ner fu- turc le that the Uited statu, la te bave a great cempetIter la the grain marktets ob.te rd.", The abeve eiltia] article takent frou lthe comua of the Chicago £se- ori-Herali etoafNWs26aowmthe ceudi- tien efthte CanadilanImmigration, whlcb as pointai eut, bas bai a con- stant grot-af marveleusl>' Increas jus grovîli-tor the peut sIx or see lettre. until t. ycsr. It le ceuflueuti>' assumai, Uicheas.te Canada*$ Pai>- ulatlon, by va>'oft mnigratlo li U exceOi 0MM0. "" I s ecomeut Mte b>' the great agelewult r ieurc vhiels-ebouds there. It las ad tb tale bu theýheti-e.t-fact experieuce ot Uic tens et thousais bir imple tefftimnn>te Ihe vealtha" i rcheslan store for al vho cbaeie te accept of the eppertuullles o6sei. P ho e bewlsh te laur mot fthe codmry censeccure Miusrated atiasis, th pamph»lets, étc.. givlag tuAi ai rella-th bic data Ipeumed uiea0F ieiemet-au-. Iborit>'. b>' sppiplg te aiJ' «ithe su- thorlcci agent. et the Osailan Gev- es!nmelt. Theecagent., vhei. ames uppear beoa. Wii qote 1Fm thé.est- ceptlenaly loir rates that tate rue te oma the tue grant lanis t fWislem Con- 4da snd renier yen an>' ainsiaab"a- acre lu thelr poer: i C. J. Breugbton, 4M0 Qulncy bull- lut, Chicago. Tricks of the Amutm Ra900M Tricha et traie'arc uay, but L youug huebandi ybo ba u t stam-ud bousekeepIng lias dîscoyerci a en- lA paratlvely new eueetfwliAc bcieviM figbt ah>' ln thé future. lge wantod n MAg leailier coverM' chair foiÈ hi& _ den. 'and bled hlm te oeofthUic anc. lion bouses. wbcrc b. tound the. îery tblng. The auctloneer etarted the bld nt tire. dollars. -and ter s couple 'et dollars znoré Ih as knoelled dowu te the bousebolder. vbo proudly ordercd It carrledle lis doicile. He lias been Ft showung Ih off vltli a nllilosi-dlbir ailr snd lbis best awny out. .Testerda>' fri a man camie te uptholster orne tiaru-%c turc and Li e waprompt l>'le44ythei new cbar. He examlined It closei and @o then reiurked-- "Wha i d yo3u psy tor ItCI "l'Arc dollars" "Swlndled. b>' gum! Wby, that old chair alnti wortb tour bits. Beune aecondbaind dealer get steck ou it,. covered t vîtia oll-eoth at tort>' cents. a yard and sent Il te Uic aueon bouse. tice-tiacret ihe origInai ld@ld Iabe uder the tnwcoverlng." .Tbe chair ta now used te stand on snd baLmier -malis. There Are Otheme Seuiem --Thal fellew Borner remninds me ef s horse.___ Nixon-Come on villi the ansver. 1 Boiîibern-Yon ran iead hlm te drink - but yeu cant malte lm'tak, etgr 'o World' Sf Dut Ut Kin o f e» ocASw - 0 Cutkucur oep. siiel mAni. pueflttteg&"" aon fer.1 o.ct.g iee r bab rbain, toi o Mg r muelbton;u ýorw mreperspiestonu oru&OO vhi t OIci riadAl> 'w veweulrnu, pmial>'ém aar er>'., maimI poponllssdietd Ine0t m t"m.ss Oui -m i0 aa 9 .-P :ME ut a1ene la l;t the t 0 iteInq IxT! ANNUAL- lin ' Nil. .1