S-il 1IL- AS THE FLAC WENT 8V. Re bai actas'bésa a ca s è-as.paras!.. El. iesssor sn grise as -bis visage, frayas! With 5.11,-aoet oodîc»a" ahin kiudlsc ,saimes» Ceamusa te iabina thal sce.lhs bas! Oigtli andu lwattbig-a tour I the eas'- A.nlf' a ichatr. vers passslag lis. Saab ent hemsas: hapauscé but i. saMr 'i'c hen very' osnetf'so n a dey; l'va. '-0' wtll *ms,.mas-sbad i vIlS m, . bed wtb 'CMx sud - v Udght m c euas- te theaiy«liss LAd hebre ha pansei Saiu-askaé teo- AM vat tthe lie tdev. aud pactes! Ibroagihhane. "A, latths', sanid he. ta bis penser et "ils Lgara that a pension von't Cômaetr vc've valitdAnI valSes! sud tries! tine But after easu ibc lite i~uofthtie» M7e lu iiippl'd aId bestl.t. but -mnne o lise, ao,e I kaow, bhavea s udes hn1 mates Ibeir lte bise: But,ilsrtiss, lve alvnys bCen au ikngs Star- 1 navet have Jlines! vthe lb.ad G. A. i.; l'y@ alwaya wored iard, s'a tnow; dal*t h ave ime. - Ans! ilve!lai the countrs'. ai,s'euetfsourse Ail the rasfos l'Fe bas! tor il- ses, syon lit, Mtbs. ceieaets-n.thans geai the ml bha aon.ers'si au lstant lises, aiseil ta bis brocv. A bnd tha a wtbervand ias! nov;, 'Tias the liiMase ltteraésudaleuftu hoeb ,.4ua ho raleti it s alseau et mlthesiys ef "oriu fFerwss-s! Ke thetas la tsien sio« an lieeasin'! Waleh *am uasuus Ai te trkeil the gray' hair ef bisvitle lia saIs!: "Geoas. 1a dseaii-tha Colonel le Ah. sues delirium' inI 'tarebis v! mtis atlas!ftanavas' vierea aidierdlels. Ttecrotwd ea the bigtwis' Jut tben gave 9 ciear:- Of th window wbes-e ha basi cstWaed te bis bride, Ioua, long eus.axe, ihena sosediar liad lie. Ta entât for the ia hata andi tbe cause et the fls es ite. totter-ing and- ageau n vli. hiilovail bina la ubr arma tiare às tel; T"a tes verdi ha cIls-s-d case: "Matits S ie'1v- -- But took! 1i s-amca l! TheOnagsaa'Sl - -W. il. laratb' DEWOarsaieoa or Iaeed.a au On ly - 9, 1776O, Gen. Washington- - é oj p bis ittieas-ms' lu NewYorkan t Vllat la nov lis City' Hall Park--tisa Ibo1h Casuen-wbrt e iebrigade ver., tommües! Laholow squares al; tat la lnov tii Pari. 11ev aide aud troutig viere mtautheticsieetflise Franklin eaitoi. A ceps' et lia Deiaration etOftlen-D tanCe, elgmed la Philadeluhie, bas! mat rachat New Yri CRls'and Il vas te ha rend le tic Cotinental*. Wsbngtoll wasaon borsebackinluthe entes- et the brigade squres, vies-a. at -6 P. M .on s a.dlihîtulRummner eveiag, "ha Decinlhflon vas ceas! ote. t eop, s- large frnuge efthtie populace standing la the eas' evaril Brodway. Aid-ste- -Camp Samunei Well. te pndftse5 et Mial. Gen. Alexander F. Wehi. nov pires- ji of ut ur City' College, reand tha doclis tat lna a ngipu veine. ta the evanng agmny InCiplet Boas et libertîs' he alialstenas le the trsnd- lui made an ImpromptU expetion le Bowling Greu lu rder 10 vt tlsir s Wputu uiluatilà open tisa aqussitai statue f gildes! lesdt lt at haesomareal- et haiaft ozeu y.arî releuly la huer cf <George III. A tewcflb Celueia $OtsIèi-sWhio tes-eattawdrsa epnitlmOi- 0&d4e indlplfls theisatuaeinIM k ~4aan UvstIiliiIt iai mI oto ~II 11111 a cesiturs' servedait à sdousrslcptfor lbe V'an Torlt ssml l a JileaCits'. The aeeupatlea hy the Brillis et New Tork Cilty rein 1777 le1788 prevented ses' ther readiug oeth. Dactaration an- tiI Jnly 4. 1784, vian il vaxsil euasle lu the parti te a great ceovit awhere la Dow seau thc Pis-k statue ot Nathian Hlse, NOVEL FOURTI4 0F JUIN FROLIC libvîvina sOuaitI 01sfZurlsie Cats euth Ptreatie vealuais. Kathernue Bell Tippalîs vrlhing et "A Paîriotie Garden Party" ie thse Woman'a Home Ceuxpanion. describes ste chief di- viona of tbhe attarnoon tins:1 *Afta- 11th osxaidtes the hoiesled lthe wss te tise wel-sbadad lawe. wbcre s liberty'-poee as! beau eracteit wilh Plis-' gian ep etflberty' at ils top. laniluar- aile red. vitls'and blue sreamrs lied beau etsîeet under tise liberts'-cap sud stretche lua vers' direction over lihe lawu snd tis enads ili-dins-oreva.,arien, chairs. tables or- su' s-ovesiest objece. A sut- lk-lassI nusuber basl been lefI flutterlng freux the pole mn serve as otsrtlng points. Te tise vere planait slips et papar. eseis iaaring lie tirât linaetfsoeapals-lotie song, peau or adtsasa sd .a number la show hoti macs' ther slips were naquinat te comutetl Itha. quol.alion. The test'et the lias. b! accpinne te hle sesîteresi streamers. "Enci guet seleclait a familier hi and began n tour et Inspection oethle osber rai. white anus!bloe treamer!.. vbleb vas kapt up.until Iuithe line. cxil- cd fer bis! hean colecteci. vian a new line couit ba selemedatfaoim tielierty'- poea. md titanmade up, a thilts!.asddns on,. np ta the expiration oetime ihioee. The seletieus tara, taken freux mci pst- ielle poeaus as 'Aýmeniai,' 'Tise Star- Spsngled Banner,' 'Wsmn'a Addr-es.,' 'The Baille Hyme efthle 1tepublic' and 'Tie Sang et Marlon'. Men.' "A lsre Mall uug aloft vas rung as a signal for the liegniniugti lhe gama, ans! soon the lave vas the moan et taugiter and actielîs'. vilcihaceame pal- rlatiam untar lbe Influence eithle greta- tng sentiments expressai on lia slips et papes-. "Wba thec huIt oetfinie wax sp the collectes! quel allons voe é.examinedaitde a prise et s silk lierty-cap vras given aut placet on tie beas!ofethle ou@a vi edi compilai tbte gracIait nunhr isa i verses or sentences. Se tiiereaglyis mbues! van lie compiera vith liait worm is' this ime that It usturals' felleeitte ,ptior asud nulle la alngtug 'America.'" A [04UIN 93OrliLY INSAPI'0IMNT. MANY IMPORTANT EVENTS HAVE OCCIJRRED ON JIJLY 4. Tic teurli day et Juls' has beun a rat-lattietday lu .tjerirau bisions'. on Juls' 4. 15U4 Amidai andl Baiiov, îvo famous Commodores seul ont lis Rtaleigh te diplone Amates nôs-li of Flot-ia, arn-ad on Lie seuthern CoastI. . On Juls' 4 1754. comulsoneta freux Amerbcan cola.ie assembles! aI Abany' le treat iiti Intians, proposas! a -plan for tIsa union of Amatican colais ibieb vas agr-acitot, 23 yeers hafere the Declanalleu et Indepenit- ence. On Juls' 4. 1775.. the Delanation o! Indepeudence tas Igus!., -On Jl Is'.171,..Williamaburg. l'a., vas evacuated lis'the British unden Cornwallis.1 On ulis'4, 1813. the Yankee, an American amack, captures! the British abo6s Esgla. vitheut les.. Ou Juls' 4, 1914, Canerai Winfld Seotlt: ougit the baille et Street'% Creek. On Jlis 4. 1817. construction efthIe Ente Canal bsegam. On Jlis'4 1825, ex-Presldents Thouas Jeffrson and John Adams diet. On Jlr 4. 184). Taxas vas annexas!tute Uitiad States. On Jlis' 4. 1848. lreaty et peice tilth Meie waîs ýIgned gliing the Unitedi States Net 'Mexice, Arizona sud Caliternila. Ou Juls' 4, 1848. cerner stene et Washington mneumîîent lais! lu Wasb- luglen. On Jlis'4, 1186, Unites! Sates iroopa disperses!the- Kansasa [rea Stata Legistature. On ,Ily 4. 186à. l7ckàburg aurreuderedtéte CraPt. On Jlis 4. 186, "Burlingame Treatl"' itbh China signait. On Juls' 4, 1874, openlng pf ICas Bridge. St. Louis. On ulus'4 1876. opaung et Cetannuliai ebrallon nt Pllludaîphia. On July 4. 18M. Centenulal clabrattees st Cncinnt. AN ODFASH'IObIED FOURTH. Thats' uewtangivs! soieas are givime the A quear inds! et tns--seithout eus' Wlth speaches sud pleis un paincs ha1""lae . I AniI pne ts , i-fashlont Foîtti ut ,lul'. n Tience sose viitisahedawn. sud lise cau- sesncme lise- We pack Ild ittipowden timi reads' te bus-at Ands! aioy lhe glas. la tisawindows did Whta tatieiitthe ach-s en Fous-lbof We âtchad np oIt hohis, aseul al tulées! ln Tiecým s-oms' iwagon-tisa fat ans! the Erbe granduxa vas tht-ci, eus! as chippai and ospe', As axis' soung malden lie Ious-lisoet uis'. Wa cent to tthe arbci-wo cites! foc Wban thc fassw«va s utts wt biners andsIcaver.; Ans! If davucaima le isnraaln the aildilt Il vas pes-Ioftan vId-fasbiono dFoarth eof The rockets as! lnvbeeais and narsactas-s t v ait ai les!llnie iullaIuaioo, Ans vahiatenrode o osb ma-e lliste A ligureslu dame an lie itourl t h uis'. Tic bans! mareit eut leit t-Is-unioreri gtes-i up i' b . heIilt efthlise,0110M-estt ' las' The sra n cgles! Bannas- and! Sceat s' And cmes!= a gls-o aslrt àli. -ii aIi rirlng. Poa tJis' ,Socialt. Whaenonniclug tua somi atata that fraweiia viii eha ie chie ttrlsaction et the eveiug. Fer refseshaienis hava chieien anvichp le cresu, cake sut lemnatae. Have a -tabla le tic cornes- witLi-a largefgag sdrapait aven 1I. Grcnp amerousasialr tag araenus!tle nroua, Coustesmet a 1ta t f ssreis stripa et veesi aeverssi titi unheacietjmuslin. Iu ft ofnl et ltalnt bang s kaille, ou tisasi ticks ef Wood, ln camp tasicu. Ls'lag ou thc tabla hava a malelsafa, s pipe, asduran. apatent Ofn hlîdtales'o camnisnatoy-pltlis sut bunuit irasu'aak- aiste zaprt ltfitevome. ang' pIc livat et S>iPlaels, tuAaass e8 st teve., lie tees lis'bicycle lanterna, bau lais- terna, lampa ands! audles. Thi consti- tuIla teexhibition ot fis-avonka. P'lay ans' ilut et gàni.-s..Serve eefreshments catrly andtIhen have tis etefr tewonka. A <oncualve AS.gnnent. "Sas'. psy. esu 1 hava a aiceilte bus' sonne firerackers di?"' ".Nu,laony, I do't haleve lu etting ciltrea ptlay ttitlîexplosives. It la i vers' dangumosiîtm. "AUi lie ther beys tocs," "Tlisatimaies miodifes-ance.. Iconsider àl a teeii awste of moeas',do I viii et allev i." "Al rigit, lbit s'u'Il ha sorts' mene "Whst de s' eu aIn?"- "IWeil , posiu I1 sisoulit rue fer Pree- litnt vian i get bit, ag' s'posiu' tie people ahotîld it It ontt hat1 dI dn'I sal- bs-se l thenortli tien I vas a kid,. vst kins of s. show coutl1I stand than? I bot yeu'I ls vis o' gitanie aIl tise firevria I wauted" NaolFun tIti fM. Bigga-Anaeîî ugotg te aebrale lia Pourt? Boggs.-Not intit-s. Fiat' s' Suis' &£y. l'u lu inahetire Insurace business, yen notr. YOUJNG ANIERICA CELURATING. ad perfectuans.. I have triesite . tht. te-ay., Oily you muaI face the tacts of Mie and mevw the trti. Qed doaes care for yeu. lHe bail ivfn you power, scope. above al bis spirlt, tiat yo e r -a become perfect. Identify, jolir lite viti that Ot the Son, love hlim, learu of hlm. tolev hlm, andi youà shall bacome lke hlm. Thera arb ouiy tira.e tff rom earth te heaven --sets, habite, ciaracter. Tbeae Onue 1EWRAT1I OPaGOAl, Dy Ra'. iJi. cDsryM t. 1mt believeith on lhe Son bath eaeRtsitlg lita, but he ruat obeyelli »Ot lic Son shah ne s te lIte; but the wrath Of God abideli on htm.--John These are precipus, sud, att he. Mme Urne. avi ul wordà., They caine vlt the sanction of divine asuthortty, sud echo__lte voire. of lia prophets. TheY ver. apoken by John, lhe bct'aid of jeans, tbe Messlab, via confirmes! thea by bit tenebinf ans! tiatr lruth .1% proven by bnmtn expérience. Noete a terni. "Lite" ineans tht perfect possessiono f cvery power of twsnan nature. This lucludas the viii to use each poier. To haie a perfeet body wouid be giorlons. but noue POS- segosait. Wheu Socrates astione thant seemes! complete hie criait, "Jove, beyw beaultiu" We have bit entbuai. More aplendid ia tha lite ot lha spirit Lu man, asitJila te ibis thune verdi reter. Baci of usnIcuowasnoms one -Who possessea lu rare degree thia lite; sucls interprel 10 ns tie divlhw>velwa-t sactiveiy teeft ttiy are etfCeci. "Ou God acui Godlike mien we bulld our .trust." I3nt aven Ihese have their faulta; oniy oeebas ever iived o en rtls perfect iu ail thiings. Imperfection, un- less righted, tends te deats. Waeauo- net stand atill; ire filt agaiuat tie downward tendeucy, seeking help freux sncb as ire tlîink eaubiep n grow bot- ter. go0ire tie ourseivesete the Pleyel- elan, 111e teacher, the frlen4. 18 il Dlot true tilJJ ORij2lst wiUi99 te:' Inêteéltlla tia*lilt 30 1e ter 2A _ _vavei-cail (on!tient, be- yond & certain peint, there ta no heip ln man.1 Once there came uteoOur voris! a perfect man, "the Son et Gos!, vthpower." He gave bîmoif 10 the vork of redeemlug imen f rom deats to Rite, ans!, througs bis spirit, he teaa constant styler. -Ha liaI beileveti lu tic Son bath everiasting lite." *'Beiie-s-th." It menus more than asent 10 lie'atatemeul of the gospel. IFalt int wiiling seit-surrender ta G-oi. 'Only tins cau bier vitallty impart itsaîf to us. This la possible for every one. Tbey are seit-deceiveit viethink Otier- vise. AIl abouit un are these as Ignor- ant, veak, sud bard presses! as yen ire Wio, because they open heart ans! mnds to hleu. are growlns-hetter. Ara net they who refnito tdo Ibis foule and! bis!? The condition for eery one-le ehedi- snce. Il la. se ln ail relatlonsbips. To affect a cure tia physician muet ha olsayes!, the leneher muet ha foilovad,1 the friand honoras!, sud If tie, Redeam- soli 1 t mye trou death te Ut. on? pan lta te hoor. tolloti sud obey. And nom, note lihe alternative: "lie. liaI obeyeth not tl4e Son shall netoss lite- but the tiraIs of God abidelli ou hlm." Parhaps yen persuade yoursielt t'hat tii l a villnary statement -and! are Indiffereut ta Il. Reaxember tiste la reiattoeslp betveen yon and! Gos!. Ha ia your "bhesvcuiy tather." Gos! cannai ba ludifferent toe yen. Fou are and aiways viili ha bischit.. lt ta the vorat bnder anc. can maie tle Isuu that G-ad Io carelesa about him. Do the words, "thie veat et Gos!." seern cruel vords? Neverthela., our humait relationahipa explain thans. W. are more than luhbabItants;iveareaciti- sans etf New York. bnvlng ces-tain ln- hereut-rights andithigationa. lislava are tie measura of these. It 1 ehoase te go conlrary ta thesa talas et con- duel ans! cemmit a crimeliahe wathaf the clty,ý the penalty et lntrnganxent; of lav, la tucurreit. Thc convicteit ciminal ta stIli s parto etw *vYerk. The noma conditiens bold lu tic fumlly lite. Dons Il scani @trenge that. tha dilia e. avamment ta Illnstrated. by thece galaoglesl?-Remmhar-tha-law s ot God ara net nrbttrary; liay are se- Deuai te lite. Stilil the proeon ufaces n, boweau th. Ood et toile aver ia vratsütuleard hie i. hls!? WUa1lKU donbteitly the Bible procialms this. ajos! se des nature. BShe varka by lav, ans! ta tise olsedient ta beneficil. Riectric- lty carriez your message aud ineovés yeur car, but dlsobey ber and "ie kilii yau.\ This ta the meanlng et op- piles! science. An d la the nmerai vorid tic nme principla bouts. 1.1ahthus lu frtendsip; refuse te loea and lionor yeur friand sud boti her lita rebukes you. By and hy yau bute tie goodnu vhcli-you iiil net Initate. Judas vrag cursed by tis me Irlcuitahip tint eu- nobles! John. A great taeer salit: 'Men are ruines! by thaîr hast and dear- est, friands, net; by their Indulgent tondnus. but by thé noble exampla Liai ls naver folioveit ans! the noble lavitation tbat la neyer disjserad." Hz.- #erience bas tauglit sons et usnlimat Ibis ta truc. Noir,en loug as G-ad Ieves-y saul muetfteed bis power, Ha lhat loves aud oeys le blessedItheistbought of Gos!. 1%'e revelation et lia ieduesa t. t ntaling, as!d Ilt ransforma the char- acter tlntt gra.tetnlly receives. Il la eqnaily trise that ha that disobeys muet suifer bas$ etgoos!. For eacuseul basi te tonch Geit, sud as tiey de Ibis het becemee biassiug or dune. Yau are elther a botter er a vorse man becnsue Ged la. And 'Ibis la the goape 1. You recail b eanss loeas!Jerusniem as she ted neyer beau loi-ad by a soen, and shen rejactes hlmu. Tien It vas _blm- I.. ti hu à WbIcb ta your cisosan vsy? Let his truli possess yeu. Let il mie yen ~ brave, hopatul, serions. Be meu et Qed. living lu hts service, happy lu bis loe, ans! you sali master any il. natlen; you shal knov lita. Indees!. Amen. BINNINO AGAISBT CBlLDRBN, àY Ras'. labde 1. Gsyier. ».&. PS1 S One oethle mont aeeded s%"itonaet the mont usetul et modern benevolent _____ organiations la lhe Socety for lhe Prevention ot Crtreisy te Chldren. Its ObJect ta ta protect the victima of Par- entai hutltiea or et cruel neglacl. ls spicre of action ta chleity ameng tha dagradait laises. -'Bu t liere at.1 many a veil-fed chut llà a wel-fur- niuhei homne liat le snfferlng hadiy frein bcd management or parental ig- la nerance or taise lava orf-Parental UN dety. An Immense numbar aZttei5 and! sthers neai tôt have lie solatua caution mvilci Iauben gave ta ht. IM chunli bretharsi: «Do net sln agaînat the chiid." Thora la neo1tr ustInis worid more trenuandous than the trust P of parentage, sud noue whil; meuy p persons seam lea Ireat more lighlly. Food, cleîhing, aheter and selig tlsay prai-ide, but tbay ntterly Ignore the tact that the Creator bas Intrusted. ta Ibm I he nost uusceptélieasd re- ceptilve creature on earlh vian he a-m. mils to their charge a yaung 13mb?- il I. spart qamps3e8ragerî na tfo the next. In geologle. pue....~ Jl you May sec eme alab ie iàshow1 lie Prinasetf indi' tact or et leavea vulch vers made i thesatone van l vas once enlyas ilquld pumnice. ;l Mek usuner -vae au dtact the singer. mauts sud teolprIiss etpar*ntalta- fluence uPon the character 0f chIldr.ii vian grovu to mauiood ans! veman--- ioed. Ans! tiay are net vYery tn mental, ltier. Obildren ara.imllatlve crostures and- va al knev boy tendencle. te good or cvii character spring freta parentai Influence. ans! thec cief elemeni ta: modern bhedlty inthesforce ofe xarn pis. Tiare ta a monutoues sahmqfesu Iltn te ihslary of ecata jevi ]rings. Escl anceoft hem "vaiHed la the ticys eOflitsfaher vie csn$d laraei te in." Thot vers! waya"la e il vary &alnflcant. The fatiar mas!de ifS pdtb sud the son; *ahis!tla-%-.3»t - as trima la "ii.nov s ai thuse len Umma. 1cmoeel dilacuit casesa 16*0 terai la teebriate aumeua-h a tia f e e.dtaly s ir M Ô",OtàU U wian I aee a yeung umm hiclgaO graca on linuen I lok ta"hat YOMl liai asu maihies! aa84»1» ues ning." Re t. vaiklg ui l. epath tu SMag p. vidsicl ltaparents Pliqas!hlm.. Thom -~- buées neve? yild graps, andi Ongade net grov rotra hale..,Tie vgad "teîquity" signiffias nseetwtvtsi. as!d the ngly tvlàt l l t. often given by 'a fathers or a moMlerRa hans!., 'li vreng vhIcb lé id dls!e40@ ta i - uraI acquenca ift th*vrong deo. th hItm by ber, by an cvii flimple. DB DU61 send by cernes liahe tribulea vie tue cWis! once sinnesi agasuveias e e parentai heurt witi agour. Wben yen sin againit your chili!yen usy ha pree- ty sure "thal yendumin ii fad yenc - Wbat a plecae t opeà soil te aev It Pi teachlngsine ta syongmg utetWôrss utterel hy 1ar 1ts eutA aa.r m agalnst tbe Bile eetaitise tafp orbytiMe timside g aabes uauory ans! he,ite mate hlm a @Ce>- tic. A Ureet des], ofthle feelsis.&0 cavilllng cetîcisu of sermons.,ii vhlch viran thay cornehome ;romciuré, kili. lie 1InsineI.oetGs. muse.c Thtias-"amenaIle aaeaWualsiKthe -i110o p»,L W~ he lneptll'th*lie usc, sued Who May ha allemttly vollg a eu the slnd e ofsee illisilu 1hgt1 kmIly. The question 'of. hevnuili atuai gens lie beal sermon May do ta commenly setilasitan lie d>-« l#a filvey. Par- ents Otea liil e nstelIt.lu ment cases religiona errata are beadtary. ritàhiet practieusaie descend tou O tlir ta son. Bad books la a paemit' m bs'uds are vas-y apt te be rats! b, the youuger semiers efthle tamllyr. Ans! ,visan a tahar taies bisgsmn and! daugh- ter te lhe secrag e lieatér, thée lad t. ln danger ef iavlng pasion a ffieithy tbe lutecencle oft tie stage, aud 1h e daugilcr's puits ta selles! by tle tad diaplay or tic Immoral Insnndea. il l. bas! anonibto atemtch yeur oaveB @cl u1Otreai yen; «tsn uagaînat -1..liay, a fdIther studles bis accouai C books ans! mans' s metier stus!tas hem magasines or receipt beaks or ber vi. 1lting listua mre tban ltier etndy tie pecultarlîlea of ber ovu chIsldren.Tiai- boy ta seldes! loto .snlliqeus; liai elier oee ridIcules! utiil haý gels des, perate; hsrah treatment etteas bardane ,tihe art, sud flan Phartsasu priys tint dCet vili seftetk 111 There la a ,steands'decluin nthe pei'cantsg e ofio-- versions reportes!lnth ie annual stalle- tirs et several senominallena. 11ev -AN , ïmucb eft lis tse haattrihuted to, s daclîne lu homne religion Qed. anis 1kneweth. Tihe tamuly underlies both J 1cemmouveailli ans!diùrh. Ail 1h [pregching povrer of Ibe pulpIt vii O avali but 1111e as long as parents are .slnulng againFltiahir own chUisren. Bussîn-Otir geverumant mutpro- test, lu the nue ef humaatty. againal ,suci crueittls ai ver. practicei t 5 )Kîshinett. Te say liatItIlhaun nigil 1te sddq remenii'nice ta te mi.- m latali:eb &Dfimndioslt 0an1rgovetisant b Oua. AT ...TUIIS a wél1-b»ý %o uiu lx *» a&i.m aoeym à«1 powb MD AU, »OgM 18