Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Jun 1903, p. 5

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One week, frrn om orrow lais theone hnndred- and t#enty'-aveuth annlver. mure of the Deelaration of Independence and every true Âiierlcan citisen uhould celebrate.. iLa oui s tore you wil ,flua a Mocst cômpl*. lu*e cf sky rocketit, roman candiée, Dower ,pots, balow cabnon ekotg, h r aekern, torpedoes,, pin wheeis, nWer t caMrs, toy plitols and caps, ' ad hln tact everythl»g neeeméary to &pproprlately celebrate this giorlou4 day.. Yoiaeéordtslly hinted to Cone hn and inspect oni, sok CrIgs 4CfI M r OMM& q ae Q . 4% i liholi. A Few Lit!" of the- Times. Thestwi'>or~ bkhly in tuS sky A nd bro4ght bad pain$ li the- iady's eye~. luto JJarby's feie did hie, l#rg1aifeltfft protee-t tihem by. Ofur o1tieai hune 114 mot c0m1l4te, Wiiii ridig loW and Ikeetoù neat. * To ýWear tiieniix a very treat- Wlien "01<1 8li-erm"fitM they eai't he beat. 111 jewelry yoi'il alwnyïi find - We're ini the lead and not belhihtl; Botit q!îality and cien, Wihengraviilg i4perfine. Now eurne ini otr etore and yon will rtee 'Jhat we are what we claim to be. We'hl treat you weli and take your V, And Send yoîui home ln modest glee. -DARBY BROS@, Lîbertyville, Illinois. I T s r- i M 4'th o[ JuI y Iireworks We have ai complete agizortmcnt of Fireworks, Flags,' Torpedoce, Fire eraekers, Paper cap pistole, Paper caps, Cnîînon craekers in mifzetw'to 5 Sky Wi,(uketge in siZes from 6 oz to 3 lhs., Roman Candies, fromnli to, 20 bail. Young America Saintes, Nigger chasers, Pin, wte.els, (oiord rosette wheeIà, Colored vertical - whteeis, Hnnimiîig Fire - - Tops, Besides a Sîttîkes Ne.ts, - lot of Novelties -of late invention. SiITH & DAVIS59 Libertyvihle - - - Ilinois. Keaders. I~444*44M~ xMaA. a. Erume,, f Hoei 01141101014la vlisetuthea>O, Aveli home. Maigri ]Cars la bailal reobsi à modra dveing on hig lots ouIreS A 1111e LAbortyillo omj'vu peSai on, Iam ssBaurtuea eut Dibr, but nosof the louais vote goci guomera. John a. Noumolalor una ohlldia. et Chicago, vers gueula of LibstisvilIo Irlande Weinnday. Dr. Boblneone a hams, UmnMahal le as hom etaSthe pureoaî lea Thé PrOboirunLaiue Ni Uocluy VIlI muS Thuruduir aflenoon, JuIl 2 -IrmhInk o meSiaw<erepsinSot a iueoiatel tbm trou of SueM ikley bock ami o! dona 15 looke bstg. AS tbm M.JE. obuîceh 5udaoW ralng aDuscon,me n gmore, vin prqach. Dr. Rtobinson vIli praach lu thm uvouing. A gotlialeurlan ion. on bheavyplate glnae su urroundd ibp anuoxiilad copper tfame, adormai thoentrance 10 the Lake opualy Iauloam BRua. vill bu- O.-M uado e w ad out, Itîidln ami preparoi 1>1 Mr. Johnj OIt, vWho le otll % masSe, band. Wm. Malman, 91 Emel LIbertyvfllI, bau purohueui of Wum. Atriga bisa property 'on Bebool arool. Mr.a àfiman expecte Io-Occapy Cth place $is§ta tai.p lira. Wnllbam, mollier o! Mre. Dr. e Riobinson, vmvewlà UmnMinages Whibln . of Oak Park, 10 apmi sonneo moutb4 at Galmusa vlth ber duntuia , 0 Mma. Gllon. » Iiemembmî Ibe photostudilo tu the. llulAIey beuit la opsa -vry Wedne*.i day-ralu orabine. Ailphotoauaan- te" go be mmafaeoç. 301-4 J. Y. Wger oxpecla bomptots hig aldewalk oontracl o ma o n5lesve VIth hie mon SA. liaS o! 1h18 veek. Mr. Wimr hbu t alm"at 25,000 aquaro al tet of nphitvaSA ln Libmrpvile, d or about 82M00W".5~ Dr. Fred Churchil ami wt t hmsbori from Oiougo, vlalSiug Mr. Chu flbiWs paente. The doctor hue dlapami 0f big plrouc. s et ego l a", purebaseiP %bat 0! amot ber docter la B6 Charum, am morm promlelng aullarge, Sli. e Dr. Taylor je natoUraly vory mauthA plesiaesIbme esulI et, Adam Tito*a91 uecntlng for hlm na liowing vell on th, e doewra property' onu reial-, &in« I la ofnuanal capaoly, oeirytg a Svo 99 lach stetem oer ove les aboymil gronni.n tMr%. Chu. AverflU va. akan 10 a Cbleage bospîtal Ihe tiri ef th"evok where the untServmuî aa srtgmiu opuration. WAle béne la a oîrlooa cune, fionda hope a"d bulmvm e VIIIf survive lAs ordal sud a permanent cure be effecîod. PbaI' stuioln theIBaRlltiybicok open every Wdnmday. 38--i At Ivautîoe Batnrday Mb. Liberty. ville boaehall nasdoeted She Ivanho.. by a gcnreacfla5tel. l u1 a good garni but al onu way. mi$ Bturday th*e local éiosm plapu s -8 Waukegé ani a clo«U Lme la ie.1 icimi. £ari Ballrfili la àa atrong pitcoer and volt beekmi.1 If aupono as" enou hetier Ihere la Ibm lent doubt &bout lbhe lectrlc r belveen Ltbertyvilie amidSuas lndf belug lua poralion July 4 th, pou aie "ale i umsrtimig ampbaially tha$ thev. la not. Oo"loi f IbmeoDmpO&Y agrea tea carry aUlthe psnmpgere vio vautltu. ridu ou th&$ ite. The Busco show o!tiratnoi animaleC bo& viit midomestie, vili show j her Monday aitOrda ýandi eonul lune 2. Muni la.jeu. i vbi il l reproeupffl Ip lié. Thore la gio fruoi abon$ute BuRoco show.- tAe aupremo ba ni ls adedi Ihal abade train lu front o! a mane rnIdence,alIbhongh loeated ou publicb propety. belosg 10 hlm. Thoeome tgvhlch 1he deciion va. renierai vai one luavhlch a proprl oune uda a elphona eoippany for cuîtlug thb.limbe off 0liee. Thm deolsion01 te of inteoeeIo50&al propouiîp ovueia. sauraum 7Arl ile.SbvinI open mlaGrayalukeo eah maiAmi. Trl- Talor Compsnp Io the namne o! Ibm DOW cooara, vA ýle .under Mi. Corletî's mABagemol. EM arI le honni b makt a em oaefothe vunture sud S VItt give 5 teupnalkatoamamiet ber O ffle uaMI10.1 Proi of- Ho la au b Mxeteu nto ulSr,,- ouileoeandi%, pleaalnan sd above aon extyemel neté RMiu*u-fof tiuvbuirler tmarket promisese teb"me popolar vitb trmer. iu the rigoltly of Libortyvlis. The atutelbeirles oltei by Oui lm local amrbesxae frImmthe batuaorf11 farinera la th"a loealiy. Dam 1(errklui bas cn Soa Peolr as pbueroes. Chan. Pt W.lO;pX libelfios hie bei. large il quanillen o! the luacloufruit ami ab s l numor o!othere Ani a good'proit OU lu ralelng str.vberml..ti Now %balihoescoreIleovir Liberty- ville brOthi a 81881-e01 fllut. The one @1 matI pox Patient, vho Vu. -Bo - nocmroutiely r.tegaffed 10 à lent tu tbe vooda eflomit -Ibm river la - rcelvlug every aSSnlon sud lJi IYlmprorilaaieiy. Tbe man vas one y o!1 e pipe lino gang ani a aliangor berombonts, having omefrom Kentucky 10 b ta raotA ago. AUl S"e br fo r ei Iv14si m S q VIAkqb~ioalnly the m boy, la boe. Io esmle*" au ougagel VI 4 Stam a . fte summer a maxé a.s ibïg Md commis a in 'l' . ' iOafela sud' si e lidrea, Wci aI, iMina., are spua Ba lua o fev vm*lB . McDonsl4 du 1-Tho aqb rlar eetifig of ima 9"d Cofflert- offaton wîti ho homoeo 01 ; d.Wells on Vrida Li JSu. gVpaîîb brumhes, h4a.efomMm vlaiiug h e Moniste,loii Ihie W»m4 W%00 Maey wero gunel relatives foriïeur dys. Dr. Boh,4ge geeacbed a plesala un& 15or3l hm U nday mOr] lng, vAIlAW eIV* H londl hy imbg Se local Iodeeo. mauons mà8g t~Soera, Who alloue lu a body. - V'bediécourne Wun partlartb$WtýU.b Itmeimemberi c thoeorguui*gkll. Aniro màsfe«î iMd isa Ets Poluo vero mirilui ~Chicago Wenda attornoon. Pretiag Sa LiberqvilUo i a 3-m %ôrlItheIbe fro ndvu Th. youmg ole raide in à Prodlo'ebriet boues on tIcliool aeie Superior pheW gaatmmif by Ç. j Renvie. ami~yoe evury Weinea dey la Ruikty1L. 3$.1-4 Dr. TapIe, oa4L. S.Trigge Ibisleomi puichilithe ;Vacaulpropertj a icuA-ea mouecfCoot Aveem Braîneri ouS -<onalderablon 32000 The promoiIy bau tfromtage 0e200 ton en ce«A Aveml oi: m -150 le$o, Braimeri Court. lMr. Triage VII îveaully une a remidence ou 1ho corner lote.- M.Grabbe 1 -uphon lu clasîng lu hOl spring ine&aÀltwiOintineut 1goi-mm] Who ma"e a Pri$le. of eecurlng tab" Matr& o. sver il vau the abuuu of"ki privllogbby a Livmthus nm 110851 olMr. Urahbedilng mju hMAt dii. As ceisoa bourg thoe pring bomailaopen nMu leraSai ma .1 ha cASmiakWsi bp Seego dispossd. Blood'polaoUug imaultlng tram m ilmSIaaon fu he 5Aouemt et!a dyloi patient bu ksffit go anuani lAi aerme, of Dr. Hmndeoa, îxonîm huag Of Laeaidmbooplal, and a brother et Do. B. if. Heniarec pf LibmrsyvlIIé. (lima .fer«Ing bharactorlni S" detb of the surgon. Lumuaobiamabl-efecsl Ibm Wlrbm îlots peni iulqg un opera"ionana a olgbg abraion « ugm"u, 4u.tb a mail baugmil vsebeomntbllun cameos b Ibm un" mm rn. Gao. Miaou. a flilni Park ruam. eaas Mu bas bie" nlooking about ~Lbertyllle anid ilMey for a auitabm Une# of tnd 10 eatiAhllb adrivtug pérk. Mr. Maason lavortnug In tbm alereets o! remldenla of the nortA aore and Il la ad Preuaideu Fr0s1; of khi MOOeollorod le'al» imtmresod -la Saé maSSe. Au 701 no o"nue action buau bsmamu. Sin bpo tuotorm a deA ompeny of 380,000capital tb Prommole tbe project. A taiblonabîs living Park laInbmhedea c the Labo fors sud Hiaghland Park people oreeted. O1 coure e mnevmlectrie ain ViIInak"eOUIamaoma$b mortb moré people, in avenS tbm plusa Il pou vaut ta @'nee m malieat :OUSa now liviug. coumlamanoe Ibe mreim e ASBoaco show, aSnoon on ROUMIp, Jaine 29. A MMose mrloei effort lu bolug a" by rualdenta of Milwaukee 6rum aouSAdilthe village $b provoat ;esoota Otithe lnland X.«« Traclou mpai y from saecurlu neaury Wgtfsletb mako pouab4u pan io AsMohle over Itat rou& A counster OUIN o boiug fl"cld, vblob role SAutt signera refuse 1 graus 'OMaago lghtenmd Ihal Mamttupt bud Stu ou Milwaukee Avenne ,aa#taouized. The woaISAp Chicago m vho ovu farine'on S». Avmnue vve ail eigned tIbmbtu peuion maide mani larie, manIloci@0 ablous for thm electrlo People oôfe 114e11 chamous@ o1 obMthnlag Mnusona on Mliwank.o avenue xSb of Rai! Day are ocaeei Noyr wudo pou bhink -of Iohs, au m apiiuulg ng u auimm voalnge lUMWe Jourmel: 'rebptarbanai Liberlyvliu hava lâaIsi ommvchurch aMd iniSllol v. Th &a AQuayio apntor. TAe igailon vîli cci" leauei 115110 Saupormlly, bu y*Ul g$MD> ain iad=mfun datairthe «ntiosc lISre loA g. The oagrogaUioa M i imemberahtp cffelxy. f995 OpuldI nspireoàa tom oùn àmlVI& voi0f lnUDdaticateu bard 10 tartib».The. Proubllran co11. gsmons a.otr Yeau. orhped lu 1u OhU icA band la no$ a"ma Ibink. 0 f buding a mmv atructure. upve: the lact f unie bave beau .iSoiuallew ssal le o $lie y ouaqgmation. l ývo.1 ld o d kh à ti aus Ê ai .0 c mgia [Çutwldrdohute M e Uio Pbrb.alrge pu. olu band b aiaJoy athe mpsÉon d te chne va. baeeNfrd lp"AuueSMs - PI4mianmne, gnas> lVA. I ,o The paimaslag dine preu il R- VioL aapp naiehl dova»AeUn oe Thonmfolovul bAs pupes mel~ *boiov, Oflaga mm ah aial liu". tery Mme e i'Tuyloîi dthe Suvoea- ISca b Sov. Quapl lwoua. i.asUQun . caas ........ . PIANO $S0W-M..w M lo 0" c l vu varlablo..... e QM. fluxàuo; VOCAL BL-.n, .amlad Mi LamAUX& MILCs.vmkae. flLY-xmm à 3 Uaqbta. BBBAY-NM enPhfilaetfuy'ý... PùE8ENTATIUN GIFILOKA$- CORUS-.......... Th» o»n Ïri..faoe a b unoid~.ut.O. f Slalom B. a" SrmnavoS . ark. boo m na unithe Ilarge auiloa lue àtêteufouflp u mmmiua bic omlali Sawb wa" afl lionet-fflff0 pleimieMali", "M" Mh»vrs hard. - pnwm ce vo ce cfet "ohms vucMMe b0fl Im- the00wabosfeoe fflWr0fby Insee. Chaftaud IorfoSmod Ibost Ina uhle 1npoo01lal la l umo be eor -am *08". *>-"wus 0 Ibmmêdlm busvD voula m 8" aoss uMaala 1q5e aulmna, v, l l wjesmalall oci-mu fl M fflu .aulsi amor punl.ruoemm""a tnom va. a oopleMr sul gguuftw""9 ua mbm i amhI5u amuff o!v* Ski Sà nembee uSs" Ltoryllaaa fulla abo wa ggM »MeuaitUpnur el-«ueaaallagohm oui bave VISAUaeaoruels ha - BaumhonoWlaohea feruheul 4 BOY@, 2 plece Kne Pant. ýW111h overlald pfliatmsus1 ta 1&-ouly ri dosen of them-closed out b=ws a Chicago wh.oleeeclothierwhue price v as 95e to 81. 10 014'tAiem suit. whlch would make tiseMn woer t retal 81.25a to 81.50. 'We effet them at the remarkably low pries Of>,.. .. . .. .. .. .. 59full buLhdpt t t t W. malce the i4 mu -look m1e . oV,- *lé 4 m . umo @Wsthm, i tWb y~ foem "d podc«.t, SPRIt~LES ARE INU F*D CROKER, Tailor, 'l* 1 18Epensive; Stay At," home; let your .vole do ~.travinq ,for you. You vil b. ln constan4t t(*ch vlUa eatAis couaty and the country at wih one of: ourtétlephones. ai 'The Independent- and w-eel ~r Qcqan .both one yAr In order to fo.z the' çarpen-ite *ho soon commence to ro our room -pr.pmrtory t' occupyVInit£fl4other roor5J we find It n.oUmary to r*t duce stock. Thils can âyý be aone quickly bu -ýàfrI reduction lni prices wh#t% wil Includû goode #v"4ý aimoat ail ourilnes whit* wii be Iabeled-wt red tane wlth- the reducad, prtee. Tho foIlowIng lea a. l lt 0f écime1 of the goods alrady Iabed wlth others ta follow: Figured Lawns. Batite. Dim- SIties, rogular prices 10 to -1-5c,« nOW 7 to lic. Slar 18. to-2347o0ds,à[Wi le Figured .Stines. [2to .18c a rades. at 0 and'8c. plain Satin«., were i2c, Snow 8c.- Ladies' Sl e-Underwsar,- reguar 26, 30 and, 50c gar- ment* at 10 and 25c.- ZPlug tôbacc«s, standard. Sgoode,> Oold Co9in, 11Mb, at Battis Ax anid othèe. whIie théy fastper lb 20c. Good soapil 10 bars !Or 25'c. Corne lnai êo6k for th* read ta" *they muai a savingeto you. coe w cNI Ladib' Tall àe, M ule a u ëS i cheaper Sham y« mbul Im e o8lmg.. GAL AND nu Ou* 810STOLLI Don't you lcnow we *do paper hangtng oind Painting? WORIK OMA&RMEtD. LYON, & VOLINOG Li.I1. Lumber, Liii, SNn5 je Grain. Seeds;?Feed, SwUr Pb D" l tH P«Mbà « - Éý 1

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