Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Jun 1903, p. 7

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,u; lasedinhae gt, lbdi acta, u0» -lb. momhla jeder. hmre I tue freu0. Mut manir Vigor sud graoe, pvm utWa6IR*eA#&n."4c -'.Ny.-a trier l-lilres f latmIl tr m on. tn, . , d c ae r s i Ia e i l u p i ebbe elnp ut yenon aceaunt ~s cites luMY bocksuni idmi 1 vsu nAbleluta al iall, *r Mabuttt 1 trîi dand ail tlie K t-teck hmi mut ho slgites Mr bock 'Co linacite &»ws »u 1wIvas t or anrplIng. g~ ierce sltleed Doenýs Kline '11:1e vrtlcias sur'*cuaefor joat 00400 cod amn uies1aie a rrelouaMi bruugbt am )bohntet(-omu MMua. A. Poters dru; store; I felIoli" id tie dirreIluxa naa-euly s-b otkîng bain aud h mustagi 1aiIsamure than Mgprl4Madi inuci more grtôai tu "ie the,' baetacie impperingIrai- aily tatlîl 1h finl' sgtoppai." A F1uel$XTIAL t Ibis groat kld- loi niedrIns vilsb curad irMmBoyc VISI bie maliei oh sVplication lu auy 011t ufthlisUniedI Nahos. Addreus Owuler-Mu1hun C o.. Buiffalo. N. Y. S'on "i br Ali drnggilos, prie 50 conts Mries. - Suimlabut Difaeit. Mlt -kvuc-MO'pou keep boirai- u*>. 4o ras? PJc littona-No. linodm! W. rerely Muia n àtes-remunersuive goets. ,uu e - o OMM.- 1191visiiaUyu5mi v Is- oaid, M~ IW CRE i 54.Y. 01ywl-i.toà cytt dubmkdr.sutboo. las 14vdia EPhmkhW*%[sReuae- ser lirai od-kçto ver lte ~Sm$ry frownsd upon C5ri5IIVclni% but as year yea bs oledby and the f oupof evonen-'wne hâtibeau 2 iy the new diaoosry hus grv intu a vau amy of ofo thousandu, doublaansd "e-tb ave houa avel away g4ewue t ame-yia Iz " , thepti" l.ofvumay of aOiut§4tapbyzlciaml ltise womn whsil eacm relies uponiLydia . hmsAUeaiCaft@si Iisooy ST 5l~5 iumesîst1 eh sas haîde, , Penne. m~ ~3une!!eosaw is acseîsasis..tsII 41%as iaisaI bihat I bave air dasireta lre- al oille lifs. Non have-I rtemtet antrtaluc'th~e tisuught islaca Il* a me f vtehn'b toherla W aaingtmismae".tisu 8sZix rsla". te a cas uti vIteb 2t%0rlaSe Ti atter la ai tairntamg *angits vls.dufaI*Nevs aslavse tfiaaûtvbeu. ailT utan* ýi4it Ti oue éutry le yeltuacoma-Ta- TtImasm ot vitn mp berlger etait .SueJournal I1 have 50 higlier aspiration tisa te pao. ~lu th ciaMet lic PrésidentielIiqse@t-1y isysla pesnwtb niji amlly arîubA 9 i sW4bldrai. "nvdti the li ie M adi tieDo part lu poltics vhb r humbc."-Waoblngln ýPot, - 1Mrperate eltises caune oitseWititetk -~ usian olcametrsbal et i Uemst pI prmiy n*t~ppe pilei'tanames huaîtiresig ,-1 bél:élever .ajoken tuamybo&i'4% -porlan Arfl. 11116 MWW t afeqiwthcaihiay. 1 a-~r~Ia d .v.s. bave sas-es- rlittenl a single poltiesl * aegelcstoilietdd4 lia « htOk u*«7on tiseallier, ser bavse 14a1 la ouliho aioql lpoesa _____________ lta the b i.-atat1es TW papeas bave rouen fer sMItem 'Ibo" Xilpiits ltalent posesi, but net ta # 0M ltsrLt-Broebin an iri - r él $merin pendouillantla calboelthe pausoasoca l lump- Mxpiatons lu lie PostoffieDepart- mabsow ticeprosonce uof t epst of *atblagdeel' ireeublng "alun." -KlipsaCiy Tilaic. ~eittiratîola gatrutgluing veil, cou- s d'iDaln#w mbaclvmnd senson. but la still a PYOUaIpcompradi vih the trîke mi-t ceb.-Wssblgton Puet. Iltv"l nioubtedly b. saler for the ne Kinag ut Servis lu romtain lu Geneva sMd da ies reigniaaè by lon-distance telc- t upcone-twroi Prec e. t h atl leProjection aiscoverci un1 Miarcmsa un ris munsiler. Tl gat evytrou the"c parla iu mont extr- ÀIÏaÎÏ1fflte.-Plidelpbla Presi. -'-'- -. BV"' luVLAD ls't it lui-kg thethle Iree. bave 'tic î tlongleas ud mut pliable shotsjusI ,àIT'bemuvritten lu or spuken lu by them. i 'hoeee. heaa the iliren are et hume Thore lu nut a poitical leader ut ami'l .for 4dVe hldym-Atianta Journal. pruanlece eudes-orlaag tu mis-nces amp r The eurning u1 the 1Monte di pi aeti msovement te nminate nie lu any staele 1 Naples lu smuelbin'gcalamitous. palett. s a sIhaebe.i-ic.nrd b"rilng la une out he lemdiug indutriesa anticlpate-t151alti ey"cheffort s-tilha l ut sotheru ltaly.-Buaton Herali. nmsde ty amy leader, prouuiuent or ob- f Tt l netrainscure. WamY lucsity lu lhe country. f Itrl la nul valu thuml lo a mkig Wahl -1 have 055 seserah occasions vithia aà stretse îopyuuderoot. Tt As iu.a' ,s nd«tAken jtactuellem c s alba ig lie s-sIen the nmarket la sqartiag OutI viehf uatally'falis tu thie private lu the of trust cuiea-e York Watar. rauske, but tiere hais Dnu lelrked vithine Tic sblpbnhhdiatg triast in being reorgan- me the bote ut aup revard oas-ctheia hsei. Il-aswon 1funa tljt tino or Ibre. cunseiouns ofsutboving mae an effort 9hnndtr-ud per iet of utervis tue mucla teaasilubrnglug about sautary con- for il taufSoat ln-,Xv iHaven Union. dîtions lu lhe parti." O»nefethle lKentucky frteotsaIs been ___________ captun'cd and Jaileal. but it l aspecîi JETT JURY DIBAGREES. tbat lihe troulé#e.wui't enduntil Old rBourbon la lnnly jugged.-Milvaukro Uleport. Issbfllîy tea Ssci a Verdict Nova,. snd i. h>lchargced. Abdult lami ni in l an embarrassing Wiien lie jury lunlia* Jett-White trali position. Ill- eau igh u lngaria aillhe calar n m court ah Jackson. Ky., a thln vante lu. but file pus-crs vIU nul permitiene Priay and reporti that-Ilvats onu- hlmnluaswhite ier.-t. Louis Globe-Dem- ahi. tu agnee. Juige' Ileivine dizLsansd ooeat, lie jurora. This a-as tolhowei h>y the sus- Sonne uft he platforn builders vilii llmnuemeut that the case vouiu ha tras- doubties i es- siuh olarm ou omois irni- terei ta Cynthisua, lHarrison ConUt, gstia nlu 15e West wiujiout the consent for lie second trial ef lic irrlgsted.-llicinond Tîmon-Dia- ilTtvas hlieved thal thalle vas'oulyb Patchi. oe n ma haeen lie verdict out gnliy on JOfue 1. prsa t l'aaasyiruim gelsnt ul tty. TIlovus conceiliedtaI 0s tinouglu iuluhGos-. l'enuuvpcker be viiijlrl s inly ovcinaits bc or s-oa-ul taigured t umnlie uas es-ir the question ut punishanent liai nul haute bren by thei- cirtounis._Menbpbls Coen- cnsiierri. Liter the ajury agalu report-t aserellApiaci. saiil wvastenabletu agréeeSud shortly T -Theunaverul Oulre t bc Pou-after 9 01chock ilvas diachîrgeuL The -ThepowrfutInfoène ofthePé ie dminasnt faction eviienthy expec ar a- dent duiriug hia Western trip i demon- quittai but tiiere va£ st5toastlQue juron strateti by the flSod#s hiclahave follos-ei h aI otg M bis loquent tiklgou irrijtlo.-mIndiàm- -,GaBee otau icliorI. on apuisNthe b.neya tfroanJackson viat haos-ou 1 Wti ail ment prodaits t présent hith do, if anytinlg. Re ssii:ý "I caunol ser pricos, vit coarohsîmuuin la 0thfumia- eaI"tuls ne hat 1 viiido. Inmust re>- er lu redsientaI otton lns s-un 10 fcen5tsufnieteamie any statemnu." a Pound vbeu lie bais nono?-Montgom- erg AisertIser. Anu'baugc gays ".No Wonsn es-ev leH boasted ut beiug bhum lu a log cabtu." N 0.~ man dues rither untIl ha age lute a lavuscneu front. - New-port 'News IlV A nes-spaper epligrâaista sapa: "Es--1 ery vwile la the architent ot ber os-n bus- AferatralnheCiuâCota * boni." Tien eslesbouliia'btac e- ichte -lavand tlbhe viience vert ver. uta the- e vialu eeboat-bolte pretty thoroughly Ilreaici aout un bti, *Job-Xilvmukee sentinel. aides, a jury. aftue dehlbertiug onip a -Nov tiaIt arrangenients lire belles fev minuites, acquittedI Miss Kata Meaos made lu preveut the Filipinos f rom boy- principal ot une ut theIi.lianàpols log opium. vre siilI îîolambhpnetls- atsul, fron uhe charge of assauli and cete rumauy pipe Ilunie troint, theisl botter>- tonrviippiuug a boy pupiL TUndlert sud.-haadiana polis Newvs. lteé stroug und clitr charge ufthle court The brut politicia lutalest tuat nes- the juryicouanul bave doue ýantiiug Pesauyivanis liellaws- reaa lie oa cIae. The douat'a charge vas gooi lav littie backwgrd abauut n'moiîg tors-si-i etswellan, gond seuse, sud the verdict ot ani securiug the incideuirni adv-oatîimasg.thecjunrvaisnaight. 'Tléechange s-as&al -C'lev-eland Pl'laeDenier, loudaind part ut it ha vorti repeating. (ermaauy lanu-amplniuiug an about The juil. soa: Amenlcau tanit diAerimiunatiouua. Ao louaz "Without lie power sud athoa-ity ho ais tbey refutuaeû et cui ra-k. o are- compel by aitletna-aouhe menus and justifiadinluknalwavinit they put ina methois orier aiid ulteliee lImeemillion.s Ibeir aauae-%% nshiugton Puai, uf dollars apeut l inai counury for the- If Go lus, 'nnyp.mikcr doe-m nul gel cure sudnantaagi-nent u of 0 -oua "iras- andaiquivîorod" by ele Peunai- the ereat hulwsavk oou llr omuul,-n sanis pres ie s"oka ho ,auxile. lehae y gond n astaeai. Thle las-m ansl tiai bis stars for heiaag m i ueky lI- tits nul ouly Presumes tiet the icher ieai d Ofprtty.-Atiautu Journal. la lauaocet ai changeai, but the lmv aiao Wattau t uffrage la defenttcinluNov Présurnes flat in tua ppniaiment sh* ]Hamshie- T wil Wi evrywbrebas dounelier duauy mu the Wrutonent of ilamehîe. t vii s-l evryvereobediloue aud orier liberscool.s a e visa Iiawomsa ot tue country wnait i oo hn rbllv hrafn te sueceol. 'The mcii are .not untavor- w1>0 p Frerou ti nbllstiamws*tinoa ableai teir.. acor.-Bufal Ne liatis case v:" aid the teanhens lu this Oluservînt mandum-olaly Fronchmuan rshiooil tiels-set luttenfoirce goud vbo basabenuber. Iookiug u us-vernaaisn rier sud obeédience, or s-onuil h ave a0 nation siys the dollar bas no mujenyt> eadeney lu cause uhes ta neijel andIl for AunericlusnaThst'a auuliy tielt-e,,am-isubey andprosectate. vimen the IraitberY leu tbe obsearetaulod asciohsly nyOae hO cudeivord a-c compel uodianee? The. ,ollgu.Nw. York Telegnan. voiture'ami hast Iterests ofteail snhoui Muts Alice SlJder. an expert on thue chlmdaen lu tue country in the future. lb. aubject, sapa flt.t "tioruiexorcise good of thle commun achoola. la- aid un- makea the more pertent wnuain." Itla der. each and ail deraaîituat you moite a pI' hiet sinoule thte portraits out hoelinmistlelunliis case." temate ait i-ourud atiietes don't soein t.) The court emphasirei lime importance hintal Iis tiuoy.-Nev York Evert-of auataiing lenchens lunulein efforts la Wug Sun. niaintain diteipline, mîsd imprecaîcdIinter- ,i'%Germain pîiaiiau 'Ina noviveai uhe fteence by pi-culs ltaos-reuêt a nesson- stzg cure tsor nheumunt, and de- aile t eoreise ut mutboriîy. Il ioinlei nul 'scribes lhe case of n patient ws-la tetonhe tact tit tnder the lau-i of the Stale --belng alnng .902 illi-a experieucci n "tenchena have lhe saine rigais and na-t ,complets cune. Andi yet thetre are peu- tlauaily Il) puuish ciildrneader miontein plh, s-ho prefthobtlies-c inimuetal bei]-,change, iun areosunablo manaîer fon ail :uu.-utuu Globe. miacoutluct, Ihat the parent ofthti chili altiruil lihua, andlhe lav vili nut htertere uie '5I -The. agittnhin luheai- raitvegloluthec paiishunent Iuiieted hlacruîel and un- lias Dot se psar.Wlî tilïipuutes lu arrange the îetticrcit éïnbè"1duÎi~Yn~îrîl cane h mde -at once.Bu OneOfuthue mout elabovate educalionai 0 there la nu prospect of any @prionsi troua--auta slu the country la tient of the bic. Tient long aow lune taugh i a-douu Yonng Mle's Chrstianu'Association. ho botu iicî..-Phlideiphia Item. s-bit-b ceraces the. following lunes ut À !çe#'j-jsecourat lana dem-iàlmd limai sîaiy: Associa.tion ibranii.ré,eiiug s manvîeai vomnunt-tnnoe adernthan1lw8-u oonua, pra-ticai haîka. edlucaîloual ec- ut thr StrIe bring suit tua- lie aléatinîoaures, study cluband ereuiiug iatitlles, ut bier huisbsud'au affections. Trai is aThe syatern enaivaces claens uonk ofh le lant lu girls tbiaiking ut mariage tal i aPublie scbuoleauni elle k7tmae anli ib:tnyV ".a, cook u-ciiliaith b. _ap luhlin-rk outechaical seatS>l.s lainestM. ,l reecnly alli aadiug corpora- ik City, wili ha Who von the .us Norîbera IRrilty mergei lt the loyers- liehbasbics s overaamet's sa asassistant id lStes altos- aenai sinci and bas repre- i- ti'cie Sm »sY important * luludiîg the -- -M' mný .is precutio in the alleged Cabs raudd. Mr. Bock la a native et Wblhiha sud for sma eanis vwuV*s- amen attorney Wer ieasteru districet fPennsylvanie. Burton L. Pre" a, 15M oungest Con- gre»asmn lu the Uuigtsfhtes. and la tie alse representativa cof $bPlatutIdaboi la the. lover bousm. rench in 27 yeus OUd and a native et lodiana. For tvcn<- ty-oDe years lie ka* lival iu ldawc Wben lhe wosla sam à sophoutore at the Idaho Stata ni- whlle akiuglita e- ek01 L aitC Ir.t ho nw~ln ua r Rous ofsm pîlnr.avre h vil leati . e siu rn sipoien t-, od . elcM nada i- wlu min wlbhaieas fllVemng, a"de gret vth g. otstuie. InTuvo- itts ue Idho. totalvte of00,000 plau c«et by vomen. > r. Ir'*~1~ ho bli.b.e cal oe Bdgin e or' utber confession to the, muiler- uftlber 'brother, Ide wife and baby.* gai Who la suspect- »d ef having cauoed the deaihs of elîhi «b«r persona by thei 4gathy adinl ,tif- Uaofstrychnin juinsthe patin@ aia i a fpsiiy dfliberlife irest KUOT alsd. and seed te atsbeon But forhe by ~ ~ ~~ vt betboheti «i figu es hâtve been discoversi. Bbc tint contes,- ed te ue munder, Ibm st otiier timnzte two otiers, aaying bar mini vas trelu list and ltinlathoegit the viii tell ut the kllng uofsnome outheicother permonse, luclng two of h« . fermuer bumbanis. Wliiitm Crooke., tic labor leader, whose riection lu lie British parliamenl in çuasider-ed saeiasuse blw to the-a- four goverument lIed vitb ise uoth-, se la a Lundon sub-: sel> poorbeuse forty yearàs ogo. Tiihe- cret ut bis aivauce- nient bas bre n strength, eoui Mu ictemtiitation. Hie aIse *eil m m cii t u =ob. When l yeabf onid Crooka wis te won for a blacksuuiti, later bie- rame a coovier sund then ipterested hlm- mgl la the cause uf labor. Robert J. Wyuue. vho startrd the postai fnaud lnquiry and wbu has becoute the.scatra ilutuhe .bitter warm -nov belug vaged agaiualtithe alleged *curruptionislu In th Poetuffica Dopait- ment, la Pirit As- giâtant Putmaater G.,neral. and n-as confiraurd lu that position by the Sert- Ste on Avril 16 uf lest year. Mr. Wynne le a velenan newspapermnu.and la eapeciallyr knuvn îai n Wasington cotg speedeait Ho ns a Now Yorkor. 50 yeoras.old, omirae tornierly private sec- roiar te Charles Ponter, ieretary Of the. Treasury. Inu 1802 h.ereturuci te journallsmi and vas thun engagei upatil appoeltitubis present place. George 010le of Caruthage, N. Y.,. tu ne ut tic moat vonderful mon lu tiie vorld. If for nothug else Imthantb.h la St 106 years oldse lively au a kitteu and as happy au a boy ot twelve. Hesne!er vure gisies, hie rends omnivorously, lie qoteýS Bak- opeare witii drainat. le lntenalty aud trois t, tou; lie h ..neer walks vithout s cane amasau oui' thaeyear rouud.ýMr. E ngland, but la nov quite, aceutoMQMÇ4t$ this country, havilogitodhboi fôra trige ut elgbty yearsZ - flev. Merton C. Anudrews;, *bo hla made th. daring inovation, for a min- Of'ter, ut Ora a n cate andi jiun- "M'ig the. active mou- tagemeut uf It, ls tiie rector of St. Paul's. Ilpiacopal Cbureb ln Oabltoab, Wis., sud a Mont orilàal cler- g Ha. fe bas joue tururd 40, leas ceibtate, sud vas formnenly -pripeipal of tbe. Green Bay, e i. iOà oTul wuvrldly oz stunomie REV. C. jzAND»"$,Christlanty aitni lu- reaita the anvings uf bie coaagregation. Sons tipé ienagonformai charges veToé made against blin, but hie routidbis ac- culersansd val lndunaeil by botbhbisi cougregatiou and tic buioo. Wlaile a muairoutpersonsver. stand- ing on the main lin. ut dtcTacoma and *Eastern at Kapovîai,. Wasi a ruaay tatlihlosici vltb Iiamnee len""ai Jut tbeni.lutautly kllllng RsrryW. Voorbees of Tacouma, fos'aarly OU De- ht, wl(leb,, sud 4lujumni oeIr. lui-ý ln. locai mmnaerett le, -oki 0a- "M elsy la eenaudlo of the Plate MWauanAlbay (lad.> paciste the. IamiaillaSentinel.The:Pt pot- 15he4 plata, glassuanufacturi lu the eosantry la atili lu aise lu lis front vin- <1ev ut a Nev Albany cohblalstore. Thèe oare Ivo plates, cest% about 6114. Captala John B. Ford. wiio erected bocre.titheiraItactos-p la the United Otate# for lhe manufacture ot puisbeti plate glass and viiose naine I% a bouse- heud word througbeuî seutheru mndi- as. is stihi living at 91 pearsout ge. at Tsreutuni. Pi. * Ide camne orlglnally troiniKentucky. sud locatei aI (reeuvlle. near lbrer. Rie vasa. 1'naturaî bora" Inventor anid huveatan ad manufaturai a machine ta - ehopplag alsav. le oun mutai te N<ew Albsay.,where ho bulit stsani- hoats-.fls attention was attracted bY a ulttle tactory at Lanox. Mass&. wblch was naufactunlng a cruie forn ofu rangh plnte lsa for aiplgit&. fRe set is its te vosk'suddelsi ie iraI aieey for tie manufacture ot Pol- lsaedpinte glas. Tis niacblnery vas mgnqat New Albany tounniea. lHa laterested bis cousin, Wasblagtoa C. De Pauiw. *.man ot large menue..and thep operaied the. iraI plate glass nuafcory, vieliwuva alage suc- ce@&, but tbcy could nul agtma as l business pollatp. sud Ford suAi bis lu- teret lu De Pauw. Ford tien etsb- lisici tactorira atI Loulsyile aud Jet- famnville. vhlcb ftile. Captatin Ford'.*tilstory ftmm Ibis tinie turiniheis the mnts reuaarkable In- stance on record ut a in building up su mmu~ r~!luêlubi o ae.He vwas 78 yoarm oidviien lhe starteti for New York, but, vas smooth-siaved sud looked mucla youngér. Hie, ld nul bave money enougla l u by bis railroid ticket. He arrivai lu New Yurk peunu- lent, but bis vonderful goulus for or- ganizailon enabied hlm tlu llereît lbig New York capitaliste, vlho turulaied tihe money vîti wlalcb lacbut and put lai operatiuii tWo Imuteûse'pIlle glass factorles-one St lareutum n sd the otiar at Crelghton, Pa. Liter la. foundci Ford City. slxty mlles east-of Plttaburg. estalsabing liore a tsclury employlng snd lntroducing aIl modern accesborles. About tour yeare ago hoe sol bils factorlen, vhlch flore ail lu bis ovu naine. lu the plate glas trust for $10,000.000. andi ho bas brou living lu rotîrement ince. H e vas th iretr5mnulu the -Uited Olies lu discuter Ihat natural gas coulil ha usai as fuel for manutactur- lug purpuars. Hie bulit hîs taclury au Tareutuna alougalde a coal bei, expecl- Iug ho use Il for fuel. Ris workaën. lu masklng soundinga. dîscovered gas. -sud lhe vas znul long lunlaruosslng the uew fuel and uanklng l do bis work. Iu bis long career oft large iuanuuac- tuélng endeavors ho nover biadt a strike. because lie alvays pal the bîgiieât wagon that cuuld ho a peull the huai- nons. l la dîilcuit for New Albany people lu realise that lie old mnan fibo left bere vithont s pennyi. borrowlug miiey lu buy lits raliroad ticket. Is nov a mului-millllouslre. Hee ta afilicI- sd vill anscer. vlalcb vIii soon end bis Carrer. Hie bus bullit st Oreenvîlir. uin., bis ohbhorne, une outhelie Oest Metlao<ish diurne. lu the tte, sud bis other bequosts vinbIn the last Ivu years anauunt tlu SW00.' WHEN QUEEN 8168 LIVED. Il Ire Tires Centurie*siSnce Eligîaeti ]Resauei in Engilasi. , Soaneone n-bu keepq tram-k ut hstoni- cal dates coummunucatos tauthe publie, the tact tint on the 241h utfIturcla ut noit souan tue thbeeohuudreditb aunîvor- sany ut the deatli ut Quron Elizabeth viii hoc venu-ed. Il le nut proposai lu alguiuize lime eveul Ia any pujblie way, but ut the sanie lMethbere le n res- sou why vo shouli refrain fta-un.n iuiging lu a bacae-rd gianue et the. ei- reer ut ibis ameul.eairoyal lsdy. Tlîere le nu exagiçruiioiala thie sihte- ment htuaIQuecu Elizabeth asstle grand oh uid ut ail llslory. .Iuat whly she tuiled lu luuvr3- lsn't clkiar. il m.-ruijily mmiuldn' ie hoa-a-nll oall lie ta.-t rlaI slie Wsr't asligl. tQueens naevr -it lu be nsked. Butl she n-as a-oit inreit a-ilrouu us Li-ietem, lRer nose wa uap In terierunas bigl ans a alureluidrnff eoulit put il. Aaad tiere la nou doulit tint sbc aidai tCis baugily pas~e I>y vourlu niemrou nhie bocnk ut taon bod-lu onier lu tilt ber treckiod nasal organ silil higlar. -- .Why. aiec cuidu't have seen ithe muid tint aappy Wultem Rligh sas-ai lier fron by maklng a guller rug ut ilbs oituiak. He mnalijust as veli have uîeod a mule blainket No-ca-hie- ios. sie vas a pretty faa-r exampie ut a qîueen. as quartas veut lu tiose daya -ev on If she di separale pour Mary Quen ut Sculs troai ber royal tiami. il vas just Bessies vay ?t laeading off a jlât i-gtluat lir/oyit-person. lai fanions hay a rural moèw,* ,. 04 distinction celli.11biahpair s li As by a cortali Lard Bes. wiose naine seuna th ase »M sau the tiieury tlaàt he o bi mseconau- liona witb l'lamlet," utalala, balinsrude- ly renieredInlto Egllsb. la "ÉMU bain.' It eeu-tally doesult Accu 80jes slace Elizableth slapped down trou ber tiarone sud out. But tien, vs are ail toe buisy te take muci beed ett be pas- sage et lime. Anyway. ehla inau 4usd aé @hoeover viii ho aud uoboiy venu realir fist t e ailbebobck. A Cave itba'Dopsy. Bodgvlek, Avis,. June 22-Ur. W. IL Taylor et Ibis place mye: y itebol iad Dropsy. Two doc- try-teld am. ha veInunver get bet- tOi, ami 'tabave ies hlmapons is voeu have agdt tbsyWqm Ogigt. Ris totand limbe vwére Uvollec se tiat bo emi nt etwaik me pai«es b"as. »When tic docter. ft e u *, oud srelyie, I stepped gtvlug hlm their Medicine sud began gtVIsg âIM Dodis Kiuey Pille. 1 gave hlm tarvesVllsaa daypanud t the end ut elght dape fths avelliug vas ail Iono, but as 1 veiffl tu be sur.,1Ikeptoau vîti the pilla fer semetume, gndqdJlyr sductng thae quautltp. liii ftnallp I stopped alto- *"Dodi's Kldney Pille cctall savei -, ehld'a lit, e.fore nstag tlànha vw pas Inlvali la lausties arma frein nirnlng titi 1st. 1New ho la a bealtbp. happy 0b11.rumbshan sd dancing sud. aluglng. 1caîsneyume- - press or gratitude. "Doddî iduey Pille entIroip crci our boy atter overyboiy. ioelons ani aitl sa gliren hlm np te ilaC" MmaNaggby-l dliii on enr nsw neigubur tua atfternoon, asud ia't tui much ot ber. Naggby-Whât's vrong w»l ban, mir der? Uri. Naggby-O;-h. eh@ taies tes much doligbt li lstenîn& te scanda; I neyer met ber equal. ['in eugaged lu MistJlooleten. Niggeuu-NWhy. te'@ fat, 40 adRamy- thiug but fair. I don't mss viat 700 vaut te marry ber for. Shortu-Well. 1 haven million sos- ous tor doins *u. aid eacioe et %hms reseaublos a dollar. I*w RPt.s e.BsD . ad B«e.. ta Joue IsId JuDy, Via h ILake Sucre sud Miebigan Sostheru Ry. Tickets yuL ha sailusie 2&. 16laud 27. eiltrueerelarx bl- Augnuat 1; sud on uly 1,2,83l4 and 8& extrxeme t-elura huit Septauben L IStop-urers allovedat Niagara Faite uni Chautanunua; uo At1New York es ticketsa-via liaI rente.Pllt Mam- [tinu, withi@*î via variable aeutéos- viii ha proanptly turnia emsouaglB- [lion At City ticket OMM .130 Clrket.. or te0 C. F. Dily. Oblet A. 0. P. A». Chicagu. Fuire, But nes V5a. 'Wbat luie arc yen on sawr sbas the girl ut ber "steady." vhe chanesi ta ho a street car conductor.- **Atlb.epresent vrilli," sceslthe 1eglter -naia utoa ýclaai cld ber valat, "I'm.os the UIl* . W. are asver wittiut a baIlla PIaV cure for Cenahlutloa laou obo bin, . M. Bsayse, WakkisW- Â,f 17. 1901. Orne vle or IU "8.married hlm te 'pis e lobs lover.- '«Oh, y tbought It vas te agIta hàL" The nul. glvlnga a itamuabitsae upon bolng bit by a piteini banl va ,firat adopted by thé old imeicasA Clatlon.- For fot, Tiremi, AOUShm swolien peut. AIlan'aFoot-Ilase, a pus-a. Uis lugrus-iag nails, Sud intalaalylae Ihs stiug ontofert eis ami sius illb. the ahesl conifort disuove&y et thi. oe. Mskes ligil or ses- mina easy. A certain curafraw.lg zaion.s unihol. tie, i. abls Ss!, 0. 000 testimtoniale. Tri' l te-dur. 5014 iip alilDrugginsansd lite. tores, 80e. Doi't accept a substituts. TrIaW et uge FRtIi. Aidress AlleM .O ie alci, Le Roy, N. Y. la i tsua1Won ut li4 igming, ltcblng, scs.lp,« blstciy sud sorofuilsihmM "l, scalp imd bloodwki CmUcura S8ap, Citnict basa wouderfnlly auccaistu MMosubgtinate of cousIN nomeu ue-ia bilood. a 1 imt1I am coLtsglou bu -m poee.tclroat1 -wft ees oe-cnolurl ic..suai sresuril"g ft Pmor lmpvlhued ceai hloêilttisClicat vin ait oîiremeiesttg A114eseraIl' ifPos vasir rod ut4uni-es 0 abmus aiouM B«esiuubats, allettali iad tic confie-t im Issu ~~ lai. Isersd io N. T. Uit1 ~ T-Il A B.- oA8OA»m auîp' Catautito am re vapt up tu mms lau, oz su siettte me omtieaoot 17 mo OU "wmtuSIf O.AOAUtS b&Vea b.esS ie hbspi@a US dait v.*meul ft o.APsWiSAnal 1,1 5.lm.P e 0r *50buMiaSI * 3mm*ga»M

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