Th~iail Whon it Comes to th class and, nWiat and, 3rrocis. I-and- us your order anidi be con lned.d TR-GG-ý,TAYLOR UIBERTYVILLE. 1LLINOIe. Best Goods at, Right Prices. If you are thlnking of buying' a piano you will do well to caii on nil; we seIl the Erneist A.. Tonk. IL is a piano tliat for tone, -appearance and low price can i't b4 beat. It iw strictly high -grade -and guaraliteedi fie years. .....We do runlng and repair ....~ We almo selli alking nmaoinem, violins mandolins and al morts of mall instrulments. ....Our Violin Strýjgs are the Best .. DARBYBROS., Libertyvllle, llînôis. The Independent and weekty Inter Ocean, both one year for ST. P.& .%T. TrO CHICAGO. «M E DIS. 04part pronu New Culot. LetsI.betyvlfls AMys Ohicgo. jaete0" Wo. D84.. let&........... &U8.m.MoI.. lu 1.9.11& ... ......lsinLm. *us...i à m ..0. 9:M&a.m......... W." a. - lu ... un 14. l...........O. IM115 lia mS.... D196M . ........ lm . * . . . .::m . . IO -a : ,0 ....s:......-10:It,.la 1m- 4... 1:11) P. M.......... MU. . l.. 145tt.....î If. Readers. 0 CHICAGO. kt New Depot. Arrive Llbertj'vl .............6M 1 . ...........118 t âDI s ý **...,....plis.« ftluLOAft oClI. L4"s (Jtego1:15 >p. a.Arrive LISStrWWIWP. m. TO CHICAGO. JPgm1*SCHICAGO. 0.part Prom, Old Capot. Arfgmu st Old Dopoyt. Leste lbutrvil@6 AM"iveChicao. eats <bIEAMW Arrive Libetti la... 4.» 0 : g1 .......... 1:m16 . m.'141... "ý*. m.s.......... lofls lu4.... lmM. ......... :4tOb. C. 1. ......... 116:w WloNo Trains Arrive or Lests Old Stadon Ouadavre. t. ofIN lO. .d tarMeetinWliaIsf b kda AGME <JA PLO îî.M, W.oA.m ILsW.rW. an IA ibed a dISIth ci sl vtS LIBEI&T VI.LLECUAPTER. No. m, . O. ecod ifouISh FitiENDI>tP <Jumif r OF B URmee I..nrtbmmt~ u& iChI 0<e" bmonth in EXCUAIOJ.1CAMP No.15MR . o! A. mefflIaI ad Uurd TnaI7nigbts 0f ceS monIo. LIEJIRTYVLLE LODOE. uM A. Y. hA. IL itted comuaul a m ond and tourtb, _ Noltic 1 oeacIau1c-,PSsI mfluu titi publiesb face. il00e. or. meltinOan J Iodsa poebove. fnsertertuemlll futoh co97 for mime. co. - Ueu,t Nr. ami -M"s. .B. .Eger, Joli' 4t, a girl bubi'. Anotîbor montS et Ibm latesB sud tbe Dov eloctnlo rosi vIlho lan operaibon Win. Fulletrha acepted a position ie sustant iat tchMmau t he Mscaomi fmtori'. Ail bile OgOlw Im Forlof Jnly tielebamîon Uaaagsomeut sbouli ho preeseisi Imamoil tel' to y. B. Jus, sud ylul ho poi. One of!the «»Ulllomolivc ta vu on the simulle roni Snaiay jumPsi Bbc tract ani vas dftchai. A atme la oie of the autommolle ièchtos diitlu trièk. A babevuasu, Atà'. B. J3. Mû.- loi and Vite Tuuay oualIre *boy t10 Hszes 1$0 I111ua1017euyu ho folio, lanBse fooufl ope 0f les u. lviCousdml. W111- OuseobtII bs teporar'qluts, on scod ombt othIbmBobsuollMock utilsnob BlUe s.oliu toari ai parlor te Bbe Froator building la Veau four accupanci'. John Trlggs. of Ohiegfo hoobssi amer cottgntaIFoi lAkeomter- ttusd Bho TrIgsmandTaylorfeilas Ibere UMnoyui'uorB f!aWImiyeuuha An isal pince Mmd day UmielUa ocomealo BmaildeflgIl *. Ail 14bcti'vU@ li ove 1 ruSieus Front inomem takfor Che aetvlc renioeaiby hbis rosi Joli 4. Th*l% mare itsu Myi'Oumle&a$Myi'Mni4 4 osebrtlos a liaumetal*Doeem Wo are isatetul. Mr. Phou, for lour u Sfla lo tborlyville. Caruellne prion, father or Jaums Pria., o1 hia village. iela u Ctifge Tuaeeiui'of 014a"e. Mr. Prime li for yeane le Liborlyille, on lue prop. n'y Iter liov sas the loeuabl Place, on Milwaukeeiaveus. ne vu a prolalueul 0octacor ami hliPoo.- franchie l Mtpips m -a mw loin aacti'lane ps plant in LbaWiytSle Tbey yUl Srnieh ga e rtIlU.lsatji ni veIl a«fotràrag. or, cotlog PUr, pas stalhe rate of $1.25 pert boumn .fait, viol Bbchdam e leupelrIb mny ofber gKu or eleoitrîyi. Jota Bimdley' visse baine AINe Danton vs uersi dlu the furmera. race, Joli' 4Ib andi lh vasdrives 1w bia liChle mua Mile heat, an"tehéb 0111*reUIis tallie $0appeer, lama tle puise l the rae. Jm t vy tIbm oBlorovaire objecflta 0Alle ie lie. il 01 lem, thCe MareWu lrubIs1. lIbhOugIabor-ai' bave alloffmîher oo Macuet " g1ntIt bom. Tboedtulgie cîllme la cetui proomrcdifflg. Oter 10 have n04mae ý do auwgwtiexlu ent.jFor flu filfe Ptur-e canntai ontheo 11 ci 409 taulJie4amMhent and in enfor01t.. Thse aitlamml village a bmcu- plisSe mitn. lioveer vo adulte og ovnra Bocoouply i' ithh cadi.. usmdcothrCiothe nisrsala hsrue- lieus are Ca Ilepmof oSthe dage. DÉ. Dater, ou$ elampetor of qlause. biis. moue ta liberlyvîlle Tuisiai vwstfug the tire $u PCX ptet am0i mptoV#Img om pitala over 1 rive, ho al. Ton have an Mdao place bore lti&.puat houle Md unr doing evaering posible ta gantd &paitalthe dimese apremiing. I1au se" no ramuVb.MCloe abould ho ani epldea ado o olive Ilimýil he. -laf l1Ithint Ion £0115 arec paei on asi Iju Ii"I TIs lvw csa n lipica aralpoz but bath ~ ~ ~ ne neduffcl' l Bol USglt csplM&e Ue lonal bnd cmM ltmlbmitba. WnMymD... ta beain prenserm grade, Tbla.'b Mr. a»4 I«çBort Bolatvisitai lâurs 168 uelle ied from Eva"M ad Tiiniotte over lihe Fourbit. Niaies Ï&Ma§& Eilzeoth J&Mee, of UNlanhee, yiilid Laure Cleeland a fev day& lmo eet. TIc W. O. T. lu. vAl taet Wyul'Mr#. Pollett T1objais ternoon, the 148b. Toec cet tqUed. Ail lnviltad. C. M .*d , 4 la ontrtalaing bia ami tuUily4 lb. »me ttciniti'. ville, shoté ,bbu aceluited. l exud Ns .U culi.Ild, motber oS is. E. NDna#,',et tIlla village, dlcd ut bue bSu iita*lsteapliru Mioni., luat veeb. fabombée vum at Fl. Alhinson, lt larumcsithe alectrulrcraadla go opus" at ffh Uiaa, but avina go lus *besmu etMN. Clat frtrmhe viage va amable ta confirla lue report. Batl Couhstl, ow a! Uraylate, vas bomle 80045*.H. le muoh l pmss Wight lueîpMUcI thoreanad beoes bus Dow mmtet ul prove a goal aise IWMaCrosby, of Evanaton, vlsited wvlà b mi eLee sud tmmlljover 'guniay. ]*u dlb Coalition, of Knorvuld4e, Taiu., lasaisea, a ut et $c Les lamuy. SAcoorilug 0 the asosoVa raturas@ Ibu» re e doge la Llberl*vilo to'ashlp. vhIle ta Waakegan tlere Wb bu 47. Tb#* Waukogau sts< bL 1oftus, vS. pgadoelci iom Udbetpllle 5b iol, aa seis f190 raeontl complotaiS aetohor'm couRs sa a &*non"a sehooland ln prepared ta ente, that profession, Ul Shot voe maaidents la Llbeu*yvlle the iouutb due. t et- plcslr«te hey verto met etmàseulous MMm wasnDons hava ee u poutei 'W. wlU mast credit Ibis happy cou- The total fu vaine of pmronal prop.. ertp sud real-estâ a tow of o!Liber- sypfllt u $2,013.9W. We're quit* voit. 004.The total toit valne for Lake ee yla 1142,495,026. Suuday mornngleov. a. 1M. Spuluger. tbe ftler of Mrs. lDt. fludern, vili .Peso1 ai theM. a. clirohb. Mr. Opringer vas Deil 1856a member of th.Sekiye Sotese- bcWS-oc veutt *0 itota. Vs are la recolipioff £commuis&lca Mme prtestlng ugafl unoW 'bail pbems gou the fanr it 13a14, propérly migIlmi.but toc Ele $W publicatio CI. est. We vWitpubliaitsmreBoat vsek. P. D. Scbmtdt, fotmerly of Wheeling, bu. locsiad AluSab.rityvilll. Mr. Schmit aitertlaî sen a manufiacturer of picture frimes. Vidow and door soronps and lIat ha yUl do &Ilihinds of maupeter work. lie bat&,& abop ou Moiffi iloor of paeeroblacksnill abop. Pignn Preparé, by thé Oblmo l.Wbuu. ahowIng omtlulhs thionglont ,W oountry en Ibn Pouril are as Ioliov.TheI.desai, 4th e Jcaued, 11.466; arI one, Si0,l96. %oisvte of seil iare O»ssAd$i sfoliaws: 3uo 19; irgsnDu, uM2; toi' putois. Sc gapowder, 766».unha»ya. 1. A.J. witmanu. m8uof righlof.vay fattU tamu- l10.WrotonCola- Pur*"In we e ove TUMNilsand osant- fagii theS.lua" $0urbei lecause et the organisat opI4talto abis'en- lerpïise. 1e3mi": *Wb are goleg lin badâ#ut rosi lutia SUnd and i Opposition 09 &the-X"ffetyorner. Oulu o! love Lla coniei. 0. P. sionon, Mnwupx naîtmanager os IcaS ~ ~ ~~l UelanFu aAutovn lent WU*k tliig Upabddi 4i D labsm min ju*,.,about loT bucIpatronage U60brivlle viW ii alc islpart miad oh»» to be" tho eaWirond la la OPe"ORullon Dc1 UcBI"Ue bc.evont a5" cua"lc. :Asal Auement of atteactloustumàacSWM 1 ul'apposE bsuesftn la Me *bUUUD*T and it VoM ibe veil te hicea joureatIhtI yoc, nuy boom» m ht il Mle nu@ sliracaiet6tacpant vkihl*0 »q »0a. Sc.. u«Fwmie w m impei fgnf hlg tem bom bot suiuàm sc l a Ur Spues ucItM demi. ofstyp"ois 10ecaivine lu.> ta"le ep@ loogUal0 a Piue tee - yM%1cor a laaireu8ru&bohnOur peuple Vileuom" idltwerb*a~tM Ibirisit osmeeIgle viagebons est asirubleIiota to.vlIk p..ThM lu e - ép 8tsWO Tter A1 p1. On"ea k4 le, euwsi a euhla l'0 obu à,- bcred, ovem ectd, pump latIlIt L. se f ouis 1 0 uruat.Tb.m vHIl 9090 fiJV a mever on, Te o»u> p. ra allaI uIbmothet. Trtpm alami WrIaIt vt a Opeintsi h Me PFie Pm-MW. Dov lsousa msa"lui s. Amif ber Ca»e. m*Uipoiç. lut. Thom i ol wbO UlIam ew e- P.. Md. wmvas eo Impes oue use In order to make rôom t 0 the carpenters who I soon comhrn,0nçeto rrnfl Our mont, proiaratory - 'occupylhng anoiber roots,<ý we flnd It n.eeuary to re- duce stock. This can On1ywý be done qt1cktjy b bg- reduction lni prices *Moe we Intend to rnak, Th#&, wlll include -goode *O% almout al our Ihnewlï wiII be iabed-wtlai-" red tagrs wlth the r= prie. The, fbÔling la 4v*) lstof smre of the goodpu already lab.Ied wlth othem.i) to -follow: Figured Lawns, Batiste, Dim-, itiëe.riogular DrIcet 10 to ISC, noW 7 t6lIC. Mr«cerized Ohnghame-r*gz-î lar 18to 23e géode, at 18 and 18.c. Flgur.d -*Satines, 12to làt gradat, at 9 and 8c. Plain Satines, were 12C. now 8C. J1adiesl' Surniner Uniderwear.> r IIar 2&1 80 -and: 50e gar- mânth at 10 and 26Ç. Plusg-,t6baccos, standardt goodse: Ooid -.Coin, MKub, Paf*»I atie. Ax'ancU others. while th ey God oap, 10 bars for 25c. Come ne iand look forthe red tags they mcmii a savIng to yipu.\ - suemlaitthlb e ithms abot îecoveted, bul elUlhe bah6et Ché pe oua. fUr emm Iav. Anderson, proprios"or OShbémaon thor, devlop.d. aui &hol e vs. .e movei 10luethéPoo bosse. While_1 théue cassre tîpicalmallp gré iangeraously sIlk. Tv. nmaen lu 1149001180101 ai oevei carsbong talc oStIc patiets. Thé maisllpm z lufestica lela tu a ose ilicoty or iniIrectly Brbl o t thé gmaiE 8 volkteag up th. Pautansi pipe lino. COIJNCIL FPROibGEDINGS. village bonie m a flew.oomuçame im apossiblespt!aesasi fbi Po a the Village, aveucmel oOS brselieat Jitut.PM b onripreeea ncigpi . Atmr ihonisa o! theM~maler wus mouci by Haby «da00ieelà,is hi' T1'g1M1MM8 IlsPisslluntvith, the HeaiCI ComalIBe.bme mpoeermite btie vhmCvor saUce tuu «â"a -e0-00 eprqueir prouethé cVil, lassui fer catesOS Ibm Mti is"leel MOUn Im adjoummmi ftuAmu xm, Oark. ' l4lemvvua, JiW0, lm0. Bonid so la regis ani@"don vitI SuAi bori pree$ mtesepl Eàby. aimmitos9OS-0~oias"Mq1%, iu Kaise uni tlgb floc appoe raimi ruwi te *0assimmtte sUdl upol MOIStato Mreport a motou MW y vasa i lAg Salacem mmitail hoaccpti Md leg mel. ou resoitatiou OS l"mas amutIa 1580 $M0.00 b Islam fuom, Mbmogi. .sud Wright that mm ho adoptai. Vttrees bille prem mnli!nflu»"m refmerci 1goinmos oolllemMd lde msoeueoe, tr au bala. W. Dea. mm &ty l otRebutec on ill:t JoasKow 7 Se Menu 1uvrenoe -S 610. Swift 18 U H. Bryant 0 L a.èwmn . - ? Il.J.oulr 11 JuL.Tulor te m O]IL Obaroiila te. 0. W. Band te45m J. IL Peniai u eeo. A. Wuight coo.LTesso CM &oree us 3.y. Apple? te le Ma«x oir 1201 M.E Bores mc't KMi.OMaphol Be.- S ae on vakl t a I. Mhmltreataunvaik 110 i MMailla iihc= afi.BeiV.............te 0 G.. L Sbanet. sewrupipe ...........e& ai &*huacIBroue. . «.auoM ad ard. va»....c..................... 60 c0o. BoeSin. teala écri........ to a P. IL Jugg. PrintAassÀd mppflei...... uy M. Oolbr h&boa. moraothsao..5... vI h Kaiïtr ai Tulg Mis"- W. Du"iibuymla buttaici lhgonc sidevaltho -fla mtble atl meélien. ouffls.A mbm 10coige aSjoal vsu.pre. moim ai u d e*swar10 le sasecou. mittuM d i il"P asmwm a so "r»"igo0Â. KlicbUaM frpueh Niotsiby £&sr MW a srIei ht otnami N..18?hé~eia, realalmg uitéh of BiVaknit milvaulugAve. elube otr .0. Crrl. Mgov*d 17 TnilgaouiWrlIt Ibmm Pr"eliont ppolnled accastlsat 1011v.: ToimeWright aM ali Os motim flcaO SAB mi d Iea ld meeting vom adjouami. fim im.iclar. Oit a Tegger, Tour Dog. Mention rWussbqmm w u rci 10t stilv m ott dpsPeilIa ormift et "iw boalcrd megg. ThioW ltas *"Utcmoma 0 0 loaffli Wtul .- --4 * Ijbertvvllle f .. be** Dot Mn W. mnake the 014 o lm*k mie UrWa I - o >'oll'W orah poket. LIBERT TramveI i. piive;- ralIk [s CM*ep. -. hiyai:ome: let yeuwvoies taeigfor 'Y"u You iLl Hbe-la"oMsat tonoit entire-couuty and Ibo o!m1iy' yuL ýon. of' our 1uIopbýig. .uàa iaiminO , s"* £»r La~eItB SACRIFICE, -GENTS,) FURNISIIINGCS SALE. A: lot of 50 cent tecks and four-iu-haîîds, duringthis sale nt ....................... 25C A lot of 25 cent tecks, fuur-ian-handti and bOws, duriug'this sale. at............15 A lot of neglige. shirts, were 75e, $1.00 and $1.25, during this sale............ ..Soc Stiff busom .airts, $1.25 and *1.50 grades. ai ................................ $1.00 Boyýs' îegligee shirts, 40 and 150v, grad e, t<î close ........ ........ :..........30C Almo ai lot of 50c hickory work shirts, not shop worn or old stYle.......30C A laot of shirts,ý were 35c to î 5c, to close.. 25c ýThese iYrices for. a short, timei. only.' Si'IITII &DAVIS, Libery vi le - - Illinois. For 10 and 12f. saab gooda, bought front an over.uioked wholualar for whomith. hot seather Oamo too laie. New, 'up-to date pattr ln yard vide Percales, han., Flne Quality Lama, BallisMa Every yard of itlolawotb Libertyvilie