ei.te a ucrried vousu. bop$. umi 14 au .e4 lui. cbarlty. -Nashvllle The Gay Iol4le. Boy. 'Wislmoe@ To yn lockh80 gîce.> 11 0" dthe. corsral. *Ti's< uestocf aMrsvcctherts." aan- 'Lctb ristes e' grt 49U16 over, sut 00W 1 bave't more tssu 4« 4.sor su [cff."1 A 4mcoey. 9»dika. la.. Jaly ID.-Mr. A. li. -MV ofse ettiis place telle au lateet. abiory eisowlux bey14mkies ople mts !Sel&,fildlr beulth If l.>'will oily 60 »ftW by tho expertence of otbers. oit ala vm7 y i dcase cf Kidaey - 11fublc. vbilhs ffetted My uriUMi> qqp ait'00that 1Ihbcd te get up *vmr bilret ti.nlgbl. ieuidt » rlta Or MIae ad soir tee and limbe belan le mot up. My velgbt vas quleki> mlgdowu. *Mfer 1 haut trird ic.>' nytinglu fcMýI began te us Dedd'a Kldpey 1011111.1a a dmig vhlc bel' e ureut mm~ othsciver>' bed éues. ¶kle nremedy ban dcue vondem'.for Mie, 1baealneu elgst pouadulua somthe. The bIot basl ail gone «tY fot andi legs, andt 1 dot llm e lmgeop et igbf. 1Ito tu ll tbffl te». boxes before 1 vas ail . isse.vbo smiter nas dldUr. Grp Mte male une uistake Iu taklsug Iedd's Kiineg Pille, for thpy resa sure, utite u4" Permanent îiîre for cil Kldney ad ?4&99" or liez. 3Se.run -lia Yen leliev ilu ceconut W«dÏ'rlr-Ye,.. Alil wonen bave it. WemIejy-iît. Illvrry fins, o00e au pase ei.ther on thec strpet ther lotis t Pi, I, gt asceconud iglit dai' vIt CASTORUA uB the. '1btu .,rh 1,r seliltin lx ad.*" "Weli, ..'ttioilîîuuktffl uaeof il. On liseur lu.,,. ,f valise*,,!w t.l,,e-eît ranlu asibnti a*th.u. ix;tir' .. i apeint- ad et uri An& Tou r I)esivr f., Alleu,@ Font ZBe, A pevutr t tnlukm lto roor shoca. Il Red"thl,, fi-ut. t'arcs C.,roe. Run'uons. MWentiiir f-rt uaI iî,growing Naill. AIca'. l,',t D Ei- umaluen xew or rîchi ale.. eney. %l,i.1L ta cl driiiits enu ou coee. 2.7.. Siple alîrd IRES. .*ddsets IlienCt fl. le RI.IOY, N. Y. 1fàBsre- e i ri,-dot htl.inu miai-în.. in talio,? * ulîu.,u---..l.Id 555 70sf es go<d. Bis wil!" %,'te o rt fê"fv tvu6aud italns frealy. 1 rae.sot Sprnocie Lîs Cure e0000gb fer te voaderx *s bae vorlue,]lu curng me. -AL fi. ONe.. 220 olive etreet, Nt. UraiîluY min oughltau eigb au aduti- licoal [lirc potuids for every loch in heighf legeoutelty-i)IIe liche. et whlch height Iel oighl si, wiglu 120 puaude. 11ilb. iesuuent luaftho goverusmeott psladsgoac~ e .4.0. fin. Lauwa L -Bar.u. WuUII .tjm D.G Ç, Ladins Ajxilhry to Wp,$iM Paut, NO.4, 9L A. P, u~.cdo Lydia E. PluchWa " 1la diseuses hbat Uoee a, lcomen oui', ,m a nul.. thceduxefor le calîcti lu, corne. tlm several tiactora, but till matIons gs ro ad to vorse; but I bave muer kWUas.na aCase ot temale veak- Omwhich wa ont bol7ed vhîu E. s nPlukluam'a egetable Qmo unt vasued tailhtally. For w omea vho are sabject le bbe,,lisekacho. Irregular or pain- fui perlouts, sud nervous attaeka due tu b. Savere train- on the system b>' --à galetrouble, anu rom omeb Urrds.ed rel inte inot trylng of 1~life, il serves tg correct every 'eand restore a healthyr action et &Ui ergama of the body. a LydiIa E.Plnk4îom'uVegoetable Casupaunt la a ho'isehoid reliance Wa homç.'asnd 1 would not lucvîi- t Ilaailmye perleuce vîth. Iis suedicine. %which côvere yeae, Ihave luout nothiug -b equalit anut ai- aymcmend l.- n.LAugÂtL Du.aar'07 lti.&St.. N. E., Wpah. "seih tatlmnoy should ble ae-, ~uV.dbyawolneit as coavlne. ~W.~4We~m isaIL$dta - n. *U~Ausvogetabic Compouand e al w&bot a paon as a Peuh- dVrauIbo dkedaMug Miof0 &WESTERN CANADA se *~ ~fL1' 't- 4'-. c, t' ThWhct-I'.r this relief, mach thauka Z BAPTIMIT CONVENTION OPENKO. Voeums Pepvic'cDeleuates W.iomed ln ALiajâLs. Withhan attentdaCd etîmateut Kt 5.000 amidçclsgtasrepresesitngslaiost eveny sccti ofet fheUited States andi Canada. Vs'e tlrteentb mannuel convention oft fhe lzrtefnsaaBpîtis Yourg 1'eople's Union uasecalied tot.order* ln Atlanta. 'Oi.. Tbum sy fer a itour dsya'session ,by President John'Il. Chepinan of Chi- cage. 'Te opening session of the cou- Vaesri auseprecedeut by a fraise service wblch vas led by a grand chorus cf 600 voscce. Delegate. eft he nonreltien vrere vol-1 cmeu by Goi'. J: M. Terrelilu Incbhai! of the Pate: Mayor 1E. P. HeeteIl. lu br- haIt of Atlants, cund ex-G»or, W. J. Nortiieru, inte-haIt et the Gergia B. Y. P. U. »Mary W. Hunt. preeldeut et the Demonîcu.University,. Granville, Ohid, ro- . wqumop Tii. noteil Italien preelillouer vbo at- Lindeu Pcp" Lee la luis lent lîlneis. spoudeu tei.the autdt-ess etelceeu ie-W helt cf the hoard of managera ofthlui- ternattional union. The morning cession of lb. couvreullon vas i dvoted principal- l7 te Lb. sppoiuLments et varins cou- mittees andt generai routine voru anti organisation of the orgenisationi bodiy. At the atternoun session Spencer B. Meesr. D. D).. pa»ten ut the Woodward Avenue Baptlet Churcb cf Detroit. Micis.. spokr ont*'The (Cai te durvie,."' An address on "The Motives fer 8erviccO' von deiveneti by the Iter. W. T. Stacrk- bouse, suponintendeut et the Baptiat mimions. Winnipe'g;.Mnnifaha. ,State provincial andt territornial meetings werc helut by the differeuut organizalions uturing thse atternoon. At Akron, Ohmn. the national covea- tien cf lb. Young lepleChristian Union openeut Wuduccday uighît. con, liane t on a veek. -GIRL KILLEQ IN BIO1 Retel Mllmen, the I5-Yetr-oid. dciii vu, ameug hoee who met dcath whez currondeu the Uicali bere. CEN. CL.AY OF UNSOUNO MINO. Uffgge t-WhiL.iait" WiII Have s Gurdia. , omaîttei. b3efor. e Jury et Richmoud, Kn., tIen. caseins M. Clay, the "Sage o! WNhlte- bail," vas adjuilgeti of unsuand mmid and 1 a coamitte vililuaappointed tota tke charge et sud entrol bue propert7. The gsa"l vas nt presanft, anut iluavit. ucre SIed l'y tue locai liymcii-.a, bc dacWsi t vs. umsefr hlmte bc bro te .cou. M esIf vasnle;àtte Oea. Clay that he hba. sAjsdwiàalumato e dt NEGRO TO HIAVE FAIR TRIAI. Gev. DurciL. ais. PIso te tais. Brown tes Mvanovillm. Gev. Dnnbin cf Indiana, opon lesuing that Judge Raseh haut ondereu theb.negro l.-ee Brown brought booku to Evaeville ton imnmédiat e trial, uireut Judge Ranchs thaf ho voulu t'fallov tbe prisor te lu taken tram ic heStale instit ution ut tii, Ilfce lie deubteut if' àtain trial coeld ho Býudeat ti tie hensd under tic conditions it voulu t uteedangarous fer the prioner t, lu taken faBrvans- ville. Juutgé Rach, . mmedlately on receipf of the Govenor'e ovuer, vireut Shériff Krctz tf0 retoru sithool fthe prisoni<r: Ho eSld the trial voulut lu indefluitely pomtsped. lu bis telegrea to Juutge 'Rach. Gevr. Durbia eey.: "Iddlne Le sanct ionn arrangeuMn whereby the. negro Lee Brown, le te bc Immeialaely trieut et Evuncilîle uder the mnilitary fore" oftIhe State. My lu- formation obtaîneut tramm euicay cfienu of thc State retormaf or> la Ibal the prie oncrje euffing frout evere and possi hI> ftal Igareliat vounde. ileever leinous the crime or eeamîngly clear the goilt, ho le enîtdeu under the mort uetou ton-ta ot aur Jurisprudence te s hecrlag, whIlch becunnot have lu the very uature Of thingc ouftil ho lae ffcuiently reovereut te make a ueense if ho bas eue." NEGROES SOLO INTO SLAVERY. ForerMaEtrhailTelle IHow H. Doliv- etra oSnls avionslutis Pennag. Hov negroes are coId luto slsvery in Alabama vas bought cul at Montanus- cr7, AIe., lu the trial ot Fletcher Tcumr ou the charge of holding Glennie Relme i a condition of pennage. J. P. Dunbar, a former nlght marchi et Goutwater, where Hela&s au ether1 negro.. haut befta srsetet.salutthat et- ter they bcd beeu Iieut;; su d u.uti it lhom touifier wtis noxesasd tobk thoua te Ladrille, henm e M t flo Tur- ner fer $40. He salut be made $8S on the. transact ion. Toruela checks for $M0 va prodocout lu court. Dumlug the trial t vas atiouly th court recorde Liat Helmé'finelied beaun pelt, and fluet ne Impisourpent hat b.. imposeut ou hlm, but tht batd Dot pro- vonfeel hlm front bcbng aid loto hondage. lunflhe crose-exaaiuaflon ci Dunbar a tatement vas produceut vhîcbheohaut madie f0 the district attorney lu vhlc hoh net ouly rantredîrteut part et bis ovn u.e timony, but that cf many et the govean- meut«c vitiiesses..ÀA bIter vas attacueu te Uic statement Le ftue district attorneyt In w.'bch he (Dunbar) practlcally effereut hie cet-vices fa the govermnuent. L. E. White et Columbus,(la., ltIt- lied that ho haut beau esuployeut by Helxa' tather ta porchoeehie sona re.* lecce, vhlch hediti tonr$4. Turner aer- eeptlng the monay. Dore Johnson, onea of the necroes belut by Turner, teetifleu t thaI i hé autceeu Helmm boston vltha stick as lange as e breom bandie. CHURCH AND CLBROY. Geor ge J. Ramney, peesid ent of Kinge Coilege, s Presbytertsu institution or Bristol, Tetàx,, ibas r.clgeed The Rev. Dr. Parkburet elle W. 9. Devemy "BiUuy'" s4 sake hlm te quit Tamcuy saut Jobie f.eiotm. utd 0emr Ts iSMI4 la lra et tise. tu, hkii= ; U1 ulàem*qbt'os &e eue zW«ý i , Thé w*ÎkÀoo JXy.O'vwaethe mm favaoable o " on. giil a mg and niteaceef ht lu cil 4isîrlcta cm of tbhe mnetutans. Droutu1 the Mtno rtiieWO 01 t f he sprintg vhs re gio o bon lelved, but uqed rna-lebiglaul d Wbc eitthe b i Valley, portion& .f lhe central gulf utile sud tu weetpg 1rai* lu the Central lm on the nooth PSe* Coast Il bas bomnli «Mol, front M«s erIe e maglug, * currini rehm le Je]7 Jola inldabÀ Wyoing uds>g o Under the. v> favorble lemperatu conditions ctuufiâsmade reput advenu .'ment lu *.o=vally a" dnlam grestly lprco4 soeraly vell ei vat@d& la 1kg peotiiera portion cf th middle Attaede ta.Ii lu e uppec Ohi Valley, Ishe .01.4 sMd the.Dahotas ih Crop coathim tkgobvskbut le lapboi Dug though cogmeulflvatlen lunmal perte cf tii... df8tret in uthe scuther, Staes, cralà, landr ylaid by, au un anL'y fUnes "Piboint practleall am auted la the veUi . trcs Harvestlog tE -*kgr wheat bat .pst giesseuti Sertaomble conditions a» le geanlag e& d m a portions of th central distrle4 $brashing 1la sec k general propie, ; *»leids llghthr thei acticipateitlu la aftir *Ildistrlts. Wl ter that leab*oV lpeslng othe nct PacifieC oat 1kg np belag practiusl $aie lu Waebago. Higb viade anw exessive best b.vn U .ud lnjtufy ila Os ifornia lu nom' sctione, bot excellon Yi"deams iepeèti trou thcsouthev part of the 814 Barly epflagýhet bas oustaiued pet anent injuy k petions of North De kcta sauxt nerthsMinnescta gros dreoutl i, lk sa.biean broken by abus dent rainas *at ote cf great benefit b Uic lots erope.la acuthera Klnnesot and parts cf 8.11h lDakota lodglag am rutam r repcrted la Wisconeln, Iowa Nebraska andt Karuand on the Dort] Pacifie Coast the trop le progreslng mat ltsctcrfly. Sprint wheat le nov beadiai lu the bDake as. Theocutlcok fer.tata lu Minnesota an4 Boutb Ikkoti le lmprovlag and the crc continues geneiaUr promlslug ln th! Stastes cf tLb. Mjaul and upper Mlf1u cîppi valicys. A lsttr&op. hovever, I indicatet la 1h.Ohio valley and pcî dions cf lIllinois andtacuthero Missour. Cotfcn lis ide rapid grovrti throughout the. cot.belt. aunluuproye ment belng th&"vue~f districts. tke~m Porta trots the. Careuluan d Georgla In dlcstiug thc mebt decideut advancemeul Wet veathet hin,. bever. beau uni av crable la portiénuet f Lululiansd Tex- u, vhere thectrop le graesy, belng- quit fontIlun nrtiieru Teaes, ln whlcb Statf bell weevil are causaiat damage and Cou tinue tu Incresse. In the mont important lobatco States fobaceo bas aide Smnegmowth. the Cou. dition, cf théecrop beina e-ery promislag, cxcePt Ilutoouistem Ohio, uhere rutn la needed, andt lu Pennsylvania, viore slow growth le reported. Clutting end caning goutluue lu the. Caroline. The outlook for apples eppeare to y. somnewbot mort proiiing lu the Ohio Valley and portions, ct the middle Atlan- tic States, sud fair te tond creps ase lndîcatet la Michigan, Tennessee uni leva. Poo r orpecté are reporeut trou Arkansas, Misecri, Illinois andt West Virginie. and lu New York the aut4ec le les.-favorable. l I Meos au lprMississippi vleyu du excellent erop ot hay le bains seurcut andt further 'Improvement lu the condition cf tbe trop le reportent trou New Euglsnd and the middlIe Atlantic States. ln the Isef-camet district, boev *Ver. sud in Minasoté haylug bas beau retardet by relue, whlcb causeut noms damage la Penusylvoula sud Marylaud. GIRLS IN WHEAT FIFLDS. Thoer Don Ovaemle or Shevt Shrt. nsand Bav. ma.î va tCvo.. Tie voînen of Kansas are maving maay a, big uheet crop the» . dys., Eucugh men te do tbe yack it lis been ImpoWable to obtuin, ad lu sonne Instance» wbere the men have beau recclvlng $2,50 s day they bave demanded $8. This Jater figure acooms te the ftimer. beyond cea- sou. andt they bave letot cmen to. Here la where the voemet have corne te the recrue. A good atrcuil girl la jou a s effective a labon machine au the aver- are man w.ho lire, la thé City or town sud eniY termes it whls the. crops are being barveetet. So tarmer%- girl&, sud townfolke' girls, foo, bave donned short skirts cr overalle snd preconted thUem- selves on the labor market, tempted by Uic bigh wsges offered. Forty or mare girls lu Saline ulone, eomprehendlug the situation, volunteered for vork, and as arecuit soute fields neer thalt'aown h.ad us mauy vofuen as -men -orlug. itn ftwfl r 0 loge brout. belng home on i elr smmer vacations trom the Slate University. It là Bate tc se&Yfiiat they vili roquire no, aitIAcal lanalag prepgatbcu fcr their emplexlons la order te prove thgt they have been ln the oponair. The point willi Anem.et thexa in, viii Ley ever get -wbite again? 4 . ri Prealdeut Harper bat gene te Europe aut Mr. Rocketeller cau take the steel bracec off bis icg for avblo. There le certainly roem tcf au luven- tor Whcotrill clothe mea la garmente as cool as thoeethie womeu vean. If It haut been gîun Cotton wltb whlch thc cotton cpeculators vene tooling the *esultz eould not have basa -much more poinfnl.; Thet gloye-eoutrect seautel le seme- tltag* te b -hendcut without floes. Another différence betwven Evansville and Breethiti ('ounty in tbet lu Breathitt Coty ouly one Vernon leaueually killet et a time. Tlrcd, Mer,.,, Acbk, Treoibling, Sbe 1plS, BdI les- Pceruna f Renovates, Regulates, Restore - ManY P*tuinent Womea Endorme Pe.ru.na. .MlgaICA à@the.tend et des-vous wosne are se bécanes the4 aeafrlgtrou soeforecf feue covsry. Pemsais trouble la su comme.. mrm. Rma Mitchell M 0Loulelanauso revaIent, tbat theZ sccePt It 98AskI etreef. Indiaapolisc , dvrt.a: mm î.evitat. The greateet obstacle 'l'amui bas cerlainly heiu e bl«eslg u inte wy lof reccvery le thst thay do lu diguise. te mne, for *heu 1 firet boenDoct underctanut that it laecataryli whlch tskLug t.tcr troubles peculier te th a t e s borceetofLelr lllneec. lu tomate and e genierally voru eut cystets, 1 iedau comlat, nintynlu cites out of out 1111e taith. bunrod are uolblag but ettsrnbi. Po- piaf ive Ihaveruaecures cataili vheraven lecateut. 4%r be int ireYUA»1 h O bCrenlo invalideavlic have lsnguletsod Mwr bSea withouf Polir, but J%. for rerrs on mlck be4i vith eome fora, rusahas haawd ., ~M, adinet juaee diteccqbegin t.elmIPuvcae Mas u cangd al iisan on e atter begfuqlug Dr. ansu' a Vary short dome.1I hink IhAd treelment. Ont oaiq t» obottin. hbft J Among the mca? premlnent vcacn à«». f0 wupmiwo wry *i, .,,,h,,reSeoned remuai sre;-BelvA Lckood. et Wasbluto. D. C.; Mrs. Mad AIMen h!UbIS Mg* Ma-WU&LCol. UHamilton. et Columbus, 0hio; Mms I db Dothasta h.adgrhé op hack. F. B. Warren, vite cf U. 8. Benwtor 41w 40jaMow aad haM'o MIsueaWrreu, cf Wyoming. MMe« a ie.aieam - Ifyen de Dot derlive prompt rd cati- 1 W* a cr ggfectory recuit. trou the use 0 e rme, rUua. "--Emnia MlthbeUfoul tatemeDt et yeur ca , aud ho ivi b.h pleaie4 te gîva yen bis valuab. adt- B yta fe g reetest number et femiale vice gratis. troubles are csuseut directly by catarrh. -Address Dr. Hartmau, Presîdeut cf Thyare cstenrh cf tb. orgaa utula l The' Hartmaa Sanitarlua, Columblu, -ffecte. Thes omeen deipair of re- Ohio. Sale 10,000,090 Boxes a. Year. .If he knowrs of any bcttr la.- a tV. and stomach reanedy than SYrup Pepsin If he is fot prescribing it In his practice, he knows what it is, and if he -eis honcst, he rwillsatisfyyou and us with bis repty -to yout question., s flot sold inbu1k, but ali drug- gists sell k in 50cand $1.00 boules and'ref und your money if ydu re- ce;ve nebenefit.--Fatrisn't it? 2". tbve.. D.. Sayonab. Tenu.. wrIle scder dais et ,l. -x A" M« 054De. Caldwelli'a Sirp Peiala.ibob us fr wn fanifly ain MY PracI165auanunbesliatitigl4 *tatas ibas 1 bave go% biter bush. trouz thin BIM osha tformof pOpulo I bav" iled. I Dr. T. Jou et cO"ol1Mo, wutLes nde, C . fOL.MUlm:5W bave useelSYMu for roma Ume snd fihid i l Ia mt exceliUmt leasnd ht la one of ibe grattast mi SIROP F LM.tIms.sIL Morley mall 0 l ooka. "Lt otten pays ta hang arouud old cer'and-hand boai sp,*" cnld a man who thinke lie hasnt any fado, te-ýa -Dtrolt Free Preise man. 11 neyer go pat a plie of books, however withotit lookLung thern over. "The -othe r day 1 came acrosa aid plece of a 1>ok-old hlatory of the West wbleliî ad In It a goodoteel engraving of «t llontIng snuvmll.oti the Mississiippi river. The tattered, dusty fraguîeAt cost OW 15 eceiuts au& 1 aold It to a man ln the East, who le col- lectlng pite of aid chipe and ailiwids of BastIng erft. for $1. 1t vasl Worth Agi Drestp1 psint ff haïrils Irlescul o ubi dai% devmoh ae s a a lzrritto ichlua tuas th. batir oIlemb, lesina auppllas etis. 10W flt aoament Msd mmmo$0 upelLa beveel, wbole.om%, vhe eu l».1.talla 11illIlons et vou"un ueo taram Ba sudesi 1, Og meut.tbeeufft"sks ,gu purttyng aba" "mulgg t .leanlg lb. scaospf orac dandrufl. sud Utis - sawg ibttuo, or t 'eaku*reaes, mai y oem0d tooU w udS volt.*0 at ORt4g pute oeTUtoost d sae bardýL rubosj, nit ta C lad Mdluisla boudM sude ofty I b e e mellna Mfleieu. le dm lu tise [T~ I T~mw ~ Imr 11.41 tum n to hui. aad he-wau'gfr* te. psy Il. "Tbeu, on ainothar occùbou,tmuilag oven weevelp' 100b vorn .14 bomkse ' tcoud the od faxuily Bible et a mas. I beard -et la Washington City. -A comploee record cf bis faily for ajv oral generaticus veazou the midis pagec ftheoold book. Iboushtitfor 25 cents. urote le the gentleumn and effereti Ilt 10 lm ai hlm ova price. H. ai oce.-enut me $5 for tbe .14 Bible., "Of couiîe flis. quoem andtinlteret lag vinuttalla don't comae ovi>' day; but, as Vve. aid. fipayesuc-ver 10. pau in ld-bopk etali vlItiout lave. îlgcîlng. Every o14 book. hevever torm or ealled, le vorti eouethlng le comieboi> If the dlecerning mliddle- man oui> buppeus &long." THIi SiMouau isPlaoe., Tue mou were jisecnesing thcefMende s of thoîr boyhoôd. anti lu the coursejs et the conversation mentioneti Ou_. 014l sellsLniàe hdWo li ee catii.pas. ' aemsr of a mont anfertunat, utîmpeal-t Une. - "'I vonder vhal became of b1m.'", saoitioe eman. sI lvy eemeu te me that Il wouldnt lb.passile for hlm la gel cny enjoyacat out of lIte or. Sund any. »s ortaiwerk titaltti -T hlm."' "«H, bai&." said lte o ber man. --l iaw hhm out West lest yesr, and lie bas a job thal salt le lx ta a T. IUe'm station-mneler la a place wluerèKflera - are tort> trains a day conilng anti go. lng. andi lie seeasu>omebddy misa ever>' one ot thetn." irai-s Or OHIOCii- .ToLnt "n'lor tseuer o .f ea 0fty. J. Cai]ra Ca. dlibusiness lanLthe Ca e Taecds, ouunty sud 10E foalut. saudt e Fii tbe eua of ONE UUNIiIDo] forii sc ausvy e of catanr 1iti ba o»Dal Le oet by0h9iee HLLÀae CAS ua. 5IAKJ. CBEIIEY. Ivo ... b . s miLd subs beuf bi pua- exi ues hday ettfeeaber. A. D. 1Ud HesCatwhluCure t.leu en ual*ly. sud a&s iieUOntheuusbisod saut muos e urtasset e - F. j. CHETà&C.. Toa o. Rils FtamilylirIs ans tbhebbut. lu ohipbuildlng. Ponneylvaula stands iii firit anti Xcv Yonk second, visile Cali- tornie le a good third. Habit le the deepestlt, hmnflai__ nature.-Carlyle. D NEUVE WORN KIDNEYS. voswe Kiaey pins bb mae freedosa fesa ýLmd.l. 4b Dey troOlie possible. l uscys th"a brifga abrt May dgbop$ te d.... I. Rip, basbt. sud loin"toi limbea ad dropay dm an J.ot. cr.'. L-MssP. 0...... 1. W. AU . '1L511 . AM". -1- jj%-7ýý 25ý.6 m.. BEST boi» Md badW hwt- lp vu framur4d-md ho rooovamd be wu la ho oouid