Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Sep 1903, p. 2

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an RIDE op 2,000 MILES. GOVERNMiiNt. p4OU$tPs44CE TEST FOR tà&N A"0 fORBES. bid ianeeasa w«e Polit liri, ________ Ilii.. D$,$ AfieL lugOklaa odeijl, !YeamuLodi pouadýOflara.. WILL lt.KM IH IUI1>LIf. <tý -roui Traekl-Ilrder upctelà. Cunldated LakqsR euperlor Coupausv BIst Dawea. ai Ayouungmatn u'ho nul cocusc2.00 Pouimng lthe uicorne of rthelijusncil i qntl' on oieback arrived lun Newburgb, dimfcilties ln wlienb the Consolidaed < N .,thse other nighi. lié i Willia", Laite Superoe Comupanmy t rSutle ts. < Ilavies menuier of tlleit' Eîm 'ni lted Marte. MIdib., la îmw involved Preoident i 8ttteavalry. siud bimi bin travelient Shields basluiic ordero teiuîorarily jcuathe counttry onuHa [et ride. The to close down il ofu the operationsa of goveragnent la ukll a nuilber ut test elle touplatiy. exciipt the street railway ride.Davin sud clscru nttger menuberas ysteni ou boUmà aides of the river, the 8 ofth <h ligbth c<vîlry lft Okîlhoma forry s.uîeru ando the Tagoan L1ight snd .thlrty-uiube dss lef<re, bouiîl fr Went lotier Coîmpulany of rite Cummadiail S00. Point. Ttuey hadl relayei of lioroemlevery Tihis miltexigetak. i luatiamutteîîed. be-81 dIlrty miles. Tbey were allowel ta et l « eliei fonids f the coumplaiY are ex-' sud leep a-heu they ikel, telleobjsct tî an td 't r. tShieldls dues înot want l'eing ouly 10 mee how î1îiekly tliey colmtd Z,>i <<cr tfartier liaiiiititis iutil il Ila1 ,each W1ear Point. Of thei tîvuCv lDevis <<i i,,iwiie re fliooey witl wîîiltu10le vas thé firt tiirt-sdili h i ulctiiit on. Da- n««et ricinle cî<umig froni. lîmtsmul ilsCI vie je lglter Iliuivlii- otlt- is-bu <tire tie couîtaul operatiomumonulthe .iumri- e amukiaig the trip. iiid whli'î lie ,tiirteul ontIclau sie are coitifiiii t elle tretet rail- y lie tient with ai rush. The reit*vas way snu ile power bonse tort-e, the order in iler lis ledil atthe' way i li tt "il <will îunt iîiaîerially affect ellic Auerican ' place he bat ils Piik ,, etl<e p<rtui. 5 , oulu the ('Adiiî on u.nbowever, rte O tbis belped lbien. flica hi' trteil Da- effect on businrss iiîul te - exteusive. e vii weoged 187 puud.u.and, elienotger '#he toetl uamtier ut umen itl.iosuof u igbt hla weiglt %,am tls Poundiu.lie *ia «,plofu,,t euth3.0 Train service uver l ,tired. 'but lîsppy. sud thuiks bch brok- th, À ...m Central Itaîtrcad. uwiug tuii en'the recueid. The igovt'raniet-uit 53 tO the cessatioun<f work ini the swoul'. il test the tiiimofm o u n sdlhome ein the be reuhucei o oue traiu lier wile4. The t lotig ride. whiehi 1a aiid ta blie s uggea-tIleiaod Grâce nminesai icat ioen tion ofthlIe new etulef of staff. 3.-cmlu on mw lilmGertueuk nickel mine nt Sudbîry. f'i e iîulra flABU hALL SCORiE&lu staff ut the eoinpauîy wlti burediiced fromu niîiety tb fiflecu men. luadnsg otth-ise i-uslu Bisg Lsagaa ___.__ rtGamaes. F OMM BIG GRCCEIIY TtiYST. P The club lu the Nationat Leagiie Are standing thun. Chicagu.anus lergs Ouisoswheiesale . t.W. iL. Munie. ailSeek Otthera. Plttsbutrg qe)i*<47 Brookyn .... 1ilS Cd4 Nht isregardeil â4 nue of the final Mev York. 2. Z54 ltç>s%;n *-. . 7 79 pltinsln tlle direction ut uîcrgimig the Chicago . 5 55 Ihihqide1plia. .47 87) îîoineut grcery tbouses lu Ohiho bo a Cincinoamti . .72 Wi 4t. tonimu . 92 been toi-,en tiugl the incorporation lu h -New Jersey uf rie Ohio Grecery Com-B Folloumlug kll Ie staninîg <f the clubs Party, witb a capiltat of $1L250.000. of e lu tle Americatu leagiieu wich $5.000.000 la 6 per eent cuînmla- h 1 W. L. %V. L. tire preferredi stock,_. Tite iit-rporgtqrsa Biouton .... 97 -I-i t. l Ai Uî 67 are Lewis Bl. Ual>. Joseph Mlitchielanda ýClevesud . .. 74 09) etriit .-12 ii B. B. Lewis. The prinicpal pruutoters n ]Phiiadellulaâ.(iD 5il thit-ag ... e 73 are F. C. sud M. N. Letts ut Chilcago o Nev York.. AZ) (;0 Waehiugtou.. 4280 aud George Rond>- of Granit Rspids. r Midi. le ie ctsimed the contiutioni wilt VAITU.L GIVE DIMWIE 02,000.imuelde more titsn 25 per cent ut the OhioIN -wholeale irais. Thec prumgoters sas> they e keasi te Be tIssi l nInvsaion or Gatis' !IlI .oonameet Indiana wholesale grocers, d am Cllected lu Baresa. optionis on wlmse stock hare been aer- l Fafflsf .1massiers ot John Alexauder ed, aud merge frout sihteen eo eighteen Dioge'a Bock have cotrilute $20t100 grocer>- compaules. Illiuois wîîî Ilen b. t» nid Ziotis army ofutp-eerin lia lu- entte-il sud Inter New York. Eventually t-sil.onfu wickeul New York. The eiet t id plsuued thal the bigy compaulea lu slselîerd of the fieldl tood ou the plat- Ohio, iudisn&.IlîlinoKIowtas, Mchigan c foruin mn Zioa Citys tabern'macle rtue otier and Catiada shall be mergte. The offices e aiglsi sud urged his tullowerï lu ive. ot the cornpan>- will lie iii Tuledo. P lise tle tl.iving witli a check fr $ and then cMn sud bil» felIlu a ehewer CHICAGOAN TRIESa TO KILL WIWF l lgno a barrel whieh touil aifi YawuiugT mouth as a contribuion box. The as-m> re.. ChaslealRellis Gratin Revelver o of 2,000 aldiers ut aalvatioiiengin will M 5un3 58ved ieu Lte.h »tot agwar t rIgeerteGuitham. M. .Charles Rolluns hbegra on hercf atarIeaat'ardlu rcfeneuiteright rhumbl a scar tat tells ut s close G<IIL ERuTALLY 1MUtEIIX cunl itmebhad ln Battle Creek, Midi. She -- ina sproteésonal ourse, sud lias mde ber Mnutilatod Body et olive Rail Tisuown home tlere siucee leviîmgý lier bîbustod. suuck*us .utiCev-la.ud. a Chicago barber, four yeasnsasgo. Rot- f Th mutilatei body- ot Mimes Olive lIn wanted lier tai rejoilubhem, but abce lisyl. 22 yere ol, ws" foîuil 1>-lasrsfused. le went tb the hote outilssi acrosa the Lakte Shore Milwsy trrck et Ametta Blakel>, wbere bis -wite waxa the otrance o«JGordon P'ark. Clevelaud. worklng as As nurse, sud witbouî s wordy lt wss ati fist supposeil ritl:Mise Rayl et wamulug tricil en, shoot ber. Beforea b.d heua killeil b> a train. bttlutter th ho coule[ ire shle grahbed the revolvrer aud police tateul hat au iiuve.igatiou devel- tha hammer came down op lber îlîumb. <ipesd tht the girl lied bien aurdered sud 'Ciis5SssuBiiDuael the body placuil-iu elie track, wairora Irlu îb. fivoe-stouily elephoe uIl traincrtut lu ntwo. Miss Rayl lived wtb ieiltuô"or ééhnebid lier brailler, Dr. W. . RaIUd, st Gen at tluth sud Wyandottestreets, Kan- f vill, asulurl. Su wn liudiiue sud aCity, urned up cumpletel>- ail th. vile.a *abrit .1sewa hadaaieorl tibo ardasud damaged the maiu awltch- t highl>- reapecte. huard, sa tbst for ntitnat thirt>' laya. i Fait luB.ld Raid, sud prohably fotuwo or three moutha. Two bandits made s darlus attemplt W thore walîl le nu télephone asertlcs lt the lotI au express car on the. Michigans business ditrict sud nu toit or long-dia- Central Reiiroad, =5000 lu t-so infus tance service botweeu Kansas Cilty sudP belg thse bout>' couglit. William Gýapgl- su> outaide town for %be slagae egili ut ren, 382 North Aeland avenue, whobu s ime. misakeu fMr thse meeîier, but wbo ain Isa itaàlt Wrscta Dneae. really s deliver>- exlressimmi. wax teaten The houslatiff1( 1(51Mctire int ucouachouauees. Thstelie bll plan. Morton, bal.. oecVuiieil by. the Liiealiel -ariicla emls'aeed tlle îîymsiitiug o! the sud Crabtree famiities, was psrtly de- entes arble the trasim ,iold lie apeedlng slroyed by agi explionm ut uatîral gs@. out o Chicago, faite<l'uns cdie 4othue Mr&. watt terrilt> bured facetlignetele thuya riatt4tmitt1eillte wrtuug sud probly t-fataîlly i.jued. -Ori Crab- so.iti. trte. 46 years otd. imso aras tatalty baru- erd. Mes. William Craltrep..luneter of Wlre D'e, Doub;lse ervie. ele cbldren, .aras birned lit ueffort lu An innovactuion lt<teliii. ofirulrosd paye tues. tulcyraîlu ervie belieut imîmt l ie oi the New YoitVentral Jtuitruiid. lia- Ne Furvl ves 20,000 Viilta ta-eo Ltiensusid Aftuanmy.tR menut .Auelectric curreut ot 20X)00 volts the appareilla s imgle wire eaumli l silppsed tbrOtu'glm Josephm Maricoul ai Spierc tur telekraph audl tefcjitmiume mesossesai a lls511. N. Y., but be lives. lîle man fellI the dame ime. sitainstlau aires, he points ut contact1 bétail;t the bond and ou tbe îip. Ho T. @peand f$hl.OO.00h5. arma kucked uncousclu nsd aras badly - Accordine fIo a 1îîbigbcd 'tory.t. j1 ). lirued wliere th. carrent otereil sud Weeclefeller, umm4iuaeixpii.miumc 1w- left bhum, but utthgcwise shows u, 11 tweeso $W,0,pOO15> umand*Sî la5.t thefl effectms-___ doanloan part f Cleveclandut ittîltuthe- Capar CimaiigeoPoiley. next fuar >esva initheue <ri-t iu ut ixteeu The Minnemsta compan>' Ihat reinaur- atys*craper office buiitiuigm. milthe limîmimoferuteti.Norlbarenteru Lite Mouilait en Hld UpTrain. sd Mriageaout baidroppedelIe Ion- flamieil es hulil 19 Tain. sesegld boud outhe-bslstter andlsaillat- Four maaked luen bl-d up a Burling- iîied a spécific annuel dlyideud pollcy. ton pamseuger train mit-r ltI- Josephi, Mo.. The iueîrauce tsrs ot Minnesoa are hIe-w open elue expreui site. and are "nid trong sud <ta compsuies cunservatire. tei have aecured troug $5.000 lu $10.000. Noue ut the PA1-.cugirs wax molueielDuna'. Revlaw ni R. G. l>îî & Co.'a retiew utf Chicagu TInse L.miat Expire@.,sud gêersai trade Aays IellouI>- disquiel The Pa>iua Eiimsl treity hi. deuil. the ltôt-li e rek wusedîe lu teas- of trunt. time.Magie for raiicution iuilviumg expired. hut the tilury urus onîly tempos-ar>' sud A n.w proposaI oim ivsi'd liyWaeltins- Pice rensiued tKurte. l'ewer labor tua saud s deoa> of aei î-r <r.thonugt toitroubles are citeddea u ecouragiog tes- be certain. ture. Crtis let Foua Cimmlt. Breaks Record for Rables. Curtis Jett bas hlutt-ufoundilguilir utf .ifter aufferus aill the tortures ut bIl the digitel ot Marual T'rîru*asCoctrelt iropliia for sa et and exlubting cui- ef Jockaon, Ky'.sid aeiteiieid lu dcsti. uiiiatkable avmlutomus ofthlim disosse Tuomas Flynnminsdeal lit a- New York T.e Rcbhers Are 8hot. iospitat. He never boit lieq btten b>- On. rotiber ws atmîsly wsuuded and s doit. The dutiruA ay lis"i hie fint adother ln beliered litihaveéhten imjujred ,csie outhe-bskisd orecorid. atiser vices libatimair Icis rqi'shiahlitv, the tock baIsaI Iopes to miredute t-beperceait- axe of dlsaterc dise tu bummau tutlîlit.v unI lu senre a biher standared of srffi' ciency. Au os-du-ruvlih maigunîe t'eiu-e of cigarettes ci lqior qulaut lu mis- 4ars, feontlIme servieu'hais Jat guise, unto effeet. VLAN NEIW-ROUTE Tsi OULF, Ourveyors Wonk ts Itatabll.h Canal fronts Lake . itchlas ue bau.i Surreys ore unie belug tuode fur t-bu lmip canal fromîl lbe Ilth 8sîmof tLake ichligan tu tIceW aiaism river, the plan beiug luabus-btu the ws'seesssy fruis 1 L.ake Michuigan lu the Gulhf utfPMexico. asil t satiul lik 454)utiles ciiortertihssu tber Chbicago canal. V"ire rouîtes art- belu9 conaidereil. mate tmlloiring the Su. Josepuhr ralley 10 Tiiîcecattcum vruile>-. tîeu 10 lie ounction uf thue Wiibâriver.TViesati-, ail taute ilartriMicihigan Cily-*'Y sa, ot Trail creet audL aiterie tmuthe T riipm'- 'anue vallu>', sudi thet- Iird la frontm Mit-hi- gisuCil>' b>- aa>- thIe Little t'alumiet, fibunce dowrit Unootel ereet to ltue ]':it- ate.eriver. Tbe fouietb route lesiu iWolf sate feui e Grandî Calltjuet, tli-ue ttc tlhe Kucnakee river. aud thue Iift la l frnithe SI., Josephu river lito tbe Kali. îak~u jjje>' 'av is(th ics 1Ig onon tr ett. routpsse t- fnîmni M114 1514 ml"es auIdmIhe estimitel<-caitlue beiseelu s30.00auId 4.0. Th "e Plan is <a mInce Congressbuudeehakte the Projet-t. _____ SDNT OFFICuZIIKiLLS HIMBFLF. Lieut. itcîhell. Recaualile-Mrried, Conisaits uicide sntI eaveuwormis' J.ieul. Lane>- M. Mitchell. Suecondli-. fante>-. cunmnitteil emielde lu> ilomutiîg id ais -quarler. att Fort Leareimrthi, Kalt-. [tetore ktliîg hbiugut! Ire modeît't01 < checktpayable lu hiei site for the saluiant li a, in l batik anud 1jnuiei Ibis lu a mne>- omder recuit-eltrouits mnilhtantmi sîdreeiseil hta to Mrs. Mitchell. lic drul aut lettave ic>inîtement giving hi@ tes- sout for suicide. Lient. Ititchhilomer- ried Misn Urace Whuite ut Gt-lînie. OkIa.. A.lig24. sud tht-y att 0Flo-ret'crveu- lvortu fromt thein bridai tri.. liii Pas- ents, li-e lunIcresbon, Mo,> ne aras asiu dier in tht- Taeittiet -mei ment andl dis- tingollmea l imacfith lePlcipitne tant- ulsigu. Eitamare. reigisl Tard., A big resh i P-tlldeal, as 1h, the(Chi- cago Great Westiernm at the pmrcluaaing end, wo'ssmosde kum,î wahcn dltu ere prepared for the raustur of five lhect' in Omasha lu t-hue rdaihnosd compami>. The stui pahd for lIme pruaPertY aas $250,000. Pbeve are uuarh>' 100 ilsellinga maiere t-be occupants have biera umthil 10 lh nd uther boumes, Titu propeet>' ai liec acil for freigbt yards._____ FansesT. e ta..Setîleil. The fasinsi Ieialor Shcernuîarie- tnx case aras enduit b>- compromise st Manse- field, hi bo. The lix tiothoribica t-laiu<eat $260f.000, but by tlie compromise it aras detes-mined thait $412,.4j) huld lbepald. The rase bas beet inici itigaioun Dmn- ruinsimd huas tîrattila great dilaofu attenthion. Rate os- b nuits inu tîsme The uiuauual occurrence ut a "gsata'o- podal sitoarer" is rerirtuil fruont serel pars-taou the sonthemn section of Crase- tord Cont>', Sio. )uriug t-bu uigbl million, ut dimuinutiveorteils ftll sud, in t-lie smnug <bhesrtb s-as ahim>- itb thes lit-île apecimeus outht-e gaabtruîmod. man of 89 Kitii Sou sud PeIt. amuiel Tlioiuoli, agi-Il 88 >eac. uudeveil lis sonu,leu>-Thiompgou, agei] 51 >-eas-u. and t-len tkilteil hinsaett et their haume laso uliles soiti ut Nos-asî, Ohio. 'rau rears ugo <bueruauîgen Thueimxsout dusuetedl lis ife, shieh auugercul bia father. - Shoots and illeiaBruiber, Bnooding uver lIme tact tit hils molt-r bali ditluberiteil lim a«umil uuences] b>- liquoir, Wilsnd Sîariucgspei. 45 rs olI. ahot and tilleul his lunutIien John ai Pli-as- antrîlle. N. Y. %fier eludtiig a gesrcb' im part>-fotue lurus, lbu retugneiland, gave hiniscif op. Nation Sseke Dero'.la nes. Siecieten>' ?aoduy'a attention bas been called tii the tact ilcat nuonmonument miara, th e grave of Jhnb Paul Joues in Parie. In tAie evuol thel the romains ut vte diotinguihbeil navaIlbus-o cou be founi. Secretar>- Moud>' aIlurde- s van- abip tu France ru brimîs tben borne. Pair Buildings Are Durueil. A $30.000 tiee orcunneal st the Missui Sltate taie groîtida in $4alia, tbree large frWile home hartlssimd taro beeftalest haras beligdc'atred. lu sdition heut Missaori, Kiia. said Texas freight durs, solin. of t-hsemtpantusîl>-luulcil. Wonsan Beraril Herseif ta flaellât. T Pie body- ut Mes. Glen 1). tjbeatuam at tound buirueul bi a celap ait Aurora. 9. D. $lic lied pouren erosenu- on be clotbles anud net tire. tu tileul. Iler minaI vas tinbauced oven lime horulug of an nul>' ublîls a er ago. Vouderbhlt Mllstea Coup. On. utf th, bigguaidcoumps lu Wahllsireet -dring the rt-cent luese raid wasa de b>- youg Cornelus Vandeileit. He chesued aip $10,000.000, iutinsaid, usinag a manglu 'ut 92,000.000. 11l% fortune la sid nov lu excced 3000. 0ins aIl. liquitalsis Nayor'* Veto. Aîuld great esciteuicut the (City' Colin- eil ut Toledoi. OhIio, tahulellime franchblae ordîiente vetoel lu>-the Mayie gestuting a twenlr-five et-ar' franchibse lo ibe To- hlao Isilws «r srIl.iglit (îînpsuu>. I Auue Iii i r tfguuttmuîîs l<ýr s ml gmin. ailes hasuin. Iulitul"sutSnll<i< liauntsuauurîuî ta tre.Mati>- rat-ssonsoient-kill (i-.>mciîmJruuu'rA. 'lue tact w-ar badl>-a aîI tiblio ibdvsc,r a Fimelule. P5rof.l"rul 4'. 4 hreku-fut utru- îimi SI<it- t u rtaril r î'î uîî ctre<'ch sm iietrtu i 1*Columbuus lu'yntrititg lîiusuf Inuticr r force sti it i s i i i'» i - t-ý. I ro,,! 'h rke aleavea a % w i i sont <tua viI liiilrcti liaI gtorU. lai th. Faut., A fies-ce struii"i t duuau un Ne-e aTort andl uhe Atlamntic t-rush, erinn tirentidanmage ahi unebsfrîtlite. l'ncsident Ir Bueat iites heet»,%ia-Low and-j lus ltimfalo James 3le-Ar, -dop'esrs ut-I luc as', lMîchuel Cnoht, 3M rear. old, amd lt-m sent a balîlet tbrsmi bis owu hrain,. hying iluttant;y. Fismit>- qiisirels wee ehue camuse ot thecutrile. A4yusn Stg d1asieedeil saîuteu.llrtaerrrýt-o, bise lamugluber Kallierinetillllccatiigtithe uhmîauld lenmmc arr> andcul iuateIm e sal roa-lde tonrhlm m mîtl i lp t-uI. Kthe- jiew <suis ruried t ho î'muYpthre. isuuthi cguu. jîtat-imîl>' sifma i lmi-hebousebol bail umit hiet-irmu<itàiimugaiooiblY,,sud uhpir ilommstlte affairaeat-t-e aired liit~ <llut pol- uncuiel. h'ilu>rt, stho bail been arr-ac'ih a awarrant ,eî-uinme b>' tbe old mtteu fuir titesant, wu@vii, iehAîrged. iihila -oIt> suritIcis sife sure imu the dining nuaaiu 3alekin -amie liuotht' ritomo snd tbhe qjua.rte] w5s1u5 r -ueîb. Crnali>- aas stand- < iuCe n ut lluu sliloarcimet I 1<ara etepcîed d <li hi-uimualeianssd begati <Iuiioting awithh a revoulver. lie firuah lusi-c, bumh ballets r ,itc'.iugCruoit' b îk. 31 ru. Us-utl>'at-.1 teiluluýtca l Imeas-cu Ir-farbee, but lbe lcnulmcuI ber asile usieRltla hballet lata Iris uvns, I iralu. He diiedlinsatl>-.Crut- TRUST ISliPS TIED UtP, moues Go O<utsud misa Iulleal Statee 1 filleel Cous Perey l'ecidos mna Fi t. 1 Nirlil>- cf the hake v sseta bm'tagilig tu i tlue U' dî-sI $teltleos :cci h'urp.iat <mn asmo luid nii as elme resait of a arikc of uionuu uut"zumt-u. 'rime troubhle arlaca oct-ethbue la î1nnlrt' of u t aihul I-'ik Itat-. s-buil mutilaumendier of <lue '3Itsitera' Aaaocia-, tutu. Aifast as heeat lutoat& reaeheil Ibeir bmleaou Lake quit suint. sce uu uto bth e s ,e l . te lle hie " humn, llemmsaehun, S. F. I). Mos-aue. ('lar- t eut-e A. Btlack. joair Fritz. l>ougtas Houiglitou. andi barge 117. %vent tl hoeh somîlhChicago liarirrnsuit as-e na aith- ont P'eand ulficer. Ili etehttof tde- ftiîng tîelleînike, mthe cuuîmmsuurliyas dea- iarged mite cres ut tuany of telle5stemm t-ns sud onierel ithe bush tlie tied op. Tht- "trustl" fiel cotiaisîs utf 117 veaseha enîgagea] lui csrnig iron ore fruiLake, siepds-imr am d t ibigmu lipping pointe a 1&msetter"oi l .ake Brieandcin i COAL CoNsUMMIIS Teb SUFFER. Miasteni Mnr BCe istWace la' creaseaud Fuel PrIe. Jeuep. The coufereuce buts eon coal minera 1 Raiîl uipeatora luiatâdistrict, blhilias bt-eu ilasisioulu hn auesa'it>- eleven n areetu, bas eut-ed. The greait reliait-,ut the confurunce bas tut-eutheu raiiing utf tht- wages anul a t.onutueut raiîm inlth cO of cm! iîirmsca. arbich imat resoît ini ju yet grenier risc of lthe luice of dusl tii eonumitre. Ai lImhe pertors et the con- fePreuce ogres limaItîhe pnide ut cai mtuet go oie. Thse inituer» bave forel th.e oiuunîtore 1t P"gîot ummîr un lacs-alui W.."@s per1os furmuttuaI uminios. but lusse bcueîigr aîlteilayar symman>' ubinge w-but-blieretotore thaper ili aithuauît extra play. Thte<minera-ire jumbitatut rteb Secs Fy. din lsruutfe , 1)n. 1H. W. Wile>- ut thie Agriemmtural t3upas-tnieut lu Washington acquireai w-hile abrosil a batela of ica thueuries. Accondiug lu the dottuehle latinisaerade ha% becomins liainhusanal tuotîla ai thacell ru-udIt ut hueresseul itcitetouit> sud the 1rravrclnt-eof "ruadil>- eeec" beaulh be.o. le dIe stIhela- ay gr&pil' a1uporuchnc s-Imeu henal îceth shîllbu- came as exîhudl au the dodo bini. Chambherlain and CollesnleilOui, Jose-ph Chuambherlainu, colonial aemre' tars ; C. 'T. ltiteluie. clîsmmce<tur out theex dicialier, n. d Luordl GeorgueHamcilton, sec' relars' for laint, have rieaigneat frontuth<e Blitlîlalicaluet, amidth-mres igosins hase beenâacepteil SMr. n'miilerlai exlaresaca <lue bI~ief itat t. counry la; nt ru-ail>-for s as-ux i irilatuhhs. simd Ibutllt-ealicIeter ai lltîn- tamuse utf<imPe' nial uIitut slit n luprit-ste lite. City Suifonrs liad Flooad. 'Ple wSuit IfldexicuriececcInlu <bi portion outhlie Mviuilbl taller for rt-ar. bas buei t-c ilcoueglmmi thou4lrsids Out actes ut tarniuidsaloncsthe river near La Crosse. ii.. maaiajctuugasas> ists ut lus>-asd grain, urlî'tiilg lia-e stock lu filhîsaud doimîg imimensei damaîge. Thme fluud etitu-rurjLa.8 ('ruast«ndinlutbe lover portion outht-ut-nort M ale uixt> fanmilles as-ru forcell tlaumre 0<nt of theim bomes. Hurricaes Comte 100 Lives. liaIt s licumdrel amipéeanni la tt106 lit-es sure oAst lin the lumrricrne ilmt bas asu-pt the Atlanctic frein shuucc the doasai et Mlainme holIme souiluenru apoint of Flue. icla. Seceutecn of tbc lotteraft sure big veaseha, molut outhierna selootuers, bamt one s-as etlBritish ateamer, tIme Mexicanu. linhonleilai9le lu Manies. Ose leuonlrcd casles of bulmumîulc plagis arc ru-puntillunToledothe usît ti<ottht-rn i ti ppillotesmtouiburlusit diatritof 3Ma- rails. ttrielit-au cigbtr Ihaive Iîmlad aatal delithu, are lao epotiil ul tcuuîuCebu, in lIme provinte oft ilas Cbilcagosu Dies OtfPoison, Adaun litnzweit. a brewer usîo came tu liiiglaanittcn, N. Y., frmuîsCbieago, cfînumuiltt'il suicide later herhuigta ii kîithus suife naduI t à<hter, %va.ii ï-spud b>-fies- iIta ilmuîitîlbrai. îliendmcilbu-cludrink- Marbie Vuoriseni Loctsd Out. lReii<iulitmmn of amu a<clu«-ut b>-the I nternation,îal Assclit lituof Maiale 'u"rrkm'rs ri-uu<teal ic hllu'gilautul<g ot s on-krrt liat t int .4)uurilu' us nrkîrmenu- plrn.sur luatruiteofuth<lut-irt i l<r'a in the M.-îur bietiît e>tine I .ueiBliforuton illit-htig but - ecigtmel trimth'e itlihiiir<. l'inun'iîî Su-c- .ettrc>'.y % iii<r 1lIliýtli ai îrss alé ar it -cl. Ilt s luu'lim' et-lhe Ihctu t f1t'vmmabcino sall teimull, <l tiiimuiiir> - Vire KS114E Itevea in Chistiaia. A, <lua i' iuit fa tire lic saine buâsiu :on-uia' usKuculigmma -du. Christiania, Nî,rîsi>,-. ec'u Ierisi are buinuel lu desîtuhridgmettdanmagi Mansdue- Josephs Loen eArrestel. Joseph Leie- vas srrustud et Bar- CHA&IBERLAIN 18 OUT CABINET REiIIMTOMS UMAKI 4KE 1BàITlSiMEMObift. - - - - - - - - - -I î 4 ~ te A'IepGve Up Portfolio@-Colesiai eici Clas. aBs YiudI te Pr.oiln Dalfour. Thse reajgnsllonioof ut ulliChambea'- lau auseacretery for the Colonie., C. 1. gltem'chaniscelier of tire e«Choquer sud Lord George Hlamiltunastencs- tar>' tus- lu4la vee' offitilal>' aunoiuel tu London Thuraday »Viminal. King Pd- oean! acuptel lIme rarlgustons. The -raetireienut of Mr. Chuambeln praclp- itateï the mains;dar&- - uiatie cilala nd tb. iluereat pas-t>' 'raugie a@Incehie ion tron Mr-. ldatonu's bhone pl. cabinet. It as etnowa andl sun- Au . iuapeceilnluLoulou tutil tiseofhlalel onuceureiit lvas usued laIe et iuli. Accordintbua t'mrresicundent, the ru- irmeut teoin lime llritili cainet ut Me. Chamberlainu. ouu'nitiuny out atu forbtire uoloniles, sîoog alà Mr. Ititelmie, Chasn- cellor of the emuiequi-r. la inileeui pars- do'tlc!l, aa Ms-. Balfomur in. unce Il an bis bettear accjuhingMîi r. tIIsb>Çln'@ esiguatiird. Mn. Rit-lhe laahLswes-v- Ing free tirailer. Ki la I1mLrd eurge Ham- thon. wbo bicojot reucigncell tis pont of secretar>' ut @tate ton ladinî. 1Mr. Cbam- ces-tain Insist- iatmîc iretu-rial dutiea permlttig nt-feecur>-ry aate lu the peu- dls -1 ifthe Briih colmîmîlas «nil tir naw nateriale nepedeil b>- triih h musmcufac- ures@boutai bu pt'allieties lu Great Britaîlu ara spetaliirsliposible. N. BIalfour- amnita Ilat tht- liritiali Putble slaie reparcal asit-ttoluaciciat snym thiug mruonsradicclin lule ta>- ot eu-toms dlies t-ban suct-basnit-n lai'plat-el on forehgiu jînoducta lu retahlîrutin againat hoistile taniffa eri,(ctuýai saihiAt British ipro' lutl. lie amis> r. (liiiu êtrsmuare liai, s-lht lethe iauii<sly nîlumt a Ibis natal- île.cruirse itla is -t for MIr. Chaumuberlain oe ru-tire simd lt-ail the tumnîes of the lim- pteimilltis vlî us' i touake t-be empire .ts'ong sadiiliuhillîleâetaul118hog élu att-Brit-isb auahhcert-uîî. Mer. Balfoure îisetuses lu bis lutter wa'ts sua,irit uappaurenmt fromu hi@ pîmbhish- Pd pulan ut rttsiatiumu-ltitle la eumr- ty accord s lti 3'Mr. Cbautcilcu-rlain ai Ail polntsa. "b! tluerc- huIs e.uzr eo an>- dit' 'erunce bu'tw <-c-llu ia tu i'uiiuitilIu slth tiii uiater," lie ut.11e tIr. Camberlain, 'ht IluasouI>- tiuitlu nîguril to the pratiertluiuity o! lhiii unaiisul.' Publie Opainion- is uit nrie, lutie sat.for s tax on tcuodshtu. 31Nr. Camberlaini agres with thla. lie udîulta inli lîl tterut ,evignation ftae <the prîsfemît a tax un fuodattiffa, liowevct- iuîall, 'soulil ha unact'eptale <ru lIe iuuîajirrty of the don' ulitaeiclea." si iilie lea <'<uts iîed iat lIme ood of tIltemirenuaîhuîîiîaf the adoaptioîn ot huisemu<uiît-. alutie mit-t ouit- aide' uttht- calehmuit aliiurk-rt ton i st uuigbt and aluinî. Ilere li an t-vtrariar3' situionîuil- deed. fil ha a-iruelr -utius ab at tlue cabinoet cati stand tumîrdarueb vttîtitione Mnr. Balfourn lis nul rt-t suau-u-u-ualirai theddiug bonI I.ama<bousii-. Itritisht tur- cigu minisier. for uvlimce as-tir val te lotib- lic la claauoritig hsc,uae of<thtle bibter lucumupetence sslich-lie he tîiu.d ilurung the South A.ricau t-uiiiipciulmu. stîcu lie s'ai seceetamry<if latrîhe fuiemae. Fu- ttierniore, the Pdt-uli<-uîtl luiwss liit-u But Entibsul by mire t'as-sa analuIil dita non' cnutrn'mit cîîuuiiiîastii "pasiv re satera." If thî-re scîre sur c-oliert'nce sud cuobesiteuica.s li he rucluka uif t-be 11h ertla unve iigcIt eSa>' hahrhs'ruteCotîni- docte thal the' Balfoîm uriuilrY muât speedil>' fucl. As uiîitti'4n ardsîilthiere dues nul st-c-mu to hue anîtu-li dîmuiat about It. TURK<SGIVE NO MERCY. ,Mten, Womend sslCiidreu Sli litl Kaulorîs Massacre. Let reimeria truîuî autuiriu cuiythet Cit>' bas beu'um ri-tîît<um u bait t-be mtas- isere outlisîoîili<ilalauSiî i umhavei nuiuunb're.d ec va-<uIis Iudt-aiei- ali terriblie. Ther- 'mubuurkgsutigiti'nal lin di.w.rimimusteIY I "u'.rcî <s«i](i rca'ka A at-en' iglit urrîuîrreh alt t'trttzn lu thîe naouitiutiý f bcrrut-i ru, bu-twuc-~ 2,01> Turs-kanMOî80iiirgemite. It cou'- tiusued for ciglu t <«rirq. Thu, îtae,u-gillr usieut bonma asth ule;îrhly' <lt-tct. Abtau 106 Torts' are nu-îuurhcîilhum havue 1.-eu killel simd umior w <'ru usotitiaied.l Thetira- aungemîtsa lsl laumnilI «truu.A fili liq siso reluortel taubarit-ikîtîn placcent itupelpaso, riuran ert-a. Iiîsorgemît bands reeuthy sîirrouidm'd. amumi auciiîteila arlole cumpar <utTuurks. The bandil then dec> to tlie mountaiuiiu. Three bel talions ou t Turtiauu hrriops haui-t- len sunt front Salommica to lauratît theto. A iasî baud ut peaîsamît refrugees. t-sn 'preàa.h, aWho wut-rt' atuurt-in lutht'montau tains, atartual toiset-k tmoisaIoo. At Nakaý lts tIse> acre mtet lu>- iîrkiab sgoldiera, s-ho tiltel Vieirauîu ai udhu<ribhY mutilaI- el, lau w-oset. The Germai t lc'uttti-'baiusad. dressel a note lu,)lthe Itmîiguîiau govrn- nient lu scoruietltmi' vit 1h deî'taeationa oi Atuasiaaud Auatriu sîlyumm iliat Bumtgas-i enant exîlullua'ût ti"frrîa"Itly povel lu thIe evemult ovar asith T'îmne>-, aur that-tIse Auustt,<-Iltiari-lO mette-irplat wll ho appleil The Autniim relrm<o-it<tiu'e. i lu meu lug Out-lue ne4isuail>- fuir lumtgu<i'i reniain hng Cahm, deelmneuitîruit. if thie principal Il>' was poast'eulu t'<t(a <ilt thue passagg ut iunsurget Inlclumu lii'cJuti.Atus tria sud llîîusluî us nruîlhId t'u' haute (ut bue powetuiessancd I luuirgau 'airkey ho t-i urciso huer rartt , i'fu'uu lier tuarrilos- agaluat foreigui iiauilnuiotiu, <udmilnalictail ns-ler lu tirueiuterirur. Thue IBulgtirircii g rtirnitl, rili steadil>- praceihiliiavilîtlt-eupartialhmi eumleua'urriîîg tu arol( uo.tsuninîily tcuruIiilii' helavandue, amu conmequueutl>- lîrua reu'olveaudliu <u muobil bru suc>'part ofr,! ta' tir gumrrisil. hI us.Globe, il t-tii1iitril>- uiî<tll < 'll ýd thutthI French Prî-i<ruo icr u ..oeutilulet 20. lu amsfich. Mi. uhir in uirw VAL.UE 0F rHtE 900CROP. lin an Avaies lit ftti ilePredte ' Iz f r.clusua lietai. Russisla the litrgeeut seller of eggs ln flic 'OTA. libu sella tii oreigu couuSitries lro0000dosaerreonearl>- ever>'Yer. lut 18M9hame st-mt am<bnd 1.475,000,000 curau; lu 18h17. 1L737,9IAOOii)>. asudin u 81M 1.11IO Ol. ier salem, are ail tîme lIme luereaslngm. (!i.ima isempo.euIlu lue- fliic lîrgest praîticer ut eggla lifle wiirlul. ThresW ml tiulm lblmîg a. tatiatiea <ut luultry pro. Heg yq) Télégraphmi- reporls bé luita liCien. bult iere.ire over 4W0. the LI Ibe tuermtiocial Meeau-m tffl,UW p teriono lu tilât empmîire usimol are f-- i-'tle Agent-y regardins lthe ver>- tond ot eps; If takte i ggodal us>'more Important chsugeamt n itstessut egms ia tii aitlily filuet.. tirent llrîilula lIme week ara sumuuirizxe l asfolle":i the largest- bayetr uof frtigum egus lu the Kentucky' tohaeceo arlîgrade lietîco wurld. (trent Itrit-nin Iuuyci cevry e>ar than test yeae. It ilîl.niuuut tetill- au a-es-sgt' ut 1500.000,0114)exclu trontairdmias ot au &vertige i-roui. aient tacuit>' cOuiîies. and<lu Isis oui, the uait elgniienmutlulinsrianul feetura -4b per tcut of tîme conuiumutiouu. British lienslium iedurtlouu tfwigtaof 30,000 bar heu. mntage toeurodiuecettire-fittlma of imon vanter. anuil unuucemitit utla.- fle esizlat the honteu umrt ldemanda., temded at-t-bu aillirefrreniu'cte0100,0001 lu 11 l ttmis s oldta Lu ulaimhib>4X1l. nahluiat. lusa franc strukeimudis year 000 gg, sudIlIme uext lsrgest seller, in oves-$000,0 ,quille li exc-ell o wera iDetlrium. Jieugar. tIenuman>, laqt year. Plrsuce, Egypî sud NMoru>eo. (trent Brît-t. ceriil traite ila nianut a(-i l-lu tme allm ppeut $26.745.104 lithflic-purca-o central audmisoimîbes*terti 51<5-s. Cleve- of eige lu 1901. -landl surs èit le mcrs. incml'l udry Our cutis-s export ut exgua lit 102arasgouidsanamu 'rlrig naltlroliporooa lu ail ouI>- 2.717,990 <oy vaici nt $528,679, lesîllmg lu". tbu->rt-ponI, Véry sc- whk<b euts*sasîman, lure is mcoumpuelson tliedietnibmtiumm ii ïmuitmtiimle ic hu swlth w-lt-h IRuss's ftailI. liait aller lieues tre froidettiug aulvaumage ftalimenutante. A vre>-Industrialissi, und it i la < theuimgeo- huit->' atiuvement ina iuutiuoîaut Aet s. motte demauj thal keelas uer exporta aet ous uimlt tiruiuglauit i lice ta!is tartan- sîsuralas- fiure. torvtui) ht-luit <h>, urlu -h <exudai te ail lun1MW*9 t-ewaere ZL'11M5.00lhilck- t-iale Ilims. Thle frpiglul uvar cesotion clalu in tictc goinly, nsur ilIe>- pmiueed ecaisses>ylu'lreéasire (if giue(rlkbralhecenm- 1.2911h,8A,144il<uzemm eggmian id tbe foel terinx n t Xt. Louis in l.iig s e-ll>' tht-bl e coanemnel114) ier cenît out tent ralseal. shows tbai au arc a notiounî tfegg estersl.- Il lx euouglu te ite înkesu-heu ilîy u . l>uu ltea'u.-uî utChi- thlîkLiatlta trait foruiliicr>- efrigi-ra- IhcQ uac aolu-. i au<. y 1R. for cars cuiiluiuiuug agir entire exggcrup - 1 (. l)îuum& li.thie mercau' ot tfiet year w outdhultai-e xteuviled ftrou itl. amrl.'m îyx C'hicago luaiWashinmgtoni. uithlu ereral -Asiitfrottauiteli uul u n iimaluiat mites ofteoars ta tretch auuîg tfie truckt en<unalert-al h>- 1»iia-,iiIrc ru-uofuthei tosiril Balt-more. iageiuucIoauiiîuiof thé.,-'rii cr01 fi-ont, li 1101 thle rt-uiptg arsoit oimtn front, troute at-ity jiu uuuiitia a avora- of egga lu Ne~w York C ('«y w-re 2,372,- Ie suipet. l'rot iiuidnsiri.l i sutsion uf 000 t-etes utf W citizen cumuI. tilitago le,9affectcil lu>-laor trouiluhi'sanuî mti- )lasaeren a airger lier Itipits 'otimump. uufaelurer r' <-teumtuied Iioruu-rtuuke de- lion, or amuit aeme.g f'rut5141,545 irates 5 a cil 'ok t-iiliuglrh ui yet re-uuire >etir. uortr fld i u r t loge uufi 'iedore t-hie lu u u lur tif <>1< 'The total valuse Iftttuic. ult, uIegscouticatests îuîhuîl i<iod e-sagrr fuetsatl are lrouluefine luhuitmI i t-luau#ue r 'ansa t-ras' iateritilla ulire nrri' ri-uîhuil otalgtmud $281,1t78.247. 'nt.uciîîîlualr>- wsa sort.b lhait it tiin hie' luvoe. mu- ulaie eu- mor-efilonu ail fle eattle natal boag» use pa<-uy outlatauis tî itiaiua iisii varins slsiuthteredic. It wo-unh na-refiblImtei,aimrtaist lhuestiof lunuaitiuuîu,uîi. Iu-lDesles ailucl nilrp ut taio--iglît ttales sud Ian-.ncigre reaacoably rlopnuu iittihé, rail- tl-rritplriu-ve am; -aand lui,-f uit,îr eggs niuiistt uneacmural 3<- lu-jr ofut liaroitlluy atîin4 .sasnhigb'r licul <u-t rutft-ie lla-i if 'tuie i.' Tlt-» tinil- ilui, irhao blnetoal and mîul iliter rrIl il-t tifflic Unit- diI aitudlu:a r uahuruicil l lti ir b- Ad Sautes l iin a er i r.iîi1t.4.i Xeept îmuallos roport lu-m, rail l'-riiugashouw li l >. sheu thle pre(li ,ilts int - rl moîre gaitn. aundlu li'rc aeuile I 0 1urxis<ýu- ceedcd tlie 4eggab>$l.4h <t2 gev r- log )theîlgi- ili- îaund te-w met- tieîiciic llrî<igliutit thi'IV-a ODO FELL.OWS IN CONCLAVE. Tme urreiut fomiuir ur follsutinf i shuwsm ut-re voluume-. Itrei-rui h iffa lave. Soversiu Granit Luil zusofit5he Order 1niaâiiiaum-m-il cmîumuii . au miiuthave bleets ntBt dIîimoire'. 1ile lu isut-,-!fsm i.lureail Tise opeumiin -a-i'a-if utthe aunllnl ahîa nias t-i fi-tY of ut-ra. VahN'iîu'c eonvsenmti utbfStheI-er#lu G mrandudgime r a-r t t-, iai. ,tt fmitlî-l iu lîuut ut îf 0Mal 1'elas Iel mî m in aliimore-c M.11- tic top, îau-hîg hi io-ii-,isumusIf teaut ils>- maruins ii in FrII'. OperaIlluiuc. -tlis lîe.rau<urs. ixcu-t lt it . tus lu lt-luiutau The loueîgn G randîl]b,.tige ires iI>- mu tale cuuller r imtii îîaî<ii laruîcluisua-u scsu.uunb;flua.t-îýiort'a bîlt ud marci- bar-rthouunîa sit <g,,,itii '-l wm-cent cil te t-bhers(" bmut umîenter îamumnaud sada Iet I4m c-ii.. law cri.uivsc of Granud Marnchot JohnîuîIL I' ofiîr 1 3 -eut,. Filuarmu-t s tb litu-r ulmtiml ludiaisu. eaeiMid 'Ye il>- heluc rir'la ili- aasud ipnàmmeLîcou forigui ccolit wetru tinit. Grand Mastcer Elanil t suu inîretacil. t f heGrand Lu)içgu-tif MuiryliiltdeivIl- ".c stoc ew ti-ipts. 3hlat.457 lesd, are 3en-daitaluaddrecautfwc-l,,,Iuuc. w"Inchuwans.' m-r glaI orras ear ag..a>'us.. lmY* resboileul ho talu> - i. Joulie î W. nitture- ofttautcahlte n't-luecIl 4I.156 luuil, bus fuir Malansd nuul it Mayr Jtltiurt -il.Me- larguait mnglier- retair&kIin ih lis immartet. b.ruuî furliaitalunu. c t-u îmîîSire .<IuîBuming s'am, %piritcul andl pria.adicm- B.t (bodi loftt iarga tlii im cudmîe ain cml 15 entsla-r lhi utleusl w cis-I fuir Aturims. after shiclu filue ia-ieufi<tit<Gruandichoitt-e cere. lion.s s cIclit gussi de- ttlgu pn.-eesl u'u t0t<bl îlit Tem- muuil ant-te lie h gbt 1ntca tion itu (,luif'îr pli. nul tIegan ita. u-i-m tr-l-autin. sek.'lcsiii c-ssn elsq<l Thue Occuatreorlut- ofGrigiiîî Sire anul laml it ntsîughtî> atditîccl viîlig-m. Salesî (uuuiliuaider lun('liet JohnuîMb Iuuud iinif<u 1rlrimieus xcibiit im'r-ie rnuautl r 'hoso; tfige «nIer tuta lin îua fl.-m eilitui cou- lcalig werti isirïhuiitu'clinîudouitie sud ditituit. AL t-lue i-el~-if IS tilt. rto rcus taîregu mica-il. ParIit-Algîtiail huaslint- 9 ar u tuus:Silurduni,l <aPtunt- ducua are fairltb-uut, i> alh rite . -14) tueias ber',hip. 1iiinei:eicutuucm oumb*- er r for the areek. îti-iu.ilts Iucreia Shita. 151.1950; llietkam .il<t-iuitimbes-- ludresalem ut af lugîtit>. st-cIai per cenu. ahip. l,rctlens.'lr51.19I5; i<ie, ,8. w, aeat 5m but-es- au i <ua.15, lamrd 18. sud, aildirxAgisuirîuict. a-'x 1ilt gi'eS, 1-- foeur 34. c4tI1. 35, tilde<s 41, hasltY 49. r914, imikiui trIal lrtkm iliiuluenblabtlp w5 ool-.0 ni -<i'o-2ha.. e- 41 t.1455t 1iaîniurl. iautuiltlt uumli.ridp, cu am a sre 'ba, ~ lier lu-t 01532. 17.754. The hourthal ei*c.n 'l if flite broamm 9ur finalsudrYl T71;. tOrtler, al il uî-hitîd'- fu i ie, iuior.itiste --i'liîk .xr-hiig 17jL <i.7».urer- lloge iiîc.ouluu.rahip îanuuit- i-utera usltil> utf seui il te iearilat lîiiutc' lit <<v-r la lt.' Itebekabhaldzl.mumlurllît. a1.3l29.,-mouillha. and lare 7 p t ui irlai.smurec tlimatfor 1>51. Thme enuraiucilo nimumerraip und I re.imliug suet' a yeîr <cri Ni t bacelirut~i he It hr*<trc h lu aerg u huldimin. $190,44K4. i 30u-cuucchlii ont tohiuilliiu thrr ,ta,laluitlit->-ci-ut,.amuI rtati-amessali-. r arc.aiuor'inate iiI»ilu-umitla. cliiat 6 -r . 't r DENOUNCE ROOSEVELT'S ACT. lau is the u4ps. Smn,. a- ..irtel lu'y tflueic i l lviing su ici- lu-tuulh,>ir' hy<rl <tafin-t liirigli t I ra10 imre mîî,tm umumtruu îu.'u, rih' tai- th., a- tfile eu tiuu" uituul iraid-ut ... t...... , -îîiiî I .,i r prie. a ltoseiut-tt-for huar-i-cluuilr-uh-if gîc<ît' 3.uî< < unArruIbr. it' uit . iandî i -If<auu n.11 ru il u < 1<l,)'$4.54) t,> i c , p,'. fla ir e tu liir I . 1.i Il aa i tir srit tu-ti tagr uicir-.l.u'. -to$.KIs; iclict,N.. 2 ruIi. 77efiii 78c. a- liaua l,004uswrrrllu.'r iiriuitai<ly ricuju- curuNit.' 4.-.-c 4la :î.Nt . . 234c-l if lytir I'rcuiileitn, <<<i ihlut dl-utuuly ibui,34k.ryu-, Ni.o. tuti ru 54 lus>, fila- tf auhuitii.g auiittittr'tilfr.itill wruîrd uty, 3.5.54* a,*12.OO*: hrtiurâc. $6.teb lm uîlatinfie t hic-gu Fi-cIi-r.1t<-iii rftLaor IS btItlutlc'r. rohut' unIr-iu iec, lti-te a imuila>-Wen i<t îumre-ord isrI rua i-'iriImicht ol 2e; egg, frelaalu, 11<'til19.;po1toea, la tlmaelclucto iot t îuuîuumiruuu urijruliit-<m frontui 00 lu if. t- tige goaerismeuul sud<t lic. eiiplo>- wosa lumiamaphl-t uitlt . taiiaurioti. 10 taii it rigt gmider 1tOO.- ia1.huuiit-aaexie- *'411' loga. --liicm igi.$4-011 ituic$630; dieiey RaidaI moral Iriclltu." trgauuuzte - .cocuuaimtriaîprimue,$2.50te lu$3.25; .l ohnuuFtitTLt-rik ai rlitk ic li'.'aut thbu abe14N,) la8e: Ilo<aru, Nia.'2- "open aiOpP** poliu' uuy r's.uel t- uwhile. 49ic tir 5fJge us-,a, Ni. *2 swhile. 3& lortaduoecitingtt. ý4 ailiu f hagi-e- ta40 mniebutet-iu n r li <Iru<ru <d etuPlOY-- teg. Sldua> itua e'« t <-5~~-~ t ui-4Vattlu.. 45 u$1.7 5. , brig-. ,,Dliioi.ýy f heIly.).rsy $4I.541 ru,, i. tha-ti<'p, fI<N cilp o$4.0t); ofthieu aonlul <f h ui. urtat oil lit- s'tea<t, Ni). 2. w82.tir Kt,.: -i nu Ni,. 2, uuîsme, buu ictuuîuaî m ui, out' ut ( f0i, ri47e; <mu a. Nu,. 2, îutu' ci ts.4u; eye. )f tilechicanes logaid td.aIril>- blueticrent- No. '-- 5a;' talui-. la <ent li thie lotng lu-tu <r ot tllit'opecn sllop t ineîucai i<ut tic. $125 <ru $500; r eouumittec. hoga. $4.(m) 1t$o 10 $îaîu 2.(M)1-tei id lias mucli lurragrriltuocnnul a $311>: warlucal. N.2, SOL' tir 8a7e tua-a, Ln deIt-bite diAseiii~ut>r o iY s toauluattaeck No. 2 niiu.ial,52t' to 53l': utNu. 2 MNt. itootescit. Ill lut cageummt'fuir thet-tilt-tmixedt. 37o lui 3ge tr> i..Nu.,. 2 -tta 6c. If xc'itiîve's <111. <il.- îî in e I i lîr a-fuIelr iit- 1 u.$tb..5* 1u t 'r obgui, a. eiuî1r ilau.e u cuh ,.«l a*<.<«-rit' ufcetain 34.00 a to(;i<. attu-uli. $2.."1) ta 33.25; . uvutl-kownu imtcrerl-titiare coutant- aubecat, No. 2, 51t,'aii52<': petut, No. 3 ge lytugelatrc araîmel te Wile Itrauff." relo. 52<,t i- : om;,<is, . x 3 whlite, . Tit.o Presiiicuc lgton <<d ti lie lue ftilleo38e lu 3'4'vtryî. Ni. 2. 57t- tir <.7.ten Pr en-or lu bis sica <u thtîm.lti.suiit litet iwuc-~tuîuNt,. 2 cuirti. - utftliat imapetulit> fuir ashiehuwve love 94e Iu 55<-; carat. Ni.. 3. 51>rtr i tle; <nets, ry YoI." No. '2 whilte, :,SI' tu 39l': c-. t%. I. l- in 'The resilin ifuittire hî-t.> e lifore fle Itii tSi-tbaril'>-.No. 2, (;41- tuî .15e:prt. fceitio m ueetinug î<"îll'î isîr aithoule mesa. $ 32u1. le andh exciteil applattsue frîu dheca. d O ft Bmful-lhie -t-ieirîruu eers, - delt-gates. $4.540)h ta Siitlîn,r..failrt tri mîrusu, 34.00 - to$0.1;*: het-m i f ei r tur..3.215, tu

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