THACN 1, »WIH Us l*uthu ar"> dfta o hoiii Jualthe cme day lu MW 4da ont, yew a and miiyeàr ouI, and spellitest arlaflo. tram liWapro tt=ms pue' hlm oct.Wban lie ama tIsm mes veag nDt long aInesami - Mn. D& osece lyla on thbOMM aitblnage arcouni wbar .hob iva soy for lier, ofuse-Juas m f*teb7av - Igu Iusod & ble ad 44w ath«fera momdut caid thon IWO14 P Jvc clo okbmaf t- st*aiy dWy fouta i'cr put *a"ib«e sil la mi 4smt iFlaSgot yormitSlfai dovu. 'i a <hia-ig."aietint ' repl asa 4besfl ol p vimli a n mle.. «Ohk. il l.t? ls uothitgfer a vite 40 ftop dovand iupet flic vbole iaehaog ir lame srI et racket moi arn mt surprlal i.m .Bovqsr. lea a iwie liat yen etrnY allie. VOUMUS la Ibo:oloa t niet be' e«- "8ut liaecouïr a headacie. demi, ani 1 kgi about 1"«i fauoteruie yns ",Tus, anti'àa eadacha. but wbat bhffo e o lasaclisa, sud irbt do tliai land te? If You are nou a deni vomau bera Salurimi ailt yon mai'cou- .ar i'ourcaf migti' luchi'. HaveWit -X vaai i ou litait la dritsfaDnu 'ie"vusr thin dbi, nDota calstlau mucli sera e U"11*sr90119te bail." «et4qIrl* fr a year or noe« duclare thet 2 abonhail lthe u*tai ai seule sagnoto look 4tw rms eaiM 0AO the. oàMtry. abs remarmta lu Uck- oua teu:. Mit y7t: fontihtbm u l't eat mi'- thing yo'i bottur garmle yqur throat; sud thon bl$ It Up. 1 dont imagine Ir!a auything monta lma ubcofutton- Ibeb ba ia off wt* tantal&M u t sudigaI hlm on thc loucuga"an cverc litn up. ai eerrb'ltg about th honnuas aordersi te %* an tiPte.. kvon Iii.est w»'put ont moi-the clocha toppodMefia ly quiet for s fuv tniaqlmasundthon pimntiy aMd: "Mm. Dowsor. don'$ yen lint you'i limtai ami fer a, doeer. or tvo or Iliges.f Ilim? 1 hellaval' a areadi' Oc"ii hdmaf b" "Mc3owblîli! To'ra ju«at à alit- lie luanimattan f the. tmla end a llittofma. Il!$ aofilg te vorri' abo" "Bu i', ftoitfor cornu laye fiat a get la ity bong over Ibis honae- ho. dtetala probabli' flicbuata- atag1w . ilouid liii.a conaulta- ticset boiatos butore itlta t00 late. Ah boy 1 auffu-huv 1 suffuri T ou mai lis a vldaw butor. th vauk ta ont. if a, I hope you ve't'go gmi- ding about sa o tumu lucIde of a moMoth. Ibavu alvsi's trted lu . a Cout huaani.sud-sund"- lire.Bueur lied lier baud on bt@ foreliaai, aiuthe ar corne lu lita .7.. vlfit a guâ ali maih. hale dovla an vupt'ilku a boul'. Shu est do-a and bl is lta hanotil is flash' tel asleep, sumo logi shé rlght bava charged hlm vibl doiug a score of Impruden t hngs che. diu'tmention a inge on.. Nalier tdiae@ing or attempt te wvblaflu, amoi vbathe beard tie caok macina lto ncb notas inth fli htchunei vnt dov n eaen- tioguedber ilial Mr. Dovees lite1fde- peudei on compleuquilu .- M fi oolie f heue iave u p and gruiglu*ahi amitta thal h. fuoit botiter thouglibu vms ooiakg for a opsaiy suw tur fthein aIndoipanas. Thon be vaai tes. tout. jeu' anti aympsatit mI m amInlîsi aIe leut .tva doetors h seul for. and bu vws an palulaut as a tbree-year-old ehili bout going te led. The cuuh stickop a svang as the f ulmh.d vaal- tng lier ibea, sud lie demuied that h. h. dtuclargedInl te mddle of bur anantl vithout pay. Hieftellalep e»on afler buhug tach- ed In, a" Mm. Bovcer huard no more from 1md iig . eremaiudur of h. 'I THINK I AM GOINC TO BIC SlCl<.' -truiehi LIltie good it dues Ilé lk tae nigit. fie vas a titierent ia nnt a voman, especliii a ptglieeded une Inortg. la other vol-ds, Boviter w«s vin ImagineszIlial ahe knuwB itl aIhim>oeit agate. Wbiene asked If i$ mai Ibat her hubani hauvi athtng." hîroat vas qute bettei? bu atlffcned op "Oue - cau't hlp a headacie e cca- snd reple: ilonasîli'," aliMr. Bovier as ihe nmtml -"mi'throat? fiumph! >Jere. Bovier. sp' taeyultiihe bandage arotini bar for Ève hours yetriay 1t vp boverlng bea& be.tuîeeu lte a deth. IRai l been "o, *y caa' lfe? Mns. Davier, youyou vuni bn Iia lie taiaime., Wbou n in 1veu allilg? ave, but gritiheur git l. uhd me îWm do700 uaéerme complahu? ilirougli.- Duvejt bis vorli. Andi vy ta tt? "Oro?, 'taberepetei& .Dtiamadai, liecaumu I dont eramn "Tub grt-cani. pîngi spartça nCour = atoaeiw»llvaarmalea, batuag aM ifertitudu. I di Mlt cFye = 4 btt l. spIe, t t aw'hovbai 1 val, bt uat h@ut t4m sIgrma, lilina9msu. itha rt é"hOuami uelei Ioa but S go at1 obt onal i » mianm Pml iomai, cutibersl#itbe t ter **a ud o mw a r au.s lfta O uw#â* ny"Woemt lti'te iii UP. 1 i. uu teb j~piouavs ont? yeuvcms h t. . ai winvtsim hrsc . ." .490 ta,# apaU ti.ihUs Bd te MausFmntu and> 01i your-baun, sud*hmn Fm havaeco t iow amwi 04 1came %0** mriotia. toâà apointwhisl t* tie woubei abol é ror ils gIbu MpriUlato the case, ft ls before yoi. 1Iamunet vcOTrr.and tI fyouumeaa ea tailita a Isayoun Igit bave It aeut Up 0. . tl, uM s. reer, uxcept té yfi Wiaibeau lic slck Onu krAV féemisai h eforu mi. go fai buen saai'on à long journai' and »pon bisa ftur.. lta ]wlpva de- tslug to hlm a niimber of reforma and Impovrnult wleh the ba" swces- f uiyuDgD5l'derft sMW abece. "À" iyou loiov,"mI. besld. 1thut elool that vas loeked for over a inonîli aM ibat yon sldcoeuldn't h. openi exesi lii' àloccamuh? Weil." tri- «Weltl *gl! Ho* lthlie world di y:M do 1ICI "Wttb a bairpin." *Ani flic furnare door." sue contin- ne&. -ban been lPMtngaround on on bing for e,.. op long let because yon ver. to u Il. but St'rea&l iglt "Weil, Ilrndmiyou bai t fixai." "Hîadit fâme*l1I .ixéd It MYmeIf- vîlli a bairpin." "lAnd tIbe fl.'.tht crayon por- trait «-t mgku.r4at tood ln the cor- ne fer -ahmot six vehabecaume you navet vali bring me amy .pleture bok"- "WeIL 1 Itetuded 1. Jur~- "Oh. 'but!' Wall. It; doeWt pire ay diffarencu now;:1 «Pt Il Up mii s book 1I mai. mysef-out of a hairpin." "Y. goda?' h. nid. "And tberu'n, WOlef you','u been eoaxlng btmad bribtng hlm for a yeal'. tîylng te break hlms of liting bs nil. ad 1brok bia ln aave." "Wltb a batplnt" l tutbd weak- hi. "No!" aha mappei. "Do't- W 1 ganse! Wtb a batrlirusb'-Llpptln- Cvcf.aai..alOptai... tb. mtublie, 4oetori Oh Phystldn-YVeey Ia. I I viiigte you a pracical heiagé ertisaloca- tionasud contusions fiatvonldho h idicuit tao Main oliwes.-Nev York Timea. "Ton emmante bave Do ambItion." se. sertai the bustiar. 11 ý "But I bave," mli 1h. indolent mn "I intuni te h. ricl." MTen vhy du't yen vorItbMe Brovu, for Insanue?" "Ah," sali the Indolent man. "l'Te bai mi ' ye on hanfor lameltan.. Goac i lve, Brovu! I iue ta cea lint plhing veaitb up. fie'. vorktng for mue, you kaov." "Tel; be' u'.hlllng itusif maklng a fortune, ad1i ua tagel Il i' marri- lug hie; yldov."-Bruklyn £allie. "I to aip nptot bucountry'lent veek anti lai an amazlng expurenca el lb. Inn vhere 1 apent the. fretniglit." "Wli>. 1i laumnamalug experleue lu th counr lasigtveul. lau." tli.eun- tomologlîl lulerrupted. "Il rsluud con- tuotusly atter I eut tbere. aid I ii so vaut îu go out antimut nmre bugs." ,Weil. If you hOd been vltbi me yon voidn't bave liai 10 go oul."-PURl.. duipiia Prece. 110v la thel couple ltaI gel mer-. rled lu. the hallooti gettIag loag?' "Weil.,viientle b:lloou descendedi Il struck a teiegrnlt'ipoloeud arrei the bride a 11111.etiait,' hegel rend and sali tb. groom slioved lier. anduheb goom celeti ler ae lio. îud lb. police linOiti lie cale."-Iudianti polis Sua.i Mini-Juan vales lier duane ve'-y bgblt. hoes't elie? Ethel-Nul a bIt more hupu' Iba Bradîtreel values hlm--bo)lit $7.000,. 1)0.-Nov Orleaîns Tîmes-Deocnat. Ad-tee.' Plis KIBu, fatly, rua.Ta. eau' k" éhlm, bul do' xrcae 'Il do y«i godeai-anUsadco ExamIner. "M. lumIAunve'. IV" tla'ci' ica aptart, lm mntmwasie. 5555t aigt >Il la a *âdti.mWt teil f as mls o0 t tbcim go. As lic et lat <iras up lthé tank Ami anavaus. "Idmnt hnov.'- Be mot disouimg.d. ltta boy, Fy'u &antuloun- What DilngaoliselianestialimbI Acroas Ihe arete aqnet ».Wbtfat gt c lo1rla flic rous? Wbatthe qelicscita grovi TM. iaatmum ut htlmaet Z= am,"x de uot kuo." t i 'eue' ABE, . h.S. M Rassi reml'aa WOU as mâ Lefter a-ir (C Wrl44t1 I0Q. hy C. B. Lewis.] WAS Iaiine ni' borne sud tak- Ig ag imU0ouy ble myssîf at ptro« ubetuo'a the llier veek wbmbbeldeat mon 1B11 wltui me out etcf t aned took me arounti Ijbîni tbsskiieouse te My: , en beMAb~*1e. l"in lu a heaP ut troublu &0 uemdY t Lu iang myself." .Been Wgteg greenî gondis ta New York" 1I11101. "0f courue mt. Noue «f Ilim tel- ers a ucape ver mie. l>i 'eknow Lirvas opasWio Sarahi ietersI" "Sgeeua me Làbeand- lomatiing about IL." "l'y. ei» tlt'kiu' ber far a year nov, antd '1uarau s good alengaged I sho»4.*iIJoppcd flic question laat vaek tfwIUdm> lisîl't hippene&l" "Old mail uui you off"' "-Nog>i. OUmjaandi ol vornan are ail riglit. It.4 that e cituifeler vbo la taktu' lita vacation et Jei Haiens basl gt sort cr *te& ou Sarahi sud ta vrll- la' hie' yucca. Sarahi slwayadi t are tu potri', m*i liu' beglallin' ta thlak, lb. tler about fort' lime. eiarter than I ar neasendi lie! a paern oevr singla day, modi1 belleve alle aleePs wvitli p vuier lier plliow.It'm got la thai paint thlat l'y.gol la gt up snd do «Mth.' «etolme Sarahi." «Caret 700 rua te feller off?" 1' aakud. fIe don't 10k as. If lie vould mcare. l'vu hhouglt Itlail aver. and i io'l a.. but oue wmy. l've pot té liecome e paut and " hau itm t bMs ovu gaule- tbat ln a. oovu guIt write aume for me. Bvrni, ciy la talkl' about tbe vii' you ema rite verse, sud If yoh'il ouIli elp mu out lu thii l'Il puy you alni prieu.,I'd bave you go and falk tu Sarali sud tell ber tuat the United statea govrmielt expecfed lier ta marri' megsudvould raise a row If. eh.e dia't. but bei got a wsy Of »ainla'batik. and sheti lie sure té gît mad over IL. If 1 ling Potri'et lier. howrver-petrytaLe beat let cff' rtf- ter'm pctry-ahe'll b.e elllia* me ber darlil' BU] ln lums'a two euka. WIII yen hlp me, &lie?" 1 foi hlm 1 votild. sud vu gtta punch ai paper sud vent 10 thu limr- mai at dowu togetiier. lu sfev min- uts 1 iebd tbroui liaiout dose No. 1. in follova: Bhua taîl mnd tair'. vlthbmetnut hait'. lAnd e?., of dreamy blue. And 1 vili bet MY' dollar* ysI That Sam i-a lie .trou. '¶'bàiathe stuff." aall IIas hbe rend IL. "Tou beglo lii'pralatu', ber and end up iii' alovin' cofflmncea. @lie ta't ver' Imail aid ebair lset more trav colored than elcataut. but mhu'Ipur arouud Iliku aLktteamÉter reedîn fliat. Ahe..1 I t atour vetli- **exxrx aLtaL4 Ts réMrAu cuuu AND. aO' à 1'Uik-KLiS ' IEOITTSDBIiLL. et' Shakespat, ri' rae poetry otr raunn eider Luli,. but ln Certain l'oulieut hlm al huiler. Ilîirne anotliiît.' Dose No. 2 raas e lhows. Tbe righti9.1 tuay îlnm hie sote. The rcatit, pp, his lai'; Tii he voli t ttay hb barountî lu almoat ato wai'. Thie bbtîebini hi mai' tnJI ie t 1H1. tiThu vîiil>tii tmi'. cheer. Bbüt Sarah s sitg cmii béat tlici ail Andl briii te fallung tern. "IB' tIuýIler. .tli" aays BlI viea I lad iniubeid. "but anéenliter on ltbe fie uft Ibs etrtit rstienttblat! Sa- rs blas gotî titre. mtjPOSwuichi mlle slgoingel a iiuurui l VLe ant i taver' prout ot. arnd you bave vorhed ili tle tlla' tean as stick se ggrenu. i toit lieor one that île teMi hat ani' cruv &t aluglWand ut ler. 'ou've vurked in blgheffldarobins, nlghtnWme. aidail tii. ruat.Abe. fiat Ceiftuler vo'l qtami a Sgotaoruta 'A#"w mter chu aipmthat. Nov. tt*4ipa't yen vork la qlntitnabout mi'.feeil'ad mni t wautla' taelire wM botler?' 1 tbfouat I could ai dli, aid.IL Ih ahi' la aveai eliht, The bi l ill'là irst-. -A" »a 1Iailam lacidfith" AMi ahsd lia st ar IL Mem* taémets tt 'f1Domuae Ami bava thes ie eu. TI iiwauid aa* l*o.grverr ADO hesmsDo lupeaai noceuse Mi' lé. mtrturnsi .aud I amin thev"M. 'Ai>e, yuu Ibae mvavit lef." mmii BB ms haehuchaeot hiebaud sud almool crushai every hans ia min. »M eretaa't àai intlu ml bee u ittd h wtsvo eao ruai ias Vresa La ovever IbueiaM omiiceyou mIl a lu ouepIn' oarsa -Mer iii ta bis. r-10 teilla' you ths al vilhhaires bourg after theieadsis'lu'l lismahia'up tm aid firavin'torcy* et 1ha1 dri gacia clrk tram tcvl - _xev, Ilim, badn't yeu btter vflla auntint' te casce ber mini a utIle? I ah.etloks I'rn goal'ta kWmiayef the niai cy 1ilId.Mes atouck me abeig a goad elle, and I iambed ou tf110 ollowtng: ,But me.. the ah, ta loartng"up; 1The. vind la but a uigh ; Tiie harv.ait îmon la burating forth To bit me la tiie eye. -penbali Id licter Iarry ou AndIrWatt a Mleho Vs! And am If gay dear Seraitvont Induire tme vith a imit.. 'Shxty buehleit te the acre and rnt a peck le,' alotited Bill, au lie rose up ta avlng bie bat and dance a jlg. "Abe. youll neyer bave te huy anothe u bîtl- el of poaloesaua long gs yen live! Oue hieur mgo 1 vatlaof'uticie end a toneli' grave unies the vîlicra. I amn nov thînkin' of lin a ebandred yuar aid hein' burlud under tiie holly- bocks vlieu 1iele. .?ust wlnd theii.tît up lu a nîce vai'. and I amn you" t rieni for lite." My tlmc% al np., but I1eould fnt leave my wott unfintîliet. aun f lie band vound upvftli: 1 gais 1 I iliv.. and I tu. I vilii tai'. Ani 1 gue..'Il go over toluorrer' AndOsal mi' 4,cr Sarait If ase wl r ment Toeabaro wttbmi' 5c and my sorrer. i know ahenf ay Yesýandamihappy 'IXli le. And tiefatI1 I viiimake her ml wite. l'il b.t lulent dollar Ilint nothItia but Wlit coma luto or dear,. avlng fie.. Bi Putl; ieaarma arouai me eni shed tears as 1 vent awai', ad I di ne mse hlm aga for four dmys. Tiien 1 mt hlrn on the ruai, sud 1 mev his happyisalle a quareruret a Mlle mvii'. "1WuII?" I1 queriei as 1I l dthe mil] cart. 'bTat dituifeler bias gêne," lie re- "Dug out. ehT' "Went yesferday. Surah gare litai thé bonce." "And you"- "Sbe'e given muelier lave, snd vo are te lie rnrrld Tbakmlvln' dci'. Ab.. yenu are the durnedest. alceat, hetlest poet Iu ail Ibis vorld. sud 'y. got a viiola acre of puaipklin grovîn' for. You."M. QUAD. Choiy-T'hnaa. Ulm PAlii. 1 »eve dIvnk wiue bucause veri' lime 1 do Mo 1 fi" I Smus tvatght ta Mi'bomd. lcn't Il queur? MIse Ihhty-Well, 1 auppose Il vaut. ta get vhere Il von'l h. crovtied. 'hme unk#t a1m.. Thetesetricol man patrouiseti a Ger- vEre lalema. Onu day the eomit@ upon lita fate vas toa appmrn't nul 10 h. noticei. ad tbetactftat he bliai boeenmaie e faîbur vwanmii' mu- nonece. In a ver tew moment,. bawvrr.hiei face regumei Il ts ruAl peosireneas. aqd lie xcilmîed: "Ari Golf! How lime rites! lust think. a y'ur froi nov fiat chlid ii ii h. une i'ear ld!"-New York Pruse. Knew Bocte la ieuse at'. Young Wtt. (iapeeling tlie bouse lie lino luit fur leri-Thile. Isuppose. la lthélbrat'i. 1t eb.ltves are uvtUily î)ili enhuer rt.iihIt seeffio tocmua a cramyI' ha te Put the hbmui a lntim pi4rlt lte building anyboli'. Young Huahénti-Titta ia'lthe Il-, bran', Arnelle. Vhialathe pontri'. - Toung Wte-You darling!-Cbictigo Tribune. Ber' fluaiEffort. ".Namma lth dme Itîttst kep .Ir. Iluggirth ut a d totc' vîttn vu tutt Ilm ut ttie shore titis suwr.' sid Milas Koy. "Ad dii'ou?' osed 3bIls bi Queeri'. "Weil. 1 usialy uliieeéed lntii eepinît hltai etaedistance tromi flic tiier girls.' -Pialo-plila Preas. .0r9vaGealai. "Doy do yuu litre Tiplon?" "fI(e aeuanacoli ad reerveil" "lie dos at firaI. but lie emon thava. Afler youý finve met hlm a tuv lime. lie vl comm up aud shap iou os the back moi isk Yeu for a dollr. Just as cor- uWa al u bcn .."-ICanaa City Journal. "I arn satte&§&" m#&i the angritoi- lot. "'thal 7041 blui ta beat me ont et fua mane." S"Ail ,lgt:*' chuchici the bappi dabl. or. "Ifrivon're 21&90110& 1 am."l-Dankl mor e Nui. suas"cbhmain' Mli'. Ouuale dcl'uab mli kasa vamedulsa p aLPs. Lino up 'lenesu ahi; Wihi mm' vhtEa enovavuo An' go bouMia' lii. Brachil broaua' eari-i rcstvilii mmone nid: c iks.tcrs quitAte' mlngWa. Film bomia ter Us. cricket Ilm un crnu', Chua'nut muttl' bravi; A jp sttf lu'mlle.. - %U Fli'te de giaus'. I; punhinba uroin' golden lu de yutomu ski'. r*-wo't isey b. s o ti. Wbsa m in lter 0"? -judas. FOOTBALL DATS. TNE football day, have conme agalâ. lbe gladdeat ot the year; On, aide of Willlee noe la gare and Tom han, bat àwara. Ileapud on the field. lbe playeras ali and punch and law and trar: Thry k.oct the. brnath ttom tho.. lic. Snen an ad gouge vîthotit a care; They ibremk emel others armeancd legs and pull joints n'a t rplace. And here and ihOre i» onewhX, getes1bi% -teetb klck.d tram ia face. lhe freclimani snd tbeRiI.SGEoobme tc- imeared vith grmte andi mud. (;0 galtîr to *st tbhebal and quit ail bathed lu blond; The. senior knockhe.Juniordown and kIdie hlm ln tb.ebhat. The buSh aebool boy lae arrlad hlome aod entIr laid lt'urnte Whila hem anid thurs a erowdei stand collapaus'neatii I. eiglit. -And fotTi'people tel more hai t tii.- id fur at the maa.. Oh. brave, oh. happy, . escmday.' 1 Tlw dcrp the molliri 30v Whatst Ime ah. thln a fimli thethiras tIcyre dolug té but' boy! llow proud ahe la te kuov thal he l» ou the leto!m ifov avcct Hita face app.mra lu ber suc, Il la ,nlty Wloody ment! Wlth honeat prida ahe layeawaay 151s .am- puttald uar And puis hl@ aya ln alcohol tb l'e a sou. venir. -Ccacg jA tidie nysi dmoanalid bix vit- dOt> leliei lu laie a trtp to Waaliuigtoît. and us It vs the begunin e t C îe se. fliey lot I lvealcd la corenenovelotbes for tbé Juuraei'. Tlir grovaUr chli- tire:,matietuu ft tlir *"ew" eppear- aura, but It vue flot unlU they verè sautel'aptlei lantel ettae and opeaed tbeir linge fIat theydincoverci the.Jlie f bat bad houa pitod upon Ilium. One ot thuir offepring liadilliled bath satehela vithiricu, ami, Ou huulug Out yul they couud, t ti ny graina venu acattered blroadeat. 0f course f lere vas at one mn amu a etuhon cruri'one% fte, andi te motiier fel herseifsttlnagredis. than elie bai evul' been la lier litselbe- foru sud vas maie noUmenr.comforta- b ve- enl.-a- fat flurman Womlx Ppa sitele inud ove. aid Mi qut.adi- lily: . 1 "'Aci-auver mIid-l'an svî mua nov, but titis t1ini. oeit veek l'Il bie la th.eame lix nmsef-Nov Torkh TImes. A msaiTrull. -ftii.troubla sbout sue'b01 oy 25." Ml idriisr coi'alai, le ibai vu baven't gtvmn bleuIlié Proper klind t a show ta coma e im. I"Wela'yaiayaliss a areful sudisem- Irg&" mid lita Wtu. -Thar*a juil thu point. l al t alorien sxe' ployasthlbi'that wouid't vomr goesawaay tram home m' alu't huard of MI liéu conu@ hck au' puys off the dustrlous tht thal'. aln't miii monigig ettfer 3.l tg 10 i' olL",-Wamiilngtitî star. slout'mau-Hello! Ton )Mt à liai hec rldUng on s bmrtsh, novhuggedmn-Ton u 00 bai saalovai ans. iauipam.M j aayh**? T~ie Frug-U ,uetul antuimi unuli Ibu ralli fruga?-Nav T Mil Tlie laelmucfor va liig tu tesdli hie ca mn lai ssc n tth t brahn vo rk 1a né le.. important taI th. von ut une', bade. "ýNov." ieu Mid, "lutecxapltulalte, boy muny i'knis ut labor are there"' "Tvo." replied the. solemu faeti youug meu-"*orgaizci and agolzet." -Obicego Tribune. 'Well," railthé bourder wbu .vee fond of quotlng Ibinga. "Oppottuulty- kuocks one e t evuri man'is dobr." , ".Huli!" suortuti. Siopi', "Ou ôppoitit- ahi' f0 pay mi' board hW knockuti et ni' ticor tour limes today."-Phluieiel- NIi-George My* ith pblia PI'iblIc Ldgi-r. lutxicate. hii. ltllse-I heur4 1hU 'lie utammi uaac enouglitludrive.4, mn "Prisoîter. bave you aui'thuig tumiii' la yuur' évitbebif?" UaLIPs go *'We-il., ludget-. il'ik e dim. iat lttwyer o' minue lie pot tue gosu ms'l!X otitti-ti- vtited tîtt 1 rt-nfly tinuo vial h1tutu' non wliînl Idone I t t."-4-îtetuud PloanDealer. ti r -oui. &b fer a sqi- "3Ismel, m y.nul usmina toab-li bath mehoa bIdai'?' "No. ma'am.Ira. i mih r atouot te t'taamarbi« &su'or place 0fchaudS gum."-Otn Fuanca Euxamina.. . aei Usookett fbc weuia "Whist di you. WifstaMi'vien yen& sot home?" "Mi'dumair, rS unoe dota and ii amyhawi Ilouli h. casierta Pi«k st Put. We ha 1 CwOb fOOL TO.MAKE ME ý MER*RY AKE MF. SAD.-.Shfârespeam