Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Oct 1903, p. 7

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- core ne f or lthe' wa7 01 a trial order wltb us andwe wIli do O4ý umét o peae 'b TRI04S T A VLO, - --.-AT THE--- UbetyvleJ ewefry St «re 'Yoi, will eind a, select lino of *atees elockf4 Jewelrty, ttlOnry and every. tblng that g o iake up a first-clam. jewelry store. AIw pianlos, viollus, month orgman rd everythlng inî musi%~ We bave a lot of shoot munie that we are seIing at a birgain. If yoîîr piano noeds tuning leave orders at DARBY BROS*.. Libertyville, Illinoîs.; FALL AND. WINTER A New Stock Just in. Blankeis mand Comforts. IUnderwear ln large varioty. Sweâtrm nd Osydigan JaIets-lor mon. Knit toque cape, for ehldreu antd boys and knit abawla andi skirt. for ladieâ.ý Some late pattelrwas n od dresa gooda, broadoloth, novalties andi flaunels andi in nunerous other dreffl goods. We are cloing ont a i't of 50ec untier- wea.r in ladies and gent.., odd aises, at .80e per garmont. LibeètyvrilIe, lu *'T*i P, ljr'. 'gâa.t mai lu~..fis 06U U. .....U.. * *e . :1 . a *tu ...... ~ ...Fm .. ......... r es. n . U..i. 16 m ..... ..E mu - 10 .1MK.. lm. ..... irmul»éu"m% &WPeOUi.?.. Zeea lriaOtu...Ail. îtsi Ul.... OSAM . ........ e10a. m. *tl.. . ......... ..... un ..... -..sé,up.u..- liamr..for i.. A fris ls..rit ie 58aael ee À wmabhum tu lr. Md Mr«. Park Bartlstt imnday morning. wtb Mms. Poat WooIlr1dWe Frlday alter- #non', (Oet. m6 Ne.w land agent ln t)wn-canme Tuen- ddy .nmorning and llm s. -vouc4ldfor lîy D. C. L<ruwir who ile atinigup #figure. Dr. Roh)inmmt- wiliI vis.w Aurora and j the Conférence andl soin...foi ité. at the l. . e,'uiîu',uorningitnd svenitig, imspivveinfltiunde.~way ut thpesl.wtric ligt plant w.'re eapinsill for ' Mu- petelon of aervlcs. Tns.aday niglit. The. lighb. wpmr on again Wedne»sany iglit. Ill deseiibing the lot ptndîwd ly Lbhe village lat wéesk, of P. J. Ilnckeliii&tt, the tyjw nade ne say 75 iimatéd of 17-5 feet of froltage (in Cook. A venue. Ila hnnIe WalIy, of Oîlcago, an- flolite a mmuai. to le given ly Jbilertyvillla pupliaof!lier aumuber caem thlu Ie part of thla Montlî. Dt -pae<llbgiv"n next week. 2-1-d (J. H. WSchntk la u'smoving dihe iron f î.nvenal building et rmarof bis IMlwankff, avenue bloek po his lundiar yard, wlisred it wilila' ussd for atorage îof noulilingu and nil i tuf.a Augunt U-lriver, of Wanc onde. was found nmenu Monday by. a jury in thea <outy court andhbe MlI liemet to Elgin.à Hill trouble la ev"ldeuy hiiitary nu hie mpotLer was Ithinard Rutin leborne. Wort*.e wier. Hi@. heath lmaRttthe Les, tiougit le bat hopea of enldal i eulta frointrtealt- nwuta hê lte ta in aChicago, and every- oie w:1 Jowe iancerwlytruit mwh maay bc theusse, 0 0. . geShanck> làsoeting ^ fte new1 lumber abs.! of modern pattera, 50zx1W0 féet wtith a drlveway tiirougb ists ceuter1 andi a ewlteh lt'entlre le«th ulong engt1 ide..- Be will lie enabla.! to k", h ile i'ntre tock of lInnler nuder cuver S. L. Trlpp for whom a reieenl just Leng eoniipl t.! b ntraetot McDonald onuthe Kueliker ail.dvialon, fafing on Mil waukee. avenue,;li" puircluua.'n lot anslnuing, on Lincolun avenue. and wiIl build tlwreon, firoaly thl. faeu. Nothuig lia dpv4iped tlîle week lu thje ,lec-trce' roil extension ws.tward. .No deflts.t route la announci'd nither g lina aisy rlgt-4of-wny 1--a -mued, wet1 of Lilsrtyvill.', ur contrnets.d for, an fàrt asu «s. caii lparu. The aurve«Vorw pj,. eaid to Le workinx ws...-Lenid mîrtikof lt.wksfelier. 1- Bl. llnîîli cLub thnt if %we wîlll meantion the f(net he a t reeiîed 5à Wiad of hue e attie froîn the s toc'k. yards1 Ile wilI pay up his éaubsiription to the lNOEi.»EN4ENT. Appreciitiîîghie poVerty-ý s;triekeni condition w.' are inclined to eoiiiply Wilb Itcmateotliera .5 cette aie. F. K. Bunietmds, Who la prepariug the BiEfméothhlns e dslAke Cnty Drectory wtl rai LIietyillp uext week to swure Informiation for thie work, whieh lm yearly I»ecomlng of miore valuen aa mesdium of rebeLle i'efers.îîce andI In- formaution. He, wll , O.k- n eourplete cenmus of Liliertyvillb'. A peunt Many itizpn,. who Mali copies ni our anuvenîr edition ta varilona4 other atte» have. abown ua lîppînge frou a pjers la l~aeplale.. commetln on iLbertyvilleandu!the e .dtion, whieh are highly eimpiinpantaryv. Al coneede the edition to Le a - 8pleudlîu and profitable advertlnemaent for Lila'rtyvill. Ilolt. Gru6nrutt Inut week solsI hiet ltarinou Mlwaukee Ave'nue, nortb oft town to Nathan T. Shitr', fornierly of e OIrange Hall, uow of Wzutiks.gau. The l prep IoaM1vr"_eoau $Ilm pear tère, and the faru t conltacof 4S) acr...Mr.t Ormnintt la golng to Virginlu wltli a view toa octlng then' if lie 1kee .It. Pators laishoîn Lile'rtyvilimaîs are Intereete!, b"uaneofnibavi:ig preield. over thla charge, or of liaving livesi in thie vçlulty were naigne.! as.follows et thte ock River Confpreie. formier Pie. sding Eider Manderville getting the GarMIsd Park charge, fit Chi-ago: J. M. Wbeaton .................Riveride M. E. Dix..........:........I.» Mounu J. p flvia ....................... 4adswj.h j: B. MeCtiuffin- ................ Sheridan John 14e ..........................t. Chleie A font of land betwuan, tii prop.'rty purboasd ly the village oin C..î.k venue and tis treet lin-ta , tala'deeded by Mig. (Jook t the vIllage, wWih generous action 19inucb appre..lated and! daînon. trate hr "Ire tu help along a lunch deeli'.! and! tende.! lnprovemnent. Coi. mîittes am lt work perfs.ting arne PIJiLe, o thai thére 'willl Le ittiade in omw bp ti etuai work ou tit witr oro %wp t IM0, di l -.- àovc " -"" é e i Ne Depot. *Arriva Ltwrtridie. . .......... . . a.. n..... .........604 p. DM. .3'.4gi.m . .... .. .. teP. m. Arriva LilueryVie. . ........I s . . I....... lm 0. . an ed leavut Valoa )12-1 oioEan 1). C. ldrhffl I40so5i. ii. mrufroin îlDakota on e4ibitim.i ii tihe Finit That the Ubsrtymill.' exte.nmlon ni the Chkcago d M iwnkee El.etrlc railway la àa peat i....y unker for te <ro:ilayimk aowî.liv It. euirk. alule inceme lar enriiings of theIi.rtl- way durlng-geptenitoer. Tii.. w neteli wà.pîtt ilu otiton i ii. l'k'itî'rî,ln1, aail Ilmoith'a ii'iilt. i-iii4' n.'ded iu dts. Igumýi e.ol i'i)iiiiii 'f tii.' sys- toin for $sptsîler. lIn.,.. *'riiîig. were nion,' ttan ds.îhîî'tI (Dr. f 8- t.'nib"r, 19fltiMil netul ui.îruing.. ln. eruuni5d 152 r 'ent. T..' , gwoa anid net earnin*s W for tIi'i.intliwers. ly far the 1àÏ.rgemta luthi-listory of tIhe- rond, ezcoeelng ,4ugist, tri* previiîu, bigli rwcord, by'large i.rgiiî-Waiske- Oy,ter suppar et t1wll'i'ee.ytrian cîiur'h Oct. 16. . 2-d Mm». Win. Speliiuiol .uldi.1la, alter a mhurt ilînen,. with pueumonla, . and infoîrmaîtinî of lier death ui'n e svrywlhîe-n' im.ivs.d witi dt'pat eget Btbeai l I,. iî'k inly ines dis.prereodingUfiiiiltiy and..!tii th. fanoily ber demIn e w u nil'mnkKisor a"d terrible Wéck.. For.-tlirty y'arm Mra. 8pllinan lied lIi ii LÀkP 'ounty tehere 1411. rei&ed elatrge' fainilîy, now grown tii nianiioodsii fwonianliood. Slipenîjsys.d the rule't -,i ail andi wam dealy Inred 1>7iterr î.îtacsfor ber muany rirtues. In t1wii.'@li-e..was a model mother! and li.ving wiit-e kIts! and! -coniderata ue.glibosr. Snrviviîîg îre tIi iuub"nd sud iliIîlewnai Robert, John, Daniel, Nellie, LIansd Mande, eaid Mm- -heur Ubridan. oNm Waukeffan.. Funmtalw.rykm wtîlL e fhed Prlday iu LiLrtyville Catholle chur.h et 10:50 a,.in. Burli]linWankefn.. Leýt ii. nîiktkshlat ittiug for îphotos ,Iynref, whls.otî înhave put on! a log,soin n'xt W-deega. is.awik. MTN. lana.' Jani-'.. vilo n'vî'îîw.'.'ks agi) was talion t'. tii. a.'Couuity Hn.ptîallat Wiiik.'toîn for ti'u'aLnis.nt for a frMntitresihigî i1ne, sileil Stîrday, Mm. Jarîisa iumeiii'dthe injutry 1.3' a fali. lu fart ll wi'-i, cetini: juring lwer hp, andîl Ir îîîl. une.ed.!agi' to'iîlepd .4 a"#-,ber mo rmyr.rthée more siffii'ult. Deca",ne ] iiiilion. .' 9, 1H2r. in tii. town fi l'antui.. N. 1 1 930 mus. rame witl liai' in'-nte to lilino(>l. bbc wanu iarrit'4 ' 1r.nbr1), 1H5>. to Saiuuîel Brimiii. at Napervillu.. Ill. Nins. i-lilld re m xnblîrîî i. thaui, ix of wîiomî a§urvive,fa.flliiw * 3ilMtrw. .Waterui. Mia. Britol of W'iîukegmi; lira. MeVen,,n. ni Rteine; Louis, of N"ftana; .tllu.'t, n KCansas.; and lIti--y, nf Sveiior-, Il. In 1879 lirs. Iislitiliî w&AagaIiniiarried to. 1. L Jiniem. f ihéWrtyville. Tlie fuuerai was . elsI .liiidmy at 1o n'mli-k ft tbe boule of lar 4agbter, lir, Briso".l.aiiWaukegetî, Uer. Briffgeof, thie Rapt lirliilcl Hng ebrbody wan -bronghft to l.ib.rtyvlffo r burmal. Notice of 8tockhs1dpeu meetingj. To tb,î. to'kholuiera nf theila).rt.vvills -Trotting Aiaiot n: You are ,er'. notifie.! tiîît on Saturday thes. 2let day, of Nobveîiila'r, 1908. et the botîr of b3 mn. aeth. 11l1W office..s ofitsnjuniin e.Miler in the villa"e of Lilierty ville, Lake rouuuy. Illinois, a grperial meeti'ing of etoe'klmollerm nI the Lîhrtyilîl.' Trottng Amwocation wt e hbeld foîr tiie-plirpaus of coualîler- lng SM. wrtltg îîu:î the propositionî of etli'glng the, calitol 's".k o! caisi lbortyvilp Trottinig Aacatîon f nm tan titotead dollias($10 000) to tif Ly tbiniand dolli.rm <.iW,ÔÙÏ), suili in- crease lu the nitiil et"ofo! a-I(.iu.' modai±on taoiu.ifie'fouithund! 4ff "brus of tris. facevalue o ne.huîndred dollars (SlO0î, anîd for theecnmiýIi'ri- tion of aquch otîtur leineau ayi vii! balaie the meetiiig. lbert.yrilîs. . LOet. 15, 1003C. A. C. f'tnosr F. 0. IMn e 2-M Ji .oits «. Ta.tu..a.t E. P. DtWnî..- COAIr. Lwiiber, Lath, 3Shingle, Doors Windows, MoiddIngs, -rain. Seeds, Fecd, *swsr PipeDraluiTII. Po4bnân em outt bbcfaû»t t îct t vslnprov, Mnt jmif afilti.,nts are lt)o hade .,lu tbe:iext fetew es'I. Mr. Fox-mn in i an iýtevF"w -,Wp am.-g<ing ta <onalsls.bly taore tliîn fiiiiiils' the. endre equ1ipiiiett of our plant. W.' note havs a li)-ioi.eepowar laîller, two 40.hînne-po"!r anines andi two 27) K. W. dynanunes.Wa hua purme-1mi andi tillI matait ln a Eb'w ,wiekn t 4nçete12i-horwMxpower teillr a nete 12.5-borms-power englue andI a 75 K. W. dynamot. Ilsuises we aenug<ing ta givît our entiru .yau eoverleuliigll, inseludiag tii. wirug on troeta. We baive let tIi..enntrfgt ans wsîbricuslmnw lit progremi, for nnlerg.iuent nf the pnannwt poweer boses ansI wliet ail le <onîplt' wa e îl.have a plant aeoi;M tii noue ln nortbari Illinois, and a surp)lua sfploteer anicurreut tehlch ixilienable ne taco)pe, -th liLffiprtyville'e teonderfuil growth. wteirt ea h'lave lato4continue nuintarrupties, andI which inspireste lImproveinsnte ire arte unixeng' Baumd ]oy*' DeaCe. Thé LIertyvilIla band boys gîve a stancp in tlie Town Bell, Fridny uiKht, Os-t. 1n. E..pesiai attetIon im ta lie giran tiià preparatonu of tîn' Ittar for tAhe ox fi-c o.un. Magui.'by Rs.',hert'm Chieagô nrclietra. i>yiter supper uill Letrres!. .t gond tirienauiad ail whi attenid. Prof, Il. L. St»tin teilb lit iiLiberty- villa' Thîirusiny ne] Fri.Iay (if îext waak and twii <lîs y i.! cieli wck olinwing wtLl isailquîartvrs unt WillI-II as'kiey ltetIWnDux Store-, Pr.awtor Bise-k, Iirpared to ft - yesfo.r fir iglit, ucar sîglît and é riaa s.ys.s. Uliandihave y.îure3-eatfflt4i ir+-.Masse tiai. rnieieo.d nt fîIsî ing prie...: (olil gfamoe5 .00, ,Adols llI l*.00. alumuinîîn $2:30.IanSea excliangtsl $1.1x). IatisfatctJon guereîi. tiei. Titoas. ueirlîîj ni, servie mey. audi'e..a postal toi me at LîLertyr.ille, andJ f wilmail. 524-d The-mmatof nacalndfrtust lbstrille Ili.. pomme sfor tue *" e ndIa a .1 Whsou lflng faoLute fl Mr se. «adrer. un'.. Ar. J. A. Bowese. Viesngo Olireet. Mrs. Gu tJobtan. Mr. Z Ç. fmpetai.. à ài.,I . V. dereo. WAaz. IL. lntesi Pstmaata. AI.l oui' wosrk w.' guarunten to suit tf xiiiitAimmer and! t. bée a..tgatia- fitr~y rne hlcutgo wi.rk. ,Cal andi ses sieipelêsat 1senik o;spsn tearii Ws.dnan Jutit IL îi.wn-v.OîIl eat .e),tem alit e Pre*ebytu'rini. î'Iuru'Ii <)t. 11. 1-2-P m.inrs.eoLa ilîker.. andl epringers for gaI. W. CAra, Lîb*ertyville. 1-2-. Remepnde-r! Amait laar of Lait@- sîie U<nistery'.socwiation Ot. 11. Kaep IL lu mid. 50-tf-.! Ladies of dia- Pi'ebyterlen Aid Bodest ~ill &rvp ovotara Oc. 16, lu thps e'h= 'Ierlorsfroin Sô o'elocir- na. Supr 25 Tbe late..t lu Rate, Velvets and Trinimisige. Cherote Sege., ..tîg, Priumes. I i s. Mrs. F. Protine, For H. F. Hieuffing, propriotor of the SlOw Uàbertyvilbe Tes and (ioffee Co., who lavist- ing ail thie murrounti. 'irg towvo s a oll. a caling on Libertyvile remidents, selllng the very boit Teas, ,Cokfest, Spices and Baking Powder, and just.'a littie cheaper:: : : 'Twill Save You D0LL A RS. TWO SWIFT ONfSlà Tme MEN stop aad .bs4am u in «W mia wy àm. àha sly W 7h. hamot kma . 114 thsm tha amaiibt i. UboRvu"nwhfru~ cxoep lapdm w W"h s. th.. dow P0TEP INTO Ot Dry G"od WÇ wat te *.w yenw wbt l.à éw< Sultfqgs Beis PmIIowsf Etc. White -Brillianteen Wà OnIy_$:2.00. mieck Pettko»ats Fro $IoQup. Corsets. Noéw là the tlmop t# bey your cormfeta end ThNeWDII Straight front. Caps& Girls' Caps-al coors-50 conte We Are Ready T'oBl' You. Tf -eBe C i*y ce loaed out a nuluber of .~ fn Underwoar. at a big, dioo it thom reguJa yI &M~ mlightly aofled; -but that wnnt "efe<t ibel qua it. - Maies' Fiee~4bdUsslt............... ... mie Ail Wool Paiàu, lare emm, worth 50 ta 5..; Ladiee' Heavy Flueced Vese an.Pente.............. Ladie' Extra Ueavy Feed,.!Veste, erneil Wn ouly, w»x Men'@45eFleeced Undereblrts.. ....4. Dr. Wrigbt'e Heaitli Underrear, the 01.00 klnd t. Childrene Fiasco.! Unioli Suite.......... ............. LIb~rtvvIlIe Pal, SwM6~~ If you iaut a Fanl Bal cortuui do or 'vl--co msuperlor Une cof s"plu, au I guaranto. perfect nt 1 Libertyville se - Travel is Exponsive; Talk is Cheap. stay ai blon; lot your v traveling ilOT 70u. - You fw1It u ôoenuaIut el entire county andi the coud wit.h o»nofi oui telephones. Bueln» riates14 V ý« f . 5' CONTMACT Là 1% . ",le

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