%Itu.5PUIla ar boy b" tf*-t- sio boacaumal 'i rot raum- - la e Me ulibborbo fe $avOD' loh.6a avé utlustdi hil At la veniaa, Ieell vomis. DrsuIg vus a 4 l*"en trrat. Tlsisb, b. fra i sI i.snles!. tio* bottin. et Pho C- l or <le- Mic eiat efsterble cha. ~la. gresshawerid uunk a"t et le fretsp isal ~~'au 'tse. arImaiNsthe ~p1iPt~ ilTM? ~IA~Iff lia ttft u5t0147 CWS ait'. n.. rsMi a navreS SpU Mui ty ssiI olf à &WO et ç sîm r ru" W&>ai m efto» mop e t s4i& t tue Enrme Sa dIoall, v nao8 umeltlm verts la di. l s.umd st mosAt"de ste sl fem-Sia pumilwàgrlis!e t a §@tMW < e 1Si tnuliq a, he . 1 bu . h tisamo unutl Uafa- Tsrhs tas et s Bateltoal ka Z of 247 lot w bu ci. lemme e ore iat"fouet Pl -tuI~.a.l~sBil5.gle. ae fer fi et isa emir s Thhe e~tip b.tvdi. PWstatphta t Mdl MM Tgeok te it dat. ous*ta"et by *a sS.amb.rt PWMldie lu 9biSheurse M.atnages t AudrsuTdbaci ipteel 4andicMWpulsala ponissywam athi- ansI t.0 eaul a eoventlea aà" vmom thes eoiatatwili " auneto sa. St Proollat Jebs QUIOCY A- vsae cuso l 'na amulga4eameat orfUaslt-'0 "g 100,000 e. dia p e coanmde" S Pennayleans Éaf cry 'li taI aeifor Il aL tes-ou worktsî. IR nevat4v, aévnetmuetesatn eL t Wilim Walter MaW Strotm aiPie- b dItetetabiléa ,spihllc ta0l.OW« h 'Cglltgola hs,'. ion"" 'mouié heailI 'momiensaof matasai. -Cube., srsr fi pote tylng isy m in. a achoiera a»k-b Semie.3 p,«àsdat Traleplaie. reiewes'l lb. mlltazy offllmtiona ot Waiar'I- tem Ia eetebrtloi 4908CoalW rs- Tho bethe 0et itastaie.. Va., waxi foetslbalveesu di, Uies tmnop Onotr wu.mlvoid therebele undan BIh, Illrt«O & B. fl. tarrmt Puma1- tafretthe United Itafas. 'tasga OW splrue-sparL- ,àas.W. & Bas das s versea by lIen. GeorgefB. lThom"tu Onta eo a1 the ai.mmoriet tu unb.rlanG-le J.S. Gram t a proooailte tii.chia!g cnmmsné or thesrae@ éi !&a Cumber- j»O& 0h10 snd TeumemeastGles. W. -T. shenian anereieda0 ZOObaho"!o tise srniyofethda e omme Prueldeut ioin lasuOdal Isfamesa pmaliton calllngt or 300.00-mor C'luetne ho.strC for ts al«aa ,W- aisy Vusadeteate ati osonu. Va. hi - vala cavait, undar Stuart, 100 ef his mm:esiaintaken Prlauués's Ce. IL. n. itLee'* tnel rmY baeg&u lt retrent sentIs trou Bniehes tatIon. va., Gen.Méanda. ultI the armsY 0 e iaPO- toma, insi.besten lm htuhértc. for a lftnaible poitIon. Presidet Jeffefeo Daidîsmiatmas! il torelga consnla lu lie Seuths bfaanst * tiel adveime iling on fondlsm auellat- ei la tue Conte dernts rUW. Asecond "bsc Erdaî" péalle accr- «d on theue , e Tt e teek e-eirng, vaudie. olrat lt e 1 ta1-l0a8 *Éork Ceetral. te l feeleinperaona liaI aeI' Wism T=-aet yabov fasar, sas! th isectym'es MM'é ta b. dasefet bi mil botthedi. Sc T4 pieoffroid lt lihot107% Ton. tise levmosPepatMmne tue aCll preldeut lu. SGr(ant propooaila s- tam 0f poatoffieu aibeby Ivblcbho savlnn or! di. poopla conlé ba oýO$t ,thditdi.goermoui t "soeured agalat G amB. SUedeus, fasiohis fer hie rlief et Thoee t (hue nuga lied inTa Pld, 01, mi S' BZysat -, lirtlseris P fe l alIreIS stock wu ooriner a Wl streoat aMi dia paies usdiM romus t ll7%-' -, - glunme,' 04çdéenia i ierilen os S Wpsier0o*b. ,Ntiont Reto.mes and - ' ialI. hasWm Ist àetVClIait. (ta.WIIaasTac s horlcaut epis5s gaWgerai of tisé Cllet BiýAts bd Omr onesusut trlI 0f ores., .o laë iatm Of a itee ltc"a oide teoum la P osrtgar aiapetuIti for Nseusnie " uii s1g9e9ela imles slliso -trains laid I -itiiblb Uta ia!eiutis.-ecP Tm'ly-slroo permou we- cruthstor unté 0dsa(h, est otI, tjut-din a op»lalIte OoIIgrMW tor tisarpel dit Uw b hrman llvr gournhas.la*- 1 Ti%9s maanDeq* elbmmi oma ese Uval. T" ofrsaea t i Utq îtn bat beau living a il" f515. m j i La James Lawrence Blirh, gId eOfU6 em riafik Blair, Who a"va4 mis, XIl. t *0 unon. lawyer and' irgftidi uil t ýreenti! geiierai couàs Of Ph..' Ut. lair wax luformdof- 1114 l. MI" ag.thbinsturdsy att..oob bb eoMioi'rbn;iuenear Kli-"UOcéb OM atotal, COllaPM , lc boda.1001 ri hwobour on lits, purch and dlctateil U ltf4SCase e6ilsgui - peflo'1héa the Clc'seOft tIs alo- i ias W&aed if be did net;wlb t dà<h report tbat bis nllea »Wsi~ tict Wa0 Lie.resuit uof n efort fi Wd otherem ir thr* ei e bt ioulA fDot rolùnatwe*1loiiormtle tu w .h a t nM a y lb a ve he ci, d o n.e lu t u e' tienlIAr. tIser. wa a moment ofa M. toilowlng tMAîsremark. 11 qo tiet anl yen want te sol te the. ilt' ba evas sakesi. Mrt. )Ble a deA.as If te apsw--et. B lp.d tok brentil. M ffl art* sud ab«r transblad. ne. utalas g Iio mie, *lId dlr.ctly Wah 01 Mm Vam nos t'ey«. Thiqi "U" hwb4cbbat Im~apboted .hlm :t.il teatleurot à& hbelot hâ bbaads 1». ealit gé- the atrorney fait ba*iwàrd. go$*W séloni deothei. aga1fia bond unk tiieatoe pavemenit with tramail- no, force. A pbyaillaswas AumniOndI. [i loat Bt nlt Ur.. BlaIr tegalelas oI- Tbéa Chari«a sPPss.d te lavoirs Blair,ý ut flot mntiosslnh bis Dame, hava beefi milated a ta 1.Louis fiasactl iMtl ows~pee a ts er mort t a mStb, t ïnalhé esfilteé thons. DMt W"a MW eantete t d.mmpubbilaluntil lt~ r. Blair batl epieda for a warranttfoit litor Brokiaeyer on thse charte Of cdI- aiïiiiw ' tbuah Mr. Brobineet bm ctofolly hept the aume of thi.e MPPas rrong dftrfrets the Coluine»ofMa PsL- ni. Th. ebara.. sade bY latmas T. RO'b- rt wba, sa tenograpbe, bai me*s.. to imiata boita sud paliers. am la btiems L. fTat. dards and meSgagea auge'. itin..gm 4.Owere torrgal. Tis TUtS4O,(XK)u*. ebtislasérots im «u Dlck Brothers & C.Ut Pull- 3. Tuwt SowC Ua ebtimd it m ii l lowleatâte In Se. Louis anu tele PaPaem 4. Ibat notarial and atiier iieeaarl, nulaa onstmpa Ussa coistritiil. leMosè are t'stii mmoUona 1001 lam. mars thon thre* yom .50. Tbi se statut. oft limiltiqus seuil hop- matwi igay etftiim .eau wildthei James L. Blair him bea n.-,Of thsi gUreheadu ot husit... andl social St Louo for yaara. ][nstllonsi. VORnIIIIL imiber of uearil à aeany ldbis the citY- a sImUj awer. alm ewuit oratr, publie RWsItel, and appai.antly * men of the lgbst and mont aueire PrlnellIas1 a 'ba. .tood for wvbat wUsi believel th a 'fbn best :od ment DotetO tulthie Itizaisali ilofetconservative olt St Lent& At bis hosutifut boni. lie euteallei î'rlably. At Y. M. C. A. metUngs hl leCttred on "Buoiness Moral&*' *-Inter 3iWun Biinessa," junl kiodret subJactL in the coinviels of thie woresMritdIree 'orfte big villes W Ut oPS'beat a"iséh advier nouallyraaepeced. Altbham5 'licn.bslineuee li t tis spise- Ut action wUxIsft hW b.d ait W"al ,city. BIlr,% band Uaa OlUlYfi te bhase« Lu wtrks ormbem mit;hmvoice Vi abwais henni for laforiO, for puricatim s! rpuiblic snd privella mora, for a atrict ,o code uoflionot inbiusiness.for a hlgbîs plane of periLonail Ife. Mis. Blair,' hegldes'belbtg Pregideut 0i the huard of lâiy nmangiers-la a.Mud soule andl necOniplWhod irwoman, prest dent O ut tt> St. Lowie Ctonfaeteatou 0 womeli'a clubsnaît 1-reiGut andéditee 4ot of the choral FAèlu.tr'he pie-u ment musical oripntizatioii et tse City. lames T. iRoberts. 1EIsll~ e0Acue, astenographier nnd laaper"e'tek hY Pro ses.ion. Tliree Yeiis « seOt teti .ffç, qut (nrrll$ w ýItb bl anue l!se b lm Usa tryîo! te persuade lira. Rbe arts-i teZ tstlstage, and lu the ee' sho ipsodrud. iRdert . ' Acsqui ted ffl tni. Blair stoot W1111iibilu-t> CANY MAltE fqI*ORT PULIC. postal 1] at-r epitnW-mId HeI Attorusya for Aéra"',flien. New, thst tIse B Jo r Ofr eim 000 worda dàtisetostoice investigation bas bars sabssiitted, thse ndsoiiistra±io leaundaiftaul abat th do vhsILTh pteeident hall brais eceedingly asleu tu get, the repeut betorethe pbiWle fore the openio lte apelsis~ Congrem ,baIt ti the partmrnt aLl Uhinb la ta bay.eisarige of the pts. t'Ouof utheiimen tadlted. las adilééd the a Coýemrble - poit et thse repart OU neot h -rmade pubte Vitilout "Èui" awayIl the governaieit calss t o thé a tornera for thse eceutmen. In vIe.' ot thi eoawmensatiola of th Attornrie General, It May be n*ceaml to UlthlioM the mont lntercatiug secti» it wal said at the. White Hou» tb.d diat it miplit be tto dayssinfère afl pPI oc tIsereport woisld lia made publie. Wb conte.te hé porsued it1 iinet b. éscfli on before the Prasîdent lin 9osse0o the repert csrstullY with thie Âttomil Generall. Meantima thse reeousinenséalo at 'Bristew tliat se vrnri ndditlo'ial sn ployes ha dlsclsarged will hascarnet oa Ovan la Oina t kla clar thtua n and lapas am VonhillIbh& ides oet] treet.* ".NigIsI shirt" pie1d«e hi Collets b-, siloe *sw thê aopàlorty of lilgier o .stiône, Cismsce De1saw and Toms Pil !rntos~ns a bnIénaoms' club r M? Rspi~ B. ocosomit qui e'" z wgoted studeat 0*t e but in Es is n elfae. Be %9 bora lu De"l. ~ark. May 2 ~, snd r.caisd .'enrly educatloa 5Jtew Yorks Ctyt ybn ouog mua M 4 UER niany ce. ret 005ley wî ont et1 fier bual and brob Plekin eau gho. Usa pe4i . a ha Inthe a l nosure; leIa 1 9ho' ra liceuaed94* suchrag attorney.tie. s W'!O ý Cbîcagu ans! hir cse eusameliqb.r of «« statt ot tbe C»- aus Tribune. wb t-'abecamne ausa sdIB wolit«.a lie ýWbcbell toroi 5 tum, 'sud paxou." uegthi. Mato o e e a W -hoiilered aonsurCet us tbotlly on soclots questions. se"sie -l M'e o e se écoomielconlltRtui. eeresult etilii - thle mur Witboit B&Ulbes."90 as Isesat hy *'" -. ié Ailet Tsodam p~u autOfthe, UMsiePt stateut lt t 1bo5thaïs t théi Intei#.e- ds4 - arcl liollal Conguela O e, Swttland. -.,a Ho WU a 5 vrrâ n4lo1 of John Borneave.-4 a"l But Hardie. t1islon workniea Wévisere baa.. mmieise Parlianiun HO. B. Ma Dot il*stUqiilt -usnrrstoe Erope Iwtt.ne misdUawi« as .l ,sted on any nDOW ' I.nohm BatlO * F~~6 Tu'. retdbtflos Cxii ssI C'uhllBLailef- to eai dend à% r whes *. MAtarsd gif het agoht 5l10 for*- ' 0900 aie f1b11ient mer -- -la R.0r ort me. u a.eis M i Eet - S ot ritWomhmS tt.FdfoVio frthbeaaeha.(ens:t a a ornfi - V cs boa Wet Wsf0 ilë&o l îub ts do»ea mmte bugo ema yee, ioitd t , e .sin*m. t lseséU t»'e 16tter Wd o cel v*ues.IwlgtK on s. - I i 5 5pPOPugghta isoneU' orailaa * atdu, be aufîth ib u t.h 96 lsièt teUsade melou vlomîtisa -W ueaeta priata its sMnid. ta] r-fil 0t- arsen nts a uenlvn.'t bv tcrr aron$ tely eéledeM.uny oit herset 1 ave o tt on sted L Waer masbae rs inut et tir 'fe l ib Il obuhJusiceta s n'oa tot ,ntistMctr*-" ULI BZWN. Tu r. on pte adiog l s a iilt& -e ah fn h s ilýger itebterta n Le témiseurnbueu btss Md mse 't a s ls e r ft#pifleitw, . '5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " and Ozp oaUUMls mne.te'(lm ul - tieumi CivI13114 FIMUd, Latibae kla e î_41acsaV-h Mai tenu W Cliagto.l. 40" peaiou ple. a glcle ôù& o aa1 inVts atr 0 - d"«« e.tdant et"ri.e t'~e MdCaot-!ln Wo- --, Mr @ ud no po anr rs ni o e t il o M dcne w i - ba t»__e t _n z epe a. ofle wavstmode. ceso ide f tsn autr- ýi ubtjsiet Pa 00 Rifcô7ý U I ý% W h e-lri' airtoesuu wer qisard .ins sa id pea Irrd nhor o-galmt.5 m i et themarveous fet a matwas 1ebasmf Mitcellwhe edtbd bo*t aenssu ,hlewstebthe Xeea satq'v mhe-d*D t h rt L'oueadi Mc S bcoss tMbineor!IasUU O am.%b I0IPafO >h1 o!4saslcl ers "atbebusn rn etI btethuV7.Othe,~PtB.P *~H W gomm admua *à-k5OD O,*Vs ~ ' aayVfsNs~f l.sn ~ ? orn odca iS rvsbs Os lia ~ ~ ~ reee lirAfinclfa î> Dnusie uilapttn ornisle Hlm 4nla B I basGaIsY'on* al otelu' aî oy.TiacBlg c511l b b tis assis te 4 cn a stie fa tte nin m tL c ie bseemta tee A vouce Item eh. Pialpbu tuhveeasi nt r fi eia a u.., ~ ce- hulcm lf 5 .t.ast4d bi edtgi e aYuomrk.I bt t i. slattas ibm 110thd lodblag sotb - taonba f Saetklde,11 5kmsuaalylsierf. ~5sinit ufsteW applcaton. Tue à 'hilli s.p . t lor umtIe ya se examuiTees aio for 1 ule1bere a" -Abosu t til iecls .4.0 Iput h taugeather. bu o.t 'ste," lé fohal ul 1 ssi. m lb.t uauu te sbaisei l naeaee 4 h i A glifoci 2%. 60 bowil 10» mtstflBecause *a Crelaalrem ten ime (otia tis vcthe fssggier u e ey ona iuîPlacnI or"rei ce's a r 011that Icen Àé t te I t o Tb y& btug ot!l eIe y bot «111 enttttlsu Ingn b c the .ett ewYr;su ae te p ai an et otver evlaglie, ase ar m"alON5 ofCi bZ anisef$» tnoly ieprm ty azkube dua os K agn Veblra hlts lDou's BItt ai PIlaforae0ul i ! OB nIrg th Chiagoes la d ofesil m t uti-c o mt; a te a . Poatn- g a tet e osia a hi, is a heen Cwtg ate Cn'denesPIO bhètm be e h Cetfs, 1<t". Y. Blatea O Gseaam won"Ulaathsi etBar. Jco . Sta o»-oYo eao & tu w sls an Usto ctaten a CiaD lio 7 sx btddYutl fh son "Bnlr e u ~ta Tbe goueral , manag er t ls.ae Pennbe nmlt b sO W à Wou V Oct, a- an18, ierrsLé tinsidereao. ad» n»meired0wbl b gî ss sud ~ ~ ~ ~ ce» nate uaber rmieotgea mpoeneit isaee Lut agaloftlb. Indînnimouldmu . Tise me mud consita In fia ~, basis ajlg.su opAu Thoner m Id fro M lu paf. mne Bn ~ ~ oh te ulvePsuss trs n tsi boilng for d titaI 000 'ter Gemefai sud têsibe ee f Ub7C U Bseoal t ien ar n ani atteusns mh te * ~ ~ ~ l It Trasu e us qîes.TIe uibepate' uul lule0 but wast oson hlm wseUt h$ W4iUt hu s uut i sIe dingaovs ie 'hSIêtioý ermi. Lattese usblepatertenmolet nthne ars e*-tb tu, nt arn»a"la ts e IaI l ePil c 1001 th tévoainofaqW e-.btdi »y e W .m nMWhstt rémot that au gt ëxpea"S t a-g"-I-lwrO- bar b.d. - Noa' ChO Up nogleetat exil 1 Dr e vaunt ot a MO iband was bhemsaul. m'n doaga Ultb oniau îg np thé. papero0» d te reos! en ItemaibM WB tIsat Dt. fisuss sas tree of eaf Y ately wro0ft.,né se snd glving lis au sn replred s letter FUhat t, de., aud 1 ad placstu get Lit. 'p(tii. prisepe RDM> at omce, andla à ià Ureliand etrongag sUli Uuitk. ofer otf free bonie t le ton1 open teuaIl Wb vi-e. et ibis e uls ?rs applylng'to tu Anise, aHee, P r ç on nitt t-i Branpis'. wrltea ftram Ne* York: te o. ihsa ao ila backaese ands! t Les shootthue stom ti me uns test, for It le ,The dloctor sas!- my va eut et eider. but dn.t smiet t reliai'. lâi leru wsn geed o nionthes1imou nce tet ssy.Iat It mode 9 e. Thle tosturlaz r m n yîbe bave takeu .ANNI Ri Mnmit Powell, L lisane. illaê ts s'@ hast friand5 foi It tsît téoma. 1 allei "is snd Catb e ilonthiquai but 6%. a t log ?pàgna 1, *u s 1,su baye 181.5 "a,. i a tai Olw ltmom , V do ha b dleppeo(toit' y". do metame*ams Sr reest*tfte qtisa 15 1 la,. s,' N'as t 1