F. C.ý DINSMORE, Merchant, Delavan, Wis., Pres. J. H. MYJ.RS, Frisco, Col., Mining. Engiieer.,-Ilet Viqa-Pres. 8.'H 7ALEXAN DER, Madison, Wis., Sec'y, 0 Years Smoking Experience. FRANK B. FLUCK, Kimnmelton, Pa., Engineer Reading Coal Co.., gd Vice-Pres.' WILLIAM R. TI4OMAS,> WatertoJn, Engineer, Treas. ~h Above and bJ. E. DINSMORE, Delavani Wis., Merchant C. A. GURwêgL, D**erfNeOblo, Sollciior R. P. ADAMS, Walworth, Wis., Merchant FRANK E. WIRE, 'Chieago, United Stta Rahyay Mail Service it BSeif' IrnpWsbIefer the Oôfloers f This O.mpatq to meet £vIR edn fWalworth 0O*unty PorSonaily, anid t Sbitg Our Wish. to ing our Untoerriseto ~ie AtSt«on 41,Al, WlmgHave SowgUht This Space. G9ive n your'.ttention and we will try toe leOur etbo cIer. W. bave made a carefu investigation of ,an sof goMl ing. Firstly, in regard to axnount cabptal scsded; Sscondly. in regard te 'chanoes cf suc- os in the business, and Thirdly, Profit te bc realized by investaient. We fin that it ae fre i$ooo te t»,ooote develop the average maine, This wonld be law aýmý oramy one of us te spare frorn cro ther »iiw6ýâ i i cvry much wben divlded aanong ev- eow etsaw Ibis1 ýAme md a stock qWgyýijVp ** ot frieda to sbire witk.ns or becomne I~~ ~~iddSlit in oui- mine. We ail help make t" Md tg subar ini the dividendm. We kýnow that a -W#,mmy bav mone" that lis àrzng theni very littie W Mt tey will invegin or sM&c when tbey under- id e bts. Anuýiber ac. substuasta nd succemful RÏm of LIbektpilý &Md Lakte Ceunty bave alrcatly in- ffl - iare wd asutiçw l*peC4ird to çu.noeof suceas we flnd that over 90 W cet in mercanitile purmuits fail during 2o year ac- i0cg I Bmrasreet.OutsÎ d uitions sucb as panic, 5h o ire, tr, wbids would hino way, affect a S#W» u other boanupsek. Uo«t,Wuing enterprises ét1'q. falledbave fiiled becaume of dishonest ce ln- ~alet innagenen. Coditinshave almc changed. *»Wemd fclt for resdîly aieoetoriSaly shlppisw, e£ ande ct 'thse geM havé utade irethat wai Oîmy Uic.wnc.rthedun Iabej'ad'oaput- the pmia of gold mining on a safie and profitabte basis.. In nçard te the-profit in thc business ml buow that in oibu bu=ies are the colossal fortunes made and dah as qulddy. A fcw exanples nmay bu ote cpint: nom levested ini Elitt netted $14.000 and dividends. $24p investe4 in Acacia nctted $îo6m,oo and dividende. * $100 invested in Jack ýPot netted $135.ooc and die4s. And yet a good demi of this stock went begging on thse marict and no doubt the prSoters met the wise nm then, as now, wbo made the discovery that it Was a g<ôod thing it would have been developed long, ageby mre capitalt-no, he was too wise, bo buried his, mo ney in a napkin.while bis nceighbcr with not quite mc large a bump cf ccnccit, bcught the stock and made bis fortune. The State cf Colorado prodnced over $28,oooooein gold It #ear.almt as mucb as tire total productiozi cf ail the other lcading gold States combined.ý Over 8o per cent of the pust total gold production of the State is eati- anated to have cone frorn the Suiphide Gold Beit, reach- ing frein Ledylie toCentral City. Our propcrty la le- *cated ini the center cf this beit in Summit County, near Fr4co. It consista cf 13 full Iode mining dlaimis on LRale Mountain and vicinity, and Sm acres of valuable placer gravel. The Veina we wiil cut rua fron 3 fLtO t over So ft. wide and oreeruas frcn iooe to $60m eup per ton-monie ore baving run cver $roe per ton. The average of al ove aippe f rom this eeunty is over $4000 pér toq. We redriviIUgmud inte Royal Mounltaia te crûssent **velop or veine. The tunnel wilI dran thse prpty I erve lp meanp of transportationa for ore, ae du«ano water. wilever have te be' pumped oe ore hoisted. Agrest saving. Ome cpu bc dumped directly f rom thc -~muthcf be.mmtWtqar~of Colorado &Sbothem K- FL, and UeDoo&ReGrande R. PL js wihiin500 feet cf me.We e a supply.cf pne timber for al tinie and arm w" 3np miles cf ameter. ýFine water power' on property wàkient or 'ruinnng ail madunery. Sunnuit 'onty,Ounr County.'bas been Uic greatest producer cf placer gold in Uic State. Within a few miles of us lie du gret Gold Pasl-badcecd by American* Biscuit Ce. and Abncer McKinley', owning'fourteen Miles ef gravel and with $8ooooo spent in equipinent and &>velopment woric. The Ore Grande, The North American Dredging Company cf Baltimore, The Meca, -Ryan'a Gnlch, Gold Run Iowa and otfiers, all being worked"ýand mmling tic holders cf stock or owncrs more money ma ny tîies over: than Uiey "Ind malte in any other business. Over $60,- 000,000 Was pid ont in dividends tcésock holders by the mines of the United States Uie'flrst six months of î>o2 Suminit County is credited witli a production cf $6z,- 000,000ini placer gold. ince the discovery cf ber placers in 15-0 Thomnas Tonge, speciai correspondent cf Uic Mining journal, Landa, aya: "Sunimit Go.. has been mand la pre.- emnaeathe icgôl placer district cf Colerado." Heme is what Ge6.-B.,Walker, a Deputy L. S. MineraI Snrveyor cf Colorado, formerly a Milton, Wis, mm, says: <ut came te Brecioenridge, Col., 23 yerajanmd have been a resident cf this place durmg' that perhod. 1 formerly lived at Milton, Wis. Frisco. Col., is ten miles from Breckenridge and I amn well acquainted ini and,. rouad Frisco and have snrve yed in nearly ail parts of Uic ceun 1ty. I have matIe a surface exaniination, cf the prop- erty cf the. King Solomon Tunnel & Devclopmeni Comn- pany, and an underground-cxamination-of the King SOie mon Tunnel.' The tunnel runs about at .rtght angles with Uic vens upea.lgoyal Meguntain, and willctijt the velus o6f Uid4 King Scomon Co. At about 100 feet f rom the month Uic tunnel bas cnt a blind v ein about twenty feet wide, that dec. net show. on Uic surface. The tunnel gains depth very fast and as it cuts, Uic several veina belenging te thi4 company, antI blind, veina it may cut, the minerai cabu very econoçically extracted, milletI or shipped. Mie tun- nel is close te thc Coorado & Sonthern R. R. and a switêh can bu made te the tunjiel se that ore can bu dumped froni the mining cars into the railroad cars. Mie Decnver & R. G. R. R. aIse runs within one-eighth of a, mile. There is a splendid water power close to this tunnel and aufficient power cabc gel from ilte m n air or electric drills and for any other purpose that miay bu required arouncl a mine. There is aise plenty of timbur on these claims for mining purpoSes." George B. Walker, .U. S. Deputy Miperal Surveryor. Opinion cf another prorninient mining engineer: "Ia regard te Uic location cf King Solomna Tunnel 1 have te say: I do not bulieve that yen apuld get a bétter location ihe icwhoe Tei-mile range than King Solonni Tunnel The tunnel wil -top seme of tic ricbest ore bodes ever opened when it is drivai î,ooo feet. If yen wmnt an investient that wili pay yen, a big profit 1 do net Uink yen cade btter in tic State than this district, and the King Solomon has one cf Uic best locations in thc district. G. W. Adamn$, C. E. & E. M." .1 have been in al the mining camps cf Colerado andI 1 thunk I amn ac4uainted with th&i history, but 1 do not bulieve there is a inining' camp in Uic State that wiil re- tnrn a profit for the anieunt cf meney invested that the Frisco District will. King Solomon Tunnel is locatcd in tfi&lks* ïpart-o! Uic diïffict antI wili-citt aohitê vcrv urî-ý veina which cross its linat right angles. You cani do ne botter than investing yonr money in this district and es- pccialiy in King Selon-on Tunnel. 11J. W. Sprat Supt. Tabor Mines «& Milling Co." The Suporintendont ol ~~~ea frl rnunt-o raiteo ny day without n% >ry. lf.you w'nt-tE mak ier from the market., a molii Salas): for! Actuel. Work Don-No Other Salaried Officom~ pck, 1 a4nTt Once, at the' grpund'flobr price. of 20; Cents per Share. Prce is stckwiIbe:sl tfi e~r4t o Price to instail certain fmr'tis.ivËte.don't wait- tilt; the -stock -.-goes- to pâ.r or is withdrawn- 3Y>I)y WiO 0Pet Ome.em ent»= O ifwCoupgmon '.s ugsoforn Dso.mber li . out out INO__ CASH.I-SUBSCRIPTIf»ê BLANK $ tatSolomo o nnl sad -Uevelopmeat Coupany> 2mBALTIMORE ELDO.. CHICAGO. EL AkLXAD& teS.aitast t«g am a oaeIintte t.suletbe ar Dame ta théenhutptioa beo& et thé Vite OLOMOZ< Tuet ff, Min DIULOlIEitTCOMPiNT fo -....... es et ls capttw steak. etat0lents"r haro.1 eUtfti.... ......1........ Uleta m lti ajen tertai tilt steur nlv . 55.esiI.Noe ebeemd littyl. 1. ................. ..... --. ......... Shoulea tu*MWsb 1, 1lut ......................'. Wirf You Nae't the. C»asu sg% Otion below mend mais ai on«. with 120 go 00,cr Cai ptuent. Y"uOan mâvhe balance 0s» m onth. *Wrif Yoeu Wang Nom lnf"iatlon Mdail This @b*oion to-Cos it, or ~30x11L ~efereiioeS cb I 4 S ateM.Ale.xand Secretary and F aIkent, Délavant WIs. _____ INSTALLMENT BLANK$ King Solomon Tumnel and Development Comnpany 2m DALTIMOnc ELDO.. CHICAGO. IL H. ALEXANDE. 5oretar7: y telie M Ith ny same la the subseripîlon bon% of theING sOL(PAON TIE DU 1,045eP e or-*--..-... salor éenvita bii teCk. at 20 cènts >« ,aharé. WaIclo.O -......................1..........Doeiamy oraut pyment tbfren tea¶o ma aaeet ath. rate et maet tle ...........Dolàtlar peer mti ountil luitz * aiceba 1. at I tiP Menthe neisiae s attméto ie,.t «the'ora~etat tt.KIG. -,Ný UNL N. trerte .....a . . . . . . . 4 l Date........................190................................ .... .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .-. o O E .5 I~ 'I