Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1903, p. 2

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IMI*2E CERTAIN SECTION8 CWMN pfVSLVAN lA. mu»a"j mape 'Und*- 5U 'conseil!by the. muder OWmCleumdr4thé.operator in towt b eat -Jersey Show, Pa, 5*5Wr~oIo ater Of thei&aet W",l fty miles tant Of the was i lrïia*d the. otiier dey vite un, fwu tht tieesbad mben a third Iéýf *sha« atture.John Dlton, tt bm vae Ra t tii. Pbiadelphl* ffiW lway station et Girard- VW etaclSd by tour nasked men t1%7lockd,d inl a room, àb1Ua t1M snd>tO- 0,treoe vlue- ~$ specagsa.Dalton Jnmbiedl effléesud rained su alîrm. A u iiesicepoudd d sartud- etcftuesbuýgiars, vho siRpe *Wnntàlus Obote vere erciianged î S sme. Girardrille le fifty miles et- llewoo, wereMurreli t= ý o'«dA gtleuo pd pera we onaaoted. robbsd -sud chioro- Z m ithia a shiort time after Clen- , e"lced off ou the vire as b. vas it fb.message tint tOid of bis tts. s uposd tat the inysteriaus rob- 1jumjieou a fat fwigt ater ili' Bsndenulu, gode to Âi.nvood. daime odUatfer *Bd ded [GIV D UM O 0 oP1lUcm 04n 09 sebrashAP$ton Ac.:. b tutdPioer. . am Ufftey1 rslegaed .patnoner th Nens a ste gieatir, t~e051* olesa sochkinutais of und lu Ierphies habits acquirad by ea ta t Institution. Laffsrty 'bÏMOX i achui"dthe.drug habit à ftU.* term. and> thet W.u i tempoible te bush awuy f rom >p*Mci cs lis relsc. Rec aald: h5ciy priemeinlthe iaeite-l ýM. 0 eotukd dras tend and mont thà bave sacuielrd tii.habit mince -Itlalego troable ta havs the )au if ienda from wth- etu a sgnard vili slip It M ewas a prinouer i.arw *sSf se* but géttlug vithin. 1 Intsnds *lfl»1 dtent 004b tlers. hé hon egu moakl t e sP er e t l t . tii. s t ro cl A* q4 tbé 1ev. 3. A. thé 4iéesry of> nom wàkk will 4dvefer of -$W A tbA dflastiatc me Dent< d4lt deé s bhé Palan iver ai.- m district.- Tva bn- roi l pmwl ar la lage 00 ft 1X<cl «etgi re erouteJ utlin contente. téeo nud tdirai chas Maeu a rsmctaed tram thc th train tainouefhe otier = r . C et reuLet. m"MèriBoothulveai luPolin GpL. wihiveSetcf ttc env of the ýêskFrasCWuoisKep, mWh"iwu 1-jem Peluf Rqsc. Thitet0 rn se aseountea for. it xlarlilema. Pi josep ii'a vansebaul bulmnea. Th oss ls idt $*0.. nul W &plaferuai Machin.. WleeAet teCe a d mu . H. rom tuli.ila the Vindiatar mine Pic CrieS. Colo-, ly theexplosion I-arges et Cmetî MI.."s xe ca csusiy te ii"m .Patients Kenimti" Stats i'cpld du 1IawIn N ew- York, aemais me imaI etunealt*er apenin;liao acs aetecaaithualinstitution. ~ ITrae At, AeiSWer. Rinemcrraspondént o e I.L.u tI* iai ma tt dorlug tise can- at Windsor ictieen Klsgt Victor aed anal ]King Bavard m perme- »Saftienu inilration treaty vas ai iby ioda aoiarcis. bapIss1a. *Dotis1ii tteoh Mléma ocfaia dhe Penalnula sioe cf the Natioual ReformAi- * l 4Uftenirg p a Ee. Dr. st# d"pkre d m*ftdsora-' ler i ivlous EM«Wtm glesintstitution@ aofIcaru- Stiesifotball simca on iawpt te b &»s 1m"Wu stt ry ss Nebrem"aIbn prene Court perbidis *«.4#mgr et s Uerptueoa Ribla rsadlng aud hyzon alugalis1 again forbldlleu in dis pubic keaola et 'l4brunts by lb.eBis S uvreuse *Court ubici bas issaaed s PeremPtoiTvlt Of mandamua éggant ths disectorar ù ut*oo distri ct No. 21, in 0490 Co'nt!. orairiu them ta comply vith tds leourea." dsred more, than. a yeur ugo, tiiet no furtiisr religion enerclues bh. hd aciiatse »acoci.The reator ln tii. Pétition for maudamugje s Daniel Freemun, lnovu ta tb.e * s hometender." vlio Vas the original plaintiff ln s suit bfguu lu ISO aguluat the district. vicuung iice lI the. ower corts. The. district directorsb appenled ad the Supremne Court upbeid Mr. Freunauu, bt Chief Justice 8ulivuu. la .t Inter applemeitalopinion.,50OCen- couraged the. scitooldistrct'- sids 6f ltae case thât the frt order VAn practiclliy ignored. leeman caanplaaiaed tiist the digetors sud tenclier, Misas rlhit Beeciier, vere rlolating lhe court Ordet and the latent writ foliowed. Much iti- galion Vitiicane, aines thera enaus many varylas interpretationa ni the. de- ciointesut written as Ibere are'diffareait viewsa on the subject ni Bible resaiug lu the. public ' chools. Tetenor o! the de- àn a ivoa' i]Ë l-*itùia5.luit nift sa religons work. il la suid tba*tbe achfl dîr9ctora viii perasti theisuse of the Bible. Siiould they .(o eo contemnpt Pro, esedings wil bring the wholé question befor. dfis court égainle, &r*vi.w. ]PLRlA., THEATER' BURNL. .1taW Dataction et ?rov"43rly- tissst.d et *00000. Pire briea outiwlutic Park Theiter building lu Butler, PA.. about 500 Fri- day morning, and by 9 o'eloclc PrOperly valned t .$M,000 Olid besu detroyed. Tiie faing v w uilnicia anumber Of Ur.msu under a mint fbritssand bar- log tini5er sud Otlef Jacobt Buà*iOlder. Frankl Ziegler, Chariea Dougiau ansd Ai- bert Weltes a vre aerloul nsi ursd. Tiié a"é .vldstiy *u cassd by s » elaU et, gs lu the bassmeut. Aiug otiisr structurés burned vers the. buildaiW - eupisiby tie. Central N501.theiBu tler BmusinssColege. the. National Supply coumexay. 1kJabn M. Lelgbuer, tiie Butler Coauty Recorder9su, Prtutiut' Company, and William H. Bitte. g-rocr Tho buifldings vers ovned by Daniel Touxkina. James Thomp-an d L G. iwNmty-o»eu ite W«edt in Bedi of Us« t Mtsum..lln. Wth twsnty'one tilette vound e boa.. body et Silvadoe Battali WAvs foulné at muigtithedi irakl ase- uns beldas luMlinepolis. 1 letter is ooud nthe. body atawlsg -iaithe -mm antai applisi for admisesion adth Itnonic ordsr. Tisai 1-bber wvisneut thé iotfvelu citer f ra ite ta« t at nbeat *won vs. faun ntoacisd lin ii pockets. vbls a loaded reroleer lu- the hiu pochetai ioveai tit h. bad becs strucit dewn vithiot a chance te défendi himmei.. ___ cKopa CAUSE ATALFiGEnT. DIe*,.. Prismtened a irisai Cimban ad Bas.. l'eu; M. Lepor4e,-pister ofrut. Opine1 Citholle Cborc, sud mother Uelilpu usameaiJe Bond v-ers fatallg XiUDWl .~ ~Pe' làs git supplassai Io base irises oveýýr ieta Vers playlng lan dsprist'.apirtmais la tie eburcis building. Patter Leepore van abat twice lu tic abdomen sud once lu thife e and SorIi van $hot MM elu the adomsu. There accusta bave been na syeWituease te Uic affir. Beli men. Verst, aien io St. .IO.pb'a boapital. visere It la said Uiey rasnt recover. As Payqtgm.ste eetisa et die Pean- ~vnui eameuy as lemelugthé.. Fîrat mca-c lalurcai on ticPennsylvaiela lnes snd ver vraed dmsses la cout. Damaus Enia. Inperis Train. i Wltu ti*c Obiang yct-due eti htt Pointlu tes Minutes thi« -sPers ltei quelle Eleesalbridge ipauninatdé river ailes., Mici.. van diseaicreal os O.e. sedton me vils dl. aW it ofa bandeau stnaacueUd dasear aiansIta sa lise Cilga- nbd train nearsi a carré eisedlng ta the bidge. mmci htep- pIed tata ti, river aithtal momet. Tise esbtlnaeai km lu$0000M Bouc.- Caves a TvOKiîIcI lauYeunsovn, Ohbi. tt.casug la tue Wison arense semer gae mai sand buai -smix mnmen iuder teLM et *andi anal gracai.lMartin MTilluasud lt- phail Clla vwers iiflcdJohln Miesmr'a legs mece briez sud hia conditiau la citical Mra lea a is. - Tom lRnatong ranouneai as a, scout and Indien Ogiter. trleiaa et Gen. Miles sad Baffaie Bil.suancn0fr thieat noteai taures of tue montonei sud thc plains, van bmnged lu Cieyenue. Wyo.. for the louder et Wlllls Niekeli, sa15- yesc-oid sieepieriler. At te ausual bauquet -oitise Iir Tart Chamber ai Commercec Seretsry Bisu, lu dbmiscaag "Tic Oeil tupro- tectai Ininats?" délarcai dit tise mer- citant bte vas inaésqutat. sai tisai tuis countr, venu Sa praetcliy icîplesu lu thé event ni a focelgu ver. M3jty tu moul e'c uicide. Balvard Dubeity, 24 'yeas n ad, iralitea ta thc eareaihil s aloon,4802 Loomis street. Ciicagp, anal*otniablsei lu thei tesai, drlng lsntly. Neither Mra Dobaiscsnon suy ai ber frieuads coulai fur a"sià spossible motive ftheiaisuicide. les. r attînu la AccOMPiibsO. Tii operation fan grailing su, ter apon liheal citaàirealtuy Wester n u 4v pe-foraedtilu Philaidelphies, lu oder tu m"oid inlerfersuce franie eNw Yr ésLhat-Ili, anal la expectete t sasc- central __ lawe. CcmS 1les *bsieli &. Dudley. t Bumlien Cônm er W M- ure te proteet th* ua>Ill&5t vbu ter. Suitva s roet bi àde a. ai 1,d.- lariug the oéorfieteiîgIf 'uc oritd sncb neligeuce. thée lower ort de cîdeal liaI die lav vas niautlt*uuon" The Sapremae Court dld a= suouthé questiou of uwqeeutiitonltbola thsi the coroner iiîd Do itreet lu.thé sof ot aeciff. Tvo eft te M.jualges dlsgnetd. __0__ o l B IG RE AtT LofflDvtiaL. Essain le Temple mad Uepius's Puy' bsouse Dfflro"cO b~iseece.k Pir. destroyed lie olai Mînsic Tem- ple. occuap>-ng hait t !thse laloitbeitd by lot-aict. iflb, (lace. nal JcfferMgt streets. lu tii. Iacîrt a!tishe retail bout- nesis- district of Leulselile, Thoe1010. le *boaut a quarter et a million dollars, di- vdel ns foliows aiecTemple build- ing, $123.000, nsucngc$t5,00 Hpi Thmieter. acenery anal proportion, RU J. _%. Fowler Drui CempiUY, $38.00, lnslicunce $14.000;, Bycit 14mlier%. sioe. $15-000; IBoitaBseComupany, $15.000; Maufiacturera' lioe Comany. $15,000; htodisersa & Kcull, Jewelera, $40.000;Cdaa. B. saalth'le n. butenr$. 15.000. insur. unses $11.000; J. T. 3Joisnan.& Co. opti- clans. $2,000; lienti'n billia-rd parjar. $7.- M.0 Biiglish Kitchen reisurant l$1.000 W____hic iup- pllseW.SO: 1adgeley & (fraïam, Pbp lagrualule supplies, $2.500. Tiee Bri -nupposed-to have stacrteal lu tic scenery puth lIeteo e ticiexlei. Tie Josses to* iie lesails ofthe building vI h. laeaey, owine Inta I b bh mate ebargeal for husqurnce. 'h.uanderivailers umade a rate et $3.85 becsuse aifltheconstruction ai the building aud becauns Il coutalusai a Ibeater. TRI KILLEIS 1IN MISI. PennesyietnSslue.ii oni se isera la AU irIctioens, "Hill Faussmsine,"'tde iil-tatid. near Conuelleilll., Ps., bais addid- leu mors vite tha 0ls blmck record, lsai the day shitt haïabout compîsîcal ls labars and vers about la le&"e . Femgusou mine, a terrifie expilsn t aubetten minera mio vers vorkins Lu ths viciuity filing lnail a irectbion,tise roof telIlul and lia mes belaling lbeinslvs p rasis- 'ed lui eerydirection secIag .0ues nu CAMsbut ouly aln sesaicai dla resciing tic pl mentis alive. Only tour of Ibeaè ara extacctid tb survive. Tic force of the explosion sbattereal timubera for tire miles round mad vas follovied by Oire, misisirept %eïrery ruem ntu te mine. ]Rouler tranc retaendTisene soper- 1 andmiffis Wtt. Use as MieI bilaister rasueacamse felle allierae- vire, Pobil, ca,-.-ennting for lise muMd dati et lisetile Prbac5a Ehiabe* tit nsas, nlee or là@c ulué of Ismjid nt tise meosent ai a femlly rul.The nfartunaste Iitlbc prinea andlhber father v.reibe giueule nt Siciruewie of dhe Czar andl Carcu. sad 1l la asuian as- tempt wvis maie le poison -Miwhoie royal pscty. The Cassino van mai. fil sud dhe Czar van mars or lmns nfecteal by tise poio. SCriais lla lsiin Afraira Cdaombla ihm seul a chInai ullimatumn ta America, decisning ae*vUIi omsldr Il lime tus lermmnaté diplomttc sMutinais cnlali th-litsd Statsris-ltdrava berO recagniidoe eof Panama alsm uiOes hea viBinguata miiov as Attemtapetil fi eonuet-y--_crThe enu miii M hannbau, Varilla asu asb. ratifiid b is lilaIS. miesn commission srceuly arrivei viti- oui reisesuce t.lePanma. lN~e Mesae.-la Lest. Tic stesamer Dlscovewy, vIcb lefs: Naona. Oct. 14 viti dhinh-au. puasgers. 'basnô otuecsaigiteai Muce Oct. 28, anal sipplng man-eu eve-iil vîl never rsci% ,port. Tise vounel --u in commnal aof Captelu MeOrudiguut laad oneboard Cap-, tain M. 'IL Wliter5. mnger'af th. DIs eoveny Transponttthen -Company. Bot P'i au $eec am eci moLaw wMarlagow LAW@ie Bec cercsItntier suit ngahis thte thé e It* cmlaLtie R , PilPuo&dSia6f t Lusi. tue jury déclarlug dt ste v e wnpt the vît, et CoL Imia- -daimlla mer e sgt te cétalisi rs claie au tiéccmman lau midoir et uImbaden, ltutandinsIf saccecasuta Iring suit ta necure the vîdov asef thse essaie. ____ Warid.Wlde lietrlc Cembine. Sy, rscsou et a trede agreeent Idat] ina juât been reisai, irs nom exisa visat là ta ait purlasesa a rWiaivd e se- tricalmi.stThe lergeat tiras eleetriei cerporattono lualicéirork the saerai' ibietrie orAmmeno,.sud tde lonanlugto, German'ceubave Su eedc cmpe'. titon t taau mpsalbhigy. Reaisea ommOe.l$eagu& -Mi ele 18 Mcxue, lepalg lady. vaosneriouali bumeaidnrisq litetird Omaha. Ber tomc ws te reseus saicltool- mues, rfront a buraaing onbel boues, l dropipaag îb'giîls therooas ieskeirta esu4gisi are, tami n rias resne iy ts ea"- iàg Min foll9seme e :Demtis et Coupeea . l' . Damia. >pied Sy lart s h itu* sneei los a r nPiiiiepilIcI Wtgte dl -ceeery thai i. mawudeai- lievsensW yssra of âge and Suai a utiomalrpa lion u à sager msudpisirriter.- 1Mbiinglos. alieai 12. et Cbisteutam. Ne Y. met mb tic tissu-, iand isaai aiynamitalecsntulige sea aate. strieS l vwls aa bananer. " hea vanu 148r)y blomu off. ^Urlc5u l i",t y'e1*5 i Troue s nder Gei. léalinari Wo 6bave ala M 319$Ieioc sud wwaâw intime eotheienl&abeties qr 40%ém e, AmeriesSa bispu bush Is* Insu su su' ,bath hi treadb*ÎM aitave. - willam M Tais.»Zné ét .te,. ml.àIahséâ Wou :A** i"10. - At CAUSE $ANÇ euisais bg<tueenwtnt mc ràeobtint tirs Çttbàg as irreatu8tise gplleri ai the Senit* cisabse ut ~thaeli s.psutue of tic session. Stsasesuci duamu it 15é Silora di ttey ver. l1 silice et dtsenain sellera. l'brs vawulie Meudoa, nci«temeut lu&lise gai5ei1. Womeuonqmsamd dmes ruaicai temird tirs N*tido, visa uséstaie, t te guaard toe nezamtien in a palreîl vfage t44 Palice couil. Mhbougi abs viano" ai- lovai te noce, cPrésidet bu vas- tare is ta #ivc erWan audiencevises th euet la lias Whlts lieuse, for b.ho 6ulaiset fait la bave board svecy wvoh iesall. Bhc ecremea lu tise lohby et lte oae s bild- Ieg. *iry tfeir yarda freux 1the Prost- denit** moi., tdat the "Rooserelt western trip van a cigsrette-sionat. llquOr- drinlslng bout."~ Notbiug tint thc secret ser-vicesnansd tleieaitasned- police cculaldoe oulal quIet bereA, J9 4aoýW, mli. mus selid sud ciauea outnt th le bul1ling, acresulngtise tebils 11k. mmd. RikCts AU PFRA*& AsSASSIN. Voc Dlagiila s sTrtm p Attace N ita ,ad ms Wife. . Violence or tiucaier la teaceai 47 Wil- liam B. 3£ucOeld sadlaIsis fmily as lie recuit et on Mai grualge. tir. tipuafild liu s vsaliy %h«c mauiuiuur lu LovilL Mtiss. *Anenymoiis ]attie ansd th# se. tioua ei g mysîcrious Indiveiduel. visa te iclieveai te huve adoptea tise guise ef a tramp te ut-ast vugsence foc suaIod querras, tave. cusd UM. Mansfielal le appusi ta thc police for protection.Uma Mansfielai lu a. uorrled tuaI the lis nider 5 pisysiea'v e. A plece 0fpuper van found pino neaUr ML tsiosls abeor tise ohter ulgit, suaodentias vmlrtten lu reai ltk.- your seul, lil bave yen yrot" tie nigit ictors aa slsalpt vis ma&icte Jure Msm.tiUafielal trams ter houas by a.atoa7 dhat ber inabsuai lia Seiaerteunly lnjuféd anal tuken te a iogot»L' Meic taftea tur a necgiioc's bonteOs. i sruge nsU bespiutber la sigit ic encuntealber inubal andl tise pm reerdlnppeariai A tramp cillid ai tb. house t day sud afler antlng foc a cup ai tes dsb5ca aiPopper isto ber faceBMe sawrbisaranmev.OT*lu lime le close hber sa anhitî trs ber bond CIVIL SeRVliELAW UTm BLOW. A aleisio et tue- »prs.. Cort ai Mison hmn prgcticly vipsai ont tic civil aerie Lawu Symatins lIs operitions sô luaiecti eas te b.etr tile nie. The lpiukc d t- lek ippelulsalau esana- sut luaictlance of tic clvil servieboard and its. reecoenaitox.Tise bouaid helai op Iapsy snd fenght aclraiudlY t10 bave hum .otud. Tic clty cieri cismeaitite t e ogavce n&afor the cela- duet of bis oie. -hobaiticthe igiatte mite lubs evu eppolntasents, «Thtis vlcvr vas sustoieiedd sit Tnt-rant, sud. vovu hytue fBprigme Conti Tise efft WIU1 ho tolit @11 brougithéc cty. - "tI obluere Vingt Olsie ouas. - . tl le et Loveyvllle, Obie1 rai enlered sud' tueË *tarstcamplelcly ranacicl. Stamps, Mner anal erc-bauilacta tis exctent of uearly $1,000 van Itke.Tic oieseto ths ticComb Bevaatt Company van en- teredan sd thc nie ilowia open vîti dy- namitesnd a, amuil imount aitanoney anal saumo valuile pipera vers taboeu. Tic bada its event te Beimore, visers they broeiie te icsmon ai Thomas Tisirts suad rensiai edihePlace. FPid Bucs cfa Moner. Woniasiedrer sgtisa locka*ay totl MureYrk1v eit qiiup néfrom ,a depti et titrtt cfou -purt, et Aa selet of i oermeus ,propozoio»06 Mmuy ectie woottffl dougitt iet bouse Selngel ýtic gisieton of a irbole. Bos ine ose. lasid tisatihi is li sakeletosi ai a prc- historie dinceaqr or mentoalo. Tic boume mare lu a perfettBaie o!fsreseresllon, ging Edvard for- lie secoua imre la hais bnitrelgu bas Sien ruabbcaiiy s itUrlu lsaie foeeaitithe païasaster of the isouseholai. Onu liu Occasion checks aanustlug tan$3500 vans llcgnily iran andal ehalby Fiant Lepisam. via cos- foe anud vuemssiued for trial. Juigmand hluvyer 0f Cilotoot PM art ommeuosatlinthticforts@* analn- vsmary et Jua*eJoseph L GaQry'$ e- esaf te the bencs.: Judog Gary- pro- daliltiétrialsof -tie anarchiste snd ai trait, Wgeccd lby RoîScra Tranu recitcrseuseil tde*rocck ai tise Doylestovu locaon ticePsllaielpiia is ean lu liblgreisur CGvyneddi. a s*Ub'OtfP laeupis.ii n 5 mclvt« pernsa mere iîlil andl noarly ivenif teSelb- r -pltmil 4ices fer Aitemes. ,Bd*et eft i %ugset angibt 'sop tedate mi r granitolai v1a âge m es dstaitls, satbtrou teéUaiei I-ci *. b'ave ve~'ai ame stlc t u te Inate- S cênntmy cqwste S isaMesrsi a eisiludc&W mI& tp~e oi& i~may - - -s -ir.-licatrets Scter ervesmss t-te ite.. botter «"ku wIicts4n io tUn&eiea à,einai la wh sotèm bufpato ei »n Aier arcane SaIntartioc snob, on cl guemei 0Théucpis M5er Wb mar onst*reffltaonieapa emto te the 55b, e.ebargeal the police sud om- stables, cbong sud tiiroving ataom& A ecumisl. vas stroceiton dithe baid bedly eut. Tic police aireu dasir rmv- crs sud mais a stand about dishe loas, but refrnerainrom aotint. Tise notera Irit, ully driven bock aud çooed tbhemaclm y bariaing a vagafi preVi- ouly v.mked l ic heviciaity cf li-cth barne. 8untoaalruoai It aan stîcuspt bai icen made ta biovup cars Ou tic Wculverth avaniehUe by meana of dZ1> umite capc@,prorsd gronnalles. Titre rallrea signal torpeiloca tusteusai ta dan aà'él it 51iret belierai ta cout4in dy- Damile. Polle use Bevaivera On tMonder @hot$ vire fired by ths pioUce. Oylug stics aidatones ubsîleisai uludoli4 ,many paennsers cluibeéan d a number vers arrestea In lashues Se- tvreeu a*crevai ai ataike uymP&daluff sud a strong force of patraliacu vie dis Chticage City lay Comaniy eayeai cars noder ieavy Police guni ec lisstBatce treet -caileSUe. ThecgOral serions oetbtrsu of di-Mrer amIMetai orty.fimrst sreet as ttc Oral Blate itreet car pasea, Uic police drav- lin revolverssud liriug a docsn*bats lu tic air as tbsy chargai lis. tbroug. poafndlg mi tictir cluts- la riait sLad lem , Â$cv minutes Ister and thc Pole* aI- tacici a number ofet atliers vis vers uod.averiif ta gel off tue $tract sud loto ttc stuis badQsantcrmi M86 lIte irtrelTise meu Rers clubbcai luto Uic haulme £Ind op tcthé ir.a, aumbur tailes biud ndils.ding. Wbile tiu dinarder prevallid Interne- tina uPenet Mehan airlthe union, tic «exeetiv»ecommittce ai tic trtlUdb cm- playes sud Attorsey. Darrav anal Pren- tien vated ai terece de ecompanys repi te tise panepropositions idesuceal iy tise mes tir. tisiteuasd Mr. Dsrrov asserteai tisaI theietioan netially Clouai- sa. Ther bauzardeaun-opinion, diii agreement lgisi ceanenanom Mes« ?uc et a MOU. Tva ucuz-unest, vouimen roaght te hb" il a tunairesal ikers near lis Amue&ean ie aud Lealar tasaery. Fro n su Bfgmo. strestu, Oredaloto tus crorai vundlutva mm. Tic non- utie mesbai applicai for voit, visen tic stniereansdd ther sympadiizera et- tacisaldieu, Uiravlng atoues ana ticiti. Tic tva men Oid a i ret but aflervrd turseai. ficeai emPurellersa" analca disperateyloto the croirai. Tvames fet ilheimOralIabis, serlenaly InjuraL. Emioldeel by tdur succean*is henon- union mes idvauced. têsara lte croird. firiug rspihly. Tic niotera brite uaid rail. kI. 3SM MOFO6F Alela a inloie Crak Armie Mcieltrlu E.tli. - lu Jola Setirees di. Ameériciastroop unu- aler Gein. Leonard Wood aud the lusur-q gten0tei omosarse iuovaho hivesN heu ill an sd muuy othera vers canni off deai or voundid. Mal. IH. L. Icoît or dhe Fonrteculb cîvalry ana l ec Amer- t issu prltesa ers moundeai. 1. t Gqn. Wood laudeal nean I-t Lait. lu Jaloen ouNov. 12. l'he Ifros mer, s"on0 loalsi. sud fiitiq iesaaim"eiaelyt said Coptiadtia. Nov. 17.t M4SS ath va ains Panmi RHis-à sau, tise Moeleader, is. eba! hein taitr s piosrta loi.W lill u nrouta Han-7 me anisai ta Sea &llitsl 1tgses hi tant tiersupon ld tisj. ScottintaIu ambus- cade,'irberq the Americnu detlshebntt wuam ped pn.tMaj. &cOt vun$buolnl bel anaisd. ilen ecealed lu escsp- lut durlug this unexpecte a ttacit, but lu suppiaasd to albse eun tWsd tue foleir- Tis e tit gtoot plae la aCounutry eaverai viti svamps and rmckt,4Tise ftub Blet laits ta dtotvicRae lad uade bistiteadqusrtsra, said mwers il mss ,reporteaid thé oro@ mers 2,0009 The réSel Position wva aieai lu tus gaut iy tieéAc.icau troepa, wmAch oe-1 tupisa fsctamis suduileteai à lmsoa goy kg:&*eaon ticeras.3àsea, i 1 &-ag ii stLiJt51tri.Thq rami et eb Mce brasicito tde cramoe, eut of miihtiey vers itrivei «on loi 8.lese- inug icceet-slxdeai Selnd lieus. On yv. i7lte Amaim esufres usuevea tt** stacton thec reannllg mttos, ef uisoin gutymors ver igRai. Tii. reSel force. Ilérs témi terally. icre bylytise. peératinaby tcs. Wtod,wv »sinthe hInallie sarsIl tissu viiibe oxtesinlçset *ac upisng. Ileis vms isdisiedtlt*tok1 dtraslt BOyS. PIOURS..ON EXPOSITION. Panabieat Carter Funaislss Daeislaet - Pa-sysese %S et. ,euie. td piaulIentThisosÉ. carteroth matil,o"mui" set t*.L#W"lsu = M d 5 55 S ép e re it i the 16.- «i,0 aapoiei ni tetde expeno 10 tie &iai«sc, Loesttad tiese.. - n 4à Ucspste 8pt 0 vers $10.350 ULI usi i i tbr eus$O& 80.", iesicg às Selteof t 231851 The atesent I~F al e l a- ceullmaie »pu itasmaie 'Maicon claupien mrt don, ea Jtignes Se- lig iveit upontt-ceieà*, i t inllfllugi etctai.Beeldetue esiabil et tiche Ïeiée idadesib idtes sud *94a~ll tlenl..eleé Wîesu fi0 te15 u5009e515' trio mu* trtce isc5*sc fi dan 4te t= *a G aplct reportss ira liser ih** XIt . 5ouw ti a icnScof es* topioed in thé ain %leis Asué o n aJ O v s e tit i out traie. wthfflnliv flyteaur ntl « - mitot, thés e nelu bue ba in esm o« s is et. Th* expaunlea e frelgit tasne lad te th. ompoymmet u men: lapdly tisI ui peatage et iuespcrlueed' men in osve u er la larges' thitan ser lu the lltory or ralroide., Th# report furtber shows tUist et thé total ume.sls 3 espg5e, gars sud 8.2U3 employsa. nsud ont qtlb. total number injureil&13 Wa esPaunse. g.rp and 38,1)»4 empleyas. Doriogtich menthe ai April. Mayl Jan oe litIS" peinons vers itilicd sud 11,401 inlireal. wibiila adeeresase of 88 fataiitiec over th. previous quarter. Attetion l i- id ta the, tact iowver, tint 23 fatai- ties vers due le buttint coltiniona, ublea ire alirsya the réuit of Carelamines. TeN TIIOIJAND STARVE. iubabietnulet 51. Cn pé,Verde IclUOa Are "liiis.ticksé. are famine stricken. Lelters recelved la tuls eouutry tell a frigitini talcetO lam et lite, for lu the Island ai Santiago Mie tb. desd pumber 10,000. lu sPRtO of thse Mmsrewi relief tbaI i bavev baee adipteai ths deslb rats continu«ste be frmga 30 te 85 a dur. Tic, Cape Verde Ilande belong le Portugal. sud art alluateil about 320 quls te the vest of tint Aileu prom- au" troms whicb îbey taiet.hem asme. Fioacra silande u ic gro sup, les etwvieh rt re iconsiderabie. ain. FThe larêcit sd monl important la l3au- ttag#n The Cape Vende Islands ove tdiu urigluta, théeaction et suimrins Vol- ranoM s d aui re Very mnnntanoas.Tiie bitig isci leion la reecteal lua a volne Peak 9,157 ie$ above, ounliheml- sud et Page, sud Rhina lu 1active. Tisetota oplatora the sroop is abot 00110uerl s&He of womare negac. ndoen. utbarualta. The chanteI.lanusiicalI8 ducins l»0 riaiy secsoe.Alliongh vater l in eie et- station la luxuriant. yieldlug African anal udihern fluropeun producin. Siagar, cat- tos, lobseco sud Indigo are gravu snd lis trade lu arcbL ai acoloriags ubstAnce. mcaaopolised iy tic golrerulbeut bas lu aome femeénuaylebis£24000.Baveralai tic Sucopean daniestie sudoulu tinive, veiL. Tartien aueabondant lu thc sur- roundingos.Vsd wbuls are aise *a' by Brillis sud.-merean esasinAmber sa roundlon theCasi nd'grest quanti- tics ai suit formel iy aii evapomaion. la obtaieion tlaIgoons aloug th@. shiores, enperislly au the Ilandaiof LAI. Eac Ilalndi la affwed iy tise famine-, butt leet s flire ld Banliagola Uic greutest. lu spîte et tise ionauds et dentinticthePortugues. garerumeut tas mot ltakeu auy ateps fer lbe relief ofthti à .triciten people sud mai outsid& aid ban couac fromais e Board cf Traie aitjliabon. TirE ENEMV 0F COT1'OM Tbouseai btweaTristeDvise meinue for Inact'a Eatc,-iýnatloaa. -Recently 1,000 deiegate froua vîroun part ol hé~êYWbdistricts;l-lietker witb scienatistestai pute, Met iu DaIm.a Texas. t a esluto, consideration the boit veseil. The matter lauetaisci conne- queuce* tiat Secretury et Agriculture Wilsnuhas offeced te tendl federai aid li-ilaI lkely te bu ai service. Texs has long ýbad a standing olfer ofi $80.000 te any maen iWho vulai provide a destruc- tive agent for titis peut, vhicb bas h.- came oi serlos Imaport la the-prosiicrlity of UiéCocmmneaelth. Outaide Texs lte Cotton trop for the, yer la larger tisu - 1.i,1bthte lassel lia Ba i st sru - gat crop lu ccli- matai ta b. oiry qnl ta timLt et leut rosir, diauglk di# prielu0mstchklulger sud dis plantera viii hagafiacu Itla lana- ied ths1 tiche vvI lias 4etreed dis year mors disu 1.00(F.000 bals, vorths mors tihon $W0.0000.This tg enuthg la make the planter% turo.pale, lise mars se becaune ths ravagea ar* ou the lu- creuse. Thelic eevil nppareuly cae f ram7,O Mexico, sud lu liacrcîslug enormuasy. I hbisn huronndai it Wters tiers la s rotation aiLCdopa the veevil itares bidly. anise thiinves auly oni cottes. Ticesug- gestion hbem en cnally mailltith"lu Texas Catton plantiug b. absandnei for s rosirttasels li dc,l il ot dWcage the mcccil. ThIn ovever, -là enliyely toc radical'& plan, coualderlighov aliglal are tieCchanesu of t lI, b.lùsg censul. Altiteugilise p"st Intenetln thlUi matter le local, It la que tust Concerna arlanot evsry individt u het. omil. TituréSi screcy apea.ealula- cal ,Afriena odemot use Cottos gendu- sud dascupuIn lutue grea source ai supply. - oi U t.c er"ua Bsa«tm *011 iiasbeau isceeon th. Laewton, O. . tovscit# Il Jiasiioàicid tat t 8. LouisIlolela- cas Care fan 50.00sueat. à goodaI 0evet 0 beria sst îuacit S Toronto, Kuan., ai a deptu af 1,000 feel. >Joseph A. '6l11 bs Secs, reuppoluteai issciaé jstIe t thg,-Bepresae Court et lIndien T.yntary Tise tome rale.porty la XsývsI1 gaineal tn iluosi compuete eictacy lu tise eltu,- doe! oc allacenrs. R lepgoln show dt Sali E BitishlImi- pet-lu sud saports mide gaudiuncres durlng ths utoati af Octoier. L Banste Iimect, ticé"sleepÉmggirl." vho partlàlly reaicaim A B ailLke City' Utahs, mter forty-scvcsl au, la dal. - Tise Cofejeille Botle, sud GlIs fue- tory. St Vodiepei, Kin.; ml uhae le ciptcty ineresasa te a carloidef baoules The. Booth. Dakota liv forblddiugie embl i of tluuSecombsise ta Bs =enu ýr«téslu 55.1 Mtli. isia hua aipIscbas cOdai . he flcUnIjo-it lites flsieCoort FIA.). Xia..I et dh ia eu n ar. , la* dien feuimIttîe vWealgive à" dion te Uic petition. but c&ihil tte itact liantail aaavivvawet, jesn mir nov»M.evo pana40~ Ou motion or Mr. Spener the iiered. prluted adiau copie testy baen, sthe Unileal&- New Grnada. whicli vas me&,- sud proclbimasd lu 1848. "m'4. the -claailMli ugna aceuis t segasioet0the moua.. lb. Meesrs. Grosyenr(Ohio) Riclacraison <Ainl, Fordtuey <Iilcht4, (Mci. rMliowrn a Mîci. Garduer (bl..isurgeu (T lot (Mase.i. Suiforth (Cel..ai8" The. Reinte îwansal h. omicides opeen session Tîwlybyu ýcelpt 0f btlle>» etti NO oz rident of unuaîîI FILcscervS penriguce ar Cardie Notio, en tive session vos oriéereai at i2L w I - ieialci-e 4ui--doae Iloss. hi -8S cling vote of M 110 pamacathelia 1 llaonake efseéetw 1 ban reciprocity treolyà The. 415*al voie. ver. about equulli dirilfl5 ibeptabcan sud Demoerofi la. SW vas o Th.. ,eu bil inl spaeeches vers j.WUO UÜ;ssIsai Isud ML r. uid lisa. v Witeinthas. mikiaraCef ils eitu ers Mw. lifepbuirn ail Mir. Watsoo ai dauptMr. DtLs ot Missouri. Mr. soiner oflNew I Mr. La8cer et lovaansd tMr. lis Maeschusetîs. Tie. Motion nit Me, lama ta cecommit tise bill %a$ 1116 by 103 ta 1le. àstruictparif abi, the Passage <of tle slI a futile esf1 wu* mode ta ses-asie ayea and M.? 1 Tii. bill pesed bY the lioe» la carry loteo ffert teCi~ el tresty was laid before Uhe Séanie,1 ou motion ut Mr.c. uilai. vPa ad ta tii. ýommiite onitiForelg Ri efter conslderubie dbte. luivl oppoaleu lie motion eré w. Rls Mw. Teller sudil ost fsong Mir. Ladge. Mr. Spooner. Mrc. Aldrk* Mir. Ailison. MTeus ensure wva. Ici without divisiou niadthie Sesete600 id tili Mouday. Tiie Bonne issu lu aide but lire minats. Ailes tt4 vas aduainistereal ta Claude M~ 4N.orlb carotes) lie lioee af unhil Tueadny.1->5 1 ý, Paitma andlCuaseagad lie JW tion et the tSenale maudowr. Mv ior#d la ceroasider the vote W « thc Nevîsuil Jout -enoition 1toI U ucration of Cuba was referred tt. N milte.. unai sevrcel peeches *vers ou thecniotion ealhioait dlsposleg Mesars. Hale. lxxige sud Piaif .e diaseoveai ny desire ou the part al Unitedi Ittleta scquire Cuba e" pressed regret thnut he -re"oitilc been iatroduct4l. Mr. NX-P.luu4.* id thc measaîrae u1îceanting s no eoluiion of the îîrolein of the mi slîip hetwecaiuithe outrisé l'anama question crme op ia cou» it-nrîab uiitliltltor norgeuaw oi the ienattf <mttPce. Mn M (Drinea.i, beug relieed froue clin icul4lalîIhi or tile comlîtee enu- oreii ennui. I-bfore the aoier ilto ecferI',%r. Morga dicuséed.bil tire cenl quaition, t-ti lierici oif tic Presilcut fer Lias ',- i ual t<oi lîaded ewhen the Sent* 40 cd. fli ciatOive 5CCiifli*eV"i pioltimeuls oi poatmnasteri. couet miner points nsud prîiconslu thé vèe.coufiraseil. On imotioni 1 son,.Rer. J. P. Pi<tymau vs» mpv chapîiun of the Itente tor' îS session. -Ut. Culloui premesi et lb. comualtte on foretgsed the bill ta put Iloto efeci is t rlproity treets- n eut tai dur. tMr. Culiom st oP aed muent daul the Cubsu reclipro1t b.e taben up ou the comivené of uior sesion ai Congres., Ue remain the oraler f boseit atter 1h. moutinasmo0lugbus1 lis lot]). ona viic edte a < laion, thie lieo tlie 1 Ui bie equa.lly divideal betvsfIïM sud oplaoaenta of thdin. 41h ment vas uccepteal vitiont dissentý Mileand BU"' Mnunàaaria le priaariy na Vaig11 tac couurY. Tii.Dsytoa. Ohio, chief aetP", beru eUoved bh isheMoye'. Tih* Automoabiles CluboiAmM elected Wtinap ro_ .ciaret, NKé*îM prealdeut. rrictiosi betweea .apnuese i sud Coteaus If; growuug it. Cocon. owing ta tte nuamber û«I kudos subJectesa areutsettlld$ counftry.. i Dr. George B. Lidai. drc* schciof ai nlues at tlii id by the. Misiottriverld r mission ta beu speintent eC< portaient oaiaunesaid anéeilea Call..H.WCGru or0f The foderai curean, i Rire, quasbealtbe nludeties gling lu the cases ofa Jet"e collectar of cast on eitIla' Duisp, 1.S . nav aist ation,0sud mer contracta? lulot I, grouad tint thé iedi Sem the. offensea erpisteai. 1An omnibus 6 .lîcalw, lii otrucb by s train onthie Ma rond Deor Huvuas, CibuF wers bilicdan adsen jiea.< Tva sien mer* areateini for usina the glailinta demro, advertised for men te fiII position» asud requlred appi à depecit. Neidier thse *nw jobe vas ever lisardai tsa. - jPas. di êraa.oe d aisi 1

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