Oouldud thte Mot up-to-dite oazket la to OUPPly. thoir <UiOMM ien th the 'rer bâot Of everYtWung letheir ii prieutat iiint yourpus. f jout are not lreus4y ,a ecuilitoie fthis vibe. tol your, t«Oudt. to boive an ordr at tbefr. gor in.-::.......... 'tyvillee Ifln4s. Ouir Prices Conformn to the quality of the good::::~ Not the cheapeet nor thé deareet. We aim to ssIl goodi that wiil givb entire satisfaction to the purch4ser. We are improving our stock with a çhoice splection of, silverware. kome very good violinz purchamed at a bargairu andi sold the Mame. - We bave a compiete Uine of choies stationery aIways on hanti. 'Yoîîriî for business, DAgaV RO. Ltibertyville ' Illinois. - -' -'t I... I nComPlete Assotet i i. mnCait SkinAM iiSheep Ski n, Llad DUck Fuar Coats.......jand Water :Proof cats. Sweaters, Caps andGlvs ~-UNDE4ZWEAR. Of ail kinds. bave More particular -banwa.Is in Ladies' anc - Gente' under-ear. ,orts, Blankets and ln fact a complete Une of goods now »8asonabIe. )UR PRICESARE LOWEST. Yoýjr Slcto.NOW WhiI e the Lines Ar,. CoMplet. I D.sewt Froua Nae Dam. Nê...m1...... ...M *~~ 1....70.......... : M.U.14-116..... ....10.0 * 14,..., iUSn.- le.M - s.... <4 tn........s8. TO 01410*00. DWMst PrOua Old Depot. 3-a ..... fm 6Mn...........s:, m ... 1 4 m 96 lap. .n........- : OItEATs. Ne.i ...l . au ait...........i "la ...iau P. n..........7. Were you thankl? May Pester lq reoierng fro serlous attaek 0f pnenmonu<. Ifr. liartray aud family, of Ro bave Ioved. loto their WiiW hous abbod court. Be,'. Charles (iavln, som.. ypea pastor of the LibertyvillleCatllîoîî..ch d in Chicago Monday. Tii.disestrous tire ut Antioeii shool gve an Impetus ta sentiument favorine Libbrt.vville's xater 5>-temnnow Ji conteniplation xchen Itriglti>- sitould b in course of construction, or better bar( beek comples.. Until sncb time at aulequats tim repotgMton lu afforde.], oui business center le coatantl>- auenace.] by just Nec a ire as visite.] Antioub Sunday We ai'..open ever> Wednesday und guarantee ta gîve' you satisfaetary Uhot(ms. Beexici';Studioi liaBulkleii Rletion of officere an.] ajue.tors of the Fir association Whi i cciirs oexl Wedne.elyay t the. toto iail le anti- u.lp&tad witb coneliérable bineret in somne quartere. Wlatber intemt b, sutilent ta brang loto the Ccl. two tickèts rensaanu tu aan 'E .'ae lu propose.] for presiuemt. 0. E. Chureimill Offlms ta bave no opposition for ecretar>-. From wxhat xwu canlearn a change in direu-tore ie likel>- tbongh couic wihI donittieus e hretaine.] If tii.-trill Wednesday Mies Emmia E. &cIlrmck wax mnarrie.] ta John H. Scbottmauin in thti GernmnCOngroguflonai l chum, Wauke. gan, Rer. 0O. B. Baoînanofiiceltlng. Tht brie leatdm daughter of Mfr. an.] Mri. uuelpi amSeek and enjoye thi.ester Ma& rispect of ber assoclates. Mr. SebotLIMaenlanot nwehi knooxco lre. Be es'tà MlfY, eneretic Young amas an.] tisiraprontasa ta h. aa'happiy-11.' >?heIupmuwamp un htu FIel Reaso léi Iy yen shoulI eei..*Buy' Thtm at 'Ibis ti 1 a ti *rstt ùé Readers. Action Decauaseftnitu 4«4 REORGANIZATION LIKEI F. fy 87., ,asismo a. m. Chiago< bond hoider fillded a Mil in "le CHICAGO. appoînted for th*e W. T. Raton Manj ~ PAXI turing Comîpany at. Libertyville. lt. grfee New Depot Judge Doniiéliy app)otted j. S. Ou U-ge 1-vb ih1j1«o9 Arrive Libertyvi& of Prairie Viçw, anâe ch Ni.llver and 4 L o. m ....*. . ............... . in P*. ...ipm......... . vitp. I. direction of the. court. 5atur.Jny la.... ie >xi ..........vP. mn. lctl1& lm, fintMonda-yi U n.Wdxms. agan sn operation. ua.n.5>1m7.Siu>i. ......... a U. A bond insole of 80,00i belli by us . iwp . ... ..:1@ p. M. Chicago parties in question, saine b t*Ils, mecured ly a, Iret mortgage on allil pROM4 CHICAGO. estate, equiposient and building» owi w~ a~xe.b.v the. ompaiay. ArMlve OId Depot. lit leisaki tiiere linin addition #20, àe80. l'eave Ch -«. , Arrive Llbertyvlll.. unàec.nred chaimm and jet wv *a4.M. 141 ....5t. * la.......o:48ý"a. v. celxditors wiIi rpali,.. canot now :UA. M. - la ... .......... -de$mrnp.ne16 [de IM. la u...11110 p.îl ......1M4-M eeiiel About t.own lb., impression prpvf le0 mu. no< s.i . li ..tlat a depired rerganiation ofi _1:1 P,. - ~ .II a . ....... . Ir n . Company auccoitntdi for> stuiekiold, ietting thingge(.orne tothientate of ni!a 12-llour Cough bi-,aent 1Licî.'ECys. and that it le probable the 4mroocir %mni a Mm. Janmes Mcqreg<r Iset Monda>- continué-,b,#.in~eop -a strong..ra and lTW.sday ut. Iarvit ,î1. mure. ..tl4fa.tor>- basis ic.mi Sreorganization lenîierfectedl. ohm, Dr.Robnsou', loinngileîgIltl i.sad lit whih*. <f lut.. Sue on a LWortli! effort. It «'iiiloe. fouud hl yoi anothe i--c)tj<itupan>- ban dune a good bus4inefssa anoter ~olumn.rëàTfzi4-saisfaeto)ry profits, stifi il sago Dr. J. B. Rtobiuaao w- ii.the .latter naille to i a<ovpr frons lussen sustain burels part of luit wepk but w... îi i.. te. s le- in rli.'lsi itm organiration b> r canon ithe .pulpit ftinda-. exjperirnetiti W ith varions Invention Pd k.e Mime Marlon Stewartid lady frieud, noue o0f whi..h bar.. y..t yieidod a prof lxing studento ut Lake Fores. il m tir-gt of anud <omt thousands of dollars to Ilarfi4. Mii,, Seat.Young tue u.-ý.-. Thusis ammigued estim remillion<of filli it the Ed MDonld amoyf.li ut,, iimi, .w bY Prsre. ratel] bouse reeenti> but by liiiii on Mlivauki<.. Suali fr..ditîîrm iu Libert.vville are ,d.-. A venue titi.Iliret of the.%%i-k.. . eourse eonsid..rab]v eincerne.], but nul It le announépd in politi,'al i <-Im-i tt a,- l#navv losers. Opinion varies e 1son, Mr. Vail, <f Higlimlan]'ark. lins witi<- wa ecnaeumer- lii witb drawn froîn ti. snatoria Ilr-e.--. briug. Soin. argue not over 25 permcis Firk. & . thers thiuk betwveen 501 an.] 75 cents Fiek. ~igge &Taylor .elîîîv,- installe.]a tii..dolla,- wiî o iteua.. gasoline englue in the Ihîî,-eii-ît fthte-ir lit would materiai>- effet Librtyvilîe e t o r m a k e t e s u r n i l is f o r t h f i l r o s t e i r i t> - s h o u l . t b e e < n e eP r n d i e c o n t i u t la of maumiLe grinder. - pertuauetly. 25 to 410 n ea br e hn Sabbatis morning Dr. t'îliinsîn wil enîplo>-..] and] lattér tNeâ pal.] ti speak on the. "Pue t liîrt in Ide5 by otiier industries boe. Thim .ci the Beatltu.]. sef., andI in 1i t vfiii* . iIg the tiugen<.y -imaito lieternl ive 0 monu subjeet in "Ov<.looking." ne there are now on boad suffliin A The. Macaroni fatorv diii îîot 015,-au. order.. for tlair\ vaion produt its 5.tue îveek, it jli.] beri., o..f illability -assluretliei biness continlng. nues of the. management to .-.ur<. sutli<nt The <onipany trmanufatures Kr"elle very hep la the. pao-king depsirtiii.-nt. steamu n [glue... autonatie grain weigben tiie Port Rmi.cu,-Roor witIl furnaif- hl-at. and foundry gray iron tcamtinge, ai 1om. App-Ly b> A. 1'. STAPLrES. Liws.rtyvllle. dl(»s au extensive bueinees. jn, The. Ladie.s Aid of t)iý-i..Pemliiterian Wednesdlay inthe UitdStates Dletic iw,ý ebuwh xii «<tt 'wfth m1,-. Jolin-Kens couirt in thieago,ý Atty B. il. Milieu' tri Mfr. Tiuursday afternoon, Delh-<..iul. Ail appointed receiver f<r the. factor-, bt unia, minher are muoet earuest iî', re<uesited tii Judge Kohleaat in the intemet of holdetf Mrs. b.e prusent as tiiere is work fif inaporance. of uuaeureil cdaims, un.] tber..by a legi Alderman Hanby virias.op tua Zion City -'()["PlicatiOtl resultm. rne.] thi week oni a viit of insiîistion and i ,~le'ie Iil> pone]b-J not turned u~ mît iiinrsfe<i.vitb oo(wi,,, onll minutpossession, and that j i" Hanby tliîiks fif jaining 1owiî'm ftiree Miller will attenîlt 1<, oust (iridiey wa nid bie does not mas u>- ît 1h.e itste? l1.-amin re. mot infori...]. but tliat lis thii a lttie tiiot wvn. ferenee., sud ii n liral batthe royal in lily. ,A very . large gatln.ring i Iasin <ttî-n. niiaid .50 dance. upon th, e ertuîinnent giren i.y. Willi t b.oIleeeiver (jridlefv in the PI tih. Prflb.ytu.ria C. E. in tii.1 tow hlnl întorst if bond holdars involvëes thte fal Toeeday evering, n h -uîîîosisu..l o f auount of $10.0,0.or Reeeiver Miller the. eeries of tablîex..<A lighit lui. IL re"pAnting ireditormi wbome lainis xcii is urv.î n<înitîgei<îr i ««et -anuiî tgre.itl:enestimnated 20,000, wb< ion evening paiip1ateil in. w-il doîninate. Alcuin, bas the. United )~~~~~~~~~'~~ Tb ( irt tsuFia- r.iîg< Pivpr triien on.. in alrea<iy acting rouetr Ùim the.'M. E. -urei. for tii benmefit of Ils-dire.tiîm if the circuit court. Th~ es t iy- uew Lilîrar>- tr aii .tjat-abie nfair,msism.of< tihequestions tuobiesette. Tilt prinipal f.-ittr ft h.. evehillg Ia _W",_________ e.] silhouettes,. the.. rii, hfising w<în b>- 'A <iod Projiram.au <ft Henry - Mdrexar. Tî.'-tinty-twa dllars Tii.. follotriîg lm tihe programnme- ar. in waserealisletitowards tii, librar>- fuit.. mg<lf..a"cettb.ginFra- tl Lest Year t'il.'cys etilil' lit 11 to. 1 (bDec. 4 lis the. Union ebureb, for benetit ni tecents and at rettil ut 1<>4 to 20 cenlts. h<resyteriat. r-urclî, utider udirectioni of 1,- Thiis 3e«f* tii.>- îld l«it wieitniieal ut 17 tes Miss Isabel Clark: ler 19 cents an.] n-tuile.] for, 20 to 25 cenats PAUT 1. One million and eI a hidturkèys w.'. un-"le VkI1s........ rnlo ut eihipped luto Chiiii, <w it lîn a ivéeeL', butîîtt . ri. ark ite in spite of thint theii.. in-elas steadil>-2 I 0.n<~ W. Taylor. Omuar tI irt rWse. as IoOHoome" T Oald0.Polka i- A noiner of imrty <iii. Maonm lut- il vouai 5oo-«AIteu'wa .......Mlion li tenlde.]thi eelhru'in <if Past. Masters un. ILE. B arre Pir night Monda>' eveninii. of* WauL-eguîn ht.db-ADi»1U4VlY.. ne- iodge<No. 714,A. F. miii A. M. Foll<îw- Oaavau.~ Bls ln4 initlatory-work. iii wliîicithe. riuai ..................... o tres ex.tnplifie-d Iy Pest Masters, tliere . V.ITni»a Unt on xcan a banquet, serveduî îy tih,. ladiesn oe piano Olo-*,Mlereu'e der Trova. a the Bapti8tet <îr.-ii. Tii. Lexington ic .h8**. as<î,0*Ot*"à*laalk ar Qnartette furnisitel i <ui.- g9 Clou.]>- teatier iînki-s ie idftem.net. in 7 miuX5BLaIIEA 111) e the taking of your îphoîtos on Woeiies- 8 Vinili Duet--?hae Drites f lthe Q» daye et Besuiek*s. 5Ieihr<F¾... ul:. UB"tk, 1. Photographier Ieuiiw-ho for mointe Ha~5l.Sa.lrae ot.rt Id rnie bas maintained ]a iirînlhgaller>- iu M:.s. . l. .Iàvlete thWevIalge, openi evr, lleýdnenday, h <t 10 àas Boeeilg a B t At lg igentu'e eluiputeut iin the d............<m*<Ma lutl 8s fiat Atioeh Sîîtîdt<y niorning. [. le 1 o i-Audaateundi pahurso ebail but 0400 insîirauîe an.]d ihim oes <>1ï..oonïïài Bau eaujouaits.to $1400(. M.r. fleeswiek till :2 LUi.. 3' ..t.............lcted locate. l -LUbertyville am m n Asla..eauM ýL&alm ir Km . . elClr nSure a 'deqiralîle remidi<nce, and tuera- M-. Dr. Bruta, »1 muen1t aller lis gallery blere îî'il ho open M.LauPnis atoe In e ycomtlnuallyl inutead tif <otiWednedys An admiesioni of 25 centesxiii h. au now. 0100 wortii of finish...] photole, Iîareod. Chldren l15 cente. hteservedl for Librtyville custoîtî..is wi.mdestriv<d msnet..5 cents. Tickets. on cale ut in the àtire: I)l..l<l irug store. lndnstrial Coîamiimmion<iir l)acenport. <f ABatfa tg e the. St. Paul railrond wIritis: -"1 Ihav',-L< TIei.. inutes <f'St. Mary' cdm t request fronu a piaper lbix fitory fur. <iAadm 1. lcatonwhie 1 hin %vold Pa reod --ived littel>- a genuine surprime lu the. rthing for >-omr to%'<i. Tiaey ..îliî<Oloî-ip.r<iity of soute of' its km.] frienule. A ID wýxxs4 Fiull s-leeven Fly Faeninga I 2-ineji Flonnce 60 inches long9 4 yards around the bottom $135 and $f.50 By the way-do net forget to buy the -îNew Idea " Magazine for DECEMBER A magneficent book. The greatest Holiday number for women. Jutut get 5cents a copy. Just recei véd the Decsnibézeàtôclc ->E patterns. 10 cente a pattern. ~...OUR STORE__ 'wiIl place on sais thîs week We can suit. you because we have & Il grades and prices. Both cotton and wool-fileeed and plain. Pisece Suit$ and Union FOR Ladies, Men and, ChiIci as e UibertYville - - - lIt r 'e le Th ieo aRubb The lfeof a rbber, shoeor boot d lae short . enough at beat, but *ith tue -ordinary kind .of rubbere it's eutirely too short. of the very best mèterial and will lust as 'long as you bave, auy right 4o, expeet a rubber shoe or boot to laet. They are better-than-uual rubberg. at thei pries of the usual, plus tiie' trouble of saying "Àéiv e me a Seiz Royal Blue Rubber. " Try them neit time4 P The. col.] suap of lest week forinm. aou Buotie,', lke and skating ansl * sjoyed b> tihe Younag people. About 80 men are e mploi-e.] a katon faetor>-, w'xc isl now open eut.r supervision of J. tS. <irk Mfr. an.] Mmr. Dr. Van Noppen an.]i of Sils,, Mlcb., @pont Tlanksgi ng i pe IarenÏte, Mr. and Mra.fil. M. F fan àii>. I.y' 4'n ieone oftiietwoi.ondut eniployed. on tii. Lilert"ilhic bran.. tihe C. & M. eieetri- road. Mfr. Ly-on 'tise aiternoon an.] eveniog flan. Invitations are heing issue.] ta annual banquet oif Lilart'cville Muasc lodge, Thurufla>- erining, lie.. 3. s plendid progruni lei nue <f the-featuret eWork on the. ne, race track montin soue 30 tains being empllo,..]. Ev effort let being niade ta compjlete, Course tus fail, xchucli1willibe ai-i. pgnebe.,,weatlmer perîuitting. Rer. J. R. Wyle an.] tif.., of Corni N . Y., are vmstng witii Mmi.. W>- brotiser, 0. E. Chunrhill an.] famul>-.3 WYlie xiii later prorse]WtaAnix viiere b.ebas liniug interesisN, m Wylle retntmling hoem. L J. Webb an.] Wm. llarmutt rotau (rom Virgnis Sonda>- nlgbt, and aren ver> eutiiiualaeover tbat counta The>-ali ta appreiakto'ite pom.ibil (rom the.invetor s t.andpob<t an.] <'o Dot b. indue..] to live tii..-. BOaauueS WANTuEa-in privreu arnl Bonis cooking an.] xartn rota'e.,4 P*ur xck. bnquire ut tht, office. -Ip Services xcil e. hl inbth. Town H, Sonda>- oornîng and éeuing h>-t Preshyterian congregation. Thie neces.âltated lacanse <f the. insutiatic of Doew pae buinthe.churcb, whtiei<DO la progrees. Thaumtr',eddrom sa iI evening xiili e ilîmtratedj b>- stereiqi con rets. Monda>- Tresurer Prim. Collct --bat le sel.] to hi. one of tiihum-ago iniaritance taxes ever uoltectedi Lake count>-, thiiat0fi the estate oif tL late Henr>- C. Duran.]. It eggr..gat* 812,527-68 the. tax. proper beiumg $1 060-41 and the. interst froîîî SpptFmjme 2, 1901, being $1,4017.27. Leaklng flue so disubie.] tIie laîlera the electrit light plant au t'> ueceisitat suspension of lgbt service tihe bitter par of ast and tirt of tiis eek. Unfortom atelytiihe Company, aJ tituî.Of th, tlefetioiiha.] îot Yet cnnea-tedup ttuei ,neriecboierapde oafleagetiy. trere i.,-e pare.] fou' the difficuit>-. St. Pao] oOfficais bave gien hbout] te the. protetof business nien wiîo duihyw tui Chicago fromt Libertyt'ila, an.]a better serviee mpromie.]lunthe non, future. The. fast nîoring and evening trains recently remore.] xiii ither bt Put Ou agnini or tine uof otiier trains change.] to accommodate thiecommarutera [lb uertyvlije Fail Suits____ If you want a FailISuit- 1 d yg% certalily do or wiU-cm ln idiii superior lins of- samples and get ',sy I I guarantee perfect fit and 'atW.e 1 - IIL...t vil FRED CR01 TUE PAIR. .1 Il 1 THE~ TMLOR 1 i- TravêL is, Fxpensi*v;. TaIk. is Chý p.' Stay at home; lot your Miec d traveilng for' you. Yon wHillbe lu. Constant toitobVu entire county and the. country wlth one of our telephones. Business Rates, eo. par day *r4. U>, Resiaeo.Ratp. 5o lbërtyvilýe