Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 4 Dec 1903, p. 7

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/. r , t Voduc4 the saut uIi-4-date1 and poe.t, làU Lixy7d11..The '~sies t*a iI* wpur"s.,1 &Te iso*saroda cotfflero(dft viiib. *0 your boi** *0 lesl order at their store la:.. àr Prices Conform to the quaflty of-the goods:::: Not the. cheapeet nor the. dur"e. W.' alm to iseli oodsthat willl givéeme~ire satisaction to the puichame. W. are lmproving our stock wlth a ehoice selecton of. silvervare, Some very good violins purchased at a bargain and sold the mare. We have a complete. Une of choie. statlonery always on hand. Yours for business, DAR-BY wBROS0, Libertyville - a - Ilinois.' e... - In, Complete Assortment. ulagi Caif 5km ad ep'8ikiqUaud Duck 1er pr.Cats::::Wate pro« of Ca. Sweaters, Caps and Oloves. 's.-UNUERWEBAR------ý Of &Hil kInds. have smre particular bargain. in Ladies'l and -. Gent' underwear. Miorts, elanketis and In, fact a complote1 line' of Soods now seasonable, DUR PRICES ARE LOWESTO j- .i~.eiSt. Your Seloetons--Now Whlle the Linos'Are Completé. - S -~ L&J?~41Si - - . IIWiqIs CI IST. Po - U rt PrNe* Opot. hj4Umlei.............louo. s. ........... o .S 612............sI16LM. ré SU I4pm........... pm P. M. WM 3515 Desifft Pros, olti Diat. &awr.IUb«WVU&bh 1 Mive aMUS. JejUl.01 . ............. 1:486. 96 .SIg.u...........5:11IL. . .......igmp . .... «atmP. M. ..... la 0M.......165.DL . S. U.l..........flus06pl. __________________________________________________________________________ i ta X. lh 6*30 . ar.u A "bL.16A 780a. M. mi «*s aiminues ndsud sh 10 minutes aftoehlm0bow uit#W uter the bour anti iviutroSt t on nBandar. 7%9 caaPnY rseme,.the yîlbt ta vary hn«iwom aimoafraunu a r onditions My Mnqulrc àt BlodstI AveuOl. lak Bluff. ,ith -mor omth bouaud aeon mainUne cf lme osuo h&Elluak e Earie aalrcd. MUsofltO AveIne.La"e Bluff. V uiifatt %Walies%» inbaeo là, th..atern Bd>- vt> ad trou Obiossondsudlwak». As B.ndocwut b. Ublouo. Nii.ukdc a P" l'aï aUv Md the Elun. joueta Tl.kta i o aUu Doute où obicuan& mit. lcona George Lusk spent ituada>' witii bisparents1 Miss-Liannta Wells lme îlerking ln the. stoeiof Cobyt son. Reiniunerl Preeliytenian concert at Union cbuuih Frida>' algit. >I.>]ý - rM. A. Royce, Of Kenasha,4 WiNe, in vlitiug with Will Hactie> and fainil>'. 8ev. J. R. Wylie,ý of Corning, N. Y., oceupethe,. Mutiodiwt puipit' Suada>' lirM. . B. Lyon, of Iligiiwtxd, in Opendlng a week wltb ber parent», Mr. and Mmn. John Barbour. ttoytuftks>, otidieaguusn ni Hachiey visid bIsefather ovîr Sunda>'. Ma RHuekisle nassitant engins..,at the !ùago EdIson Warita. Mis Grâce .Mltmunand Mien Carolins Butler, tsaeherui -u or shooi, spent the. Th.ukagiving vacation ut tbeirirespective hoursinl Chicago and Desplaine. We have the. latent styles lu photo sarde aind sises juot in bt Beuwicks@. Open ever>' day noW-butEhndavo.' ', Photograpber Beswick and famil>' have located in Lbertyvilepermauentiy. 'For the, prisent tbes 'ooeupy roonis ln lima.Heury' Wim's bouse. Mir. snd lins. (io. Wiener lotS Tuestia> for WamnÉuitin, Kan&;, for a month's viit with Mr. Wienrr'@ fatber, whom h.. has notmsein lumauy years. Prssbyteriaui hoid services morning and eveaung lu their eiuuneh Scada>'. -5ev. Quayle will diaWersi on the.. 'Çhi- oupiVflrEanMa&neslutheeveniag. Lhbertyviois nedusud would support a kiudergirteuza A littie effort would smcrs tii. establishiment of oane. 15 oui>' romains for r omsone ta taie theti. initiative. Columbia Lotige, No. 131, Mystip Workers of the..World. wiili olti their aunual 'election of officene Tueda>' ivenlng, DeSmeaisr 8. Fulotteiîuanee tue Libertyville Trottiag Aamoiation jlna way tanatertaize inta a great benft to aur cit>', If it did steel the. 1.8. Count>' Aî'leatural Sistj 'W that porpues. Pidiapoe Ui>'weut ou the theor> tiie end juatified theineans. At the M. EB., curcb Sabbath Dr. Robineau lu the. iouuig will promunt the. seveutb. lu the Biatitude seuies "Tii Pence Maker." la the.. venlng the ubWet "River of Doath" Wiii b. iilustrated. EAch bcauer wihi carry home an iutratlngplcture and a on.w sang. Wmn. casstt lms put la a Uine of magazines, popularperiodicals sud noveis. Thlis wiii prove a conveulence to those wjio desre Su avail tiiomnelves of hlm seisetion, wliicl e ul ufflonti>'varleGi ta suit thi e tQo-f&B, Iom the, lad eSkiag cheap Iterature to reaters of high l caieprodutdons. At the POnItS>' sud Pet Stockt show la Chicago aset sud thia week, Clement& Fûte ceiired thein s4~re and mare, of premume and honore on bleds exhibîted. Tii>' showed Itesea White Wyandottei and four Peitin duçIts. Tii. Wyandiotts goS nine prises sud the ducite four tiret Prime, a total qf thirteen out of tie Ilftosn exhhbtod. Besdomet ii> capture>] the. 825 nilver. cup for langest andi best dîspia>' of Whte Wyandotte@. Ladies 0Of th- M. 9. Aid aiciet>' bave pianned a trip ato the Laite Bluff orphanags for Tbursda>, Dec. 10. Their visit wil tt.. the, forn of ib 1clîawer" of useful articles sud the. ladies wili b.. pleased ta aceept contributions fronu an>' on.. ineiWedta give. Much contribu- tions ma>' lie loft witii Mra. lHeath if the. persan contributing dos not want ta jain tii ladies in tiiein visit, for whk-hu tii..> have an invitation. Thie is a icorti>' enterprise and tii.> hope for a heart>' nespause.- Beglnnlng on Saturda> Dec. 4, 1 wilh have ni> photo stuIo i the Bolle>' " Mc envery day bit. 8udaafor - M ltphotowoib >Md nuo 0" CHICAGO. VJIM Pava A1'mv*t New Devot. Lia,'. Obi ,s Arrive Libertivlli. ao. ha., 1. ...... ....uis a.. * *11 ML... a p ........î :11 P. M. -~ u.4-..........9:146uM SA ...... .. 8:44 îM- Noit....5 .M. ...........s. m opffl CHICAGO. *i» AIS. Anve Ai~t 010 Depet. Leave Cblesgq. Arrive LbýtyvfSs. -~ 10.l*l........... lms e No.luais, . ......... "lO.............5.lm 12-Rour Cougli>nii-i lt IAcuLry'm. UmMis fr die Davim, .of (i.noa. le spending a tu-s'day" wt lw ur ister, Mf s. Protinp. lire. l>ekur, ot Higlandl Park. visiteti lier parente, 1fr. andl NI re. Bliant tut Iret oif tii. wepii.1 Saiiîuu-iTrrfgip titrtiaiiti bisemin, Chane Tnigg and fiiiiiily. of Elgin, oi-r ThanitsgMvig.. Mfr. Gaffae. . ho luring tth ast cquinur has been -îuuîliîyetdleh>'Con- tra.-ter I. S. (iieaoîi l.t sauuiriln>- fr Mt. Vernon, tua isai-l-. wiiuu-.-lit till nimain tus wlinter andii b-at.. pernuanenti>'. Tii..> Methodistut hliîîîîiveuool lias a fine new ljbrary conmi.t iîg tif 320 uxiké4. Tii.. liil"r ouîinit t.-. ii to lit- .-tuIi- ýmend.d for Its effinat %voirk iniînaking possible tus <esiruIîlu- i,]]«.tioi i f giioti bookis. wherover a gmoup iof netîtheri. oU hear excitedi cOitycyatiî,n plative tfa ir moattera That meane iwisîiîii .nîployed Wetinesday to carti t1wieetion not witbout proecdent w)i one. mn deny. But when it cornsto sc griiv.. a proposmi- tion an disposi of nli priîperty anti removal of buildings tiî-- je a geiwmral feeling that it should 4I.. .l.în.- uî 'by vote after fiule noUî-4ý.-,f cutI itnt il; giyen. LAntwe,-k itiiens iofl-Kenisla ruîuted auoworkumafor thii. ldependont Telephone iompauy mw.n tle.vattempteil ta set poles in Mastret4, b> turnang the. tire lios, on theuîî. The ecompariy had starteil to cet ioles olong the. avenue. wbun tii.-prop..rty OWîlerm lillei up the.. ioi..s und ori-d witi luls and ail sorte of weapon. tlîreatenpd the. worlçîoeî. The.. men llnallyattempted to Pet the pioles ond thlItizenm repubtc- them î ith four liii.. of lire hoe-.. Fronu a Madison 1 lape~r w.. tai... the. followîng, Nwii(iel pîlacemF. <G. Clýeland. ki! Our eîty. in thie liglîtof a hero: "Engineer F. i. UI-elani l Wit>i a Chi- cago pa«»eng.-r trai o he-MIilwaukee rodad w>, pei.dinik aroi.a Laite Mnona, whea lie notied two boys strugghing ia tii water. qukf.kl3 lriaging Mie train tii a stop, h.. -iît tii.. l e ord. thr..w on". end t<î the bioiys andu iîildtlut'îîîsijore. The. boyi4 hati bei-n satn îîJhrqk SOmville andl Hîrry Nluelle-r, ..itîi11 years ulti.* Fou msiî_: i iiEA)'îte<flilaiuul lating and -ooakiîg t,îvi-e. (ood ei-dîtitioni. Libertyriill- l'liiiiiiîing andtile*ating'(C-.. EeServeil e-at flu-k-is îowi n isale-for Prisbyterian înot Friilay niglit Union churi,. -1. Bit for yiiur Xinue ililotoîs 1mwlit Beswkke. Openn ..v--r. day îîfte.r l-riîlay extîptlng Suilday. JJBaud ay in au>' îuantity: Telephone T. J.8. L .vi> and J. T. AYEUN, OPPCPLES' CQLUMN. 8vess. Rta. 3 cesspra tmi ver ik. y EOESLE.-otslu the Ruebkor.eub. Fsdlon cf -Libertyvllle. Appîr W0 PUai. 9O SLEOiR ENT-IS soare farm. FOw.Iim ro eml Rinear mUhutrîn. AMo tien of LU avilie. In.îuiroattis"nfltus. COU two lots lu 9 - lbutyide.onvenlent te bath depote. fo Wtiluiaru idees box 140. Llbertyville. CORnlNcmreand bull. 0.. SL x LOB ALY-Ono Holstein buil csif. firat FosôFcver, paitieuiir. H. W. FofuLaI YVIDO. ll. -i-p, COR BALE,-Tro Polanti China bofne.flt L~..vins elidi to reisâtry. Ci " f ILî. s-i.p- S uI-aili bouse sud s acresof FORbnd.a alDay- Desîrubie pouitry tarin Inqire Luse.L.Lbertyvle. 7ili Ltte te lMr. John PMcCoronlck. Zdbervle, it. D)ear Sir: You paint fond anti oil, don't yoî? IDo you knuw wby a bouse turnea dat lu epttic md treokin ia few weeks, before the îpeint hs>< had an>' chaftee Io cialk or wé,ar. Devos Itou>]> Painit dont fiat. lIs' as eloay as ..vur until it begins ta It iokeem itsggoe for two or tmre yeare.. Wben thi- glm begias to goi, the paint is& begiinuing to) go. It lme. limrt sigll 0f Wear-it otîghît ta b.. W.. suppose the Ilattinlm idu.. to woter in leati; but why it chouid flot in spot« antiîlot ai] un-r is more thiar w.. kaow. tThere is watér ini ail whitelead lIn the making. W.. dry it ont; penliapm no- 1body>'oic..dopte. r ours trul>', F. W. DUVOIn & On. P. .Devu.. Paint 'ma hufound aS F . B. LvuLl's. Lihertyvlll, Part Numi 5P0» ale» KlCiat mouds>' spd bhow Why. A LEGAL TANGLE. To an ouîteider it appears the. coni- pieations, comtii>gme. thiek and fast, bave invoivedtheii..W. T. Eatoin Matin- faéturlng coinpany ta ail eutent that -mrgonizatlonaluter tiihe tar nialeover ic alnong tihe iîmprpba>ilitk«eý Monda>' B. B. Miller, withhisattariMy mslle a tieman>] on Recoiver Gritiku> 4& surrnde&r anti poilsesion of the. pîýoperty. lMr. (idue>' refused. Thereupon Miller applii to Jutige Kohussaat of the. United Sltates District court for an order on (iridie>' ta show cause %why ho. shoulti not turn over tiie, prope ri>. *Jutige Kohisuat eîitereil the. order anti gave idue>' outil Monda.y t.> file hieaaswer. ,Ater titis answer in fit,] tihe dg.. iii»> hear the. matter or refeui 1t'O a retèee t., tait. tentinouly anti hiar arguments. Mir. Miller'.. contention lei thai whle the. bond boîtier are ceeured b>' a mortgage on ail real emtate, buildings anti fixtureo, tii..' <annot holti book oec4ounte, inanillae.tureti producté; andi inurchandiéeanti that .retitore b. repIrelentm uboutti realise froutattius sourie whot tii..> eau. RBle plat inleto iiterv.-îît andi have a re.-îv.r oppoiîtutiwlo will luolti for utifl--ared m-reitors ..verythiîîg jutmide mi4l ffltatu anti buildings, wiiieh ho <oieedes the. bond liolders have firet rigbt to. A poileîi îut>oniin ithe .appointaient of u entirti>' niw andi dimiiîrr-teuit l,-ceiver whmo %ill repî.re-nt ibondl hildu-rm ant credi tors alike. With ..stjuniati-ti liablîties of #35,04x)> anti oseetn of $20,000(Î, of wiilî ilèÙ goem. toa bond Iuholere. il appears timmi .reditorm wili n-alize littit ou tltir elaimts. Titis legai tangle inr..gretaiie aa tb. %vise it nîliglitt hm. e4-tii imesible tsi utljuxt matters anti r.rganizealett ilolupon>', whieh so fgr as Libertyvillein i concernet inistlîe tisireti cuti. 0f course no mie con blanie creiltorm eltiier, for rsrtiiîg ta ..very legal iens ta steure at leait a portion of tiueir .lainis. Report t on odition Ot thA P irut National Bank ut LUbnrt7. Vit." Intu t4 tat.. of Illinois a:t ee clou of busineai Novemberil. 190,. Lous and dcunsn............. MMe Ot'lrdrle,. .. «,1»1 ......... 1m t e U.bondae teci-e cimuto...oe uia.on U. 0. nde ......... 961 - ekta lens f tue.flztarea:1112 1 Due troUu MI&d ev set 4005 Wrsnionivs*ea urel. ncegs. «DU.....s..................... 1901 6m ien fund wlth U. 0. Tros o ~ f circulation)>............iiM as Total......................... $Im5 i Capital stock t'uld In.............. 8n26e 00 Undividcd prolita lhmiexpnensiaejil wimn 0 âmeto! deposit...1Issos11 1Totali.................. ,P.. s misa 1. I. G. Gardner. Cuiblur of the above. nuincd bonk do solemaly iveur that the u11=1 utatemet tla truc tthe ic t Of Mr knowsl asdballe. EL G. GuanNua. Caihier. sabacribotianSiworn, tapabelonmethis 27t à a 1. rI lu.otrPblc Corret Attest J. L. Tyo. A COMPLECTEUIE OF Perlodicals, a o er > -Magazines, Popular Novels, Books. PROCTOR UBLOCK. Llberty vile iluh ..AGENTS FOR... Noeth Shore Lsadry, Vam*gnm 9-4-VO-tf The latest la Rats, Volvete anîd Trlmneg. Dress Soois"' Chevîtîts, Serges, Vestlug, Briiilautlnee, fane>' Velvete, Fbtnnslettsa, etc. Sboes aI&puWimar Pnieo.4 lowest. Xmas!e WiI moon be here. WC have, the largest and swellest Une of.:::: HOLIDAY 0091 Ever brought to-liberty- ville.' Cort ne and ste them before you buy. . -..W e can pIease . iyouý TErLEPHONE %le. LibertyvIlie - - - - ~TIie Lite of. a-- RuU The l1f. of a muer abo. or W Is ohort enough at bçat, but wit ordinary kind of rubbers ItIt'. el too short. Seiz Royal Blue Rutbbere are ma& of the very be.t materiai and v iiil expect a rubber shoe or boot to lut, They are better-than-umnal rubberw at -the.price of the umual, p14 tà trouble of @ayng "give me a Sels Rçju Blue Rubber." Ti7 t4ernnext tiaÎý THE P AIR,,t- - Lbortyville If' you want a Fa»l Suit.- certainly do or will-,-corn, superlor lin. of sam Pleu ad I gunrante . perfeci t, tanc FRED Libortyville- Trav*el is Expensive, Talk i's Cheape Stay at home; lot jou~r m traveling for you. S YuwiUbeInuumtttio entfre ooulAty AiU4 the000 with on. of ouitlýcýe. Busin«esRates, 014. pir.d Reffdenoe Rates, Oc -Mrm.- F. Protlne,j -" MNr..i . . - - . -*»mý 1 ' . 1 4 1 ý 1

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