Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1903, p. 4

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Net "biemèraumit w#th Idame, b Myto ie taié bavd orlaing4 or - s et a portion or vin lhli$ omm" ep sort oltite sertary of Wbt-% ,wh bt ias ust beec madie ý, &»4aothlng tean b more gratif 14W heahowing whic in ladie li of tio farming induatry of titis, in Nert thiefiguras hanisiisd " ~innder titiarm in s sU» buslim ofaithie peuple of tins m- Mad s Os ur other industries growu4 sspelafy In recnt yeais, c nitgu tili aurpeias"Y07of themIn lu mout of op"itt nvasted, in thie , i aupmdnctaam ian the- nunalaer1 ;Pie tant am engagetinlutitune ,UAaQ. W. bave been. bouttigV ,W*î i4~wtt whiéh 'our expdrS " MMcpttmed goou Janv. finken-a r eSnomsta 8! tie anriet.i of the 2 ," utDbeutr7Wilmon .shows' L hoas ofagricuIuran nanat Sýù,OS dofting t.thestmfaurteeni Th¶e balance -cd trada lu .agri- il $todnta m6 ,,O00,000à Vâ* bôwvr,ma t-bt the. total » in oui avar, thanhe ta the ý W"aSP0oOO.Wbik e wt Iwo q bi ta turu out, or at -nt Qqtianýgb oç St suppb oui wata Ueurai P"eot vuI deainnuibut ta ths at ai the. wurw 9 la"siuof theCoeuntry- -"Ma trca tntneyer ftïai. the Sunt7' kmnu nodoubt *111 5téi coamuma an t. .1. ea bu orSàt t ad otber Iîndatial » $o a 11wtle yet tbw ri$aeljai bois oî CaMusadton lwVtbe a muaiile t qt îctn ,WI and liveMsk. daion e!tb. sigai mWe to ta epoè o a àa4hp'we bave QOAla'oi rko«niie flSiwImteg andi tnasrly all and f F* iS-ew actloof im comparatîlveà u*dw pIelroducta af I aivhya aid un lai 61 on aipbouti 1as" paper is rend ov poopin umunly mswy paer, but' oy t * fbet' I4 moy r Babiiecrilte. pan at t. paoun t'auaua Apti iter t- m sg 1k )mas.rlu at bore to a'o Wb, 4ue piS tutu1 Ott aveong .- - ...................s ...................suq 2*1 thf to 9 3Noble r Irsa~ ÜIGIWrlhta"dw Llfrrtaavill wd .......... ......... . loeitat oia.l umatr il .....a Xlsbaud Poatwd............ 90 110. AA l .Btn -Mt ilamoOitmny & w! etai 0il P- rai U iotA Il Hartra, & Hoff- MMaaab LAkaIt s awtt..........40000 UIaziebQràer ta W À Kreldler lot s but mLakeBl»uft wd........ ...... 09s 0 siti4losom a xi taO 8TIir ase ft 104abIll WJogawd 1 aria flo to ttaeh Hof rt 7 blk. Nor mOWuegnid . 04 Bus ubWukga d ......... So 00 Vain"a il owden & ttîig ta C IB Ltelot la etl 115 LUla Sec u16 W E Brnd àwfto À 0Frogt lot 62 'lb*»d u ........1....... 2ItO 60 WB Murphy IluiJid Gaign & Co t. la etrt hcago deed ............ia4 e au eeDupetu 0entDi.0 Bovkskty ýpartlot a bItSi ltlibliand Park- sls»o*lsft 16% 4 bIt32ai llaitl par ............. ..........i11S -Eîii upe 0 enie B BucIt lea' lut~~ ~~ SsLIt retde........1. > w» v gnasas DupatioNainîoBBU 1-Yi.1 lit-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jO ma i 0llsaedPr ............ ........... .. i 10OBaulAs & w! to Tlios M-'Brije ama.. u as'"hMsec it Grant Town. slp wd ..................... Notice, For Chrisinat andl New Ypa ra Ho ijdtavs tcurson tiekets iiI1.o old foi' - ii distanice of 2(0 miles lt-r one'aad one. ird- ftinround trip. Tirkî.tm ounmale Pec. 24. 25 tint 81 and .Iaiaiary 1. 19(w4. UOMs to returfi tntil .Jeîuao- 4. No tket aold for lest thuon 50 e.ent,. f m~ AKEGAN Doma t Sb@ Cg..t, agf I.t. îm, a r Ilsai.. 'Wotkpgan WoMotinta the IIIIMl Of abut tîirty- lyte iWnt tollavenewc atutday aiglt vbere Lake cipoaffeic aud tbl rasIr tent instittoteti aine camp andi initiatteti about ineutbers into thee atap. A baaîqu ialaweîi the e-ovIno! initiationî antiM aevent prore etirty laeauint, tht. la1 Wtoodmeua rpturning at e lute liotî. Ater ojarating durn(,,ot-ember 20 -an ri th the appestraut..e-lientiie piae esuiedti tt it would keep rin indeftely4., ti. aid auget- reflner3-, th local plant of tiieCo)ru Plmdn*~coatpar in agiain to close ¶ýindetMnitely.«» Le week word arniveti bore for Uaè lo olilcers ta.grnd ont every bit ai con tbej baveéilà the iste-pes le a passie iad ta ciose tihé plant dti eompletely. A particuianly dul me4t-kl la bttributeti as the caus.!ft-b icli dowmî. ~i, Don't forget th~e *old m~an ift, For n eadly thirty years he t'as :S been travelinZ around the ,4y .ocrid. and, is tiltraveling, ;.)rînpging health and comfort 'a herever he goes. 1r To the consumptive he dIe briîîgs the strengthan-d flesh bla c so mucli needs. ~PTo ail *eak and sickly -. ,hidren hc gives richl andI *;iengthcni ng food. th- To ttu ,an-d pale pcîsons tslegiVes ncw firm flesh -and to ich red blood. Childrcn wbo first saii' the ti Waixith thé fislî are fnome ?it roya ip1)and.have iciidren ,* I.$s.dfoar Scott's Enui. is C. (f vo:e Cod liver ouf-a J, !igItftl food- and a natural tonie for children for olé!folks £f and for alt-tho need.,Oesh &nd Notice tDaàryrnefâ. .Avoid Ittilig *yoiar tows utlinaatl<aý)it nikiV stpay It fmeduatg e-p.t gratins. tiratea' rpturi~is foýr the itatouer thi t jia lo haid front aîty otIte,' fret) IvIé if]iedlia -1oitio n tloii e-l-aîoriî fta<dit. t focal t titi'yvar ioîîal aud cebalI-netityio t h)Ptatta ial 1kreMýoId itlî sampimbenlîhr of relat. ili aye twe armsoIt rtokiatt aII hoîeaIllI. 11-sc. l4.1)d H a s he'uiquarterda l Hughes' at Wauconda. He has goods suitable for Christmas presents forail uges. Cali and seethemi hefore vou make any Christmas purchaseB. Coins and hear the tailk- ing machine which wilI entertain both young and old afternoon and even- ing, commexrcing -sÏiuï-. day, December 19. Wishing ali a Merry Christmas m. W. HUGHE S, Wauconda -tIlîoa t à%W- ta) in# bave ktAyeache yPte. be roail C" ouefor ia pat mat>' yeara, tla the.boni tuedlin MY, théwoM'd fer cougsanmd oois." It J. C. VIiIlams, Atîc, N. Y. All serlous lung ;licklî,ig tn the :hroat. Itou can stop this a' ilrsi lna asingle- ngtwuoli Ayer's Checrry PiXceru" lUse i5 riso rb:oCIla t-id cc,ýI-j1, ric-.';-1p!on, PICOPL $' COLVMN,. 0i a s b.8 1 1 1s11 1 T U a-d g Ww uho u tDl aa Uluaa.sbl la tte Kuebken .h.> LItEN01Sand al ait, 0. B. Inaix Thr»wita au" a oua aau mbT COAL, Lumber, Lath, Sh'igle, Doors, Windows,. mouldngt, Grain. Seeds, ýFeed, Sewa, Pipe", Dra i lic, Povtland Cernent, Ii....Marill apet WpfiWaW4 Rniph Wilngton la v-tiung fried Dt etover, 04a )lrý .tweii #nd son hynffl- e 4ila chklaigo Mnav R. a.qdhfrey wa in aithc clt.# Wedne.. doy-on bosinema. (hoa. St&nforgl, of Fort Bil, wu* Ïi tnwn We<nendaty. *Mien Etta Part- rtîanied to ber h<>ia I» Ruaneli Saturd4v. -Don't forget tbat New Yeara fana Jart. 1, at Roànd l lke. ý Dofi't forget the bail at Anatu B, Rouit-i Làin, New Year@ nigbt. - Miss LAI. Wlliits, of Alittiarla, wni a pleaniît raler ht-vs Welnesday. AIInn lieLat'hlan yl spend iebIsva'-a- tutu withb bisprents att Cito. Mri. Effiat Washhurn and G(ynetlt Ricb were Waukegan v imitors Frlday lait. a I..aap bpar ball Ntew Years igbtJan. 1. Mre., and Mis. 'A 1 Ttbanfpon entertalvnad t ht-jr re lat ives at a tu rkey d inner Sonday. lDn. Brit'n td . toile, 'orWallkegai.n ateait Xîna, i.-tlt Mr. andtr .. James Mir. unti Mr$. Lewis ùctronpanled b.s tirlntaught.r Kathinc. en uChicaga Mandity. Misa Ariette Morrili han reaîgneti ber position at t-le' îost-offiCe for a little wttlle, oni actunt of itcie lu inber honte. Mir. tatdiMrs. W. Pairker .eatertaiwed tîteir manyuiy niudo ardm Wednesday evening att tîeir pint-t-y boute on Lake.' lore Drive. 1'naf.,Wrigltand e-ife aîidaister-iaelaw, Miss Toinlinson, are âpendii1> their vacation at tsegi', la., witb Ins. Wright"@ parents. .Mil. Vandernark e-ho attendei sooo heràftrty years ugo calleti on old inondi t-be patit week. He returnesi ta bis honte in &alutbDakotit Friday. Misa AimaMentie.e-%ho bas basai teaebig aclaool a ut n-rie, Oklahoma tiié psitt lire. montht bas rctiirned bain. nut much iunproveti in Iîealti.. Tiiere 15 t-o be jawuorgan récital on thi newy vocalion pipai tanei orgasi at tse (oi'gregattiinal eiaureb turing t-la week !Ollowlng New Yea"a. Wateb for date. Tuher. to-hi la, spécial Christmnas ansi musical servit!,s antthe lCouignitina ebuiý,h saxt tiuaday3, bath aiiornlng- and teneing. A large attendaice is expectei. Tii teaciter's meeting ait the s'bureb Saturvsa v enlng Nas a decideti suceas tnhieb proves tause t-bat tii. teachera are Mn. ileyal;lds. <one of the.proprietors of the 1%khtbetr Clothiug Company n'illi spend the. holidays at Gmvo'lake. W. are glad lto aîve Mr. Rieyniolds witians again. Have yoîî triedtheti. aew gains, The Pit. 9) ver 8.5,000 gameiIa! Tii. Vit bave teen soIt at McCatrg's w-hoeae bose ai Chaicago. You çan get tuis- gaine ab hé trayslqke Piinrmacy. Mrns. John Brook died early Wednesday îornlug at tiie bore ai- ber son Georme, agoa 87 yeara. Fairal s ervimes iii b. eHl front tié bauie Satnrday morulug at10 o!clàck. Obitoiry u.xt vesit. c The fionda aof.»!,.antidtira. ?yir tubfent eil -b.w e-ed ta b"anoSthe deatli aitheir yuungest daagbten wiho- dieti lant Saturday. TthinterI ai va hl-d at the.liune Tuetiay uttemaiou. ,. Mi.r.i4atow e-isba, ta extenti au invitation ta the neoale toi the Coaunreara. tinnai cbureh, anti relatives anti trien. of tbeCadete. ta a toboggan Part-y on 'New Yamn day, ws-tler peraaittlig. Tii. Rochiester Clatbiaig Company lias cononenceti a cleanug sale af aena, b$» andsi-iltrn's overcoati andi other, lino of einter gonds at greatly r«ed prie... . Viala ta cltie agmt,"ay wlnter gootis ta nsake rmi for apring stock tu arrive lu eMrUary. , 1 1 Next Suaday at 10.-30 at the Congreu. gatlaual choireit t.epasttan vilpremUt a Christine* sermon ait -Tiie Ftinee o!. Tirai, or tePreparataoaisetof 9wWorli fon Clinlet'Comsn Iing ahsea villb specil si inaf ut-be umorlnomai * sveulug service vijlibu ga og aeprige, Wesiaisday Dec. 130 cSurs the.&muai reunion af thei. ob calai tIi.churcli parlonsq.h a'vaaoi NOrES, The oehdo oabsenve«i. Xmab ys by baviug a meail nitnm iasta anti Slanta clauia. musa Decker n it-be pioary grn4a a very pretty tv.. antidiam tartalu- Mmut, ns dit 1ais Mse om taoaS andtim MuIichards in, the' la. teinediato and gramnier gratiseMi %vint off vêvy Evem e olar ne,. colo a lreselt andtihUtsteaebup . celveti siene ile. ane lu rsura. Mr. Wald tIi the Sauta Cl»ant up 19 fine abope'anti the littb oomaliaset- botis happy. l in igh eChool t -luBtnt0 piemast, aseexaminatum vaelu a. rcble thore,. AU are gladt b bave a * @m vMaflédom oin, cal 4 w wu vu"i tapir v&0 lâ ctor -..Tbe-NewDrgst. wiii spenil thpiroi at Osge. ou>tsjIk A D J Watsat lbarhonti l Lko Villa ndý T O V E AN alia a part nt WaiikesaIa; imasDmet er vIl) @pendi bers at bone-poàmibl i p t » t -- a.t Mtirngeld andtiMisa 1tirbart1m- m. p. ieui NOTE&. Stewarts - OarIands In t e p cil ep i ibpfl . S te e l .R a n g:e s .s - P. L. HotIr. Cascdt Rangesw lCaj lioaieywell la Wel kioçn al, Lekýý Villa C ë ail a and Antlocb aMd Mrende front tho&e plan"s are Invit»d »tacamne and hear Iim iHeaters every evouing..-- .The. Xmas tree entertainniseut wa" a ga'eat succesa, fu particularw aext week.Bu astv wihan PAjU McGUFN. lou r pay in the en publie holeft It reby lysu tb#À lh. i. Admluletrat~r. *N05. 4. Atte.sey. -~ PAUL M iACOJ~*N 0.s. A dJudaatt11 Ntti"". rt«s Ais dsusrt vaer. Maa. -Aco 'teel C st C rid. COME IN AND QET PRICES. SCH-A14CKBR Libertyville, Ilinois. FEED FEED FEED Wd We carry the foliowing ini stock at Jil times Bran Middlsnga. Homsny, Gluten malt Spreita. MoIm e ee oit MutL Corn Meal, Corn and Oataý GrcuMd.Cbikan Fecci. 'bet. - Céiiitd GOpter ShlWkikCryae O taIW Grlt Shefied Coin. BarCor.. Blafchiors complete Uine of mee 116 brated Cattie and Poultry Fonds X Yoti wiIl always finit moir stock complet., and our priees right. Un EMMONS.IMERCER LUMSB Co, Wright Brûtherà., Lîbertyville - per. mraaMimer if huy "&sIm. tban ta let tirnia kuow o! a reW aliyieeltarlaèariceanti ebers pesum the. oiiowing ruent ltte' e hte OB-niaaurm " rasi ter -Q% k Bm say.j :, "Pleo» "d aft isby explosat-vo doietiofi lb»n. I1finîtIt Owu naelp teicmeand bave ta hep iù lOi tek.' B8tlk ,Toule Laxative .ia Imataciabiuilouuas saur~toisel ni slrpepi t le "w awmiA o$ T'h O&W unI» t Ban,»«ayWinrontheii sanliWs@mon as owsl.0did nto De -i efbig* 0' Letter tes Mir. L., B. Hanby. 3LU&ortreille. lit.1 . j Dean in: PetisapA yosi "otont lhavte aaytbiag tilo with tuixed Paiînta." W. con't blanle yvon;tant Pet-oc eadly Paint la not a Mlxatd Paint; there fi% twim e asm*h q4m in la agalloîn a!it- as tiers ýWIRinÙagaliotoo-s0 OMOne44thett Miieti Paint. N. Ave'ry. Dehb, N. Y,, one with Miieti Paint-toIn 12 gallonst. Palîttetithe ather e-itla Devoe; haugit- 12 golioe-hai sx gallons Icft. îLt bas taken a gre4t aiaiy, yeurs toi liait but the beat; unti It takes n lot otf machinery ta grendîIt praperir. Mare tbaUi 2,00 Y.eeurs.Ainw npainteal d w-lu leati atnIamore tins 'PO wltblian soeiL h boot 50 Yenrs lieo ty e~. gai te use sine. AU puanters knovleati aitti ou), nîat palaitens know leati anti ail witb ino -mixed la-lit inapraves their paint; veara longer: do.. Bot chalk on poieder off su oon<' -One-thirti moreiactinlq a use inlutitis couatry4. - _ _ But paluters dont Innue-hue intapl t»ç*tto pot ln; anti ali ablard tailîx ouî -nàeetis griadiug ianud tbey caîî'tà grnit in a. dont ne Buill, aiubody uesalea t -thOut. rui-, Our - - Illinois M, Au U FS4 l àrai, ,ti tllht avel vuad inowl uiteOOsiiOsa. O f auttrising 4la Tauni r ni yHave y u tç~iod it9 L ei F. W. Dmva Co.. coane bn-,e1wy ta1o.t-dat a -8, S Deoa. aIent ilu bentyviuuciteL the jutige. XW'. ils Iuo an F. B.Lesyxta. .tbe ,unailest e-at-etea ufr SOL fAs M.atu ---l -J-1 [tGý 4 Auty r , 1 1 Il

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