Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Jan 1904, p. 9

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Statsm.n5. ing symptornswill soon prostrate ipm She .hinks womtan's safeguard 18 LE HInkbm'a Vege&M opud X" $ BKAt-gOr.eMdZuloe4ZIre O. aum e aaonoth~lsp~y4m the t gji& 1 took d. E seaS1athh1lJP. coà& o dh iàmet"oo wki«it fffl tb, chmMuýdWd bkdien& a 10tai e- L diAE. 1Nkbsma tsggU. 4ooa,- M"d t wy hv bo biubsn usun huy m»i 9Uceus4ldlhsuurd. w- re s a"lsd811 lusglms, m uss-. l Ï5LvE x»laqjatn. l. te -l, hsba e.bstudg (oy i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o thei eypbqss dasu.a tlas1s Ise aS tai - mteis tetut and rne vu Min. 5DAN5 iam:Nouvs joucra ' ' reply b 2Mr letter I1OIOiI~IIO u vai. w moyn ,2 libm#vIItUD ol maante wtt. iber ft midvI basE. AEs-n, sl>vla end115te mot EssUeUslur. midaaq»,rr d Ils-it. 110o àYmùabo ~taie a tp tb Wasxiîng uedeckddtýatas I vaa lime betin- of One *mo^ lie>' lad beller lu- ln @am* e be, clotise. Thlein gnlcllyeaysthse ltev Tit bene, maisetom ett licie new" av- but Il -vas ntunatil One t.e dbi ogedcithis-ban a t *dkoesmthîe Joike lIat aboueai 0f l. pwu-ip ciildica baS f orthaeewam etomisa s@MWfeaouevat>' one's ta ees, tht molle, otlt e-selftl Mar die Qý abie id vrbeau l e- liN bl. -Bise vs. made ne more coaf*et. b>' a fat Germen voman glStbg te, vise leaneti over ami nIE, eautiubli: ci, never mini! I'm a viâhe aun oeý,bqt liidisflue neitteck le la de, oem x msI. -.uftrne 'le'sbCu»-etef or sasi.I., ln wm Ubiet te ue thi euiyti U rWIMee aS cure My patient* viethu formbava issed Dodd'se fldu la 4im tion and Çneuccee t te vidflma sf.f. PM n, isese.PInalu ou sas..andi eu tentify tisaIt i.y lave- Mlably roote tise Kldueya 10 their nor- malilIste sud ti.reby rellevée tise 1100 if accurulatai poisons. produdnq prompt and effective enrie." Clause and Etfect. Jaci-Hgave a qigai, olti man? Tom-No, tisnk Ye. lre quît smok- lot. WUI-4o1 Wbeu dots tho eddlmng take place? Tr.meu Sma i= ll.Dollar Gra-su Thq tv. greattest foider pléata on earth, eou Joai for 14 tons hay aud, the cil'.v 80 tees reeo fodder pet acre. <Itm. viyvh te.andosVictoria Rap.,e .g0,000 lis. sbRL eoep sud 764 S30 0eI TAMPS TO THE Jolie A. ,,*abarStedCe.,.«La Croses. Wl...«à ec"ive lu relira. tieir bu eatalogUe sud lotsetif asai asso ies, (C. S. V) CRUIEL.TY TO THE MORSE. Blna». e, 3a612tasCaris Bitead .iDeckiag. 'Lb hotse. the mont uaeful ef ailsut- maie. la thse one msrked for the. mont of muis l01 Ireatumi. For tise muet part bouéeS id in Ilgiteti, lu vetllatet sud lui .Milng quhrtes, vortie t 1It@ fulll eap.clty, careti for ouly to the demm e h51 mta"iiinteragI prompts 4tise animal à dellvered oves- as t*o.unupro- faetdS bject of the uniretainedpas- lia if man. Tise aei-agc man folle appgaretly to understandtinfit aaltutas have a ne-vous sysem, amoug tiien lu a mariai tiegree tiheisorse. antitht vers lie to goveru bin own teinptr le coniri wltbi a Utle patience get£outrol ef urIi ,rs eDrsouas lyemeu,--a ake ot of il a i.QIvant resa>' 007 etticient thîu Itle uniler thes ysteln in lwbho iebeautanad jerks and frlvem tt tu dWmbton A short vslk lu fis c"clt vidiacover mauy iUMnS otie..Whjr2 lm-a re asý l"lacowseo<ptlvdy. ,And jet tis iglt of on naturo la teaa good as outote t oer. Tise dlerffce tg simpi>' liat the. bovs troutise ba- gluulng bas le.. abusif, 1l1, boue& -orrked andi vonie unie- coi- tieunis tia'-e driven hlm bllad. HIl& ey'..are s&but lu b>' blindera at oach w1de, for whiîciiticre la on ue but tu estitiythle caprice or faslou of Mran. 'go,.bis vislon fnterferred viti. snd deprireti of air, tise vorder la tisat i vtlthe otier trestment be ges lie la not blip titfener. Beaititis tbls, In other cases bis neck la almot pulletl out of Joint t,>'oveheati check reine Uibat valse hie face 1te ïr anti tutu bis ay*tlla to the glare ofthtie sun uný protacteti. Or, on tise chIer baud, de- pdodet of check rein, lie la bIlted, wtm. *a curb that pulls bis jawsa 10bis breaut, and torture 1dm In IbIs fasiston. -Anti tS. accou4lug to tise spreading. haliion qf tise toi, iiila subject, Io tisat mosaI crel ef all practces,. dock tag, wvicis flt me-el>' trtureslu tise, ia'actlce, but jeave. hila te tise tiremt et Ils for thieetofbilit&e.Its tie -aîfn mtisat la mercitul 10 !e=a,dt If Il la thse meilftita obl.ala ercy, we have as a people, soule va>' to rame before v. gethtis -blsaIg.-Indlanapolis Neva. GIVES .0 * r» oo Isat Carres e a Aong. Ir@aIces to, know of foodtb iat not 451>' hates tiellous baItnt pute the $maaj anti go loto on. 5M supplies ets>' gaug power for thse do>'. A voman maya: 111have a l«i enougi medicîne lu my time te turnlis s dru« store. but lu later and mier jears 1 have lnkeu »n uat lave de- pentital. for tie healtis 1 nov e«»y, on imitable audausftalnlng food eti1 vb"cI-ktq un baud il testei varlet>'. plain but ouitshing.1 *,0f tisas ni> main depeadexce ta mas dY ef unasual effortetermn tal or pbylcaL. Etuhis case 1 frtlf myseif theIi.frthitbla th ie mornllig mth about four Oragle- Nt4s mostesid wlth icrailiesud c mue ise breakfast aui th. nuiont of vuet I eau 'tien sarsm me exiaLUstie aa wVudir te.. tIn sldaven te MYst. "GrapçeNuto food otileCeriplu'asWou- derfulstrengtbener andi la mt à timu- tant, for tisera in no retction 'atter- variebut$taninis ant streugtiseuls. ese 1 have pros-ct by long esllcrleuce.' Name given b>' PosteCo., Battie Creek, Mieb, TIes a reaaou four teampontula if* Os-tpeNuta and ti cean viad mestreugtisand *ectsrl oe u rtiiet tisa splateful ifocoarle me ieau.tA tailsilteneri>' aulwasle. Grapo-Nute tood tu*4lgeted sud de. iklous. t couitthe Parts if tiec Wiiaet and Brlw graials tiat srlpply Oasé -gbufdlag pats fer D-rain and W# , ue f T£Md* antit ra actîvityu- d er -ff unfave=rablae ions than wu. .feared, snd tii ouflwo.ksesles appris- iietasie. Lits«oq. men are grad- -DlY indlng r-epl -mtit.ltbongla nt lovervag.. sud ilse objections ame nsgtd tu read$umàh, nov hein& an- Uweia5asamn ait lee" ifor. l: volum of01.bAst dealingu la et*- Pbe mu in te atmfae . y, etafl trede bas bl"agâod lu seemoa" Mecoiiesd lii. viemae braum"e report mtendy dg- malad la dry <iode, 4titing and schose; AàIeeshm rou maty da"lemeare of su 41»urqggharaceW.- New buildtuO 581 othat hmvy tmpasftmenitsîcontes>- pistaipromils a i.rger use or lumbr ts uaterls. Other elementa of -#Umm sPs 5tr0a ybt nt offoodetu*f -at- 16 es Priea oaura uppl-ei uq..y ter -legitInat*eneterprie. aud su aaoftetif trlklug mieeantile 4sf aults. Wlth tii.resuimptiou et vork in the trou «Md steel les tiées10assurance if su- vbemest for ufany ai beio, anuIncreas et 10.03 per enft *ver a lear ago. 4&vIder fal! of enow bas protected a larget e rea of vinter whéât Iucreased value lnluied freer marketing if grain. Oofpared vith the esseai ga v.ek ami, =u.advînced17/ ents and iti aisdcuir i1~ewh 1 cent. j'iv. stoCkzeceipta ver. e b8 ead, &about 8»» a Y er ason. Sdpplies do »lt show lhie nrewée looked lcr. Sulp- pin; deuand for iisqvy, loeand the beat shsp vas urgent nt dm atioce in eacbi if* 10 c.ents par huadeigit. f ,' Italintradf lins beau MNew iork a powt reoe t--W h-idayd-1 ie, part- because ofr . a bd weather, vblch alan ,retitrdeti colleelloO tu roine extent. Triffievas flmped d shipients of arthindise delayed. Ou the other baud, loir temperature lmidsbted the demand fer seasonable g9edasuid burdensomes stocks in the baudsi deslers were-re- dubeed. Jobbem ansd msauturer In, those IIues reeelveti enpplmttary ordeil anti the. wool market.bmarn firniwr lu toue, althongb actuel salea did nfot lucres» materiâly. 11illa sud tamtorîem report Ir- regular conditionnsme Industries open- lai the new year mnder verv favorable auspices. white other irnchet are ex- tremely quiet. Lettent retorns of ralvray euinga for Derember are 5.4 per cent abuve thofe et luit year. In thse leadingi aufstrlng Indus- tzy the year opena mdliquiet conditions as to demndbut audi irregnfsrlty lu the. motter of vases Nuinerous rednc- tions vent luto elleet, an several others are contemplsted. Dutlp the last. quar- ter -net eaunngs ofitt. Iaadlng eroducers vere lesu tl4suhait tOmm of thse corre- s*pouding uotths q1 lemS.and similarly unmtlefactory exhibit« were made by ethier concerne. Than aulal returnt lu- dta.te hesfvy conttion lu tisInl- dutr", sd tiers vas , very largm de esfse lu irders ou hanS At 1m the iniu ef the year. Fallnres tfie veek lu tii. 12l" Mts are 4W, agaut 232 lest w»14 ý 294 thé. peredlutweek andmi 0ti.earsod lut v««k lest year..- Falîsm JOCana aumber.87, againa 17 lait vesk, 22 the prec.dlng meeh &"-xi Lest piar. ChWiago--Cattle, comnon. th prime, 800te $525; hogs, hplsgrjs 84.0 o e4.90; sheep, fairte10ci $2-.$25 ho $440: visat. No. 2 red. I -- le ern, No. 2, 49-e tu 43c: oata, ..îmdard, Mec lu 37c; r>'., No. 2, 52e tu 3e. bey. tfinoi>', 88.50 to $12.510; prairile, $6,00 10 $11.00; butter, ehoice crceftwy, 2lc te 23e; eggs, tuai, 23e t10*-'e*. Potataes. a&8e to 2e. Indianspoliu--Cattie. s.ipplng. $300 tO $5.2M; bogâ, choice lis-ht. $4.00 te $4,90; sheep, cemmon te pime. $2.50 10 $3.50; ýwbeal. No, 2, 89e lu 911k; cOtaNô.- 2. muite. 4lc 10 43c; ont., Ne. 2 white, 87c 10 8e. Bt.L ouia-Cattle.. $450 10 85.25; buts, lité0)10 $475; sbeep, *3.00teho *4-00; viseat, No. 2 90e 1te 92e: cors%. No, 2 41c tu 42e; Cale. N. 2, 3k te 37ec; rye, No. 2, 48e lu 49c. -4?iakatl-Cotte. $4.001 10 $500; isos. 84.00 t0 $5.00; nheep. $2.00 te $11.40; wheat. No, 2, 93e t0 94c; corn, No. 2 mlxed. 41.e 10 411;ena, No. 2 mirei, 88e te 39c; ryc. No. 2, 6ic b 6Me. SDetroit-daîllie, $1.50 to1 $450; bogs, 84.00 tn $440; sieep. $2.50 10 $425; vbcat, No. 2 Olc 10 92c; cocn, No. 3 yeilow, 4U e f 40c; ots, NO. 3 white, MO te 40c; rie, No. 2, 59c tlu Oie. bMilwauke-Wheat. No. 2 nortlieru, M5e t0Sie; cocu, No. 3, 31)c tu 41c; unts, 14e. 2 white, 8ai e 39é; rye, No, 1, 55e to 5à7e; harle>', No, 2, l415cttille1; Pock, mess, $12.50. Toldo-Wieat, -No. 2 mîxet, 801e te Pic; corn, Nu. 2 mlxed. 47)e te 47c; uts, Né, 2 raîxeti, SOc to lS.: rye, No. 91 5se to e elOuoyen seed ' primie, 87.0M. Buffalo--Cattle, celile 'hipping steers. " ta01$5.W0; boga, fair te prime, $4.00 tg $9,0;sieep. fair to ehoira, *$&Z te ad_29_Iamai, cemmoat to eloca, 4ff. Nev Yod>-Csttle, . *5te $5.55: b11 4.00 te 85.00; sheep. *3.00 te $10PhéitN. 2 red.94e tu 9e, corn. No. 9 S1ic te 5Me; ontq.,No. 2 whîite, 4ke iô Me; mbuate remmer>'. 20e te 24e; èoi% ates,27e 10 alc, Olée eut Ri". A nsw revolttlou la immInent l aul Spin ilins deeliedti nu 10parthipate ln the StUt. Ln.exposition. - -. S lhoihlanguoge ile-m"Inlunue ta Psuacja especially un th* Atlantic aie. Tie Cetral ilrelht Association rouis bava ddeo erefuse the application et dis Irnami steel mien fox a raduetion et fWagit ratesrudonetie shipuenîs ut stWsirails. e,.ar Admirai Sir Charles »rury. nov ednle th-e1.Britiali admirait>, lis aCoasti. Ris vifel in a giter of tise Whiteheadi et torpelo tam. sand on sai et Prlb Ree s ims tk. TiePsrlsaa à,police havae opleti.l 0s 4tlheilità et tatlaties-I .*4s tu1 mia MItaisa elIp. Duti«nS lb. ssa Escaped the T*i, by Using Peui Aie 1 sm Tise Peaceil. Iu0.5 5e Tiq leadtipanci. ngenerally museS When the. milles- to-day, la not matie trou lead ut - ho0e. h cliisar oeonai rssding B t rout graphite. msye tise Cileago Nevw. Baiser Sw iCo..l Il derivaeslits namne trou tisa tact tisat viiithora are»ne griet te lie tdue vian penis more tend"s-e'Mdew0Vl' madie trou graphite metallie Icati w»sthis offer. bl -plyedforthepurpose. Graphite etaîMtest wae is-t uneti la peha atter tise dIa- lie>' iiimd'Y cover>' la 1505 if lhe"uons Cimier- »un cataloguet land mine@ e lu Enu T. iiigraphita se aso was if remarkabler puliffy andS enulti 2,000 delilous ci ho usai vitisout'furthen tratament by 2.000 hsneisl.1 ecttng k t l»ti labo andIsu d lcslg 0 s-lO. s, bIiter tlieemta vood. For Ivo eahturloes1:0«- rre se lad enlnyed praetlcally a Mo 17 in mm of tise leati penciladury. Eu tise LFO IRI elgilcentis cenltur>',iorvear. tic beai rvn «wl poweill ndustry bitifound ie ta laito)Iey iiin sdi ll German>'. Iu 1701 Caspar PabOr, lu lie famous Berin.r thse vllage 0ff Stein.,Duxr tise. inciaI cil>' of Nurembers-. becapie sud r.- 9nqwteà magne th ie enter of the. lest peneilîlu- Outlat-iad qc iutry ,tor more tissu a century. For b>', m'deux, vils iv generallona Faber's descendants W~e, vbals tise] matid e e nds.Up toelimepresentiedi his -0ave 4rank" ot iaj tise> bave coîtinuedti 1 devote Mm. Outlate-lh thett Intcrest anti energy te tie deveî- jO te f0asy Io::11 opueut anti perfection of peneil mai-. adeiphla l'rese. lig. Eberbard Fabot, a gËreat-granti- *"llouty la th sou of Caspar FÈnber, mnîgratedt f0 'dorer Lent! t3 fhIs country' and ln 1859 )establlseti Drîpe" le au bones imlmsf ln New York Clty. In 1861, for boneat foks b. wien fie war farill i ral vent Imb ét-fIrur. -Witeerfor tedt, hoe reeted ielown Ilpend t aetory giîng naine if je Au NeorTonCity anti thirs introducai. OHICAGO CONO1 'the lniustrY lo th le United lStotes. PAN>', Chicago, Tiste.e st. eAfter. Phatepi EugenceB. Latte, o f 751 Tweullall Tise first bool of avenue, ticket seller lu theUion Sts- lu Piludelpiia s dion, Denver, Colo., says: "YonuSam at for tis ear 1080 lierty' te repeal vint X pamphlet ef ten lea trat state t Irougi Our if vIlcb arec nov D env e r papers about -- Itenc e. tiel Doah's Kldney Pilla In thé L p rinteti as senl enuamer of 189», for E bave 1biPa' eu ba noe teson lii thelu--,isath e un e priht ternu te change my oplu. ie oncltia Ion ofthlicremeij, I vair * ously declared PE subjecl 1tesen attachkg . .been foundet b>' of backacise, May. st- council dicapprovei grvtetiIf 1 sat1long.aIts. ng title, sud direc dm.Doa'. Hîdue>'Piprinter (WilliamB abeolulel>' stopped mty vlisand eraclual baciacie. 1 bave neyer 'Lord Penn."T lised a pain or a Ivinge 1 of recalllug tfi. v ince." lpmer-Milbutn Co., But abolition of fhe oet talo. N. Y. Fotrsaie b>'ail ai. Cue Von price. W cents par box. Mr». Taffles-Bit VishesNeverlUy. toryi word for vurd Pla dsigles ee ligb . rinpeted Il te jon, and Pli7ilslugumie tichigser rouise on Mr honor tit lise lover animale, anti It- slomitfet pOs- a vord ut l to ayb alillty utý edricatien. Flies do not Mr. Tathes--Bul, play Btailg; lie lower maminals esu me. hatrdi>' be taugil f0 play, ant i bInasre Mmru Tattlee-.Oli éÏttrely dtevoli of fis. Instinct. But tOn 1 tilt*hloper, did -kItten ad -hl.bniare -em«etaly -- plaignît animal&. Tie humai Young isorve-, are tise truc playes, afi, l e le realif>'. Il la play' fiat devalopa ticul- % te maubooti.1 Boe ofthfi.olt i Ne laites, vîliC itts výereormectl>'dry «Ilt plai»n aa.s iI mer aud eovered 811a1 a e nciso fW alliait valet- lunivthes" sun, have been rectalmeti by tise Britih<osera- ga meut anti are nov vortis trount300 te «l~$.,lT& I 111M an acre. Tic>' primue. mas- j nificent crops. --Gonme Oit Melleent-What b A 'ciilti of aine Bioulti vel i sity sag uoietyeyoat, pounm. la let umuert Clarlass-Oii. Wî prisidant <il chiety vas tic ouli> e La 5 ~ ULJU~1M dry, n ve gave ber y w~ *v w anth le dlnky-dluk tu Poe.laâsu-.m--OWwui. te shoot tie chutes. lb, Kui YO UUVIitfl~~gt econoiy la iser ligea" th 1RAM FADELIes 1 110aa t 4 et- -_ ynu tbelr b1g 0 nge*ier miii Osllsgms, ,I eU u.I - appede.; It giv-es eil»k Z >' honlagood sleul mu. t » ", legmu te o e thele appm eOust>' 1 vas aanife»rn hW mmw bug à tM#f* At* 1 12 a Inter lette datmd 10,Mr. Brgek writte am sm nd «11%gla have fer ysss 1%.0c letheasme lis Lnt beltt eouivalWiOVi It weeM do me v»&d.1 vlthont Permus. TomUr-07I, F« a triebook ou «t Tiie Peruup MedWmCleCi. U f e pfat desIve psm lues mer «Mt bm fia ID 7 suoli,i mâb. 7; bs-lWal Plrier. "aiats th5 20e hisag dis- Ilf epa-almu a e hz: .ît teasuekeb,4" propft il , usas- auite an ang'mguttoW décI m-ml- ha eollexe profeaibor. ý% o k' propar thig lu ma7> et-:b or Il have dnunkr hie proper listfo amn drua."-Pll- te asespolI">.- lt table qruop made b>' anANTImtRuo isa"tseme sauvagin ,our grocer. CENTEATING CON.- a,* Il U. Dt u> %ni pilsUmbd, Il Vas. anmapegmi av, bi>' tvo capes'a nkuovu th h a a - copy of thé,A é q."e .sIà s. ity. Wiio-rPorté« lb mwmomP 1he book ittiat-r- -~- 'ahuajîvamla tbhave "Lord Penn." lime i émcis a iluh.ouui defl the tiutier sa" Bratord> b "forth. ly blottoue ye w»ra L'is ba t1h. bhol. eition andtbe1 noxieusvords. id the mais v. Ps-ou- ia y diar, yom toid 6,Yen, if course; but daD . ausi hf 0.lkw beame outhfat anti- oik mo muci itarest y antiIaginm iseà* if linen la the lana-£ ier the fodgy modes,4 agéociatIon proceedeti M4i t0 @Mmmi. PUT-j DTU i.afi e adtI ebut osissu, hm mISACu B C. SOmuI a SOcmSE Co. %à c.,NAM act rne. &atoM r d uf.-'exe.nthe usesa< Pet..' A short time agn. by oeqpmt, 1Unni Dirah.hw lb (mid StuamasImms came te Waco mnd et for hlm pie- fora"ture. lu i hand lie heu à wdtic« u 5aI I J> &mb lett roCIth 172rve ftGagerasndi e km pvtt leu hAiv msou.v=s hue hotu carid i , AUowmcama ise. Mr. Brick la a dignuw id a1 - VWWMo tw h »Mm. tul'd. fils fulyBible hlailperçid, Sffl a s. eam remau l. adIt shows tht his Mth A oe.qun0MOO "18 giw"thwuasritte» 115 yars go6 h a làRa d d /le dm rely a tom ords froua Ibis remaria- .f 180 yeinbis old gentleman, vbo bas b«d 15 iary* Sadèrs oruse*e ofet perlene. te dram, t= ..mudbe rem* oft" « Avlnterestlua. as mail tgpritable. A leagby ho~~a abseisla ut'.. et this remarkable nid mat la th. Wto. [lmes-Herald. Decembm 44 10M.a .1« 1 U LACBROCK, a cîtisen if tacen- more pretendous blograpby et tlb., t*9 mm Couuty. Texas, bas lred for 115 oldeat living ami,, tllutrated wlth a reari. For mauy jears he remideti at double olumu portrait; wu@ i.. 1h. Risque Fallu. elghteen mlles veut of readers of the Dallas Moru.g New&. Wacoô, but nov lves viti hi% .oa-WIulW dsîed Deember 11, lOI. e làss* ai Valley bis. Tae&as Chicago Tlmes-Hsrsld iof ,flUe dato.

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