Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Jan 1904, p. 1

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~ of tiiof tut in b. O it'y. 1» VIN l. lagout I Atk à" uln b.the. - 1104 vW&tb. 010e* P@OPgrn tad rawug aetug OOOor t. Md lab oSu0 tire bat It. uti be equippo it vi dx4kiood unidoit Win om ý* Iab..iiity kagu. in MU d iurlng tii.eoinlg -. Iw~~ am the. mobmb4 d .ist& la order te k" p toat.E iW. w*M 'E. -W ulyfs COUNT WilI oea HviPRmeonsswMk int will be pald aI bth e rof8 pp esnt, per annuEl. meint Dt .L TAYLC. ' MCE OYBk R Uains TAYLo5'e '-to 10n.nm. 2 tu 4 &" to a ne ou Broaitiay, opposIte Park Liertyvlll, llliaom M. EL.IL UdTUR r" Orua LAKE oUm sN" . 4-Atol12 &ni. an 1to aP.s." ~uauy,u nssno ua. pyh.t# I»fl,,î x-" O P&. 4*ot i à Md tua> u UEO-. "MUN » unou. «urnte., Illten loe Xu «Im mov t. amuement pian. daWO b. tii7 totalaboeuonf mai. ,No iquor. of aMW cha- sU b. smu tii.., noitiier ii 0 M 1l 1m- a out tii.piste. Tii. faiauoNffit to prove popular. l.4 mdfà tii. <ouat>' Farnwer SvM- b. huit in thi erfiefit »*ààakB. Ha, codunty supt. g«Onl, Prof. «lover unit wle 01el Win b. pusmînt. IUdtiiorth vfllspeai on W mmlng of the. 4th tien viii mlon. Âinong tihe Duerfef t rie *0iita"part lu ti.prograu veions b> J. C. Enter, lita, il«. eo. PeckUger, solo, tW da".nrepti#for.&H, anit mom, vii b. imiar e losuitla> MW lfear a*Il teacder. imu. the. Inotu. iliib. heMd L- a& sx ym lotàp. e. 28 »otJuIW M ,1M88to MIsiaulTrait dU aeinsmvff. hqrmUumu.lH. tire ÎÏM oAuiuwus4 Valsti, Of Wfa. 4umaNaléeU.»Wod*i, f Llbert. UopI~Toglmî~fg;lmichal 29, 189; Jaui m A omi vlao itfitd lvg. 15, 1874; Mia. Vary J.,of.chicago MaWtGeoere- Î., tii. ou,; st, ith vwimlb. motiiur dis&. Deeau u wm t. 4110o18 in,1880 unitfor fty4four Iuam vu a residet of LukeCounty andt wU tire eze.ptioa of on year, hait v.fituitou the.faim viiere .hh iiet BHur obanit tIntNov. 26, 1880). Thi e it ti . eAntitoulu rmt, uu'd Chisego pels bevail tii.ftt tb. nonsry trug hma ivaacet i prie. u m te poeobibt IRa u-by 'lb. poor uni nimuy deti, ile -b# itrip su.rfng l t k.c m' lb. çout*byatii. peolopimx i n auuwmaien Mliet puyiiymJciaus n u itaIe. t' elng rtmemdy in em of dipbtlreria and the iiowjd ofsupurvb.ors ever stands haujrt. uythe bil. "mhedeetbnoidetein thiscounty isusmp o. f buuuit>'of. parente t. * archu.. elbua>mmaoewam y.remeity 'Wr dipbthuria, undt ho--«s, ehôrbitat emmt>'Ville... lor its ebuliren -alh10 vihIatii.drmai diseue tg) thi.extut ot fufrlg utltoxwn Girls ge Arme. Euutoa -Jkgon, Who bave ma&e ft angiieoa'tr tiem t. go oeithe sret damd ta h. on lIe ueft. vithout Fhuln', .oin.of lia.bolder glif purebueut isolva% m idexlbîtal titm la lieotiuIa.The more thali us. lie taugbt 1ev ta hanif. tii epomisani laleflet gins berni. mrat. mario, jîo w -p*f uSt tawgu».MW1i »o i lmba. *liit %.lm gIs! opt MID> Îe? tMit. u otbrwuupo&a toi ebsu, unit4 toias.It vit 00et Inlu fe m"f us ..... ..... Ada Tune, d". wsu bw saju it vu ioiiaty .d Tanner Bayal sud toit but- but maevera doem not mOe Ou. Of thet'i "ity usi, I vison te Jn Tt. proýplww &Wi b. outad of malon mà" va. for'aerl .41 iteefrbl was puinisa investomut.1 about 411,00 The. uneai amoag Fie ung tw plqe condit ion b siom. at tii. th" during1 wind. ha. bee the. odor frori tihe atsaoopho hardy be"1 have besulm lioneu thabt sscevtaln if l tii. ocupsahl from tiiat ' fading lIeuEà 'a crtaoI proli oanoq s utlir coumut. lieu ~>ued lié lseus ans ruady>to <et ofmn. ar im in Wunkefan chant Satunls>' lDr. aiti., et Mre Gradl. ..bdl 1wof thiéfst>'. if twen lots, ,outh-etconer bu th gvunue, andl !Warner plai. 'Il propert>' and l$ Bairatow as un asqideration vu. »5L, of headache. aiot> hm causeit a tAie eau.. of ithé Oire on -the laie ck. Mont of the suveral due.the. a direction tiret IneowPermutes mexteat tbatisf t tin. ln roue nio. vemadute ru ont of ordur, atie *0sà" andO IaIted for thé br Ia eyvhm four of tue erew u.a4io trip to ruanug on *bore fo**w bourm, the four retarmuit Po the " vhlch hai berome kUoity frouui b leie, e su the. reluainiur of thie m oae teshort ln the .mmariuer, vIt,*.kg acrOse the. l".- Tii. mmd 0eléii 5bwwalter- acon and the ice begsaf«ý-o " to tire eu.tward wi*Atheremouléitimt broke frore arount tii. tug lé catbi wa. ahi. te .tart it a1eO'toward shorv VinaI!>', alter battlnguiu.t cake. for a couple -of boum, the. boat pufli up ut tii. dock '412.45 o'clock alter havlng been inapnlu&nd in the fine. lent twuaty-four houre CharlerBaug , o Ma.City*@Weili kuovu ot men di.d»d eul>' Ioa afternoon ut tii. home «1 Herbert Lewis, 176 Jackson street, hegr& Wfure beiug the eaue. Mi. lRangs b*g oueae 0Malte a cmlI upon bis nepleww idak Leonarit, of Jackson tru.t anId ilappit at île Lvis hou. Where ~ sa iierty finvat eorti>' afUwdlnur, about 12:80 o'clgck, vile seulnf a chair, h. féit te inelor and a 4pirt tilDe fatèr iedi. Mr. Baug adliedau ailiug froi heurt trouble for a lnmuhr of menthe unit hait iren doetorilizgdor tiiat troul. Deceasit wus 7> yearw ofage and l2~ âlth tieity muany yea. Hé wae sltan at the. Baptist danrch for over Uitounyears sud was kbown b>' ever>'. boit>'la tire cit>'. lHoleaveo iv., ehilitrut as toilovs: Harry, 11M E t. u. Hall, Mr». JO&. Jakawuy, Wukpo Dr. George, Chicugo; Euier, Wcit Seperior Ivis. Ater iiaving work.d for ten days umitrprtest.-again«t.aurig- 10 a lis beurs' orhing (f y, lb. tweuty iv. umpioes M the (Chicago I.cording lScale CaMpa»>, aetiug under Gétier froin the International uuion, WsihWitont anuIthte plant osbudown compt*i>lubt Thurs. d". Lault Jua., the camepua>' gavp the lues auna. oum worIaW day ut the aaupy tiiey hud baen gasving for ten boum .It anounted pàwMetl tall'0a rais, la p.> ai about 1 * J"cuut and the. timtt (tuis jean tiie ohfloèe Smevd notice tiret tii.>' oulit continu. the. plan no Ipager but returu te *%w ot vorliu &Vy. Tii.natter was iglini belote t'i -oa e" ani thten t* t e 0thin-lu taalaloffuima, m*i.' allowed tieri in té returu 1t0 work lader proteet. Sin. tissu, tee dayis ", *"lit.haitbeau amad u 10admt mam ,but botb ebuapun undithtei.unW aet. emei «Y am t inBr luth shnt for thi. oriler lomp4t vork me lîtriituy. * prtoeu' Na. dîons, b grolng e bfrom Mr.siTlfrany a ithnofuhe bod liukata tgliin .fa. ulb foqa Un> or te pbemn eon rum a Mb. ema,admuiet atb.abtsudliyvi Mr.à Whit a $eV igdm*b bmamdb oaupp Cho& WISh> unt . 11o ii ts a. ta tm i u> md A. L teande, humie. fr. elWay wS, oi> avove it anate, ita bas. a consid.rub. fofovihe b. Wauhugu but polluâ netiiroughOut tii. eo ad that b. v oiii o the tii ovm"f ltii a ubutat*slmalorft> et d4éuis in hie baud vag.. Sentiment favoriDg Ymak O.Uwoe'@ cowidey i the.gubernalorb.&*Ut, b. Lake coanty, in uv.rWbm aupusat Mfr. Lowdma spneai mqunbmmue wlth iu p uqbfflt fInhau-a1 'nd. polit"casihu of the. cmti'epim ina part tti rbadllnu uvidmumi fa km b.iiêl, but tire, b. no pltiug minai thie growiugf iprimai-on 6lb.tii. but amin the ru. 80 Sit b. ail orr 11 s"aunit boecanaof the'oddMt pnhbbilty ofb.s bel«g ti out uupnb. Siean nornh fÔ Oo rm, t ae imveiioelummpto a ru'b. of' * siutdnt " MdPurmg te tii. mu4 bis ii.monallty.etc. TlOf, b. & sitamgs 8 - ivm.ruet .rvro n&, celut.. Wed"shaaowta inuv4m wmns Ir thfonsere.nev .lumem wud0 le»arb.ufor ti. caMr"setéb. ulioorg. tIen l100 bill. have e mutodUmi dbotii boum. on tiielub>st VWtee sauttees in affrewtut t. couipu.ql of the.carriers wvolitbu incegMmdtoIét han heen uwabÎto agis ou a #w The. consnsus or oplaln in eonpli se= ito be that tii. eanioe uioud reeuive ut heat *M0 a Yse, but tii rpostal .xpfrta rFgud t"f.aninua exeemsive. Thi.y eomtend tuet rurlhm deliver>' in a kfer teeanbuta mto become one of the. mourt eoutiy adjuoeW of the. dupartinent unit congrm asheni proceed witii grut cumelua adingt t Bthe. fflt Of tii. utvim .It ib. uIr yapparent that tbe tomultels .oppâmi qto inermng tb ii. saarie.hejo$700 gunit tieru la oppositi on t0 thu perileç eIn the. Fairbanks bill propc.Ing tiiat lhe earriers sahbailbgraduitas lai Ils clI e ervice. The. commltt.u favos a 14 rate, if auj incremu b mne, u tponey vlU privaI! If it hu a m'. Pope Bars' Women. B>' an ordur 0 tii. Pop. .Mt out on lust Saturday, tbe ciilu ie J, oman Cutiiolir chuarchu. of lb. Ouhlr jviii have 10 bu teo rgeaime.i- uni tWi 0vole..of vomun singe.. vw"abave rmingisd itth tii. mun a u ongeiMpost -and aduitution viii bu don.s àw w1 i. heder fre o Romela a upadatpuT one unit deandeituhai in tii. fut voraua tale an par t he e li 4c Ronian eburehe. la Plb" 01 the. vomm t i. order states that théb bulues inti choir sah" b. fled it liboys who sar abi. to carry the. .opos.otai slo peut. No tesson lé givm fSotbii "ugof the. oritur but tii. m.m uoh tïr-ïdurc mmeuta ta"k tbat li. futthst vomua choir. have caumi -inubl. luasuai' alumIes l. the. a.uuu r le e chung'es dumniteit froni Boni. BWord vas ruelpds OnRt Sprlpm.ý ?A*.,' that Hunrr 14CODburo bai ilm suidueniy Tueutai. Mr. Coburu vae ut, the.tibe of lb. eit.atb identillet vitb U.mSoeralapouls. sait wau instrumental- lu org.aluig tiiu firet Denocrutie e iiflaie Fo*me vireub.iid. îPiai' lÀV4aeeonpumfuiby lb. vUuk ih. wuit to Arkansusta sMt, oit of & cours. of truatutý Mr. Cobun va. fortir-avm yem.*cd& e la a prommut L.kuuliImuo.ra anit vua.acandidate for lnorj repree.atativ. ahkv ean ugo. te ffiléi-lMe*d' FIsh Every ridy. Fr* Fe Ne ........... .. . 1~ ~Proe. and- jut -a Ilm T441i . . . . . . . . . . JRANK

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