Wlad IMttÎoia hc ,of Vola, wu. hem la W316 ommei* of 0 'aptý *09AM" ofber. ailaneils, ,,$,86t 10O'eilja& . i1à bia hall vi b. W'! SIo". Umby. Eebafr'o I& Gruer, <lalis, X& W=*a bo. ll*eba fluppa«rea NuIIei1aitbe UsMIMu bhuah ieu a Cheugo vwatar1 Kw Id MishmC A. OdgturJ. I W. W. Ir*h,'bu oauamnd fm Mid~Iawb.b bn uwekîg quai, té u mamte of b npmm lul iUgux S 0. .1 *b' AÀ Sd p@tywas hld etR. ý1 e WdW-Tooay swsha. Abani dq 8es psmo» &U musatbaolvng ý« W ý-eC Bohuela hrrawtbg tgo<ata *m-, OU imdqueodeu ou nbris oo i. yul ni. a. a atat. now Mo Y~wl.à ahw Pi,~~ IAMOND LAKE. the st.l - i O IMS al000. Ot'O~ thuaty A ww ut artyoU uid. auprwielMr'. IL EP. oaetleu on lhimbhtbMuy -J50n. 5. lTW ftpousuiodm a luantIe oh 1 4 8 W - a a an o i a p t a tii e e l t . v it MO W ouqec PItnr i4e ret m o * lait luuw ta dhe J ~ bra amI eslIeI~ftceU vi ici r Osoi UpvIg Grave, wu traaseal ai 01 WvieaiVaCas ~a wuaiWa*qm.î a lait wuk. boa Le wowku.g fou Aima Ii~oa. aMb,.d a eaiiaad~ pred Kmpger ]?W,la a*ta b. ot "Q lait w*ek. im l ultyl îl*g e aglt mm. *bert Maaon.-- frabie Snnda. 16- Henry sKuo u1ha.r"e.diwockund of brick for bhi. aew bom. HUermcbeige Brod. ,-rld iwo tar Gba rt. a ddilne. "Mts ondl mm a. 8. . <hIdq mot wtb Ithe Priuia W Çiub, aiDoMbÀ Wnlh ed W.da, a. Charte.AUWbrati ddppW "epw au _ml «k& týW lèb Mdtia. in »W. UIsitair IMMebli ]r 1taM.. red Ktruqir, Or, blgoir.~ pheamt jtileNew TsarsKM. 001114017 Mr'. am d MaounKo4hV bu irnuly viaiailrelath" Mait I Tireknhof~a ti.brarwy belng offa __ bave boeuiwqpaaged 0to 11a ilDuair morningw. Km.Emuma Webrnbeg 1 vh asubue 'daiting rlativea la i)eaplalaeab" raturneci haone., Nuè. Darhy anci daugiier Ra MdIa en Paulton, aof1DW»od-_Leàn ffsiteol iendu bersla"twel. Ait thosWho Iristh oua. me mmro, of thre Mnging chiasmusi b. aitlb Wodnan IaIl, FidYMO.-Dng Jo.. 3m, Bt 8 p. ith. On Bunday' evening Conutopr.Dam Sberwmof olthe Wiooun, Istral railroad vas oeriaualy lujrel by laAg baieten the.carsoand tir e po$ platilo. ai Leftiton. Tire ft*tnaturld. ta Prairie Vibww viee le wu petto1.bud ai lb-yMa. lnn it-d los M. r dremed by fL4. Lêekyew. tOnI$ »r.- (iiisue e aifq, àà A Traveling jù MWOW eirIml Mr. Albert Mdieetbo Eldgar. Printing leu>, !1 %Md marW., o. excelleut r a e in a ai M T A 1S ià«ý a , xt. LerinO u. W-«, gawua oeiltolModey Foil Bei. Fatirer Waulfs e lb&.on CM UMM aSM aday, O AP-«1ýM M1i .yodSls vIib la the Ciy-etprem&t Mr imiail, oihWaggo lma*lbau attotEnmaWe.Bunda'. MW M M lIn b«3NmmoP quadb oeenrd W.be shbde m- MnB.Chgiah"0 s bluWmoti put lewdey r 01,à4 soza lichoolooghld *ouila is st deItrictlmodsy aftsr-re *vacation. AVary oos.aJl Bo.th "taa. o~*p5 . ........ ....... . The *ai àm etiÉ xv T" uev New lbwsolp*Ion. cS trêaewm<if ped om year la . 4Vauoe. Igboeibe or renov today "d 44n% forge o .um" wmt bot paua fr my $. Wtb@psimof be- 8&nilesut arrn Luitemifrdoù plcai This offer la for a iimtte4U"e; -tesYdant.g 0< t vEill am aMd im.emmrt. .0 té vbou.bu. e ei wb t ALmp28 M gbe bue cvo rm Lial wt e.ad ta h t. LWSUI.YvILLg IL>.SN@IS. BapiaN 1 a..O. - , 4 te tmahe dôesly hIDMo A iE.'aOmd Xlira. >ileu ct uwAbié .. dabmd pab~ot« lubegi bar ohoo baimotda<. dm. YanglatoMmd. h"laleuga or* of q ii uptro (leu 1larmpari tlàtwoei nom iorulgAt lbis pmuhoeé. ~iegii.&o~youigpou. ie Lai J a s» esa, chui loir" De ".lmat oe- )a D w . .......... .... ........... fti ëï .d O ........ . ........... .................. ....... ibve itts a 1