Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Feb 1904, p. 7

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-. t (0mm w a ho e .I md u T. , a o w. mdl I t h lb tomm uouwAle I. M w.y r DARBV BROS.,q Labertyville - 1 - 'Illinois. 'J Itere isit si Snsp l>uring tte >ogem ftinvoeing wtt met- amide oeveral lotst of good ualable imerchanduso and Iter xarked tlîem down a» follOWA to ito',theîît. Get.' Driving Glove,. were SL25. li 'maSi=e. 0 miUIS VilStooklng% e. wr25. e. anUliag tf iclme outfo . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . - lidwes Viol4f;c" m.35e quty. ua Ill"nel$ uM-ouft c Child<ItII Couon Stockiqgs.woro 20C Md 25r.5e If tiiere is anything Iu t-he above lots yoîî amiu ne, tiheprie.e hould cohvinîe you ltn' like flndîng t'm 12 BmuSmp...................................25e 3 3pcamBaking Soda............ ..... -10 tc CaaSlne ... ....- .-.... .... ....... 6 11M Puce . . ........ ........... ......25C We have a nuînber loft and are seellng t-hem right.-. Core in and see our 811200 Fuir Coate. ?Duck and Water-Proof Coats PSheeD-Lined Coats Feits, Sweaéters ' Cardigan Jackets Dressy Astrachau, e machit es MOuheoui-lm NuhlW lm Who id Ilaturda> uni.n t.w oomen lOOl 'oelt&Yaeupled 4b>-W. C IimYfmL~!dolarwlth sahokmll OmiaButier's roomn,.same twoov*SW in nmbe or peitrti.)a aurplhsuppl bar st the Protor hume W&Mdq e.,agag. -AÀ Scal«Minu t game A acouseentatermnlnta.) with a t. atii. milight- ï[. ys bLsngblàaaiia cater oft Mr§. Dr. uo ir ofCi auiago, but fornieris- ut thla Villag. di.. lu cuba N. Y., titis Lwon.,4s~srnîl 1 b.ig bouught la luarwIiIoi Thunida> ani] buried) i lioijo eeuerry Fniela>. Mta. Laughtsqi waua a diwghter of Mfr. and Mm. O" whia ers ago i ii'stditîtDr. Baud and) wile. Jos. Kosti andl fainity r liii <ttipli-. the aalltrame biolot- lit I4an<out betwalen B. J. & E. trw ai-dat.)i-ubnt- wmtotbe it' lortrit' rond w.>- airoutopel saa$y Mouds>- momuhig Il>-fuiiits aio omoubq and loui lurel>' tliti. t stue vitit watelothffl tii.>- î'muiîiiurrieily «Ater. The hou-e'dltiuis r-r satui>- eonnunin.. - Thorarrlsge of Mr. Fruk 3illetrai Mline mattie Witn..r lu Citkgo iasft wèeu ieah a asurprin. ta usD>-; titatîgi otera ha.) bepn predicting the event for atysal dyo. Mrq.MiUler h ireli und)lar- cea.)'- kowu luLiburtyvile-, where oite, ha. il.d mas' ye r. MMii-r,though b ulw coater, lias aiquire.) a buiness buhoisng propriâtor of the White Front (Irocco'>-iluKanlor'stdot, -an.) the Young PnO* rbave il targu i <imif.' oifri-nil.. cobigmut.nwtionai. Mlina Mai'>'Sailai.) EîlwinrilJ. limhdmeatoct tr-i. marne'.) Tiirsday at hýoe of the.bride', parentts. Mr.tend lire, C. 6. lmali. et?' (»îlrmer. Mr. Umbdnteick orrenthe Durllnator At Lethtot wiare tth, Young ('ouple trili Y"ld. 11Puimain umbitiotil, itiuLntriotiis1 young man and.)higiui>-respecte.) lu'tli tiho snoa> bis aquiintance. Tht brie inan attrarture >oung lady baring the1 quiltiosnutiai ta niaiettoinhonte ii, hipanu-sd aid itbteir polpenlt.n. Tih. lINDEPXNIulciT extndo i rit winitep. Au a.) appnm'd in Chicago papers ltait week salliog inomation of wltnre- about% ut Wo. lStevenson aho danerte.) big tamill>'two >ero ugo thlér at tii. Unie living'nu Libertyvili.. Wmo. taven- son, Il wii b. rsuaeitbred, conduete.) a tailonlng establishmtent bore.. Hn as a insolber of a local lmtraaonîli<rin whr lah. carie.) 1f. inurcn-4. Mri. ftvnenaýfew moatits ugo ijuave. tm Faei uttDalotae.ite. preltumabily believel Mr. $tsînun ladeacil.auteliusî ab. ha.' oplis nsspa>nets. 'unI. site etabliah. that ta b. tip ti- cta. ra eOllti n foit..1tiT Tii. marviag o ai m lesDais>- Iliinrl daughter ai titi'ltDr. an.) lin. W. .. RctisofNapoleoun..iy.. ta D. E. Il. Suith of tuse plaee, ticureml Wedfii-miuy. Fnb. 3, lit titi.homne of tbheitriul.' siiito'r, kirs,. Jonie Rirliardo Trib'oolalp. 1502 illnairAenn-.Pi-ria. fl..Tiie domtoi' and his bidi).e mexpumsted ta arrsi-eiii Lihintyvilleto-iiglit lTliursda) and will Iboardl wîtla r. andni Mmr. .hîuîîe NcOr.gorunutii 'i p'ito i.t.nt' pa'mpoed îine-uîeideniî. to le) h- ete in the. epr'fig un bleu CooîkAvenue' prpprty. Dr. "uitiî iii toit 's-cil kitiin laLiert-- villa tu iakte eoinanment b>-Uns nncassary. oplradactive in ehîtreh.noeiil uatid lodgp -drciem, einclans..) ame une cof ov pruinent -4'limens. -Mis -bride -n'ihilu.b ntbuslatwacly W'l'lti'y I(Mrit'pPolîi -A pivate watîsr workm audlelIt proton- ton systainiista beinmtailelpdiinnedintely -b>- the Emmong-.Meucr lumber Ca. A iau..tank 'il b.e reetP.)anud mains loa.) toa al ports tief their builintgsî an.) yards. Lead af tva ii m'waaicotere.) boie reeailfor un. are to lii placeul in lou enet plat"s. TIîir large w gaslin. eungine provides tdditioal protection titha powterful pimp bon bot-n attucefl an.) in .vent <of ire il wouid thumi ho possible ta maintaimi aufficant presisure tor' a numben af bours t he quac. tc iat stuithonulire.. lble Mild tii. new innovation will roduce bleir inînranS 'rate h>' one-baif. The. tact tii. near tirm le enabloil ta endfend et nlltff» init'i'instalation mît,tiuir gasolin. plant, Lateuil of ou oui>'stateel da". an tîrtofore i.grewati>- appreiatad b>- thir eugtomnvs cmoug thé. fanmer. an.) proreg a convinenete whlimh i. cttrae'tiuig ni-st business t tif- cmueruu. Frida>- lilot'ing Chicaglo palierm,omn- taiffl-m1 notice ut a utarriage ilcene liutèd ta F. N. Miler anttIMis Mattie Whitey. botu ai Libertyville, an.) i ttm-n lamne genrclly kuotro that the prerloum dc>- M. Miller an.) Miss Wiitney wvere tita ied- in Chiago.' Accordingir Fiutay evaning tii. botys aîd enongi mnut uadd digitit>-to tii. eretuon>-.gatiereel lu -front ofthtei WhitueyF.houne and. expriîsee thir loy, <00.) ahI suan.itguatîltionm, a little hoistrousl>-, but ann.the- leesisn. eprel'. 1Mr. Muiler insiste d. on jhis su-lt in- vite.) nate 1"coming l,': shlih tle>- dl.), an.) (leu tie groom grmuiously rama tO the front with cigare and the trItre. with neraeat7 ta lake the ooeanloitone ~#hajupluossa&H aroun.) wheutte bôy 4" t, avn üit h bb,Î ILLIE, IL E. jsmNtrour breCure lit MAxtEVo. lmi.. are (Cham, 01 Cîtîraga. 10the 9009 of lierest rm'. Orlîn Bntt- John Madi.ulen iîi mcli41ra<", of geàanbqn, vlated rt.itt'.e ont frienîls Thon who WaWt nnulorange trait it oietive natI 'Florida. in peinal .pring àadârësnlynx 278. Luh.rl viD wnter . IIiiu. a hîiwpap. Mau of Ponyj, uota5a, le . guekit of 14r. and MMon . s ri',anri] Dr. nudt ,M r. Cam': The. village of uih-Iwîaiighti'd titis weet fori e 1#Mt fiit, l'y it» new syteto. whlceo, p 8i<ilgusolits are 20ffuBjtile 1510 ir. Homer HnBenohumbasreuf..d hiiarin lt 1,ni.ep t*timon ot thp WIsonin Central ta Jux.. jadrim'l. . .in Ahart tii. preonot tenant -bas r'tîted thpIiiohr M.l'osier hnpiii'-ithe<' <>14Spce Blond) fotri nôrthof t4 .village- malMr. ilond. VInnéoraiion tir the -119 aseren 1i.t4.Wnî. Durit-it lha. rkiî.ml tii, Draii. Io I)emonnX Sabtati norningwai lm'on 'Tii>-Wili the. mvtig thi e riouîi nuit Tii- wo Mtutenî" trilI b. lllluit, 'I. Rler. Il-ota, ud Met'C,îiii1.,k Senîiinanry, lu the. ctee.îîop of Pustttiii i 1<')thf. .rm4uiyterian pulpit Sniîî.ay, dîtinîriiîg tu- imprî.suiveron.iî . r. ntîîn im c ouug înieinf ma!rk.-i alîlit>-. The NmE-w<tgland)Siàlpp..r hl Ii.rielcy erenutît- inthtiiM. B. i-fiir,-Ii tirlors, it-n thaig ov..rtwenty drîllîîî-« witsirealizod. Tite. luap Sial la cona-tAi liivas i uit. an tovelt> anid enjoYed i1).viai. Mtijkon Wihbur Viîiîse tiii- Tue-- îin.v srening on *'Wby. tOr tii.-Prîîtulm oîtfef," n irylfretii.TIi. erÉy fif (-ver Wn lile saas tolîl iiia L'tlirand) iriv'iî maite'n, anà iinthe u'n.-o' w e eî apa-il iound. Wb% eii i'ttand uiltînur hroutgit fort appreeiti v,- ttiîglt,'. Candidate Stastit..J.1 tti- Vt" Ilîtoni and. 4earge Burneti. oft Waukegîîî, visifail Lbrtyvtille kt la>- met si-ek lotiîgeift@n M. Dfetuî-iî<L's ntm. Tii.> I-peieri libenrt-lffe wilil ive so 1fr. sînaruts about twael auýti-. inthti. <on velihtin.A.- Tifanylik.witie i-ports thti moni- nuitîber. li%'s it goillg tobe TheiS Sîtlidbtiet tGniî.-utiotîofuthtii Epwortlu L'agne at the M. E. ehurrh on Saturdiiv ii.t wneas vpr> iîters.ting orceaioti. lIen> *ure tlierefronuabroadl. The, ladies qutartethettiMi-s." Smithlancd lark andîl Hloname Hauby and Woiiiritigpn aîiîltenomi- fine iuisie as wî-li amldiii the.choir. The, m-s-cing uddirp-fflofPr..,iding Eider liaev. 1). 1). wOP ut great Iîîu'u'anm beant>-. Mi'.. Niai'>Fiutiier .wlîo , if1eiuI a 1nraytie mtrok-.t notéd inlui. nr te W-su.. <1m no rimîtîîipovn a" rapilirus atitiî-ijintedi. Hi-r mental facaitieti ti. guvaly iupir..Tltireia>- noritiiig mile pit ir l'buta ttti' lr itYb hiae- iîold interfe-re liteel nue ito te iii, ti. Hi-r 801 jil. mu Kecnha. W. le r-aîtgiiig t4o r,'itîve i-r to. li,. fiaw. COUNGIL PROCEEDINGS. LilwirtyvsiIîý, fL., Fèb. 1. 19014. lioanm nit inai --gtiblr <asloit. faneîl. <ent oilul(mu-,tin;.tox)ordir îand tistie for roll <'<tI, jeu tiîîg pliet. %Iiiiuftesi>t nieetiîtgk; Jîîîî. 4 tîttl 18, 1904.,rnd tani appiotil ia, ta Trittîitr's n'î,ii ai illsi. oi-îî " terrisil )i tifîili-" ontt-ýtis..t,ýr wnsaior-illu- lii andci.)Tiiggx tiiut Rfeort isam tuînt mon band t 18i5ot CfluRlt ...i u ................ t1499 Bala ut iiuruizna................ oi VoM îii n (rîi e' cani Ki.îr thtat bille ibe- allownu'îilaso, Ugit 3hi. ak cîtrrected. amdi wt rtndrun. tit-ied' John Koim.. tabor .... .. :............ 21 M. Freiuhmoa , .îr .............. 60te Power ttetiiitf <C. tr'it ttgit for manuti ,rt banuary .... it l5t it lina. iovo'ul 1l'y amby anu l iglt that the. niliipu' îattorney -draiii) ~îai ordiîtctt li îat sîîhuuiuîreinain l c luton i S;tudays, l)iucuîrii t ion sud Elir-t in iiays. sud' fiat thé Iprv'.ui' ordintiît-' te'ru- plae.). Alil tothututaye__ Upoit report ofi -pelal ri-iitti'î-to coufer wth Mi'. Kîisor relltiv, to the, purcitos. <of tui plpert:y udjining vilage lott uitCook-,kAvenu.'î iîi tionu wewa.maode b>- iitteuted andiTriggg that the report lie - n-pted and t h.- utu- uittut. emllow.rî'il tii *tharizi' i'irk t<î draw warrant iii lti'itii-it uif s<id prçqw.nt,'. Carriuîîl. More.) b>- Omtiti'and Tiigg. thut theii Prepldeut tappitaiit omntt4fti'.v o outir maore ta iati't tuitît Mmi. t!.tik uand PEOPLKS' COLMNO mWrmoN.' Is. g otatiM *e n . WB rpadn.ig to a m Lier GUrztzti.Libirs- F l O f RSIIT - red ldàai. . . E V/ÂNe t , 1 e u nr Su. rid ta JOE uALtan.L bertyvill ro. le WE arepropalug 1 m g D herr i lla. f tr o n at Leus 1o a ue0 f Gu,auL icuan Lt4 b51 0le. ha. "'fl.NgT'Yu r adu mTT. H.Uib@ Gimd . 19, vIl FO ~ M godr notir iej au W At EDun. furairIe Vuaw. III. 1 . EDW.. M. LANG Hilghland Park. 111. Tel. 901 P0 4 For Stearn A". otWaÏer Sewerage Plants lnstalled (Md Plants RemodeIed Water.Works Bulit INCItBASR POFÇULATION 500. F. E. M arsIîs letter ta tiei. Fwp.,n- ,' portion of wheh déalini with the. tapir iUatteF,appmBT4 offiritpage of thit*iiit ama eontah"nedti folaowing paragrapha. of mars pertinent intpmrmt tii mli Liti.rtyve modern; Wb1 m sTruck Mese.. ,,Ai4to tuetrotting truck, Unt miwne of ounr lbgtyvlDe friendo emto OP=. s) v4rOt'0fi81 IWUI My that Whou ii utiiletra*bl.ompwm d ou eau depend upoit tIA*UI0T. willli fottour tu, five iNdiudhoramion Itraning ti, train May otil July, and trom two to tht.. hnitdo.d bone on the <round. the., yoar arcund. Four butdred home. mens, I in.eactiVe trainintg ooli,. tour bundrod men emplyod t titefor themo obon. Asie front miithor iirim. a largo wnumbel' a owvnerswho wil viniit Libertyvî1le onoee or tw ' a wek. Thon. owneru an a rueX business meIn,' n iof affaire ilen Who0opindmose>-, and a goo periantag mith iare men -who wfl oonerrltvbupropénylin or lWr Luet' luliMlwukieaedos inànow largely Smelpiod b>- rit>- men a ni ty of whom hbave bonght property theien uthe Wat tive star anid who nev<r hetrd aof the. rond or knew thare ý!w swîa heautiful country in that ontion lintjilthe>-caine out ta vimit the <rattan Fari. ff tige ratten Farm eau bring eight or tien good men ont lxo that rond, a firet ciao. trainlnggrouud wbimertaliy bring many imare.lieDo Dtnuadertaîîd tiea aiilg ans- p.roionai credit for selling property on the. Miwaukee mail. Tiie property theronlUSitonf. ARl that La necessar>- la to <et men ont and let ilhpimeno what es have ther@. 1 looked for a farne diligentI>- for two yeare hefore pun'hanng .an 'he Miliwaukee rond, but as noon an 1 'sw titat ýeoa»try I r.aodpitarching nSbowere; In fart pnrch.ond the place tbat 1 now ooenp. on ni>' vers- iret risit, and *bat ha. attracteil tii.. now willi attract othmrr. whan tii.> beromoi familiar with that oction. i"The town wilcertainly profit les the. iuied population, of s>- dfv, hnndrsld. oPLe, whowilil pend there mouey-thone. 1r'ýSlt. Pauli Rallos wil ertimily, profit Iîv the inip liq lu and ahipplng ont of tire butedhor0on;tou.sM- nothing ofthtii.lamp inveaaen pIlengr trattic. .The St,Paul) rond wilileo bêefited to, the ent of huudreda for ever>- dollar that wilI ile tatU in b>- the Elnitrie Rond. no0 we feel quit. oufe that. werOunt on thiivnitiv. enpportafthte. lt. P'aul poople. .Ufter placlug thmw l ar ta beo you. s'on will et lnst know niy position iu the inattrr and will. 1 hope,. ot the. r opie.right, rogarding the tmile tract. ht nemile tract wlli uever i turued itt t a gamnbing institution, for thire lan officar ofth Trotting Anocation who ever gambien or ivould erounténane gambling lu ans- tonm. Kuwsi . 4.OppIU.atio hoSa ur "the. INlEPE'4DE7<T knaWS th<re in Duo ppOnit( on ta the uew trot- ting track,there sortall>- hould i noue. An otorprice au promiaug as outiliue lu Mr. Marah's letter and frou whlnh aur village ie to derive tiihe bosite ha etnnierates in wortli: encouragemtent, and L we belilve, looked upan with__ goerail avor bes onrt itille». Opposition to coxubiulng, lu a enlise, the initernats of the Agrientural Soeiet~y and Trotting Asod-tin upon a benil.s as at promutt undsrotood b> the. publie, th.'rp usi<rî'dy in, but titis élîanld Dot i- eontnd fin opposition ltiitheTrot- A (bit 1'lme for Ail. M4ki.e it a point ta attend th. <nippâr- ta lie given les the. gentlemen et the. Pr-eolttrian churei tot-night <(Frday) froin 5;3l0 ta 8:30. The foliawing 1rgran n.leslu-u îrranIî<i for tliie é'k'tiun Ilir Genlemen% Uauiti?... MistrS Minai@. hark. D in id. Kaiser. Aditeei-1tonit ...... ........ Ber. <uaita Pian, ole-............ Eddîte M-Cormteok tioug-ýxy TitdI rlîhBone' by 'unrtet Frank Wright. liez Weolt.. Elîton Cak. iddi.UeoOormlek. numnorçu oalg-eoca.Ca.noBond 461119 wan Liy".Ubtia eoQueatet Piano solo .. ............... Elcdon ciliI ,. - C. NILKsp' Oood-NIgbt.s...........Uaurs LIBERtY VILLE E29 - - ILI m DÀ.mm L.idCi w; -Umdet.taDtMWewm. bom6 ippmo.jnuimm 'lia Malt voS -we Manh.4 n Ibms0" vmoli ,mm à abwgalawb sw *wm Vt. show to om& w a,&W ii. ëe AT, TEE 0W FIXE. lant muets am paebm s i ilmlmmd i ( lm dm n w caUld MUmi ui m muliumd tilmningt; N.B. Ati -st onraosi Glugm) Iit 88 per eut bd THIE PAIR, Winter Suits If you want a W lit-or SuIt-a éortainly do or wiUi-coxpe lat superlor lino of, samples and <i 1 guarante perfect- nt. and FRED O-R THE TAI Libertyville - -~ Travel li Expensive; TaIk is Cheap. St-ny at- homo; lot- your traveling- for you. You wlllbe luiconstant- ko ont-Ire oouxtt-yand t-h on with on o 4f our tolopoibDM ausimi faten, M.Pw i Rusid altoq " *ft*y, * voles Having finished invoicino"j we am~- eleaming upý stock. -Broken lleu- stoeked lineB, o<Ids and endia4 u4i tiant-. are boing-plac<td ott't-ablm at Mon. SO md 52 Oeremis.......... 0 Men'.am Boue ...........20 cnt . Mou', Vio Plod u dwe............... Menm 51.0 ot Floeced U.....................t Liw 3SFud m ..... .. ............ L5 il Chilg=A gnd "o. ,81 to 21 ............ chiies. Cba om..........-.' OooldPhsgTem m ...u..................4 Qu bi~eq Tobem per RemnaIfs of, ail Klnd"ô Ooods Yours for Business

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