Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Feb 1904, p. 3

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.cutiuIF 'ai- -CLicago Neya. ____ --I FIÇUHT OF WA+. am~s WtshPs Saidte Bod teit or Dor lcd 'W S*tAutI*d l6t tetci'chstb aitE lis* ses aeh Wua Nsiton et Wr-Le-% 4man atParie Ehido*Ver5 k'uit ,grest battle ifthétiedusse- par w»ai teit ai t 4rà ierlislueea «illtct iglt aI- WI Ud" thle Véry gmia of Fot Ar- n flue Iniun sîrongholýtu la Cias. Rend Matt. 9.1-S, Luke 5;17-21. f bleesngtO clOetY Wltbout 10a11111115A CGoden Text.-The HSnonrcfMau bath returu This setfisbnesa la shown on earth bta frgive e iue -Mark am eng liberal people ln titat w ien tuT 1:0 s on el i cesse to beloe la a bell titay stop Hepre we have Il gregit quesondb salut to citurch bec#iuse tliey bave fno erateî,' rîisid'y Jeinscefcernng Olu- satety I a future world te aecure. self: Hudt He the power and the rigbt Slocinl benefioenee la mont commonly Heororgillâabotte uniigo iougbt la&mre faroretpase«.but thia pint ilu order to empbasile gin THE MAN ANI) lis WbiItK. , tiis mot offert fallu to reckon With, daim to the poinemilon of divine author- g,' nq". oeset E. ware. tite one éléent la Wilch ail te dIUt*i il,'.Ta mont people who knew Hlm Or 1"irst the kiiigdom 91 Uud -Xat*. cuit>', ail the hope lien, and titat la te Liard H lm teane Ha was OnlY a mim Ti. 33. individutal Luman belug. Until bo la And eveej the disciples did n ot fer a long Tuef neeceit,'y for toit lbas cicr beau reforrned, reuewed, aIl other Influences time think of Hlm ai the Son of Qed. muins greatest blosit«g. , In Luinan Sand experlmenta are practiçally tu- Yeu will remernber that when He on0 oclèty, as "ow inipertectl> conettitt- 11e. The ame of govemuient or Il@questioned Ris disciples as te whom th edIt fte w rks hdr $W s, ut ts mae iney attrs itle her t e ple thnght Hlm tbe te gguid ohn id. ofen erk harditlpî bu li mahInr>'mattra 111e sitee lter hAe Baptiat, or Etijah, or nome other Opposte ivoid produe. l&buolute roin, la a iack of integrit>' or public interest prophel. Theicteraài 'work" . l owcver, noi or Indiidueal houer. Ail ltaI t, iDy The id... of the crewd. Who beard In lie appllcd tae t oitiOf nnY Oae Va>' maires for character ID man 0, lRi taaching were ver,' vague in regard clama of men, Au, axpedhlure of en- juaUce among men la social bourd. te Hlmaierogalt'. and silttougb He ergy for purpoaces oter ticîîrecratlout efe. taeght wltb inthority ês- oeawite l Work. Itluattera nDot Wliat Lec<do ,%wordg aboutitllia recetved cithont que*- theMauWhoatouas t aythng asLET B99 INFLUENCE DE KNOW. tien n d juified Hia cain te authorit,' Lite ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ma io mutst nbbr.as5,~ Howard . Cran. b,' worklng miracles, h had flot even en- te work., Even te tramp o! euflleoia 'rtlpeuple are flot Interested la tareil the mids e f t1wi people te ibink ef harder te get aHig tg" k .i ta ntha'- ougit tole hoor a- lm as a diviar permoeik llie-whosm-l tbau if le %were eirni a better UIiv itei are In business or amueraeltn6 fîîtb in Hlm swas strongest thoeght of in thie ordîuary pallia et liber gesWîîbout sayîng. lm as on a par With tha propiteta oc fir Voantar,' luleneaa ot the' part of a One mut enter Into business te llvfermer daym. Thot Qed Hitmuelf won, Sudman la utterl>' inexctitlie,ibln o andth oiofaue nsp' walking among them in the pacson of >uud lbw.aworld cfbismPosimionainreves liaSmfieas an ides whlch wenld baya ister itn iey L hI ~~tiei ~ver,' enticlng. wbîîe religion, laID 11* ,<.ged te thon, blasphémensbInbthex mclet,'. IdIeness la uaeleeii ziiid, In demanda, aftrîtea at the roet of sin, trame. The,' did se regard It whenevet the long mn, pleafittrle»s. fit ea lir. wblcit le aelflstneussud a ad nnot ho due,' cauîglit s glimpie t fthe.tact that aciteat, a tbief, anîd a murderer of popular Wlth the camIt>' 1-- d.tihe clainie ot Jeans pointed te tut con- body', mnd and seuL. The îîait Whto To isurgé anytbing lke a large foi, cînaien. Even tLe disciples themmeolves Nm ss cean ork and wont 1lagi outrage lewingg for Cristianity titeremut belîad lie very rieur perception ef the Iroth oêgM s upon ducent soctet>', a dilagrace te bu- sometiîng more tbannopen doors ta reinietDot ill aretle heirnd failliWs i*nIty, an auctu>ofethtie.State. aud blé citurcitsan sd itrong sermons t rom thé 1uver' ni vegn te hi at n own wont t fo. ,palpita. aWL,' wnverit tgton e. Jaswsa if, titeu. a man ethffit te work. annd îd e bmonll CnlwonWiteimrit th peo le tJI.elu geo maât werk. fil lagIportanit tai kneW lack et poweriwlh thei world. or plaie ot.Hh; personality and mission and vlit TL îvhtlSil vli puy boit to do. Illin jour lng thie tauit 'ellt the 1preacitar or dite Hlm aunîority aus Ged'a measenger, Ne wrk. à jongns lite work la gauchi 1k service, nsayiug the oea sioul t entd et retralned' troam tatini dlearly sud t be -YOu P the building et a boume. lOne Oet he more t thébc vîses etflte people andfu,' the natu*re ef Hialaignaor tron rorld'a troubles la fint Ilb lofouetthe other sbould Le madea more abtrc Xplalning the' truc. gignificance oetis., vinTa oo moaa.555 .lobois "aac" uidrs-ne wo baelisiton? Beanni, lbhe ut,'hope oet w ls4~Nis lbi O"l siak uidr-el ve b ve th Ie introduction of Lette>' mu- nlng the confidence et men and îecblug bieiM êkaot#Ww* w or k e d b a rd w ltL n eo tr or tl iy a n d u n i- sic, I fl a h h t lim e Ih a t t hie b la m e I b lu t e b lle v. in H i s d iv in ue n a tu re ango c i p r h I a u o it « s t o t -h e r t d w n age oi er15 50 M t he30 tylng purpoe. or wlIt i eiîrae- sbould Le'Pbîced 'where il beloaga. IOufrifl~ 1 q Ii rIu iao sive aud defiulte plan-mn w ibeu a Cbitlanlty la te Le, a ponger amofli heir .minds graduait,'. A tee abrupt, iaW53 Iteimeet ardlot Lae aeemllsed ttePeople, ît muâa ieProclimeui bldeclenation oetlIt vontd probibil bv iothing et value fer unir portion oet lia.protesaing l. digivecai aafromnlt '~l7l thelr teliew meni. mot exo»îîtllg. their Even lu a ceuntr,' oppogged 10 J esus loving dIsciples. /Is rives aud ebLIdren. nnd for themdelte ucgmo'L ccmlaie ,'o. fi eenthie palaled man va broughit D o s m uei b as an l u m» t rli qu r- m t e l n b t g ~ iii a~ t e lm ha tri d t e teac b t bepeople t ita m a n e l l i g w a t g e n t , t h g a g g H an e v a s d i v i n e v î t b o n t s v a k e a g t a . eti, Who cau nt leat bout a wlnter'5 Lord bas donc for hlm. rTe world tbelr minds unneesfasu,' osilit'. lHO b®reslgit. Ite ln lire îLe,' bavre lewaltlng for personal testimnony o In maile Hia appenite othaîr heurt», mt lea ucther preserit cu tort, bopeful Pros- fore il Investi lan BD' ierest, tieir intellecta. H: ihoed tent MWIe ucct ne cberl~ rtrOliOt. he, Retligion la te prove lies daIms, t mont vwonderfîîl. mont aàtenîitui gpower, mv.bre nlaysleiingandbuilding. b,'lte ald, of science or philosopit>, and argned f rouiil h 1h5 one vbocut bml baye iuceedeat u sceumulatlig but Ibi expériencaetflite lndividual. de surit worts negît Woaf have te pew- mi,' a poor. miséable sback. Wiii. Paul callad upon te défend t#le au"e er and the nlgbt te forgive sin. perhapi. tbe ruina of a few dozen Old of Christ, nerai,' relateti bIé peslenai Il vas s lesson net te ho learbed ail ai ehacke, Uhe reait o e ti] ofetformer expérience 'e itte.Nagarene. Bul once, aven, un we have asi, b, lte gdiai rears. churcit membora cen neyer have à ciplas. But bers wa an euterlag vedge, Oters mrecreful eofpplan, bulit etteUo, ntlte'haebb and lt eutenas anad,' considérable. grea tesimon naif tey bve b a 'The, were ail dmaaad, sud glarilieti btter, but. abertaigitlstinluPurPoe, tgrent experience. Our aesiencea wltu God, say,'lg.W. neverar eIt ou this ulifi upon the sbtllig innd of cr- te Lerd are ofthlie commonpla<to; tw tashlon." tan Msttbew'ms aat thone cumstance, und Iim. fer ail titeir toit, bave nover had out 'ehole lves rav la a ignificant variation, usuel,', tuai produce nothii amcre nnd Per' lutlealzed, Uic dcviii drîven out, gerfodQd; 'eLîci bail givon aucit nanent, lbt lea spernuloita doctrine banco vo canuot tell et great thiingapower unIo e n." The lasmen. lita esns tat crcutunce mais a min-s for- te Lord bas doue for ns. vias Qed wVi~e t icmpletel,' tanglit, but une. Circumatances 'ave mitch te If one itgom 'e. bave kaolin long, there vas su avahanati fluasfet do vlt lte fortuite of a iuoestij broken la bOItit, fooble etfa'-e adla Hlm and ahm nd o f thnae at t man, net beaase it.>' Made hl.' ~- lclgt tegi, ieOjC tgilu and Qed alr u neaUm. me coins, but beciuis. v1tb ufItng Pur smtpatit>, ,sbonld son,.day standhb. ) Noe&s. pose, Wise planing.- amui plent>' orfore us 'elit lte flitetfealit 'là, b n i t Heasc- n c heusewhee Weil applet energfY, htOcMtieled bi cheik, te lastie stepop e hilMoid HP vas kno'en te résiuet )LMHuateulir succeseut ot bis CrI tUo. te trengt etf bis yontag. mauiiood rar,' bpme. l t la stappoégndt alttis wu suit others ipend a w» IOltetitte again vIlAin hlm aud telusn taIttis Peter'a home 'ehere Jeans. 88 wa MWv lu et~ ~ 1R1euoalî (ee lbontuso, martelous transformatlafibatibs 0rl lmobeo idlaersmth, juil for Uiemeltea-to dt, Ip. Il Ila ruigt b, a certain, physician, ailarl'. a abamne for a man wlth fblil>'and Whobere gSfted 'eould bLe mini Paloy.-la Paralysieithe patIest la willingncss le do 8 vebOg wrtu ota hyiin@ollee. powerleii taecoutrol bis limbe; ansudlte w h l nsh orld t o e d I 'Lt U w m mrethtruc10 lAit phyiîdianf enling of, a p iiied m an a s o m iracle vbil liithe endte Uetif il~ 11w mub mre tuc wuldIlfhlintmb ould Onet but prove muet autopiIs-, upon bis unwortliirself. ever,' ma vite daIm. te Lea Chitr- g. » te your plan. Il la tian allowei thie get physician tu "Unceverail the Iloe."-Ilee<i WZtt.p, feOlisi te plan' n l()iuse 'b' *11'e i resu,'àv#Lrtl'We, Itit Mmï,"driving tlfàtêbed wth brau&talta dsuig Ist collapie the menment yuen 4o1 work- out ail lte devils of seilfluineei, vorlti- 'elit ay-, it vas pot dMeiut t tou ing on Il. When yen la>' a plan'for Huaiss, trasformng hlm loto a nov heiniupt mil neilace-,tem. 81ti1111h.ý= t the. objact et yeur toit tuileUt lte en- cealure, that sncb teatimea>' would rof migît enail, bae provad anua-, ff.Istglltgl U i tire range et ife--te-dai'.tO-IorOV.bring Uic wor th l.e et fhim cace e men fees set Ouion their arranti failu oet.k -leia ny- day eld agur. -anti rIte1lite ho cget e"Wgtiv isor flèsimbueil wlth filit. came Ibate gaee.mforbthhave slitea jeans flealueTeir Faith."-t e- auitcp l e.' nd te inra e. eli Ofto li a t it l' ans d bave I l a lin dantl >." itron ge a qýuireil fait i t e elleve l a Jè ans ave n o lIte Wbt t îL useet ellutg511than lotic, more subite tuafi piilesoi- though Hc did, man,' miraciest 'reoneafi'v-'thwW day for wvitl vlInet keep overulgitti ph, , ould bLe ialnt lufiuence et vere many w'ho saw His mnacles aild ieiele or£LI wit la te use et werking fer a lite- sncies. 'riýTheir ver,',silences veULld yet ililnet bettoivs. In sone hlacai il «iMe 10 gel nOtbiug wiich pou oea lAunder ln éloquence. iras tbe exception for People te believe R684U u .4i ,nie la an etenîl,' et living ye1te H eu ant ivoiren etfUicecitureb, te- in nlm and vititout taibb there vas ne . coin? "W bat l l tpt'eSl t m n If day Ict Christ Le supreme Lord lIn,'eun bealîa. W H ur& ha ceau gaili e iole wotiti andi loue lite; put yeur case utterl,' in bis banda; cmvi vwi.qn tbe. otiter sIda. If ths bis evn seul?" lot hlm drive eut the cvii spirit» tUal scribes had beul u tuthé j&At,' lts, lssli Tien, te.a ben tvew et lits, couse >'on le vanden In the Wilder- vould. ne deubl, hasve found fanlopen- 'elt it îleneols and opportfluti- suaid mnesa ltatgo ttllb,' ork and b>' mc ly 1,' 'eîu ases' coniluct, pla your work rgit frOm te sui r 151. 'hal great thîngu h. bath dette. Tes, Verse 7.-The rassonnuroetthe seibis lan sucit a lite iverk n 01i , O l e e ,ecannot otiter tuai t eI. v . lhb b t gwu&n omalGO& t i nl you are, w4etiter yenu d»Waledgb it Tii. denionlac Oettlite tot Vatêlusaumptien lta Jeivant e.fl or gntetautho pleaaed Vwt»and oa tii.ploaure et persOM nala pn» is aitoffense alaiast Qed, eud therctore -'~tBu ai use initia Own sreft U r- i fo fly n uiip 'elith Jeun.a u t 31% 1 - id ib fat G em tid e dm lite csng terpBut I w @ =8.W m r--ed fr--he estOf mtike- e amiumarYtu b fl" " Qed 'eho va org(vlng, andl tbat made L Iitt, iItil e vertit>' eta mnt; home people.Chtrit today umsignoî t thînconclusion tuai Jeassbluapientet lot~ ~ ~er" IlDcuR .isfnnaltinp omucit your eongs On BundAaFM pntqulte vrong. ation, and hope the.fcreSandi et-arn-serviceturing lte yack; Dot no mach Oeîus îpic ettuaI mue ontwiderful of ail mn- for yôu le PrSY te himas te persuade mention au, ther casa,esou hnev et ifestations et man, ietUff christ, tue othe s 1accept him. in viîciîe -faitb et otlieentaerved te soit et Qed. Yen eau louci Qed If Chit domsgreat lAlags for yen, Iiing heuitb le the sîclu. (Mat.15:21- mtitrougit blm, if ,ou vilI, and Qed lte vonîti vitknev IL. 30; Lulte 8:41, 42, 49-54.) can thuu rancit and keep yo- lit- Wbal vere roofs in Paleatitie uscd fer? F R . 1 liion in thc efrom te adjuet your lit. TRBINKEBU RESPECT BIBLE., On 'ebat other occasion iras JeanesR: le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D tetc u Uiwlie d.A5'Dr. P. C. Pinct, ccuiei of ila@Phemy,? (Mark W1-614; ltte fwerk anthe tii aruGdO& gA 'Te continent le thecDmre continent, John 103038.) atmay. 'Teémontl iupor4m titg ~ Iti urul lwhrnathiIisui T ete lr esor. t didH lte univorse for a a nila tu ffid dverse llte saine unIvers. tuaI ext-are ns orgiven 1" aud 'eht rssot dd H 1io vhat Qed vants etfbhl=.This vms cd centuries sud ageago; e tigive? _(Luke_730-5.) lte key te tue lite of! hue. 'My Bil oted ltUcBbe fyser- WIIERE ATaITN . Letter t1ea tfood." ho ait, "le t de te VilIofday, adIltisili yeinln aimost pro- set ndteBu ,i cisc!'ly tersaminekforegver. lils Oat non But le Dia flesSiuit te ,Ihlm taI etm n uOlh i o darnemen r h m; RoucaiTrrIl Cibiste. ,I ork." ge If Must Le viti 'yo om admrunaenqreUc m; The lait ceaI comm~isioin appoînteti Ieo&ltyour plan lhc essential- liaenutaitce la theclamne, lis power b h tt fPnslai a e t,' utuelfis, 'for uneelid"m ,f la et la tue sanie. - - cently made treotadcmnInic 11101 lAhe ase and ret e9 ah i'i W ýTouitttu mcetofto-tu' _raput- lis rep 9 mchort dcuet le Wy,. Ton nevor'saavau esseittiling ava,' ferever Inadequate ail 'ebitera ithscomissetonlbaveat.Tic mmb hkperanenWho vas Irai,' happ,,chldmiht tuugitis about some Ud n4embterconetuticmso n bav et a ect ofaO ai" yen ii 'hLnezio t-mli0i1 heUc Te Bible laneueetrith-e hilga. 1But ad ft the nclusIontuI oftha epl t r"e.]»Dint tr,' i. _ titougittul men are lAlklng aOt lteé 3,000 ntted bc emuertre et flitenetIvta fl Thittilet ,'our Pla,«Ver a lre- Bible asl nover beoee, andi the tiougit t s vulda onl deie s fatalientheoft, l "Bue; nuit ont>' a possibli perlod, et go lAey, are tltlng about fi adutt lebut l,0na00nseed lgtiIt a deutith -0 u rs'J5?5en tis s51<1-th ie gr'ave, 'ehicit tue>'are plvingti res aIneiti ut lie In 4,00 ltmiigLIutml'L but sunstatualiltetîne. Te plan fer 1axpressiont s. ttakiag tue granidcOgUcuThed aeaofi mng. etue commis- PostersÉ, . . late-_u ---s- n' a.lage par et bek seeni more trul, ttan «ver tite The rate.etPdicaeame WMe lIaInitial îIctury oetfilue van. jpNwL RPRDFRW o B musiu utlebim ilen Ra- b,'anui net uie purt et the Jspuinese nuA E.LPPAD O A, Usi *tehpanaléBsgeverumeut irhicitvould plunge the. Iweo i a erulserlitron? et theatmut fennili- Contie ilulevan. bbc irtiluaaction Visîcisl eiditilem lsciall,' Favor- île vtusla et Ile Rugsieri let, vera ter- et jupon in »e-ng diîplonmtiei relu- able for ILstiug aise omls,', t smi unà spm'iuiirepote rom C@Ci fit-naviI t usas bltre te actldeliv,- Ceipari»ofhet b.finanil tandl naval IL 1h5 al tmre iar pt ii .ukig net). îlte lnimiau nota came like il sireimailoret .imp n sd Rassi-i sre being bo F tkt A titée ere ut là isn ilgtundorboit. Il lirs Lelleveil tent lhe clesel,' scannai. If il poaseiseil theS *doin. rTe Jupinuce ttack vuaieIdlr- raerppt et the note might Cnnuask au îoulinand et tee snvihsunilcient mou- Ua - - ~ -- rutimatou. bat Ihat Japaahonlit acrer etan,' resence,. Japon coulil ensil,' place diploistie eltleus, a stopi little alure on thc Aintic continent aun crin, 'hîw etf a delantien etr van, vas ilotaca 1k. IRusais-ealdtLe perplexeil le crash. Ilb - - a lb ien nthteaface. lia li,"orepentciti,' ilegM i iII intr,- Itl i liebca dreadttttl vr. -jUnisl. lu cd irnt le tt the premmnt set e ortmn *pite ut ienrtrinesvseer trvilzttion, Jaag«s fipeohandicaps ber bemîlli,'vIt suit as nationlor etmn suItL a sarmie love for figlitiar putpeses. Preripel,' tbe 5immaw4 f on ligititia in thein heurti abe.ail esîlmnate feutatiganenil erede aet ha t eUtei..5-Kts it eh au unc-enmotote Isar in 1894. TBt in t iî *tiollaLle feint for land mad treanr-Iis- îapoli*s position le-day in incemparibi,'1 siue. vîi blir Immense rasieurcesf, net ter btter tun il wvn.filen. Sie buson Ite S ettîng theIi. geut arn,' lauthe verId-. sius ô e Lentral Bank secie igg,a. - -ail anne ma neady ta dle fer îlleCzar. catpr 113,00,000 vut(o1n a.00t n tY whlmh tfliert net erci,' theîr lovein gtguîther napreccilentei tnount. Thera sei but Qeit' ne-nt on srtb-vbsI euh iami reaittale the bsnk a legai margmnlit Le thet' oticme sihen Buvais merle ithîe of 35,000,000 et note-imeuaiiitgpeer. je Mleofo!battIs' fle Mikado'» nilliotia et suichvîtrill probml, le ex1imided teaortht i1i lmndt,' sllIerosusaitsailions, ith tIîetr lilsmt 50,1100000 lea the invariableW i '*.i~ keen Intllîigence, 11cmir lipicturbaItIe >eua-anidrain sin cceeded b'bte I h i t. Coursa. Ilaîr Iluer, belle! tit he,' epriig depoit. mont sacrifice tuanimelves, if uead 1te for lapun's actAn1 outtiasduring tien van rumiviteteor JAAIÂ. their emperon. vii, l i t u d's ragenl' î(hnt e 8443 ira 1527u<0 b ut asgdruIt If. and t11cm stron n- lt j n nsc.Ounut oetholeariya,'nud 33 ni- la lerxneuu',ea C llerne tue mmd tfon foalluer? M)Kiuyen on asécuirofthe Dnuy,,in vItiecI aWy eSouetf'ot ArtLur. . lten *aeeks. Europe asu ireales have figuras lIere vers inlnded large aums l 0* »Cedii iilit, unîlen evîr ef dank- beeu vairlainge leiiplomtie Plismes ef non the pumcasa o! tnunsponhif, Men-ef- rie contrer na,' itît sîsntilurattcntion. via nnsd muninlion. non. of 'elicb ex- 0 rZteriieml detachlut et aine vos-. The Intoeaiti t b,' Europoortnontions penses veuduniw bure te le iticunneil. fle Juîianese dînc lt itb hmnunauralvl sironger thota ofilet li s fur bbcbard moter ide e! the ac- hff distaence o!rtë itutaimisjiîmdrniUnite le ialom. lierte o ent ee itY liioint, the sggnegateColtleys dillinet 0 id dloscareiltubes. Virole torpedeoes mîavo Itý itele iolllt. whlhei"iscoun- r-at-b 12,000,000yen. Il Immy hae sid 7 r*o fiente. expiealena folheuiiug ILm try efnnet le. It vilIl e oi' a a pee--btst lh inv situtiolaDosnonta- s. btuirLer lte a toriîî et tonen taer. ____Lu,'favorabe to.-l par. * siLtacl netkupruen ilinengl tLe RJtms.m n's Cecenning the commandofethîe sen. bi unlio le ht'Iery ltisii mindron, intuigi ilintenuetposihle te sppsetic iâtstsisuleettfront sutheritative C am batillis nsud cruisens wilîies- tht flic ItuesaDans ilI flot lisit a,*cien J:iuauese sources show.s elee tengthis oetP - -- - - - - le tire sqnmdronia us tolown. praniing tet ttc Ruasian teluils include semIse Dow Cen ronte ton thetanreostr; Of battle- sip. ,Tspan lias six. with disptacement l S (A OF oif 86.9) tons. aginat rine linasian, yuLh a diaiplucemet ot 110,"-2 teu,Lut i Ilits supelort,' on Rusia'i tilde la aonne- n JAPAI weal edressad b,' the groaten iii,, bigle-p GULF 0 r epeed sud hesiien ramment oetir*bI Viei frurmoed -cruiscrs Jîp9 as imamx, lb 3% vOl a diapiscemuent et 58.788 tons, ugaint Ive Itussîsu. su-hI a displaceinit ot 4).016 tons. lua u-od-clasq figîting nmatenial Jupun I oegAis-e-.cnwel e- re etofatipeci of ixteecu lit huieta nd upimard, su iii a diapllaceinentv #4 a- er 37,731) tests. araint ânue Rumsatn. Witte a di,plaiement ut .3.2M3 ons. und ispun le L uou tveiltt-tlir4 -giubots aloI crat-de- *- tennse %hlepaggrea-atiug 28,391 toue,f 5 sgnihst twetre hlissili. igregatua- 12,- t 1188 oîie.~Tuile, ini ee.ndnul-la itenlal - Japan lian tlutty-fire slips. î-epreenllngt 410130 tons. agnet thitean Rsseln,t 'v t,'8,t-îîîy~ ~~ ~ etsint2123 tous. INTA OVR l____ - trotected cruacru capable et de. - - - - - -- clopilnera specet of tent,' kueus sud op- cmit limnry uoeiilng anuaitems'.inffe,-- i tiirdt of tIitv effetive ut- auc-ntb v.und Jalian hasix, v.ttluandiapisce- We 8Cm,' 'il brniadeude.-Thî~ e r uit ttcthett, thi-field enîl though it lies licoua u- rment ot 2.5,1fots.. againte echtit us nv,- %nuie cnasnfer lialt ne leur. j tteume-d flIitunotnffim i i l le iith- #fat.ti. u a dinpiacemetit tif 45.553 tons T5h ai:e, tiir;ieilioluimali ce- -ui n fronti île Anairia r en teabisn n luthslii. thont. v.-iuibcotmhrises fil-t nordilui tt elul eiail Dot a srateh ronieitn. itmua,' ba intenetne;t e aute cvisafigting uatenilî. Jaa's ahipas t ljur,' hu uîstr bia bcit n eilonicu. iilai îleerai-taar rangîlu etrteRus- nuimbeé tghieeu, ot a totul tonnage oft suu tislate thul elle IRiman euiiss--nen urni a. Il abeuitd b le -e re nd 170,182. igaiuut twentY-lve Ibuaiuina, î#m nuîeio itmu iritedillie inkiug tîmt ecr ny>asn 8M.00)> yont men are witilua total tonnage et 204,901. roolaleafe uIc ltlelesiiîp* htpizan and lhable ta conscription.oet vient 20000 Of ttrpedo detroyersjapon basn ine- asa-icliuni tle ecroiser Osîluda. oran cmloyed. tIe ramnaindar lpassing ite tees, dlaplmcine: .227 toits. fiaiust iit,'- "ie optliuitg iile Leeuu inistng elle remonva. The total van trengt eoftwho llnsaan, dispacits 9,»S0rôeus, mad tOig thora Nvoli lLee .n betw.eeti Rute- the ative army,'la twenty-four army,'et orpade LensaJapan Las% eigLl,'firs, = ai Jap.n neiacd a sciasbork Corps, 'et fifl,'.e eInfautnr undifera». f amînsî ila's foeeni. On lIe. 'bote Ikflsepaws Ihîlitdlomatie relations ty-tbree Cavalf, li visions. enle ritle divIs- Ilen, the aghll<ug forces ofe t kl rboy' Kýe#-llie ussnottons lad beau ruitet' t v lo rgds rIme srve cell,- orleuesm oleiabti qivIl îu <iOf. Thui wx ena aimmouint. t se e itet'Ilirsens ot lo ie nid heis s grat aivantaga lu the proximîlt,' tu tile«-lration et van, lu mener ttenviInset'ae.'..a'onclt .4f etl: iber base ndi l lei.peseuien 0t F 1 ssakes eic-lciatnu-eemck iqusil-enalmil seeitteei-herseample docking fse-iiitimeatcltter a iàïary. litron île Rosn'aiiidravat l en'bteie .'sx fttenonnitir@ point vbera Ressis in notabi,' intenter. 1 'lo-tie laiteough te imtif,' ie vor d oeli. 'rieacive a3-Yr vendaitet 90 bà&wa a oue gt. . lttiuna e lutainry Î30)aqudrons et Neye tz ee t dIn Eunsope. 4gSlrai Ahxiff' ofi5cil rIpet ofthîe Cavali, . 8782 guns. Ahi enîineer Coin- Naval mn iaLondots regard the filer b,' the' Japanelle lqan aituloirs: paniez. 29,000 ohrna r andl 1.266.700 men. resjult of Japan'a filsirtatt vith tentuede ii.met recpevtilty intenme yeun ina-The ramleute. lncludhiig lecl mud fort;;;ebonta on îLhe uame et peffPot Ar- jety tflinnt or temps.a, irng thé treugtli te 2.870 bal- thun as beinc ua tgergan ne.e lu Paris ablout midniglt et tallons. 1.6000 aquaitu-ets. 6.00 gong, 75,- île neya crcsted Constenationt. 'rIe oli- Fhc. . ,jspanceic 000) diacr nsd 4500,000 mnn.Thèse cele et-tI' toraigu ofice vera ameng th. r tonpedo bnlestmalla figurassmre ln roundilnumbers. - irsa e rcalvethe informibon sud bhein s suditen mtant b,' aivices veresimilan tu these o! thc St. mnuis t. noces ap- . Vigteinirotes. of jue% Petersburg OffIciaI G-audIe, lunBerlin on tlema olîaitn Comparad it'eh tLe lnge milia"" "pa'0 initial aucece pumneda sdeapi iquadron lu , tte, strengthiOf RussItienblt ot japon isliWte Impression ehtpeonp eteand il mi- eter ronslofethîe mmiiie.tIan a pîginoe. Vet Itrmachtes an'an ntl ntica.Group a gîlersitd fortran% t Port Ar- the. tain,' substantiltotah ot about 450l.- sZ»d beh.diatnubute r thîe 'outras" Ibur, InlehthtIc000 trut ail sources. togete iben yLe1,20iluthe treals andl rendlthue neaim uet baittlemips Itetitla ugins nul 00.000 herses. vîitexclamaionfita<lduesa., andl Cesarevitcb anud 'relilihtng force.alwsys evlittblé fer Il su-.uuldappear that tLe tenpeloiug t fite crulisi aliads ,iut,'-la dilvi&dttOIM i battritlbiuaetflu- thi eemny-5 reosais lyung tender pornuil SLEZuZ,'wver inaedaai.Au 0 la enu adtie ta ucerin elie toer(lt hte dnuaîe. etailéi are- Wi g titi yout n majsi..'."--- av ou Leilli e ai 'i"" tracat nov, Mia lIiter la certain "And titt h btI- ljesi, uitile pnutuarly lr b tred .,1ýwskwned b,'i disputae oer terri- -- "uira DOW aimet tergeitan ever,'- ib bai thi- atreditzlli. Fer ver,' îhwte,' bave knova 11itthe,'munt r0ý iaer neday the questili would - t be Lesettîldsîlethar Rittsla or VLAIIVO3TOCE.,sw ~UU OR 'mTHE PACIFIC. lwebias Cocie. tnt!,. lflti,-pue aqundrounaoet tavlrý, land iteries mtiilave beren carrted ont , f&OemâliC relat'ions Lelveen Japomn tnntr batteries et field. ttid letreas or- il n d m sluluy. As Vîcero,' aloe, .bnoketi *2fSun"ltAThe tle, uebrs-tta rprlnt lxid t tntmention nyjapeuelea àgaeriset l ence ieris t itIte iey oob wta protoneAlxf d o teta ite an et fJapon. 'eLîch IttutComîlmenhor e anlecer. aupi, sud fosses ilufIls final dispatci te commun it.t aawait lle Ruinaln swavr te transpolrt dtaelmainti. -Fer raiinui llt uavul ollnen a ltaiheJap- -croiet. itersLong. On 34ouln,' firiig pattern. andmIflima lfantir,' tait eeIleu tihps better titan Ibe Rueinas. li-tmsa-Japaneee irn s'aîdelursilpermanent establialittieut carry OnlIma 111 sritIdravig liamis- eont cit lt si-oretmiel dèarbi c, t i jConfirmation oetîe report Iat un lanices.'Te inliten eft s uË . A RMission eficr vIte label>- tetirnoi tail broken off diploniatic .getoia- Mantale Trauchui. -tramîLe fian ealulaquoteil b,'flbe Mes, -Vetlig6 i «Dma 't u rime aoffet 1ho1,lihe BsiNe, a et undày. 'rhs Japane"m ulule- heeet intte ani a 4 il e legablou etas hured Vôe.AtseBallas Vase. î,ic esqusdroa. pemOe"at lams eu ' î;t Ptnitn i*Uloqt 1itet i.le4Bhuee conilcl b nattionilue hua.7>1 Ï;ë»vollil ounte Jp~m toloaéa it- îa oduibtdc k ta la Uharkme, cae ïIst la a5555ma o i Ttch aa dpa~ --- ~ 9 id% kW ,qw

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