I Mrs Hughson, of, C-hicago, whose letter foIIowvs, is- another woman in high position who owes ber health to the -use of «Dus Mas.Pmxi:-I sufOféred 01, sveral YOareWltheSral ::k eua" mari lfdown pains, causeaiby vomitroule fittuliutulI would lDe avako for bcmw, mai lm 1, emeti nare veai, in the Mornn hawen I1x'ofhsd. Mter uduonSof your advertisementa I akldt9 try the merits of LdI" ý.* = 6auV gMable Compona, andi I ma mc g1 dkt .No on. gooti 111 ted it i eS I bock thre.bot flifiYat wdr humiup My pocral bealtb, it dzove £11 dmme anti poi8on ure feelsa a m a iw are cerltaluiy te IL lionwx 347Eut Ohio t.,hcA I Appurently titting lucidets in vonas'a da">'Me1.frequentl>'pr.'duce tgiep&a fltovomi. A slip oea li lars liluglmeusotruallon, sadng eta scaater. rainan evlng nashiebijsor àstaexdug b 1the =mt enlifi 0 suetroule boudle lb. signal for ieaction. Dm% jet teecondtio n ec lioue tiaroagb ,egis4Otr aa : Ide lm___ 0 gîm I y xrié es t .lora5. Nore9mhaave m OM ga = ]. rne 0 f Lydia E. Plalkhaan" V.getmale CentpeuMd.- U tar a aulgmtenttrouble *emeaswicéb7m do Dt mC Btitafl4 vite t >~ ~ f4 Lf~ xe41a hmeadv1e end as.few. e" « dtaig but ttumi mm Ife or bap»lmusior botb-i MfLm ah Stowell, 177 Wellington, st., Kingiton, Ont., wrltes: j *»yja Mas. Pnoewà:-Yon sme hddai gadamat to wiomen, anti if te>'ail knev what r.- ynti onulti de for Ihen4 there vould 1Ie no need of- t heir dragging out miscrable lives in PY "I sféed for years a iti bearing.dovn Pi vrorb trouble, nervousness,ind exeruciating hea&i ache, but a fcw bottles 'if Lydila F. Piaakhmm'5 Vffetable Couspound ma&e lie look new antipommlibg tome. amlightand - b~appy. andi Ido "olkpo' whav iacknea Isani now ÈMIoy@of hOe&IW LidisF.saVegetale cofomtcamalways 11. relieai upoi lu reste». b.lhI omen wlao t= low iu.Il lna sVuelgucurefo ~s oeB os f tomae complinte. - thut bcsrlsg.dov Iffzae iE a11 ari>' stage cet o sdev w t "aeiaesa'tona"~y te 0off uê u.Il s Ie Citab Pt ,ermea PVrur.suuC84 Mdat- Z miii Ismod c= E. Dmb M & ixtsa e., Z.JW.. -4 vp m e F- Au M& so ~iêSOU .Million. of ew eeaies ~~ Wheu tlae editor rend 10.000 plants for for nlles .-4. Ilsleuehacuil hardli>' li-re il. but uPon seend reeng I ude tliaithle Johin A. - aixer IlecalC.. La Cr-asse Wi., thLua aima ! ces ~ vhem there are un moare reliable aud ex- siI tendrve soecd rovera lun1the wved, moas aiS lis efer. l'ils gret citer lamae ta ~5.fi~!~~I5Uégaeu,actittSales e Varluld Vegr The> vi sanil yen thair Ile plant sud see catalogue,_ hgether .vitb cDoujh 1.0 ~ udCabliages, Bl 2000 delielonsa Carrela. -sia.laa~.ès.sa..,i 2000 blnucliin«. nut>' Celer>. iAUnilck.i is as 2,M(10 rda, utler> Lttue. 1 . 000glortousi>'rillat foyers. ALI. FOR BUT 16e PfflAGE. plrdn o iii retum Ibhis unotice. anal -f von vlIu adliera 20e in postage. ea lhey -llllAdd tethe aber;flapackriaet lie Luky Tina! Kitty--Wici la your f avorte bymu? t . Ile-Ton.-Someryilie Journal. e»airecmmeideflInn. Cure1- Co-n emmo m smpion fer A thla. b as iven me teat relef-W . L. Wood, Farmaersbaaig nad..ep. ,1901. Béi Arrangements have bWun nasalefor tel- e phonie cmmunication betyccu ariones ESTAI'Emown-s or Lancahire sud l"rance. Freascia ieuiatlre sanction leavalloil. aocsritnsauaa r.. dl~a~iIcsA cii qesifo _______________ iaéalt. ach beltar I1- , s;s~ 10"ue 44* 00 mvw s ave 1se praIrie ,ullu*ihg cui before lids. Thie WrnsWabboStar give au Instance: cf the -ho a r luv th1e aise cf 1the eountî>' baresmeal a Young EngUla- mxan, the.,valet cf an Eugiisli noble Tbey mW pumerous seaborrd cilles.. tarrlegi f«,a tine ln Pîttoburg. iln0Ch1- cago anad la Kansas Cilt', andl Ilen *truck eot Iltbthe grent vagI.The train vas dakyed at a amal station. andi the peffgers gt out ta, SIrti ther IqMlO Mang fliem bliii ldnhp snd Jaes tlie valet. wbo aeemed in Wats1the meter-"ashea ig1emaas. ter. *,I tvas uIt tlnklng, my lord." saai James "11141 Columbus tlldn't do Sorti a bg talug vben le discovered ttbte 'ere country, latter als asalda nd doue. '0v coulai le 'elp l?" GwatUe CWellExprebned. flault Ste. Marie, Nillcb.. Feb. All.- Mfr. QC. ât Sni, paluter and decDaOcrnc. wlioeehoMe laI t3w1)Anne Street. thîs City',»mste follovig stamtrn t- -"1 vas laidun itb shnoeaMIn e0 pain..Slp-UldIt vas unbllo. clii- crs ScIalica, anal otber agaln libeauna- tain. A tev of my friands auggesteal 11151 ixvas lend poisoni. but vbatexer il vas lit gave me a grent -s1ta of pain. lu façI, almoal couîleely crîppleai me. 1 liai 10 use Ivu carieS 10walk about andi eran tlien It wos a ver>' painfail taa. 'A frienil adîlsed me 10 IrY Ekdda'- Kidue> Puis nand 1 begati 11e treat- ment. After 1 liai uaed the iraI box 1 vus able 1tlîrow swny one of the canon and iras eoisderiatly limproveai. The secound boxstretigblened me up an tbat I coulaigo abaaut t fra rom pain villicut any asan'oeandl very won0 aflter I vas compla'lely cured, veli and bappy, wttbout al poali or an ache. Dodd'5 Kldney illa s .ee n 0go rîglt 10 111"te st ian aja Oeai *U1eY wlli alwuiys bavaeaur gitst preire." Au Egg Teter F%,ee. Together wtau liu neubstor snd broode catalogue. cotaining ameng achueb t.r valuable aund iatereallug information a eolcreai plate. showinx b>' eigteaun eya th deveiopmnîof th11e eick in the shell. frac, b>'aeudiag te UEO. C'. STA1IIL, Qailuar>'.Ili., four cents tu ps>' for potage sud parking. ____ A -Privata" John Allen Taie.= "Private" John Allen, a former anad v-al known roagresmso rom ?MisgIs- silpi, oula-t tolda gond stor>' ou blanseif wbicb, a fnliuud lia Wasbington rebattra 11e ollier day, suyssthie Washington P'ost. Oneafuternoon as Mîr. Allen v-arM- lurnlng 10 1he bomne rons bis campalgu la tIse district 1e met an oni cloreti main lu the rorndi vbm ho bati kuovit @Ince a ver>' &mail boy. "B1oy are yen gettlng aiong. Mos"" Iaquireti Mr. Allen, as le eppresebeai thid aitie«.ov Rtalalngbils lbaIt ronsis lier>'beaa.1 lie oid negro salai: "Oh. l'se siightl1 ilov's you, Mars-John. Wbat'a yoti1 doin' a, -i am runnlasg for offce ne that I raa ~ r4resenuIthel-epl pcopn. repleal M r.>Aflien. - -lnaas Jeb, I bole You1' gIt îe oleke yo' fntber anal granlfahhler bnd." "VaIo OU imeanal. ureMose? My fatiieýr or grandfiîtber neyer hnbd n>' office." . Yas ba aid. Mars John. Yas b1c '-Wiy. v-bat -ffce id Ibe> hol? ",Wlajt offie? %W'y, jus' tlie uie olIlce ais yo'. 3Mars Jtahi-caudidat- alv-ayq atandhal:all.' Why RIe Wauteu a DeukL l'or Quaaha. anil telligent ami POP- ulur (aamnuie(.<bief, theb.-attllenseia aromod alFrt Wortha, Tex., bult a boause aund furniliuad it. Tiaey were rallier puzzle.] v-eau le lolai tlem Ilan lte liraI article of turuiture lie swanted wvas a relier tlesIk. Wbal coun Yeu do villa a rlier desk, Quasuih" lihe>' saai. aoucnn't write." -Oh, 1 vant 'amjp sola Quanali. "Teai sec. I open aesk, -n' 1 ait dovu lun' chair, an' I put My> te up on desk. ais' 1 lîglît my aaegar, an 1 bl' newa- papar up front o' me, luke tbls-suae? Then v-ite man coma ln..an' be knock nt door. an' ha sa>', 'Qîîauab, Iv-an' tslk t'yn mnute.' Anal 1 tarn'roun' las j M 'rat.a~Pîif lot ' asoke 'ai lais faire, an' 1I an>':'Go 'v-ny! I v'>' bus 'do'n>!"'" WELL POSTED. A Calfoérais Zictor wîtia 40 Tear' XxVarlasce. ,,in my 40 >var' experlence as s escer andi practioner along bygfrnlc hues," mgays a Los Angles physicien. -I bave neyer fannd s food t0 compare wlitb Grape-Nuts for the-banefit of tb. ganeral beoItb of ail classas cf people. i bava recommendetl Grape-Nuts for a. number of years 10 patientesvîit 11e greateal ancress,,sud eors>'yenr'a ex- perleuce makrs me more entbngastblc regardina ls use. .1 maka l a raie 10 sien>'. recoIn- menaI Grape-Nul sd ostnoxFood Coffee lut place of coffe. vlan givinU an>'patients Instructions as t leta, tor 1 knov- botia <frp-Nuls andi Postuns efa ie-digeslcal b>' un> ene., "As for mysaît. vien enga*eadlI muleb mental work an' 4.Ivttieîp 1 ï1sy consista ef Grape-N4ut u aidlcb croam. 1 inIniilJust lb. tlni 10 buili up gray' malter anti keep the baI, lu <'lu addition t bliouderful eoPtis sasa riundni erve feoti Orape-Nigils alvays keoe 111. dlgoeelîve oralllux perfect. heulthy-te" e u ary lb idbh me wvelon iel. gcb"sglse 1 am aI' clou cette1w to have trouble w1tb MT 5hoUOcb. N40 go51en b>' Vls-Ali CO.. heto O5iEj4iOa.2< 1 ' R. ( Laun & Co.'t re- vhaan >iev of Uiax., Irade for th uuMAJ.ji eek aaaa>a: Theatzar- lie moremeut hbas beau narewbat bu- îeded'b>' saivere veala ..r, hut, sotit- Standing liis, the dimraabution et nmer- cIarndise0eeial argo' volume andi ne diminution epPesrs In the -,,"guminuao et neceWalla. .Bail trade aailaled g alatisfnctory level i iaaaaat liuies sud aras strong lu veariug allar-.foolvear and groceries. 1 Wholesaie deelers ila.aiaily addlcaitu the accumulationi of rdea-ý for splnq goodsansd an Increaseaiaaaaîaber of vuit- lug buyers muade Iheir aafle-tions in lucoll- msg, mens f urulahîngs aradl dry' goicilthe totalSasies rcscbiltug aggregate com- pariu afrvorabil *Ih a ar ago. Laier adricen croullrm reporta. of ala.leted stock» througbouh tie Inleriur. anad iiore dispe- ailona on the part cf aaminatry merebants te repleiulshcar>'la te tit.ples.L'ý he Sullation lu raw a'ottaau aay auforCe an avauce lun1the cccl Cof tuaad goods, and iais gveu treuxth ta..the -enire- range of textile pro6duata. Labor dileltlc ts l .ightly affect lu- duxtrial progresse. >lsufactairiug pro- ceeds villa s irauci feling or confidence sud production shtows better. Impleenat sud machiner>' alips hâave lurreaseai thier working forces. tlieaiîew business romning fOrWsrd psOnaieaaao' Lafair rua or -work. Otber manufataturerai lire in good poition. Grai shîpaenis, 2.14614.7617 busbels, lac rindes 13766W5 bumhlalafailrm, sud are 5.08 per cent leas alan year ago. Speculative Influences .afgailu prOedc iigber prices. ,May vlaatteurbed 96 cents. The curse grains-a la-re renirk- abi>- trong. riosinîs faaaauj.urM ai tla lre- viella week belagitihr, for rn. 5 cents and nemts 3 cents. Beceita aof live stock, 3W9,151 lead. are 18 pèrr ent over a year vgo. Values loseai hilar in sheep. S5 cents, andl lu caIlle 25 ceaaui. boga beiug uncuaaugea. Bennational flucuations in thç. u 1e grat aples v-rs the tentures of thae week, (otton andl coite att:ainipg uceligh re- ords for the seaseh. but snbaequeutly de- linini sharpi'. -vile grain advancedi. Trade reports are Irregular. imrlreement ah thie Southt sud West fludina 1111e re- rpoose ea h le large Eateru cillez. Per- eltteot loy lamperature i .ruvidingaa gaod demnaifor besvy avaeariaig appâaie anal increasiaîg lhe dhtlraltieaa of trans- portataoaa. Spriug buyac. r a.',.irriviug ln large Duatioers, villa oaî.waalhy enger- amirs lu>ec're eacton î'a ,%lsas uet due elinepad priaes. lbaalway elruinga for Janaiur3' averagei .7 pear (cent larger than in 19111. laregreas la slovlu hea iren anad steel iidustr> haveeraI disaîatelaeai regaardiug larg c caatracts esainol hac ouahamue.].and iti s aaaaally fessai lait dia taternenis refer te ld orders, while tiae igdrea er touauge prove -meIasuanler thsa liI- CotonPrîces. The prire cf otton reaceald 18 rente a çouud 1the Oit in New Orleans, vhlcb a iashe abcat pali for lte stapie aiace 187-21) yearo. The adrae hat ai> va- ouq r4shi.In 10 aisysIl imipeaiIbo uailmsor aurnucrease et $12.50 a bale. Thle Lbat week li Oc- lober ltcesslyae t~ lin l. Iu tfae trot decade liftai 1the ClvIiWar the Southi produced i yeeely 500.000 500- ponDais balns cf collea et 24 cents .5 Pound, vhich yieileal *AOOW,0,0. In the seoual decade ths aza aYeariY production of 5,000,000bales nt 12 cents, v-hich yilded, aise, W0.00,000. lun1the >tirai deernalatlere 4vbsaab r ear 10.- 000.000 fiies nt O cibla, wviciyiejded aise Ç300.000,000. But hehc ourtb decade nîter the Civil Wni' Wthide bas turmeal. The averaga yeariy $ieid becenses 10,- 000,000o bales nt 12 cotte s pounua, or a total etf060,000),00. Ciicgo--Cgttle. cmmuna 1e prima, p:;.00 te 05.30; e.ga lippiiig gradeq, 14.00 bo $5.25; sheeta, fair te claîice. $2.25 te e440: v-hcaa. No. 2 red,. Udrte 97c; corn, No. ', 48e to 40c. osta. staudaird, 3&- e MeSU; r3e. No.. 2, 50e bte 1e; lis>, tianthy, $8.50 te 8i12à.0 prairie, M.00 le $11.00;, butter, chi-oses reanier>', 21c ha> 24c; egss, f esi, 2k3e e c; potatoca. Iasianaplis--CaalIle, abîpping. 08.00 lu $5.15; boga, ehoire 1ltiga, 04.00 te 04.75; siieep. emmon le prIme, $8È.50 bai 03.W0. iheat. No. 2, 94e 1te9Me; crn, No. 2 v-bite, 43e te 45c; cals, No. 2 v-hile. 40c te 42c. Bt. Loais-Cattle, 14.50 te $500; langs, 04.00 te 05.00; nlaiap.. 03.00 te 04.50; wheal No. 2, 92c te 98c; crn. No. 2, 44c. te 45c; oat, No. 2, 42c. ho 43c; rye, No. 2 5& e 10 Sit Cincinusi--Cattle,4$0400t10$4.50; hop,. te10$5U201sheep. 02.00' 1e 04.00; wbeat, No. 2,Oc e 0 1.00; cern, No. 2 mîxeai, 45e te 47c; ent», No. 2 nixed. 41c te 42c; rye, No. 2. 03e t108cSe 1 Detroit--Cnle, 03.50 te 04.50; hoirs. $4.00 le $440; aiaocpe $2.50 le 1425; vheai. 45e ho 40c-, cals, Ne. 3 whihe. 4U e 1 44e; rye, No. Z. 02e to 64c. Mivauke-Wliata. No. 2 -norîbern, Mec te Me; corn, No. 8, 42e le 44c; oats, Ne. 2 *witle, 43é te 40e; rye, No. 1, 64e te OIe; inria>', No. ZOmc tea6e; Pork, meus. MO). Toledo-W1ent. No,. 2 mîxild, 94e te 9&-e; cern, Xe. 2 mixai& 4&0e 147c; nts, No. 2 anlxeai, 43e 10eA4e; ryc., No. 2,.59e te Oce; elever aeed, palme, J6.2 affalo-Catlie, choie. shipplng slecre, 04.30te $&25; bogs, tais te prime. 04.6 te 1&.20; sbeep. fair tu choira. 05.25 10 4M-1«lasba, commnatonhoais, 04.75 le 14Xe; Yn*-Cahtle, 05.S0 le 05.40; ,hoga, $.00 te $5.40; .oh»P, 1&.00 ta $&6a; vIamat, No. 2 roi. PIcte 97c; cern, Xe, 2 U tate 13; «JeNo. 2 v-ile, 49e te 51e; butter, elPSiS>, 20e te 23c; esus, vesWra, 3e 0 sPc. Lcs b>'bcdlok, T*lOîî Oblo, JURY "~As uan tus>'i SI Usas> IrnIs #"s on f» ,eoo.d>'rocivali. RELEASE:D 'lYjaworld of. els m epl*auk Modil ITik. LAGRIPPE ix epidernîr carrb. Iti spares no clam or nationnllty. The cultured and the ignorant,. the aristo- cent and the pauper.thie masses and theà fiasse are nlike subject to la grippe. ,Çone are exempt-mlilarecfiable. Hlave yen the grlp? Or, ratlaer. has tbe grip gol you? Grip la well narned. Tiie original French terra, la grippe. bao been salorteued b theb busy Aineriran to rend "grip." Wtbout intendlog 10 do so n new Word bas been coaîaeal liat ex-1 *sctly describes the case. As if nmrn1 lideous giait *wth nfnl Gril) hadj elutcbeàd oun ilgfatal claiap. lMen. wornen. clildren. wbole towns andlai ides Wate, Used lu. Battle-Ships. On P.esuaatlo Cashesi. As nerly as possible 8,000 gallons et freeh w star are used In n large bal- tlisblp dally. About two-tblrdw of this la tlken up by th1e boliers and th1e re- nainder la used for drlnklng. waill- lag. cooklng, etc. Wben the store whlck be .bas taken out vlth. ber trom -port bas been useai Up a vassel bas ta depeaàd upon lier evaporators lot furtber supplies. Erery moder n vavship la filled wvlh evsporatlng nma- chlaery te distili1the saIt:ses vater. A Wo»a u ery. mms.Johin Lsflue, cf 115 Patersoni ave.. Pstereon, N. J.,., egs. "I vas troubled for about une years, and v),t1 i u«- ed 'noue vili ayer knov. I used about ev- c.try knovii remedy tbsl la sald te be good for kli- ney coinpint. but vllbont derlvlng permanent relief. Oflen wben alone ln the bouse the backaebe bas bec'a so bad Ibat il brougbt tears in mY eYes. The pain at limes vus so intense thant I was cornpeiled ta give up my bouse- boid dutiet and i îe down. Tbere vere beadaciies, dizzluesa and blood rualilia to my 'bOnd te cause bleediaig nah te nose. The first box of Doana Kiailte> Pillaelaeuefted me 1sanmach Ibat 1 con- linued lté trealanent. The stlngliîg pain ln the eanal of an>'bock, the rusbeâ of blood tete bebia snd.otber symptoma dlsappered.' .Doan's Kidue>' Pille for sale b> aIl derniers. 56 estits per box. Foster- MlIturuCo., Buffaio. N. Y. Tieint oal aaRevenjte. 'Why don't son p4asrplers gave us a ret?" queried the coal dernier of tbe Jeans> man nselie presented thie bill for a.ltn 0f blmck diamouds. 'You evidentil itended tb sas, 'Why dou't ve give son the reat?'" rejoiued tis jokeamith sadi>' as hÏ~gianced ea h11e figures. EOw's Thiey We efer One. Hanalred Dollars sevaral for anz mme of Calarlahstm unt ba ursd by Hlsl s Fâfl a ..J. CHSENET à On.. ToladO, 0. We Mea undetshgnav ae knon y . J. Cbsee frlu st s Mw. and lee .hlm perieehy ibOaoQel aclumasaetionsu sd fnuas. 4" Me t s MM out ilnailua.Mmode bit Wear & TurÂx. WbeloaeDraamuTnlcl. 0. WALOINO. Hzxe & MARrIS. Wliniumel asi sshC.la"Mbk Intuerns. soit«a dil , l e .blood sud malesma of th. agsSout. Prim. 74c. parboele. am 4b> aul D_~111115 sPilease th.béat. France exportai M,8841 vortb cf automobiles lait jear. whlie %pouding unir 11206,0in luIaportefi one&. MuSTg XXCA aecapght lun1the baneful grip of a ter- rible mouster. The following lattera %Peak for llaern- selves as 10tee, the er 'cy f Peruna iu cases et sa grippe or Its afler cfecla. lu Afia r ifeetLa Grinp rdiae by >Ci-Ma.& Mr». Fred Welnberger, Westerio. Al-e bany týounty. N. Y.. writes:1 '"8ereral rears ago 1I laad an attack cf1 I& grippe wblcb ileft an>'nervem in a pros- - trated coudihiozn. Then 1 bad soother1 atlaek or la grippe wblch left me vorse.i 1 hâd iried Ibree good plysilsns. but &Hrnil vslu. I gave Pernua a trial lu Y' PEW-ý ashaort liane Ivas feidlà -j 00W 1 a arns vel mNÏFIâ Fied Weiuberger. NOM .JaMMaSIL .OiEn o son. Janmes R. Gul la ! oldean udmont esteex~mes Nob. He hain dons machW wbnl it ls, aarring ou peýBi iiurnber tof limes. Be eaINIM lu the roliowiWCords am a Y 6 eatsÈ lai. a hau>' ai Prmi.las- eip Il.tw yeaux ago 1- hrnd la1 lits vas des alred of. PIO me."- . Li A oRtudsUe.oftAàVaha lir. ilao 8. ULlnl. vb* 1)13 1I.aste N. W.. WsIAlMh welglaI"-'-SB LIaB. Mise Aice M. Drea 1 Wct, Ar..Uianlkespol-i0, etasI sriiag1Isufr~ na -a pally ub fier effect» meaaineitm ner an ornehov 1 i < as 1wo v- beforo. O.c Irienda vIle vas vliiia il te trj' Peruna sud 1 ad0 t Ili And more theu I boal1 not oai eur2aimsasof the regte-alne1 perfect b"a thue ..tirp. ayster nd aisi la.eliaig of buoyaucY viis anowu for year."-Aice M Mise Jlean CovÈll. Gel flonîui. Troy, N. Y.,.la flu wlith the Aasbrey Stock C0. the foliowlng: "Duriuanthse Pont wintW aufred for sereral vtees ft attiack of grippe. wvbJ e coarrhal condition of thp -"Some orne snnueted Pera laet iesort, aler Wa@tlàg andal a.oney on phYslcla8s. reine]>'failbfîilly'. and la, i lyao asuWii l a*ever."--Jea A soutmef judo i Jasaige Brlo3 cm ,,Som@elive or six ycst ver' "evers spell cf. gripp me villi sytemie ett0b adrîseal me te ta>' 70ftPU dld. nad was lmieallateii cureal. The taIrI oUlc rure"-H.,,J. Gom 1 If yVou do flot derire irnia faaelory Mreaf rocsthe 10 write et ouce ta Dr. 1a080 full saaeieut cf 7011 es TIse rapid mauliplication of muteor- carrlages bas creale a demanti for ex- perlenceal driven% or chauffeursasd acboole of trainilng bave been csaa- llsbed le ft men fer reeelrlng thee Il- censa v-lieu 1the isv requires. An automobile expert lu charge oo et Iie s soois a"yu tali aI i511>1 S *- csul reetatl>' eule-édand..prin*c hlm. 11vaut t te baI .ou, le id, ajto flt myseif, tai . ch lener.". The. Tregials *' vonader-via>'Mr. iDMbov goe. tw ee M41» Frochi alatr SM.bas reJcbsit hamno semphaticsliy," remarked Ho- . "Just le peua a-y 1the lime." $Ur gesteai Tomdik. "But the remion ha vas refassed Wva. 111mha iehuit alreaQy 1îe.ava u muela Urn."1 -Thae Osai veudea Thse BEdîor muet tell s rendeTs oetIbis marrai. Il orlgiuateai vlth 1t1e largest form saeai rov-ors lnu th enrd, 1the J A. Baiser Bead Ce., La Crosse.-WI&t bas sîliff 51mw. stands up libI a setoe v-ain 1wh-ite, laer,.adl-ha long sa; filed t10 1he lb v-lt b fmI. plurnp- lkernés Il is s great slooier, 80 stocks truns 0ne kerneL - IF YOU WILL SFEND TRIS N.OTICETH AND ]Oc IN STAMPS to nbove address, yau viii gel a sample of this Ost Wonder, v-laie11 ylelded lu 1905. lu 40 ttes froin 250, 10 310 bu.- per acre, togetlber ivbib otiier farta secal legue and feaisaead samples. (C. .V. "Sa>," qaierleal the maid, "'v-bat la thia olai adage about thé mus and 111e stoueT' , 1mesi« "A rerolvicg fragmient cf th. paleo- vTenuc'smea M»mma9 ioule agi aoeaubte a né crypiegancus ýVfgltatlon," anive e11r 'girl frlesd ual m frontBouton. P.ZO01 S5eefllyupilb>' Motter Ors>', uDs la d t O hlra 1m linew TorS, cus Ccsstlpatlou. Fverliaabesa, m B" semasci. l Tesîhing Disordem .mors anal lut*t i ta,=lsad-DestrayWerais- ri 41)0 la Ilenals. AI alDruegltem1e. Ssal Tiheadoge of var hélda sconsulta- liou. "'Oby-loualy," blie>' alI,"'Ulm5Isaa case lu vbliva e an't 1ho loocca itll- out rlolstlng the eonr.utlcnalilles. Whal hav e oob40 vtha abeur figitf'-Cbleago Tribune. 11 Moraviest Barle>' am4sdpola. Tva geaIetente anakegroviug sud frttnltulg boueanamicaIle possiblle li. De- kots, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, yes, ev- n D dlar tas, e ose vBill- Siarsirlli t me alier'. :10Day 0.,s aal..ath adri o thtrrr e tra oJisam seeda thal ho oies._________ JDST CUl' TRIS OUT AND KM- TURN Il' villa 10e la. staanps le thcJoint A. Bal- mcr Mmd C.,La Creuse, Wlaanalgel jlI i aaous anal lots et taram ecal Ye04 Veuti>'. la tIs vuriai of asUife sudv-on, i A man muat have nmrn gril; Ille mollo muaIet 'Pusunkad go," OrcI"che'U gel Ilare--Nit. LaI Thore'a amann luour lovai. Whao la business lo a humaner; 119 demis lu corni ail vinlerà An Aipeddles tee linner. mî ! 'h. egu cof Abyssinie hran ama>' ct 110,00 mon, amlicavaîr>', icruilea front a )epulatlofl cf but 3,500.00 IL M. PUTEAX IPAI>BLESS Dywi toleik« ~ - jmore 40i6letsP pacham .. IobShlesbi L I5cide bblia0t, are civtesi W"I il-ki afait a msi ml illîlifil ai a 1*« a i