F .;00 t*sns. Mm .Haskell, W*(rthy 1Ic Templar, Inde. pndent Order Good -Templars, of Silver Lae, Mass., tells of ber cure. by the use of le uM& 1 b.d uned medlclues sud vsasltasyad u.ral tt mwdbpu mmta" tera vas ne. reIeffra.Cllg tlt oec C =eaIotoesbo"tilofLi"a e.PWmk.miV.stsIOCompollnd. lrSensdoresed istbghly sud 1 docided to-go*tlla trIi a e iff t wold 1 "dLrIAL Plakhama sV4eobbeCoMpiMd for néarly lire monthi ". 4, bult l .dpgé fie.doepitr 10 bapimoa, frein Mm" tisua*40**W 52PAllia b..,ige. wUid quechage ookfo a uurVsgemut a JeC otit a 1 ich ii veri slck voman vouId t yIt sud l o-ned"- Mae. InA = 19=Lhie Lakes,]dans. Wortby «ce Témplat-, Indapendent Order of Wbom meélotubas bee uoeasf n i l n emedaaM Obnaliloi Mmn# à@ te1Juie tue .y@ou 10 atmy, wftlaoult I lu S : %1deo 't -bienfte1* eauE bp Mew affly "a femme ah ste vuamelaW«14 0"md lk Mmd dli ewed .iâiK ýw C bay k e* d ra u ek. .hav e a duwaeobeid 1 Me dmaatnceoegumum, Mmd Lydlsa E.Pinhisamie o~i lup.md vilS elp yen j»sa meurely as t hm a oers. - .TM h ait, of1LarInOM ,N. D.. sMy&: - 'z lflaa Ma. PasUÂse: I miglt have beeu opared maup, montAis of sufowg and iii biaaikuovu cof the om" of LydaF l - ~ b*WaV.¶stable COM!r=udsf 0w months mocie, fo 1 tied any vithont Land- In u ytbtue viticith bped sme bafore I trled the Vegetable Cmpoun d. esded the approach of the. mnmlu~ perlod every moutt, as it mnt mucii snfféiug sud pain. Borne mentis lb. fioy vus veut adotiera k vas pro- fuse, but a1e i th ue i.Ccmpound for -- tva nonths I beesuiteregular sud naturel, and no 1ioecetinucd until 1 fet perfety veil, aud the. part&,:ere etrnmgthated to p.rfosm ite vont vithout aseistance sud pain. 1 am ýlike s differ. -est vomnan nov, viiers baiora 1 did nt cars to liv., asud ia plesd ta testlly as ta the good S our Vgoale tiemp boas doue for ine." yi0àmîyoqwsM& Hm AUT, Larlupoe.N.D* glSvl h 'int, w <- , w oe te - -- Ul J-~ii i~aiurm mos -et' usas 0.5 ~resehies LJ(. vF~ zu jkl3&fflp4 esiw dh sud B.Ituon Doa, Oiaa Teto vrcstest foldder planta Qn a esrth, oue gond for 14 tous bsy sud te - ellier 80 tons green fodder par acre. (' rows eviwlîs-ep.eo doeu Victoria Râpe, yieiding (M,000 Ibn, eheep sud swine fWotlfier s-rd. JIST SEND 10c IN 8TAMPS TO THE] - Jouhn A. gaizer ScertiCo.. La Croste. Win. andi raceive ln reniant their ig wuetialogue and lota 0f farta oel emplez, (C. N. Ti. Neyer een Peactiéeed On. "I wonîler wssut is tey auc-cyttcail -- -te doctotns business n practice?! Tii. VlewMaculine.. "Ha! 1ilce si-it uit W Ytu'îr uerca SeBut iti a vomnuis lrivilege to e ________(]le!" _Exchange. Iu~ '% cangehec~iun, yo kitts.Eltiopin bouglil $S47000 vortt o!fCor He--enandlierâgefilo, bt eleon gonds fromtheii United Statei laesl Iw u u akea her dîne iu doing i. year. mat" t.---- Il - - a.. 5.~ mi ~ame.~pj~ Il - 111 Ol IC.a k!mIuatn and mChili. TsKind You Have Awaes Bought Be anr the &pgatm ofI For Over- Meetot £a~ s lulate U1lid §Uttas ib.av MUSa 10te eist Xau bate broten tflPR witii Orebards, for- est& sud frag *dWnqs. But ia Wet- era Canada.toiprairias 511h tretcii graudly ftruý b«OU onte lftrlse asyet uumarred hi lthe baud frnman, mie where thte floqMd bas beeu laid. To e clty mon tber. là lornetlliug deli. eloualy regtigl- *bout the. vent grasley solitude. Nuiueroua clmpe of trees mark the. a course ot tho.AMIphOlae River, wbicii r keepain lght orthe ralrotd for nme "G(rau a me-ofottinotable thinua ýabout al i.l aua=4pet fwestern Canada.. h 1la àyetuarltable fact titat lte entire liàg*l et, the Canadian Pa- cific RaillsImmorliéta sasteu ternit- nus to thi.eocky Mountains Io overi plaina wberle grase growi. The. mage, brush appeas A t nme pointe, but l eer te the ezcluslon o! grasls. Thora la fhnuo «aàmile of t"iscountry titat conut hie il4forsmre agu tural purpoe.-eltbterfor tilnsgeorranch- Iug. -Moosejaw le a towu of 0vei 2,000 lnlrsbilauts and on@ of the. mOlIlin - portant plaeslu In Alnia. belug theià ceuter of a veryfgood farming coautry and a grea grain and stock gwtppiu Poi1nt. .xear 1(005. Jaw agriculture and maching go band lu baud; for lasr lhe lowvE vs accu aherd, cf bee! est- île aeveral huudred lu nunîber. On. anotiter aide, vas s-en a gond slzed1 herd of dalry cowa, the. properti of1 the citiiesalu the town. "Iu rldlug over the prairie. vo saw many glood fieldis of alfalfa. The get nced of the. country ls tîmber, whlcb growa rcadily viiere plsuted, as vas demonstrated by the shelter belto on nmrn te i.farine aud the.trees ou the. residenqe lotit lu the towu. "58torien ver. to!d the writer of men, wbo font year ceaured front tiiei wiosi trop more tilon the iand on whlch Il waa grown orlglnuliy coit tbern. Thia ls easy te belleve lu view of the large erop aud hlgh pnice for vient Ilat year."-ýHcnry F. Tiiurstou. By soudlng your address te sny figenitoftlite Ca nadian Governent you wll bave malled fil yen a eopy of an Atlas, rallway rates, etc., giviug full- est Information regardins Western lllendly Adylce. «i'd advisie you to take titis poem te a sitýiropodial," said the. editor lu a kiudlY toile. iecsfrnse clîy" quereai ho of the.au- unt: flair. -ite, fr-et need attention," rephied the. etlitof. 9Srs sOF Oslo., d- r VToLDoo.t iaN J ulas C mais a . st @I the seniof sa therii ris of P. J.CasNgy&co.. tiheule.l l.City of Tabe. Couiy sud anad nuit;si MMa l ftni t awll ay b toa i SEIUNI)lEOD LLAtS fbreseh and evnYl mm55eOutCAvamaabat emeootIls cri yteun. f ai 'aCATAgw N%-R. ivors Io loterse me asu au.rihedi n My pris- eu. tlaliidY of Deorber. A, . l A. W. OLtj OII lisira iotsrobCura l tl lernélly sdmes, diractlfen MW 110,1 »4me Oess asifas09a10 "esse iïi eota nu0 Ha D VutlIltna",are ti ait Iu Maunusry. "What do they raioluin Ungar.vr' i*ked the teacher at the achool picote. forcettlug thet il la vacation Urne. 1'i kuow," remnked Wiilie. Noseitali, ,Iuternanhuni compliationsasudpianner Là ià K.prtiiele." Chlcago--eatbid. commuon lu irinue. 13.00) te *l.20: ugahippîug gradets, e8400 b.75; açheî. fair le choice. $225 tu $4.40; wbeat, No. 2 rld, 98c-tt $In rcorn. No. 2, 50-- lit 52c; ontei, sîînîlsrl, 40e tu 4.e; rye. Nt. 2, M2e teli-le; ltîY. timetiy, $8.5)0t 11 prairie, et.00 te $11.00; butter. tt iearesnery, 22, lu 25c; egge. f resui, -2c te 25ü-; pottoes. 82c tu 94,. India;a toaele, ttdît ligh,$ . )tt$0;t S.esp, couîuol, tt ime. $4.X)to $-5.40; weeat, commun.ta J'riho.$1,00 taril.-7o.; white, 43e tu 45-t; oasa, No. 2 whtite, 42e te 44c. ,St. Loil-Ctilc. $450 tea$ 0huors. $4.00 tta $5.45: elîeep. $3M00tu $465: vieut, No. 2, $1.0 a tu $1.01: torai, No. 2. 44e ho 45r-: al?. ',e. 2, 41e tb L'e. rye. No, 2, 5ibketa 57c. Cniutai-<.'itillt. 84.00ta 84.75; boss._84.05 0ta$5.*-,hrep, $2.00 to 0410; viiont. No. 2, l81.07to $1.08; con, No. 2 mixed, 46vh to 47c, matse No. «, mlzcd, 43e te 44v;: nye, No. 2, 70e ta 72e. Detrot-4atilc. *2.50 te $4-50; li099, 84.00to $440; joiep,.$1.50 tu $4.25; wheah, No. 2, $1.10> to $1.12; corn, No. 3. 44e te 45c: oats, Na. 3 vhite, 47c to 48c; ryc, No. 2, 73e to 74e. 94e tu 95e: corn, NO. -3. 44e tu 45v; tiatm, NO. 2 whiite. 4: tl 44c: rye, No. 1. Mie te 70c; bariey, No. 2, 62e tou We-; îork, mess, $14-50. Toledo>-Wlipat. NO. 2 mixe-I.$102ta 81.06; corn, No. -, mixed, 4(k- t 47c; natal, No. 2 mixî-l. 43C te 45e; r3'e. NO. 2, lite t, Toc; coer ced', prime, $0.87. Buflal-Catil, cholce hilppinx steerx, 84.50 te $5,25; Ilogs. fair toa1prime,. $4.00 to 85.50; ae-u. fpir tu choicet.$3l-25 ta 84.75.lambe, ,ittiea 1choice, $4.75 ta e0.0 Nov York-Cntlo.$8.50 ho $5.20; ho"a, .00 ho $5.40; ,alecî, $300 te 04.65; vicat, No. 2 red, $1.001 toa 12 coru No. 2, W4etoaSOc; oats, Nio. 2 white, 67e 1u 5&c; butter. creamory, 22c to '-'C; êggs, western, 3c te 84C. Chaton A. . Gilbralth, Aiasciate justice *0 os~preme Court «eHaisyi, ha.sau- »-uesm IW unentiosaie t etzlu. aIt - ker illa bs u moa*ae ilalleod SD"19s v.okly ruview of GbChicêgo trade ský Wîth vbheat <coiumandiug prosent prie., Md otker produce aharing la lte@ adysuce "its gtlfýing tmensure cf add.d proapeaity mmasammcii t, the ag- rklhultara clm a uprovides a boalhb- lui, itimulu t. a1aibualurues and th*. prosmis* Or .lsrer 0041 ls drielopiug la tisi market. , Ohher favorale fealurfa are not lack- lug. Tiie moemeit of merchaudise lu- rreased duritS the. vek, buying became more active inlte $obi lncs suad thb expected lmproveuieflt lu demntid for irOta ws couflrlued lu freer comimilmeui.as- tail trade bas shoWS more iîcoadlh, me- ressîtie. iavinu ezpeced a well a9s- lained consumploil,4 sud lte adysco uprlug tles exhilà 1 ted vere aveli patron-- lued Travel VUlaWu lmpetled by ad- Verge *e;tbqi aWIIUltubyeru appearw- ed iu inereaed uasibm, reaulting lu Rut- sueutel destinas tkzugbout tiL, jobblug line.. Tii. uncertala poeltioli of caw cottou aud sareitY orf lIslued gootis CAUMse @mre hWsiatiop in thie buying for colin- tr, stores, but te, botter qualitiaf Of dresi guodSa"ud sUiniaterisaWoeM lu favor. Iron sud ateel easerged f rom their e- cent qulelude, ltsé u.w demande areschiflg large tonnasgeln rails, wire Produet*s ud pis mron. Pres@e.gare aligiîtly ahatled for lmuaediate doliverles lu antelters, but finished materia ere quolcd firm and for steel bars su" nia tenuliug Miglier. itequlrements for mglronad dstructural parposes have s"Iivunotable expansion, aud implement sud maclîluery makerU ane uow larger con#=uiOl..Luniber deai- lu"a versmore active,.ntostly on couln- try orders, but the. cltY trîde lu hard woodg showed leus dullu-as. Shlpments cf grain, lung 1,022,477 bualiels of corn, sggregated 2,223,»0 busitl, an incregaeor fully 7 per cent 0,cr a year mgo. 'ReeiPt itPrlmary Markets have becoce heavicr. farmer@ jinding prices advmtgaeuis. Tii. speco- lative market» wsie trOnglyI luuced by varions bullish îconditions ln addition to the war uvs,, ud quotatlooa adyn-. ed -easily the. closilEs comParcd with a week ago %howiug gains lu the MaY op- tions, for whost ', cents, con .1.4cenits sud oa- 2% ens Failurlu tiC th Wvu diurirt numîter 28, against 25 the. prerloonu. eek aud 2'W a year ago, B.,G.Dun & C' N~ oLWeeklyrRview or!rd luclement weatiier aittue prevents s detulite revivsl or business. Ourdloor .ork is retarded Wu tramhe imupedeai 10 au extent that canuot he acuranteiy nieasured, but la Obvloîieiy aulIcietul1 neutralize tb. favorable effect- Or many encouragig factora, whule Aiuttr wsaet la threuteued, sltiiongh, not )-et defiullely inJured, and early farin PreParatlotia muet be posbpouse f3eversi leadias beanches O! manuufac- ture are incnesslS% setive capacity. aud thousauds o! lubeiiW buyers are PlaCing liberal order eat rcplct 11lés, The Usuel tenuporar.l' uta e t:o! va .r foit lu the. M '$ *tapie commodi-. ties. ýnotubuy*o ff but,. vii, tus bdesthe.domua~didr it bartu amuch. lage ~b! enhaiig prices te home Thorn la UtIle friction betweeu cm cs udvg. cirners, except regardbRglteé bituminout acale. Despite interruptloSîbj itOri, ralway escnuug thug jar reported for February were Ouiy 4 par cent smaller than a year &go, viiea 'hoirae sah'l =.fih set-ere westher. Foretat rade re- -turne for the laot week et Ibis port show -au incresse of $hrî, qlvalut. of ex-f ports, as 'contitared witit leat year. tbut Importa wece slightly, .mslier. Ficîîîciat contditions ore gatisfaetOl7, moucy re- maining easY and foretgu exchsnge unL dlaturid hl' compllit-atiOlla abrond. Liabilliies r of ,eeot0Clai fallures lui, fir reported for Feltroar! aggregiiteil $- 344,tW9, or wlil $ 2.o04,91.1 wert iu manufRctilirig. $2,2t,5,179,lu tradinîg aud $S24,6«42 in tler îtmmerejil hes. lFor Ihe eiime period l liii sese lilililities sucere $(;.3M,2&. Failuirci this week uilîiieot 287 lu the Culîti Ittates, against 247 iatto yeur, aud 20 in Ciiada, IComPaced wili 20a year ugo. St. Louis, Mo., writea: camn amwI*h comMd - A g - mV haprwdm am"Ibts w»&Mme a hm oetab ap ep s hm a bh,; &Dâwo eues, we romaul, oursg1, frotu Caîholie hiatera from ailiover lhe United Statea. À ret-omnilud ree-ntiY reeived from a (atholic Institution lu Detroit. Micit..-reiadsaus folloca: ka<laaaet clce.TAie raaakef Moi &0týw wm wnaastaaaAsfoy. Ss A ssdgent reflel aaisit rMter Us ef a MedkhrW# hope ta bd &sU. te lm m c lmrlCar&,, Lisaai This young girl wais under thec are of lb. Blisters or b'larity sud uaed Ferons fer catarri. ofthte titroal, wlth goed ne- suit,,sanob.heahove lelter teatifies. A... s, Cathollo fidsitatut ola CU- ùwlu uimcmas the ioniwng raoe- amanimhm fieSister Super.r "humne Yca* a& af ieud of our mati- tut,..rcoimntet l:asDr. IHart..n's Poruns us an excellent rentr-uy toc the influenza of sciicit ce tlîeu bad sevorai cases whlch tltreatened ta b. of a serious cbarncter. "'We hegan taouse it sud cxpcrienced »sCh vtaderftui re sla t iîttOe.then' Frauda in Watrh cases. According tloun article li the Cincnnati Commercial. a ity-une pondait*ouene@ recently fousd Iu thit cty aerreted lu a baie et boay of eiglty pande. Tit afot as ld aitetaidius s lump of led et îearly une-hait the. weight aithtei soli gol wteb csesecreted lu the.coa- ter of the rage. Gld wateh cases are soid by weght. sud neoune eau ms wbere tua l)ead la secreted ustIl the spriais of the case are tahea out sud the led will bie foiuod secreted behlnd them. .These case are mode hy comparues wbu protes, tu lie iiunct but furuloithle umenus to te dtliosu n 0ruhtii. e pdblitc.» It 1 ot piasaut for auyrte teu findtthat lhe has iugged a lump uf ledtlunhfilswatch cade. Another trick the makera of apurions sild goid wateh cases la ta stamp the. case il-. Assa.' Tii. United glaieado" not clamîp soi article made out of gold sud asucer ezccpt coin, sud lhe fakir, by usiug Ibis amp. cents 10asuake the. pnb- Hei beleetint thecgOrntent hai soute- tbilg lu do w1 itte tnuipitg crguartu- telat ite itenesu of watch coses, Anoher ticke of the. watch fakir ld tu advenuie a catch .ýictli,ed ae a moud 901d lleti catch %%[th a tccnty or twentyi uve ycsr giarantee. Tht-rew:tchcsarot <eu- trally seutt C. O. 1)., inid Ir te parchasar b- s itad for th. catch -bcc énd. Ihal the t'ttutîîal n-&h guaranierd thbe Watrciîto Wear . ntinlueKlslt. The Ou-iebriaiopdcu 4Vach COmPatuY. cftcaton, Ohuît, chu arc cunastantiy e%- piug these fra.ds. wili furitîsi the Dames of the. initfaturer, wio are lu The . 14e. Dealt. of As'lCiituiw. qites tu Baîzer's,Its lisa eartieat en- dorteuueiit. Saiaer'"s NewNul-Najouai Ot, yi.]du.d in 19M1 front 150 te SW1 bu, per acte lt 30 -ifferont :StitteMi, tnd o . . l-'nrmer, caouett lisin',lu1004. if You' will. Salzer'as erds are pedigree gertis, brei it tbrotigl careful auloction tu big leido.Per Acre. italnerlq Beardieqm Biner >-îielded. 121 bu. Salzer's 1home Bililer ëCocu'- 200 bu. Speltz anti Miettrttiii Wieut .....- NOibu. Salzer's Vitocria lije ...6,00JUIbo. SlraTeostote. the quick groiv- iuýg fotltlt'rondter ....... a NIO lits. ttulzerte Billion Dollar irasa. 500001 Iba. Salzrr's Pedigree i'otetoes - - - 1,0(00 bu. Now such yleld lap utiu you eau have thent. ',%r. Fo'rmter. iili 190. SEND 10e IN STA.%PS Au Ibtiis notice 1te leJohn A. Shumer Seed Co.. La Crosse, Wis.. and 70 willl get th er big catalogue and lois ot farm seed smllplea free..(C. N. C.) Mie Kuew lMer. Iltibaul-'Whiit'a tat yot'rc readiulg? Wife-A leter front utbcr. }luieaid-AInd what doeaslite @*Y? wife--oh, nothiug mueît. ilumband-Theiui t laut trcintyour motlher. When 'aie haa notli îgtucla b aay the undertaker will liai e a job. ltad'l Board or IL. Mr. Cliton-Do youu hluk the North Pole will ever bue found, Mis., Lakeiie? .Misa Lakesde-Why, 1 idd't koouw It ira esln. Uira. Austinsa Pascahe flouror b"a-t of asu. Afrehsaupply 00w atbaud ai jour grocers. ais ea Mute lustitute, 1849Cama Ave., b. le, oesd"1Iy doegios usk vEA 'ip. i i a W veu uPa ei .do uni 1ke go bo1v het . raufe wur khn lses uni Our Ferons bas becomeOour favorite mel.- cn, for Influeuza, ctarrh. cold. cough sud brouchitiei." SAfflhe roeuznwni hm CaIsl àmoue.oiteueof <Me CmsuISmoge wrg ythe.Sater desra * .A number o! years 5&goOur attention vas ealled to Dr. Hartmausa Permen, sud sînce then ve have used It ivith vonderful resulta for <rip, coughe. cuIdz aud calarnhai dineasofett. hezd aud etomgch. "For g ripesd -Inter ctaerh cpe- lallha. ben c great service to the. i oaa f titis institution."~ SIST[ERS orC CARITY Au V he l1111e status U" . -ru-Ms A recommnend eecently recelved f rom a Cathollc institution lu tie Seuhhvest readeauas ollova: A Prombout Mthel .iuIl«OffSmy ,11 eau testify fruin exprise tee c0- ficieney of Perana an one of thé very best rehieves aMy 11111e -yer-old abiter eto croup.-Mis L. A. teare. 2p Pillhiug tra.t,.Brooklyu, N. Y, Oct . 2.01 Deafuesa lau more commun ln eold couu- tries thon lu varna climat.., te eat b.. lug very senstive tu stmapherlc changea. JUNID TINT nU"nit COLOR maites top o!ftte muliet butter. , If ion dgut h.ow wBsat Founw sot. 1u7 MiraAuttilis Paak.. for w ar soefb. P~~ For yf Du ogvalue"eosfé .711spriug 1 vent rade, hopiusg te be by a changofe Mla while there à fris4 mne te lu! Peruna. Afler no boUtles 1 toundmy8seifver! provod. The remains of My o bcbng nov mse ight I rofflt cureai, yet for savii. I1luteis4 tne thieus eotfpetaus. 1 A lreals iiother patient vith v lcm.. . iebassbecu siek. viii and troubled - vith leucoireOc. lio doubt that a curea yul b. effected." by or. llAfmau .0tM CWsztr a e Gat kSlsia t TIhe hames sud addresaeà Il1 ters have besu vitihledfWt te 1he. istera. bat *11hii omf requeal. Oué-hmlf o! tie diseaies VUi mankiud are due te 501e cala ranigemenut et the miosut~ ing anme organ or =psssag A remedy that vould&et bIc upon the. eongesled mucous 1* restoraug 1k te Ita noriasl 5151 ceeqeiy cure ail thse Ca a taeh bre, vhether It he lu th. beid. bi stomaci. kldneya or pelviek remedy that 'nIll cure It lu. " vil! cure it luai&H ocstione, cures catarrn wb.rever 1lecate If youa do nul derbve prmpt ia facto", resilts froua tthe5a».Pt' write et on"- te Dr. H5tflstý fu statemeut of jouer e% * ho plessed tu <l"y ioW bis ,n vice gratis. AdaireasDr. gartm»isu, Tiieliartmsu Ssidatrmu, " Ohio. -s Syrup P ii ___ t koffl am. th w~____ WImi oc«% s, aid b to EL iwMiuond Fai dPUU&. l eb - thleuri PI,,.STRU CS. 111. te put 1pl osebeJk ~jI~ iý 4. SIST[RS or ST. JOPi Use Pe-no-na o hor La oripp IN BEYcountry of lthe civiis« known. ,Not ouly do' hity rmis. teithespiritufal and lutelectualA of the. charges cormîîted to their CM but they alto. mînister te thir bodUl ue.ds. Whenever coughe or rolde, la gip or pneumonia make titeir ippearnce mong the cldren thete Shaera ara, flt disconcerted. but kuow exactly tihe rem- édies to appli-. With no many rhildren to take caré'of sud to protect f rom Clînate sud disease tiiese wiae and prudent Sisters have found Pertina a never-faling sufeguard. i« 9m a lu a