Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Mar 1904, p. 9

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Mr. Poreip-Caraln . h ave i. atilas ii b eaLrt tgeoff., 70%onad I de mot impet veou t eM. l nai. show yourmitl dreaitfuUy ta leae vtt me, and lIcle secamtuat X am quit. inteeeateitlin." "t în-vbts the b.litai? "I vînt te ica bow Mr. Elebtello @Tp A» or01 0mb, dr 10Lo. Sa am li uai ML',ij $M-5L , ,M; nuAtI' Smal., midau. îrcil>'se sie d mucuu nf es i »M thb1. r ])!b.1lie sec c &gC..Toldo 0 Vahas . aScbools but ene. ~ Vesai ~ "" ~ Canada produred user 84,000,00C Rfa dnpol. In wortt of ps ru nt aiycsr. iYeu.~ Have Bears the. NO,'~AKOOTNO. ~iwssoe sua Thirty Tears rt Free Iand o« ow-picd land t i tryyou wâll î1k ?Z mano Iow ltde capîta you may have., write wudy for petac*las.F" te oweaty acre. wdl u.e-youimchpeb"demL In Wonderful Washington Y«..m wl h- OO4 fa moIu dm"rchssd neiglie mme By wfltbfl ~wdyyuwii lestapsfuIsrs of d". 6w Colol sR sMao 5 to April 30 on t6i Gireat 'Nothfern Raiway L ~ wrelfred tu g»xEASS F. 1. WHITNEY, uud. àIss-ft es'îPU rnsd'nekasA5a al&CssitCkss.lI " amN $L IUDb' If, . Dn&Cro.'s, Ituproveinet'Ït tade sud Initntry continue*. favorabie report* lrgelY ont- aevels lpuexicea. The mont important evaeutof t1 ireei wate two-tbirdit robes Uic bîbtumijnuxconl Minera ta o eeb <ii reoeoed redueflon tu wiges. This Wtll Probabl>' Prie'nt aseions ccrnggl tllt vwuld paralyza maaufactnrtog jua twea lt la beglunlng 'ompliîlici aveérlen la the lal building trides _tuht retard atructural ýwork, but a illumet tulantîcipaleit aidthe copea wrgticr le itimiiltiii ont- door work cta~er pointa. Iletail-i s- trIbutioncfi Zat« ,goods teidiy ex- pand ailnsddealnitoeka are heiug de- pleird becaume «feonaervatisax l laI- Itieljperchiates. ThilaPromises large top- plexeuir>' jibhua sd tilîolfee iders aun tlheseaon cdvau"& ~Trefile delsra are till caualug complalat, and the moremet of emibits ta the et. Louis expoaltixî provldes a tempiierl' ficttîre of importance. Rallwuy esexîluga thus fer arailable for Manreh show a de- ûrease eftoedy .8 per cent ns compareul witlî lAft year's figures. Anotlier week bas brounht no check to the Irogrmsalanteion amil îteel inîdus- try. lînlîroveinent dorseaniit inie sud- dctlii ur h it»e.oan>' eiiaoitta aid- vne frices b>' boiinda. ani n tfie boom four yearas âg. Thisnsiuservatisin wll lîrit benefielal résulta if contiiieit. Al diuiglons of tlîe pig iron market are more ative aidthtei level of price? tends geait- unlly upewa.ul Final distntilii;)n, of ne- ,C«sesî a sii auiicappeit WIU thronghont mont0frIthe week owipt ta thé e ee.sooerfall. The retail truite suffereit raîpideraiîly la lis volume, but smbseqnetly roade nome re-* cover>'. atliough nt up ta normal con- ditions. The sasmer.ause obtrstrteeithe pmrnrssof outitoor worn-indtelayeit treiett forwarding. Iteceipta of lire tock tiave alîowa for- ther. diminutIon, but ail otixer farin pro- ducts excet corn ver. in librs! sup- *îly ad hcarler thaîx the nme week lest Jeur. Activlty la mantifactures rennitehead- way, sudtanet business appetred teoafair e' lent la nilîl. factor>' undtlumber Pro- duels. The. jobtilu: irnîe lias dîscloseit no aotable aboiement. the market% being well stteîîded. nadt purehases ia the. ta- pichUes resebeit ssatiafactor>' volume. Sélections were n-cil dixtribiiteîl lanitnsm fabrWlcot cions sud lotliag. wth tIhe itenaadt exeeediug iLie previous week's la elioc, rubbern aînd woîxn'a apparel. Di-alîngs lu tobae-o, sporting gouda anîl automobiles were iucreascit. sud gocil orders were placetin ola rceries. canne4 goodes sud hardware. Mercantile colleri tions vare reported lIes prompt on ciY tItan ceunir> bills. The receatl>' noteit improving, tendera rie. la iron aud steet icere roufirnuiei bath liu the sggregsîc bnuinets igatiat- cd andin i pris. ilercipta of lumber ru 35 per cent short of a ypar ego. 1 Grain ubîpinents siere 2.1M.15 huit.e cIa. wblrb la 4 per cent uder those ut a yeur eo. Tlh. bu>'inc oarne grain'% iras better than of irbet. but the mar- dk ait ueak tone tlieugbout snd pelecaderlueit0naderrte pressure of hear>' offeringa. (ompare 'it ill h. losezg a veei age irbeit felI 3% cents per bushel and both coru aru.!ont$ 1% cents. Provisions irere la I caseneitdc- mamd, fareigu oritera îeiug scarce. sud values sbruak as follows: Ia pr. 75 rents per brrel: lu lard. 62 cents, sud A riha, 50 Cents. Ite4ritîtît of live stock et278.915 lîcaîl. co 1p thit i7- 06hiair ag.' U -4bciès 4e- clet10 cents per lînni' od weigbt ait 1ieav>' lioga 5 ceats. but the heuslieep advrnrocd 1) cent-. Cigo-'attle, corîmoîl tta prime, $3.00 ta $. 1. oi;.. i.lipliîîut agi~c, $4.)(luia K,.37;,.icep, .fair ta, c-aire. $2.75 t0 $4.50:ù: ieaîNo. 2 lta S Coren. Ne. 2. S ta- 51Sic: ita, standard, 41r lu 4b.-; -e, No. 2, RW ti-.M:0;laiy. timmoli)>, $850 te $1250;: 1îirie. $600 te $1050; butter, choîce crequîîery. M2e ta 23c, eggs, t resu. 1Me tu 15c; potatoes, * Iudsaaplis-Clt % iupiug. $300 ta 85.15,; bots. <hoice liglt. $4.00 tu $5.60; àbeep. cotomontri arimer. $2,50tet$375; erbesl. Nô.LI. 90e ta $1.411; Cori), No. 2 wibîe.-43c to -45c; nats, Nu. 2 whitle. 42c te 43è; -BtS. Làuis-Cal(le. $1.M 10 $7iO; hoga,. $400 ta $5.40; rlîesp. $3.00 ta $4.75; wheat. No. -2 .5tia 96e: coru. Ne. 2, 3e tu 45c; nt. No. 2, 40e ta 41e; r'e No. 2. 56e tu 57C. Ciacinnati-(Vattle. $400 ta $4.85; hogn. $400 ta $575: slîcep. $2.00 te $4.25-. wleat. No. 2, $1.01 to $1.03; corn. No 2 mincit. 47de tu 48c: oaci, N. 2 -imled, hlein fo42c; rye. No.2, 77c e lu'. Detroit-Cattle. $350 ta F475; bixge. $400 ta $535: siîeep. $2.34W t0 $4.25; vIieat, Ne. 2. 99e in $1.01; cornx, No. 3 yellow, 47c lu 48r;e; s, No. 3 wiite, 4Ue te 44c. ryc. No. 2,7Me 10 70le. Milwukee-Wlîeat. No. 2 northeru, $C ta 0îe; ceeu, No. 3 4&e t 47c;- *als, No. 2 willte. 43e ta 44c; ryc. No. il lc te 72c; harley. No. 2, 3e tb 04c;. parât, mess, $13.00. Toledoe-Wheat, No. 2 mIit. 089& t $1.0; cr, No. 2 minci, 47e te 4&,. <Mis. No. 2 minet, 43c ta 44; rye, No. 2, 71[ic to 7&3e; dloter secit. prime, 14.72. Ituffalo--Cattie. choIre ahipplugirsecra, $4.00 ta $525; hogi. fair lu prioe, $400 te $5.00; sheep. taie ta choies.,$325 ta MO<U; lauIbs, commoun10 cholce, 04.75 ta Newr York-Cettle, 83.50 te 8.50; hiff, $4.011 t0 $5.70; sheep.$8.00 te SO.0; vieil, -No. 2 ccd, 0e t0 81.00; sera, Nd. 2, Me ta 55; oesa No. 2 whbite,. die to 48e; butter. resnserji, 12ete 24ec; taia ro &l. Vrs l~l:t*ii ok b. h Mtl -eo ta otr JOnpO, bUt for shape. Contrant tVÔ baud.,if you cen, and yen ýriii b. aurprloed ai the dit. ference betwieen diem-a dIfference mawt au great, pro*bly, as test be- tween thel r faes.. Heile that are Vryblgb In the Çrown Indinte great $=ines@ of char. acter and a atreng due to commnd. But If wlth tits l& cn heait ledis- tilictly amali, Ittcpocccir wil!!be of a decitedly oocelted nature; whercaa, If tbe brIe le et gaiE aIse. you Meay net hlma dow aua belng a ma i wbo will Buccal!. If the back et the heait 19 well de- veloped It indicatesa 4fondnensafor Poailon, sxfl done Who la very fond et bis own country'. Fulîneu ofetthe blad betwéen the cars,.Juat above iIr lobes, ludientee love of the oppoite nez. If ver>' much developeli. great lova le Indlcatcd. and alSe the possession of an attractive perofllty whIll rend- Ii,> wis the affection of other per-. susD. On the ollwr baud, If there leaa distinct ahrlnknge cfttW ikîxfl at IbIs point the mai la of aàflot vî.ry laklug dspositon, andI la Incapable of sny dcptb of affection. .Fulluetsaof the bcad shove the cars on eaclî ide denotes aeretîivneuan d caution. The posseceer of suvhl a bead la a good dîpomatist. A head will developeit Immedlsteîy above the neck indicates great energ. Wben you aee a man wilh a ver>' large snd verjr distinctive dî.velop. ment ot the top o e bend, ast. jîit11w the croira. >ou mi>'macf hlm dowîî at once ai baving great billet ln bis own poirera. He -never aeys *'Ctn'," but alivays. "I cado .e-and-%@.*" A ma's abilltIes a"d charncter are * ver>' cleirI>' wrltten la the formation of bit Bâaiut. B>', tudylog tbe deelopment of his cblld's heait a parant oeay blc greail>' gulded ln the qftei. diMeuit taqk of decidlxxg te irbat particular truite or profession bis son la hait iliteil. Agaîn an expert rmdfliii efa chld'a bead would gve Ia parents a mont benleticil I nsight nto lIa charicter. The>' iroulit have ample warulng of an>' bad disposition wblcb mglît make lis appearauce ln liter lIte. andthigI effeetusîl>' ceck. Or tc>' iold ha Inferniet of the lack et certaiun eecear>' qualîle- tte gifla of application anu It uutr>'.j pertalus. These couIl4 bha ultlvtedjin lb.e>outhtnl mini vlthont an>'gr-eat difleculty.-New York Dm11>'Newsa. Ye .ufferlng Ume keen than ktdne>' stfferlin. Uick kldneys Maltej bt blued; cause meai, alif sand acleg tusecke; caa blitd, lci and i due> ast-. scel, cicf ai>- petite ant lai of sîcepl keep yon al tired-t nud apeil iigetfL. To lea* e per- fet heamtb.yoa muat écure the kid- neya. Sent boi eue eauniras cnred b>' De'a i'.Kdue> Pilleafater-elght Yeats of toture: . lieery Seule, et Pultue'St,. Has- jhondtport, . Y.. Rays: "For elghl .yeA.rI 1cU3rmd ctinaAt7UgOthi'fine, kiney complint. I endurai th. irsrt torture front gras-cl andi the klduey seellos n-re excessive snd.con- taîned sediment lîke brick utisa1 Ilieit to gel ont et b.d frein len te firent>' tlInes a nlgbt and the Iono t sleep wore me eut. Indigestion cama on and tih. dîstreaes atter entiig waa terrible. Doan's Kltuey Pille effectd aa coin- plete and Inting cure. anuit aer the synîptonîs et kidue>' trouble were gone my tomneth egan tenrork i;nsit aboulrL' Thia listing cure. especially lu a peeseit et m>' age. lroves the great Value,-et Doau's Kilxîîy Pilla More coni-ncingly than couliian>' iorita et Iiotis Kitluey Pilla soIt b>' ail deug- gists; price.50 cents per lbox, or mllet on receept et price. b> Fonte-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Write for tree trinl. Algi -Aw-ecau yoiî spare me a few titndreit to-wun ovaidi iLuanou? Fatialer-Wu'at'a the rilJect? 'Cu!If Yen leurn loîw te pias golf, t mna-" "Olé. 1cdon t tolujus l I 1ranI 10,000 PFiats fer 1c.. Thus Isa n remaekable sîtter Uic John A. galzer Beet Ca.. La Crosése. WIa.,, makea, The>' nu acait von tii-ir big plat anui cccii catalogue. tugettie uith euougl4, seci te g8oi .-1.000 fine, soliit Catîlges, 0.000 deliclanu Careots. 2.000 blsnchlug, nutty Celer>' 2.000 ricti. butter>' Iettuce, 1:000 spieni iitOioîs. 1,000 rare lusciou Itadi$hMei 1:000 giorlonal>' biliant Iowers. TItis grant ofier la modeitu order ta Ia- dlue yeunletry Ibeir nurràaleit ueit- for whau yen once plant the o onn-Il growno neothers. andt SALL FOR BUT 16e PO8TAGe, provltlug yen vîli retîlen this notice, ad If yon wil! sed tiietu 2)c lu postage. Uic>' wllm dithe above a pqeka!etftth fâtonse Beriner Cnliflower.. N. U.) ln a Box. Oit Frienit-Secuis lu me ion are ps>ing youir cook pretiy tlff Vages. Jixs-Hive lu. If 1 douWt lelI lente,.asut tlen iMy rite wllido thc cookiug teracît. Wravîa. Danrley snd ipiltn. T'iregavaI cereal. amies grovîug sud tattening iioge anudtcatle posible la Da- koti.>Motana. Idaho.î, tolot'so, Yen. et- eryrîtere. ad mililtii idioe Salgers ill!- ion Dollar Grass Tcîsîte whicb pro- daces 84) tunéé et greeni toituir per acre, SalzeensBarliest <'ue.I'tlr's 60 11e- Osta sait a hundtredt of otter rare tarta ieid@t îLt be offera.- JUST CUT THIS OUITà-NI)îRE- TtltS IT witb 10le lu stampu ité,te John A. Sa!- uer Secit Co.. lua Crusse, Wl.., sud get telrtI>ig.estiilogue fsud lots outfatanseit sampica. (C. N. 13.1 Equalit>' la the sliîre utfnrer7oeent thier aittent upon fîirtb; suit equality'lu, alao Iheirs Wheu plaMetbaiait I.- ýH. vItelagultîlofly ut ivecation May' wel, bu suspectait or bîpocrisy..-Munu- Cetton experts for 19w-0irer 8378,- neatitan or-'MIIlw 'dila Are tlq4viWtbout Peiruna in thoe M, -- fer. atrh ieases. MR. AND MRS. J.-O. AtIPI Ur NDER dite et Januar> 10, 180?à. Dr. Hartmau rucevei thttc 101w- lug lelten:, - . sM w Ite tsd becu rufferiug from a emîcîllon of diseuses for theîiast 2M yests. "Mier case hait baffled tUic ublîl utsoin. ef the ami lnoteit physicensu.OUne ot ber woet troubles wasa clîonie consti- pation of several ycîra' standng. *"Bbc a&sewassparsnsgthrougb hat meut crllîci period la tte lite of a womau--change of lite. Iii June, 1895, I urole te0yen- about ber case.' Yeu ait- vised a course er Peruaas sit Maall'a. wticb ire 51 once rommeuceit. mndhave t0 îflî It cotapletel>' cureitlber. $te lirmI>' bllera, t1ttah. would have been itcad ouI>' for titese ioniterfal remeities. ."About the atee cIme 1I oeleYen about my>'wescse of eatsrrt, irtict lItd bei-n of 25 yemr' staading. At limes I iras aiment past goiug. 1 commeuced te lise I'eruanareording te yoar Instruc- tions suit eotinued ira use for abiout a yer andsut Ilhasnempletell cureit ne. ,.I oer reas« do AU M« >w cdIaf àer ihac. and avn more. C-etc* eC4emo t *it wsseP aà.h km comrdLwlu o recgËmm . Sienn e in", 0. AtkiDne. MON. ONDBFPBNDBNCE. MO. In a ictter dater Jannery 1. 1900..lir. Atkiuan n s fter Ove iears' cape- "ord fo erm-om la aesrom* mcaà Lau voeiiag mmcaIMaàe vckft advr- tlaat for Pwra Auh"vi 0 UUW$ýPOPk d*urht" h.Peat il#-rh s'kh . uML*8iUC,~ ladepa«.twu, X&-,e Whou oIt age Comnes on, catsrrhal tII cases corne also. . Systemlc etiret in ai- meut unversel la oIt peuple. Thiîs explalua ut>' Perana tas become SgO Indapuusble to aid peuple. Peruna la clîir safeguard. Pernua la the ouI>' remedy> yet devlit titht usels these cases exscty. Sncb Camnescanant be lreatid logalir; uotliiug tut au effective systemlce emeày r-ouît etlre tbem. This la ezactl> whist Penaila. If ion do flot reccîve prompt and ail- lafactor>' reaIt. fin lte@ue et Parons, write 'il once 10 Dr. Bartmaa, givkgnaa fuil otatement ef your case, sud ha ulil h. picgsed le gve ion hi* vshnable ad- vice gril. AdItregs Dr. Hartmin, Presîdent et Tîje Hartman Saltarlim, Columbus. 0. OPINION 0F THE EDITOR OF THE sair ou tb. western I --NEBRASKA FARMER. ed Stalag. Oueabha berlug 5000 huit ve Ha Express« sa IApproval et Azzri- rlch grissansuth 1eau IlusîriotaSeCanada. be. Durlng the 'gluter month thel. Iea T h e" enMn ufth l.faml>' consulte wltb lbhe ther of Canadavernetl# ateebers as to thc prospects for the of Canda l tewili ni future, anuitdoubt iens eue et Ibe mont hegetoveuorliix lnterestlng toples dîscussed t at11of Ibespaawestenor ai Moitiudte soin. district irbere It la tien wten przut possible te more cash>' aeeure irba leluGovanneent tlb.»se neesffar> tor a ceetortable existence,.emuea etfe irbere t Io an easy matter ta e coe e a10 scraerllfluh posmmsed et suflienlt are land tete s 10rtate.o wbile assure a competeuce for tic future. opolnî>'servinsit This flt only Interestt the heatetCnnsrngof pi the famlly but ever>' Individuel ment- 1 canet rapine PIoc ber of IL . te wmdraIt haw Haistng before me Ibm knowledge-Ia.Sïe l where lie can mecure alfioee itlte Uic 01 ApriI 1 expeuiiture et but littie me.>'.Il le D11111n9 the lestI 4 ire!! for hlm te obtain aIl Informan Pors pera1 China have 10 possible regardiug thc. praîdntveness PUTNAX DZ ot the lInd uitithe country' that he May' but 16 cents per- pi select. For severail >eara poil a large number et Amerlcaiis have enfvedt us Western Canada, ait as nescl>'asaIt iau b. aseeýrtane i luiont & aol'th e"e ttîveciêpwasmd t tbely" ms atislle %vltt the r'ondltions that PiaIt thece. *- r)tring the past aumuter s number of the edîtora ut fatampaperi lhroughont tbe U'nited States made a persenal vis- l on a lotir ut Inspeetion, anuithttcre- ports eft Iese gentemnen prove inter- lin reatilai. Sr. H. E. lentb. edtor rit the Nebraska Vîrumer, a paper en- joylug a n-ite i-lreultluuîj. usoselI as the -cothdeaci- et Ili;suîlisîrihers. atter givIîg mimnlte e fthtcextent out iIsT S woudertuil ceuniry,. surs: -Western (Caniiaih hettclast linocen- pied anuniinmpeoa-eit guet agrîcultural iitla .nlncri-aiailsttile-to-dy."'o le then iiseuqscesIls posalities fr rîîlsing ive stork undi tbe adrantagea l possesseq for dniryiuig. tarmlîg suit wbcat growîng. atnd sayc. "*Whnt bis -' lu-en sait about tbe countresa thb.e 4M M0.1197iau abîlît>' of the soilte >'leld et Von. itertul ereps et wlieat, la qulte mati. i D Te .qîote turther frein lIe. Heath,-'3 U &' tie says. ceterring te climat.: W 0 corii "These peuple (skepticlt-aoees) do net sOslai mo r e lîze iialtiltude-more matb& Sà ibalatîîite inakemlituntes; thot cuperito. wearlaj large boies et inter, bot trest and uU ala et suIt. tuat neyer freeze avec, exert . au&Dy ihea. la the wonderful Influence on liente, Ah- worl& otbrr iflence un climnle. more po- Theyiare jus as guet lent thbm those namet above. n-lcb tuthsa-%nt t c h aplili.5moretate tclberta tdistrict. dlffrnc a ate pnlc le thé mauntChinook breezue trom tcthe L dE#W-sh*er. l'aulit (Ieanirhî~blu 100et 0 Loit -for naies s L'aill Oean,-wbït l (Mor 00 prieinaon bottom. miles nearer than Colorado or.Vlyo- Dsagu vueus ume minîg.beuItes the -Rovky' Meusin Cetfldun,vwt%1 range l8 net neutel>' no tgt îîot huItfPues0Cr Eowade I se fr f ronutt e ean as il la tain _watt$ ______ tu te States. 'In- tuther roiigdeltlg té lbeinfne ot tht. Coadian îîralrleg,--we sboîlt nul loue sîgbt o e tcfuee Iflu- ence.o er.enins; the total av-erage ralîîfall for t esen a tut 13.115 Iartes for ttc terrîtorles and 17.34 lui-heu In Manitoba. anuit lat the umounîs tulling between Aprîl i1suit Oct. 1 ara respectîi>' y9.39 inches aitli 1287 tartes or about tbree-tourthis etf the entîne ralafaîl. Fionet teMidle e ot June la ttc Middtile et Juu>' there are oee tire boues more dnyllghttlu- crer>' lreuîty-tour leurseu Iitabter. le la Nebraska. Tit minîressua wb>' West-- arrn Camnadia wieal grena le sacb per- tetiole t hie efeccl of oa llgbt, or tongerr ierioti et iinsblu>' Il gets cnt-h - ita>. This la n-bat nake s aeits or grain mnie.perfect. grue-a la Ibis couui te>' lIma elacirbere. Thisiuextraori ne>' t'iid gravt utfvegetationunoter te lifluence of tis long centInued Be spautîne excets uYtlug kuewinl lovwer latitudes. "We de net wiîsh Il unitcrsteodtal t fl$ Ihh. whmsl gloe l a the main produet et u ,ng.l ibis country; It lests lu that. yet Il la- * destinait te becetue fautous forer latl- ,t, hqrisandutsbaep andt for lt dar>' produe. Wjq. mVmere anti la2311 lue « 8fcattl aia eep l g>asIlugl »iaiuala aMd Aberta utiv e n cnglyg 0 .am plainseoft liUnit- utd ef catlle nue- aere gmuiig ou thec t tep vîthout nun- Sof lhe Domitnion *ng the. sumeener- bite beanunaed ton îe, mut on applîca- f tof tha Canatlan e60er mil bc able lte euftlug hlm biwtlhgtvehtml he A Iag au>'Portioou f - inucing domaiS. woa cura res I ice »0 Olive strt t l.- rade Amerkcsu ax ELUISDru mat ndgehtie a"oi dith Curic ~md g*atest of dM ,st for tired, fi nothers, whcn al

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