11W PAON EUROPE. ..4 a&, Nein York, l ic.woDabY, améI *X-Are Ceming-Uu lmemi.a tb unt bec. uttie mtý * làeuwtdt lu 'A-1 n mmutments « So« 1t ut t av Nsoewwan. h-mdu né ~ rgodaish forimmigrant& rakIieI fou *'U BUà"%AB--éd XP&W:point for thlis season the otb-' là hou towUs And t6.corespo.s& javeai over 10,000 passd thragh bhÉagte , t~spo ][gland immirnt station. YXew el ter4.tasbsa U iribt,*vlbg been landed frtrmteln'«w'h eof e om.g ThqUds or tha e veomere are ' PdrtlgM.1toot ~ *Waélsgf romervice La the Ri». W *;Mr. Ob the Hamburg-Âtmcria lit bàs b"ens... ea tbt au no ' «baabp Peunsylvania ve-rs2,2to 6. coutrary oriwlhsea4lu wbom conol*lo was'Wcs deplor Japrasa. bttlshlp aodboile9 I* jasaeayhâd couic flt knov nt» 00.dte 6. sJoaigestorna erhlctlpape mwdelu PWWmeme" iyvae ported for 1 <f8 1p 7ma se m«»0fapport. or bacause * B w M éw âtbt Obq hystclly wvan dWmble&. Theze e«(ggkOUufaOM* -~ al ý4,Wg suM I lld laboreri .aumn, thecin, <t"U5 udtOBi'a s i be b* e ttiti mo l tm aise vqrs wboe famileset ÊW»1*3. i uma Miike. Ai *qW r, 19ëta fifteen peope, ail .2 vhii the Matai.., vblcbsu thé, ylb IOIý4r beu nfaim tabbren ila--Eunrope, sud usnib-1adb. *s1 1oe vom there semsd go111*10nuaqce", b. ta Theme 4 xa "i a Ouremploymct tber vere aideW eft lbat tiMkae hibau evbla. baak. obir once bfd l e' A".,y Ti as 2la or4tag5 écuigkints beanulsnded la two day.. Ta t e nit*%I k'« te el lqwsels. wbi,h lva.. carry 4reat iinaom-mle . Îta Tii Oh. fSto zq -ba. e1t atsae pAssntees. e ~i la- ~iht u o staudîiïtIr touly*t bours. Wltkthe lb.f s ap»e s aWbadnaît tgt Ou 91 4a4" twetvp more vil) arrive, behawu -the lb Itanaurm.*e . ha8,~lnmigraata.. 0bwl«eh- n"'s aférfu - @ m I"1 ~GU8 VC= OUT. el.tte U& a vs ~ a - ltiWet -.abobai. ta, Ir.xoýwxý, 4&itýTrsMmésoelIn' go aes. Aua~pp r whib .h 's i Ge com.I lb. tactiafvas10 toaIt -fa, a Quapre eos eb.tac tta" w.k as nit tr -DenaBroencame uTai eai eh.t lbe.gb lb, former a tala lt. position gsitoa. Aiev ma llu. farce lb>. 1b<Ulk&Ad< bq ivIoar espreparlng fr a al.aB'rtg te tbe ord. 00- due l»aoegos *aaiu, atueut've- mille. authinest o!r tuiepeudence, the~ Amacor Oit Ca*mpa oq lmthr t le Iarogitin luaotiier mKeaisa191i bera vfttbà a padit>. aft over 300 barrea spasý *w- ..A nu-beirofeltbemwetpw0j bdin, la a few daiys md tbere la geeat calte.'- Autavu<s Cegala uSai. Huit o e Utc .ps emucrp SOp- caunarleniuthducState viti havaene crop, vltb vlilch tu vo5. 70.sele sImilei l ost. Louis. Nm.leaders. et tiheaniawtet'u nilon, heiucdh AlLertYaug and therq of (leag, vers Indicti b>. St, Lota fa.! jury for violence attendant upon a sttke luntaI CI>.. Dynmsite te SIsi lIamen.. Drnunie va. miat! te mtar.the po.- Pec aue soigrtle abat tbrestede In ulpe eut the ten uofItmDr*&, .. ' Iliat>.buildings *are burneti; he. $18.- The Il'h. larice Mm eb 3,000. noace Wr Tbrmea5..d Baebaînsti nesi8Weber, lfexas. 10 libtr, sud nmmm>ctîlsena s»edurarma- -A itumbr o! nueaed onuti ou lwai bte es.,wondlis ibemu. Whte people jasve à, 01.ia arnui tram Saratoaga Louats. - * - eter points, and Sainar et axterial sii" o!fulie btscka in tireateieti. ler Abiame vtth OU. - 4a. Au 5cm.oftfarmere andt teapeopie acèstht Itocky .river i Ollo joimed lu 'f fLltiag S.1umîna0oIt ta cèvendeti ht Ptea. Ietrolaoaa, esepet f romnt broitec pipe lime bcn*aslbtbe river bal i Liverpool. Propeet>. fles. ahnal Tino Ar.al4de »Optb, A. i. iswest-beun.i MhÇ"m cai fe.1gbt traI n as eehl<e.d ip W4;et .lltae, M".., by a thîè II< Ittr ldgecleai ihat sngb. iu7exerat» t*bcbau Uipeaar- th* etsu expadllle l'h.R adEs llMVgtylis c j lauzthon et,lie repctci he u thab tàupadohoat desetroyer* Shonl ot or 'bis Raàanaare musmetionte tyai Irith 180 lMU a. Tir u c~are piuasi. lb thl ISTiaas eliiaste te due nordu of Anja. The Jpna e oashtlg cf *beut tvanuty veuaels, bombanded Port Arthutr Taîsda>. nIet anudretrlra mthe meut. tku:- vithout mn>.mattal idagie LeIeg soie oit eibheé' eie. - emnanalcallo frthéb. oga,M. leU's lepaliabcd la Ut. Petuiirr g '4tan-r Srrobsig i. satmmpt Ittuaè aON nlet regard Kore au beuest au *laI VAi de soluoutltars la eidanea tath leas la actlvel> msking comnioa cans vitI JaîpRn. ne. report have' beau recevai aetIthe touieP eoff r elsainerela Pail. iot- fihtale a bourse rumior- ef ia r-et jap- msal efemi, n-Lin proabblyrev out et tea nanrvmcd Obamb."eW rto the doomt et 200 lep=u.ehi s are" oau %Mte Chr visitedthelb nein amirait, doeV«aad t BSt.1eresburg. lie %,.. "Icakg 1s14bel va. ebeertul, and ami- huai>. grofl 4h. 12,000 dock n-orkt'rs Who turedetouItaevclcome hm. It l, aperwthélb ar- ofstnu !the KIlaIa- césIka tasfer aiM&tig '1,000 mc.ýD 84a vii a remià&laMa. f n tha. Tia -Nm e. ue boarisi te g Ui.~lu beir lut 04 "ira csmla oV tb* ice, Th. iee aoei.s rf erai tled a"Misag Shat »owumftar Fqmee asie . - Ahori" t8.« Ienwuon *tronguaý r4 A roweeVix bau bffl'llt rd et. Charles, rive noge..*c,. * as aa rmuit.. of, the m rac fal$i tçkea fr0,0 thl àiuds hi * erow mnnMd shot todu', be4 wers JamesSith, Lriej'<1h Baldwin, Abe fialley, (Oett n~ ~Two more uegmoes lmpllcated:' hivç !ftptiared sud 4t la thought tbay vil 'WIththe lynebing of thes-et,** M "Ion4.*#&"t soys. heretofore suppremmid, becs W, a" @il40 >epoô h omd publI ietait tour Other blants bav, b - tor oie !! 1£7dim' ter a.pcoia4 Iypcbad.The authoritien aaPPafftly r Ps a te eet ftheup- oun lb. h 1#.cdnh etairrufrn& powerlesa ta lipholil the 1mw. iptelpmon cui at àg ta r l gïïlb. Tul: A ta* daya *go n diMeiuit>.0l' tht 1111V ut G 8apids thé dîyî but ~éw qaèer "g over, a trivial motter lut st. ChiaiS. *]Mthle =tauitêualv.to.oeo.Itn tn'een a white mon n4med Suerc a "boeau Ib.wfntlaÀ hMsdli t' ilYa Po tv. negroca uamed Henm'> ugi W koryards vfeIbi lan a Olfrtlmg t trusîuixsor tberei ,04,91. Ou Meeoday ltse two "myea !*aLj(m4agr.eroi Bouc>. ndhis brother ua tr hI8S*OUU ~ lobut pîraaito ii Charles, and the dlffldIty wns raliew., tgai*% 5 qprw . Qu fte o va twîMUis. fer hi"efor ai a pon '1h dstrftk both c=tcsec rcy'brotb.ia oiel èVafaaUI ap gt~a~a iut otbu-troa etlng on 00vIe theb.oned oiti a atable Ica, oefldériqu* pUll>.,d, aittl *1>tle. UOtlmThie paragraplaoppropriltbi 900 -theoi utconaclous and fracturaif t*eIp *taiPlW*y eut off, wlthe b thb.eaJy of a purebansluga etf akuffa. One ot thora m,.y die. DM y- *" « sibu"ddsouasehat osir PI'9tombel)epnrtmaeut is eta Sheiff James Klnkpatrlck attempted tMyte o Snnoli, PIs larât t cfthe pbs. The fortilllcatlis àa»Puriutlee errentth lbnegro, aud lhe, too, vwis kuoct% U6Kterin IDua f ?. F1 ç.billDtras sentta 'conféenace. nIdw.w is* Stiaoue il*1<. norihend foi-A mêw&oo~4 sciv oùa IOL Thenegfoez then gathemed and deidt Thd boe tabnk. u eianîte unt;day rmntlutuedEOl B, -e~oid arreut then,." Their demoustu-' fdlrsttied district. lT ale ~ s d. mrto m bitu e i tr a! HAEBGAM. tiens aroase the rtir erof the citisens uJtiea a J.upesla fbh Sator f a s aaad__ cf...... t.t Carles, and thie>.telepiîoned tfilalté MV<> -tle s Mtý *gmfor Wsist r ~c~m i.>. t w.re in -- ede l frspusse ta .comnteUnelprotte' uI..O2tate N*$Aon a rdtalier gave notice tuait the aevlce4m the gSome et War. themnr ole!o t emth plce %o seif o h loslgnafrMn e Or i te0tbousudChine". troupe P. A. Duglans, deputy sheaiff, vent wo0tic elt mttîe oie 5.unoie o! <haprtat7asend ofr Marcha ouar À« t Ubabàlkwanlu tbreé outwltb lIre men Wedniea.lay momruing. il h. I < an ua«utliùbelge. ,av oir41 IW:b bt pl pelnsteîbilt a t)4 h heb na.vitb NMW. Oout<lide sud ou*nblîe the Constabe 1L-C. MeNceley went forvaréa< *a,,1y aoa pa. n a' dtSt ie esa anla dl ~,e a-. vening Mc mntutàl. China bas 20.000 -Randati Flood, WiII Baldwialn d Wiîî the et lIsti.ztuau te: apet«.sq, ~ t.unr k driliedduiven fodernthaîroborne ,hsudrotd. He Inquired.et1el-.Ltiieereuuas fa ftôté imtktbec oIftlaem. e wfr heGrgln.tot> pimeore tflnaa alBaeri inai bUa er p-aedb> uu Thurlar îxten mn let DeWlttforâgnt Porîsai su Vinenne q lonS coliuanI sll ole ade er ê'moe_110 bÏ re nd onte ofdtrle. iare!tows 1Iaât t.10 at'frth ovi sd nn tc tb. e sdrain f m5o Stae obailil Cia gi atnc d telmlasEïhtel udman. h §mou, beotlea trlol, âa theodamou f eb s tviadcdtita 1tr mela tin* deeton.Drn tee d nît ense tifs ,4Wailivplaceéto thelomesadrit nW.auydu-bl abi havenuedsfor. ttépisoe vas teassengforedtii. Oimu- Thtbsda vab'lt.dBa l tif traeewlnhumdis nht #00f-41011D ~a~5p~p.vnsua ttc yS ia.<eyvr ltdaib.a ifer -= ts Ct*mf.r l me Norevli ante rsIos atcse ie. M.Puo n boisucd aral tuto n frt abs.Dek patlasxtatntewtr.mdt nbi tad tepIeis btcan parti. Paeoui 1vstplti, t0ir f btusdvrsaui n>n ias wtu. a orasno! anour ien e rt aer tlataai tsdia vurtAabthe tke srlul> t ut '-da ofrauthetroubiole. rtenraid = rre 10Hau e aeéethe ognandodfrthee La- -t- o pnik due~oe,.2ti.Jpe. tariwe bets lb S.inti îL e, egr and CbatenOv éir eitt gue, imadiamt, «.ad nt te aU lit w~t ou écdds> for tehe.or, ai ~ ~ 1"ým AadagaAamget Mevusudvne. levri ote bad ers friedtohhlmb lb. nlnpl atwtSa. nnL eus of. lb.' ia d siviebilnal avedo o lan len meviaj*aailg abauitaIoOt I. iu uthaï. postIee-rpentaxIltatlons eqfoirtthei:beauntahna aid usclairn bill wtl 'auce JundIcV.i"vu mseL àuros. h Mack Batdint Abe ny s»« Kno tb tii. tuThe.Juoil.levinle ver .4oaal a. ebdotle 'i Mr. Pottaoac. dl- barbet tanetta: cotehe et dulaiesubparti .2 ay eeeall lt arit loaond vhonver tueamugroa ver it l le. l a xfn n a derrbu e a nU. Baker frNewlas tiYoâil r k coeimtte t fla,- ,ap~IaSptlta erpd-ol lubas .%mt-ln stuT ha ellthe affi ers . veut theneat- daIn quridebobm reus iîe eeti ett h uhrt.o b xct Iobt hgr hl h «&d fati usé]wre camlh rniand n ie ilU 'wt sua kme orplanta. artWa.l-banii t gvmeta îk od gi-enbofte Jo bei or pédobus eIthe eand the nfro waxebutrti n.aod uste, les bav beau rcita aolaut do Tn e an nte Monr.rCa orche" aln fe th og r p . the .u adIsou e 1~~ abat dthe i diots. St Chre ntisla,- thhe rnals e a tjM ,a.odpi at> ,oin lbi su " O rdeitti trder f the Penim-a age àdmàwg bpiutntIl omistnl. tt-m l ot it Û »eqa ru '>he>.ca arauaae a t thidlie under la, lIait taf e Oflg tu sde adta*bS 1P1i ieéhrngoo i mt.Care Uedn h ogl #vog aiimItia Th e dluiscion on d b ad ~~4i-aemoealk Baldwin, AbenBelley and *Îth thélitatin "fi, fdà* tiiioë Piathédeit e,Ur. lid il are 'Thbbrulths Wey t atl efidt hescsf icetaat. wnere rirens tt- nin i en. edte r theetin vi e #a. vldmace thé dîstity.oftii.' IBie th, ltued~1h, * le t, i, andtThu: lsre~ayndta eore 11toe#handet are plantsiadg luantiaiiebor itsihé tvi bta ais eorM"h j0 Wgs, foie ataîpimisi f, ck Iifl q Ut 'uar e td t . .DItbcain Otta, el.o tmlaaVaryarenry. e ux n aQiledtth(.. e oa- i nsilui» asort cf gohveoinn-h l fimt.Tl éw "h.Wit n aiereii-wthtereglatt i on ue bary nl ja" WseaIDtebpI a aso WcaIsLDtaI a çuL hAaa>wlere cf bIs rtdvsaig)bpWTON Loca.' n. Clarkon, c.t misc se u c. i ?al ne- ipdauclorres l suttttand et000,O0IOZto'theeldtir>.whttexedstaystr aas usad *-ets Le ileveti t thepone ermamai t ry nteralion -plai f t«a iaie &M irte ia!nas.vd. -founau svitatîiue, oOrereat . . The Dtit th 4àint foré. No- PrpeçuOletrag fi the et tlieavu*nghtdad of olombe xapt.nathe bil wex Sm iudauat ant tht ~vonTi coipaasehdafrti Irme theada- - - . efluad atou tepor- 'b>. M.The aier ÇK.l.bituho rthetIa ixgth itanm .hé yen ris ta the l e fObfa staIty pie. a. osuAi, aMnt Ls ex tra ofue>. - veunty.tPes fieranvlu btiH'tlrnaatanIo suto «»;, but lia'la-w toed a Wied-urange.' -,eold ute~ee taiaatua s t duereaou at ht e areaie! brritgai.J.ts tD.aliDiaetrichla a h. onuoe City.tanti vtOl battantoael-to ttn@ho1ThtdeaimMl. GtaItetttatierfl n dl mai liegea buekt- -' - - thenuone>.il.t d Y'itusnslareËael d e a aut. bitecontas d .aWofh is dep per au S t m ýt ur " tm fte41A o!d Viresnt he Detuc cm. itod. 'fa. 111 uaio$hn 1.. teriLamei a r- --S-W- EX1NSrua psses in o!ferib>.ulabrtc bot2etdrt garera-:î,a iaaleee .atre0 e ntuato lor ,li'ar len (*78,"W.expert ttiimeu t 1800- show taalcé. 'o-da heestoae by BURONe wNITr. ; t'il(U lm atd te îaa-c e thotela te xur ycnras agoh st a u npotined tait jryreîaîad u i one îa-t, r. la Ilie lI moe Tî'aîpeechii b, huaItai boytuai>. onhitaboiseantilitaaiîtmmat agiîn thetrl n el dI u la S'JS,00,0qO. c ths sud iardexu tuloth ar te ham.. itaan ue.îaaa a ypr acî a oaa .% a ea ta, it ic pliftaI coamm'agiy01te e neme ntt!irerltle t lte Anti fo rm a l a out rtmtier a ffnalthe . a Mr. . EO . .d u6oî4t i- th e leadetr ofitli . sini,.î.at .. A saw t o! nceepîîug tire em*hbâti beau 0e-rmcta »rottaba ràoadià 6ldnfou- l"Luir 0, Usna hla ,aanIuthî.et O0Oyutlachîige)oth at> ati48- riîa tw« coId avethe T i tie t tai> et-en9veaer---- f2 at '~th ie ratim t'. am xiihi.'ii 1u$'. asla " o zan0a.0try et pesio lye 10 t lasvy. Ont 10000- otieae inulea nd tver> exr aal. thee 10er treàa blé e ,at t ticfrime urgea~.1 000 yenn litath l B t a arttaBigalofy bea ne uued,. l e. î psîot.tecu a fd-nettr ti iaala olseracci.0 ot ti- laT.a i aa.ai.i-- a cnt s ia aa'- n'tula-n ctfting ii' uymta tr tac crisas erti tai Ihens tanlb arifo r t t h te eig ntiate'Wh e Itostbn stl.aei. . l. fth e 11 tiI it ci .'-aiu lý1 otin n s ta te etiofMur teL it s- r.Thrihe a .3o! thwùert l eyar- ,r~tao b u t0ihts ieUihelStaa-aaaît.',lo 100,000.0d0 yen ftnla xciiequer bud s round cu teir tuI e u re tit csis fta ctu i emsiau i tht ibct-t ti~act[itt fisbîliîla i roi lus"i nid,2300000ye frntfb s là nhacruetstad when t iprichCman.t ae i mallee ie nt r. tîtfi ,11 ail' uiitt tthêP-u t iôn, of ane. S itis Want 81,000.00 . n posisAI esio gof ict u iri aner fdre ak es .,e~.~as.'~~htal ~ tt anttid.iekee ltii do raluti b. a empran> l.. li>. a git ta n i mp ca u t up t,5 jeufrth al tu riiebîh au i ne u l'ru ly.iiialrtt9 tam ac ent e uti ite=on accouru -dejach tomhanltu foyitay frais hoakrafrs e ra <ca and uittn ih . dlatt liflica .. i toed cerah trm 1ritaDcma@07lsn8.tc. iaitta ftncii alrynnaind tleb>. taa lt o fit ionfax tla ine a u it i iti oaiunIt -, . ~ 4ý chai air eseear 4OeOQense . l' he D trIn o!hie hnte ls ouics orfi eu i ni aeO oibnm-l- îlr tutat tatttoiýin dllea -iiue. - - -work pine diua. e be i r It - as aitarneLoy, Iltwî r at itll iipp r aiIlol i . tIo_ À ~~~- Scomencmet ofaînna t etthe e nd forat ii vsonslan suri as vaans pu p- 4. IL U r tuarei b>.0 alrd g- î,rtinttiiacli. o uee-pto auitii ti rb. I 'arstaed tif 6,00 0,000 Illefegein h e a letn u oole)proomalr. e ,ir io n ofhttiit.aa s oiwhia M erectl- taprotei -t townat th onlrlu cîheque bons, 6l0OOOO yenlu lmeroeIag iate. tear.tB>.theng tivmae cheecks auof e, li pIla ('atîplasU <Ka.) li a sart-htlefe dea polal Juiebvlcq, aal Tll e n var($e78,000.).Orye nialaneonMo- A ult i n.tla u ytit t be ia amp ia he i. raie:nae andco ege Ltr epc- lb roetetaripor>a!th Ita- t. sga~i aanulaa~IJtbmdi.sea. dine. lui rec: elp. sud d 8, t0 rmaven-b>. sh Miscounr TPa cîf roInstof tlc etn ?lao imd 2. ilere Lend lîrthiat parit>; a fui 1d iiIiin i lt au Hamr 0 th Wî. a<~Î aitlelE. lcleu ino efueaicf acg6e )03 . S CxcfNt' ot thuse ie ti aof l fi tlc learwet taUwop .0audg trointie anr's rny ka. Le supr te . J. Bevry yan u 11and h or tniei1. lIftvat l>.tio a rs e. ar-v lie late sa aIsVont rîetarna Ros00e0 yecnsîd b a actalyo en d rt Anthu n ar i 000, b as t ricla t he or Ju i arerllken. natoi. forn ia allégé] s . iceviifin- bThe-aill a, mortant bn, lu i burethatlii,- - ô 2 Inumnt. amn fr h ries dR: P. heobuon ba n d antad. bsgan Tnhenl lilnc ' > M cln e t.angm u nalnt teihln sain' l M - lieceaniteisabn ad rou nIe Scuptee ai Days <rastad hs cnId o he agn-wo..,chier pit e uacos nomtend for it e ________ Then. Katu.tbuiae IfPlan k ne ju t he ex- airto c (ola i w li a la Itete se t ot'eJoffical. ta n duce ' VIaietn ita 1 Ja1.1e Iuebe anl Cp ti Pendba îl .va- faS 210.'l> l iit ls ta th e 'ed f atc w t fintr. T ous -tuIl fth n te er nt a^avorable 190écisioa n ~in iateret1i c lu -ji p itea Cr lef is blieg lyna. Uota 001> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1000.0 yene, ~ u~'at muer I Tt lsl so gi inon e lia erboPnd-* ahi.nd.ude ranea m ig ure an lp , are etirgath i 'ý or te Rie for i ist r ito! losi. -h. dapaL u~s44fjoê.a in la ly, 25,a0Q,1000eyen rntadu e ape .rnigteIbs re . 18a8bp suta 6vé4the ap. easo t ar eresviigotetli uat pl. -i. b>rfiii.ms,~ta'aaa ii ai elandiu troo p lu We log. ltallntin Candgle ol t 0 5ficc e - motis laete iuinp speaihtn ra$le nt-tis anal01tevt-r crlapmna hem tbb'abiapain unl T hSetnhitutolaaabpeflmiedt mth f or d ana rm peait cf the NatAie ai er a taq e naMi taq Kill Ina- h11 Ielitou wsal oek salelal lune. DD~~~~t~frt amuenl a Dpcm, 105.5 aeuinGIy tia, Cî: i t r icn h.lam pteritnadd Ifsaa.atelgîeW ' a b ittbas b oeau th e titg Cpt 0i aloesiae V )o snc - t putedta 3a0î0h0u,000flyen eiaii,. le 0capbl e o igItllegle a idla>. i S cs eul phttc..1suauportait once9-,Mnun o! àil rlisn-a.ttrueatena 10re cpuni aiin i Wua egla ickia t'. nen vrklig u l. laeret1. ! yi. u a endttu n a tive. et ase thelu piýoe abii mna int ae o ru ral urred 1570-t buS rétervof 40,0h0Qviii 0, yen . T ýI o naof hl% a. . lb pWc est» ern bn ga Ife -a a âr Ify bt isn Initial apopti on otet!.XW foula P-aqIa - ~gorafet P lIa tam e h, a n uch- Ith ba benlatttacailuorete a u>.we . as îii e F iar. Ex fortoen iiiie ti,. G teeur io admse. iaga ttirès bythe issuaccaofilMpropen tu"A.Rouhllrtillenim ntea.laA eW o tapreecttb*LM " t t e ul nlued ont, n-at de, mai10. mI yenptin lv .- cfha Iiapd N os te * 7 «W U N lA W Çafi o lais, la Imd ( lpb n ( a .jlta sp e- efn sha=t I is '1m i o0u en Tol n ita i la axs 7,000,0t 0 enc baWl4an gtor sA mi u . an,,inst a lie atrvihap wbas h ai tx nuetIle ".arras eniimonq divsh' otei v i tcreiaflc y ua of thlii - eath e t mUt h*$ ou a.r 011111ra'alg hus ithesd.,lcove sn r- a r 00voa.MissourisPacifev tran et' -ed Il I. ItUOIS100lad.,tht thti An My. PWiiicia f . ute Kn, etlu e Men arie-Weste. acosinlunce th iiUg than ere b>.l Humer of te W1. MGs. Danie.s icklon, Ifs ai 'Kad ofh- c-aj u8-B o fNiork, h ei Y6.,e ~ tocs.., *he olast is I)nldtuien mis, Irpaat-oatdusaloas horri a snporlt W.et3.uIcIdene.:ing,MgIt a Fort h ln aytr é* naule. u'tgne ài hefn mu;ntheonlbs ugb>.t Ulsiw" et vbe5%te @ib>.se a mie anth é Czear'@p. Oui>. o1Mfo.2 i. nrliat etdo ude arkers. IItuoShot m a2ciioen or tianut. iéoOaooI isl sultautprtantl' finiet- lit a. baée oùele. > cb>. ideevtne au gek n Pot Athu mot l8lt.H mml debaslabrua or are ien a, mantisolb. inhle ear ts b kit 174. ataolsifh lredarrtia ai nU lii. -e butht thase .<iot5eawtb 4e Çoain te aI auWa'. in b-eaaognsfor ban lca. iai.is4i vas-sent ana>.ge. l meh u Bcier)ltm in.sdicorn.yGnrlK o! Ib i M beee.,.algi mn c in.ass leaais-cofilp f gemt of Duewey*. lISitartheAncouaoau aI Indnnolafosa., 'a- Mmee !Bnaecmuîte -e S tes MGo a.ýOUo n th u siarn!hesscuo orpifîtg looitit soin Te tme steistgifutraa. a eula ! onre. arîîg-t a5~, blo, plia thit Auirlcue ese bates vte %iab The ra i Itnashe termlne Inatense h05wo n etilboo jtr. utUIltd ltt, embrs-!b.Sni.taiiteg br o e al4" l' - *et loelnquise duawdu>. uat llaandl tisetrouopei tela W onsan.or tI an dTue Prle n ei l,,latta aiccithe u té. is' e.'. ethe deèoîaisae a! n otlu s tîo t tsthg nre t. O Auat eus r uer panat>. 0f bavluSon*- lait hye r t i'S ,~ 0 are itta lu tq e o B i l Inc rei iPota re enui lA e s Jüe.ad ta ýà ltigles ~bati " t a Eues.achpé,ituvir 'dOer sela tue. i g Federa oIflau lie- 1901. 1 a remn Ioleil t b u tIiiiir -- so neau Ë»àcn ut > oiticfu ano u11 iftrin !ta ite ltsn Bai vb o Cl'cens e> >etU mince t4. ansian evauwutlf tgeredaet t uheIosii, mme d b às r hImns.He tcetmon tius*as., wiethnte ai thch=oge .at ag In the lateffltz et the 1878-9 bu aaa, 1rpoù*tas.. neai nt bote4rIlot Cn loiuaiul*. ami. .te orathe Poe *>i&IM ' . . tî- te us, 't r k-1 - ut ni tIi - mi 'dl ai a n a - h - o -- f a k a.' 5 a - I - t * c -l -- I -I k'