Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Apr 1904, p. 5

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A (GREAT many of the food producto sold, nw a-days at low prie mare hardly worth carry- ing. home. No one knows thlu btter than the houmewlfe who prepares them' for the. table. We sell Urocerles to eat and at much lower prices than the sane qnallty can b. bonght for else- where. Nearly ail the careful bayerm of Libertyville are trading with uu. QUALrry and PuÜCEz brlng un tluer business. iDarby Brothers Bicycles at Wight Pnices Pianos and Everything in the Line of Music PIANO TU1411G Gentral Une of Jcweler's Novelies s (R YB n. s ietvle lios - --- --- RupJ1JTJbPT!YiJrJTYiJTYTWTVUi,. s We have a complote line of Ladies'. Gents' and ChiId- ren's Rubbers We have a complete uine of Men's Mackintoshes and Rubber Coats SMITH &.DAVIS Liberyil, ln jLoC4 i tems of 1Interest b F a r m e r s a r e o t o u t h e a n d p l o w i " " a lla s o w în g a n d .p r in g le u r e l iy e . . The' subjeet at the' M. F. ihurch. lor Hunday îneonng wil hc. Po)jîlaritY.* 111 the evenlng 'o Mie rD.Ir. Robinson on liia aY ceiit est a f)rtnigbtll vudît ts, lh"r iîîîoti-er liait other friende lan Galeria. At their meeting Thurmilay ev-,n'nrg April 14 the local Eator Star lalge will11 iiitlate candidatffl.. t,'iii,.'rs tais niotiîc! DIr. Frederirk Martinî. Llîyil îiwph" , leid j>. mely ioeatvd in offliea a)vel ehr '.Store, thie roaitprei'ieit- iig an înviting ipwî and alli h.ig furnielhed coxily. "Te addreu.sof lDr. lrilingi.aiiî>ý1 Friday evenlng waxs one ,f the' ia,,st brilliant effort&, tuit ver tas ,rc.1 a rLihertyville alcîi.Thîr.'s ,. is l viv fair a0dience. On April 1 therp ei, '-cina rrî.'.llit th, honte of Pete'r Nclm,în,. r. Wldo .Iorgendson andal M ici. .1 iîioîni'M. C hrimtensen. iDr-Itît,îîs l ftliairi'a Tihisezeellelit paii ilre' t, l iiith,î bloue ileîng vavate<i li J. It. Gras% At their ueeting Miniîî iglîilth village trustes-e arrangai toi,,alMitruc- tiinouta watpr trîiîgli to lie. lo.iiteîl in froînt of the village hall ,l j,1rugiomtrpet and supplied -ith ssater tr.,îa the' fowing weil. Thiîsactioln v.ili1,e ap- precated, partkwiîmlyiv thlune.,,wnerti as it wii aford sa go. etjphi.- t t.watcr bornes Tht' ME_ l'.in'i IM hîl]tîî 11iVîîal da'orate-d lfor F.ater. lî lste' îî.rniilg a rarely intereititlg aalirt'iii v.alil'r on ,Wi)maiîMi sJoni' tlim~iîîni. Iv N. %. W,%Iïam es i. national orgaizertM. A Society WaA >itabliih-1i. lisfic viiiVing the'Sunday echool Eajter porîgraîn wax very supeir l. is(] ier-'1 t.,a full lionse Geo. C. IJamnof .lC 'ieî'a.gî,. i*, ti at igar manufaltoryi nrooiasis n Sk-lai)i-k employiflt i)t i Iree' lr four îî,.iin a phort time. l' ie lak. a v,'ri cuperior cigier and you Ilias' tht'e mt îi.ti,n i tht' saine tinile ofinsoking a honteî.'pro- duct. loc-al di'ale"ewîI i ai,' tutu, .,on sale ini a Ici' " tk . The plan.) by Mims ionnilt WaiIey of Clîî,ago, Saturda.y, April 1 il, in the Union church, promises to lie a mont intereating event. Mise Walleyisea t.ient.ed young artist, reoiving highelit pr&Wa for ber wonderfnl interpretive powes and mature municianahilp. A program of rare messnt bas been Aelerted and will bcubIisibed next week. The' Steinay M Quatetalpsofut ('hiago, wiIi aselet. Reserved eat ticket,> )il sale nt I.ovel'l drug mtole. Therp le no> ittle .înjîîimt uparelite of pupilà (cîne ie,î of tan ,tiîmr pubsliecbifîlm It i el the loors hier.. not b.'en earuled eînîtiîethé îrimtîîîn,> vacation and ',n"eJroini i iisatin tooîk physiiamuails il fini mit wisia i iîtasili Ireeeing plaît for discaci' gerale. Anther manl .anipiaiiied tilîiat1îiîlesai.thîe mrnai ee ,ienîied a.i fiimiigatei lie nbiiuliitalke hie.. , llli'ei out of .ciî,,l. partic-ularl.v i fi lint nirent Ici er precvail.. %We ,ieiiss D .iretar Sclîaqck îandîliec itiîl h'ie oei','<i the serublhed nest n-e.'isbut thlîglît thiat conditioinesî ere îflot am 1,1.1Iliîs reîi- reented. P r,,. Kiîilp ae î,t the samne roomi. are really as i.ud ns the tisa Men final quîjted asairt -Tci iullars ,and ,,t. eim j,is tii. I inariitiîg alte'r liarîig il11aboutiîthl,' t >ble.'f,%Ifiî. lîioi,îf hit llay. ."U4. iJaliîl, f lîe nana' i. fi.cure lenaugli îî.imnumi' I n ant-d lois i, feta. leave theii.sacter of lier parents*viroof. jH.' n,f,-tcd t,, Mr.atfon nir.. IJdIerg fjuat, as ungrate ii il umgetiterally do. sihî iv i" th fatht'r.ýin-ltav auîîlna.tiicr'ii Iaws. Ire-witnt.'d ta, liv.' alaie sitiî 14. wlfe, and t) hetter iniirt'.i5tht' îrgenc., of is deires siîugiit ta f.riuiy take lier away. Mr. Lambih eiii. a liont. got iuigi3-aînd ftruîk Misé. Lieîî, f,. Iei..' the' warrant. Ilîîi 'ert tiie' lefndaitt aid i' wa,> just kieaiag an.] liîîgging bis xviii. and trvitlg t.. urge lier t., g) sutiihlm. SBbc anore lloinge anîd kisees ivere bioxis and. bites. The laii. 1,ei ve j t eamut ai tht river i.rîiogc ast Hait Day. A eîiitraa't lias tetn eiîtred l t,, ii Pow.iar Suîpl ,tîîmpais f.r igitîng it' village 1strts. It leq for i, terni ufttirt'e1 years at $16l25 ler year andl pruivides that the' ligltmshslail hum ..very iglît unlemso.rdereaioff 1Y tut' villagre. Ih le estinîate<i,filgîriig ,on a baeiîsoft iii Inoonliglît ight.' a îîîîîtlî, tîuat $270 per ycer nll e' de<lUted rain tthe' prie for niglîtm the liglita. i10 îîît l,îrîî Tht' cumapany aiu.î nlange 1v.' urr lights andi141iihtitilte inî tlîcr tlat.' 25 ilîlun- descentlaiîs (If t2 eanaîli.e ivrtalie îlaa.ed seber.' tin board i.iîall i ,iiet This ailgise adîitianai lallîllita dietrifînte in ..e'tins of tht' village wbere tbcy ire iuiaî.i nemsee. Fiirtb.r tht' coiupail3- grees tII relilir tiî.ir fines, net neîv poies andl generail.vý enhaane their systaîni. îvilîiîrepaire iv,'e com- menred *tlis neek. Tht' neîv ,,ntract takem effe-t May 1, and îînder it tbe liglîte a i'r.. fîi rufroi uîî îk ilit il 12 Bai atlO Rhaumatfsm Cured. 'i1 have been subîmat to selativ rhenma- tisîn for yeari," eys E. Hl. Walîiran, o! Wilton Juncetion, lown. My jointe were stifi anîigav1le îiî1 mîîî.î pain andl disconitart. My jointe. su<îid crack when i traightenad up. I îise.lCblaînluar- laîn'.. Pain HaIm anîl have t'Pen thoroughly cured. Have not l'ad a pain or aehme tou ths old trouble for man7 taon" e It I eti l a mot vondr- id jébF 8 aY~L tB ~i~ ~W'E ime. Ovor i dUkey b,23 o4ý to LibertyvIlis Read.w-s. q Ltm u paVgru NEWBPAPRIARTICLE HUNT 1'. Frank Wrght i.' off*onîa i,îîeiei'eFii.irthi.'.iîî î'vaietîîSip er trip. t.. i klAhOna. NV. E. Miller Nsis agalîl ,'etaid Tuptlay The Egepr home 1 itrlu,,roitit 'lai r ti.' womfie 1hélaislivi far tic ui, inirl l'rn î k îii ' a itig sca ri eit ,'î,%i - 1 1 e. t v ille t îw ie i iî, a îd îale r fn i, of la lx>y Ilby was lfr.vm to . idi'i L. liîgg Friday of hiet a, .t iwli,,t t-t ainl.aîgoe s îait .'vr.arv liao (tî,rfîii thaak, t I n n, . a cu . .g si îvî'î lîan. I t Io,,ked eîîriv Feitiîin wit lî .1 ares Trigge a.i1 r ilv la% ail tiîlkr ii e mwaîY and biît fAr oine (ltt vomr rhk.'and fg. jet i. Ni,,. > im .t mîomîenît- intidents tiither' th. fi.'îîî, i îîîr yard i- il---i lu-. . îiglit ihave heen diflerent. i 'lief oft>!tese Wils i>'tt , upon Miller pub4liîdl tht gvul.'stoîf lei'sifitev . Il. il. l'gr. W 'at r.î1î'ieso whieli werp oient ta Lihertyville Go05. i llidmioin <ýitl it,, lli rel' nd ii,îstribîîted befon.' the' voter aîat on.îî c , îîirîadway t ter r ,>t of tîî,'ir î,n'akîaAtts Tneday'nîurning. flome 111.t of .. 1Miller endé îdelh'ped aiong" the .Mi.'Johin (rlly fueit iii,. e.s.,id ruiîr that Buikle3' had iîstigatpd the 4tîlvî lut if Ili X.l0. iii l, ona' et rtiarlefa nd ieurc-ceddilustirring Up DO lfrl,i î ril trP thùjIN --îk- utile rcseîtnlient and whieh tnrned a liilvii,î. upri. ti. .. of o arie'tso, h'w vtîtee ijefore Mn. Buikiey rould gel ,,î, vi.,,l 1,y- v iîîple Pe ,Itzlit priccs, at an opportunity to dî'ny any connectione W. MI.i Ase27,1 mitithe lacSuit*# elf iipoed tamok. In Eiata'v a a in ia b lei.i% 111,1 lîar- ni. t-t 111101to,îk tafor granted Mr'. ii,> tIitirche.'s were fil'.i i..'thîe atînalet. fuikiti uns iOA gniu.aiît o!the .Su*'@ Tii. wm.rvie.»m w.'re fine îîîîl ,.iîj..e& a l] ai îteiitiîil and withont giving him an Il. J. l'atei'bhat,>odiib.s.. ii:! op,.lls-liounltv taexplain tlîat lie wae flot, î.' rt-e.i lre ePtallion 'ile'rTop, t etilýÉt toîi lh e lis and hy tuur votes PIariî'.î tya , rnexii rilîî woog. îxîpri.î.es r.e.Itleir djsgsiet with Editor Tii.' W. C. T. V. wiîî I.1-1 a notîîara owi,-'sm atteiîpt ta vent hie; perional iij-ingiit he-homeof rs. . H JuPt "ite eaauinft Mr. Miller bh3 i-ttiag n" i î t i t t l î . ' h a i e . 1 l . f f. i . t o c a p1 "î a T h r e îfo i an.o îq u e s t i o n Tue, lîsa ttînçii iu t a I ldie nbut tue articlet1'W o ît a feu v,îteg for iit'.l itlkley. 1.- ti' ttî îc. of C. .1 ,lity, (..el,., Thîe uffiial r,.etilta ieI.r variailli. iffuatee wh iî, tgeleen ependlng ,,ei. ,s4.witlhbis are,: iter. Mire.. ) ayn 't .-îîlttTui'sîlîîiy aepaeîacse t.emrt foîr T. 'mie. Ticket liekget niet hIl it re Freîîa'lîi ilîafute,'ii,,n, .A1ril s t., ,lK-t'<t iflli t- i l.. i yesin latfull attctîda.i.. .1-i, Mi ne 1:1 I'tla Iionîl I.,, - rhîi md the i.ît adji liing tao5 ,mIii5 r-t'y ,oniJ Brait,îr.l l,urt. and -ci ste i.. 1,110(l n modeIrn rt'iitiîe souil c.F Sîîîale, F. iiîll and ' .1. Biî(-,slîîîi îaie among l ,enient î,,îîc, forN hoslîîilirietor. t..,aiiLc . IL tfchliatîî, ush,, sel n. r'.c tau,therf j .1 'if Iîler lut,> .a,îl l i.. . i. l ,rFte a lýt onîîthe' new i i nnt . îîetii Dii,io mi tr net anîd l'ai k ;îi -tnile re<etly îlpell"l NMr. Yors.'%s,,Il l eijouet Pal',uiîI n as î104leto.l'ave the Pres1 y .vlran ilospita I in. (lîicigo this ek nuîîdi.. at home .(J hie parente lu Shoridjan, vht're ho i. ll -iin a .uîuple9 Ttîc aînual }Knights oiftIie- Globe banquet %vas beld Wedneeuuay niglît. A~ fine mirca.l and toase i larai'teristie if th~iere titi. Nint t.. î,î k..Ili,. tlhe t'vtîi tige tInIjoYit t.1 Iftttn tue n I îioîu. il'r',,e witit %si ,.li.ig off. .'ll intte. For maa.-I,ý Weiiî -ýM. 1i i. 27-1 id saf ,îî..î ri-igg4 î'oiîtitlte vcr3 i.%%1111i i t i. f elîý,«. ..' l Bm"v rfi nght. ,' tcîî ii.,il,- and lîs is iiýl-ii ag.'. ilîrii,,.t Cm i i. Otîiet.. n% viii lii, t,îrthî5'v yt-it,'îl r. Tnigs i e of u iîi s; sizofin Enai. 111 . 11 . i .,o .IIga.gto<I li vîîî.c I pitis ý hi ilanfiî-lIt the new nwviiihai. liairlilg îiliiiîli vatlihé .,i.l. ifî. î.i,f lil ,. ec*.'ufe', aîidfor a ifîîîi IttîjwLilntarm. iîiee,,els, teari,tt a i beO111 r rA N, I . n ,,î knitî ,,îîieîI at thi,'Trottitîg Nett we.'k ;î i.ieSentietivî .of the North Shore 1,îîv iompaav w illI4fint Llbe)rtyille ti s. ire trontage rîghte ne.ea.aîrv t., hlîî of the .--îîîpîuiîî mîlaîne 1lr.,îîglî111,î ti'eptos îiîitai tii. th(e glis I-lvýlî,îî îîîî iii are lai.], It w111 dpe1ýpîd uamiilnîîfîi Ilia10 will agre.' t.. tse tht' gais mxi fîthen il.. umpany stîll 1,11e' it asc fi ..îLais, Iluff, but thent c-eiai ,uItiîîlllinci. Cia1. . for theiiimpîrrve- nuiiiber <off %tî,î i i be ai.eur"l. At hontie of NIT'îind Mma. Thîîe. Sage injliurti-t1 ilî,r 1,vVille ailNlaeineiiiut îîccured the ilîlri ie of their îlaugliter sarmaiî Hi-eîîto %,'Iîi. . of i'.i îtthe sanie' neighl,,,rl i.... -,lRev. (Qua3-le otit.a iiîg. Sout..'e si t. il, iibors and relaitiveg iîtaicdthîe u,11-111,1137 andl 1,rtookisof the hl,,,îititîli liîîîjjg diîîîîen. It %an entll Tliîîvs.lît.N iîortling bl,te î P)ung f"îise il)ii itendance toois Uir deia rture. ait îîîifîî on aud .vling îf plenurp heîng vrîî.î.d. The groîlmin lea mon of (ieriîaî.lS 1, r .'ck. a yatlîg tmatiof sterling quîalîtî.. and Woodîî habilts. Mm'> Scbrerk j,, a ,oluiar vî,unz lady and enjoym tthe - j*et and esteelliii oa large aequaîtîtiî .î,ý The yeîuîlg oule will liv.' at tthe s, li,.'k hontie. Ttîy left Thmîrsday foîrr I ort wedd,iîîîg tnp to Waaconsin. Tired Ou t 6«J vas vcry poorly and COLiIL hrdly gel &bout te bouse. 1 wtt dired oui ail the dise. Then 1 tri cd Ayer's Sarsapanilla, and Il oriy look ivo botties te, nake nie feel fr.N>. S.winney, Pflnceton, Mo. Tlred when you go to bed, tired when you get Up tlrd al the time. WLy? Your blood is im- pure. You are living on the border line of nerve exhaustion. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 81.08 a baile. AIIn~ Âek ,,v.' .iit uike o~f tliii gTade.ld ftwI,î, îulti.. llew b.. acetd se Il lO ll- Take Ayer's Pilla v»lth e Sarsa. lea. bey acteos <fig Iver, cure J.CAdaclO taimo. F'. Cr,îkCt tien l ee j j t',irie, 155' I lLSIKý W 0 C HSmith. '13 M Atlil.,fl .Au oe Mille-. Ho use Clean ing Goods.. p Now isathe time 10 thini about your hougé cleaing gooda. No mater what you WIlg want. whether it is Wall Paper Carpets, Mattings Oil Cloths Linoleumü Lace Curtains Curtain (Ioods Bed Spreads Pillow Tubing Sheetings Feather -is .. ..24 J, Krucliiîana 246 J. Linierry. 4M H-iiL MSTEtK. Joe .lliltr, fan coletor made @k riuarkaile run and aurprl.ed even bis frîends. Johna Lîmberrys vietory by tire.' vote,.sens unlooked for. A. the taîwîî board Tueoday appointed Rudolph Epkier to muncee R. W. But klgy, resigned, i. .imbrrv*m.lectiîa> planes aIl thre. hiîghwîayi I,îiîlsimtr east of the risver. THE TWO VILASE TICKETS. Cithasandm lPeoplee Party Place Good mou lu Field. ALL FOR WATBX WORKS. At the town ball Satîîrdajy niglît two sillage tickets were îuiinated by the Cîtîxené' and Peoplesm parties rempertively. In the Citizen@' caucgeni.inidt'rahf couel@on remulted hbecanse oi repeata'd re.fusaI ofimnsnatned lor tructeem ta aeeept tht' nominationl. Finally .1. F. Clark, Thas. Kera and Ernfflt Davis wt're prevailt'd flan toacaeept. Frank Kern for village cierk weut on hy acclamation. F. H. Jumt, Win. Enîmons and 0. A. Wright seere nanîed asvillage corn ittce. Mondaey t wax amSert.ained Ernewt Davis xi w. îot eligihle, not iaving resided a yenr in tht' precinet. Tlî.n Thiom. lsertî witbdrew fie@ nains. Thé. village ev,îaliitte u' .uotited fIL . ilGardner' andiL.. f.Haîihy i the'îr itwal. Thae ti,ktt stands: Foîr 'Trust.'.................... J. F. Clark ........... L. B. H anhy ............ H. (6. Garn er For tl'rk ..........>............. Frak, Krnn THE.lKli.I .T[4IiET. Fllî,ciîmg tht' (itisemi' caucus the Pci,lec rparty a.u.iembled in butsment o! tfîe hall. Their ticket swax. îumnîate.i l'y a.elain lanîd im. For Tvsîetýee... ................ Cha. Boyen ..........>..... L. J. W eib .. .......... Wn. Skinner i t i. as ,iccided tu ,enîdormee F. Kern for village vlerk and W. A. Dearîs. Riiey Hardie and C. C. Dalkley were nanied asl villagec vmmittee. ALI. (<tain IEN. As hetseeen the two ticket@ it im liard ta ehoose. AIl are gond men, are for the w'ater wovuiaprovemetit, and their eueeeei or lefeat will be determined largel3 by personal popularity. Noiissue or principie le involvpd whicrh each nuininet dî,ei< îot endore. The questioin of mulnicipial improvements in tht' laul- paigiî slogan of bath parties and wlio- ever may le' eierted, next year ivili witness iieqtaliatian <of the îiropomed Niater ivorki. .ystefii. Electuon Notice. day, tpîril I19, at village bail in the vnuage ai Libertyvilie in the' c.îuîty ut Lake and tate of Illinois, an .ai.'tiaii viii f.' lelujforion ie village eierk and tbre villa'ge trustees, wbi-l elî letio il ili le ,îee. tt seven 'clock in theî' inra- îîîg, aîîd shahlis loi.ed at tive ,,. la the evcning ioi that uay. l)ated t Lîbetyvilfe Ill., tis ltth day oi Man.'li lu the year ai oh' Lorn.îie tboueand aine hondreeh and four. 24-4-d F. 8. KEux. Clevis. 1 Have the Foilowing Lot@ for sale. Lots 11-12 an Hurlbutt Court, C. Frank Wrghts addition to Lii ertyviiie, Ill. Two fine lots, sume 5Oxl48itoa aley. 12 raom bouse, barn 24igr i, modern i mpravements, frut ofa&H kinds. Situated an corner Mlwaukee and Park Avenuem.. Twço lots3-4, hiock2, Frenlien adition t o L lherty riile, l. P . W Notice. I nuil. not ber responieble for any defts contrauited bY mY WUle MaY MeYer% B lai'. on and alter this date, she having lof t ny lied andl board. HAUT L . OLIM. - We have tbem al at prices that art right Yours for Business, 'PHONE 29 LIBERTYVILLE - - ILLIN9 AMI HAVE just recesved a il and complete lime of Smspu ISpriag trade. It ia withot d" ubhe latest and =W Shnl e evr .own in Libertyvile. Ail the VWF IM mmd shadea. Your Inspection of these gooda wili fie pec FRED CRÀnOKI3R, LIETYVILLE LLINOIS Travel is Expensive; TaIk is Cheap. Stay at home; let ypar Voes' traveling for you. Yon wlll b. ln constant te" i i entire county and the oountry WiAh one of Our telephones. t Subit"m Rates, aie. per day asd P. ReAi4nce Rates, sc per dawvI t, g ai g g g ai g g Ig i- and 'lt. îd- .au diii the Rubber Boots Rubber Caps Rubber Coats r SILKS W ECARRY a very nice licw of Silks thias@pria&'~uU for WVanmd Trimming purposma. Du-y4mg h1 short lemgtheanmd remuats we cau mli themi to yo< at two.4hrdmof t ma. ne 7Sc 254ach Foulard SUlS. AUl SiI Mousseline de Soie ........... q Oc Silk Shiped ChaMIes ......... 2.25 Gmu d oem. ck 26,inch Tafleta Silk S1,25 Omciisud White Satin ........ -. * SLOO Fmy 511m ................ o, Ml. White md Pink Corded and Fancy Èoeboi&M.e SOm .worth S2,00 per y"ard...... .... Retmmta of 50c mnd 75e Silk .................25 A fine lime of Black mnd White SiIk Laces, 511kAn ques. 511k Medmilioma Mid other Imaionable Trlm&lg THE PAIR, S Sring Sampl

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