4,; dpm*S vospent sunday IBuê* ome of 1.1. ë tssas ltD loa Dm &-the bckaet ça Kiou I' ua' p tuOU, miae cms Mýwé viNt wubista match. ~IbPaiuwlum me lbaprbug ,* Pramt chter eol v*gutarbibemuiayaslu T om o Vanil"uber p*as»ulittu diKsNw muoat o, lia lim#fo Wr seboo l in iota, IMMsk Mi. *o fthp alisaisi îLe lmauiileitlv laCilagoon.day li . M 4adsnoai, of Chicago. le, ai = h elV tW&lb bore of ber son, fi m. l. M. bmee, formerly a r4imm.bgsebut oM 0f st Paul, cails ~ ~wiol-Mi8l Of o!Chiaego EJte, uis làuitaay at hom witb *' àRm4N*.ÙmaiSchesl are vlsitlng Uti orner bon»t,itar (m C. aman and daughter liom ouda" evenlsg froin & vf ii intI h aàmo relatves JC'AmmuaKigge lait londay for viiersbce exoorts to ipsit pip4Wtsoke vIt ber frienti, MmrILR Uie'L peeb and Glenn Knlgge m Xheioialter opeikding severul l~ a ' oeoo, 'VlsiiIitg M. E. 1etbeoeil8om c LE P. Wilox, as er osaW dint prontste ie spui ee n va. iretnifrsrted. hoaoa aWbo" lot'\al umom o! ust&g ulw&y oexteaboo.n ti i duc *onu. VéW' la i@duli ts manager. viii le MIuteet in ltlivestigating 'AtibstW u'metigwill bho hou at RocheMmu Sitr, Apiril 9. Follow- Iag 1»hl ts o.rnu.*; EeditgCLap -1% HmVetplka; 18.<Mr. Crooko, 14ai15 u. lUas.' SocIal aprit, (p.1 4; a, ; 17 mm Pe&Pys bomgbtfine tumai of drat -~ ~Wl ~oiudd leuoislagtlb nies -weaier- NOuet Caba 1ssI~. uaiobeiâg aov sd vs hope k stays rim «gin abone i ohlr m JaEshorr lit rsmodshlng »%W"gsmtl d re l~sm *0lb eMWster l. adw.. I P~0~ ther ~ Steuli Vi.Ço,, *ad steta . ork 55O~lhsi atiSiji heW*lkm W.llou lbe Woodlawn lb"wbimsvstyaaer- p i, 1, forlthesum LIX O4fflir, ý**ww oh viita0&i.bosteover ho* m1 o CMOcg, aps me on W bis Ofda .Einkrew.E Idfft h b er sItar lii . <ioo p vak ofi... R. Kalon", a" aiea Ut ce sOtusudi lpg bubs n a Vauegoa A a asa ovier ! ai a., reler aiDlanoti La, po a * mo WUo Rcktlsr mavis lesat elbas m i h amu i od asterbve bu 0 tme , té t o Iruom Dr. 01% bslo uarasi t#om a Iylog bon Mouds Wimot, o! Waulcgaa, = 7u" iN ber siter, MiseEtina over uàa l'aura NPoa, tif DePlainos, Me Va#l pout vel vILMr. and Min. ainis",MW idffl1 i* tber grand. parante, Mlit.dami ie.W. W. Omt. The CbwIailm Bou7ae boluipsmeet- lut ivilIh.IsM ait Mlidaevungat lhb"» OfUIi M. àski lm P. F. EMay. ia gloslo.. UuMmeeting belimAtte IL Pom' aftwas"lcuierch Suaay evs.hg asinâiatapuah. «saira so asat .y e inositenjYabl amuonqu't. pmoem am eau" MW&eai t ibe Kinmimda" ýTi. Tot vbW" m~s e alsgngt Mmss£mima xmile Mrli. =n. rmthos e onter thsls e t Fui ittst vanadle ,am *Sh b lrougt out a <vavisi booms Tii. pmwmrnt as gfrWmhly W vii b thanik ontfrIends ouM ael*OW's or dUtailmm ssand synu- pathula outwe.ailerevemcot, sud aima 1km. bo wieraii soesetions ai tlb l'Rs im pooosated. Lait WIRDtb o"'st otiîof lis y MU4 ueolx. lu iv Uttinw *W a"odm" et st giehu49 viiboul my beasfit go hl ountil wvo oommsaesi ta me Hanta Hoceoy ai Homboni. This m&s$»u.gave iummei* »Wvi ag m ueraih". I1u sUa. M.e Ham or a s u isbemlI -Wb*A*t le quit. mIII i V.blirg Iahavlng a new boit j9 ot' àEsWW7 Mi i .Md Nwootfor Hermau B" i Vatxidb tw.. quit. sek with,~ 6toaWInnéawSsk. .Mr'Pméohaow's tinfant daugittel le ýq tu wth buonehîtwe - Q iê iile i. .tÂrnedff e i vllt ai bmve DamWinW.. lit. tinge i cago, Wiled onu bu uncle, Mr. Jusching 1tait wek. CItIa. Sturm shippi aaumi o docbk toadef Obeg ablTu Am l ro 09 Dr. sud UmMua.W r4buai 8»"1 witi the . ilitparent@, tr. M mili J. A.. Mio.. Sundai lMay lot wM b* ad, tbe savlvensary of the Prairie Vew Union Sunday sebool. Mrt. (ha D. Poulton thiutglt tlegraph opertor ýmw bsep tmràsrued to Kolue as day op4intor. ise Dora Foots spent.Baater Sunday and te iroipart af th week witb rvlatinlaChicago. Adolpi Stockehm baau iss attted as a nuember of lte order of iii. KuWghi and ladies of te Roi (rose. Mrsi Frank Mitchell and daughter mi" Josuie spent a kew dauo tii week wiit relative@ li Chicago. Mrt. and Mra. C. Fle*aoland childett, o DaPales seiuter vwlth ihe latter'@ parents,1Mrta n r. H. Webruberg. Bumine.. at «iuman'.saMW Mill le boomtg, quit. a nuther of mon are bthig as bard astey cuit svery day. !>yof the youutg ladien antd goile- men from titis vlclnli attenisit i. Rasier danice ai Long Grov. Monday jtilius Hertel in pantngasuddocorating the. interor of the honas on lbe Staley Foot farme andiaalà tii e "dence of Mr, ]Laminer. Henry Inglebreeb> la very humy witlt a staff of mo eut tl6g tihe btfidngq into shapeo îLe latin lately pnrcbaaod by lir. Westerfteld. KmisChat. IAhhncit, lims.Everet linon d Mr.Abert linon attended tir cousIn, lim Mary Morriys fmerai la Chiago Frlday. On Thurday Myrts Kruegr accident.1 ly drank a «mail quanhlty of lnballng ÙI4 bumrng br fae, ouhasud iliroat. At preenat h. e n povlg nlsly. O. salurday Louis. Hertel 1.11 down maire mai cula de.p vomon uber Itr*b@*oL i m el titdebse ves quirsi int "m tbe ,woumd. Tihepatient le dolng n Weillau possible. SAbieuti *lth ad'Phailea AUbrocbt viasidWaà.gmtM ondas.thi.- former tslkhig 'Qatbhs pap"esma ctise. Ab,"mmfWomaaaa vista Wauksgan lionday ta o murs hi iU.snshlp papers. Os'lng tota i rsilf of tsenigitl operatarat ibis place is of thei. week tLs 1200 or more paLtFoa"oW 9 utbe - office we4 sUrwbim ouvenenesi by roeivilu. tdr mail iwo houri tater *»a msal sete raroati enupany would net havr mail trown from tle. SM0 morning- train until arrtusgsm.nta wers mai. ta have somensait. depot1 to car for lhe mail seee. Rallier titan allQw any baclwaati stepseilutUts ervice tse postmaater Las aang otihaâLve an employe of tihe pootofflee receive is earty mail, lieglnialg Pray (today) andto ba ave ts .çarrsm @tari ont carlier on teir routes. bard o, oe 'ma Âlm 1ia le s .b". Sprn a ilonla lb. Rverett sciool st wSk. Frank Gibbon. pent Enter Sunntjy wtb hie parnas. 'S IL I Wbe.lr re tly purchasotia pianlo in Umtcty. JamesTrsIpr 'vlgorteerection o a fn. new lian.lZ = nrfuttre. Mr.sud Mr& Jas. Brailey &M ai uly,i of ChVLcmgovltIe la tlbconntry on lest ise.. Heyme mai Agites iesa bob R ut lb heEssieu -servisseai Deeniel lu$ Suaiay nlght. Rai au, Joeepb Ooenor eam BéatricesCalan autd ei bprimary clan in tihe Erorot âscith ils week. , Eection leib tistonshilp paraeti an tari quleli. h bulns lu lat, a ÏsoAeWln. How about our oistev! lownhipa on the vt, Frank? Pa" the igareor tsebon bann.. Mrt. a muiit.Moiy ar e cteilng ibir relativai. itMr, ndMia. Riuman aMM Mies Du m ow spZmba& TbeYviliiroain otmlmite bopoaln àl'îLe Exposition m t. Luis. Aler ylevling tlîpexpoition iboy vIi otiuo obui liaitotur ofitlb vold. Nothint lquai teCtedmtbatinme (~suawm las ~ sv a "On thp oà Osi Lble Anotd L ê 4r - -a MM. MIDabe returue omie W.dns- day oif Imel eek. mter ipendlutg tbe 4lao.Kufle and Mlii Converne cd! Fox Lab»,o 0à î it e Ot of lhe wek Sate IoMBWp*bm he bre. Ait t'e lion Tit.aday the. atraight,. petitoic k4bexcepthttg mspuvflor -wu alotetil A. Raymondi olvlug two more votoq titan John Goding, 141, andi 189., The ilber candidat.. electeti are: AL Cook, gfassor, A.-Power., totti clerk; H. DM1. anti M. Donley, hlghway commiothev for north duisrct; Gem. Prouly, justice oi the. peàse; B. Gar- dinler, oasia lie. The hoatiL and f ragranice and etrengîli of tse geoM Wpneforet are condenasd lu Pluolse.aw di.ovry t uplu a mevwwy.*lcur. for 19Xt'.dse. eaiculu., rbsumatiom lumbago anti everyformoiarlnmry Msirbance. Raid bY WILL HxLrY LQJertyville Ding Store and at GitAYmlA4KE PRaiuMAcy. Will finion w». ln Chcago Tltursday on business. Mnc. John Roing and daughterCe-etia, are vWatng frleds ln Goshen, led. John Richardson and Franklllroiirnu. were lu bliago the. irst o! the 7eek. Joseph VoÏt and daugh lot Carnie, vlstod relatives It Chicago tat week. Arthur Front, of Chcago, spent Satur- day and Sunday e~ith iio parents lpre. A. J. Raytmond wa». elect«tl aupervisun, maorlty of twi vot* aver John Golding. Mms. L. B. Rusieli, et Chicatgo, viwitedl ber mother, Mns. L. M. Rusonaitntd otlwr relatives th i Ot o!flte week. Pinessive contaes ail the. antiistic snd beailng propertiesiof the. pins. here in non Bore, bail or abraion o the. skis tat Piaseaïve willonot cure. For borne sud cuita nd an a faoily salve Finesalve le the besi sare ithUtsworid. Solti ly Wi.LLBacKLcy LieîtVrlle Drug Store sud ai «aaveL.ÂKs PmÂaàucy. PA IATn iNE. Ht.. Fred lolet le on tes ck liaI. lir. Mldi g and tuvo celdren are on thé slk lifft. J. I. Bchiisdingconmeneeti buintm ai assor Manday. Min Lydie, Beknaaboa.fur lier guent hils week, Iise ilfy Coen, of Chcago. Mir, sud Mr@. Chta. Smith, o! Clilago, apent En«ter wit*t relatives in Palatine,. Mr@. R. andiMr@. J. H. Seiierding made a shopping trip la Chiago Otto M. Oilsen adnti hIflattee, o! Evaztste, vinited relatives iii Paatie.p Frlday andi Smtrday, April 1. Died, at the bomne of tir. Hendrieksi, Mr. Sprlegootis, an olti andi respected chtilis of Paatine, lutterai Mandat, Apihi4. lie. J. B. Seherding, Mms.Sdfln anti Mnw. Hauts. atteuied the China shower glveit in honor of titeir ne., Mins Catlow, at Mrs4. H. Ctlow'as Wedeesday, March 80. For tihe beneil of m7 fathers aId patrosa1beg ta etéet. hut 1 bave en- gmgui su experienoSi undertaker ta, contionu.tih. busim nseutilimtberno"lc HMt&flarry Caiow ontertileti fîje s»d relatives frou chilcagO, Palatine, Vmukeg an d Evemtson witit a Chuta ebover it bonor of ber Plsterin-law, Mise [Ia Catow, at lier hotme le Hammond, Lad», w'odneeday Match 80. B. C. Hitiman'. grand annuaI pening sai vii omnmne Mondai, April 4. Cali andt e i.moay IbNgi advertla.d tory chsap toa sot ai] packet booki viiothtr lesu or fa". thoIl ypeeaTablet.s gi. li. etaiae relie d permaustly cure zrtmi, indwàôpand ailtma% HsmL3vy, Lher4*vhle Dnutg Store anti mi OWAW5LAýKE PUaMux4T. 5 to32 fiom Povar, To ouarlaTwuiiàr laddarm Gelrikm Tisebout lgie Hogiuuas good e hortofore1 for ý th éme Iath1 ma on e tfDunr pattons ?bj»er liii 1 c [lsiyl be Oï nji i te tva, Aita1 Fiye Uon-IIcads mn f ron* i on Coite. Packages, and! a a8 ont stamp entîtie you, (n addition to the reg- ualar f rce pretulums) te one vote In either contest: L WORLD'â FAIR CONTEST Pl What wM elb.the.total JUIV M ilstt.dacn t the. Sti L)taeWt WorM. Faie? At Cicago. Jct.i. ii. t seevsis.M~. f.r 5dm Ca pur n..sest corea ertimates naedhWe. rpacor,- wut c lae.oe.'uedo. Ohio. on or beiord JamIO th.54 p, w. wiIliMestail wevaIRai prifor tih.e ssiCo.11=1 patsoonri.. cte on . or fbot - cenasLec.etc.. &à iltowl tret s"tic _ _.. .......... j .. ...... ........d ~ eau. .-n .O... 000.0 JG 4279~-P~ uutfm*d I. Os frwus Uu~s (us pm#~h~s kIJ I OOUSPI.STÈ DTAULEO PART LIM i W.. .001<41 WIOS ., <OUITUT I I Cucumbers . For Pickles.... 6Octs. a BusheI-Cas cittrte cmli lie tade at M. Bl. colby & Son, Sithl & Davisq, . W. Paîkhtirst or iitit John 13or. se», Lubrtycille, 1. 60Oeete.ts .lt igheot prive.ever paiti for eontract pIke, There Im big etoney le pickles this tiser. F. BAI RSTOW flAN UFACTIIRN Marbie andi Granite MONUMENTS. or IYEBY Correspondence solicîted. 1 26 GenemSoet., Waulregan,-Illinois PURE LAKE We wilI deliver le@ to Liberty-, villecustomers when destred dur- lnglie comlng moaon. Our e wa. harvestpd frote Dia- moud Lake. Addmes BMttPros. AT -CoNTESTU -. soqoqviibodlthiutif ithe iodai utrultlita â fthdiut etbi m.tauaw i t , ~ b l orn viel ioodi I!U axe. Tsqfut coVers the. 0*06 Ouradcnwwlsg lu Y« tiatyonr o .. . .. . .. . . PWTaI S2.50 for a Malbn vissa ye me *m ga It 's This Way.. a Runsi fumedetevry of! mai iibe o eahl a in & Lake euny auhebmeufiuea. You cm loss hIa HICAGO DAILY JNTHL'OCH Ïbm< niAà ~ COUNTY UNDEPENDrDT vUýoa pou 4~sg bot puce 555«. ed e is ova IV img aewypi eertaklrn bath pépar.orem s"Mi *M. gfo .Bond Steel Mail Bo0x" ABSOLUTELY FREE Approved by the Postouster Corerai Boxes may bebchat wour office wvha m u ubseribe An UnpitraIIed Offer Mud good for à fm moenthe only F. H. JUST. Editor Low. Ratesqto the Pacifie Coat Every d&y in Match and Apnil.19U'~cen ooy loy ratas tb the Pad& cC40et Mmd t. hiundreda of intarmediate!poiutat M-i da by the Chicago, Milwaukee &st. P.41, -Railway If you are contcmplaling a western trpi# t la vort your visile to at oncaeaila'the *ustee agent of!. Lia conipany for lofomitiot about 'rates,'uiopoveresand train aervlc or vnite tooday 50 F. A. MiLLER, An Ouadrti >as.ngct Ateiut A!nytliing for- sale-or Mom t a