'AMihow bave pu alept. dea? Au" oavame poe- np'90»ê~e q or d pua fli.th». ma" auMm . frvard la b*Ru et ~ pavery souml isitl r oc. dear ber a14",kj hé oc ei' Yandisa. for the mc. Is ma br onî by iê*ailfe io * 4& 4#âgmtittnd ujth iew -i rou ay long a"., -euetdi- *"athw cqsalp s... aund »dý I ~ ~ncyen nos or beea te the seade iu boa iué upu. ~~ie, ie.Duncombe t" questons nev.a tio~fg ea~ Wns. ~~temnan. Tii..> va. s ltglhl tbefit Imssor: of.an cyt Il ail cd about iiit*. oawule.pi it, t ~am efamiler to me. Yetonlap fer' helit. teoa-ablptWeil maie, #k~i ahtns.a e drore lu ries. of the. sea. goai4oehJ.& thougi -mt-imwop ingcdtome ike as scene reprodtd; H.eliai a9plissant amuflie aMutéOt w »t'paW me mvsery aucnct the timc. bat er, amd Mmci lovc im ld"*Ou 9 ve nfot à bit ourpuseit, andi 1 mmed blai CSag eium tiibr pttiy m ýftremember the plami ofthe . waa t tell bére &t hobo at fendt u -cuen I basi a curions itrsnaabout ithe gie. .s.a." continues 11,121ffe. uniitm andt "You vIda me te auterégi.*~nl iledaing. "No one bellevea lu aa . i Iauppmec" ho bai rtugw,& aima 't cearme, but mine seemed goc ry rp real."ery Lt'e , eji" Myn'edlq~> tiaf 1 remember t iesiWeil amiif it wu ik fie eut exqnlateld emitt -my eli' erday, uatnally betore me. cremw lu m: lir, a"ifia e u * «I do believe lu dreama, muet f," Mid naasg-peeent empnm"Y r* e :unit, toutly: "beues-e lu tlitui lathecoureAndif Iliait a brother, ucl 4po old fashiion or tryjnt- maie th-si take extmmedinux pain tg nl 4"at.Biies.it ln gréaitfun; go tellt Us meettg iir., naît about it, Misi Danconabec7 "Oh.Ar* «,hou uni-m uji 'Weil, i thouglit i waus altule 'irenis.sa ~ dUi., on the sen shore. Tt wasnt 1k. y$ Ma muget iimt otpc v Sbeach here, hisuas quieer. ami ont ohé vani, 1 anpposé? uIf ohonklàta m gnay;suit the wauer was bine, bine 84 itr bleîgt tn i-a de sky; and the peoplecwer c d,.. glo iseeclvcbaimltiyt U*,anu te- «Rly anud quaiutiy, sud poein là a t rTt atmybava lieut a 77vy aË ~uac di fotuudersaud. Ice - .beutting'by thbe aide cf my nurse.. eho uni happy hatory. fer . 1 w t. 4ufrld me about, and dreoucitm e n mYth* ara>,bu u » ~cuve .5.1<, t rock and bine ash, and Who anati .dgLng a merry oar. thut i coulat not "Oh. ne. , 1e,.lit kMig bava e ... i.natdaihi aa uniof, and throwlng a tnie-ée 1Wsa bapp, . mm. xt11 uc dtoble lu tse Oea st the. end of every &I love ber 00 d»IFat; 8mie 18Peufditn. 11u1..And,. preseniiy. round tbe rocks I If t bodaia ak31tc,. I ilai sm1 .MW a teli, bndsomc gentleman couiln.Dot bave ted bar mome. Med 1 criesi ont lu go tlu un,,for i A verp grave expreuaon m UtMM.ca * -fluaglt h. vas my father. My norm Tonng MW@ at'. t s uhe li"" ta t il M 1 éte Leep me titi lie camm op, but forerntt.pei. -« canheitaway froua ber, and preently 'lIe pei mot' viehme lv.i uittibe- .wM fatier ot me lu his arma and est fore the came te reoarmamuan'hoi#»M ,eu ivu. snd began îalkiug to me. Tt pnentiy. Abe euious hat Il sboutlail b.omcolillie "No. Azel.; but .oh*kla àpntge or 4ei roal: but 1 reuember hie fac. mc ulamma'.. eniI1uamco appy titi b% -antI. Behasi un ion gray mort of mua- fiat 1 have neyer ticuglt et meilmg»ya -tm*. ieryand tîlie. &uni lir cf the qetm. 0,loIdeel& c h vréel*l -cemnecoler. andi alittte pointeu be.nd Yeuowakut at costume pua vam ilp mcIe i c;:ail fie rent of hime.aWoneneogi te admire pcor M"ll me la »,m- -»»& .But. oh. licbhathe mnoblet ccaavely-weil. fiat t'ai lmin Mn. the.fe hauduomet fcaturcm. pou cic combe'schoice. I) oé oeaemt i rot m- -cet' Bet i eyen-oà. dean maia.."torr? AM Mael. carriiaway bp ber «Dry>. 'Ymm. der." ho ropflmi fl.mgttalty. 'ýiàt evea fley wve! m largme noeep, "ilrqniate tat. Bp thé va>'.Mai, tk 4» murwtkl-tioee ver dal gray yrsa there a"y truthinlatfi.report of amn q4bat atmftb0ukin lufiir ideepaportosatteninte Mary Couefuy, .on .d.Ila; ami anti dort eyebrovs. ans in it tic amme cii tar,?' lUm& £m lasiiui. He premactMe nP -Oh. the cii ufory. AndeierepUe. -a. .ebleu, un.a a mcansif be Mand, li-cghi gmerrlp. "As hi a.1 MM" O ureli cava OH; anud &vent teara Emoeutle aonenacithlietoci iMammAut*ntd 'lm éveua bîle eci; end liegmla. titihbise cmisience melemuly Wi. alui.M lm pour mti aul qulvrila, ila avoie lu foat filset tresus" ielurciho 9 jo mno fitat it mccmci te b. vatteal YbpoamiDot pet secathe vouaw. ie uaste1 ob ia an sd ecicei th fe bh"kof fie bb ig vif.. Poer, dent Eruc lie mvi- .ave cmtic muai., 4Goitgrant. mp dari- itcatlp thnkU tiers lna aata lua mai-1 .-opaué derfing. po« ailnever wvnlga 1 iae Ouit a.pueur muher 'rruiig miner And "And un do I.» Areber hai repieit "1.4 1 boac tmit te ensd 1j-o gev.ofal tiere. ongt te f ilai mo. und itt 'èb'ace urnd to trncsandyou eregratitude. tao."1 audnlgtme; and 1 muet bave been cyi . Ami b. kinima fie bteahlag t i on-1 lic. er I put mp banit to uaptace, and inladpraésfreatu. 1 .cvas a bot tear on my cheek. And igtpaueat aefor tepont sael 40 1 eoee d n 1 , bni otamuiddb. cati a ouiton; unit, at the end et Ifte b.o jW11il gnd nghtand t mo ho oir a&rSied. he la PerfeetIr content vitii Nii :toknaavpprtedta be ir futurs prospeta, and flihuu !ofi-1 euote intsov. afraitetom en*asbu ii bin e am ifatu 1fnc tant therenaossomlamtht il infuture. imeSles thra ic cm.moztor ~" Nothing canah. fairer than the. pros-1 ~~~Z~Ins rcentp, nitmpm mat-pot t présent, sndtif uic la a ile dtm oh& "Tonthae .tour sresaliat- siglited it vliieuce..Of hsPPlneua, vieO ntd* MUlm Duneombe; It la like a tairp sablbd th. ucalea fait fr0. beriflam. -aBr,.enî tht î t.mc asi i'ov orans irie lier a pecv hcYoni thc curffl? .gow mtgmif catl lWa o. Nît en. NO; lualier innocence.and,. pulty, 'lbt ,4" signfatin f' ositmnber itrenm on lu ectatie iinconiclodau. A gay ef iglt flash«osover fie mobile tc uitno lite. etc. on br fair9 -detueaus&se a.catches lier augiter me ani v boi.topos «vl flilag curloualy t lier. Andi flan Mm and earilp crs long. But. met net'.q -dgbbmndelyreplie., "nacre ile» ner- Ilte leaanter te vatchb ler a he.rman lato Magglea rmm icamuliai .*vmItua et irsama.Mage had It n aivle e ircmaleular sahosa for ticeBSuttlimta, amdif dwcit ina "m hitef br ep ita a l ag"ui pa #âer memory:, andi for the laurmur the "rmdaicddrnt"oéss -Uma of. taie.fiat ajielItrou tic cor- repuechWulp."--ni 1 hava icpt Antta me-eNov, 3Yaggle, put the asic u f ront pou ail tuie tisailHait'have j'en voMi est. Wliaitom il a"Ir' aiitgotICI i .«k Ir lmurmure," replies Maggle "Wcil, iear, Annutéte oertlilng "bt Ifbrins.hgci*p,îa. te me; rpform' eeemi.cm epu ta wiea 1 wnt e tink o mlfa nutitsou t'Ialvaja Empo'hat mi 1 abouia1k la pint hlm to myeif, toe Iammel." I titI put My meanto thee&boet." 11%i golden »ahue ari t-klncthe. eut Amid oé ualc mc0enteatuiti and bats- situsvues of Boser, on thecocnfer et pur andiet no mc u la ttn at Mai 4Me table, sende hight flood& oflght bled" java and imau li« affmtioaatay.1 Uý«akIlaa ahalo roundt the lieasud miface "Bo.. Magesc, I bate.bruneit ypesu 'Wiat o.,tii mili ap? Bp~d oia . Whlch eco e ull il buhoforte .by v. 'dmvthe s ei gy* Ï,adhuir, rni or whiter" Tt lk a prtty alglif te Ma bler cnu *ring grively, anmi brtnglag f cti anga- CHAPTER XI. met». nov fer white, nOv for rci. db Prom servent#' bail to grand dravlng cunnot Si upom the coton et lItn.a"é 4"meu; tran club te cafc; tram odtraei- collu Annetti, wvedicde. in a me-1 -ient tu nîvccmcer; tram baTmnrî'Wholiment ft det téhite In coret, uniMao& -vwm emottn beave aunit candi te ushov gain premes ber liou te Mlca*schek. -am«e vhy ticp aboa b ot tnp te vin a "a romof tia 0"i lir toiette. Utth ecotor te ther eie by fie uMe Anm in th utruga.est ting or ant; basa..; trom, rieli Jevu, uwhe tieugil of vo-«pet tfim yu retn a -coscu nptbag cme u .athta oue cru..ber nas ua si lever migu. .enklmg; trou the.weattliy mermut Who purGcogmbaido, l fe ci my -eume te tw ev erp itap, a"trughdefiet i.lore ilamomg the sucet-ecut-à 4L«ue again tu bis mansion bp the "A cd îavkthor nd itcherpand appli uP ai express; rtrmtfe humble eookbloisonsa. la fié grani eh vooeinor vIrItiimpossuie erpecutaton-ticrs va. uaan nlfe bl-tac n eulp qne tuple ut cuver«niu-Who'0 charte on laet Heafib. No on@ coulsia naver. Sanie « aa aux.- loeem; ote i-eagalu uaneohéme twu o Co OCa.ELl bai XIcaIte. O -gagnnus uctrens;a:ndit mm. et'bhg ri rntibu be rMe u tiin houer of beiin laMma.Clilmoaiel' ob fenii e"0w.ui iatam set, votai bcr a aiutant reour*, uni hîntesi fiat tflan mlgit ho ianar er o thec loveliest voama InBrighon. Ernent la this Dnew' inatsetffie heuMe. Yeu, IMuagglriaitoameaîm a ioi "Ay, u," lielbai mi, mciii.; Ia -Bbe kba utgreatne&.tlimatu pen ber' héait; "Mme Cloniely ineva lieu abèebohai nirilon the adIa mpls f0 chooe. a compane"ufor ' it ie i. -et a moment, liatbeen unmu- ful &M A beiutr la uic? Ct cause NuIt. riat ili iv minute.mihé liatgalami famc ad anditManiaieLetrernd ef béait Wai ..eVobw v eil,fiat ilea grat fllng.. twtpretp 1 iggle boad lecu vcnp ue«ful lu créature nanaiag feicfla-hp 30t,1 uiag 1-frleni a lbler nov lic.. 81.eh? Eruewt comg iet'a .1etChitmas, 1 »eW«rgar e f.malter a flougit, onrado pou «Il Wcf l1kfat la ecm.1 afl1 tpMi for one moment te laquim e vip ceréeauit.Wiat t fat Feu eMF about .knt it&t rom te at* grmmor Mary? An trtlla tt 1 iopcnset; fi. o abe, to fie uniter taotu, *11ahilafor maer., tai. I bat. tic Ceute- -101Mtreàtad i tthe i.respect unidecou.na, root auliranci. Soocer»0e " '0 leaion due to a higl-licrulady. lt ait unarend m wla ifouf a shMur~ Mm .Cliolmoiiielp va s vp yklnd ta 09 fie ptait, eroedlute tue a vup 4»re. ed gonfle Baud loved ber a. d@&* Lp iPPY eue.Maggle vas JMita 11* de a doter. Iftmthe coulai have ici dtliauj altatei "Oh. ie.it 1 m afMA b7 cavue,,end i ni atten 4triia1 I ailiho dieaiftallp vituui AMvould, eertainly hae bien «unjau"ger aie60Mi. "Itfilai I liai btter ametgo ah tthla aristocratie houges; but ohéom la te muer." eltcé dail tic attentions grt.tuflp, a" Tbee.fie two laiîeatierei rom"i 4midflan back lInmmiles sudnit oing be, u cet miaucaresaoi her, u&M At tfie Kcnii tait.. op lieOwu -iemnuy..t a -lae l utviu br< 4 Autl ii* fie 4».telasbl~ or I. Tiant t, t" ltg t ie preeu: m 2l:bi miav etl e 1 'seho " ert4lie a fg hW a enhte bl upubý*d0 tlo.- f ualictlcnll, acd medbai de' gb-mof Indigntin le cir.#4 I ambtildacan-iume. h =ae -cre, t= uétm l tre idhe; Ruide ba"ueglt gle t edml *o ent hec aaemb t ibst bewla h«*ý»e mfqtlu ' dm uIt fUit fi. .41Lcltptet te m. aer; 1 M oc me»I ttte .oe$d yeu re fiat le a lseeai mou etIt, b the Sc u u'iaier tu d he hpm" mme MA.bu mainsuv .le-Il b0 ovNi Pte- t, ami IehDtianen hetef'ist aie, a b-llairti tite&T%«fseftes te 4 c y rbai mi apter *à% mav mc. aIr;tIheouet m'Woan ffm yezo Mit peuta"ha pns Tiare te a geseand mm l i.; but fi.en taflhu o tat"e i.d fllnlpma lalug te t'tyenr IL piras. il t. lii. tIpi, nul detea rue da botllp of te i.qlby liet. fe nnWiugrein oea t 1r fia oui liet gmnmmtaua eu& ine. îà t>'. lae netit"A oed f l Ore sk fe iiumts. Wa cer Ibo Val- aigu& F Aniuhi Basa.. Ti.e tolent llblaa.'incf oeset.erbuorami ~l.tr Thue blaon emor t peu Ma fe& ont ilthelc ehndé,a eInter Iflortafi rude drviaet erfi nImab>' lia thue asb ts e uen an tueasta tuhfraiyeorn onerealyin. it aut o mauneati unimlagi If vaso a Suetub nhae.un fll ai e i e l flicn thel e t epin anulffiaULace menticatei hore.uul.as woat la theki. otheUnrace %gore, e. Btsé'O of n éluftinet truc. et fie deprinus fer a face gland, ami ftseanmullo eciffuaetiy P-0- aeuta ttih" ce eastmui oute.(lineimiteeofthmo.'u- breata) are iceuaicitrain equsam itai- mots, lu vilebts feae glei aM uami bave been funeneLcal letUououghbreé.a eofgat wt te carfIerme4 exhitUte ase- tram imit et mpeclnimlUm et viii fie equuuu atoci lu capfeo0"ii.hots dIspIa et o ely thfe pchm and beaut! et IW bethl>'fbim alndh retatvely Malucb. retsmbhait m&" cane, but ikeviae b>' theater rela- tive leugt eofthfe bancs.1t fe loue aegments et fie- nimbc.a.mcouvma vifh tie um c mees, uame, lie hutueunela fie roo ai and fie ALan the mfielnépair.lta 1tmet Ufieier, toblond hbut ésperb lie lit nestai. ».if dcela ha' huigbt ai fis uboutémr.- Bat it fla" et3e17 ltant. selotma fiai f.n our te et Mtte ifacu t hia la a dimIe aevm-4b aalmga asteas WOOnat Vcumi- - viii uà cmet sflettpe0'cfet tapir, a"ipointe té nalIme viies f aicetrulberm.Appl th le unier nu- Lac et fiehe fiocite fie sguué&M rmariait. utill&M t fie(1.1ee1916, "clieuntlr to 'emr t' e s t» teu'Mdd of etb lmela the bue. pmomi. .but eU* ' q.atond4Pee t meatet>. or euf00#w lptiff e Attboehil -boa uugge«bteé flan aime fiapit faefpie <tit vildi fir w - me ua agie.gta - im), it t uma tab.fat fie> tri rmntuciinêbucf glAaée (U«ia ttem Laumi la oau»lust ahei attzgtitala fas bi" UIM et 'Om icer aihéfiecut en"e*t'mm ami lepus).andmi it m dlaalp5Umabe. Ar' «.adem..t wu at f f lt « fie fam caisif« ic Itg0ubIOi cig f0 idubaobaS meImager ag quireat. 'amim m, itst.la i, ieue ealtcduta u fii témbI ut ni bum ttfie mhie t ebwk wu caum a bette t.let' wwf«r4eWÀetuy éu Utudi cmm 1 l"s- . I -niw e a.. bée a t eilp tuurmé,1 eme fie nu go he cmtr. 'S aausee lt. u le ait. 7tl serve IV. *f"a. f t ~ t. fiat balaI oovglq by thé v»met." MMi ah rc»MruMt proqdutu. ie>' yl u viue di, Wed*ua w u 4s*aa04 i>' le-bai - out &»v. Lu flua>' Ue; 'Ieenume.« be r4plwed,"Amov jadom.là sintu l aqepolum fie u0 it. rtben tethe crlu. iu eel We horu.. lw -I;I*gai t muni ebtiem et Mu Imaay ioUms fie mo- gIvsn inite koseetý But lie>'ameM»t. net pmay-wmtheNr, vers epond ucm- povor teo Thougbtlemsl7 te it Pîtiiont alm or pupe go macl ansd easîccir tg tMtllet visaI vail- Dow va voouai gveoi.fn bage tha rec0td. If com La*t-ditli-let vit dola thougit 1f *e h bletacuaetf fiepontIla tir 1 =- Iness.The hanta dons met àèîu lbe repais-id. The lu moy Io lotate. but lia consequene. ne- 1malt, -r rernembler luna>' beoci« de» t'ti gre been muci troulteit 1 fie UtMp qU fie boy wvi onae lttta> Ma Luftér ayes-p timo b, sînnesi tu &'S»e &'00 l ota the domarpont. Son .lie der-ft bcaeene uéded it vt nelle, ITljthc fatiet tolé bleu stery Um n Mdii gooa acf to e puomis eut] Iii. fluiOt touce eitt.boy and b. nlou5UuStý lite, asudiij ant i, byie ma0Lle 'W«# ait vitidrava. îHe ceite ilu tlo, sud theréetoocihfierc pomt vt me blter r tasiiloin, tor, mtbàq* *@ namle hait è -ete tt- draun. lie »mensmremnaineit. Butltl lpaeew o 0a secoué floumit. Whlcti tue imc 19afSMîmor-e memeufonu--vln.. figeSmedeenea Of the. peut. The. fliit ofthti, lrepnrnbteuneu et fie pget la rrtanly ene of vret auloul:letwhat about fi. Irreper- ab bMi«Nte future? Wbat 1 menu bt fla lit the pont mersuthflu. a tu met uafrienthe foum emaien fhe hture. To orprec-s Oe tg. lnlatie vnu 01 tfi.text vol maie It, reni tuinut "W« 1 Ibas-c vnlftem Iuhill urnete aie lburpla t teualeucp lu ever'jmeeoe ce t. e p«thfe Pest la fie future. un- ktOS-lu'Up efber jaSuse.oft goct- pu" e' t*Wut vo&Muratte arfumon Mai «e othillk eut£or Ilige et theuitelathe amme va> fiai vcbave àwme 2 tieafnt the Peut TImUem lnala et oentame Uth fe »gbgrpii l le. Tltere are littie iMWalattoma or ciamuet.. or ruftn-cnl1 ,flte val pen u vi-wolh aie mamie jes f t by a&U our peontanl- mmm.1Wben pou toru the roirtoer au- i4br pear the muig tint cuit.eu t ,Du Il la tw queeh -or thse pouf. 1[mmceif legftathe preeeut Ik ever ýpMfting on rueo4dng tii. peut 1 tes, my frledm. IL fe*pont coul Stené alcue b>' faclf <Itheut uap ce- medas pcve- prer fie tuturs, flim pMU eli oneeatilu t c fl ma fime thele preblan et ebaracter ami malation tanti>' caert fan t te. But se eannut stuanlome. Ca.e «the mmel Oedn.mameuttoicimtuthal eonom1 lu bhem lie tledétul ccerelremam vilci tii. paut enrcleover the la- We kat' abat tfia xoreece le. Peorlapa oue cf ai bas trieé te break away fromu uoim %l T lh.power et tint dMnI.lienie-foa tbtit bu ba.- »sme more or lm a s- it vlfi un. W. *ev to e vlt, LM04i*bat àfi e kera,- am et te tic a«i« tu fe futue. T1 " s s tocoe m flic n tyratt flrdng las aglut MW WvIinami agaut mur enacleuce ta--de. mitiune vUl faiee fromm. ** have atrugl4 mogaathfe sdu. Webave erw ite miaen for biigl, halva fongit It ih fMu energr cf dempuel. OQtien webava triemphed, but.e«« Ag"itUre poyer of the ait]consbshl Put pouf vau is op lii. au Inrîlilemai anditfoi-ceUs alnie efboe-e i ket It t. repent fia. Pont- bister, et. Mlie et.he bopreaent. "ec tiiogit. iW boan oe m th fe @tamand tae gtiultt*fàéPt-fiatia peebape ail heim Lcogvec ilu the mercy «t Ud-buf ..lW fie deodtmaet t>bpaf Put i oeintiyfany, ite vise- Mi bol, anu lits aul ceuurahalug arip me, fi uture. ' a m aure tint lt fugi dmc.onf adwer lir*ae pottimnaas SI tbauté; W. e efl t tes I ée a9i aoiema mgot TommeDOtrufi ba greater lànïet "Wit I bave uttf.u I bave,' Wd - - "Naey. I-e mlini>'moe. ntmnt -liMfat. "What I hnq rleatt« t*op Ie a-'a-- if. Iena em N t ruf iougit te, flnev 1010 - mobm.0 etigolstte Itîci, heM"ii ve bave lSo Chri a'tt fl an ce fiat thep vîi oves 4#»qo liuatity uopeak- tig, n». Ticli' f tOImeVrvee.bali cver constrala ap8, autre. tiu. »Mt 0. te ociepc Over ami a t fieie omi et lie peut i the peMKt t lUdj Gleit. Mflatiboxe» a ienutellumeIpli t«» poer et b@O", MIIoeub Att>', dit>' or evefy*elW haye Pamud et felefotie s-'o l mi hob jour miseul1h.0e oItb**ï» fWbicmis- inllit lt. iUBt Sitmingl -vii toi tticpqe -OêVW000% bl Pm er it Ithila Vînm pece ti bardemeitd i417ih aeyenà Unieb iF 1. uW.-ye, i%6, la Ma poeu *t 1 75mb wtt>t poulte-dy,'"P e t > r- agi de. i b leluliti ce h11 ou t" <as uwfftil atu tue* m MW - 1 . = au$ *.heu moi" k k w4 .k fiat »0 e obum.en of ftheS»st. -41- thiremlr tres -ntriais <.~ ~::e?;eut cmpnie «Lurg ~'td la tii. on fl.y May M4e the té- . UiIt te elainisi fat a ujble la aaa t t aenti paot ecu- fuie. ,owocJW istara or ou.-flld et ?leIAt.,Ui wola lit ,ifrthe . e.orme «. ce th fie epeg unm fsour 6*1 Npv.18,lOO1HeyPauotee~ .Cluui.e motfiy"*0w t"ibrink of the Do 1, 9G-Vltimago, iaSteambo emilii ilaPuumetetbkumate Jin. 2% . .-cies ho qlwLek«. btedga. ne equaUm et the gir.. EbvyPaunetomtroue.AUow for heiiier Fe dodug ue em CanaliCamps u f4<. ucflint Niagemra oul de *béat O*red Ika propewty te the Ufited Niai..sula" vor ln a yesr au the ISOO0 *Ir dO.0.Om -,-' 1herumajtO'. ouctry combmesi. If dMM -Jaaà. ICBI nOelalng thé ê' f,41 ~ay one-tititof the à1le OO.ON rUnietr 00r**)me~ -as;ug tellanCIet tmg dea& inWt le& 1)wcfu be tl. Yeu te Loget the puauwmi Theeeere.1 tblmlç, the logusPelit teuadoVn-lata fla entbumlautit eut- haret; te kt tbé, put maki - meUh mometfcG Mer' 4U1IoIIIt but SoqFt,. taugnumotUutai 'W ljrm .wmmtd. t ocugly, bepetafli. ami odeofl*.-' ,Me. apeetie tilla osei the. Peut. fie maed Il;te. trmluhwaraitg. te dieci. pacte, te glto genlm.te astiulai hope. Novcrtfieo.Wu..face.ik «« IniMtetord ii.efûture;SIf lu *ver Ut by the alln am. ,and It lakt fa bas made Paul the.apunta et the. West. and effleeally tIi. apottieoftproficit ninsand Inourtm Tierslk then a enae lu vbl4gi It ka *49i te remnembor flie pont. W. barre te try. la tie notion. lu the Chriotian cburcb. t comme, nué la dally lI" tsi umit.rtami the nlua ndé sprt e Une pout and- iand tii. ou te -the uext gSOutt1oi. Tht.skJf the problem ln every comuiuuty. Wie. lai tiè Mateentt 'allaf téfare vo te lbei fer the mort Inedore? WUttl t be wortby? WII ii h"maitut ti ti sttandd f lite. thont, uand mnericel W* muet rmei het nttheei eme-o Couienla tint et exemple. of umus- ceint.exmpW..and uarely coneclou hmitatiou. Tii. standlard et lMt.la ei- «y wIi lu bauded ou b7 the g..i,- oua. the. batte .Pur, the public- splrlted o e teu atmt b.comlucg i uncouelogi .xatnpte et the mort. W. emwnt foflo thet details et aur lite. for etT , maws S af. kun wa. *ad digeffen triue ait other; St la mot a eaviai reproductimof.1th.eut. but a bearty eyuetby wtb ti atntle beut tulie lispirit. tint la deuigudu or u. Tht.la le it nonetfte pet--emo that voM»t bave glnddeucitic heut of hlm wbe lutteeni fieMo wuoi wblèh vo are Dow dematlog TWece.u memomute the got deede, thé *l iliv. et the Poeltatadi ulmcra tiou te fie preat "Sinli w. mut i.l lot'?" tai the. exd&adm i..et fie yroua« Anguntime. au i huard fie tus. ries 01 the Martyre.s. Il vI e net folot'r mllet be oui f honght wl'.w. hear vbat ofiieru i.i. donc te rai. the. staniard of rectitude lu the dIffer- eut liesOf ife.. To stop. flou, undt Peau tu tui b. a traita« te the.peut. W. May Fiance bock, but Ik laouty te toiecourage and go *talgit on. When one@ fhe neor et a gres pliper. the. mauter et a dia tingulsheiie cooi, or te lcainlg spirit et a gret commercial «tarpanse. glo tte. unir in the peut, insteni of forglng abuadainuit orktng for .stIllgreter unnonce, thoiem i dowaward course bas bogim. The. Inspratioundethepeut eau only be kept Up by expremolugStIn lsea-, tion. Tiiere le. no doibt a vrent de- lgbt la creatlng. ln maklug for the . u tepiete wbleb w. bav, put our humée a name. but vo xM47 mot tblin fie tog tke ver. and tis a.rsroutine wltl nov carry usa ou. T t Ilt mot. We umut ruacb forth te thoat thlngu wblei are hefore. we Muet atrain ourseive infhan Cicr te grafip the prise. Oum. mnu« e tk e atttuef tihe g... tie "cbit. thé. ardent Unc«ulg.wtebtu. aflmag bmetb exerciaod agAunt the ereeplng in of 0Vit of QUnY inutan vberéenalenterprlse. avorkeit hi coin- bluet effort. lietu ture auns u iiiade, pend mpon the munnor lu which ail the parties vorn Into oeeAnotiier'. hbone. and the.lolensrvice w'iel suci von-. or renders f0 the boand of the co- cen. The. secret of ait blldlag. vbetImu' of ebalacter or of commerce, iuhtis, of Igavwiual or of national reoev, conulte in Iooklug outinlu ooktug segui. u the.tort soya, lu retcblng forth te i thiligu t'Ich are before; ani Itkla etthi e MO ie the titrue.t eoummuiratimofet cput, beeauae it le h' tr fuest coptlnhlatlen of thé aplalt ofttUn pont. Let thoen, for ait occasions, tii. be . mette'-tengettiag the things tInt are beblind andi reachiug forth lt teotint arc befote. Ertrvagmce.-aWreIoteconomni- ra it ndtlovsaui w.utê Joans gtilera up the acrops et twerd trom ifeuil.; tthe uanuéa. ttioughii rni tfIa otes a Ulaailtad .r«evelvi nasI tu b LW. are utewardi e of m Go$a'l.o0dIàeplm bk, a"é irahavto a.more îlit tOun.. Hia part la ortrV*noe thon 'we hauste uaee tue moi.>' linawbilciibelongu f0e tii.~~ ~~ NYeryn.. . W.W. famil- Xina Wantci.-Largii.arted. pub-, ll.pnt4meu. ar couadeý& Who l I.iIete-hul.pir-ualty udvower tu, tbe ngut ofthte eommuttty. -Lm thsb i ln t end abipem fUi tal - ç4qoit *4muàt; tic h eUion 15e Chou ýannu t li aaaii LWÎ boeueover bust'at. mla ail fia minem et the eoeurtt. Au t.lifa Worth, fer emuerelai par- - palee mfatieechm et vater poirei eett lu -Net En<land trea "te race Spèr bisomevr 17 tic pear. iAt the lm fiavanu. Priu or $10.'Nlag arum po1ire, vosulébe torti F935»M.O0 a penn, mklaceme ef &et cent apea ÇMO.oiTIuic umrmees nom uap b. amautucitte bu the oMult. tuoi ,t&!pç oret iagm si a poser. liat, tamaris the Ure Globte, have are, a. a pplié,grown no tendit tat v Wiii comment te graul frou oc coua Prit- Dume s fat vii forever rulu file uablume apeeb, onu et fie vonid'ugramaumt natunls-aivndeni? It Voulit nma. thmou e emaltaprmaey miglit A MARITIME WORLD'S PAIR. Net' Tres-i FPunaisao feisa omrlal te Robert Platon. A- matthe pagsuet ami podslfim amagW&t * c oale lak ing tai up viiw ei evablc & e ouheslom ij tic me- giclpat aabteries o. f New York a. a leI - fw ao mmmtteaof the am ttos theic M eatce.aebuet Plo!aamo Maronnit. nà fonauelg1i uipM*$"m ans ecmanda fl ' 1f be lakeui taecarry if otl aloom t.-~ 4deoietammeefleg efthle 89#4 er Alir"mt amdit b aie a. IfNet' Te* f lot1 «mcioet1W.7 meha ~~a ae uat au venu buflt a Mceica- fImet os ee et the graentetduan . Tcaexpeae vooté be coaipa at-bémcouaeftie orilet am avullable lad venu bu gielyi menu t tic dlpia>'.tih veOL Th Buc Wriver veulal t.héb waqfld necat abe. cor maba tJ bwkuaeal ièh UWceul leOôaaai relatbelp amani gco" ieruvosw b. primaitive hontset .11 gum a pee~lee-ic *fl0t te Sia latina, th.coruaIs.et tih* la, fI t the pisio.Iuaatet. om Iiens: &tu"e tueet lu.r Bouta., id OiI hoWb itc w fiaumife ubr c ru;. nqaf Iletg .N e pr y 14o~ l a e . i ~hau. Vnarau, N.J- À litat Wb"enjia eue, t ourrtet ethf eun" adeptel 17KRo- of Rcpreu.atatlveu. lue 19, Ue,-camal IE inPO"suéy Pnulâuf Eoote, -- for the commer . rop et tomeist icd MaselàIT,l',iNOs4"bla a&W treaty catded iy Un"tlStUe Au& 81.' 1900-Coheubta tncefy r mrt.au byte goveoumiet ~Colombin. Nev. 8 UJ-atg rtllioa*e carrai. Nov. 1. I& .-esi te thf bI>m- ama uuae&a Dec. 2. l908-Cual tresfp ignej lip Peusima u&nta ie t'es ratlllcaflua ef It bp fie pravlaleudgsmment Pcb. 2m llOi-pnmalaitrcaip rtiflaib>'UidultiStatte Sonate. Aptil 22. 190-Papwoe ftrft«a tityin tecoanalte Unted 8tM"gàlaol 8&m"edta Parla. JUSTICES TO fiSSION . Len t"fi flmciw Important rinsaca la fi. peosme et t* sopremme bWna veno ppMW i It n i mietjut l ti acith"aifai 11uatiei Pater. Juotl* u Rda. am Jue. ttc ]9revan- utijretire. Ne de"e la éitd. lten 10 tet ii thl* l tike sud ceuégo fap ~ x fimting patudaithIe mj ut 70 p.am, *ud baviag mrycimorea fam te. peau" iueo ic sbcb.ierîsfjmuntFlu uistla calllmét.-reie.~. tttiw - ie teck thecat e rfi et o e ACp lm fUS. tet Wn retro, h l onns. tee ncult bha" as la moetatlp gonema. but it la kuovu tint$"esanlu his .anullpbhn ecued iehn mueli torny iuring the laft year. For tfia na ho hue hmeentupi dl t. taie situalage et tic lat' waet- lng i-.tiumet.afldte have fie rampon- lition ef ble positioni t. a pisegerman. : 1"00 laclas t'it b.o 71 pentaecla loue 1., me vIlLM bi".ttvc-;O. retro es thc"eael a'L et ni rt ileccuber. lie 4, tbetuemou mittiee oefucnt vI ith puy. *al saceem at ua couiet sigialIWU"le thiIle lait bar, ut .l laow lit. ala oetp i - Thé 94W.il ItlISt. wol keid Lor vtomeet la nitie. fleovuHoilenk Klarci 2, 1Sub, ha buebonmeflot -titedt.lureitument heenu»,e e af fiet eg lo lule" FRMU visEWRST. - n 011a-'d e ý.1