Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Apr 1904, p. 7

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Dua. Neigea Rke UV S&~ àig.pI, Mkch., kaowa 01 a large amber Of gr ull enets le- hM 0 Who hava been oured by Pgrun& Tht Perupsa Medicine 00., Coltufbboa.Ol Genilsuam-"I wigh 10 ýn2ya tet a o thse anesa of yoear efforts to Wnthesd " b puMs etn nca elabli g.tilne lkm.v Nreae a~fli~~' UW .f ~ye aa a SPOO* la owlefe -Nehea Re. APRIL, MAY. c a i mWt or la, gppe. A muets, course orY :: ermas Se Mro corre.- ail i ti Ilinau Mdent apring Wea& Nerves, Pufr êige.tSU 2.7wei Perusa doms mot irritâte-it IlelINe Biss, Osrssed d,~om mot îesporarily imoue a @& weffd = ft teatheus. It equalize SpIrNs the einulatloa of tiie blood, trsnqîîillzes thjaro*msteom and regulates thle 'ri. *n 155Jus cres~th ~qato Iodill faatiaus Peruna. unlike .0 Thesqg bo jet connd te "str Ma Spaz medlina.. la Dlot silwply M kt@ 1port tri Bo01. T'he renI pliae er grigntlat or acreluse It laa equstor la sltiftc'd towsrd the corth atnVRl toule and tavîgorator. Aflyeigiittei mil"s every dtv. WVith If you do mot reMevi prompt and satin' Mereturu of thé %un romes the bodlly factery remului fron, the use of Pentus, 'e perulir go sprtng. WIth ose per- write et auto aDr. iartusan. gi, iug a la the. gârves are w-es: amagler persofi. fulil sttment of yeu? tait. andi lie ili dIjgemtIon poor: wlth others the hiood in ho pleamd to Cive you bis valuable âd- st et order: sud mfili others bave vice gratis. dWgresacil Pîffrits andl fireul ftellng. Addrssu Dr. iIsrtmoa. Presid.'ît of AUl tii.'. thinge are espedoili? trot of The Hartagsu Sanltarlisa, Columbuoa. Sbo. ýwo ave been snerus wlth Ohio. PUt a variety into Summer living-it'"i not the time of year to Iivte near the kitchen range. Libby's Verni LouE. Potted, Turkey. Devfled -Hum, Ox Tongua*. &c.--- quickly mâMe ready ti serve =Jdads*, Il.. 11,11. b.'kt. **I- t. iiakieCod Thisas t a t." («H1 M id-- o -i.. - l Tiseris L"7i,8, Allas «g Uni worid ,aalis lai o.. E-,ot .t.M..s Libby. MeoUl Libby, Chicago hausii&balhati130.0110.000as ea-. Tht losa ta>'th ilaonesîr ad carelessnenu 0f clerins kas houa onlj $251 ln thetouta tvo resra, but Iis li parly taplainetl b>' tht tact that thte lerks are made i-tPon- ible fortho money tbty lianile. and as>' tousu labulieri hlihus. To ao sDtot AilOma ifont om u.FR IM. Write to-day ta AlitanS8.lusiteu. Le ROY,. N. T~ fer a teEample s! Alti*e tsi-b issat. buhâte loto Tou mboeO- ci~rsbn. d 7b, wolea A~ ~ ~ ~~~. netl a- a o-,aifIualota. Ail &U'gi&ts ad @moaetores sehit.ILu23. HieraTotale vas the princilual gflmr- diausor (jrtk Anet Roman a-ltes. lier feotal ra nasbell lu the sprinandaIboi rs'lueipal reman! a-as Iliat ofarusylat lier tatue in brid 1mî inurut iit stcrowu- ln& her aitar vith bu-hial foa-îrs. Wasblusg machine Oui>' $E.O Save jour a-Ife't liîllt ad langlteea hesuty b>' osing oîu- grent Stetr Wsshthg Machuine. Worth ils tveght Lu gol. l'rice oly $2,70; vîiha-i-lacr, $3.00. Joint A. saluer Seuil Co.. L.a Cresse. Win. l'Be gond andl you'ih be luesoas." an" mark WTe-lin, ta wîhrlu tht tubeor of tht Wpgan'q Corner adti Il*'tt >ur -<onseleat o wous'b trouble joti." lis il- ait* et argument. but a-Iat'm thenuse? »iee geais, brigiter colors, vitit leu Plies: o- Oesfor oassMptla ntIlai -1 '. à Ilisaaukable Dons- FPtLi-s a.ur I taie ýoxdi tlint i-tiia l a iliitir eteuintile lu.gels hurt. t4econll iur--4fiuîait doglai-e pIpaiT tntixh, Lut Iliai o otîosssta se-orî i "Et-eu-> nuis e e ca ailtuthtrle pn ut" ", h u« et %ou oed. 0100. bea th" s se.noeliai ueen ahi. b cure la AU1 lu atga si t la Il îaarrh. Ha5W. C.Atatih Cure â-c k la apatv tusn.Iouotisa med- lu ranlt>'. Cataru-it eing às eoastuOQWiu dliauroq Iii ooltuotatremuil BI'tatOttir h tareillsnall51tboum nal'. lîMlty l'is sare 15e bell. Fred-Wre 3-11 litfile WeddIiîg u Young Sittuui tah. L.ebderer , joe-yp.s; it watt qite a sweli affair. Fred-Wli., wa. the beat mnan Joe-As (Le lioneyffnoon !s ,t 01cr. hardly thiik t i-P st lei Yet. ForltetfUL "WiliI oli errî't o nuhment ti. joui htuaand's mensry».1' --Wliy. leilaino maemry'. 1I ner Dow ucli un abaetamndelma ash. wu&"-New Yo.rk DailY News. seafrea Ap mW P"mat ,-te. wiaa @Mtl - aw f, ile 1111110poueae&IMyÏs1eke11 W eStasil Ira# Desrl u ot» at 0at iqudler station.a e'ey m~ a me:. Or leus uceoa aidM bjentor Su'n ia arounai: "itteus minutes for rtf rush Wllîn ho hiedit#W bs i rit cap or cof eethe paso M vert leaviag the table. Dy *Ut hietht second eutp arrlved the t tis ow aatthe do*'. "Alil aboard!' shoeW the driver. The Seu- atfor llngered -mmo&iIld for a third Sap Of coffee. Thte nwd ImUghed andl ung back chaR at thse dellberate moa et the table. Wilie tht householil. as vas the craillaesemld et the door tu set the stage drive alvA>', the Sens tor con- thitil calmlj drlnlng hia coffee. BSud- deniy. Iust anelthe stage starteil, titre waa a violent poundlag on tht dlalng' roomi table anil the landlord hurrled la, 10 fiad that tht Senatar vanttil a dsh of rIte pudding. Whea t camne be calieii for a spoon. bat there waimnt a apoon tabehonond. -That shoelk-hfaded fellow took 'em: i thouglit ht vas a <rok'*txclalied Illte lanfllady. 'T'telAndiord junupeil atthe saie conclusIon. "Hustie aflar that enabu:rlng 'eut ail back!" lie sobotti to îue sherif., t. ho was untylng hls horst from the rail lu front o! the taverti. A fea- minutes later tht tage. la rharge o! thetsheriff. swiung aronod la front of tht house. The drver waaslu a fury. tierchent passenger.4"'yelléd tht la niloril. But before the offier couid mnort the Renator opentil lie stage iloor, stepped lnuoide, tea leneil out, toucbtd the slttrigr'sarma andl uhîspered: "Tell tht landioril be'l flnd bis aplooni Ili îLe coffee pet."-Boston Post. AccepablaSuhetItUste. 'Ah!"' aigbed the simmler girl, "I wlat >oo owned a yacht, and a-ould place it at Myj disposa." ".Sori7 I1ean't force jour drsam t. route out," reptheil te youth w-it the noiny ti.. "bat the ouly thlag t have to effer la that particular la a littie ismack." And ahightly tiîereafter the silence wu panctured b>' a moulful solinu resemblinh thte "pulsoetofthe cork tfronta botte of ginger po. A USchemse for (Mmfort- Frend-Why are you aneueohnaiastie ou tht aubject of wemen's suffrage? Mu. Nojo-The elections alwayas crm inuIlle sprtng sud fali, don't thtj? "UIertailily." ..Weil, trc'm iterented la the rais palgas. sand bthe'lforget about bowns eleanng" - *Mollnumi s a Dol lar.- Mouîlcello, bla.c. Api-l 25.-Mr. J. W. Mtoore oftis place tands a a Il.- iug tîroof lifthetfact that Urlght« Dlsease. een lu thet at stages, muy ho î'erfectly andl permaaaentîy ,'ured. Mrii. Marre aya: *"lu 18 h.broet reî ntable physLLense after a carefal exan- ti;itîoti bld me that 1 vould ie dit l t.rijght's Dîsease inalde of a year. My feept latankiesail legs vert eud buvoiît: I coutl harilly stand on Do gettllng curtil, wlîen q traveling saleSt uttîa îtuld [le liaf lie hiself badl beet euresi of Brght'@lîlsease twu jeels heore. --He imid Le hail takiei to bis bho au-I expecteli ta dît vlthfi, but that h bsd heen eure<l lu>'àaremedy celled t)odd's Kidikes>' illa- "I cromuoini'etl talina cthern ut on" sud Isut tlitîn.ftii~lua sy that thty saveit my life Afler a ashort treat ment, t -at eontpletety restortil t gond liealtlî ntit 1a aourtd as dollar." Chicago-Caitle, umoS ta prhit $8.00 ta $53011; lui-.--. hlpplng grade. $4.001ta $4.10; site-i. ,iîta- oelu.$2. 7 ta $3.00; vbeat, SN-.2 rail, Mle tae 9S cou-n. No. 2, 44k'1il 47e; eols, stadard alk. 10 42c; uye, Ni.'-', 65c ta fi6c; ha3 t.lmohh. $850 te $14,"~c; prare. $6-W04> 110.50:butter. chu,,-- esmeýr>, 22c t 28e-, eggs, frtah. 13, t10 1&; potatoeS 11.06 $3.01.20 $5.25; bogi. ehoice iigtt,$0» ta $5 I05 sheep. comnutae -hle$2.50 te14.-l11( whest, No. 2, $1.01,-t 11.01; cernt, No a-ite, 48e ta 4.:;-. iii No. 2 whli'. 441 ta 41c. St. Louis-Cnttllc $-t50 lo$550; ho£i $4.00 te $5.10; [s,-, pi 08.00 te $5-i vheat, No. 2, 04e t-, '1e; Cura, N,2 45e ta 46c; ý 2, 4to a41c; i-a No. 2, aie 1ta(Bu- Cincunai iîtîi- $4.00 toe S liogu, $400 tei 5 l beep, $2.001t $4.40; .rhest. No. 2 ý$1.051 t0 $1.06; con, No. 2 mizesl. 51, i,, 52e; ota, N,. utuxti, 4toce;i-i i. Né. 2, 74e ta 7>ý I)etroit--Cettle. $ -t10 a1475; 1I09> 14.00 la $3,15; o 1-t.1250 ta $52- ulieut. No. 2, '197, 1h- 9&. tarit.No. >-tloa-, Sile o52c; --4t. 8 w hie, 1 ta 42c; iye, No. -', 71e tto 72e. ilill.vîikee-Wtî îh.No. 2 iuuu-ltio 99-e ta 9&; cor-,n . 3. 49e te NSi o&t%, Ne. 2 t. lit.-. -t.; to Ur: re, NS 7'2c ta i73c; bai-loi Ni,. 2-.0& e to4 pork, mess, $12.M) - Toirtl-W litaIt. Nu 2 mired, Ou blc: corn, No. 2_,ui'ed, 49r la 7»< oata. No. 2 rniiît'u 42- te 4k; rye. No. ilu 73c: lose -o--L prime, $03.40. Bnffao--(a i-i uictsppwng ot-r F4.50 to$20 ita to, air te prime. $4.( 19$.45 heep.ji tur i liolIe. $325t M75T: lamhs, cuinu lui iiichokce. $5.75 1 New YToi- lIti- 13.0 to $- liog", 14.41) 1t- $î hi. shîeep, it 1.00; nîteal. Noi'2 nul,$1.S12te0$11K corn. No. 2, 52cI-t,,-;ont*, No. 2 hi(u 45e tu 4(k-; 1Iîîîtsr î-ainueu-y, '.11-io etg"., tteatei-i. It,, uI'. Oda a..d 994& J. Oreiluitltuci- I - An Dl .. 'l, xirve t.a -lto ii tluei'peleitit:t-Y f forger'. ]lie itiý .)tuneuiriynalogiolil of Ion-a. Itîiearlte tt .-cl:ted nithi lîtu -iled i luhîttlu îu u'thfendu sliht it- ugo nt J'lrtevilhi- '. - ais hot fi- embuahi auîd kltî' t 0e-de? of Itaia iiiTelegMpliersana. fui umoto mufo r ai- tréb Helas l'sSeii enuylvtisîa Iailroi .àtxi',t th Intrna Yorsele a a.i ou ditionq lu the = t VlI 'e, .uîi 13salis- fActou-y, Jobhe'rsgotI$ex-i,]-nt I-il., with orders eos4oý i 1lael-i- oîf a yeaur agot. Titis im#»*îen-it s inote- wortlyin ladry gooauis5 whtr bIi uttiii- iiel Inpuaiing. C'onditionis la aud about lStt,.Loiqart speci-lit>faroral. 6làl Coutol i Mi i l- Beetd ie expoitleu demuil i. O hOlh couitribalîug grt'eutetty to i i.r-i linta. Excelleantsltring tro' e mshi IiiLuis, caps. Ibouta. %hors, eciothng audit uttred liranli es. The outiook for Irs laendhî-li s net e brigiît neil e-as a wook a-- sing ta depressio.u exiting la tei i 'ski- aire of the LUitedtll ate i- C rjora liu a lu ereolse Ifs option 1 igie hon lias liaila ulpressiusg offet iia ttuar- ket. litibbllets the depasuil i i ootlfor earij work, leur contata W,î îimillae for bhiualnemudelîrersil baterti- u I. la filalsleul prudesmprices 11luirati-. The market lu general. luovurer. reita upon a solil hrasis, bot; afoids luths proms of thorotigli apHng roi alitti rialroad bujlng begini. RffIeitlhroogboutthie N--riil itInl a fotusghtbtet, but actes[i --i-k tý nov s-el imaîer va>'. Mertiroh erlly are prusperous, maktlg ittili- --nplaint coaceu-niig tht bau-huard ' .Tht outlook for general lt i in t1-sect-ion la very tncouragiag. lui('tinada the Incident i>f - li-f impor- tance hhotu 1n he Toroit., lire. Tht àproperty Io"a. atboui h tti i-il sdt $10.- 000,000, lu0Dotlilta th tîtfig- ure. Ritliroade are bcontîti-sîminaliy rllertýd or eniharraisinit p'41idtut e-Inter blochades, and eril iiiiconst- > uencetare lmprumlug.Tiih, o, in l- dîîtrj la somnewhast dp-io-uning t0 the prefe"eMl ti rff. TIi-1 lui-f Si plant ln the doamnion vusoffei-di-i uscek for sli'. rido n atleeli riis- Ciq. riet saye: MW"l Hti.i ble vchange ia thte girii uuu utluiok, dite lu u-îi.ins Me ii-ui ltthe guanu it-nlaud ta continue] d-cîlmand o ani lits- slpmenu, the -i p u ll îtaint atitles if liueataffs s-iu-i acirred valita useiece& . rutit 1i-tatiouî harîtît isiuâtained aà aroi-uiuo-t-o lîgi 1a la atltlate satifaetor>- uuîii.t 9 I"arm adi ees asstiman tone, leandl tu-ad.conditons aijl -iil sîuei slrengbb front a hotter gi-I - i-sidemaad la boîli tIi. priluelngandl ,tii les eý Retuil actlt-îty éhowed gairi ai-ci-titi prei-.1o3a " lise taalî iiilie ietart- le mentn,adin lioalgfild r.-li8utshhl ad foîod. %'iolesmle hi isij-sm aitan- taiiitd satitfactory rpiuIoi-tit, ului'ee a-leitins tîing gondi u nrii- i-lint an at extile«. Other goudss tu ati stsady saie a-eu-e footter, i tlàinu-ani wo men'. a-ti-. City 'pur-h.ýsoîf stipiei i.ere fir. andl comairy miiiuiisantici- puiete nereasel doplettét of lopir stiick. elirna pring tuutin W"etki',. 3Merca «S tilteucliaim -tas blmp-it an oal- Ly , fofr îalerile.but te.. er defauite were notei.l. tailrm&$affc ha ducos p- e n a mteritîl cîtauga la the mot-euent t. of freilit. lut therf wusa machltlarger th pusseugor iarr> mut andi Immigrant travel [y Gratinhipment-î 1,322M 0 blu.'hilm. ly are t4e os est recor-le i fI ear, aîîul(;l ky per cent limier cai-i-.-po"ibg ueek -s f 19WI. Asile frolit4t spueiti e teu- m- butrt tht msrket tilts r«7 ' mli ita the nu absenee ui tht e ailing htsa fat-toi-. -s Littlei mpreuieiîl-soctipro4ble mirai reneweil iemanil alilears troes alîroat ai Canipsi-c itilasut nîekeloal sval le ues dectineut,. lu coni 4% tente, lu aheut Md 4 «centa and ilu uu. t -., cepta. Rercîit of lir-e sUa-kl. 2Pt.ý1 i ead. loiOpiii- 'ewiti 213,6111 a jeu- ugo. fea>'li-s py ginad 5 cents.,liut tlh., pot qualît>' iau. tl til a deline of 20)i-lu a ogi. ta F"aillirre eîiaortodin IIChicago dit.riî anunîbtu-tul21. agîtîi130 the pro' il- wetek andl16 fou h-li-îmis Wtek of 19W. Thet tt.hool PinluiIpal Tal. About FoodI. Tîte l'rhîîî ltil of n IltitSehiiol in a týtini-stitiig t atîfornit ity gasnu: - lor i- 23jtra t1a-oiked(lunthe acilool %vt. tii luy shonrt so ntuer tacs thons. 1 tîuriiti' te it it out elig rapl .11>'. uuîa t liiteil poort> - u. ti--b coupli'd Is.Il e "'Y> î.eueIatui-> nork ted taoltndigestionia lir trouble, tuti>' Iîai(k antiI iheu tuuu- I1poii eonuultiug ithi siiiu'i oiiio ilii;î'îInie m'i l udruigxa. ulut ol ers pi-e I svii-lid deliutg anîd uonebnes I guI 12 yeitrs I stitiggîeiî nîoing nîlIti i l lmiiliap 10 li> t.orlo, sîllonilaitiii. I lo fîttenia Ilutrîlu-it o10 mtef -il lu lat ieets u atd iucîuitîu tillaalts. --ru-o yearsa îgîuI imet an oltI ti-tîiil lu phy-ahulaîun ho notl<ti l u ve i> out if-lîcaltît iondiition iitdn o lui- aý,ie telfor it an i -lutine titet tif lii.-Ntamlii. anil fruit. I foliowvd idlIs lnIutttonti nt iun usl oniontia 1 teitli î lotînea-mia ttlthîano more Ittaîlaciet. rhuituiilu ni it er troubtle atI fi-oui tIratimue to Ilha is(rîipeNuis itas been nry main 1,0<1 for mnorulug oral evenilîg niecî, mliaintrovr a il Ivlu aIIer i ut îî1i[liave lie-eut for year4 wtttont a triioe ofthtie uîId troubles. 'itîlginut frum mn 1ri'ucut *Igorotis p ica ilalo il mtntal I aie. I leH llirS lieiî1le >Ietliuuistah mli> ieht nt, ) lake evond ptîuue atuîung Iti' oldi iu for 1 feel lithe 1i a-hI Ilil tgri-at îuauc muorec i ur. Tro taltthîs renîarkuutu cv ilîtiutin l liea i taoit Indebed t.o u itsi-e fiiend ontulCrape-tls avdr l I il heii'l'oatuauî Co. tttl îontlluto lu îîtiflu- tir trIlhas . lite avaltraltbt gîlig t fi oi-teservi ci-tnuturies jet. tîltil 1 imie la a soi-id rhreIo ndigestion Ia ttnkýiuotii.**Nuime git-en luy Poshuni Co., Iattle Ci-tek', 1 Aak any îubjscnn wlt Il,,linuott-* about G rape-Nuit-. Thuise ws li. uire 1tried Il kîîow things. -i'Tbort'la retimun." Look lu euch pkg. for tbb- fusmous Lttie book. "isre 8usd tu Welii." ta ta s- 10; e- Il fol l, -n- tii end »t, &euhs 4US*IBU.te D'e islAW la sadi 0et t lo nwla eat.: DII nml, lova, Nobrasae, KanmeaMdais l- pouri.who wvil god la thse largout number of trade marks eut f retn a tes- cent, l"-unce package of Degane. cold water iauadry etsrch. Ths muesiu froni jour own home, anyviiers lu the abovu gameil hîntes. These trude marks must lho malled ti nd rtcelred bj the DeflancetStarcis Co., gmaha, Net>., before Sept. 1, 190. oober and \ovember vIii lio the beat moutha toe Iitlthe exposition. Re- mefmer tbat Detiance là. the only starcli put up 10 02. (na'fu pound) to the package. yoti get ont tlîlrd mares starcli for the samte moaeytMal, of auj other kLnd. and Defiance neyer stick* to thet rou. The tickets te the expo- ItIon yl ho sent by reglatereil mai sept. 5. Starch for1 umie ttj ail dueal- Tht Value uof Latin. This tory, told ut an educatlon meeting lu Londlon the other alght. mas> perbaps Le enjoyed by thosi' whO are antagonitto the teaebing Of the "deail languages." At a certain achOOl a certain boy vas regularly absent durlng the hour ln wlileb Latin waî taught, and the teacher calleil lipon the boy@ ftler, aita-buse Instruction$,. lt hait beeu lerueil. te lad kept awaY. Thetieacloer aci for an explanalloD. and the father *anid: 1t la ail right. Dîîru.g the Latin hour I amn leaehlng Jlrnruiy srrnethlng that he viii finil fer more iseful Itian Latin lu bli progresa i trough lite' Tii. teacher vas luterealed. and asked titiat thîs aubject mîglit te. The father re- pleil. 1 amn teaî-ttlug My son boa- 10 @avate wthota looklng glas&." A Gaeulnt Italu Guoweu-.- A dortor-ihtfliist lu the Altlnheltu Itedical Dlbpensary, 11.7 Folio tuildl- ing, Cincnnatl. Ohio, bas dlacovrtd 0whbat protez 10 be a poaltive aIr grua-er. Ths wlll e velcome sIws to thet hotaînde a nited ilhîi aId thel s n eu auasthose a-houe bal- In acanly and faliing out. The aunoullee- mtutf te dector-lhemlst lna nother columnu of ths paper explaInu more ftlly wataIthia oew dinlcoverY for the haîr eau do. A trial package eau bc buit fret by eucloglug a 2-cent tmP to Atenhelim Medîcal Digptnaar! 190 1Foso Building. Cincnnati, Oio. FUTURE OF THE AUTO BOAT. *Devîce Maxy et luad to a Reeolntiosi à. Yaobblag Spo.'t. Tht laudaman wno 'l% not a motor * ruîîk bas beeu onewlint puttleil b underéitaiîd the fîîror Over automnotilie bouta andl a L> thet-are calle liatili eandl fot fon't hauîrîche. These sPeeilY eraft. how.e-ier, tire lu a ciii-jtaby ihtît se-ives. and tîteir lnt roductoitn iY cauesie a retolutioti u11.ail lbouts for pastime and walter tcommulli'Ii0nO. *simîlar t0thie iffects of thet ul,îîoltl *on the use of ltorseleaa tebîcle.s. Tht automobile bot tm merely u autoîoo- bile eugile iin ltîl I modeleil for litgb Sspeesi. The advaulage o. er aleau, and utîpltha lauic-hem bute begun lta bc %I hînteiliut iu the trials already miadleat se home andI abroail. lu a conteft On the D' Reine the wlnnlng boat nîululalued an Ilaverage wped of twelty lire miles au 'r hour and failter limes but-e been madIe over ahorter oourses. The Irati ujatvh race Ilu thiacouut.ryLall as a <npeti- toi- a iolor boat tat fLd coi erod a uieassired tmlle lunt..., titutes an'd e t iîty ah seconds. Va arlitm -poîcor msu-h lilglipeed ire or f uge riîst, op)erateil by pi led i- ere%, aud huie beeti coîîîparatîie wlth 0-Ie Ilîtemt dî'algis or torpedo cruft. Tht ltauitooiobie boaut inauotbitig more t han ,I il rty-foot Iauicili vctghilig, Nvitli its en î'igie. lî'ss1tb1111 80) pouiiis. but upu- tic of teile. 10,ng umore t lia o tit oity horst' pot.i-r. A 1< urlit or torpedi' bout M li orIil- f î ieed ofti enty il% P mi les 1, sa Ioîir lita'iirem ilsa herse îpoweri- L 0.t hotIis l' le tuotor boitt lii illiti al( titteoe d trioueilit n. tt Lu -oitrola niirît an itd Iigiie4i itst las le citrols ilits autlîoobile. Thiete i-iatt uîadi' a SenstiIonin tF.nglaud tiait Franie lie- w Ibtîii-country, but te iti e fioi viii seî- ii i-i.t iiig vit IoI'il waters :iod a bltg os utl IntIte ii tiitîd for titi:. 11d 11tte bon ti . Itoat. speci 75ut11(jcai.-ofliIiiidliig tire tthîoll i3-tet in ii tiil ti aft.- lihisritî'd Sîlortirig yoa'lf.%p Lord; on'tgeijo r son. Thîis nltt nu tîtrue for boys.' » Malaria. ilavte >ou a s010- uaiIntermittett lever; ebills reepflua UP tise lansi col- mnaespeciailylalnthe mimSie of ltse day; achîng back and limba; cold luanils snd feeb; liashOi face a-Hibobrn- lng sensation? These se malaria symptoi. Do not del"., but beffin a c'ouirse o! trestanentt tO ei a09bthe dis- eaae. Puce blood vîli vithatnithe attack of poison beîter flan impure lilootI; anti as pure blond la the resuît of a iLeatiblyconditioon or tis tmaeli, von Sbouid gel îLe stnnsach ta teuler tii-t. Dr. CalilveWi'aBYrup 1-P 0 a s perfect stoutacli reutedl>',a gte lax- ative andI strenghetul Of thtie orgau oif ashlîitlton. Sld b>' druggfltsand dealtrs ln medlcints. ThetlIeriilcs gave Grue giraa»Cuh gu-sces of mind and hedr M lbe> Pue& i e k -m wt OU f M*«I St. acobs OH- Pt-ee,25e spdS ferak A eéisd ethe Voasul aieis i m.. 1 h0ait-m d1 I lm. mi..ldli.lh e a telIl AUsesi nIb sua aas sa ritasd s ausb ip Oea 3.3310 Nbgi-silil -li E.Maalaamisa i d1D MEXICAN 1wrnnwho work, whether in the hus.. store, office or factory, veýy rarely have thé ability to stand the strmin. The caseof Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass., i interesting to ail womnen, and adds further EUoof that womans great friend in need -isi y&'aF. ikham's Vegetable Compound.l "DEÂSMas.P[5EEA -I suerei miser! or eraI jeara. My bd .ha nd", ilb hai heari-t gdovwn , a tuut istdagheu.Ik 1 oil ooM wakea tros a resttai lm.p la math pain ad msery irt t Il oul be hown I ish, 1 couid ldose my eyes agala. I ireadeil the long aiglita and a-tai, daya.J& ea id do no ork. 1 eo sam lid il fre t physiciana liopn£ t, e r lio t. 111 fading that their melumo di mai cure me, I tbled Lydla .LPakhM"' Ve etabe -l as mhighl>' ruconendeil to me. 1aj~US Idia se fo Is Os~th.S lvas tht medicîne for: T y case. Very mm was tii f e« M ahe oM di Vla am i aus dto l perf c t h l i. 1I ted l si l have a amn appetite, m»d have gaiunaweight a lot."- Mms s&xa0~ lé Warruaton St BeData. N.MM sureîy Fou caanleut wh te remain weale, alck anald lSaa0UBUe mati exhanstet i wtb e day% work-. Rorne derange.mentetth feuinale organs la vepie.dhIefoi this exhanstion, foUowlmg W klindof work or effort. LqtUE. Pluskhain's Vogetatle Com=U Win heip you inuac sa lUhmb.e Uusdq etothe w outen. The cowe of lr. Lmuio whlch follows, proves this.. DEALn Mas. PneKaÂM : - Lent whstfl r isoedoan suildeul>' and hliaito nuk-m aube. of a doctor. 1I et, tmoto-a911 01er vt apudlng lu my litai,ail a dIamleuawhIý I airev exprleleed before. 1 bai Ob- - aisrahie appetite. nothilg tastig9"d.-mm C a lnly my hea th brok u do ua càeam pb lj Thdocitur sail Iliait femrale 1 tsugiItot>k bis Medicine iifh Aftr ta-o montha 1 deded to rw a echangee voulil do for me, a" as iIK Plakfaam'sVffltab <psrnII airogi>' reeommncultitae . Iui e - tu-y IL Wthla thirqe deys I Sot 1 0" -- -- * . iapçietite returneil. adi 1 OUM ibe:o5 - Ianother -tek I vasa ablete ai sp $63 r-.. -the dey, and In ten da"s moreo1IW a-as pouruda, andl feltr better and atrowilo? thOla. 1ibai for ytars. 1Irateimfly acknolege Itsaserits. Ver>' atacerol>' yeulb- Mmm as r wTE. Lue-oz. 110Saut fit-. Dzou. IIL" A Goo o" 10>. W I rs' ifi Then Itepre-senialire Mota hep- Wm . L D parti, o! Texas.'tram s nmnated for S4in0 SoU Congrelsu as3thtau(-ceeuor of bia fa- mu a 1SHO, her. Le a-as Ibut 27 jears bis W.L. Douglas ahoos opponentslouino opportunit> ta nmakre are a-arnby ,.a pltai of lis youlb. lus Joint dehate. men than any - ont day. cirl' of Sbeppar'u pponenU make. Tht tesSon proces'ted sompeinîg like tsis: iý thtýi hold thefr ,Wlty.i Le said. "It la rdlcuions 10 sl..peftbetter,wear tinkl of sondiiîg a me"e boy' l Con- longer, and hawe gresa. It 1la uî ime &Bd Place visete g rester intrinsie - a-e titetilmature umen i 'tiimature value Uasn any mîn.«il rinlils me of the oItdar- ather ahois key a-ho tîought the end of tht vorlil wd JEMMIéCI a-as e auni and a-bu got dovu on hi.s 11-U Os.ý= '0fl toel' h eledd'tome doii îhu-i5a'OO.FMW

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