L'~J~J. n ni Il vIl 16mb Mis n~ Wini bm ne iboeal Md a boom 11araS.sd bSe Qukckly Oued r. B. LOVfL. ULbertvv4l elUL. U1* n L. W. P MKILRST Uibultyvio. la CAPITAL $50&OO0.00 LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. ONE DOLLAR NViII opeil a $iavilige accoîant on whi liît.emt willi b4 iîaid nt the rate tif 3 per cent pIer Savlngs Department DE D 1. L TAYLOR. orpioeovica vsuooe a TAIA.O5 C. mta-7 ta II10ia. n. 2 fa 4 nul itM M le. in. Réie ýneo liiili.opiuu.ità- fî- jLtarh.XvjlIP, Illinitsi. < DR. E F SMITH. ' llENTIST. OFFicK'E VES l.AKE orrV BANK. pomt-8 tii 12 a.mIi. Andl 1 to '5i1. mll. l.llert.vvile, Illinoisl. .DR. C. R. GALLOVAY. OVrFoRIbFICEOVS . o t.~m H r Ont. totsi on. 3 ]and 6tuo8 p. in.- DR FREDERICK H. MARTIN Xmi-9 t) 10 n. î,., i lu,3* 1 11,tm luii.] DR. A. 1. MICHCLS B'JH MILU P. .ATTiIl:YAT AW. J nt.ticiL TIE NoII' i. 2. m .o. F. DUTràmPwL. VE.TRENAIT SREN aeIeTtU? étAl!E'IUAiN lbetyvlle ille ois Your'lanking? No mâir how smaH Ne m&tW how lurge NATIONL BANK WM 0" t ed .- tu" "'t. h. mn end lb. wommn alike J. L Tyu.Po Ilf;" kar. V. Pru Il .Gwdws. CanNe. uiwua1 diA*M oeoeIUAl4.0% byo$ 1P,&naiug of Alother Superlor. 1 A nalis rv>.ctMarys Avaîien.y1 ovuag .. the dilti>, a ne ou'miler expremm eil, <of -ouïr Mtl.r8lp-ror" ant tlu<Mother flouse iChic'ago. WI"- are asked ta publiis tIi. fîllîîaing euloîigYly a pramsinent (athoime divine: A lEAT'IFl, IFE. Whea St. (iregiry nuas ti-J tii write a e "fîé~ri . tse grî'al Mt. Atiaisuc ws hamwitlî th~ .-m'niarlîinlîicwords- Wbnipiaise .ttlauttnii. virtiue is-if hi Iny thenie. ifor 1illmîeevery vîrtume am as OffeasnI1ientimîi lj irnwlo %a as pnseerd ii ail virtte.' Withîîut thie éllgbts.t exaggerati<iu hikeime maie l mid of tih. good MIditer Mur! tienDevieve whoseedear ui has oleti c ite reward ai a veli epent lIii cféevemt>'ou. f@rcsr ffty-flve oaih llîlîwre cie-it in a kofabnéegationi. Joiiig gooi tîail, fougueUul of self, autl>îlîin ieîly and Imé fui- tii. <oaitmioni giac. Trulybihe vms poaimueilof îait >-t- nshire carit>' tu W làs teri amnI ta - tise pour or aNi", vho fU-it ullfe >oitlier kuev u its lave Utit oflprudence.Ilier fOvtUIe qunder difficulties front, uhicli ail otieabtait, %'as ls.youd compiare; air prudence and (Swm.. .enmofi jstice vus. beth a moine- of wvonder anmd adilatiîn; iia na'womd ailtihesolid virtue.' eonilincd ta niake biei-a omiien uol.y pkasuad and the,- veritable pillai- iii bev eomnmuity. 'Tie questtion uîîw pvepuded l>'evroie e"How enu tI.y 8Ses on uibhout ler" But ise alw&ye ilmprese'J ll who m-miuultedl her ýWUtI ber owu eautiful trusit lu Providence, andl uer favoitie niaxiliiî vw -'oud nilîl pcovile. fLirtu i 182, Nr. 2, miee emtered thie Couvent of Mn'v it 1M410. April 24- becanée aaî,roemmic-<iiîîi lier in 197)1, auJ tclon al ter n'as pliîim'ed in change of the yougnovice.'. lu lm7,if.ci.wamel(«ted ta the. retponiaiii ofile oiIlotier Supeiir, and ciery tlin'iyeare t.iueneaft.r vas -loseli ta u,ii.'heleseli. April 26, obs agrolleas nei,. t ' ,iciock niâuteiî nt Namse auI n.e,vei-lîmioy G ienu.i.în. andl n-et tlîrîuiigithîe mueai dniliy routine unlil ab.mt - 'l 'iock, wliemimilie .mmptlimas of paini nbolit tih. ieart. At 4 e'csk milie'weit ho lirieir.tion ini titi- Oiniwe-, lait ait.r iliat n'as prevailed iioi ta) retin', îîidgreir îvmoiuse raiil. A nelhlirti il s,-iimiwas .'alied. lruitt n's iwt utaîl. Fith ler Galway>'mini (brie.' Chimiti rm'lîîn'îcai..' augi aioigied beri-, jî it talm'it 6:30 1lier eiit hlnl Yom"-d itothe lifiiPriofi tes*Mic. On lw,2fltlîeih>'- iiih1 i I-ciuicn. n'as ciriig b>' itigit Iteveu-iil 1Mît Joo.miast.'d b -pis.-ws i flt-litt' iv atlsmr A mlrii.î- (;ni igr miK.ii >. asud tme %Wihh iai ii (irauuer, iof tilt fvemitiml A..Ni'< ii vii-k nisusmiit a Ie' tight ltýe ,n.iI liishli ltii, -l', ut Mhme.utni. l'ha'n, u-eais. îîhîabot utul tuioledi-m n iii h nîty iieelts, Fter tits ti,. i( l.ile.rtyî'itle, ammibigt tih. ensile-r. 'fihe long office for tihe dead s"enselaistt-ulIi. thl. prrfleelsilut'lie Maetiary Atl rffliu.(tled tul a bonlîut lvit'priecîs ithti,.galier>' who sang~ âwmb"obp Quicley Pned dnt tise.' ilqulu iand paid a tributs ta stulugqasltls s decitaséld eCou;nty.l mwui le ft Jus.. 2.1 foir Mc1 MAYORI PEA Friday.' May 6. 1904.-8 Pages. $1.50 a Year in Advance. ~$iIberîyvllI. p~fla~ (lut tUtiie. 8RNTIo~El -LibsrtyvIIe. Lake WoI~ukoopu jn"m. Unable te Oct Modmut*hiie. 5mId to bd la Canada. Juiciee leorr P.shatiaveil fili wuu- keqan, bed lait vee to tihe grand jur.y on a dmarg.' of rpe, atr perpimtt bnt latile eforttaomeu.bondommu ralized thaI be wa. tan ue a vulgwlv phrase "up againtit h' andWudneuday nlgbt a.'thie police vere àaot ta go aiter hie, and taite hita the 'coucty' Jail, lie boarded ani ciretrie car, golng tý. North C(iiago where lie baaght a ticket 0vP? the Nortbwentevn, ta Kenaeha, andI by the dîUne oflSmere an of aihi.' departure ho vas ln anotIerstate. Mr. John Klrt, of North Chicago, tii aign hie bond. garly Wede.iday morning Klrt vent ta Juatica Murrie and orderud hie naine takmn off thu bond m'ylng that ho vae intoxicated wbeu be elgned IL However h. dId flot produce .bat.'veii who vaA at dthe i omewbere ln the city and b. vliiib held for the>anîount, WANTED <ON ANOTHE. ' iIAliiE. laturday Justice Weimimuleed a warrant &Iodant hatowel nt the ln- *tuAm%- of Fred OSon, a domffltic. 8h. ai&efel that Sbata.%llcoflketd w.ge due ber and neyer turiied titra ove,. The charge in ebesaiement. Ruinor in Waukegan in in eflert that Shatowel leW nov la Canada. He ban bbo hard fru van aid tien ta b. on bis way ont i the United Stats.. Mma old aid 1.1e la Wankegan and throughout the counil are in trouble becanseof BatsvuIf. nreemous i*de. parture. For mamy vearsb. ha., been the pincipal ma n l the eouty to look mitr pmdnensioams for oid soldas,. and hi umy, ille Ud ont the. malortty of vouehers,made applications forvalse, e, and tinshl& departuve vithont h.vig dlmpoeed of many miatters lms aread d iii canse much more in. waurmienneaad annoyance ta the old eakâm wsba draw pensions. EepSWlliy "l tim. ie la regard ta a number for wbou ho iàd bon orklng to get raises. é tiey do not themneve know tbeexact iataiofafairs AMd canant continue emouIOs ith the.'Washln0o etdtuo til t4er lemm just vWb" m 0111 la th.1fmiattev. TSNYU ri?.'TU AN<rIIE.'MTNICw. Suits pending ln Sbatsvell's court baie been transiered to other justices amitins ende hl.' reginie iu ant officail capacity alter iîaviiig enj.îyed the confidenteo.f Lake e cinty îe.eqîie for a - long js.rio<l of 3 enr m. Tîe artiîle jin l r' ien t lssie <il the1 iNt'ÇFi->Nit.NT eX piainiiîg thte Coutrovermy1 over na ropijiitiimit>, ivide the .1af U)ay-l'rairie View w-i îîîl district andl have ta'>,-Iloo, n.. ini> iiither villuge' insteail f hie une ut uil Yan anon.i incite" the iîioiînjg i- n i cation liy une î>-iîi mign. imi >iîeil a disiutère.îtiil party, and wliiiîgwe.s -,rtii pveeent thie mnerit of P'rajrje Vieyw r'- 'iteution for a division iii tlîe îljtr-t: of Prairie View l &@1-eking for aî division of thie Prairi'- % iew-l11ff Day échouîl di@trict jin fouijîl t ho culinaio» of a lonug agitation hai, i uîg tiensd jin vira'. 'fwo nienilem .1 tis townshipî bo)ard bi tnssteesflan- 1i nvrabiy uoiî iulere.'Ied i ïlcaiitiii l>, Iprograeioln. Thei diiimiithiîg îîîcîîî i-,i îfori.md imter- emteil parties beiiinîu ithfat lu vould vute against aliy iiroplituichmange îor for aimy iruprovemieiît. 'llm petition in mowvini the Gouîity Srlrintendent of Sebool, îoffice andui t is > ted In Prajrie Viese tisai.he diercl 1 thaI ver,. the petitioni wri tIenoii gilu 'rged paper andl lîreaeited on a cilI-i Iray, b.wvîîli veto t." Thetnniber ni legîii i ters la Prîliiri Vew and Hlai Day i-' generally qunit-' eveîiy divided. Uarii" iire mga Prairie Vle.v had a meajrità,>,11V alU Da&y IMM. The chief reamsufor tlî' e»tition ln thIt tise mchool le eut large 'r îîîgh to acvom- 111.alte the puuilm. There areover o»>- hý, irede ciin i furiees orfy-eiglît lri f théeiniml-r uîîw eurolicd u tise '--'ut souda thirty. Are tiiere not miîuy e tw-'isntbe. oîîîîh liavimag fewer thai th l i >iîini. Praiine View peuple realize I -iîî dvantages accuriug lion.a tai> 'rîra oeooi ai favor il, but are îîe t ii haviug suaih a fflhoi oimted ut 11fiiîîy vbici plaie fi; neither a railroad pointîît innéa visibîle fuiture. Tiere i.' iii îu'r thce ere or anyvthiug that goew -s,.mîaie a village. Oiu tii.,ther hband r ii'ie Vlew in lu>citelii sami rtail roii>i. i-I large ioet. office, avware bouse III i ithe'larges .t fee'î uîîll iii tii.cauty. tl,' irture se briglit and lthere i lwsn' t,- -.. îol siiuul Il' oirxated by ail mucaile ThaIt'rairie Vie» ,% I iîave a i-hlî 11 ital bii ut rle,>' iliit r-t t l g i.'gîg tî mauanle,' ni al 1 l euimis to eecuiinthe Jesiredllî Mrrtthe eur-lîît p.>sIlie date. A li"ir>iEtAIT LaueVilla iire Luans. i.omeeéand 1îsumu - ihule Lakte Villa tire J.scriWuehi Ii mm t . , ' IlDI>mImOiN 'i am as iUo1wsq: L. W. lol'iig, tîn" -',lu, iliîmruum-e, $800 , 85h() iArr'i,$1,tu î (iinaA ieriami $500(, Phuo'enix $4>éýilîr,-nAsessjimiirut 'Ai Phiuiluiplail $1 (m>u> D. lîmigtthi, hu'.>,t'2 -110ifiîîilsurrt' $1,51(10 mum 11li4ueiix. Hl. PotIer, #$2,001Juu rr rurm e. Triunuasi aîîlLî,i>..-iw,510.1 Elgin Butter idaiket. Ilijîter ou tii., Elgr>intBoard ai Traîle vaasqnoted oSm, lit 2:1 ue itaMula>'. Sails of thé week 41H),200 pomaa. 'wuek haityean M80ents. Thuriday ai ternoon of lai> inkl ïVaiikeiuî nutl eued a csîH fortise M045ftt' eoivention. it Wi ,ittb at on., o'rloek Tbanetay, June 2 ut the Town liall lu f.hber4yvles LE Igaîieto tie lente, iruataiuiam in .- .i mai coanveeti1oeWittlieh.clfm.as Ait two yeurm go Lai.. îîinty deinocrats nl make *& tvnî ' ffîrt ta goeu'nn'the Dominatironofa..an ,froni tlikwc.mlnty for mlnovitY r.'ittve (Xtta Mueit'tke, P61 LàI. 1 .-unie Gibbons, lleevfleld and J. C. oiîî.'i f Aibt<ah, ane, avowed randkU.t-sfor tihe nomilnatioin and lâVaorlirî.of W&nkegan, h being ae d >JItiý r'iid&4 ta lie a candidats mati 1h- 1t, iatter under conslderation, a.ieuitiv D)esmond, of Mî-Hery voiw~i ite the endorsemeat of tba*oSuîîu1 for the nomination and Boomuoouat? ,]illii,.- wise have a mni. Il; viii b. remembered that 2.% in. ago ea.'L cunty put np a eandldîîi, for the nOke and t"st a deadiosi rui.,,it taltligthirty-ieven b&4fittsî d'> île the matter. Lakte hadt 2 àUseei, r>24) and Dom 7 votfe. u 4eîrî,îiiu MeIienott, ai Wauskegàn. %%aethe .~dIdte frn> tu couV if mi']the promise uofiBoome heifflthiît tlîey voold go ta hi. afw t afenr p- parent they co*M Dnos hàd Ilîîr îwa mn, tiut tbey fiffied te k'. Iiieir promipe and on the. altia bail.t 1>-i-t ta Desmoud.* Jut sucbh &9#4î.rîîîmîjse again thije year, but Lik' I,îîîint*y demoirato dpecare t viii1* t ,- iîît, fas tWr D umberq are ineeueion , s uaI> rapidity aloug the N** h iilî,etlat vien a re.apportionanàuuf the, de-legatem in maide' tii>.'year 15 vii Ileveloi that Lakte ha.. mare dmlegiîi-sti Il.' credit than the otbu.' te,-,,intie.' combiued. PRAIRIE VIEW YS DAU DAY. Qu.tion of Dîvtaoo of Sehoal Distrct Create8imaeuelau. DOTH WAT OOL. Diwwlec Cannt Attend Fuilr. 'uNI)î>iimwpr iii .iîîimîAIxilen ituiie ii s', e'rmii tii-J to aîttî-'îîl tIi 1,.îmioniilhitl'Iinum ' Exiemitiou t st. Xlim s iul thie luiat3'wiltl la j imiiiite ePxiiilin nuintI>.' -lîi. Tli. ahinoiiim-ehi>'i It n a ia>m nudiy ah ZiIm iCtyhy l hvejr-smr ohiin (. Htsi-i',wliilci-lareul tehé ii r w il lie a - >iiival mif vim,' amnI iiiihiioi'i>lily"andl -11,1ll inîiir thîe d,-rls ausp>i'em.- 'llm oîhleeîf Zjîîhî tii. verIe'i- 'e- I-ia, 'i nuld i lIL a liarpl hîîkout ta -'t iIi t ti. mie viIihtu-tI l us i m jiciîi' n. lii' i g-l îl l-.I-.' i)i iivite theilT lru'uîi ii heii iig i.i ctIii.' cximmiitiols to, tliii.iut ZîuîîîCty and le' pen.uiadul tei ahaiid',iitheideIa nfgoimig ho tt. I4tutim. Spectl Meeting of Superviiors. Omil-iai ;tnse*edings iof tiseru-ci-t 'pcii itng of tise Laite Couity tUaiml of Sispervisors yull b. fouad an au Znude ppge aiIb imisP. COMBINATION laonof thet- 0F CLR about our: Like dimeord inamu- sic, poor colSo uu*f- nations are ditatlug. We really fe i «W WC bave ezoepouliy Weil selected Cp.ts and Rugs3' NANI KEN AT M I(ON R»AD Lke aluff Scea. of Activlty. Extension ta North Chicago. AT TISE RACE TRACK. Le rwg gamof mn ti, r. nt %w ut oo tihe 1le-tri-rond is'twee.'iîlaskollitîiff ami Liliertyvill.' putting tIi. trackin l âhapp alterthie eîîring 11mw naïflraina whit'Ig cause>! the ronellied to p.'rtlo ini places ivid tihe t rac.l.sn teais.) ii balulat>. 'Th'e >îîî.1i. ie>n s1lemdid ehaçie now ndit t s nI leasmîetli rifle ovpr It. At Lai>.' luff aniitler gang of mn inh at wcrk .'o'atvatigig for these u-vay under tra-m ts lie North %entera and it wililnot lw'longiiiitil înîîson.'wiII have comnmenctii.thelarge' arrh. Tihe exten- oïon tu 1North Cthiv'ago inl ling îîiisld ta campletlon and will le reîlv le-ion.thse ub-'aay ih. At Lbeftyville propxoiîtione have lsen made ta property <iii er.' along inteudied rght-alway hetween tha viIllage anîd Boctefler but there le a dîmpoition on pant af ovuere ta reject a ny oSepr. madle ta date. they contending a ufficent price has not boiea tendered then. for their property and the reultant damage. Ag' yet no teettleînents have [men made.. Repreentativeri tif the compaay urnert that it le the Intention lu case sttlernients cannot lie mode utherwlee to set condemnatlon proeedînge,' put up a aufleclent bond and go ahead vlth tbe work, not waling for the colrt' decnion, whireh vould--dlay work. Whatever damafe.'areaed hyjurorn hearlug thse variouxss.' iii b paisi wheu decisioni. are rendered. ilowever it le pîrobabîle thipe wil uot be n&eceery in ail mète, lriaplu innoire, as thse eompInin m ettling witla property ow-nerm eat of .ile.rty.'ille (11<1 mt resort uth tisourts lunlut on. or two eairss and lu every lutauce liait] fuir prit*es for land they Securrd. puna 'WOSiK os INEW RACE TRAOZ. Tirty teamoend many muen have t.en at work groLing Up thse uew mille trai'k at the Liiiertyville Trottiug AmuoiatlonA grotnde thiâ week, and visile muore tenant, and naen are ueeded and dired it lq in.poeitile ta .'ecure thein. Barring nufavorable wenthër fcondition.' it wilIliep poimible ta comnplet> the truck ln tiie ta hiod a race meeting ti> fal. lu foct officoi a of the association amrt a far in' ta la beld ou tihegvounds thie year as at tiret contemplated, that contracta for neilriary buiionz. *à tlian t&blu now n urmanfaai cntruction have hban plie>] and that tihe structure@ eau aud wili la coînpieted by timue the tru-ithé.. A tc.îîporary ytFliu of drainage auJ t) le' mîaie lirranent ien uder way ego tlat e> utof "wet nalar nork- will not We lîî>g delaye>l. This i.'n ntesaarv a- ti>. g? *,>i>i>Ianm lotited on low land]. A poN 'ifui îmachiine n hWhid i ,>ates ai» loi>, l nto wngoit m iuiiitaii4IIi>Isy in iu use andi> gri'atly fiýii Uit.'.' the %vork. I t in o1.enited ty liiim'e îIowr, iel>iriiig mi> t>> >igit teanis, Arrests Min Over 'Phone. Weuelî3 1,. ieof Poli'e (iraiy, of Wiiikigiiii, arn'stesl byt tle;il>no former (' . lo1i>ie Jamen <iirlon, of Lakte Fîirestiion 'iîiiplaint ofiNIrn.. Elizabethi lCr'nis, îol Wamnkegan. Thiîs le the ftIret iîîtarin i Lai..' C.unty ofl an offleer arrexti>ig a mnii>rver a telelihone. Nre. En-n is s,, <re ont a narrant laitue Jueti'. , Vaiiemien, rhargiug that ;(jN]rii laidîl .veMey attacked lier, beat lier an(l tIi nw lier lown claire iu ber ;îrîlî,îîweit 1,,lier home neluthse euplait.v of ecoutable on nqet 0f WilIiani J. l"airer, agent for the Stste littlers' Associatioin, wiioee purpose it i.> t>, lîîiatoe hottl iu. e-louging ta, différenut boîttiers ofi beer, aiei, eti'. Sueîilciou li t-mI tii thle Krewie lhomie Ltas aveI» %\ii'r" iiamy of tise lî,ttles wn'i-n- leateil, nu,>]hti'uiait wentt tere tofiivetigat.'. Mrm. Krewite lainis tlîat Gordion aunuilted lier and iijiirm'd lier ta eneli an cxteiit tiiate@le neoiillîied lo ber lad. Goirdionitated that lae ertninly did nîît ai.auit Mn.. Krewits. He saad lie liaIl gitue (heme to look fîîr tottiesaun tiat tIie vomit mnie ut hlm and the the. agent wlth a <-lui); tlîat h.eeed ber and l leld lier wlîile tlîe sarcli iwocn made. le sUite.' tlîey font](]dtweuty-flve of n'.'iiilîttles and lthaI lie dlJ not injurelier to sut> i nextelit tîat eh.e ji le frîîîîîtIhe effelit..Mr. (Gordon lied ti ii."î-îîijit u ut il Saituhrlayny t 2 '1 r.. Pittsburg Perfect Pence, the beBt Fence of them ail, for sale by Libé yÇm i TlfhOf Work Ilarneses for Spring We have a good supply on hand, or by teaving yolîr order 110W can make to order for early delivery any kind you desire. ar rmers! lt's time to 1repare for Spring work. Order now. C H'AS. K AISE R Horse Furnishlng Goods Libertyville, - - Illinois.q TELEPHONE 61 v~~~rnvw 1~~~ F. D. SCHIMIDT ir Ma"uuirr . PireFrames Window and Door Sceens Rubber Tire Repair- ing a Specialty Ail Kinds oifWWagon Work Repairs Promptly Attended To Jul .îîd Libertyjville 111I. Try ono owuttA.They Wing ruelt m SEEDS mi Timothy, Claver, Mllet, Hungarian, Red Top.' Blue Grass eAuDAIL IHêOr Field & Law1p Grass Seed C11ARLES STEMPEL Apr 9-JUI t-uS L OU e ,~ YaU can buy Barbed Wlre Pouttry Net- tlng and ail kta4s of Hardware Iust àlittle bit cbeagt eus*, snywheemIc SBovet (, Eaally Applied Ishimis Ws* c.m- . jL!ÀI'N Do nfl o "tdropi" when in out viciaity and sme au ffemhend elaborate stock of Richardson's Superlative Carpets W. M. HEATH Furniture and Unciertaklng Libertyville M- linois