Fr.i acandidate for aimuit Cerk, -ntito tW dcleon of thie Repnbli- euonnaty Convmgtl. 1O-U-0»d POR IR nCUIT CLERKI. 1 iliaJI le a candidate for re-noina. doan, for a iscoât terni, ta the aMce-0f airuit Clrk, aubject tao tihe deeln of t4ie Begùbleiacouty Convetian. )LEWIS o. BOOK WAY 404ftW WltLJ*lyw, entereti loto tile lait' ha .9! tihe busine,. yem. SIna genea way, buoineu libu lti np ta conarvatlve p5ottonc turing the, liret bail Of pitiétiontal o boinberruptati. lb. mumImm 1- 0. , -c.galdti a.Of no.conSer» o bwda alteratet Tii. ordinary preai dai"l yaat pabIne fot exwetedti t MiUr ni d. *reolumtson it Ducal Lobi. k xeuenkel areroiuhîmlanltaklag plac ma u 1e. Witliin Mie lm t ev Yeu% lm*dfil villaka e1 Mtio yeen lawhqnb ha lienoniealuiot à# èlào agrItuw eil~~B theti ~ Marimà h uuéetan o! fl crup't W eamtikielcm . cowor the. ptehsegrecsfoins tint le lilpino *~earole10 a rewlile in rànim -, a t a. 1 m Ï R & e n >54100 c ain o~awblch leuers of and sut uoiame f ti."ga. of ruralborne. W"« Md th aw 1lû"topeter. bg*e ct mmgrboactir on '" *ho W ",à batà vas-. omwwto t* =pond, euit or ~Bejltey cost i anblesrlolne MtpaOf nom, vith neck ant UIb i. Mnt serine prableme Of .1118-oeid '0,latii. tedencyof tiie UWWse'bOYc o avu tisa fari nd ekifur tlia cly Tleydotisin most amln Obégimice htu ebir gtewarlona ln- éloute, ti«blgto liS la tisa rovdi of ho ltff exctemeat, pleceume an4exhul- mto. It le ouly by mielung armn'le *i ttratire that 1h. boy. ca, Le pt a tic 18am. The lnermaeng &m. xm f lâm Ille, itit tendts o ksep the ayeiS tàiser, vWi h.- ati lstlnable mmit M *tu tiiefamner bluvif but Dîcirmonti molie Jokfl Wrc, sp 11r: ced Mmc. oba WlhR, vas bta ah, 15, 180-àat diet June 2e, 1904.. aucmlug l iinaly dua mis ar4,l vente anti au Infant brother, u m"eblcii andt ti.entlug o! hi@ e 0 ri ivIn. orov wnot alone ho thW 4m"atiat.imilybut ail Who kp.v him, W.o vihituaextenti Our sincere tbaikw >ý* MUIIand OurtM'naifriande ud ORW300 for thé'k ln( varda 6 ~si~apatityla tinicof Onr bre.ý 20oeeant inimAWiera. LcIo Ana,, am' o aL. Jutison Sig Mdt dklluna2,1904.. Altiiogl 0 file va. but 18 Yeare, 5 montisa an ) va. fraugât vié yreAd pieuui to anlfor ailvlio km* an ves M io vlng frienda.-e. R. tal ho iiltii.dnteco!ft. hotnea etcboc M lnvbilciibee a unept anti oilite pull triving alvays to exCel; ,d la*g ic otnul t..M10 itt, It »> I graeset regret tisat be vue lal tel".eyup hIe sehool a omi.. Ou BROy,cO4r, lovbl 115boy bac Mm Srm ont Mm.. st anlie hbu en m"d more brMt anti beauttint la poniat hy b1hpresnS, io mil Ïkre» mémtomer and . dearer. for OrtreaicreSMat tameofittiag eopend frein e" nluthe. ~oiîcL0 tihOf lie ud To MONDAY, jJLTy Il., i. Th@.fîmt four cana brongbt by tal telbtrlecoad ompany ta mecAN * tigh-f.Z' tbrougb Park vq property after a ttraS or four tiaga hemi lac wt to the jurylu the coubly couf4 Tlibraday of laut week end e toW Cl demegsellowad of $6,00i0,tiutriutU.& Dr l. OlowaY-ceampemtialn10 tend take» and a barn, $i,700;damagei S180 âa, 8,000>.-1 J.HOyt-oipenfaetlon for ltmdý tek., anti a barn,, $805; detuages,$85 tot0l,1440. Inasetetw onipmesmdon for bkM tMmeanad a beru, $00; dtimge., O$035ý total, f$1400. '7 liarrison Brwn-laud taken, $880! deagea, $700:total, $1.050. Tnee othur Cam., thoas of tihe .lttrie4 rôatiagaitit John Balarti. flenrY Hfarvey iEIXlae. bulkley were toet., pûnaS onti Monday, July 11. Attarney Arthiur Buhkley and Clar"noel>rrow, the. laitter a Chicago bave bu.» retained nnd a stubburu figlit for damnages greatly in axune of tatuisoffered by tii» ronspany le ta Le matie: lu thi.e aes tieideti Banna &lllr1 of Waukegau, repmsentedtihtii.! ndant anti thoir lients are. satinfelleti th tiamage awarded wblch white not what offeruti by fflver»lJIsundreti dallea. Attorney Charle. Whtney, of Waukegan, le attorney for the electrie rend in- ail of the cea. 1 Li î ae eid. 1 'Lake Zurich lid NblhWceebratlon on CI thé. Forth asid it là ptimateti that over thr.. thousaiid PeeoUsgathered inthe ti.< vRiage to oboerv, the. nationâi holiday. - Qeorge Spunner, of Barrtugton, andi C. th T. Hu@Ydocer, of Wunkegan, werp seak- g1 mr of tii. day Andi défireetid intreeting Pl Mtdreeua ting tw tihe ocacioti. 'Ple 1b, Ivashosb"abgll tewbni atilnlteqvti a ýP bad defat to the. Waucontia teamn. Two lape et Fot. , lie Sentry Willamr E. Orove, Who .had pi beke detalle t )guard Bay P.fleuri » And WIlliam L. ien et FortShbeidan u Wedueeday, awakefrom a doze to find 9' tbe.primnwmsha,1 neped, lesving their -an "hakie.on tihe grouid et hiw feet.w Jedy And r 0turued - fatigued Alter two p d@4pe furlougi. Tihe Primonere led a o er tu aerre. D ?.tg Fram a Çr ait iov itaàppene inohady inova dt cognde tasurlng Monday nîglt thIe tiaw o! ce elSctmlce ar tontilte.liinp 1b io Patnlek .('Donneil lylug alaug- "ite tii. cit. luit north o! Iiighl"nt Park. The.mati was injireti tetvibly ani nO le at -hie homne un liatd P, in etriiclcoù iio a aceeulthai lin"urasto âantdi. ntdett,- a. iadIles-n et Fart 81.rtdan Park anti it lm premutti. et le v40 retnmning home anti teti fratu a Metor platiform ofat 4 car. Noliody ranifemberemislg lain ,tî sitti ar or in the. viinlty. ODonneiltim about 55 yfflms id and in Wteli knov-n in Highlandt Cam" sCrimina Cnaume. AllermIng that oeu, n ee notling anti that eho.férpee re Ieay lieonw lpermnanent- l17 blind (lestALHait, oS Ilnmieel, lias Meat a warrant for thp aret o! «hate. Oardn.roS the. iame place. 'Plie wýqian ailepe-powtier froso a blenkt etj rerý #d by (lact nter edu er à m Oehoof hei. outb anid reeiltaNiom thie owty m* -deint we leerp 9h,1» LékecoOn1- Chicgo &Milwauke IFectrc R. R. sg thé beaUtl Round Tril>.! hIÀIrty'illu. hua Round Trip, iusrtirrulîe w Fart Sheridan ..............2iie FÈtSoN pam bic ie tLI q 1é 5 wayme Juwgp cdi Bal"a, eputt hec. at)1h, ai mcc4 , rge'. bor aiclilgo ' cit a ~few Ibswoek wlth franid 1mc lief MMeada and i ater epsal lay," bem wlth tOedcanM çmond 01 jouig aopla f rom» * cme idbôva1«oà.a goa Ue Reil anti brotfierWin,otilkhao, te ourth w1W t r"rdiW 'g mie Wald, ut Burfingtonl, epent P# witb Ier brother, E., Wàa. rDatrion anti daulter, oS Ubert Oelebrateti tht. Faurtit witlt fçdnýi <$r'tu»iwly, of liavuera tGrues, ws elo4tii. ,neny Whio elelratedti ii Mrtli u trarcYlake. uevra àtan hlema attundedthii Bd mial contAet et Lake Villi Thnretiay evemilng. Je'ase Longabangli Cde.. Roiluac ivd ar TIiOMPAOn anudlady fristidi Wmet Vox Lake Tueeduy. tstopplng- at Drucea Lakte attundeti tii. daet t heii.(lîtra Rouie July 4t4. * Mr. Mid ire. Tonney Midfaunly, ai Oek Park, epent the. 4tl i vth Mr, Pearl Faenion and getlemnfrienti, ol :llnwaoo, epent a féw days e iltt 3iW Fcnlonýo aum ntdts t-e, ar*tnd Albert T. Reynolds andti na, liatrim se àtiii, of Cliecag, eçunt tihe Ftortit wlh'rand Mia. Albrigit anui T. b,. t aynL9ýùd. oai uplace. '> . S W. R. Kuitb, auditar of tihe Altan rad-roauouipaLnietiby ibis vite anti tienglter Margaret, apeut tbhel"atrtb witWE. E. Kitli anti tetntt. lIr.,anti Mrse. Marahalle Atwi 1entertanetlwitir son lieu]. Atvel ant vite Of Çbhjcnga, lait Bunday andti ts-tr son Harry aMid wile tisa Fourti. -:W.. Miceinlilan aMd fainty éeter- tainet I» hle eMed RaeeDanîiiléer anti "earu. Jo, Hleury anti Euery Atklnàou anti Jack Tablai, ofi bingo, reeatiy. T. E. Steveti nti ýfamily, eli Chlcago, are aPeuIWIu9a a ew veekiW"tId Mro. Stevenn' pareheand freuds atilays lace. Mnr. Stevens lian meelgueti hie.position lu M r.'anti Mra. AM Tiompson anti iaugliter, Agieaales- aturday for lienver,, Coo, witet liy viii apeati a ipantit liting Mi. Titampsan'i parent. ansd brofiier ciiei. -Mienei Elaaabr Witiam, o! Weukegan; Rasai WaIae, of Oak Park; luez Carce Nortihoif, of Callforu nti dMeure. Roy Ca-r, aI OOk Perk; Dr. Brown, oaS Wano kegeu; Hiramn Wltliam, or Wnukegan; Arelie r(Coombe, of, Oak Park;,PMu& rwer, of Wli.aton "d Carrie lobno <n, Mm. H. Cmmrbe andi fani)y July 4. Ampal foase Party. Mien Wlnlfreti Coombe, of t*rayslake, le giving lier annuel lionum party et ber beautiful nenr bonnldue. Tliase among tisa giiemte aroi Mise Lue>' Lovejoy, of Princeton, ti.; Mia e th Thoompeon, of Chiicngo; Mise Elle Mec&kneee, of Oak: Park; Mite Wiclfreti Woatdforti, ai Oak Park; Mies, Eorence Fentiereati, ai Channe-l Lakte; Mini Kahe Caller,' of EJieon C(III S., anti MieFlorence Drmee,oai Urnylake. The Young peoplk are enioig a fine ontiug. Tlieir chiât lrivlng, teunatand aroquet. -Mrc.LA. E. Brown, aofWlsk«ga, audMmc. . i. , Whilpple, ai O.k Park, viii chiaperon -th#. Iadleeduring tihe tlre. eekaot the huées A Oraad Poth. Tlie gis-at andi grand cel-b ration on- lie 4f1, of Juiy, whli tia, eiti at (iryÏfake ti<i. Yser and gi Yen anti cou ducteti by th. flienen viti, the.libere] ecleeneao ur loyal cîtisene, viii be -- rai a perfoct on ur oraua occaion titi about 8,000 puple gatiered 1 ITickm GJrovetodolebrttthegtorlouo 4tti. Thie apeaking andelinging wereexcephion- %lYgoti anthlerabes affordeid lotseaffun. The beautitul exhibit o!f dreworki and te datnce et the Opers Roue. vare the. amusemsente ai the. evualng. Ail vi» cae. taomaryeke taio slubrat. lied a gonti tins.. Tie i. renen cleared abont two buntireti douarse, which le tu go t.> pari lu>ing th e dutstaf. 'Ilnv ,-et. .r is emidci s nd s nur liellveing an attéimpt -lied been mati. to clip aninm ant ont o!. Chieago, thei Waukegen police Monday bouglit it, e tieket and ti iit ba ek ta tuaI ity. The tunt aligliteti ot a North- Wesern utrain et Waukegan antimonu raitud. alt"Iî in -the station by bisi aetions. Thle police were calleti,1 anti tie etuppoiwdt tianiane aid lie bleme given a railway ticket lu ChirAga anti put t the traiti. lRe vasaAt aucesent back. The polic-e waited ail day to pryent lie returit, but lie diti notalpoar. Altîtongithe llrst attesnpht t ate a iam garden oit tie, lutkeiront, ai ex- laitsed inth iis eprrepondence lest vsel<, et wtith fiilum anthle proposition,,,, imnet tiown, lt Io not unlikel>' WaUke rom wiii stil liai6 e reiorto t tiat nature id, whie it will not lie locateti on the. ake ehore, it will taus the lakts ln that 1h lt lie anthe bluff on huberltian ýRoati, if aient plane carry. Lait wuek Jaeahi of eih iChiffgo, purclineti ot K P. ,Woli a ILoon hridan Pondand tuât itt, o! Bltloek's livery on the bluff, anti m nov annauticea tiiet lie vifi erect a îiiingo<n tihe site wbch la ta Cnet from 0,000 h o $1 2,000, ta hobuedstprobable ir alamon anti vaudeville pvrp;e. la Ithe wortis, Ibeir plana ara huereat ffat mny lie ealreti a "labait pointgar - en" on a semall i!Qsae. Tiéi. t -oto aliune>e@nj i e Won4 sud 51 an ib elw. Où ti- upieriloor'wenltilis the al p, g arden anti be-lo w - ro'uid lie. tii bo.on proper. ln the. palm garden, lhe atue, tliey voulti have vaudeville ah- uctione§ probablv ail ai the. timo, anti iii plans are tu have an.e itnilar htutthe nanas Nllvukee remort,oniy ou e min- s-ais-. RfEAL EsTA-riTE ItA74UERS. Lake C4ounhy Titi. & Trmat Cao. 'etrat-teutofTitie. Tîhiea Guarantueti [aoiild- 1%,uitpielltg. Waukegai, lit Wlqcs J'. OUaRIC. ey taAI (oionletoetocO11, ttittle SB aitervik u anIel Weuvd.s-.11, .....- ...1dm o sond Ihoven 'h vi 10 a P. Lovry tôt i Neige, à luit tubant 'd edjotuine téA v m $suii1rat wr j eesontIo 0 M N- Sore t Wd........... ....... tata.o d n0gVFox té18 Vos utivtgd ýortmetofl'And -As .eedl buDtl Clark Io W a illais lota 1 sUniltots Aa¶I a ____% W raz uleui...........1,............ .... a1 a U14hy & vf goAile.Barave lr ) n) p vadPr atc"vJ Bre bse 8te a] eegitat?&,il **itabiRe*. aed b T ÏE aPtiW;ap Iooeli. BNIMatiW a9Obb & hla tej v se ..... use. feivlDu7aàtI vte PP flmlth Ana. u ltoenlna uta marcA Elienk. 4,"tXXî Uhtfelh.p.. ............10 ,Jmclàt "a lua tàbl air o L Wei ira Setie t d. to oI ande ,lor Cjubaeui e... .............. e v piede 4 ltteSo 0leLp 1u hpA l n -v w aa o e u- t * o geh siayaIdn toi etide troeln ua tia.. . h )6sh .is e . . . ... . u..-- e -e ~fis0fly aCalao ta lbetyývllle. tg .TfcouplIauoe wldiwerse n*l gpgduM#y lomed d a mr; ber ilii siWraoit .Mbbath ttlglt>,juily 8. 1004, erc susri'age fur ine menthe baftc huob-uanad ber obly douibtor Elle Who Muderfly ar.d tor ler tq ttilMoit. Mm ay tleiales iter piýtii. Mr%, P&rkrrpoe e.d tie, lovable dlapoeltiou, wk h él leletbler la cou- ~pj'l~bappina i faab ont lbat. It va. bt uhW ambitiontelbe kiati Md Wapfqg to frieudi&ad nebore, aMd tou M44 the vorld btter by hber boJoura, laIL. Ai a vif. andýMotiterhé. vai p4rtlpolarlyamiable. Ueratmlecpwue auucceaandofherltmay beial ,i f 'Mfy ofold. "8hoh bt-doue wliat clW 1!oult." rhet met Meien ai0bot atitiable If.e wili foiever romain witli ber Mande and nuighbore. . The. funerai aervloe nepurreti et ber jet. home at i o'eloek Tuaadai.' Suitabl@7 renîarke rie smade by Dr. "lagnon, ater whith the hurili ervkva vs-re at Ivanlia.. Notice. F ,P r,& .-m thon or bai 1flbey. D. XXOa 8te. L u m. vvlibe. tvle eI -atumae FOastac on : eu ri ec.A s1 ooti order. WÀXAT8D-Xouoitnuon or wQUSD M Veprso~ foil" sn. aMl. ,ia. <saut, priaNe. WAN9;0mnrto ma tbm gs WA/,l8.Iboro et the grand staet . te leletyville tUco .10-P L j" Iff andDhemond LiQ bertyvilm the atarnoon 0f a cubail îfg lov S rved. 108i Bownkti govo, lu or ear 8umet. Tii. bisienet nadi migIbtleit littié tlilng thut uver wam matie La Dr. KiiWing' CW LISe Pilla. Tii.. pille change wek- gy, bra-fag inta tuetal power. Tliey're tranderful n buildin up ti.he ail. ohly2ýle box.soi by K a. LOVEt, 8ciiool Rooai Xla Bad Condition. Thera amoetu be mach nomplaint among t. t.ach.n itrin regard ta the Do lt right and i bati condition'of 'tbeediihoot .noom& eaa. ' igues Tbey may thé' pinter le fI#lng. off In eenbe fgrs come n msi, are lhi bat iip eud int the muuool houem hi ganemal tseeahruq elue. Mg anti enn 0e or u ç oo s anti tbs- trust tkat turin the. long . vacahtin tt ma thlngc May be Carfl'ge Poordners, attenticti t a i1Ivere'Wmure fiât aut Presunt'boandtu .dlretomm ranuwv.. are lterfft.,dte ogno*wl Ouffmcil« to wCuntracts mollted'for Hous'e bave tiew l mitatesloeld alesr, asntre ii knav tiiet MMiiant eyery 'saboter 31-0-dn Letter tvork wviien lb ave pleeant surrouuilpg. Our ichooti otilt Le thte pride ai avers- ho.. mil goodti iIeu asti oer7mthlng tomis até* lhacy and puesent. wé ~ t at.vryiuteg aH li dob ton"'M~k~l. e i WcEa Crem m bPeroa Illbggl...... ......... lont e 4. a,»Mnghe Colo, 4 l 'm ..... ..........,. ... Mean~eOfeuprhfo, b..... .......... ..... Dr ri.~ agto fi belle, rib. ..... . i...... ................ hooeg o nilu reme Te. por..l.... B-tl 60 fui Mdd Tubellm 4% llimal..... Ioab l Au-on****pa..botte.*.**-e 8 a p o lIa . « Tel r it Fo it, p r micka Te , e Co..... in....... do.... W"E flwrh Uetv Mate t The building seamon iwbere, and we are prepared. to furipih you wth everything necSwuary in. thilf lino. Let us figure with you If you. are going to bui Id. It aileerbionly pay yoit to do $o. Fzeed .1Department, Our Feed I)eputment la complote lat every dotait, and yotir tuspectiii of our lune la dosiredi. Our new Feed Milaisrîîuning every day,and wilI grind any and ail kinds of food EMMONS-MERCER LUMWBR CO. Llbwrtyvlltieè it. Deering M6,'qhwIàýNe ..i The best -nthe mlarketý Oct our prices SON AN *CK BR08.1 I3829OOM Acres Opeq for SeWemèinot Rosebud JndisaRucervatia.SauthDakota. open for« bren aM.Regisaice frthese velu abledad' perufte to go on ft ecer«M"ooet Qicitbetlna Ir4 m&toa.S, D..July ti@ 23. Drave igof lots, usdec GÎvmmnnet cotrol. et Chenm. lataosMy2 MW tbom ptWqi frorn w"idi benterthie reserve. fies e.c hioe&er1alm. Guqdei end Pmatte, ceécwh cly by tl» Chk~aç , waqkee &S. Pau Roilwag Rouadtvlptidcets to above points viii Le »Id fer oeand owe.bird of tihe ot'eewy rate Juiy 1 fo 22 (mnmmrate, 19g.;good tg mura until Auguit 3.'ietopovrer prtileègea. For ilusbrcted bder vitis viele MOPa u"Wcon', - lfrintio éct r8tes. routes md train seirvice F. A. 'Mi LIER,-,baý "«0cru Pasuger Agent 1