et ., eLumsf ese ue oie àÀr là Ir I*aekcbige I ii "Jqý wa moolk au 4w4.lai th *"WQk, la, lise veno ir. andté t"4th ai t, " o ~ eoualrw hi-hibas beu SirevA ....1lhe anudmlles betore th fi-aine, W ar'.e eowrded ho f hou- tm*ef os- pmo~tV. comc v Oww oaii thfai# legs. heweulie~ IRs , bdu imwyii b mu seon vudla bfr vay lous tdi 4mi wodmn a l ili, lu 18er yumms «Wmdeli a gevirut onad, , latbetwn po i mdrds set fleme - ,uhesa~thur Ibo" ecamp>- t l Ettentéa aidwagons. whitee tlI o- eus re ga#ined Lle dom9ftme f1.11 ueMimg bousesvlci bave heon bis- tuly Ilievtombter. Tvo rein semg bouetateel masaed of ouei oelY coun- try Sar&. Tvoo nlie cge90t wva thtving tovu er 1.000. Witi a number et goo&d. sutantial buildings. To-da'y tt-h. a cty 0f liomuda, most ot.vicur are 11Vima lu tots. 11aloms lier. are and gamliag doa gale... Neyer la the palMy days of ieativeed i sgamin amore rite Lim a Lueseel. About overy gm aev- Invenbtieau ho found lu on. orl amoetth imy public resorts, Tier. are fty puleme. tn f wheuiase, 3011?I QV y~ egor auaem- lie as=gel lu. etilsed -e li river. Thceciana nois te a Point ai ruasnt lthe le0, c*l, vIioli W 3e 66MOV'E N, Lor' .lUitd States- marahals. la addition, tâtera.are tir.. companlsof etUnited Sttese troops frein Fort Niobrara, vbo amaIg in preeervlng order. OreýMai]Rente Enerese6 Ground muta are smenellns a u tu tfim tovu. James Coyie ovus a emmlilaoton Main treel. Tbree eeks mgoebh valueti the lob t $2.00. Six1 meunte go t vaa Worth probabhyi $10MT-day Coyie saske $8200fer the gronatiremîtamorlb.enet sixty days. auy bulding erectod la remain on tAe lot. vien Ilàlareluuetite hlm. Ai ho vii gel bis Primotoc. A Oive-mont resdence l1 rentei-om fih e t tvo motha il $150 a nthi. A iuali spies.5x12 foet. beween Ivo etoi-e., l renled for $70 pear meti. Dive obe rentcd a cerner lot fer k o an0 sd eet a &150 building bthers- on. Ho lunov offered ,ý4 fornbis b-n Accrdng te sevcral proteesional Io- citera Okahoma il probably furnula mgore would b. bomesteadora thu amy ete Lu he Union. Micigan and Wb>- eonuiù come malt, vbie Iovca and1111- W&ols yuloo aisobicvllyrprcueted. bave boau eeelved front Kansas. lu ggact fie tateswvilci ver. eleti hi bemeteiders orlgillcy, ai'e mnd- Iis flair Young sontmand dauglterstfa seUl.e th Rombuti country. Picy kuov wat fie tree hontes dLd for g. eolder aSIeg. and vIll repoat theparallona S 0f the. lav eunt bore, Of tfer am mtruStates NMs- ebusetfa proba4ly leada, vili bothhNev rodi. and Pennsylvane au se mea- ends. A large number of vomuensebool temebers cre cclng themNovwEno- uandiStates., iàvlas irangette taie iqo-Be neelmd th i lois «e- aiLle «n bér vacations. Piose vis yu -wil puubably nev~ rtu- tg lW ist hoetbornp x eon Veite. d adinlsl 5e111wvas elcomai te àmtca by more tia 700 Cathelle ci.n- trou amd L"mnst ltlieisaidenceset Aeise Marey. King Edvard bh eoeufrrsd on lise. X611a eie dcoration ltt'scienceart sud maié fl ss.Stela lie trtml miaou vien 'il js bau ieowed.. - The union tous mamenset Raie. N. 1 ., bave dclaed lisir strlks o&,atlcr tewr t lihéold scl of aee. CicleaG oth f IVoest $ylMg. ~i bfemnimu. ms i mevui lied -ftw Un body mui If «Ocut ou te eua.Aller foel Michigmn Canal lI te Chicago drain ID" m teChicago, ta LteMlchlgm At pussent thé a canal front Chi but it hau ealy whIch dosa nob heavy draft *sict the Illimolu mud3 wau mgtred on Il tîmae, more than expeuded t in cL to a point Westc Rock Island,Ilis fer about toc et te nov roct uaed front H.. drainage canal. TO PLANT .11 XOM.state A movemt hi cugo te estahtialà Lui ColniliTru poseof eraWlalut tui Palentlm for S Cevea t tend. Lou s u aluii for th.pttlth te cet a suheeti et toe2,000 Zieri u'cmalng 3,000 Westeru statum. "Il Laenl" a umil practically Jeva vii b Zim UAI ths Java art menstbut Certain lie landi by pa: vi. vwe belèvi Mi. une ebicettu Ceunry lu viel away. W. are gev.ummente, but a horne sato mmvi or any otb rond Wiin for ail Gr . DE. Whi ba su apite lis doparinent cation et Conctl H.I H. Ballait, preoidel e0 the viuici bt 1,000 liedl the aselu esis, et Rebie. X4, UN *teey4 t: bwli LpSia Itbgoni auu 0e . W. cain-dL et Tares Bo e X ies lm -sm*ep t . 01eegui'Wlof.'sAdtes Min.@ Bone dp emany md Ilverse _____ mater lalt-eis v tJ~Supreme Court leu VS afleva*#-lMr" muaI cerna4« -amy ha formed hem t,» wksh*e tzçek0rah Indspons eomopondenee: th. business uo th lenmt *'Opinion 1 ase some e the p"i91184C. Svmllov, lb. "'Ogtlng par- day- la MaJ. bofee il& adjournomnt sou" 0of k'euueîvama. la lthe nomne# untilu Octbs','vanIlannouseod lit ofet i.pulo4$ottftnefor président o eMcleon la, 00,ixcepllufliy laMM lhe Ufite4,JêgiSi>13eva. acrnIated ilt te uttsaî disputst. Tise MisRM U0*, P ?oVUay5<t1NoabonstWlug te iadministration et nomu.M4ienmiblg mate on thie ticket cririnall ev lit, thePhilippine&. The. -00sa laIoGeorsaeW.Carmol. et Beaueont cgeatutioamnty ofthfe *Olew" 1mw vas Texa, c woiltuiy ovuer eof411 propea- .»Mi uph«Igl A daier rgued Liai dies, a pdlanatiroiut and a mcmn etor omcrgao v bLul recved llotobo 1 mw nergy-and businoesintegrity. lMn. froua butte, uoo as an nnois1 Cas-roh vas hs by h iab JE.labo iuiine *'bechaoi> a, u Amos, of Ou'eed fo' ieVicePosai- , mise igfsh teUdrhbpusl den"ialbomorémaUd the. Oral oe au et 1mw voerol ieF nd-1201i@f' the econventleu v"stakrente setti. lie Tb*. court rtqw tht lie asint et f rlcndly mrungl. The.Texan xsolved tue tas va, à paroi! politicil fume- M126votes and th., Pacifie ape mIman vl wtb vkitobIeouid ot 4eiL. A in2.Mr. Amos aroge amioved te concem gaai Wbkb ca "fraud 4dioV male lie voe onmutimoasvhici vas b toen al # <~ the.Poatometc $We doue. partInent ib sougt redresbyr brins- The. nomination of lie tintons fBan- lug at agateh.postmnmter cf CUa rtsburg elnlaler mandletr vithout s«ge la a cm*, tehci flly rnche« cpposltion ivas mode possible bY the the Sapa-rna Court. -The deprtnernt, wlthdravcl nethfe umne of GénerailtJ$vas decidl.w justlfled Ln ttp sa- Nelsaon A. )"fon; -è.- . dlon. A immmlà A suburb of Riasia joeeph P. Tracy, of Chicago, cbatlr- City had bseeli r*leed by tie Ubitlii mcm of thes Résolution% Contmittee, e- Btates District Court trot payaiet gnre »VALTIWA. ported the platterm ai 2:15~ o'clock. à for certain srset Improvemeuts Virlic muority report bad beeu tirealeued. ver. dectaarcd ninecesay. The Bu- ne. average draft of but tbe-baoafin 0M thc plmnks about proms Court overraed bila. dociditil twvifotee niform Ioaetariff révision, eqeai out- that the cty autioritles mont b. thie 4 rotethe Mississippi fragea"mmd oectIon<of -*b'albed Sates, oie. judgeo-et - thie ueeity. Pieu- e moth o théIllinos itl oine eop h 111 leator, iiy lhe -people brougbt Ia there verscanmso nvolviug iomecboad- bove-La ale.,vhore itunanSmous report, sud the pialfetin i raibles la Iowa, icenges-Lu Alaska. àIlinos med Michiga vas gdopted by tbec'convention :wIthb hreet rallroad tares lu Cleveand, remplewedand ln, Operam-lolg-contipuecd cheerlug, lhe vavlmg oet Itat. <qiamu &a "ua asteaut rcilroed plu a àe spoint Dnt Chil- gags, lln bci "Cyclone" Davis, et lu Indiana. -and, an electric-âigg Toea, vaspremineut, maln iag e of amchlae lu £cntucy. - -- "Aieu'e4, " 'Bleot- Be the Pie Tat - Bltds a" md .lIy of 'lhe .dogèlon"- laulitacentury c0f hisbry lie Wite Rer. -W. B. Palmere. a vétéran of tcW Bouse bas soldes boom tic ucene of a Confédérale army amd a St. Louis pub. mort lterestlng rocePtIon than that Ilshor. tank th. stage and asked dvlme whlcb vas giveui la bonor of lie viait- blesslng. ing Filiue., vbo have been maklug Th. roll cati ef Stalem cù nommna- a tour of Lie United States. The lions for Président began et thii. une- Président and Mm'a.Ilooseveit culer- tur.. W. W. Bague, a vénérable dle- tauued tiern at lumeon, if er vbtch le hem-tii Keystone State, mado the promuept people of btis nationial lh ie Ot speech. iles C. Swalova goverint wve l vlted Intne1 ment nomination vmm made then afid thete. them. Witi fa-w exceptions, moe et ýMr. Hagua told the delegilo. Ibat Dr. thes. visîlora, amd thcy arce te ed- Svallov vas unabie 10 bit préset l'e- tmg menoufethle relcago. b.d even cause of bieserons ilneaat ils vite. beeu lu lie United States beforo. Soen lien trom lova, Colorado,. llluioL&. *t tient b.d sever before lft the Florida and other Stateesimade sec- arbilpelago. forth Philippine Island- ondIng orationu. Kauns, Indiana,ens are uot-gneat travelers. Most of ' ~Kentucky. Maine and Maryland, State s ePlaces tg Wb"c thcy voul natur- la vhbbGeneral Miles b.d comider- &Illygo sre a lWUa ay off, mnd se able trengbh, aunauueed the Pemuiyl- thoue vite are pot prcpared for a for- vantan te ho tbeln eiice. Wben Man- idabie jouruay efay ai borne. Amert- sacitumeta was reacbed. Prof, Altred must goung te tie Philippine Ilanads IL Evans aid hiieUvaste bave nonlu. bave béent profpulfidly inlcrested lu the atod Miée, pald the. varrior an elo. $trnte contrasta vilci lie Asiatie quent tibute ad uconded Dr. Svcl- tropîci Prenent., lies. vlstiug IFlpi- luwv'k uomlaahlo.Samuol Diekie. ef nom ver. oqually laterealed la cQndi- Michigan, mad an Itupneaatve wseod, dtie hors. Tbe3to thle Auenica *lg spe. smrmer about l*W&tairclimat. éinlthe. «amer U. Cache, ot Wyonlugé ear roaud. O, w9rmi andi substan- monved te make fi. voteounazimoue, lis]buildings btoÏ oeïar observing - vbcb vas dote *Iti onthiim. eyent or lhe fretga 0< v anud aethle Mr. Carmrul. I.IL Aine. 0f Oregon. tbeeuce of erhhOM Thsraiiromd A. V. Ceses of Ieva, and Col. Bénej- uytem o e iOtediStatesamaitce mn uPanker ef Wiacou"n. er. plaeod ticm. Tie rmlitiie-e00i tirltvie la nomination fon Vice Predent, ma" aimant Oontuaiug. Saili but Carofit qnliy vltidrev., ~I e At lie morulus sesson 1111,0A» tu It hmbac oannonitSd by the Agri- cash and piedgea vaw riseutfor *0 ocuture. Deiirtment ual its aearch fer campalmu fond.. AmanssMeeting lu ia enemy te. destroy tiecotton-boli Tarlnson Bail Tliursday mgt clomai wvv han been revirded by tue 4Ws 5h. phérlg. -cevemi la Guatemala et ma u t vhlc WEDNsDATB,,SBUIO. - Pas cotton ippeared.te tbnive lu a Entitualasi nd mm auemsachine- country ltested vili Lie veevils..In- lowling lheIlilinois cdterlaed tic openlag etflthe ProhlflUou veebigation ahoveti that l; iIs vasduo ti maiescoaection viinational convention. vhlcb vas eciii te Lie ont, vhicb ges is food fret lange canal. vhich I foi- muan id ilstermminus teo rder ln Tontllnmen Hall, thisCitly. th. nectarineso e lb.901n. This mmi 10:15 ocilock Weduesday. More La eqhupped vitb pêvortul indibles, egov ernmnt la builing than 1,000 delegates vlgoa-eusly sp- and wvin at indsa; wovil beetic on a icago 10 bbc Misuissippi. piauded pmbbition'm sentiments. Pie plant ai olice senes and kilia lb. It in, a àmsen-foot chanel.galierlea ver.e pacici ta their c&putit7. su luveterat. hunier,mter the pesa, peritniuavigation. oeThei.hall vas decorabtd profuuely viti mm" sTerni anis ueually taie.thelr intersIl ia knOwD as linge and bunting. wbile over lia- chair- stad fer fiLm pfrpome on cb tnaise, MIcItîgan canal Wou'k man's stand bang picture. et Abrahamrn me fat a single colony protecta a large [t l, an90 d estiuieou- a Ç.000,000 having bon lincoîn md Frances WUi&ird. Quota- fild. Il dae mot ting persoas as de coinpleted front Cîfr iens frointLincoin'. speeches pnisermny Guateinalanaculia.nmd me tam as et Hennepin and trom ver. prominent. Mont 0f lia delegabea imovn la barmieu. An attexuPt viii twestern terminus, csentcarriedammcli Sage, vblcb fley vmved b. made hy tic depmutmeut te estali- 3miles. u In-te surreys at iiigjit provocation. At poon liecen- ilii permanent eodes 1Il Texan, te tIis canai bas bleenveuion took a recema uni"2 o'clock. viiero tic veevit Pont la vorat, ani tOpul thé* Chion«O W . Dean, an attorniey of Indien- Lor tus Pufpose Maay.thousanda et an addreum 0of v.!- lie ais bave been broeght ta hlm :waitiPAISTiE~corne, Ilu vjblcbob. dicted tht la- eceumbi. - Sindimnapel a-vonld *s& nbave-iv proibI- te Pli-ci-a Nmm lion Mayor. A part ofthtei.addrosc vas For thefirat leven mentis of lb. heým Thra.des'oted teaunattack on tuehe ipubikmu Curnet'fiscalyesr, 00Epdlmg y 31, as been «ardin Chi. party for bacslding front lispiat<orrn tier va an excesa et goverument b a branci et tiche v- et 18W, wvieldeciared In favý'r 0f expentiltirest over recepti of $52.265, t Cempany, for the pur. prohibition. M0. TIa défictla aceountcd tor bt anuda ta purehasa e s armu tear Sebb.te paîrentu imade ou aecount of-thie perecnled Jewa. Olv, W S ho naioalPanama Canal aud theig b a ethe nu la lhe erganiser. n lve b.Sewart,. te. atonlLoulalana Purchase epositiou Com- tn e N ewYrki md et. clirainut.rPlied teaddreu ofpany, amounllng Lu ailte ta$,000,000. ct ta gel ddiionsl tonde volcOme. Be gnId tlicPrehbition Pan- Alber llovînce lu mad for tiese >0f landis, Th* fond i- ty vas lie euly party it a roasiIssu. items, bovcver, tiere la stili évidence tian $,25«0,000!ethle and parly ldentty. He saud the mern- et a mirieti chang Sm thc condition xl need. ftBina uIsamebr-efthte party ver. tie mont Inde- st fie Preauury, for la th correspond- ption of la troni c pndntbecaaac tiiey "bbougbl lutote b lg mns of 11903 tuer. vas a sur- mat la Chicago, mnd th. e Men jevishMiste.. la ih. bail:box.'*Be declaredti hepurpose plus et recelpts over expendîlures of the party te ho the dissolution et anUnta t $3894S,616. Reccipte luetineof a short t. ethe"partnerhlp othiegovemrnnt iotb front custonîs and internai reve- r ai ofthé rthdoz&" t» lquo traBe. "W are orsnuehave been umalert hlm ycar than aatzu," &&Id Mr. Coves. te tae.the offices ad admimIaber the lent, and there has. been an increas e la fayroth le mure-, goverument."1 ho naid. of .zp.nâitures onithle navyý andi for lnof tiemvsnt taget At the close of bs a Wroik, Chah, pensions. mer. by se. miracle. mon Stevart vas glven an ovation as« 0 la a fpricicasi -tci.ho Introduceti Bomern1.Castie, a Agrieultural experiment stations in Ont ne mi ta. là-prominent lavyet' tif Plttabur&s aien- everal States bave bean tryLng te dia- k w. ll as t tfigdi porary chairman ofthte convention. cevsm- vistier the. daer md.cler of loyal to eut respowysv Chairman Catie atackod bth ne- eggscau, b. affecled by the tond given It ve vaut to egabllm ttl lparties ontlb. Issues of lb. day. to thc iena. Âmong lic fondsegund wilicut any army or' a HeettaLacked tb. BaPublicana for' bolet- won smok.d herrlngel, oit et ceiory, ther defenu egeet Owý atng poLyganty lu Utah, ad scidth ice o et saseafras mnd oembus. Notblng i atons." Senat. dclmyed acion on fis Sinoot but fie onions affectsi th fate et bhe oas. for political purpeni He sa«I eue.Whte corn. ioqeuproduee matier Sgmt parbyv as capmble oetàme-ugievIfiéit yolk« , vimumeleiw vie gu"se amn «>.nBraor . ~ bmuWyltter bte i ptste *a~ bcd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cpeec ionrvoay.zao e ~ ~ l whlib liie oiahooutth y*" esot takg o.t Pe'radul mdtd& bd U>Lt. maptie'."of Algerla, mystii. Wauii- Cm bock:. takeL Th radum aOlIFbad n 'ta in corresondent of the New Yok dc'ttSfrth LO large store o0f emrpy. juas e non:uuRerald. There are uoap planta and ntare hey Iold feid hme.rasiuaome, m Eptrees. First. ltere le the aoap- Aâh Tour Dflale, o theywoud fnd-hem auà rlean ort. vbicb eêvery I>ut-b and Belgitu. à 9Owdé t te MIi quiet saDy otiier atomea; qly - u De 1mb Goerman anîd Auttrianhos- - amillion vould b. smenito b., as t bonne ver, amaingup.tbowlg of itaof e râlea nt ber garden andunues a le.-- lisait, and the. viole property 0f m- . vold aaptbeu-leve lteLu- dum deponded-upon that. Everytbilng pouelte.Teiir aUcIn materlal seas lia àavete 0f flux-t;ere eehuumoututuum. a klnd 0f 1lly', waabirli.cullntio an deay udWilIrIC Irs mV on the Ihopes 0f îthe 3s sO .FI2 wi trt ucu liraetionandc of .tale- d oclq hMountains, and wbicb lte lJ)lg- hns .td~e- rial univefgs--a univers. whblmuuet I er ~ladana used te <ateh trout by lau u ~élo baveb.d m o4gim ThebLr~ii pf mt- hte waters of the pool lu wliehcb ollaiS 2i--Wbat fée?. -er as Weili methe deth Of maiter vas the. mb l,. Tefui of the soapy lahe wmbh t Cbt.,5 wbat bey vsa'a now looklug for. of ibia runt, thnsnaliug the trottt lit *-Th e t âjr muid cauaLng tliem te risc1te thesur- .*Len vo ge6ael. t. Ci»aa le paya e e fflauIewopapewu. face. Theu -Ihet', la the LecLugttlft la Jpaima Ss.slky Cox, Wila. July 4.-Prgnk M. Rtue- (Agave. hetffleantha). a vari'ly Of cau- »Il., of this place. bcd Klduey Iiease tory piant, the. rots of wblch, the I»p5itaqe la se bad tuai b. could Plot waIk. H$ Mixicanaue for sop, ani tbe arnole ~1 - trled Doctora' treatmnt mmd many dit- (Cblorogiiium pomeridianumi, a.ortot fereuý renueios. but rvas gtigUyue yteMien flwrCl worme. lHe vas Tory 1ev. gdtîg ilusdbtieMxcnofieral He read ln a newspaper bow Dodd-s ifornia for oap. KLdney Pilla ver. curng cases of Kid- Butl, accordiig te Consul (juenthet, Dey Trouble, BrIgItta Diacase. and the. uoaP trse difera frein ail these Iu ltiieumatlam, and tbougbt ho vould the respect that It ail but bc.irm cakes trY thent. He tOOk two boxes, mad of nLce cantile soap intead ef fruit or' now be le qulte veli. Be uaya:. berrisa. Heretofore il thetue plana, 1, 1en now work al day, and mot from uop tre. to $Gap bcrry, bave ftelt tired. Beore uing Dodd'u Kld- enudaipybse-ivlz fk Dey Pilla, I couldn't waik acrein the omue lpyb eicvlzd11 floor! ln place of commercial oap. but new Mr. Russe,,u a the mont wonderfui t appeara tiie,-lgeria n mop tree lu t0 case ever known lu Chippewa Coun- b. turned 10 commercial purpos. fy. Tia new remedy-t>I)odd'9 Kldney Consul Guenther smyu: Pilla-Las making tmre miracuioua "Gemman papota report titat ateps cures In Wlqroualn arec beiug taken ln Algerla te menu NOT AN INVITING FIELD facture naturel sup oui a large 0calo 'e Tuaolc frinfai. Cleiu'Ua~ Ent'front a tree kuovu as Sapîndus utilial tucae i Traveller Trona'eree. laWll oibe -1dng bucu inown me, *0 UamelU Duil Thée. _ inuJapan. China and ludia. besru a d "Southi Africa ln aI i tin mete fruit of about tbe aize of a boriecheet- Toery reverue of an tnvilng field for nut, mmccli and round.* The coio menwb? are aeeklug their fortunes lni vartes frein a yellonleb green t0 etrange landa," mid Ji. J. Van de4 rowu. the tuner part je of a dark Rpuy of Cape Colony, lu the Waahing- color and hat an ol 1ly kernel. ton PoOt. "Pie fr0bee ýra fruit in t, aixth 11l "In Cape Colomy ines woeenavet year and y1elds from fifty-fivé te 220 no duIll.Tborg Le no monoy excePt pounda offruIt, whlcb eau ho c4sily viat laeocked up ln the trong boxe$ barveated fn the fait. By uslng vater k of capitalista. and they are not put- or alcohol tiie saponaceous lugredlent ting oqt'a dollar. In addition to thie of the fruit la eztracted. The'coat of bard times brought un by the. Boer var producion Io said, te ho aentait and the. w. bave bced two years of drought, the m nacon fpepign i wouu luour tutu7.Orop bae ~ kajine qualîties. la suporior te the.or- a fallure. and, but fer the. Importation-, diary ap0f commerce." .ot food frein Autralia, and Southi _________ Amertceoureipeople vould bave Peat enyi elAdies. starved. Iu bbe pastoral districta uboep Ph. e deance tarch Ce. vilI give and cattie bave perisbed by the. thon- 25 ,ladies a round trip ticket te lb. e.]ý sani. ,W. bave a fine agricutural St. Louis Exposition, to rive ladies country, but the vant cf rain has Wall- lu esch of the followlng Stte: [lat- nlgb been ruinons. nksi, lova. Nebrasa, Kans and Mis. 111 kmow tie conditions ln te Trana8- mourt. wbo viii uend laithe largeel Tant quite as weli as ln my owu coua- aumber 0f rade marku eut frnt a leu- i- i try, and amsrr3- tosamy that 1h07 -rd cent. lO-une paekage 0f Dlanca aise extremcly bad. A great rnany of eld water lauudry starcb. Th. the mineslIn i. Baud are neot hohg meemu front your own home, anywhere wonked, owung te tihe vaut of capital. in the abeve named 8tatm . h... The story bas Zone eut that the mhuhug trade marks muetiho ntalled te and business la lack bcause of the. de- reeeiveo by thie Defiance Starb .(Qo,ý icicncy of labor, but tlsiila enly an oëmaa Neb.. bafore Sept. 1. 1904 excuue. Tber. lu the saie labor ini lhe Octoeor and Nevenkber viii be lhe beat i Country that liasn jvaysbeeu thora. menhele 1,Iat tble .xpsiUo». lIas. - "Cýomplant la liade fet icKRMr$r. member ibat Defiampe lu tbie oly but thc fauit la net theiru. lu lhe ral etareb put ut> le os' ta full pouMnl piaee,'tho managers o et t in ies the. package. Ton ut omse-dilumem proiIse the KaMma vages at the rate atareh ter lthesme meeqriménoal ay- - of Wo a month, but alter hblnng Ili o her klmd. mmd DefIaucenver atJeka re only vllhug ta pmy $10, or ut halt te the. trou. The k. ,.tiehe tap ie- vbat tbey agroed te gIve. geaides. if sillon vii b. sent. by relirdMai a Kaffir vorkmau emmits the. Moet Sept. 5.trcb for uM,4 by mau d7l' brIlinLg fault be lu flogged usv0rely. ýera ________ Vnder uucb circumustanea t la mot Uf>MaaiOeRoha trauge that these people ubouid ho întremongtean uerae made. dlmaablsfled. oeuly iii Uic Madson Squmve (Garden, 'Teb lie Bugiai Managera ef the Nov York, t e dermîme thi e ectled mines glve Ilt eut ta, the vorld tiat they-need lahor, nmî rage a lut a 07r oftborsèm, mmon a if ieycoud L. *lovd t l port ta Two horees. velgitîns 1"Qu If heycotilbe41lwedteImpctpounde oach. together pullpd3,0 Chinanien tic contrT' would seau ,be on or 550 pouuda more than 'thoir as promperoum au ef yore. Tht. la combiuuod welght. One elepbaitvetgb-: merely a pretext te Induce Eunopean îng 12,000 pounda, pulled 8756 poua, capital te Inveat lu the minea. Wbat or 3,250. potipda loas than hl@ veight. addm grectly te the difficuibies 0f thb. Transvaal lula.peeseut inemeticot Ft mena aregating about 7,30 govruxeut It15 s vsteul ud 1-peunda lu weight, pulled &,750 pounde tor-agnt. as 10 ho asucanand er-or Just ne much asthie ingle elephant. traagat a tebe scnda. UderBut, like the e brses. they pulod more thie Iloer regime tbere ver. fertY-four than thelr au'» veigit. On. huudred sate officiais Who drew salaries ag- grcgating $320,000. Under the en- men plled 12,000 pounds. glils sway thcre are 125 officiaIs vîti a py o $h'2,O0. Ties .gurm sow Pasmenger Trallic Manager Sebns. apyf TAieeeues betw iai. Ias reently. contpiled a Test coueluglvely tedfeec ewe amount of data bearlng on tii.boai- Uic Boer and Brtisb vay of conduet- fichu opeuLugu of Oklama, Indtmu lng the public busintesm. In tact, lte Tcrrilory and 'Nev Mexico and la la eutIre Eugillubregim et-Ince en cd ot a poslIon le caver aimnet muy QUe1F- tie war bas been a rauk fallure.." tien tiant may hoaked hlm. goe fer- recctug lI IIs Iuformation that Mt',f TWO BTEPB BebastilLu cau. on roquent. tell the 'Te Let (lue lpe the ra prospective sellier not oaly wbat 1land -la Worthlbuany portion of the South, A tck cee drInker muet iake two veeL. but hecan give hlmu au accurate utepa te ho rld of bim troubles mand get descrIption eft aros Ibat are for sal.. sireng aud weil agahu. mu vell as a last oethte bulueset e- The tirt la te eut off coffeç abuo- quirements <of every tovu muid clty on îutcîy.the. Une ofthle.Rock Island Systen. That remaves tbe detreylng ele- 'rTe ovntrodciea. ment. Thc et tep la te take iquid "1temexuber.,' muId thc man vitb lhe food (and tat la Poslunt Food CoU e> red fmce and angry cyes. "bbe worm titathaLin t thc ciements ature re- yl turu." nA A quree te change the blood corpuucles l'Well." anuwercd tbe coid-blooded tram pale piûr or vhite te rci red, cltzcu, *"lot but. About*al'Uic coin-,4 aud good red biood builds good trong fort the average worm gela la a chance sud bealthy cella lu place of btceliroken te wrggi."-Waghiugton Star.! dowu celis destroyed by coffee. Witb vei blie Pstu 1 oodCffee ta shif t Five iundrcd Ilubelan familles are te gettie neir Amarillo% ea.o i te, fiti lieue teps are easy muid pieas- linsetftte Rock Island Road. Tii.t mut. The experlouce et a Georgian Itusslana bat-e contrarted for thie lmnd proves boy Important both are. and are expectedl te arrive lu New "lurom l8r2 to tic year 1900 my vif. York early lu Jutte. and I had boti been afflicted vilti mck ALUIIWfo. or nervouheadaclue and aitite. v Managr-How long bave you been L suffered untoid agony. We vere coffee en lie stage? drInkers and did net knov how to get Apphgcanî-geventeen yesrs. tvay trom it. for the hbit le bard te Manager-And do yeu iii hoepe teL e quit, corne mutacter? "But in 1M001 remd ofmacahslrnilar-- te eurs vicre Potunt Coff.c vas uned Tve bottiez et PIsos Cure for Ceou- lu paceof ie id off. ad acoi- 5tMjtlioicured me oetieri og. ln pace f th oldcode anda co-, P eeman, 209 Bax &venue,B jý