Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Jul 1904, p. 5

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TLis la asa ftr e la *x 196P **st. ht k 1 r'TAYLORI MVLL.ILL.,I A £~L f ~à1 î~ka~~ A 6 *6 N A .'E* Jewelry, Watches, CWoks, Silverware, Stationery Wûtclî Itepalring iny upcialty, and have iiad( a life'it erperience wlth le.aing vity firmn4 amt a loractieni Watchmaker. ANDREW HUSS Smiteer te Daty r. Libertyville - - Illinois .4 9 vif »Y lý VI pli "YI f. ee B. * ain odr ércnS Ch tle,3-adqua YaFor U2 pracfor ........ e f. d or PeS1prc...................o5cc 4 f.u Tbak.d Bea soc per7c ....15c 4 f.l Soal ,pebrscaor.................... 45 * oee Swet BisCuilakses, poer oern . 5c. ll f. Bain T oe... ........... c * Ooon Chç e ap.. rs.. A * ofe tac........................I o 3C 4' k. PIà Tbco rs tok e b.. 5 f.Sop,12basDorvis,25 4 f. CoeredJeIIyClases. pr I c t,. -i C. M. ST.-PT118 BÀlLE. TO CHICAGO. <PVICAO D.0 It i New De ot*AVo ~at New Depot. [AU" uw"1914 w à %[pksm vlm"1uljio> Arrive Llbitrvlli% N& M.M .............. a m a. n. 1 ..w I . ..... iLm -1.... . ...... Opm * 16 .upn. .... .... ..e@.. u é-ê ... ......... dm lr.M fM A ....... 800. n. ..... ... -........îeapod . NOI.... U IAl * . g: lam..... ssa AYM.........70P.M Ka,.............. 9M 06 .. 1 .....BSê.U. yO .m -lM ....,rO W . i.........V701 . TO OHIAGO. ROM CHICAGO. ifm DAM D fATs. Dpartltrom aid Depot. Anv" et Oid Depot. L«Issaubq'e Ariv17 hea. Lai. CIII >. Arrive LibeftyrI"e ll. .. Srs.*1M.... a ...eàe ..........m - 14 . L mil,4s M. 0. 116 Wa ..........tue .. . lu...I*u1. M...........4:7m r. M No 5 l....Ok 6 n. ....... .-*lu . e. -lus.... * U .a.........Itu . M Refglai -meeting of, Lakemidae rrîtary asoiationà at bomea of Mro. F. W. lurkuttoa Frld&y, Jîii7 29. Mrs. F. 0. BUnies returiad latmrday iran. Sontb Baud, lad., miiere siia mas <allait by the. serons illnwsa and daath of lieîr brotiier-in.haw Mr. Id. P. Andrews. Chrintian Eadator soilety wili holul a docial nt Miss Olive Wl's tionepThureday ti..2Mtti. Icaîreara ani <ake wil» a.srved. Al invitoil. W-a freshmnuts 15 matm. .A lawrr social under tiie auapicasu'of theu Trils. of lBen Mur la to b. heolitat Ernest Brow's haone Frlda.y ight, Jaly 29. lescreaina md'aka <iii ha servait, 15 cents. Ev.ryona lavitail. 142-2-d. i Mfr. John b1loitpinyer, of Librtyvtle aindîiMss hisa itloll, o f Hall Dajr mcmv aiarrled ln Chielago Wednresday. Tho youug people ar- mail known thiiugout thuls setion andt bighly ,.taared. Mr. Doll,.meyrjiaw a position witiu a Chicago firra but malta..his home.I with hiaeraother, Musi. Peter Nouera. Tiiey wili liva la Lihartyvilia, aftar a1 shiort wetidiag trip. Arthuir 0. Waitp, administrator of the È etate oni Thiomas 'ueditar flocum, oai Wauconda flit snuit for $5,000 Wedne-E day lu thae Cook eoanty etruit court,0 agaIiat the aunerp of thei. ftln ba otu),t ln >wbicb iglitean personas let their livas ' by unroba andt fimea uemly hwo years ago. Tii.. suit in dicetaitagsanat Mar-. gret A. Mitchial and Florence M. andt Alredl Everitt. Falire 10 nomnply wlt l the. ety-ordunance la alla-ged. I A ivprosentativa of tiie North BSioret "i~ Cupipany came ovar irué Waukegacut rMonday to &mure the. village boardt ttembu s tathila -tii. compay lia biespn-idssppointed 'lanreceivlug thiIpe1 ordewd -for extensiona oftheir maiifis fro.i Lake Bluff ta Librtyvil. that aow theIl mnatarial was on baud anitwork ut puts. tlng l i ..mains wuld hagin. He aïali uliey unulit b.. rdy to serré LLuertyieil patrons la Oct<ub.r. 1t Coatraehor V»ehaye has complp'tdthe. jlinu.etcb of walk afnng euat Aide 01 lwaukee %,venue ,tram tbee loctnl itapotàà ai r orth. a G. R. scliaock's soutii line. The-waik mil lie bultin l front oftii..Whiaack block but net until Eugineor Shaw lanliera ta settiea adispute <vilicli lias risea as ta proper larel for tus- walk. Penidiag adjustmant -of tusg "latter Mr. Deliiaye In. putting la walk on ai de striais mfor wilihahoha led contracta a considerable time. Nawbe'rry avenre reaitents, com- plaInants in tih.. swer agitation, liaviag infortaad tli-uemseves as ta cest a1 a temporary se wer and whichà they saI property airers usiaz the Newbarry avenuedt-h-as an oîitiat, ta amet ti paylng for, wili iiold a meetiug a hei. village all iuFday ..vaaing tu diseue. mate. They assrh that if soie araag..aent lanet i'Aed tii..y ll lisI ou ail drainage pip enterfllg the. ittcbhelng doa.d up. If yn are Intaresteilyoam u rged to, ha prasoat at tuai ,aeting. 1Attarney Mantinifinen .tly purliaod a beautlful resideace an the. weat sida in Wankegau near Attorney Heydecker1à home.- It mas first proslumad Mr. iMac Oafft ama qting for nome clienti but ramorsaga ditferently. Ltisainsistait ur baadsome attora ry in to ha narried and uv.e la Waukagaa. Mr. Durant asmures us that Ibis as afattmud thiat; haexpects tu hhabst ama at the nuptials. Naw yauhava h for wbat Ih la wartli sait ta varlfy the rumor asked 31r. Mac Oufin. 11ev.'Quayle visitad it on City a day lat week, unit came home disgusqtet with Dowle's sermonî or taik. Hea deciarea Do" ..devoted is intlr.. discoumsta ap. peala for mînaey unit 'boootlag" ZMon. A msan la the. audenSinol repiy ta Douie's inva*on for ay person dW, s.tiollad to say noandnieha oult bay thair pmoparLY, repiei ha dasirei tu sen., Thli onto.ome <vas tliat boul. unîlthe man caileit amh oniliars Inal a wordyq rantmaunduthe mari <asa ecteit by Zirîn1 guardm. 'A meeting of tha cocmîtta. la charge1 rfith ti. oarth ai July celobralileaof 19083 aa bli alit week sait the..aconte goneoavar. It wma fani l.tearmitsee ýwould heablue ta pay iiak tu, cou-1 tLiumtari ho adraneeit aa uraaufficlent to cuover the pauses ofiersitlu 'tha race, - tiiejat 90 ceints on tlié dollar, anditheb, treasurer, 1r. J. V.!'Miler, W&a la- -,utets ta do upon pv#senttion ai a. rauohaF.e Thalie voselinrs are belug pmpalred aedt il ho giva le c-mhl- à utor's wltiiuia isw dayit wh. be hy au, rthlr au. aiMa.14111. <roi! y I(j reram Soa ut Il. KI.Ey*s lru>c Stor.. _ J tr.RublnaosermonîSiiiidî,y înoning aAIlseeiIdIehar-l i <vit ha nBotley A club or Wakpgltîaiiind h r Inner Se" ta plAnning t. vis-lt L.iberty- Mvilla la a body n h,.afi rt <of tole 1 llursion. The .Junior,,. <ii gir.. a lawa soial on tii. iWaWt t<,. iiisina< ei avanaf f Taedt, Jly 2;. ie rea,îi said cakea wllho the .. rtiaiiîntm serv-i. Ali invitad. 'At die Prosiijté i',iieiti-tMa daY noiigf0 U)a <vii îîIrr.aclî oi "TIi..Cross a! Christ t liiiiîio<f thei World." Tho,. âmnuai on iaon bahaif o! faraigu missiorgs ýill .1w -talion. 1TIit.lorde on one* of %M. il. Coliiy & 1Sons daiivarY wagons him- aiîifrightenad iWednesday at.5oon, runariiag away, Tb@. nragnwu. overtu ril «nelil bailly broken. The. driver andluira,.p e ai-il iniury.- lMr. andl Mris. -4)q. t,*i kn-»r alid daugbter Mariol, ai Joli.'t. iam.ti,.- gli-sts of Chas.- Babc<k aliil tanii. The Sp..ckner faîully auuidail, iii bertyville savon yPars ago, 1fr. hi1iiîki ier bpinx la the. amplny ofthe .St. p,.tI ralîronul Company. Sunday mas thé. day of the.. summer to data, lti4 regim. tering froni 90 10o 100 dmgniai. la tii, aue. Oneamm adoeiiare it wax loi ut his Place at oneath"Ê.' mer,. fnopruî.1 trations reportait lu- thim fsertion,a- though w4med 011aMY ranîniber of fuitali. tiem la the..large citjes.f Ban El. Iarsh, bi'otla.r of Ev.ratt llarwh, of Libertyvlh, dlii at Tonî-low, China. whia si-rviuij as a mws-ioaary1 Iront liis country. W.ami.informed ituai Mr Idarb wafi exPeçtad bjr bils ralativesr to maire a riait ta this co.try, in iii" rîît distant future. andl hi@ d".aUîciri."èi-ia terrIb;leshoek ta îlîm. Minss u4e F. Cusik heaId a laîge d audfience speli boanîlat theion luaîlure ii -unday aveaing hy a rm&arkablv finet addie.g andt ber m-adiaga. Tii, rîiîislî w.. aloai)superior. Tii. *dianv.- Ci11o- trubuted lhbarallin r.the collectiiin ta'id the work of the W. tC. T.Ut Thuatie Ooîamsiirter Umbary mlas4 u@ ta cMJIattantiQii t.. ithe tact tiiat aftîýr thus weak lio milIl iy.'tlîtlas v uton u411 rilaWe propaatY. mîera owaers huaeriot ised@dai8 usePaateîl wgrnlg to cuit tiueir titles, aspublislëiln ather îoiumni. rTb il; 1t» notic amno l lams Deaisbuoinosa. Batiarohey imnrîdiat,.ly t ®r the. "11mb of tii, la' wilt gat y<îu. Tiie. iltiodiat Camp -meetinig at I)sPlaiaeq la fromn Juiy 20 to A «g. 1. gl For benetfito!thoffl daairlng toa at<tmd t, we are Ym.tad tii State-that iiY tak iag w the .5& m. train at IittY ville and TI Chaugtu et Mayfmir e cnietaatc m"~ b.dnmade, Antiis gumis th, hast .w raY tu, r«Cb liespiaines roni LiI.rtv. gl vill. t I t F ti ci The. report 0f1<elegtus ,from . the, Chrutian Liudeauvor atawibanvantion uet Springfield mil ha givea at heti..Piesby- ter" aclirci On SuadaY Bget, JîuI'.-24. The itlegatas, Mis" Mao Pister andu MIi" Helen Wright miii give a, fuh aceolimt of tlieProwefdlngs. Tu]e 11'oai'lMisionary celletioa mlli hataken up moraîag and fae. arraage.l forthie varions antartaîniaenta aftti' Lbertyvilla Lý-i'ire Care are Nur.27, I.1 e. 24 and Pet.. 6 The bas;irp ie» npho arraagted the. course demirea taIsoietlman ~d organisations bear ir, mimd tie.s- daies a"d do mot plan ouuniu,.r aetionctîtiieu, sainieeveaiags. Thi,. coru.. a ima expenslive one and ail muet work ln iam f it 'pays m . Blde For Construction of Wateri 1 Worke., Pable tlcais lipmrebylgivan, thîevillage- aiLlAbertyville mii! racive bidiefuir the, caustruction andlirection of a steei tomer ninetyfaatlhuigii and a tealu r woo<1- ami tank ai 60,1()gallons capacity; alsu. for tii. enhturmltîonafa cerent reisrvir ai approlignaateiy ,0000 gallons cala- elt.y; il t lie ut la acordant-e vith hi. plansa nit speciicatiolis an fila itr the. oScéet tihei.village clerk 0of sait vil irote. Plman a pecifications eu alan liesemî at-tii. oflle utW. A. Shaw, Chiagto. 1l., sud -ahtrmuni 312, 185 Dearborti St., Sooleitbita mIli harSelveitnp tii >8 -d'ciar P. M., tiie 2th day of Aigtint, 1904, eh ubicl imp Pne aidetawil l W, pqblfuiyopenei. A ertîlfie hec-k payable t hei, ord,.r or lii vi getreusîrer forl10 par cent oi tlwue aspuho es-h bil mnt accompanv the«»é as6r bititer muat be-preseat at thrsuld i. pet dut ipri mlii,.mui cht-kor ho inmim et"l ui Idw rki maI for T eeWlnter Bar»és CoiupI.ted Feuce to Cinitain 150,000 feet of Lamber. WÈLL BU«LD 20O*.TALLIi-ý »At the n.w 'ileuh rat>- track at f1rirty. yl,. l in activity. Îevry avalable i.taaini town ln etigaged drawing mater- ' ili for the. big grnd stand, eonsimtlngol ftiaoiîands iq of et of, luihr and, hoavy titaliarg. and steeli for tihe aupermtruîtnre.ý L. t bas takiena al week to get tihe. materialt fron t the cars ttiis- grouaa. ('o)neert Jiiers on whli, tii ,i.iildings <viilr,.st have. lv-Pn cmpleteil. Tiie trýw-k l ail raiiyfor it., final .iresing ni) and imîuld ha put inaslape inab v-'rY fsort tira,.if oivaa.eein reuiréd. Cýiintravlîor Chamrlirain lias ufipbMdthe. ttre.. laîrge wint,.r haras aand bie are in the.. iandla of the, dir,.rtors for 200 sOaIlliand!tii. f,.t1.1ta> eloa.tih groîands ilthinigl 4 ntracts havaeflot a. yet 4,1 for titis work thi igiî thayi <vill endailof tih,.week. Tho. fe.ive <viii <ontajainivî,r 150,00(g f.t A wat.r,'lr win f a o bhi imta liýeduo. ftistilg of if t.. tank of'50,4>00 gallons capaèity minted on a Rtfeel tiwer. Wat..r in to h -iff eîr.lifrotte drivan «'ieiis and ,.l,.afa.d iiy ern.ins0oulatiiseopparat. ëd hy gasolitw i.'gi, power. it wiiie, iîileed lto ait irasof tuie xrriunds. andl la. to tiie buarns <agit] bii]ligm. COUNCIL REJECTSi-1 BIOS. Le t Contracta for Ouly Fpart et Water l>'etein. WERE TOO 1110H. Ar li.iriiiatiigTiiîrsavnigbtJ hist <vaek ti.î.rii-iînr,.je.ta.rail bld.. promented for 4,iivtioli of a towpr and taink ami tt.,Iim.vntruetion out oe*rvoir for the water work.. syetePm. Ail %;ther iteni'. valdfor ia ti.... speeificatious weyg awarded the.. fould 1Panip Uoîna.y nI. Chicago andl Contrai-tor Tho@. Burk ot tii..sala,. ity. As wili li, sien by an advertisament la, aaotlier coluitin the,. oiîvilwiii reiveý a,.w bld., for the, itenis rejevtéd o <vilin l pi.way te, deiayad as by tii liaie. Vr. lfark fuills iea dpart o! the, *ontract, whlih la for iîring of main, furalsiaig "di inAtailing hydrants, gata fine Rate boxes. M'ud tf, i( oaid Pnmp ,lîiPaiY have the. pump and ail ,.oa. ietions l i Aüec otiier oniroi-tors «lint <villi lî Onthi, itemas rej..vta"d <vl b,. rva.y tiiîuaîia, work alifd it wii ,-ontiflai' aaitrripted<lmitii the systeni la Bidi. on th ii.4jati.d itienfaiwere a grnajt deal higIier tlîaa the eî',uneil inembhers bieved thm,. shorîhld Lét. Forimi.t.ane,' the. iowmt et l for vOU.4trurtkon and- settiiig up .4 a stee.l tawer and taqnk was ove' $4.)l0U. AS ti. the. 1 mi,m00gallon r~sirvoir tho ils .11 raaged ..round $1 Mot). l110 aaginuer'a ,.st <fat.. 'ias asemthana ubonsanil onthe' raservoîr Aid about 11) iIt>for towei' and tanîk. As t.. a nile or on of mila hy lEriteia î.aa-siirit tis afali tiie, conneil lait takéniint)idetfi iet iin. Titeraatt,.r a urtiner a(iiel 'ielit. Tii. oute.onia wii lie that thim. work <viildiîbtiems lie doue ii. full. Libertyvlleg 6; Ivanboe 3. r.v gain.. of bas, hall at tha Fair 'routIlaIS14t .9arIdaY afternoon tietween th 14111111714 andi the .Ivanîto teani was won by tii.. Iegalara by the. above score. 'ha gane was fuillof intarest from start to finish and mule tithe Ivahe tenait was outplayed, stili il; put Up a stron. g gagne. Tha gaine..wax cleanly piased and was re.. fronta wramigli.îg. Both umpiras 9av" 90nd satifam'tin and thair id tha alab mark for th ii. uertyvie iiie and <vaitannigniaýo tii..Ivianho.. boy& Tiite Liberty villa teaia piayad <ultie....hail througbout and thealvanlia. <arn nava?had a 'lnok ln" Wbal. mada the gaine more fiter.sting 'ai. the. fact that the. Ivaighoe team bliaved they moalîl haveau miay tblng ) it, and the,. avare talls a différent story. Poliowing iîitiie sore biîy malg: ibertyville-2 0 1 0 0 1 2 O X-4i Ivanho,.-.iî() > 0 () 0O O2<.1 Tiei.. iieStiaýkiligs-Wh ite Sock gaaine narday irft-rnoon brouglit out a gaool -owd andl altiorîglithe .garane wattone.- lad thi.. peetator. mer.. îevartliiess terasted. The Blu, tetnc)kings <woni iy te score ofI 17 to 4. 11 The Whiiteo Sn-au piayad thesodir enta at ït. Sheriudan 8nday afternoon M %vere defeatei hîy tit3ýi.. iof,17ti . At Summer.Ooodà Mùst Go We wiil offer them at a prIce. 701 afford lu miski. '?The choicgtfabrls fihso There wili be no tinie like thiti tg gel a Fine Summer Drf at Iess than cost We have taken nearly ail the Waiah G004 the house and put hn into 5-.BIU LOT.-I la thiji it ther.. are lawm. that <ver.. boqghs.. Lot 1. for 110 ami 12e; tlîe orna la ail eiors unit a ti, uing fler wruipp..rm ai.! éveryday dresse. Choice 7c, 8c. .9c Lot 2. liiiiY. Lawa. Dotteit Swime Mumîla tiat soIt 5atimeni. If yon don't need tl,,m tht. ennîmor iay yna ti. bny theym for aext. Choice ioc, ,Lot 3 Sitmi Now 20c Lot 4. Chîul.-ti-rarziulWuuuii hndam for Dressai, a Waimtm; soin for 30 )anîd * Now goat 20c, Menerlrei (iingii m i al ah 2e Lot 5. Now sei for 15c' This sale will,.lastjut One LIBERTY VILLE #ae - - II.el Po<ur dàmn Ladîme&Wx*ppe otkd" cale, 'yoke anîd rufflo trimmred ielb u braid, shirt waist sieues, open où&, #n4à able beit. Flounco 12 in. deeP. extMa !I i1 skirt. ColorsE mostiy dark blue; ýa 1ev h1x red. Marshall Field & Co. la who1uae p that .grade lm $13.560, a doseu', which would 81.50 agarmont atretail. Our p)rice ênt] le only N. LWe te c l dS o32 t,46 - TIiE PAIR.t I LibertarVille -- - - I Pashionaâble Merc "Mt %.TA ILJ0 ralk is Cheap., Ltus instail a tolephone at au- ex yuail out of Proportion to- beieft' Everyone lasputttnZ-ttrm uIn R"flenoe Ra,> 5 et fl 4 40.V 'bU 4 I.. v. *'~

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