Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Jul 1904, p. 1

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-'1-P ED Vol. X14-ýNo.ý 43. Libe.r rtyville, Lake Cou ntàÏy.1 Ilînois, Friday, JuI1y 29. 1904.-8 Pages. $4.5Ô a Year- in'Advance, Iu.trtd. Postal Cards Appropriate for guto and Libertyville visitorii. A nice present for out-ot-town friandsi. We have them la varlety. Pure Drugs aud Medicines LV ELLU'S D R UG STOR E Libertyville, IIII, Shirt Baran We liave bonght 20 dozen Men's Soft ShirtMi at a bargain, and( offer them ut greatly rednced liricoie. Men5s Soft'Boiont Shirts, worth $1.00 MenWe Soft Bosom ISbirts, worth 75e for . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .5 Cali before the asmrtment iis broken. En Wu PARKHURST Schanck Block Lbrg iIllinoi s LAKjE COUNTy NATIONAL BAN K CAPITAL - 500.0 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 5.000.00 DEPOSITS - - 330,000.00 F: P. DYMONO, PaittIDENT G. A. WRIGHT, V. PniaEcr G. F.WRIGHMT. ft i DIRECTORS Au a. G. SCUWEFIcIIAN DR. FREDERICK FL MAIN - OFFICIE [y f 5iHA$iX lc iE. it i-lit10O1Oa.iM ti. t8iPin., an! 6 ta hi P. ni. Office PLane 55. ItesineS PLane '173 LiLettyvilhi, Illinois DR. Jn L. TAYJ,.R. OFFICE OVEE vajaUis n TAYLOH'M. scouem:-7 tri 10 a. ni. 2 ta 4.ana Il.<'ta Reideure an Broaid'ay, opposite lPart. LiLertyville, Ililinois. DR, A. 1. NICHOLS. ofa Chicago I)ENTÂL OFFICE BUTLER SLOCKOS'F.ii isiITUnDAVIBS ST8itE srotia:-Wednee!a>'s of i'ncL week from 8:00 a. n. tu 6:00 P. n. Lihertyvile. Ililnos.. .BENI, HU MILLEIÈ ATTORNEY AT LAW. «34T» BLOCiK. /TEiEPnio.NlENo.2 Libertyville,Ililinois. DR. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. OFFICE OVEii LARE (<aUNTY BANK. jouns-lita 12 A. ni. and I la 5 P. ni. DAI LY. Libert.yvilie, Ilihuols. DR C. R. GALLOWAY. OPFICE OVER LOVELL'Il naca 5T<iiE. suvs-fu'oni.1 ta 3 an! 6 ta 8 p. i. Liiueityviii, Ilinois. - -PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATToRNEY AT LAW. -i tviiIlinols. DROn0. .BUTTERPIELD, VEEINART SURGERON. C. F. wuiuc G. A. WH>iouiT HT i irst National1 Bank J. L.TAvipil Vice-l'mms. Il. G. GAnm)iNR CasLhier Libertyville, Illinois Accounts of finms and Individuals are aolic itèd and 'ifi be re- ceived upon the most favorabhe ternis con- sistent wlth conserva- tive bankillg. Proctor BI9ck, Libertyvillie -Illinois per doz. inTrade -For Fresh-Cath--- ered EGGS this* Week: -1 Wil INew AA.ocà.tion HoId Evmna Ur Am.lbberlear? CLAIMBSIT WILL. Snday's <dtlmof othie Ch"ca>Iecord H-e,ald eontaimd au Item ln sfect that a gmest fir la to Le Leid ou the aew lAiertYwýv -Trotting Association'# traek tbWJaJl. the datu'uu ta foflow those of the, Wisconisl State Fnl. Tue article stiiten tiat a prominetit and pmaetîcai niai> lans Lmîusecured toaPai- esuf-rutary for tLe hig eveut.. H,î',v,.r thio may lite, na imit ta the uew grauadm eau but iiipî-ess ne 'alth the fui-tit 'ail] bisa plyixeiai ipisbi tii hll a fir this yPar. CUitrai-tè for eattie, shep or nxhibiiuîîn saliiiofany natiiru La-ve fot as petLu-elm ]t, ta May nWîthîinig aiibuildings t lîîîiise daîry and agri-nltuirai rodueitm, doriiffltie manu11- fatiîu-- and tii, like, ail ,i wliu- wili lie esseitiai for a '"big fair." iiuiyP. & Wells, v-întra.-ttts, of Liberty- viii.-, ame right njow -igugeul ittilUc up 8,1m)4 feet of tigiitismuarîi fëIte about tiie grouîids, and aiea bave titi '-jitriiet for suvity.fivn- liais. iOle ulîîng edge of tii- grouinj ila hrtiiie & Talper have tic. -ntrar-t for 125 stalis. Ail ai these contracte ,ial l for onuijlution b>' SeîItemler. aud it Wi~il l urry tLs con- tractîîrs ta do o. Ti.e stails la uestion are> 10 1 0 f)wtiia 2o>foot oof, teu lýet ci'alieh. projectte lufront, mrviag as a perinient a'aaing. T1e saie. timelilit aplilie taou-on structiuîn ai thu. rat amplitic-atre na'a la mturie of eetion, and earpenters, iltasonsn al nu@tu-el Luilders axe engnged on tive joli. Tii. grantit!,. esexibis a noinîture liinWsr yard aspilie upan pilie of luuuitwr Wisto Le oas-n rady for con- ve-rsion juto buildingrs or shes. The great n@tee] Ironis0fr the asahitheatre arebping assernubleuland Lite! together prepuratory ta raisiag itoposition, for 'icL a steam n i Llting outit in. la readies.. If titis structure la finish,.! on contrai-t time tI)u iildet% wahi Lave dom- rmai-kabi>' 'adi. It 'aili doubties le passible ta hloi!a race meeting on the groun!.; this laul, tint an to a faim, it wouid ueni ont of tLe quiemio<n. beforc-autathier year. A. C. Front, Premident cif the i-ectre moud lias lxgL-orne the fillent stock hLider i tihé Dow trottngassoiation and is tLe prime fartarin tic- movemneut ta hLi on,. of tic-gre-atest faimn aLilertyvilhl that ntas' Le sen tihe cauntmyl'over. 0f -onue Mi. Frot'o eputatlon for "doing tinigs ii to Le u4kouet wltL wien one î.onititeru, tiie impouuilility of holding a fi i n the grotinfil titis >ear, tint even et).. thie' îroîec-jtion l.tuCt4doultful.' Aýnotitîr yî-ir aîîd Mr. Fronit 'ai douitse havie a gr-at fair at jibPrty. vile, ane- alîi-t il aul ttmact ixhibiiors fron.alil over t ho,. stit. and ligrsêquîi.n of national rppliutaitim. No money in to Le spari-d in oeretian (of muitahie buildings and eonveuienî-esaad nia sun-h elahorto exhibilition groutidu 'ahii Le foin uthe state as at Lilertyvillu'. SON 0F GRATTON WINS AT Fanttut Tiase la' Hist ory of ]Raçe., Bah O'RÈel1Winm ln 2s07%4. BROUGIIT OUT P VOGEL. Baron Grattan, sired ity F. r. Mamlihs gin-at horme, (irattan, tif the Grattant Stock Farîn, locatu-ul juat soutît of Lbertyvilie, added luater to theý reputa- tion of him sire bu> landing the Chaibiler of (janiMerce takpt4 at tii,.Blue- tilîbon meeting li lDetrot Ttîendsay and un the famtemt time ln th iîu iitory of the race.. Baron Grat tans lictest heat, the third, waus reeied of in 2:0(;%. Chicago papers8 malte mach of tihe race and Grattai'. fame lot enchanced because of the event. VOiiELS iitii ORICOL W'i. Bob O'Re-i, a liorme brought ont by GCorge Vogel andîui îcl Lan stamted ln races at thie Libertyvilie traet ai> numeroum o-cassins dîd inmoef proiîd We-dnesday at l>trîit. Vogel sald the liorme ast year and it 'aas then-predicted Lcewouid prove a "whri'aind."1 Speak- lug of the race the Chienuga Tfflse gays: "Diek Mi-Mînkoni et the crowd cheering by the artiuih- ay lun'aLicL Le ianded thie Chicagoi pmter, Bub 011.11, n.tii, 2:13 rae, irst foruiîig ont Di"lalRa, tîe favorite, ini 2:07%,and tihoa heating Lii> iac-k lu 2:08%, 2:0>. lIntic- second bot of tii raie Hazel Patcih and liai*k Rai wf-nt away- fram the wjrnî at a terribleeili. paeing the tiret quarter in M<-Maiioîîbuttiriengtii anîd nursing Lie liais, fuor the final truggle. M'hou Le niu- lis îdrive. in the,. ast îquarter Le woon haïtfBlai-k Hlaita the Lat]. [out Hausd 'atc-li lugng t>totiîefront. VijiELS PRIDE IN FRONT. '«In tiie final Luat ilub 0'Reil neyer imurrendpesitiie. pole, suand WLy a couple of on ungtiis at the 'aire..He lei owned hy Sani Wagner of the. Worth track, who saw hlm 'ain. MeMabon likewlsen anded lu the. money la the 2:16 pane, jwlt Bourbon C.,isa owued la Cid- BANIK CEt K WORK Of tOWNS. EXTENSION . Oaly Support of Wldowed ilothew. eStsnger 1>15. ln AbaudOm»d Shued NIRAItLIRERbTY ILLE. Fraielc lp-mish. bant tcin lua luei iinîlfiuantial Iatitutlp n wusdroanu-d in Petite laire, riuraAntiî-li, saturda>' afturnoon ast. -Tla u'id-ri t le renuered the more mu n -asRaniiehi %v"sthe oui>' support of liâ ioweîd iîîîitlier. J. 1). Jorgenmen. a cotupanioii o.1the- un- fortunate young amneux phiii id îîw tue avcidentoii-iurrsd ta Cujrit-r Tii>-io ln tihe falrewing lafflnge: ",witii n>' -ils 1 came tii Pi-iti ae la îonîpany wlth, Frank-iti-miit i i nîotmur und aunt, uni-le tatd ittii- î-îîulsn. Wewere stopplna ut unn'-i lolîîtini lliphen tii,,' uuiesJtly 1.. utuirduîy Frank and! 1 'ast ont on ti-» Itin iian oli seow riggcd wlth a stalsaili. Wî' had] hi-euout snme tweuîtY miiuté-e, h being unt te ruddsr and irtîik- taking i-are f tliti' ai, We, 'adi nuîttluttactk. Frank staniing up lantt- boa nd! as tice mail iraiearoaiituf- wu ale out<f îLe bout fahingltt-ars h oeeured the.ous.alter ltitg dîan the mait andl trisi! to rsah hni, Lut Le i!rowned Lfor 1 eould do sa. We ssurchei! ail Saturdey ulterno)on and! nutil tiglt o'eiock, Sun'iiîy nnirning hefore we found tii.bod,.titi it waeila sh.unt siX ffet of water. Frettk.was 21 >'cars fage.",ý Tic- Coronr'. jury lîrttiglitt lua verdii-til ai--rdanéee 'ithtiti- iov e 'aitnemmes. lu on*- of tih. abandonue l iîî.dte usid last year ta oo uail Isîx patient» 'aas foui>! the dead body> of a straugu man Wednesday momiung. Tîe iamp is ocate! juat sat of Libertyvili. and tram ps sud strangems ont otf wort havi for mime tum eLet> u>klng it tueur Lame. Nuthing i. knowu of thi- mian athei tbun that Le lusald ta lie vi- lu-eusicit fi,, sevemai days and was cnre-ulfor b> mu-n aito appened ta osu--tlodginw ai the ý-anIiu. sud ail uaknown to resideuts or ý,îfi-ii i fLiIertyviie. Wednesjdn> morning a coiule ofai irtudcd ta the village wh tte iriforruifUon a mai> ial« des! atthîe camp. Thsg .dieeiarsçi tii. diii uîaî now is nains, and furthen statei )tn- Lad Leen sek for a fea dutyl aud the>' witb atliere fiai unisteu-htut bign wantsanas Lest tIti-y -oufi!. Fuir mine.tias aiitli-tiss have lini- cousidering luuruiîg tit i.liding-,it tii,- camîp, luti-cuse thu-> wn're innutati tii afford a re-ufîge.ft tî.îsialcai-c At timn. the"suitil [tuix patients wt-o- uischarged the hîid!FInge ure tborougIiy fnnigatu-d.* imhis uiîiidcoklng uuttiilis 'aere pacte! awuy, titi- stovss la-ted in onaio the buildinîgs, an!duther essentialm that bail ateunîulateui were storeni away. Sînali pox sigîts 'ere tacked an the bilhdings la cositstcnotjs pinces it Leiuîg premmed titis a oui! van>trauîtîîs- ta keep away. hi-ver It vas not longunatii they brotu- hua tLe buildings and! appropriated tii tîtir use evsrythlng tuiere. WitL a fin,. îtring usai, tLe river ouiiy a fe'a fut distanut and practicaIly isalatcd froinutiti. est (if the 'aothl it made au ideai stitpphiig pince for titi "Weai'y Wiliem." Au %oon aas Murlitai FYtuhan mae iaeate snime of tIie men 'aio have Leea making Loadqnart-m aut that pince, fur 'aitasases, aunqnuet 'ai le held oe-er remanhs ai the unîtnown mlan, but it oeemts unilkly littl ie îlii e leqrned ti aeist la sstailisuîing itis ldentity. Thie oui>' article in lbesîtutsehnvan a enuahli bLle, founti uori. ai Lis pactets. Elaïn Butter Market. Butter an tii,. in B ioard ai Tratie Muinda>' was flm iit 17 cents. iai-e utf the 'aet L812,6100 îpotul. BnttertStniî, 'uet hasit-year '20 ci-uts. Bridge Biectia> Carrnes. Thea elpttian lu Vu-Mon townshtipt Saturutqty ta detetuiîiîi.'alether or niet the township eltuld bioro'a $4,500m withi wh ta tuîulli twa steeilîbritîge rffudin! uavai ai tltt-proupositioniii u>ai vote (18 ta 38. At a previosw evectiiîi tLe vote was a tii..- Tiiet' 'as io-it siderable feelingavu-r Satuimdaý'@ ettitn, charges af varions tutus-Leing mtadeu- h> thase Itereses li nlcpfeittiug the' îrop<,si-j thon, and the,. onuiiiuîitsi-nrsdu-ilare lte eisetian le a vinditatim,îîof thoir attituîîiu-. At 1esplaluen Camp IMectlag. Methoullet,3 fiactcd*lu>'iLthtiuuuanile tia the annuiuh ciii tintng ut' tue ) wthebfl-et l'lin- day serviui aIoftIie' uuîeting,miii tite- attendance 'am mte--odhreakiag. The Aun -aas hînrel up Lefor ei- cra'ad Lugau patmitig iii. Tic->-wentt i>' , lu paire anti h>'fanihies, andtL u ilrg' nij<ority <-îîriî-îl iius.ketm,msu titat alter the oinomttg wsii-n-stii-te cc--o fu-' eqîuare yards f ai eluî 'ithintiji ht inciiurp thîtnt a o altovaui t witht niuuner cioths. Titi- m-nte 'ait soméithing ike tuat t a great iualtii-id barbai-uc in tiLs south, la the. gais! aI!days. The. service.-guada>' ve sprauetlcaih>' eoiitiiUous, beglnli>g witii muis. Laborers, Engaged IRenoving Building@ sud frée. WILL RUSH TRACK WORK. Eil'I htim sWeek sîîrvevores tsik. ontt titi. riglîl -of iî 0-rte ar "of Park avenîup, Ikro)lirty, i J.ilsrtvvill., ion- demrnaîiîin îirie-eedîigm ouer whieii wi*rp hliarii re-..tly in aiîk.-gali, the mcaem leiîîg ail aîîiai.nud a ittlî.- Iitr voîrkii.-i l 1-gitn NrIlioviing trei.e, fpnmi-es cltting î-irn auîton ring 1up lumiws anid garden u tiff. lnqlu1ry lîy o(ineî,f th,. proîswrty ownfri eff-4td lîroliglit til.- infiîri-iei, ti froun lîii attoirney. that I'r.-efleit Frot t ire I elen-i.rii- ronad ml dfuriisleih ufixî-t-it bond an(] tliut if %va. to, bLext-xc-tîqil ork of constritti uI a'uulîl Io-girl ut los opltion. Mni. Filin wu m off-tel $1,2(X) lîy the, touupaay i luIiîoif tlî. $1,4,,oiO luwi- lier luY tire jury anideh.. to have îî aI -mivig ierlrnfrui thtéerigît-of- way; hlu tier vorls cli,' us to uay tiire -olltpuu3 $240 fi linit iw, prtion offftle baun they WIJUlI41i-ut offi to mat wny fQr9wf ti-l çgb4f-WaY.',S1w ru" he lfe. r.E J. BloYt wax ailowoi-d #1,400i by tihe jury and tir- conrpauiy offi'u-l hla I -20>0. e ta rPmovuý ih i@ ben. lilike- wai. rellsed tf,)settie oni that basls. It in underîtoaîi the compai>' 'ili flot interfere with tïU a-ru ia question st the premerit as they do flot projet ont the rightýof-wuuy no an to interfere 'alt construutjon work. It lm. flope! that iuanie settiefrient 'nule- reuhed in theiue two î-aiie. with D>r. tiuiltiway and J. E. Baullard it im difernt ani ireî atiumns 'aie tluing projeet onto tire coin, lanys right-of.'aay. Tis i.tli doubtIp e edonc this 'aet Foremen iu charge of the wark ave,' that within a nionth i-are wili Le running am far west as the new race tract. fABOUT TIoE] + COUNTY Hahi Dnages Cioj, 9,--ttuutsof Lake ciiînty fruont Grays. latu un theu- turti tx alaf Day an hie sondau aid Is't'a,.n Litbertyv-ile asud 0iihnuur eust and a-est 'autre visiteul b>'a tu-ttiftli-hall storti iFrida>' niimo n et 'aiek, tatt a gi-i-;at îîînt of diamtge doueuu, iittiicîlui-l>-ta carn>an! oasIso. Thoic Storm n -uc- civer. iu tItis setion but li iîlauu Is uomi-hal fi-il tîtn uotiiers A ltulibit aioffarnîici-m havi- eut 'alnê lielits oi unis for lia>-anti n uint iels' of i-or;> steru- luititige! aid tî-tui&l u l ee ftor auîgitt lotit foIdi.. ' arieims are f.,iiitg 'lj,i i tii'termituiry visitus] by theu itit uit!ndinsusrt I îit agu-i irap. tu e iti- unuît ai several tlioumsud dotllamu Bock Faunhy Recovem Ilprimati i oui f iAit itit-l, !leetuer an! siipetiutteid(.-itt tf-ilsitu-d fi tLata C-,tuiit>' Agru-uilturuh Soii-ty, witlî hi@ fauiily, le rçmevtitg fronti a pus-nilar bluy sî-îs e aitiiiig cioted iiailîut 7whli i Mi. lNs-k lia! itureaased la Citicuigo. At llrst it was feari'! the fauîîihy uuhlemsJfront litornaine painaning undhi-ne,.tluî'rtuior lut-t week ttl i 'ans canne! lisii wbih eau"u ltheir ilii'e. Alarenua' recovering, au! tii uvttgtlu as ta reason for Poison ln the olufais tu expiluthe mystîry. hnjured ln a Ruuaway. - As the recuit nul artnawýy lun Wauke- gluiMauda>' evcîing, [candi.,'Wakefieil anud 'aie, tifhIturuu-i, 'acre illijuru- quite wu-iously. Mr-. Watefield vas just Wi-ting mta ic i-uîîveyance WLea the hums- attar-Le tii thue vehlicee tarted euddenily uaîd 'ititauit warniug, a habit oi lis. ant! iruîkeî-iîttîuil til, tirowiug Mm. Wakf-tii.Iil. Mts. Wake-field wfas ahii-au>' ini titt rig, auni! 'hen tLe frigitteucd itorsi' iuvctumned l itle, tait susitaini.! sciugg in ijuries, coaliutingfiii t-ute ibut thteu- ii-nd and face. Mr. Waktefield&;injuîrics touiprise! rcuts un the, bondu andl fag--, a eplit inger aie! nllitierfuus bodry lî bic-. ir.Nusut attu-uded thi-u. lThe huggv ciiitîiisiied tri litst. a a-ire-i luiitg tourit off iuuong îîthîcr thinige A1 ti-lieiionîe îuîeîUgn- tri hume, brnuugli t l tarrtige nulin thim tlhe iijuimeii niait tui lueali , au-twie- tîten hiaun. Rengd This Thraugh. farit'. ail Truc. Tii-i-u- aîi- -s iiia îiiuuu rîiî-eîhdi- gi-itituutau-e rîîîîîh inîl w irigultîr -utiig, iiîriitcr uîttiî-atiîunî of titi- fi, iirvi-r li iitg tiil'. stiuîel t-h tU- ut- iiftît iu" l" liýtjtits 'itit ieais, violientt uxî,rsici- lu ntî-l tly ai h-mrî-tiug, ar a î-îli s ettlid il, titei. tnni-iýtanti ho'eie. titi- lutter le a v-ury <-itnuin i-anse, and tiîy Ici-nu alun ias bLe-aîîîî- iiifront au>' <f thitiluhove t-iu- viii Le ileptuud lui leuirî thtalie- Gi Toie Luttive Syruii. aui,-ritini 11 piitid uni] hl.iiitt uquiudit-i-ii-uu- tutti te-itain <-<re fuir aildisueis iîieauf by - n. iisoruerui udigestionu. iL-fit huIts tii -tre coiuiuiietiiui, iduigi-tioti nLgff-u'iaie laxative,-uni! toîit efuor ail, sud epeili>' Aaupui! Inr cilihrii andldelicate wue. 25e, 5OL- au!dS8-.0> battues. saîni b>' F. B.LovaELL, lhoertyvil. Ty on 1Orw ths10 r~ il 1 my lady& Just receiving a new fine ofl Fuuru ture and Carpet Samples Best Paint and Varnishes AIw.àý on Iland W. M. HEKTH Furniture andUncertknu P ion H. B. 1303R for McCormick' Mowers McCormick Hay Rakes MeCormick Binders Clean SwOOD Hay.Loaders Stock Waterlng Tanks MIIk Coollng Tanks. Bail Bearing Grlnd 'Stones Sichie Orinders MIIk Wagons Plymouth Binder Twlne 8%« 1 dlaim that PLYLOUTH TWINE lI.t.h best twind on the market. PLYMOUTH TWINJE 'is stronger, tlan any other twlne on the market. -PLY. MOUTH TWINE runs longer to the pound than any other twlne. Be sure and -get- PLYMOUTH. 7- MW, Llber-tivillte, llincols - sommer tiorse(o< Wè received this week onr annual shipement . of Summer Horse Furnishing Goodau, (aind they ame the bandsomest. we have ever Lad) con- sisting of Fly Nets, Horse Covers,,Lap Duel and anew line of Mesh Nets, 100 imb. round luathe« fly net......... ........ 90 . 75 n n n . ........ i 60 » *.n . .. . . . . . 50" 0 Thi e Skéréed Vaguer Team Net~ per pafr... L c HAS. KA 1ISE Horse Furnishlng Coode Liber-t3yville, -- I TELEPHONE .S1 ini C. L. AHNER[RE['S PuE-pu Practical Opticien Hall Day Eyes Teeted Pres Agi Wetk OUBiiteed SATURDAY W.- JuIy 309 1904 Libertyville 'Music by Prof. . nom Saturdays of Each Week Orchesbam Aeginng July 36 PLAN TO ATTE 1)efectivt, eyesight reme- died, by glakwes that fit the eye. Good Time AssoI -C~an wxI 114" - 7U :llsý P. bymomi is IGRAND

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